talat harb school

National Network

156 port said street Ibrahima Alex

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Student at middle 2
Mission and Objectives

Looking for relating with other nations and culturals

Main Projects / Activities

Team viewer.v10

Contact (1) Full Name
Weam Mohammed Fouad Hammad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
head of school

Ekphrasis Studio

National Network

Rruga Mustafa Lleshi, Nr. 41

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Ekphrasis Studio was established in October 2008, in Tirana, Albania by Blerina Berberi and Kevin Tummers, both graduates from Maastricht, The Netherlands in “Arts & Heritage; Management, Policy and Education”. In 2014 it was reorganized extending its staff and establishing an international and community cultural center, DITART, and also, federally incorporated in Canada. The main focus of the studio is in Research, Publication and Dissemination especially focused on the management and economy of the creative world, the laws, policies and strategies related to what was and will be our cultural heritage, and understanding how the politics, market and technology are related to our economical and cultural symbols. Education is also core to our activities and through individual, community or co-operative incentives we organize conferences, workshops, lectures, courses, events and exhibitions. Digitization and exchange of our information about culture, laws and economies are among our key interests. The studio has a wide pool of experts and experience working within the Balkans, European countries, and even Canada. Project application, implementation and evaluation is a daily practice at the studio, besides seminars and conferences presented in several countries and especially in Bulgaria, Kosovo and Serbia. Being that our work is so much related to the NGOs, European organizations, civil societies, local and central public institutions, and private initiatives, we have contacts in most EU member countries and have a well established network in the Balkans, with whom we have good working relations. Please visit our website www.ekphrasisstudio.com and our Culture Web TV for more info on our work!

Mission and Objectives

Increasing the artistic quality of life through the development of creative industries and support for the arts and culture!

Main Projects / Activities

Some publications: - HERITAGE FOR DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH- EAST EUROPE (2014); (CHAPTER 1) – MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN ALBANIA AND THE LJUBLJANA PROCESS, Council of Europe (COE) - ALBANIA, A PATRIMONY OF EUROPEAN VALUES  (2010), (VARIOUS CHAPTERS) – Guide of Albanian History and Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Economic Development Albania (SEDA) – Stuck on Nostalgia; Cultural Inertia, Old Lek & Theatre of the Absurd; Albania in the Internet Era; A Ticket to the Past & Future; Cultural Stimulation in Albania; Libraries: Albanian Institute of Statistics, etc. Social, political & cultural phenomena in contemporary Albania, (Ekphrasis Studio website 2009-2015) – “Durres- Kukes Higway: Connecting TO or THROUGH” and Management of Cultural Expressions in Albania (2009); Tirana Times Newspaper - Pyramid of Dialogue / Albania's Sustainability (2010)- Tirana Times Newspaper   Some projects: - Country Coordinator for Border Movers (EU project for Balkan integration, 2013) - Partner in ShareCulture WebTV for European Culture (EU project for citizen journalism, 2013/14) - Placemaking in public spaces, Community art projects (2013) - Digitalizing public art in Albania and establishing a database on looted art in the country (2009- present) - DITART Centre (International & Community Cultural Centre run by Ekphrasis Studio in Tirana, 2014- Present; several activities such as exhibitions, workshops, presentations, etc)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution will be through cooperation in research, publication, documentation and dissemination of information and implementing activities, such as exhibitions, workshops, residencies, conferences and other activities to increase cooperation and support for the arts, culture and creative industries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute and cooperate in the developmenet of creative industries not only in Europe but also in partnership with Canada.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blerina Berberi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Blerina Berberi

Individual member

National Network

kastritsiou 6
54623 Thessalonique

0033 601327198
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
First of all, I have finished the departement of literature and civilization at the University of Aristotle in Thessaloniki and I have also finished a master degree at the same univeristy.Actually, I am student at the faculty of Law and Poltical Science at the University of Montpellier. During my studies, I would like to focus on human rights and diplomacy. At the same time, I like foreign languages. More particiulary, I speak as native languges French and greek and as foreign languages I speak fluently english, dutch and norwegien. I addition, and I am rower and I like sailing.  
Mission and Objectives

Speaking about missions and objectives, I had worked to Greenpeace Hellas in order to protect the enviroment and at the same time, to establishe the renewable energies in Greece. In France, I was volunteer on some mission of the local office of Greenpeace. More particiulaty, the first mission was concerning the subject of the libersation of greenpeace's activists. The next mission was about the monsanto's product and the product with OMG. During this mission, we support the ecologic and green local product. In Greece, I had worked at the organization A21 which is against the violence and the sexual abuse against women and generally fight for equal rights between men and women. Finally, In France, I am volunteer at the local office of Red Cross in order to help and support the homeless and foreign people who just ask a better life in europe.  

Main Projects / Activities

As main projects and activities, I would like to focused on promoting modern ideas for young people and promoting also the projects of some organizations like Think Young or Esn and EVS  which realized some events or seminars concerning the subject of youth education and volunteer services.    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

studing political science and having some experiences concerning the subjet of human rights and the equality between sexes, I would like to focus on youth and education and on human rights. Cortibuting to the Network of Anna Lindhl Foundation, I think that it is a great opportunity for helping with my knowlegdes and to orientate my personal career especially for human rights.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to join the Alf Network in order to focus on Human rights and the education of Youth. During my studies, I have focused on scandinavian education system and generally, I supprt the Lifelong Learning. Personally, I believe that it is about a great opportunity to learn and at the same time to give your personal point of view. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Adamantidis Stefanos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adamantidis Stefanos

Association of Active Youths of Florina

National Network

Megarovou 19
53100 Florina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association of Active Youths of Florina (OENEF) is an NGO managed by a board of 11 members with the legal representative of the board, the president of the association. Yet, there are no staff members due to lack of financial support and all the work is being done by volunteers. The total number of volunteers involved in our activities is over 750 youths but a team of 27 very active volunteers and youth leaders is responsible for the main activities. The only financial support comes from a membership fee to be paid every year, 5 Euros, and is being used to cover basic operating costs like electricity and water, rent, heat and internet. Occasionally we are being funded from Erasmus + program for the implementation of our proposal either in KA1 or KA2. Main partner is the local Chamber of Commerce and the University of Western Macedonia.
Mission and Objectives

Association of Active Youths of Florina  is a Non profit – Non governmental organization with local and International activity. The aim of our organization is to empower citizens to be active in their local community and to participate in a wide range of activities such a voluntarism and democratic actions. The organization includes the fight against inequality and racism and the promotion of tolerance in our common European society. The organization has taken part several times in projects that belong in the Youth in Action program and Erasmus+.

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization consists of a strong team of trainers, youth leaders and youth workers all joined together to promote co-operation with other organizations around Europe and to amplify their knowledge on the various topics under the umbrella of non-formal education. The organization has also a number of young people who are interested into increasing their knowledge in the particular field of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Economy, have already attended training courses and are very interested in participating in more. Finally, the organization is also in co-operation with the local Chamber of Commerce to promote entrepreneurship in the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing experience and good practises
Represenation of our local culture
Voluntary support from our members 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For the involvment of an importatn netwrok of organisation with huge experience on their field which will help us grow our organisation and develop our members. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantinos Stergiou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Konstantinos Filippidis


National Network

83 Jaffa Street, 5th floor
Palestinian Territories

+970 2 2977767
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

AidBits is a flexible and secure online platform that has been providing non-profit organizations around the world with tools to collaborate and operate more efficiently and effectively, allowing organizations to learn from their data in order to maximize the impact of the funds they receive. AidBits enables organizations with capabilities for: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Collaboration Data Collection Participant Selection & Tracking More information is available at: www.aidbits.com/solutions.html

Mission and Objectives

Enhance collaboration and sharing of information between stakeholders and partners. Increase the ability of organizations to fundraise by helping them create more value for money by increasing their efficiency and transparency. Provide business intelligence capabilities, allowing the platform to highlight which projects and tasks create the largest impact and have the greatest value for money.  In the future, this would help organizations to direct their efforts towards more meaningful tasks. Integrate international standards into the platform and make them easily available for non-profit organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

Sample projects: CARE International WBG: Impact and Learning System: CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty.  Using AidBits, CARE WBG has been able to collect, analyze and share large amounts of program and project data to help improve learning on an organizational level. Premiere Urgence - Aide Medicale Internationale (PU-AMI): Beneficiary Selection and Tracking platform.  PU-AMI is a French international NGO that provides food security and economic recovery services to Palestinians, is using AidBits for their beneficiary selection process.  Using AidBits, PU-AMI have been able to reduce the time required to collect and analyze beneficiary data and complete the beneficiary selection process as well as the ability to efficiently create reports.  The platform has also helped reduce errors and provide higher quality data.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AidBits aims to help non-profit organizations connect with one another and share information between different partners and stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in the power of partnerships and knowledge sharing and the power that non-profit organizations have in improving the world.   We want to help organizations achieve their goals by providing them with the tools to simplify management of projects and tracking of indicators and beneficiaries.  Eventually, we believe this will allow organizations to maximize the impact of the funds they receive.

Contact (1) Full Name
Feras Nasr
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Feras Nasr
Contact (2) Full Name
Ibrahim Abu Kteish
Job Title (2)

Cork Collective

National Network

20 Ashdene
South Douglas Rd

089 4072699
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Cork Feminista is a voluntary feminist organisation that was founded in August 2010. We arrange monthly meetings around topical human rights and feminist issues, facilitate creative workshops, fund-raisers, and campaign events, as well as manage social networking websites, an online blog, and compose a weekly E-Newsletter. We also have a monthy film club whereby we screen movies and documentaries that were written, produced or directed by women. 
Mission and Objectives

Cork Feminista believe strongly in what we call the ‘Three E’s in Feminism’- Education leads to Enlightenment which creates Empowerment. 
Cork Feminista is committed to progressing, upholding and representing women’s issues in all domains. We aim to bring women’s issues to the fore of society through activism.
Cork Feminista is committed to gender equality and advancing women’s rights. The driving force of social change is action. Cork Feminista actively promotes gender equality by organising and taking part in campaigns, protests and Local and National events. 

Main Projects / Activities

Cork Feminista host monthly meetings in order to bring feminist issues forward to the broader community. Cork Feminista’s monthly meetings are held in an inclusive space that is disability friendly. Meetings are donation based only. The topics that are covered at Monthly Meetings are varied and represent the diversity of feminism. Topics are chosen by volunteers, who are then responsible for the successful arrangement of the event. Cork Feminista sends a yearly questionnaire to its members to gain insight into the issues that its members are interested in, and plans the meetings accordingly. Please find list of events that we have organised here http://corkfeminista.com/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cork Feminista can contribute to the Network by brining our skill set to the Anna Lindh Foundation. We have been promoting feminism in local communities in Cork City and hosting events at community level for almost five years. We have learned how to reach out to women of all different classes, ages and cultures. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cork Feminista have two main reasons for joining the Anna Lindh Foundation. 
Firstly, we wish to learn more about the issues experienced within the Mediterranean region.  
Secondly, we would love an opportunity to share our experiences in how we have helped women to become more empowered. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Regina Cronin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Eilis Dillon
Contact (2) Full Name

Ustaza à Paris

National Network

3 rue Franklin
93200 Saint-Denis

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Ustaza à Paris is the only online agenda about Arab culture in Paris and its surroundings.  
Mission and Objectives

It was created in the spring of 2011 as an answer to the lack of a unique platform gathering the incredible diversity and dynamism of Arab-related cultural initiatives happening in the French capital on a daily basis.
A cosmopolitan French-speaking media outlet with a distinctive Parisian flair, Ustaza à Paris celebrates a vibrant French-Arab identity everyone can relate to, based on more than two centuries of shared History.
In the current context, Ustaza à Paris challenges misconceptions and prejudice at its own level, for a richer and more tolerant society through arts and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Ustaza à Paris is first and foremost a cultural agenda gathering on a single media outlet an incredible diversity of events related to Arab culture happening in Paris and its surroundings, but also beyond.
While Ustaza à Paris’s focus is on cultural events happening in France, the website features an online magazine made of interviews, reviews and analysis that can be translated into English or Arabic on request.
In addition to its website, Ustaza à Paris also offers a regular newsletter and is active on social media, particularly through its Facebook page. Moreover, it promotes Arab culture in other media such as radio, websites and the press through regular columns and chronicles. 
As a registered NGO, Ustaza à Paris intervenes in a number of events, as expert on Arab culture or co-organizer. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At Ustaza à Paris we share the values promoted by the Foundation Anna Lindh of intercultural dialogue through culture and education. 
As the online Arab cultural agenda we aim at promoting the incredible diversity and dynamism of Arab culture and the deep cultural and human links between the two shores of the Mediterranean. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to benefit from the visiblity and support of the Network, but also to share experience with other members and build collaborations with them in the field of Arab culture in France and abroad. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Coline Houssais
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Coline Houssais

AIESEC Jordan (جمعية تنمية مهارات الشباب القيادية)

National Network

Irbid - University street Al Hamaideh Complex

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+962 790724811
Mobile Phone (other)
+962 790140894
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our structure: National office and two local chapters in Amman and Irbid. we have 70 members. Modalities of action Exchange, Leadership experiences, Conferences and seminars Funding from private sector Funding from exchange programs fees. Our Partners. Exchange National Partners:Discover Jordan, Consolidated Contractors Company, Sustainability Excellence, Aspire, Chain Reaction, Felix Interactive, ESKADENIA Software, Nielsen, Ishra7, Adam Travel & Tourism, National partners: Leaders of Tomorrow, Local Exchange partners: Partners: Debate Foundation,  Phenix, Ma3mal, ASK for human capacity building,
Mission and Objectives

Vision - “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential”.
AIESEC aims to achieve it's mission by developing Leadership in the Youth. The Leadership we provide is based on the development of four elements:
- Global Citizen
- Self awareness
- Empowering Others
- Action Oriented
We believe that the fundamental solution for the world issue is the development of Leadership in each and every young person in the world. Therefore through our Exchange and Membership programmes we develop the mentioned above four elements of leadership.
Also AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, nationality, ethnic or social origin.

Main Projects / Activities

AIESEC is managing and co-ordination 4 programs for the youth to participate in:
Team Member programme: It is one of the most crucial ways in which youth can start their own path towards leadership development. In this phase they will be introduced to a practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development.
Team Leader programme: This experience will culminate with a  personal and professional development through the concept of team building and management. Getting also to experience leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development.
Global Internship programme: This programme offers internships that contribute to the professional development of a member and assist them to specialise in a certain field of work. They are normally long term in nature and involve working on diverse business projects and organisations.
Global Community Development programme: International Development internships are the most intense learning experience we offer and link together our global network. This programme encompasses cross-cultural positive impact through working abroad for social and community development projects that lead to self-development and skill enhancement for the member undertaking the programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Access to Global Talents: AIESEC is providing opportunity for the member organizations to hire internationals interns to work with them, which will lead to have more diversity and a new perspective on the way the organizations are run, allowing them to grow and possibly to expand to new countries or territories

Access to top university students in Jordan: The member Organizations can get access to youth network and benefit of the youth involvement by getting the chances to share their ideas and thoughts with youth and have youth engagement in their activities by inviting AIESEC members to participate. Our member are very pro-active and willing to develop their country which can be a huge benefit to the member organizations since they can attract these members to work with them and to create the positive impact Jordan needs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share a common purpose of bringing cultural understanding to the world as a mean toachieve a positive impact in the societies we are present in therefore it would be very interesting for us to join such community where we can upscalle our impact by connecting with organizations that share common purposes and values.
We all aim to bring to Jordan a better future, and from our side we would love to involve the Youth of the country in the ALF Network and also bring the international perspective through our international interns in order to contribute to the development of the member Organizations which will lead to the development of Jordan.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sami Yousef Hamdan
Job Title
Business Development Director
Head of the organisation
Rita Gomez
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Gome
Job Title (2)


National Network

1 Cosán Cúil

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
REgeneration is a sole-trader company, with collaborations between a number of practitioners and organisations in Ireland, and internationally. REgeneration provides facilitation, training and project development in the youth and community sectors, with a focus on social inclusion, climate justice, youth participation and non-formal education. As a new enterprise, budgetary resources are limited and sources of funding include training and facilitation fees received on a project bases. Partners include Comhlamh, National Youth Council of Ireland and Léargas at a national level, along with Mish Madrasa (Egypt), GREAN Palestine and SCI Jordan.   
Mission and Objectives

REgeneration is committed to creating and supporting global education programmes for young people that allows them to understand the complex and interconnected world we live in, to critically engage with challenging issues, and to acquire the skills, attitudes and understanding needed to respond to these challenges. REgeneration believes the enormous challenges presented by climate change, global conflict and social inequality require radical approaches to education in the youth and community sector, and that there must be a focus on marginalised individuals and communities, and the harder-to-reach voices to create a sustainable and equitable approach.
REgeneration is based in Ireland, but working in collaboration with partners around Europe and the Middle East (specifically Palestine, Egypt and Jordan). The objectives of REgeneration include:
• To promote a new approach to climate justice education within the Development Education and Youthwork sectors in Ireland and internationally;
• To facilitate connections and exchange in the Non-Formal Education / Youthwork sphere between organisations in Ireland / EU and the Euromed region;
• To create opportunities for global education projects between Ireland / EU and Euromed Region countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Specific projects in 2015 have included training course delivery for the European Commission agency in Ireland for European volunteers, mentoring support given to an alternative education centre in Cairo, Egypt, and a collaboration with a community-based group, to bring community activists from Palestine to Ireland on an educational exchange. Later in the year, REgeneration will collaborate on further NFE training courses in Europe, as well as a specialised training course in NFE and Youthwork in Jordan in November 2015 (subject to funding).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Training / Facilitation; Contacts in the Euromed Region; practical knowledge and experience of working on Sustainable Development and NFE in Ireland and the Euromed region. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think there is a natural connection between the work of REgeneration and the ALF. As REgeneration is a new entity, it can really benefit from the connection and support of the ALF, but also contribute a huge amount with regards to ideas and resources for growing the work of ALF in Ireland. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Grace Walsh
Head of the organisation
Grace Walsh


National Network


Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation