Regional Library "Stiliyan Chilingirov"

National Network

Slavyanski Blvd 19
9700 Shumen

054/877 332
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The regional public library "Stilian Chilingirov” in Shumen is one of the biggest and richest libraries in the country. It was founded in 1922 as the fourth deposit library in Bulgaria at the initiative of Stilian Chilingirov. The library is one of the few in the country with a specially designed building, constructed in 1980, providing diverse and effective service to its readers. The literary wealth of the library exceeds 750 000 library items. Today the library is community accessible, a depositary and a methodical centre for Shumen district.  It is a member of the Bulgarian library-informational association.  
Mission and Objectives

Over the last years it has established itself as a modern and dynamic developing cultural institution, a partner in various projects and programs on regional, national and international level.  The library preserves processes and provides access to the national publications; it tracks down, investigates and guards our spiritual heritage, its unique collections which reflect the existence and the cultural development of the region.

Main Projects / Activities

The library develops active publishing work that includes printing preparation of bibliographies and other editions, accomplished by the library staff – the catalogue “Incunabula: Literature of the Bulgarian national revival 1806 – 1878”,  the bibliography “Stilian Chilingirov 1881 – 1962”,the  bibliographic index “Duke Boris I”, the books “Tasty art”, “Laugh, laugh little eyes!” and others. In 2007 a new form of methodical work made by Regional libraries in the country was realized –an integrated automated library informational net between the Regional library and the libraries in five national community centers in Shumen: the National community centre “Dobri Voinikov”, National community centre “Todor Petkov”, National community centre “Stilian Chilingirov”, National community centre “Asen Zlatarov” and National community centre “Boyan Penev” was created. Over the last years the library’s staff  has worked on many long-term programs in the sphere of cultural novelties and  children and youth care – “Nobel laureates in literature”, “Save the children on the street”, “Literary itinerary of the Bulgarian national revival”, “Summer children art workshop”, Folklore science promotion to web site aiming to give access to youth, different age groups, and community groups to information on regional history, geography, natural sights, and others. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rositca Dobreva
Job Title
Head of the organisation

TING Group

National Network

via Padova 10
38122 Trento

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
TING Group is an integrated engineering cooperative company (co-op) with a vast heritage of technical and architectural expertise. TING Group has matured the ability to address all needs of public and private clients, both at local and international level. Long-term experience, high degree of specialization, and the blend of different knowledge domains are the strategic elements upon which TING Group bases its activity. Through TING International, TING Group is more and more interested in international collaborations and thanks to its highly executive core team has work experience in the following countries: Africa: Mozambique, South-Africa, Tunisia, Libya North America: Canada, USA (Alaska) Europe: Albania, Italy, Greece Asia: Viet Nam, Russia
Mission and Objectives

TING Group can offer a wide variety of services related to its core activities, i.e. all phases of architectural, spacial planning and civil, environmental, electrical engineering design:
feasibility analysis and pre-project planning
concept studies
preliminary design
detailed design
production planning and production
TING Group can dispatch work control and project evaluation and can offer technical support during bidding, procurement and all stages of selection and assignment of projects. TING Group is confident with Project Financing methods and Public-Private Partnerships assignments.
TING Group is available to procure ad-hoc, short-term consultancies and long-term collaborations within its areas of expertise and territories of confidence and is interested in international collaborations.

Main Projects / Activities

TING Group's expertise and knowledge cover several areas and sectors, among which:
- infrastructure (works in the field of road and rail transportation, water and hydrosanitary works, building works to preserve the territory);
- architecture (public construction - institutional, education, culture, hospital, religious, sports, etc., private construction - residential, industrial, commercial, hotel, etc.,  highly sustainable wooden buildings, restoration and recovery of historic heritage, urban planning, territorial and strategic landscape architecture);
- statics (works in reinforced concrete, steel, laminated wood, recovery of structures in wood and concrete with carbon fibers, seismic analysis of existing buildings, including non-linear, static testing and suitability);
- plant engineering (for civil construction, health care, industrial and technological infrastructure, water cycle management , sewage, water pinch analisys, energy upgrading of buildings and infrastructure);
- managment activities (construction supervision, project management, coordination of security);
- economic and financial planning (echnical and socio-economic feasibility studies and projects, project financing);
- research and innovation (construction technologies with low impact and passive house, ARCA protocols, KlimaHaus, Leed, restoration technologies with Armalam European patent  - European patent No. 1260648);
- environment (environmental impact studies EIA, environmental monitoring, consolidation of slopes, water regulating measures, land improvements, green strategies);
- surveys, appraisals and consulting (cadastral surveys, border tracing, technical appraisals, arbitration, surveying with satellite technology (GPS) and optical instrumentation electronics, architectural surveys with technology Laser Scanner).
Thanks to its vast technical skills, TING Group has numerous specific experiences in intenational cooperation programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TING Group has a vast nation-wide network of contacts covering all engneering and technical fields as well as international cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

TING Group belives that through trustful human connections and knowledge-based interaction, the creation of an inter-connected Mediterranean is the long-lasting solution to all-kind of conflicts and fundamental bases for all regional development. TING Group is more and more interested in expanding its horizons of partnerships, ALF Network is known to be leader in ceating connections of trust and mutual understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isacco Rama
Job Title
coordinator for TING Group International
Head of the organisation
Antonio Armani
Contact (2) Full Name
Valeria Rensi
Job Title (2)
internal administrative officer

SUOL - Association for RE Teachers in Finland

National Network

PL 335
00101 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Religion
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
SUOL – Association for RE Teachers in Finland - A pedagocical teachers' association. - 1000 members, most of them RE subject teachers  
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives for SUOL – Association for RE Teachers in Finland:
- Secure and strengthen the position of RE in general education.
- Bring closer the perceptions people have of RE with the reality of RE.
- Participate actively in the discussion regarding curricula and matriculation examination.
Our website: 
Information about RE in Finland in English:

Main Projects / Activities

- Seminars
- Material
- A magazine, Synsygus, five times a year
- Website and a vivid facebook group
- Educational travel
- 19 independent local clubs across Finland

Contact (1) Full Name
Eija Suokko
Job Title
RE teacher
Head of the organisation
Tuovi Pääkkönen

Zoukak Theatre Company and Cultural Association

National Network

Chaghouri Bldg. 17, 2nd floor, Impasse 39, Najeeb Azouri street, Adliyeh 66, Achrafieh
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Zoukak was created in 2006 by six theatre makers from a need to develop a professional continuity for theater as a practice, a belief in this practice as a political and social involvement and a faith in collectivity as an action against marginalizing systems. Zoukak's methodology of work emphasizes processes of creation and is based on the belief that collaboration lifts the creative operation to a higher level allowing for unexpected approaches to theater-making, all the while providing a more horizontal participation in decision-making and a multiplicity of expression. Since Zoukak's inception and with each new project, Zoukak strives to find new ways of collective creation, springing from the understanding of theater as collective work done by diverse individuals. Over the years Zoukak has also been applying theater on various levels: social, psychological, and educational. Zoukak developed a special approach to drama therapy and socially engaged theater, giving workshops, training sessions and performances in different Lebanese regions and in various contexts, finding ways to connect social interventions with artistic investigations. On the other hand and in Zoukak’s endeavor to develop an environment of dialogue and reflection around the performing arts, it supports and expands a network of diverse practitioners, by organizing cultural events that put together Zoukak members and its audience with artists from Lebanon and around the world (Europe, USA, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa) through workshops, residencies, performances, lectures, encounters and discussions around theater, dance, live art, play-writing, architecture, drama therapy, education, and cultural policies. One of the main goals of this networking is to attempt to provide a space for practical exchange and critical thinking about these practices. This space was concretized with Zoukak's studio, which opened its doors in 2008, serving in part as a free access rehearsal and creation space for local performing artists and remaining "the kitchen" of this entire project.   تأسست "زقاق" عام 2006 من قبل ستة فنانين نتيجة حاجتهم إلى خلق استمرارية مهنية لعملهم المسرحي، ولقناعتهم بالمسرح كفعل والتزام سياسي واجتماعي، وإيماناً بالعمل الجماعي كموقف في مواجه مختلف الأنظمة التهميشية. تركّز منهجية العمل في زقاق على عملية ومسار الخلق. ففي حين يساهم التعاون الفني في فتح أفق جديد لدى الفرقة في مقاربة المسرح، تعتمد الفرقة تشاركاً أفقياً في إتخاذ القرار وإختلاف أساليب التعبير. منذ بداية زقاق، ومع كل مشروع، والفرقة تبتدع طرقاً وأساليباً جديدة في الخلق الجماعي. ينبع ذلك من فهم معيّن يعرّف المسرح على أنه عمل جماعي بطبيعته، يصنعه أفراد مختلفون ومتنوعون. يتم تطبيق المسرح في زقاق وعلى مدى السنوات الماضية بمستويات مختلفة: إجتماعية ونفسية ونفس إجتماعية وتربوية. طوّر أعضاء الفرقة أسلوباً ومقاربة خاصّة في المسرح العلاجي والمسرح الاجتماعي، فأقاموا ورشات عمل ومحترفاتٍ تدريبيّة وأعمالاً مسرحية في مختلف المناطق اللبنانية وضمن أطر وبيئات مختلفة، مختبرين طرقاً خاصة في ربط التداخلات الاجتماعية مع بحوثهم الفنية. من جهة أخرى، وضمن السعي إلى فتح مساحة نقاش وتبادل حول فنون العرض، عملت زقاق على توسيع شبكة تصل بين فنانين مختلفين، عبر تنظيم أحداث ثقافية جمعت الفرقة وجمهورها مع فنانين من لبنان والعالم (أوروبا، آسيا، شمال أفريقيا، الشرق الأوسط، الولايات المتحدة) من خلال الإقامات الفنية والعروض واللقاءات والمحاضرات، حول المسرح والرقص والفنون الحيّة والتأليف المسرحي والهندسة المعمارية والمسرح العلاجي والتربية والسياسات الثقافية؛ في محاولة لتأمين فضاء للتبادل العملي والتفكير النقدي حول تلك الممارسات. جاء "استديو زقاق" تجسيداً لهذا الفضاء الذي فتح أبوابه في الـ 2008 فقد خدماته كمساحة تستقبل تمارين وتدريبات الفنانين المحلّيين دون مقابل مادي من جهة، وبجانب آخر كبكونه "مطبخ" لكافة مشاريع فرقة زقاق.
Mission and Objectives

Produce theatrical and performing arts creations

Support local creations in performing arts

Provide theatre lessons to adult and children  

Lead psycho- social theatre interventions through practical actions within communities in emergency situations and marginalized fractions of the society

Develop an environment of dialogue around performing arts practices and a space for sharing related skills and knowhow through a network of diverse practitioners, by organizing residencies, encounters, open studios, workshops with artists from Lebanon and abroad

Develop a theoretical and practical framework in drama-therapy and ensure knowledge transfer to social workers through “train the trainer” programs.

Perform training and workshops for performing arts students and practitioners.

Deliver trainings to educators using theatre as a mediation technique

Main Projects / Activities

Zoukak - Theatre Company and Cultural Association – was created in 2006 in order to develop a platform in theatre and performing arts, a channel of social change, in a country that lacks adequate public cultural and social policies.
Since 2008, following its will to promote a theatre and performing art culture in Lebanon for both the public and the practitioners, Zoukak opened “Zoukak Studio”, serving as a creation, performance and workshop space with a free rehearsal and performance access for local performing artists.
Zoukak intervenes on the artistic, psychosocial and education levels. It produces theatrical work inspired from both the local and international cultural heritage and it leads psychosocial theatre interventions thanks to practical actions within communities in emergency situations and marginalized fractions of the society. It supports local creations in performing arts through providing studio time, work material and artistic counselling, develop an environment of dialogue around theatre practices and socio-cultural topics and creates a space to share related skills through residencies, encounters, open studios, workshops and discussions with artists and experts from Lebanon and abroad. It develops a theoretical and practical framework in drama-therapy and ensures knowledge transfer through “train the trainer” programs. It provides theatre lessons to adults and children and performs trainings and workshops for students and practitioners.
Zoukak Theatre Company and Cultural Association is…
…A 24 hour-long repertoire of theatre performances;
…30 hours of public theatre performances led and created with various participants across Lebanon and abroad;
…50 workshops in Zoukak Studio with artists from Lebanon and around the world
…300 workshops done with more than 9000 women, men, youth and children across Lebanon, in war afflicted areas, schools, prisons, rehabilitation centres for mental and physical disabilities, refugee camps, shelters and support centres for migrant workers and women subjected to domestic violence;
…100 trainings of trainers on social, psycho-social and drama therapy tools and education through theatre across Lebanon with more than 3000 educators, animators, social workers and psychologists;
…54 cities around the world, 60 schools and 40 villages across Lebanon, 10 Palestinian camps and gatherings;
…more than 50 partners and collaborators of local and international cultural structures and NGOs, in addition to many individuals

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Lebanon, Zoukak can participate in the sharing of experiences between other local cultural actors ( tools and skills).
We believe that connecting with other local and international actors is essential, especially in the cultural field. Zoukak has been very active in bringing to Lebanon diverse cultural actors to exchange experiences and contribute to the diversification of the cultural scene in Lebanon. 
Zoukak has access to diverse communities and target group within their psychosocial work throughout Lebanon (including with Palestinian and Syrian communities).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Zoukak would also be interested in taking part of events of the ALF networks community. We would like to meet with other local partners with similar visions, and be in contact with other actors in the Mediterranean region to be informed about their projects and connect with them to create potential collaborations.
We believe that art and social work are connected and we practice this connection in our work, hence for us being part of ALF networks, which gathers both aspects of our work, seems like a continuation of our engagement.
This would be a great opportunity for Zoukak, and we are very much looking forward being part of the ALF Network, especially after Zoukak was awarded the ALF Euro-Med Award.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Maya Zbib
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Maya Zbib

Sama Al Badea

National Network

Mohammad Alahmad building next to Ahli Bank , floor 4 , suite 11

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
It's a non-profit organization , we have sponsers from other organizations , and there more than 600 volunteers males and females helping with the programs offered by our organization. 
Mission and Objectives

Our main object is health education , helping others who are looking for job either by helping them looking a good opportunity or offer them required classes and trainings to build thier careers.

Main Projects / Activities

we have more than one project , we are aiming to cover the whole country with our programs .

Contact (1) Full Name
Deena Mohammad Alkhaldy
Head of the organisation
Deena Al Khaldy

National Center For training and Development

National Network

43 Al Wakalat
amman 81000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
We are non-governmental, non-profit   , civil society organization,   believes that investment in human capital through knowledge economy is the way towards sustainable development. Vision: Contribute in creating young  generation holed up with the knowledge and have the skills necessary to participate positively in achieving sustainable development of the individual and the local communities , through active and positive citizenship  nationally , regionally  and worldwide. Message: Investment and capacity development and strengthening of human resources and opportunities to invest and protect the resources available are the way forward.  
Mission and Objectives

1 – Promoting  the values of active and positive leadership and strengthen the democratic approach and good governance as a catalyst way for sustainable development.
2 -  dissemination and awareness  about  the principles of human  civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights.
3 – promote and empower  the values and opportunities of dialogue and acceptance of the other and create opportunities for the exchange of experience, values  and knowledge of humanity.
4 – Outreach the local communities  to encourage and support  them to  participate actively in public life and promoting the values of volunteerism and community service in local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Mechanisms of action:
1 - Implementation of seminars, courses, workshops and conferences, information exchange, and dialogues.
2 - Implementation of researching, networking and creating partnerships to serve the interests of the local community.
3 - Provide humanitarian aid and legal knowledge and cooperation with local and international organizations.
4 - Establishment of productive and income-generating projects to sustain  achieving the goals of the center.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networking, actively participating in network activates, cooperation with other members, Knowledge and experience exchange 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get the opportunity to exchange our knowledge and experiences with other organizations
To professional develop our organization profile and performance
To create new opportunities for our target groups  to gain International and Global experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Hadeel Al Bataineh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hadeel Al Bataineh

Sama Al Badea

National Network

Mohammad Alahmad building next to Ahli Bank , floor 4 , suite 11

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Health education
Mission and Objectives

Health education

Main Projects / Activities

Health education

Contact (1) Full Name
Deena Mohammad Alkhaldy
Head of the organisation
Deena Al Khaldy

Have A Dream

National Network

27B Mohamed Saqr Khafaga Street, behind Geniena Mall, Abbas El Akkad,
Mujadedon NGO Office
Nasr City

Telephone (other)
0020114 253 5654
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
General Information
 We bring youth from different cultures together to celebrate our diversity, learn to coexist and live in harmony. Long Description Inspired by the famous speech of Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have A Dream”, where he spoke about diversity and living together despite our appearances or differences, we had a dream as well of getting the youth together from all over the world out of their comfort zones where they could discover the world and get to know each other’s while breaking all the stereotypes.   We organize cultural, voluntary and training opportunities to provide youth the chance to travel and volunteer in different countries all over the world. Our programs are designed to not only be introduced to different cultures, but we also make sure you share your experiences with others as well as adopt new skills to help you improve and rediscover yourself.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to become the leading youth traveling organization in the Middle East through giving the chance to youth to discover the world via well-organized programs inside and outside Egypt.
Have A Dream is an organization that was initiated in 2014 by a group of young Egyptians who were inspired by the rich experiences they had while traveling and dreamed of giving the chance to the Egyptian youth in particular and youth from all over the world to get out of their cocoon and be introduced to different cultures as well. Moreover, we aim to strengthen the relationship between the youth from the Middle East through our different programs.

Main Projects / Activities

 Current Running Project ( Bread and Salt in Romania ) : 
Volunteering work in the field of non formal education for kids of 7-15 years old.
The program is going to be held in Buckhurst in Romania for 6 weeks.
Date : 
From 20 June - 31 July
Or from 1 Aug - 12 Sep
-Good command of English
-Age between 18-30
-Flexibility and the acceptance of cultural diversity
Accommodation and daily meals are fully provide
Also every participating volunteer will be paid 150 Euro in the program as a contribution in the airline tickets by "Happy Faces Organization" in Romania
Kindly Check the Attached Sheet for our profile and Former Projects in Asia with Internatiional Non Profit Organizations like UNESCO , .. etc 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have been working for one year supporting various  Egyptian volunteers to enhance their skills and the International non profit organizations that we cooperate with to fullfill its needs for the projects with high staisfaction and very good testomnials we get from both parties 
Kindly check the attached sheet for our profile for the testmonials and our facebook page within a year we made over 5,000 fans applying for our international projects 
We have Succesfully Organized Our First Event in Ain Shams University which is attended by over 500 Egyptian Students giving them awareness about the importance of volunteering in International Projects to enhance their Skills and the effects of Have Dream  International Projects have Reached to the media
Kindly check Below Media Links :  
1) El Watan Private Egyptian Newspaper Article :
(2) El Ain Private Egyptian Newspaper article : ( Article Headline :  travel with Hagger Huggag ) 
(3) Barakabits  Blog
Here’s How Arab Youngsters Can Travel and Volunteer
(4) Journal Misr Private Egyptain Newspaper Article :
(5) El Youm El Gedeed Program with TV Presenter Samia Qased

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF will give Have A Dream Organization the chance to cooperate with ALF international partners and Useful projects that will give the  large number  of qualified volunteers who are interested to apply in our projects wider varieties and scope of projects which will enhance their skills and it will give us the chance to host Other Volunteers from the Other countries to cooperate with us in projects to enhance our community and egyptian youth skills 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mai Mostafa Ali
Job Title
Programs Research Team Member
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Abdel Mageed
Contact (2) Full Name
Waleed Adel
Job Title (2)
Programs Research team leader

Individual Member - Martin Ubani (representing University of Eastern Finland)

National Network

Elontie 20 d
00660 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I am a professor of religious education. My interests include religion in education, and religion, dialogue and multiculturalism in education along with teacher education.
Mission and Objectives

My mission is to develop sound education with regards to religion, multiculturalism and dialogue. I view learning community as encompassing different actors in society and globally.

Main Projects / Activities

Latest: 1. Teaching experiment on teaching RE collaboratively with 3 religions. (Finland has a confessional RE model).
2. Religion, multiculturalism and conflict in Finnish educational policy and practice (on-going).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Would like to co-operate in research and see university education as one actor and context for cooperation between parties.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I have visited the ALF network as a representative of my institution [University of Eastern Finland]. I consider the values and environment in ALF such that I can relate my work and vision with. I believe I can contribute in the inter-disciplinary and inter-organisational whole in a constructive manner.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Ubani
Job Title
Professor of Religious Education
Head of the organisation
Jukka Mönkkönen

Reconstruction and Development Union

National Network

3 Odrin Str.
9 Pirin Str
6300 Haskovo

00359 888 653 146
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 889 462 665
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The RDU  was registered on 3 Oct 1997 and involves three companies: BIT LTD,  STAMBOLOVO ESTEJT  LTD  and  INIMEX LTD. NGO managed by a Board consisting of three members: the Chairman and two Vice Presidents who managed together or separately. It employs about 10 people on average labor and civil relations. In 2014 RDU had budgetary resources available 141 900  levs. Sources of funding by projects, economic activity and membership fees. Since its establishment has successfully implemented more than 20 projects, quite diversified and ranging from entrepreneurship and innovation, to sustainable local development, environment and protection of animal species, to biological agriculture and urban planning.  RDU provides the following services: organization of seminars, conferences, courses, round tables, workshops, debates and discussions. Prepares and publishes training materials, manuals, brochures, CDs, informational materials, video materials and more.  Key partners of the RDU project are: municipalities, schools, universities and other NGOs.

Mission and Objectives

The RDU’s mission is to work towards a functioning market economy and democratic civil society in the district of Haskovo. RDU has identified as its target groups and beneficiaries to be the young people, the small business and the municipal administrations in the district of Haskovo OBJECTIVES  Improving the economic and the social environment in the region.  Uniting the efforts of the businesses, NGOs and the authorities for local economic renovation.  Preparation of the young people for successful social and professional realization.  Raising the capacity of local businesses and its competitiveness.  Creating public-private partnerships and democratization of social and economic processes.  Raising the awareness, knowledge and skills of the people and of the representatives of the business.  Raising the level of qualification and professional preparation. Strategic planning and coordination on local and regional level.

Main Projects / Activities

1.  Upgrade and modernization of telecommunications on the territory of Mineralni Bani Municipality - The project encompassed a series of trainings for the local community on economic re-structuring, development of various project ideas, selection of the best project idea for local economic development and it’s financing. The project was funded by the Pledge Program of the Department of Labor of USA. 2. Entrepreneurship and market economy - The implementation of the project was focused on the territory of Haskovo Municipality, the project aimed to support the local entrepreneurs in the period of transition to market economy. A number of trainings and publications were the core activities of the project. The following were published: Marketing Profile of Haskovo in Bulgarian and English, Lending and Lending Schemes, Marketing and Marketing Research. 12 training seminars and 18 working meeting brought together more than 420 participants. The project was funded by the Democratic Commission of the US Embassy in Sofia. 3. Together for Economic Renewal - Implemented on the territory of Mineralni Bani Municipality, the project was focused on creating a network of local partners, including representatives of the municipality, the businesses, tour-operators, and the young people. Within the project a Strategy for Development of Local Tourism was elaborated, as well as a Tour Guide and a film presenting the tourist sites on the territory of the Municipality. The project was funded by the British Embassy. 4. To protect our right to work - The target group of the project was the young graduates from the high schools. The project was focused on training the young people on their rights to labor as well as to present the opportunities for their professional and social realization. The project activities spread over four municipalities from the district of Haskovo, namely Dimitrovgrad, Mineralni Bani, Krumovgrad and Haskovo. The project was funded by the European Youth Foundation. 5. Youth Centre for Business and Innovation - The project was funded by the US Agency for International Development, and was focused on capacity building among the young people on the territory of Haskovo Municipality in the area of business planning, e-commerce, IT and team work. 6. Local community for strategic planning and coordination of planning instruments - The project was focused on the Municipality of Stambolovo, the district of Haskovo, and the Municipality of Yablanitsa, the district of Lovech. The project activities encompassed training on strategic planning, project management, organization of public consultancy workshops, development of Strategy of Tourism, Programme for Environment Protection and Municipal Development Plan. The project was funded by DIFID. 7. Flight over the Borders - The project was supported by Phare CBC Bulgaria – Greece Program. It was focused on the protection and management of natural resources, aiming to ensure sustainable development through increasing the capacity of local and regional institutions for cross-border cooperation. The project was implemented on the territory of Stambolovo Municipality. 8. The attraction of the Stone Monuments in the Eastern Rhodopes -  Under this Phare CBC project a cross border network for development of joint tourist activities was established and the historic monuments in Stambolovo municipality were researched and socialized, thus making the region more attractive to tourists. 9. Teleaccess - Under this project, supported by Interreg IIIB Program, two telecenters were established in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Mineralni Bani. The project was completed in 2008, and was supported by partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland and Croatia. 10. Cooperation for training and management of protected areas among NGOs on the Balkans - The overall objective of the project was to develop the potential of Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish NGOs for taking active part in the formulation and implementation of eco-policy. The project was supported by DG Environment of the European Commission, and was completed in January 2009. 11. The magnetism of the rock monuments in the Eastern Rhodopes - To improve the local economic development of municipality Stambolovo by using the local potential in the field of cultural heritage through the development of cross-border cooperation network in the field of tourism. 12. Cibera - To train managers and employees in telecentres to create conditions for the conversion of telecenters in centers through the services offered opportunities for lifelong learning in local communities.; 13. Strandja-Sakar - kingdom of Eagles - To contribute to the sustainable development of the border region Strandja - Sakar through conservation and sustainable use of its natural resources; 14. Balkan civil partnership for training and management of protected areas - To develop the potential of Bulgarian, Turkish and Macedonian NGOs involved in the implementation of environmental policy; 15. Sorurall - To explore the potential for enhanced lifelong learning offered by the tools and platforms for social networks and how they can help those who live in geographically and socially isolated communities, paying particular attention to innovation and the changing educational process. 16. Resolving conflicts in a non-violent way - To teach young people to resolve their conflicts in a non-violent manner 17. EcoGlobe - To build local capacity for the conservation and recovery of priority species and habitats in the municipality Municipality. To improve public awareness and public measures to protect the species. 18. Green spots - The main objective of the project is to achieve cooperation between the partners to act together to provide a common tourism products of the region, placing sustainability at the heart of their policies, as well as all sectors of the local economy and the entire region, and the application of offensive and based on destination marketing. Objectives: The Making of a local joint tourist product, II) Adaptation of local enterprises to the requirements of the product, III) Create a marketing strategy, IV) development of promotional materials and tools, V) Developing a common structure and a destination management (web platform, information kiosks, green spots). 19. Beyond Borders - To contribute to the protection of the natural resources and ensure sustainable development through building capacity and awareness among local stakeholders for conservation and management of the biological diversity, protected areas and ecological network as a whole. 20. Ombudsman of Nature - To increase the participation of citizens in decisions making that affects the environment in Haskovo and build awareness of conservation.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With experience, good practices and shared resources.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To work in network and to have the support of other NGOs in achieving our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivanka Najdenova Dushkova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Kamelia Andreeva Dimitrova
Job Title (2)
Deputy chairperson