Research Institute for Changes

National Network

T. Ševčenkos 16.

E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Research Institute for Changes is a social enterprise which was established by 5 Lithuanian researchers in 2014. During first half year of the activities it reached approximately 32000 Euro turnover, for the next year it is planned to reach 100000 of turnover. Income are generated from commercial research and learning projects for business and public sector, as well as research foundations. At the moment there are five researchers, three of the have Ph.D degrees, one is Ph.D candidate and one is Ph.D student. The team has experience in Higher education policy research and management practice; change management; consumer behavior; motivations and emptions research; international business and marketing research; market research; as well as evaluation of funding impact.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to foster research based sustainable development oriented to society, business, governmental and non-governmental organizations and their policy, through research popularization and dissemination in national and international levels. Our Objectives: • To foster and implement research and development activities in social and humanity areas which are important for the continuity of regional market and society development; • To foster and implement fundamental and applied research for research based decision making for development of business in national and international levels; • Foster short time and longtime projects for development of business, society and public administration; • To be active in formation of education, business and economy policy by doing analysis of an area and making suggestions for interested parties; • To cooperate with national and international education, business institutions and association, as well as with governmental and non-governmental institutions, to foster sustainable development process analysis and research based decisions in the area; • To carry out training for public and private sector for relevant competences development; • To popularize scientific knowledge and research results; • To be active in dissemination of scientific knowledge and results.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment we have three projects:
"Design of glass bottle" - we responsible for market research and analysis of consumer opinion;
"Development of Film claster "Redirected""  - we responsible for analysis of international expansion and development of management competences;
Developmet of market research competences of companies from creative industry.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can be partners for different society, policy and market developmet projects as we can contribute with our competecnes and research skills. See aploaded document of information about our team. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to became an internationaly active and doing international impact for the development of society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erika Vaiginiene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Erika Vaiginiene, Ph.D
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrius Juskys
Job Title (2)

Council for MENA affairs

National Network

Rue d'Egmont 11
1000 Brussels

+32 (0) 23 18 37 21
+32 (0) 23 30 77 20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Council for MENA Affairs “ForMENA” is an international organisation, which is dedicated to upholding fundamental values of democratic governance, individual freedom and human development. ForMENA governance structure composed of Board of Directors and Administration Council, in addition to the   General Secretariat located in the Headquarters office in Brussels (Belgium).  ForMENA has two branches offices one in United Kingdom and other in Norway. Through networking, partnering up with and supporting other organizations and associations, ForMENA develops the synergetic potential among organizations that share it values and vision.

Mission and Objectives

Our values: Our values are those of integrity, transparency, partnership, openness, and mutual respect, all generated from our commitment to the principles of human rights, democracy, tolerance, freedom and equality.  Our mission: To advocate to the European institutions and relevant bodies, as well as civil society on the developments of the MENA region To provide an opportunity for MENA citizens and civil society to better present their arguments to the appropriate European fora To facilitate achieving cooperation and networking between the different political, social economic and cultural actors from MENA countries and their European counterparts. Our objectives: Raise the awareness of citizens and civil society so that they can play an active role in the process of democratic transformation and the development of human security; Work with European Union institutions and other international organizations or interest groups to strengthen respect for citizens’ rights and freedoms; Promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding, tolerance and peaceful conciliation; Establish networks and links, to serve actors in political, economic, academic, social and cultural aspects; Diffuse objective and variant information to the general public.

Main Projects / Activities

ForMENA main Activities and projects focus on: Organize seminars, debates and conferences as well as other meetings which might contribute to achieving its objectives; Develop consultations, training and study visits; Conduct research, write reports, publish analyses and comments; Coordinate an international network of correspondents in order to facilitate the exchange and diffusion of information;  Implement other projects and actions in which promote and support the objectives and values of ForMENA.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ForMENA established to bridge the Southern Mediterranean societies and European one , by creating spaces of dialogue and cooperation. These spaces where democracy-building processes are shaped and human security can be developed in MENA societies. ForMENA conceives democracy as an ultimate value for enhancing political dialogue and promoting social, economic and cultural development in building open and pluralistic societies, and fostering human development and fundamental rights. Therefore, ForMENA ambition is seeking to empower citizens and civil society in MENA and region for facing the challenges of political and democratic transition, cultural diversity, economic and social crisis. Nevertheless, by working at the European level, ForMENA will encourage better engagement from the European civil society network in order to foster dialogue and cooperation with the Southern Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will provide us with a network of connections both at European and Mediterranean level. Furthermore, joining the ALF network will be an opportunity to share our expertise and develop different projects and activities aiming to achieve mutual objectives and promoting common values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rania Kharma
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Rania Kharma

Fundação Eça de Queiroz

National Network

Caminho de Jacinto, 3110
Quinta de Tormes
4640-424 Santa Cruz do Douro

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are a  house museum dedicated to the portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz that is considered the greatest in realistic style. We are structured in three boardings: - administration (7 persons); - cultural (25 members); - fiscal (3 members). None of these persons are employers they gave their work pro bono. We have a group of 7 employers that realise the projects supervised by an executive director. We have a budget each year that rounds about 235,000€ and our sources of incomes are: tickets, merchandising, municipality of Baião, private companies, Camões Institute, Education Office of the Portuguese Governement. Each year we develop: - a summer course in the area of portugueses literature and we have participants from all over the world; - a summer concert of classic music with the North Orchestra; - conferences in Portugal and abroad about Eça de Queiroz; - courses for young people and unemployed.  
Mission and Objectives

Eça de Queiroz Foundation is a non-profit private foundation tha has is starting pier in the writer Eça de Queiroz, to promote his work a national and international level. Our main goals are cultural, artistic , educational and social development. 
To do so we promote the study of Eça de Queiroz in Portugal and abroad. We keep a specific library, an archive and a museum that has reunited all the things that belonged to the novelist and are installed in our headquarters.
We also promote conferences, a literary prize, study cycles, educational formation for young and unemployed people and other activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects for 2015 are:
- Literary prize;
- Summer course;
- Summer concert;
- Celebrations of 25 years of the institution;
- Translation colloquium;
- Residences for writers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can do or promote cultural activities and others with partnerships of the network .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to contribute with our knowledge in the actions promoted by the ALF Network and at the same time gain other experiences. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anabela Cardoso
Job Title
Directora Executiva
Head of the organisation
Maria da Graça Salema de Castro
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Melo
Job Title (2)
Técnica Adjunta

Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania

National Network

Gedimino ave. 51
11203 Vilnius

+370 5 249 7028
Telephone (other)
+370 5 249 7023
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

 Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania is the budgetary,  main research library open to the public, also operating as a parliamentary library. The National Library functions:     a state universal repository of Lithuanian, Lituanica and foreign documents;     the national archival fund of published documents;     the national bibliography centre;     the centre for statistical accounting of documents published in Lithuania;     the centre of assigning and registration of international standard numbers;     the information centre for social sciences and humanities, politics, economy and culture;     the national coordinating centre for research and methodological activities in library science;     the centre of the Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS);     a deposit library of the European Union, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the national library is to ensure satisfacion of the Lithaunian knowledge society's needs for documentary and digital information. Objectives: Accumulation and preservation of Lithuanian publications issued in Lithuania and abroad, carrying out of the bibliographic control of documents, development of the National Archival Fund of Published Documents.     Accumulation and storage of other documents, both printed and in other forms, which are valuable for the national culture.     Providing services for Lithuanian and foreign citizens, institutions and organizations.     Compilation and publishing of the national bibliography, the bibliographical indexes, compilation of union catalogues and databases.     Provisions of statistics on documents published in Lithuania and assignment of international standard numbers to them (ISSN, ISBN, ISMN).     Performing of the functions of the National Digitization Centre and creation of the Virtual Electronic Heritage System (VEPS).      Preservation, restoration and microfilming of library holdings and valuable collections.     Research in library science, bibliography and book science,     Organization of exhibitions, literary evenings and other cultural events, promotion of Lithuanian culture and science abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

International and national projects : Libraries for Innovation; The European Library; Investment project “Development of Virtual Electronic Heritage System”; nvestment project “Development of Interactive Electronic Services for Ordering and Receiving of Editions and Publications at Public Libraries”;Libraries for Information Access for Elder People

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute as the coordinators for the Lithuanian institutions with similar activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to cooperate with organizations engaged in activities which meet the information needs of today's societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Giedre Cistoviene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Director general prof. dr. Renaldas Gudauskas
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Press House

National Network

Gaza – Rimal – Al-Shuhada’ street
Near Telecommunication Company
Palestinian Territories

+972 8 2886681
+972 8 2886681
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 59 9429020
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Structure of the organization It consists of ten members who are Head of Organization : Belal Jadallah Deputy General Director:  Fatima AL Gusain Financial Manager: Rania Al Bouji  Accountant : Ahmed Al Attar Administrative Assistant: Ayat Heji Trainings Coordinator: Bisan Abu Harb Sawa Agency  Editor: Hekmat Abu Zekry Editor: Seba Al Jafrawi Editor : Ahmed Abu Amer Administrative Services:  Ahmed Abu Fatima Sources of funding: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland European Union Representative Office of Norway Paltel Group  Ccc Company Gaza Oil Company
Mission and Objectives

Press House-Palestine is a non-governmental, non-profit institution, which aims at contributing in enhancing freedom of expression and to leveraging the quality of Palestinian media, through capacity building, training, advocacy, and networking programs, on the principles of human rights including equality and non-discrimination
Press House-Palestine aspires to play a leading role in empowering independent media, freedom of expression, and the quality of Palestinian journalism
To contribute in enhancing the principles of freedom of expression and enabling the Palestinian journalism from keeping pace with the ever-changing world of journalism, as well as networking with international media and research organizations
To create Palestinian media which can proficiently address and advocate Palestinian society’s issues both locally and internationally, in a transparent and independent manner
To contribute in building the capacities of Palestinian media cadres in a professional and performance-based manner, in a way that enables them from keeping pace with the international media development
To create a network of young journalists and intellectuals, who believe in freedom of expression and desire to advocate the cause of the Palestinian people and freedom of expression, locally and internationally, in full cooperation and coordination with civil and official bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

Press House Programs
Capacity Building Program
This program aims at contributing in enhancing the capabilities of Palestinian journalists, media graduates (males & females), and media institutions; where it works on enhancing the knowledge, skills and expertise of media cadres, through providing training opportunities in all the required technical and professional aspects, as well as providing exchanging Expertise opportunities between local and foreign media
Networking & Advocacy Program
This program aims at enhancing and improving the common, societal views toward the critical media and public opinion issues, through providing services and activities that will contribute in enhancing the skills and expertise of the targeted groups to defend human rights (especially media, workers' rights), democratic values, and societal issues, through networking with related organizations and executing various lobbying and advocacy campaigns and different initiatives
Media & Documentation Program
This program aims at enhancing independent media and empowering the capabilities of fresh journalists in the Gaza strip; through providing them with the opportunity to receive practical training and publishing their materials on "Sawa News Agency"
The program is also concerned with serving and protecting Palestinian citizens' rights and issues, in addition to documenting and preventing the daily violations journalists are going through during their work
Empowering the Press House Project for 2013Project Name: Empowering the Press House: "A Platform For Freedom Of Speech, Democratization, Peace & International Cooperation" 
Donor: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland

Project Name: Media in Serving Cancer Patients CampaignDonor: European Union
Empowering the Press House for 2014Project Name: Empowering the Press House Project: “A Platform for Freedom of Expression, Independent Media, & Democracy”
Donors: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland
              Representative Office of Norway

Project Name: Gaza “51” Photo ExhibitionDonor: European Union
2015 Major Project
Project Name: Empowering Freedom of Expression, Democracy, and Independency of Palestinian MediaDonors: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland
              Representative Office of Norway

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through being a member in Anna Lindh Network  , we will support Palestinian young  journalists in reporting across different cultures and on issues of cultural diversity, and create exchange with other organization over the world . we also aim to contribute in enhancing freedom of expression and to leveraging the quality of Palestinian media, through capacity building, training, advocacy, and networking programs, on the principles of human rights including equality and non-discrimination. We are intending  to corporate with other Euro-Med countries to learn from other journalists in regions. Building the capacity of fresh journalists and merging them in regional network which enhance their skills and knowledge. Being a member of this network will allow us to disseminate our Palestinian issues on international level

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking to join  Anna Lindh Network  in order to Connect other NGO’s and  media organizations  to build relationships across boundaries of geography or discipline. In addition to provide other organization an ongoing context for knowledge exchange that can be effective for us . Sharing a  social space for people who are geographically dispersed and working in the same field . Finally , Attracting  and retaining the best partners  by providing access to our programs and activities within the organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Belal Jadallah Salem
Job Title
The Head of Press House
Head of the organisation
Belal Jadallah Salem
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatma Al Ghussein
Job Title (2)
Deputy General Director

Tunisian Institute For Human Rights Studies

National Network

C-01 Residence Amine-Lafayette
C-01 Residence Amine-Lafayette
1002 TUNIS

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The core work of The Tunisian Institute for Human Rights is planning development and implementation of country specific tailored sustainable programs which primarily cover the following areas: Address social, political, human rights, and academic inequality.Promote the active scholarship and publication of Tunisian human rights researchers, youth activists, and members of civil society.Promote transnational collaboration, knowledge building, and consensus on Maghreb region human rights issues.
Mission and Objectives

1.Address social, political, economic, and academic inequality.
2.Promote the active scholarship and publication of Tunisian human rights researchers, youth activists, and members of civil society.
3.Promote transnational collaboration, knowledge building, and consensus on Maghreb region human rights issues.
4.Provide curriculum building opportunities for local schools in the development of critical literacy programs, specifically targeting human rights issues, inequality, and entrepreneurship.
5.Provide assistance to local and regional NGOs in the promotion of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (1966).
6.Set up a local school and training system on the basis of practitioner inquiry, and grassroots pedagogical, theoretical, and constructive ideals.
7.Promote transnational collaboration, knowledge building, and consensus on Maghreb region human rights issues, and peace building policies including the promotion of humanitarian disarmament .

Main Projects / Activities

1.Address social, political, economic, and academic inequality.
2.Promote the active scholarship and publication of Tunisian human rights researchers, youth activists, and members of civil society.
3.Promote transnational collaboration, knowledge building, and consensus on Maghreb region human rights issues.
4.Provide curriculum building opportunities for local schools in the development of critical literacy programs, specifically targeting human rights issues, inequality.
5.Provide assistance to local and regional NGOs in the promotion of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (1966).
6.Set up a local school and training system on the basis of practitioner inquiry, and grassroots pedagogical, theoretical, and constructive ideals.
7.Promote transnational collaboration, knowledge building, and consensus on Maghreb region human rights issues, and peace building policies including the promotion of humanitarian disarmament .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ashraf Ayadi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ashraf Ayadi

theaterwerkstatt hannover

National Network

Lister Meile 4
30161 Hannover

+49 511 344104
+49 511 314658
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The theaterwerkstatt hannover is one of the oldest independent theater groups in Germany. Since its founding in 1976, numerous theater productions have emerged, about half of them for children and young people. The theaterwerkstatt is leaded by a team of three. For each production the ensemble is temporarily extended by professional artists from different genres. In this way, the theater produces up to four productions a year, which are shown in Hanover and on tour. Quite a few of them find their reputation at festivals at home and abroad. The performances are shown in their own theater, in the culture centre ‘Kulturzentrum Pavillon’ (2 flexible stages / black box, with 90 and 110 seats in a atrium style). The theater is funded primarily by the city of Hanover, project-related by the state of the Lower Saxony and from various foundations. The budget varies between 150,000-200,000 € p.a.
Mission and Objectives

The theaterwerkstatt hannover offers with their aesthetically and highbrow productions lively theater experiences for children, adolescents and adults. In all productions the sensual experience of the content stands in the foreground, through the combination of language, movement, space, light and music.
The substantive decisions for each project are guided by the questions ‘What is our business, what motivates and excites us?’ The task that we face as a theater, is the compression of these questions in an open artistic process. The more freely this process can happen, the more clearer the theater can show new things, can connect the rational contemplation of our world with emotional knowledge and allow collaborative experience and viewing in the theater. A envision and understanding with all the senses, without getting stuck in the pure image - there are enough copies.
The role of the ensemble is crucial, it designs as a creative collective the content for the audience. In this theatre the actor is the creative performer. The spectator is active and alternates between seeing through the open process and fiction. In this ratio lays a profoundly democratic attitude that we want to maintain as a theater.

Main Projects / Activities

In addition to our own operation in Hanover, the theatre is internationally connected for years, with co-productions in Japan and Poland and many guest performances in Europe and Asia. From 2005 to 2009 the theaterwerkstatt hannover conceived and managed the european theater project "Babel, or we build a house" for the Goethe-Institut Nancy, Vilnius and Lisbon.
Since 2012, the theaterwerkstatt hannover expanded their international activities in the Arab region, -in the Middle East and North Africa. According to its own touring they organized jointly with the Cultural Center ‘Pavillon’ the  theater-meeting about the Arab Spring, in 2014 with the main focus on new era of the women "Aufbruch der Frauen".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since 2014, the theaterwerkstatt continuously collaborates with the Cultural Center ‘Pavillon’ and we offer under the label of "Theater in the Pavilion" an exciting place for independent theater. Together with the Cultural Centre, the theater offers ideal opportunities for performances, conferences and workshops.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The theaterwerkstatt is preparing a cooperation with Israel / Palestine and in the following with Egypt. Besides our own theater work, we are looking forward to taking a deeper cultural policy discourse in the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matthias Alber
Job Title
CEO, Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Matthias Alber
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabine Trötschel
Job Title (2)
Artisitic Director

Jeune Chambre Internationale Ezzahra

National Network

17 Rue de Sousse
2034 Ezzahra

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
JCI Ezzahra est une association a but non lucrative a intérêt national dont les membres sont des jeunes cadres influents de 18 à 40 ans, plus que 700 membres y ont adhéré. Nous avons comme principaux partenaires, l’Etat tunisien et les sociétés privées, nos actions se basent sur 4 domaines l’individu, la communauté, le monde des affaires et l’internationalisme.
Mission and Objectives

Notre Mission est d’offrir des opportunités de développement aux jeunes en leur donnant la capacité de créer des changements positifs. Notre Vision est d’être le principal réseau mondial de jeunes citoyens actifs.

Main Projects / Activities

Ezzahra Memorize
On se partage ?
Découvre ton pays
Rupture de jeune au mois de ramadhan

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Nidhal NAIMI
Job Title (2)
Conseiller Juridique

Lithuanian Designers' Society

National Network

Didzioji str. 10A-9

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Lithuanian Designers‘ Society (“The Society“) is a limited liability public entity - an association of  professional designers, who have been granted a special national Art Creator Status. It unites 138 members and approximately 50 candidates. The organization operates on voluntary grounds only and its budget is comprised solely of sponsorships and members’ contributions.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Lithuanian Designers' Society is to develop organizational structure in industrial design sector, which would allow this industrial branch to dynamically and successfully react to challenges and development opportunities arising on regional, national or international level, as well as to satisfy other public interests pertaining to industrial design.
The Society also contributes to the benefit of the Lithuania's civil society by means of acting in the areas of international cooperation, education and vocational training, information and other areas which are recognized as beneficial to the society, the most important whereof is cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign organizations of industrialists, regional and local government institutions, design graduate schools etc.
The Society pays special attention to cooperation among its members and scientific and educational institutions in the area of scientific research and experimental development pertaining to implementation of new research methods, commercialization of scientific inventions’ and technology transfer to businesses, creation of competence and knowledge nucleus, which would improve the system of preparation of specialists and qualification enhancement in the Society, scientific and educational institutions and business sectors.

Main Projects / Activities

At the ICIF the Lithuanian Designers' Society pursues the goal of establishing valuable links with respective associations  and organizations operating in the field of cultural and creative industries, especially design, in China and other parts of the world, find out more about design clusters operating in China and other forms of economic cooperation and organization. Close connections with design-related business entities from China and other countries would help designers and their businesses to implement their aspirations and start beneficial partnerships, thus contributing to economic development of Lithuania in the long-term perspective, because even now the sector of cultural and creative industries creates almost 7 percent of Lithuania’s GDP, which it‘s one of the highest indicators in the European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tautvydas Kaltenis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tautvydas Kaltenis

جمعية أثر للتنمية الشبابية

National Network


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
تتكون من سبع أعضاء إداريين رئيس ونائب رئيس أمين صندوق أمين سر وثلاث أعضاء إداريين حاليا لا يوجد موظفين ولا شركاء ولا جهة دعم كونها حديثة النشأة 
Mission and Objectives

* التركيز على الثغرات الأخلاقية التي أصبحت ومع الزمان عادات لا يحاسب الفرد عليها نفسه .
2* تحفيز الفكر الإنساني الإصلاحي لكل شباب هذا الوطن وإشعارهم بالمسؤولية ومدى تأثيرهم وأهميتهم لمصلحتة الوطن لصنع قادة مؤثرين فالمستقبل  .
3* تأصيل العلاقة التي تربط بين عناصر المؤسسات التعليمية على جميع أصعدتها الأساسي والثانوي والعالي( الكتاب , المعلم , التلميذ )
4* التركيز على الجانب الأسري  و الروابط العائلية والقيم التي تعمل منها لبنة المجتمع الأول ومنع ظاهرة التفكك الأسري لما لها من أضرار كبيرة قريبة وبعيدة الأجل .
5* تذكير أفراد مجتمعنا بالعلاقة المقدسة التي تجمعنا بتراب هذا الوطن .
6* توحيد المجتمع بشتى طبقاته و منباته و معتقداته تحت الحق والعدل والمساوة . 
7* إحقاق الحق وإرجاع كل شيء إلى مكانه الصحيح  . 

Main Projects / Activities

حاليا نحن بصدد ثلاث مشاريع رئيسية سنباشر بها حين الحصول على الدعم المناسب 
1- موقع إخباري إلكتروني مجتمعي يخص منطقتنا ومدينتنا وأهم التطورات والتحديات فيه
2- يوم وظيفي بجمع كل من الشباب العاطل عن العمل مع أصحاب الشركات
3- مسرحيات توعوية فيما يخص الدور الشبابي ففي التنمية ونبذ أفة المخدرات والمشروبات الكحولية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نستطيع أن نكون الممثلين للمنظمة في منطقتنا كونها مهمشة وبعيدة عن العاصمة عمان 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

الاتحاد قوة 

Contact (1) Full Name
أحمد محمد عدوي
Job Title
رئيس هيئة إدارية
Head of the organisation
احمد محمد عدوي