
National Network

Stargarder Str. 13
10437 Berlin

0049 (0)03 41722368
0049 (0)03 41722368
Mobile Phone
0049 (0)1607858836
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
SocialVisions e.V. is a non-profit association that encourages people to communicate creatively through visual art. Specialising in delivering community photography projects, SocialVisions organizes educational workshops and trainings and works on developing public exhibitions, participatory websites and image-based materials (cartoons, books) by adopting a variety of techniques and approaches. SocialVisions is membership-based and cooperate with volunteers to perform project work all over the world. SocialVisions was founded by Anja Pietsch and Julia Jungfer and has a flat organization structure consisting of 7 project coordinators, an IT & online administrator, a graphic designer as well as an administration and finance officer. The organization finances its activities through project-based funding from local and international foundations and public institutions in Germany promoting civic engagement. The amount of funding depends on SocialVisions activities and ranges from 30.000 to 150.000 Euro per year.
Mission and Objectives

Active in the fields of community building, public art, intercultural exchange, capacity building and advocacy, SocialVisions works with individuals and partner organizations in Germany, Middle East and North Africa to create collaborative participatory programmes in which socially or traditionally marginalized or disadvantaged participants are encouraged to generate their own visual art work in order to share their life experiences and the issues that affect them.
SocialVisions promotes a culture of non-violence, peace and tolerance by enabling an environment for dialogue and the ability to accept different points of view as well as the importance of diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

In recent years, SocialVisions has run several participatory photography projects in the Middle East and North Africa. The project Beyond Orientalism – Realities of young women in the Arab world was focused on Syrian and refugee women and took place in 2010 in Damascus (Syria). In 2013, SocialVisions successfully implemented the public art and collective mobilization project Blasti - C’est ma place in Tunis (Tunisia). Blasti was focused on enhancing dialogue between women from different backgrounds by inviting them to share photos of their places in Tunisia. The concept of “Lawein al Azim - Syria on the Move” is based on the experiences of Blasti.
Currently, SocialVisions implements the participatory photography and collective mobilization project Lawein Al Azim – Syria on the Move, a cross-border and regional participatory photography project for Syrian refugees and migrants in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Bulgaria and Germany. Lawein Al Azim – Syria on the Move seeks to provide Syrian refugees and migrants a visual representation for advocacy and awareness. It seeks to build trust among Syrians of different backgrounds and to raise awareness and support for Syrian refugees and migrants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SocialVisions creates and delivers collaborative participatory visual art projects, supports the process of seeing, self-discovery and self-advocacy for socially or traditionally marginalized or disadvantaged participants.
SocialVisons designs and delivers:
- photography projects
- educational workshops and trainings
- developing public exhibitions
- participatory websites
- image-based materials 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider creative expression as a very potential tool of participatory culture and civic engagement, therefore we would like to cooperate with organizations active in the field of civic engagement, human rights education, transitional justice.
SocialVisions projects are network-based. We are committed to work in partnership with other organizations as the success of these partnerships is essential to the overall success. Our projects have always been embedded within already existing networks. As a small NGO, networking as a factor is a very important means of developing ideas and assuring sustainability. By meeting new people, ideas, and environments, it not only might provide new opportunities for future collaboration and helps to identify potential project partners and local organizations. Furthermore, it provides the opportunities to see problems from a new perspective and offers other views on very concrete issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anja Pietsch
Job Title
Board member
Head of the organisation
Anja Pietsch
Contact (2) Full Name
Julia Junger
Job Title (2)
Board member


National Network

Yngve Östbergsv. 21
27234 Simrishamn

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

We are a not-for-profit organisation working in the fields of arts, human rights, environment, cultural relations, media and youth.

Our focus is make the world a better place for whoever you are despite your place of birth. Our projects are international in scope and our intention is to make a positive impact. 

Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to work on projects with varied organisations as collaborators which allows us to use their experience to provide a unique or critical look to problems we face as human beings.

Our objective is to create a dialogue, spread information, encourage discussion and provide information around the challenges we face as a race.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects we are working right now are on migration, on global warming and on health. Please check our website for more information.

Contact (1) Full Name
Neil Bell
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Anna Arvidson
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Arvidson
Job Title (2)

réseau esprit d'initiative de l’économie sociale et solidaire

National Network


Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
General Information
le réseau a été crée pour coordonner entre les acteurs afin d'améliorer les capacités des acteurs locaux  ainsi que la promotion de l'économie sociale et solidaire . il œuvre également  à renforcer les capacités et les innovations des acteurs locaux
Mission and Objectives

Le developpemt durable 
la promotion des acteurs de l'economie sociale et solidaire 
developpement des capacites des acteurs locals et regionals
le developpement social et local 

Main Projects / Activities

les formations en faveur des acteurs locaux 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
ellouxe youssef

Kings' Road Association

National Network

43 Abdallah Ben Omar st. Shmisani
P.O. Box 710038
Amman 11171

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Vision Support and develop communities, civil society, tourism, cultures, gender concepts by integrating human and Earth together to create effective Sustainable development.  
Mission and Objectives

Improve & Effect on the local environment and communities to promote archaeological areas and cultures to attract tourism investments that would support the national economy through tourism of various types, and strengthen local communities knowledge and skills to participate in public life and support democracy.
1. Maximize economic returns:
a. Encourage development projects that enhance competitive advantage and relative to the tourism sector in the MENA region.
b.  Promote development projects in all regions in the country that would increase efficiency in time and quality of added programs.
2. Activate the private sector and community participation in development process.
3. Strengthening the principle of partnership in the national administration of development and Democracy.
4. Developing and leading development marketing and promotion policies.
5. Distribution of the benefits of geography and thus bring about the creation of products in various territories Assembly will circulate the founding associations and rehabilitation by the private sector to manage and maintain all sites.
6. Promote social responsibility among individuals and encourage participation in improving the quality of life and ability to convert negatives to positives.
7. Adoption of the tourism sector as an effective tool to improve citizens ' income and reducing poverty and unemployment.

Main Projects / Activities

Support and develop communities, civil society, tourism, cultures, gender concepts by integrating human and Earth together to create effective Sustainable development.
Improve & Effect on the local environment and communities to promote archaeological areas and cultures to attract tourism investments that would support the national economy through tourism of various types, and strengthen local communities knowledge and skills to participate in public life and support democracy.
1. Maximize economic returns:
a. Encourage development projects that enhance competitive advantage and relative to the tourism sector in the MENA region.
b.  Promote development projects in all regions in the country that would increase efficiency in time and quality of added programs.
2. Activate the private sector and community participation in development process.
3. Strengthening the principle of partnership in the national administration of development and Democracy.
4. Developing and leading development marketing and promotion policies.
5. Distribution of the benefits of geography and thus bring about the creation of products in various territories Assembly will circulate the founding associations and rehabilitation by the private sector to manage and maintain all sites.
6. Promote social responsibility among individuals and encourage participation in improving the quality of life and ability to convert negatives to positives.
7. Adoption of the tourism sector as an effective tool to improve citizens ' income and reducing poverty and unemployment.

1. Assessment needs of Um- Al Rassass agrological site development and linked it with religious tourism paths in Jordan, capacity building for local community to merge in development, cooperate with local associations work several projects in the region to improve tourist services and the restoration of monuments out. Ministry of social development, 2012-2013
2. Project for Integrating Syrian refugees in host communities
3. Cultural and touristic twinning project between the archeological cities of Umm Qais (Gadara) in Jordan and the city of Sbeitla (safitla) in Tunisia and the city of Otranto in Italy and Algeria 2013
4. Project for Integrating Youth in local communities and promote citizenship in Jordan
5. Field research includes the areas that deal with adventure tourism and eco-tourism in Jordan, and put it on the map of the local tourism, a study on the needs of these areas, and how to employ them for using environmentally tourists through the development of an integrated environmental tourism product. Fund for support associations
6. A detailed analytical mapping on the situation of tourism, cultural and social and economical to the city of Umm Qais, Himma in Jordan to support the twinning program between the cities of Umm Qais and Himma in Jordan, Tunisia and Sbeïtla in Otranto in Italy. Funded by USAID – under program title: civic initiative support fund 2014- managing by FHI360.
7. Promote awareness of women leaders roles in political and civic life (I made my Decision)funded by European delegation Contracting Authority: Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs 2015.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

KRA has a good communications with other NGOs in Jordan and MENA region
We have a good networking with many media means, and private sectors companies

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

  KRA hope to be active in networking with other partners so we can colaborate together to have strong role to reach our goals 

Contact (1) Full Name
Inaam Ahmad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Inaam Ahmad
Contact (2) Full Name
Dina Baddawi
Job Title (2)
Project officer

Coalition Marocaine des Jeunes Chercheurs pour le Développement Territoriale

National Network

n ° 131 , au troisième étage ,Avenue Allal Ben Abdallah Hassan
10000 Rabat

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
La Coalition marocaine des jeunes chercheurs est un cadre national, jeun et civile destiné aux recherches  et au développement territorial, et fonctionne conformément aux principes suivants: • Le principe de l'universalité des droits de l'homme • Le principe de la citoyenneté active • le principe de l'indépendance • le principe de la démocratie • Principe d'unité et de mesure libre, la coopération et la solidarité et l'équilibre.   L’association se compose du président et le secrétaire général et le secrétaire et leurs adjoints ainsi que trois conseillers. Quant aux dépenses de l'Association on adopte une approche participative avec les  institutions qui participent  dans nos activités. Par exemple, nous avions une caravane de régionalisation avancée impliquant 50 chercheurs et 60 activiste appartient  aux plusieurs villes marocaines ; les 60% des dépenses effectuées par le province de Tarfaya et  20% un centre de recherche à la Faculté des Sciences juridiques de Salé et l’Association assure le reste. Et dans une autre activité dans le nord du Maroc au province Driouche on a organisé un séminaire national sur la régionalisation avancée l’association a assuré la moitié des dépenses, en particulier en ce qui concerne le transport de conférenciers et leur logement  ainsi la nourriture et la province de Driouche a fourni la salle où on a organisé le colloque. Ainsi l’Association visait à travers cette action participative dans la gestion des dépenses la transparence et la bonne gestion financière. Pour les principaux partenaires on peut rappeler le Conseil national pour les droits de l'homme, le groupe AL Molahidoun média (notre partenaire média) et aussi les provinces dont on organise nos activités.
Mission and Objectives

L’Association vise à atteindre les objectifs suivants:
- Travailler pour le maintien de la dignité humaine et le respect de tous les droits dans leurs sens universel et  totalitaire, tout en préservant l'identité nationale.
- Promouvoir l'éducation à la citoyenneté et de consolider les valeurs de l'égalité, et la définition des droits de l'homme, et de l’apprendre à la nouvelle génération.
- Définition de l'unité nationale au niveau régionale, nationale et internationale
- Pour travailler sur l'activation des exigences de régionalisation avancée dans différentes dimensions.
- Travail pour parvenir à une alliance nationale et international pour la recherche scientifique et l'accumulation de connaissances pour identifier la cause de l'unité nationale, et les niveaux de discussion sur les développements et les exigences de la solution des problématiques, puis l’identification des principes de gouvernance territoriale.
- Activation de la diplomatie parallèle pour défendre des questions nationales dans divers forums nationaux, régionaux et internationaux
- Les travaux sur la sophistication de la culture marocaine et de la sensibilisation à la nécessité de réhabiliter cette composante culturelle inhérente aux diverses régions marocaine.
- Travailler pour favoriser l'intégration des personnes ayant des besoins spéciaux dans les domaines de questions de recherche et nationaux
- Soutien des unités territoriales qu’ayant un manque de ressources.
- Prise de conscience de la nécessité de partager dans le développement collectif et travailler à développer des compétences pour le développement humain.
- Relationship avec les associations et les organisations au niveau national et international pour atteindre les objectifs énoncés dans la Loi fondamentale de l’association.

Main Projects / Activities

Pour les projets en cours sont en générale des séminaires intellectuelles et des ateliers de formation sur la régionalisation avancée et sa relation avec le développement humain et le développement économique de l'Etat.
La Coalition marocaine des jeunes chercheurs examine la possibilité de tenir 18 ateliers dans les régions du sud du Royaume, afin d'examiner les besoins et les exigences des citoyens dans les programmes des parties politiques surtout que nous sommes aux abords de élections communales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En se engageant dans ce réseau la Coalition marocaine des jeunes chercheurs peut présenter des idées de la recherche dans le domaine d'intérêt associative et en aidant à réaliser ces projets.
Ensuite, nous pouvons contribuer à la création du plus grand réseau grâce à nous connaissances personnelles et faciliter plusieurs activités dans le Royaume du Maroc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Lors d'un conférence sur le Forum pour le partenariat régional pour la culture et le développement en Jordanie de l’USAID, je ai rencontré certaines des associations qui appartiennent au réseau, y compris l’association future, qui est un membre de ce réseau et peuvent me ont donné une définition de réseau et le mode de fonctionnement, ce qui m'a encouragé à désirer se joindre à elle. En outre, quand je suis rentré au Maroc, j’ai rencontré un ami proche de moi nommée Noufal Alhmouni est également m'a conseillé de rejoindre ce réseau pour développer la méthode de travail de la Coalition marocaine des jeunes chercheurs et aussi les objectifs de l'association se croisent avec les objectifs du Réseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
CHOUNI Youssef
Job Title
Professeur Vacataire
Head of the organisation
Youssef CHOUNI
Contact (2) Full Name
CHAIBA Aboubakr
Job Title (2)
Administrateur au Province


National Network

Moezeldal 15
2904 CT Capelle aan den IJssel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
First of I would like to introduce myself, I am Sarah El Mahi graduated fashion designer from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam last year. When I got my BA degree in Fashion Design, with my menswear collection #URBANBIRDS, I started with my Master degree in Arts, Culture and Society at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. This past year I was a successful year, learning how to present myself as an upcoming young designer and Master student. With my menswear collection #URBANBIRDS I have achieved many successes and gotten to know many new places and faces in the fashion industry. From the nomination of Fashionclash shoe design challenge to the stage of De Roma in Antwerp for my TedX Flanders presentation of the collection! It is my objective to start a dialogue with my art, concerning arts, culture, society. These are broad terms, but my focus is mainly on authenticity and my roots. Hence the topic of migration in my story of #URBANBIRDS and #BTMR. Sarah El Mahi Artist/ Fashion designer #URBANBIRDS #BTMR
Mission and Objectives


"What I find significant as a designer in my collections, is authenticity and my roots.
It is my mission to translate my vision to a new generation lost in old traditions within a new reality, to inspire Urban Birds to take the flight back to their roots and understand we are a new hybride form of the original."
Sarah El Mahi

Main Projects / Activities

Fashion shows
Audio visual art

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yes, I can! 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join ALF because of an existing member, who saw my work and believes ALF and could collaborate in a profound way.
Hence I believe in the objectives of ALF and I believe our work is parallel to eachother. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarah El Mahi
Job Title
Fashion designer/ Artist
Head of the organisation
Sarah El Mahi
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah El Mahi
Job Title (2)
Fashion designer/ Artist


National Network

city of gardens
22360 LAMTAR

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Association ighrem akhatar

National Network

Centre de Gourrama
52302 Midelt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Youssef Faleh 23 ans étudient et chercheur a la faculté des sciences juridiques a Salé filiére Master desdes études   internationales et diplomatique , je suis très intéressent pour les activités qui a entrain de faire la fondation avec oui observation continue   et pour transformer aussi l expérience que j aurai eu a mon petit village natale et notre region generalement , je suis aussi membre d une association qui s apelle Errouad qui travaille au domaine d enfant et de jeune , meme s il y a pas une source financier officiel  il travaille jour et nuit pour une souris des generation qui guide prochainement  ,je suis maintenant entrain de continuer ma formation ,j aime beaucoup le travaille social par ce que c est la seule moyenne pour moi ..pour    Aider les moyens rurales , j ai déjà  organisé des réunions et des rencontres sociales politiques pour mieux comprendre le trajet de développement au différentes situations , j ai aussi  une presentation sur les medias marocains la dernière c été a Medi 1 pour parler de situation social et politique aprés les inondations de sud est et de sud , aussi sur la Radio   Pour parler de la congédiement de Ministre des jeunes et de sport  ,je suistrès  enthousiasme  pour etre nombre avec vous ..mes solutations 
Mission and Objectives

La participation a les activités prochaines de la fondation
Développer la communication entre les generation et les civilisations différentes  
instutionaliser la citoyennité et la tolérance et la démocratie

Main Projects / Activities

Ouverture de la fondation sur le moyen rurale
organiser des coopérations avec les associations qui travaille avec les jeunes
organiser des conférences nationales et internationales  pour observer la situation de la societé civile et transformer les autres experiences sur le terrain  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La conscience des jeune rurale et de changer leurs situation 
le role de cette fondation doit etre plus actif 
différentes coopérations   Avec la société civile 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour communiquer , chercher , participer ,ecrire ,parler , pour etre un citoyen positif et vivre une nouvelle experience avec elle

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Faleh Hassan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aziz falh
Contact (2) Full Name
Salah eddine bennour
Job Title (2)

Suomi Syyria Yhteisö Ry

National Network

Mannerheimintie 25

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
We are a humanitarian organisation that provids relief and aid to Syrian refugees inside Syria!
Mission and Objectives

Same above!

Main Projects / Activities

Same above!

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Adham
Job Title
Chief executive / Head of the board
Head of the organisation
Rami Adham
Contact (2) Full Name
Loai alshamaly
Job Title (2)
Vice chief

Open Space Consulting AB

National Network

Pensévägen 4
43446 Kungsbacka

+46 709989781
Mobile Phone
+46709 989781
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Thomas Herrmann is the only person employed in the Company as it works with/in networks in Sweden and globally. Thomas is a co-owner of The Genuine Contact Program, together with 40 international collegues. The Company is funded by offering/selling services to mainly public organizations in the Nordic countries, occasionally in other parts of the World.
Mission and Objectives

Open Space Consulting AB works to release power in people, organizations and society

Main Projects / Activities

Open Space Consulting AB is a small company connected to global networks. We facilitate learning and transformation in people, organizations and society. For optimal performance we all have to be in health and balance. This goes for people as well as organizations. Not to forget – consultants. The blueprint for health and prosperity is already there so what we do is to open space for it to emerge.
When space is opened for creativity and inspirited interchange the results are stunning. Through true participation changes are initiated from within the organization whilst the whole potential is taken into account.
Open Space Consulting was the first company in Sweden to offer The Genuine Contact™ program. The purpose of the program is to develope skills within organizations to create and sustain health and balance. This means also tapping into the actual potential – performance is improved dramatically.
Thomas Herrmann is dedicated to contribute in the spreading of knowledge and skills around the program and the basis for its development – Open Space Technology, in Sweden and the world. He has been involved in several national and international conferences both as organizer, faclilitator and participant. Thomas is offering trainings on Open Space Technology and the other components of The Genuine Contact™ program on regular basis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am willing to contribute and share my knowledge regarding organizational development and all related areas on a local and/or global level

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The values we work from are a perfect match to the ones expressed by the ALF Network. The more organizations that work together to create a better world, the earlier we will succeed!
We have been participating in several of the actiities organized by ALF in Sweden and we are interested to deepen our involvement, to make a greater difference.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Herrmann
Job Title
OD Consultant
Head of the organisation
Thomas Herrmann