CREA España - Centro de Recursos para Asociaciones y Ayuntamientos

National Network

C/ Carretas 33 2nd Floor to the right F
28012 Madrid

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
CREA is a platform which integrates several nation-wide associations that work for Human Rights and and european consciousness promotion, transparency and for the creation of stable channels of impulse for citizen participation. It is registered as a non-profit organization in the National Associations Registry of Spain’s Ministry of Interior (Registro Nacional de Asociaciones, Ministerio del Interior), a member of the Spanish Youth Council (CJE) and currently has presence in the following regions of Spain: • Galicia • Andalucía • Comunidad de Madrid • Comunidad Valenciana • Principado de Asturias
Mission and Objectives

CREA's mission is directly linked to the great economic depression caused in 2011. CREA is understood not only as a resource center but also as a solution for the small municipalities of Spain focusing more in areas with high unemployment and few resources. It offers the oportunity to join nation-wide associations in a common search for promoting actions, services and projects that allows the organization to enhance the public-private partnership.
In our structure, municipalities provide technical support, knowledge and presence on the ground, together with the adequate supervision to ensure the maximun compliance with transparency and quality standards, while the associations, companies and other structures provide instrumental resources and support for the actions proposed by CREA.

This way, CREA is configured as a resource center that receives petitions and ideas from its members, creates a draft of the project, and then shapes and monitorizes it, supporting the members and improving the quality of the received proposals.

Main Projects / Activities

All the projects are structured by CREA under the principles of the document "Misión, Visión y Valores para la Participación de los Pequeños y Medianos municipios 2014-2020", which states the basic ideas and principles of the association. These project are stuctured under the following working structures:
-Youth programs
CREA collaborates with the European program ERASMUS +. The association, under direct collaboration with Town Halls and local institutions offers the opportunity to stay abroad for volunteering. 
-Programs for women and equal opportunities
CREA celebrates meetings and sessions in order to boost opportunities with the program "Mujer +45". This program is created in association with the City Halls of Galicia and Andalucía. 
-Department of Public Health programs
Diffusion of the objectives to fight drug dependency stated in the Declaration by United Nations and collaborate with associations against the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. 
-Department of Employment and Entrepreneurship programs 
This initiative seeks, under the Funding Tools of the European Union and the ERASMUS for Entrepreneurs program, to provide young people living in the district members of CREA the processing, guidance and information environment for youth exchanges, short stays abroad and the promotion of ideas to fix human capital in the rural environment. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Rubio Sánchez
Job Title
Liaison Officer
Head of the organisation
Rafael Moral Escudero
Contact (2) Full Name
David Fernández Sancho
Job Title (2)

Biedriba " No idejas līdz attīstībai"

National Network

Priežu street 8-6
Pāvilosta, LV-3466

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

NGO “ From idea to development” (hereinafter – NILA)  is established in 2009 and it takes action in the West of Latvia – in the small city Pavilosta which is a country- side area (along the River and Baltic Sea). NILA  is established to encourage young people from country-side to be as competitive as those from big cities. NILA tries to offer different kind of possibilities that usually are not accessible in country-side, but only in big cities. The main objectives of the organization is social integration, education and development of human resources of young people in order to promote the development of Pavilosta district as well as to encourage participation of young people (in the civil life as well as European community). NILA tries to develop the ways of qualitative free time spending of young people in Pavilosta and to encourage young people to be aware of European citizenship. We stress on the importance of cooperation with young people of other European countries to broaden up the scope of young people from rural environment. Pavilosta is a small town in the West Latvia with potentially active and educated youth. NILA is very motivated to raise the self-assessment and change the perception of life of young people with having limited financial and social resources. Creation of youth groups, lectures, joint activities, trainings and international experience are the main activities to achieve the goal - the social integration and active participation in social activities regardless the origin of the youth (decrease the gap of the possibilities between the youth in the cities and in the regions of Latvia). Support of Local Government, school and social workers is a key to organize the social inclusion in the town and involve the young people who require these activities the most. NILA is proud of our young people who are really interested in cooperation with other European organizations to be able to get to know each other, to share experience, to discuss and to face with different cultures. Our young people are interested in outdoor activities (sports, games, socializing activities etc.) as well as in culture, education and cooperation activities.

Mission and Objectives

NILA main objectiveas are: 1) To raise tourism activities in Pavilosta district as well as raise up competetiveness and capacity; 2) Support and develop social integration, human resource development; 3) To develop foreign cooperation of young people and senior integration; 4) To protect local environment.

Main Projects / Activities

NILA main activities are based on youth projects - both local and international as well as related with local community and integration development. Our important project completed and ongoing: 1) Youth exchange project in Bulgaria: „Riverside youth sports” 2) Youth exchange project in Latvia:„Discover your values” 3) National innitiative project in Latvia: „Skrūve pie skrūves un – aiziet!” 4) Project  „Jauniešu istaba” (youth room) 5) Project  " Radi dzīvi pats!"  (Create your life yourself) 6) Jauniešu istabas” regulāras un ilglaicīgas darbības nodrošināšana, stiprinot tās darbību un veicinot Pāvilostas novada jauniešu pilsonisko līdzdalību. (Youth room activity support and long term sustainability ensurance) 7) Youth exchange project in Sicily: COOLinary exchange. And many other local project and activities innitiated by both - young people and NILA.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NILA could suuport ALF and its activities by taking part in them and ensuring articles in our web site and in local governments web site NILA will raise popularity of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NILA is eager to get wider and wider scope, challanges and options to develop both - NILA and it's audience. We see a good option to take part in ALFs conferences, activities, grant projects and build up cooperation with other ALF entities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ieva Ancāne
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Inta Vīgante


National Network

28012 MADRID

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
CREA es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que nace en el año 2011 para responder a una fuerte situación de crisis económica que estaba provocando la desaparición de servicios en el ámbito rural así como una gran destrucción de entidades del tercer sector.    Conscientes de la importancia que determinadas áreas de trabajo ( Igualdad, Juventud , Participación Ciudadana y Cultura ) tienen para los pequeños municipios de España con los que se trabaja así como de la necesidad de mantener a salvo al pequeño tejido asociativo de España y sus territorios, nació CREA como punto de encuentro y CENTRO DE RECURSOS con la misión de fortalecer al pequeño sector local y garantizar la pervivencia de los servicios en nuestras áreas de trabajo en los pequeños municipios, incorporándoles de forma transversal la necesidad de conectarse, a través nuestra, con las instituciones comunitarias y foros internacionales que, actualmente, no cuentan con representación de la voz de los pequeños núcleos urbanos que CREA representa.
Mission and Objectives

CREA está conformada actualmente por 5 empleados contratados incluyendo 1 Gerente. 
Junto con esto agrupa a 20 voluntarios repartidos por 6 Comunidades Autónomas de España ( Galicia, Asturias, Comunidad de Madrid, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana y Extremadura ) 
Presupuesto 2014 - 60.000 Euros 
Procedencia presupuesto - 60 % Presupuesto Público / 40% Presupuesto Fondos propios ( Cuotas , donaciones y patrocinios privados ) 

Main Projects / Activities

Actualmente ejecuta:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CREA representa la voz de los pequeños municipios, de los núcleos urbanos y las pequeñas entidades locales que no tienen capacidad para, en solitario, hacer llegar sus ideas a las redes de ámbito internacional. 
Por ello, CREA puede contribuir aportando el contacto directo con más de 15 corporaciones locales en municipios de varias CC.AA de todo el Estado con especial atención a las presentes en las zonas ribereñas del mediterráneo así como la capacidad de interlocución que actualmente la entidad representa y aglutina. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Desde CREA deseamos trabajar para garantizar que la voz de los pequeños municipios de España así como de las pequeñas entidades del tercer sector que actualmente no tienen capacidad para , en solitario, participar en los grandes foros internacionales esté representada. 
Nuestra entidad trabaja desde el año 2012 para promover el fomento de la Alianza de Civilizaciones así como los acuerdos estratégicos con el tercer sector en el mediterráneo para garantizar que las personas que participan en ambas orillas del mediterráneo puedan establecer vínculos y converger de forma no etnocéntrica enriqueciendo el acerbo cultural común. 
Por ello desde CREA queremos trabajar para contribuir a fomentar el establecimiento de esos puentes así como de las líneas de trabajo que la entidad posibilita con el apoyo de nuestros municipios y redes integradas. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafael María Escudero
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel Rubio Sánchez
Job Title (2)
Liaison Officer

4Peace - Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit

National Network

Fechtergasse 16/1
1090 Vienna

+43-1-315 19 11
Mobile Phone
+43-676-938 81 69
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation, "4Peace - Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit", created in 2006,  is trying to empower young people to take active part in shaping their social environment and ensuring democracy and constitutional legality in their countries.  Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer, designs and realizes  the peacecamp with its schedule, workshops, goals . Finds partners, and workshop facilitators, communicates with the whole team. Presents peacecamp in a lot of settings. Team supervision. publications, blog, facebook. Evaluation and assessment Ronaldo Böhmer: administration, PR,  arrangements  - travel arrangements, location, meals (Ramadan, kasher/halal etc.), location and welcome reception show4peace, arrangements with media, filmfestival etc.). Lia Böhmer: coordinates the Austrian delegation coming from different schools/places in Austria. Social media, assistance on demand Dr. Silvio Gutkowski, Psychiatrist and Group Analyst, Jerusalem, Israel: "large group" debates Dr. Thomas Jung, Austria, Group Analyst: co-facilitator "large group" (first time with us) Dr. Thomas Stern*, Teacher, Austria: workshop "Talks4peace" Mag.a. Alexandra Lux*, Teacher, Austria: "Talks4peace" Mag. Markus Priller*, Historian, Educator, Project Manager : "Talks4peace" Atheer Ismael, Palestinian Israeli, Student, Peace Activist:  "Talks4peace" Anna Sophie Fritz , Actress: Drama, Music,  Percussion,  Art and Outdoor workshops Lukas Hauptfeld, Medical Student , hobby musician: Drama, Music, Percussion, Art and Outdoor Activities. First aid. Gerald Muthsam: peacecamp film-documentation, posters, flyers - part of peacecamp Each peacecamp needs a budget of approx. EUR 40,000. We had/have a number of sponsors and supporters: European Union/Youth in Action, Austrian Ministry for Education, Future Fund of the Republic of Austria, Karl-Kahane-Foundation, etc.
Mission and Objectives

We are striving to
- enhance young people's awareness of the social and political issues of their region and their time
- stimulate a self determined perception and judgement of social reality
- help resist indoctrination and incitement to violence
- train youth in speaking up and expressing their opinion
- offering an occasion to get to know young people from other parts of the world and learn about their society and culture
- help them communicate with people from other countries in a foreign language
- stimulate an attitude of, and appropriate skills for active citizenship
- stimulate reflection on issues of national identity:  what it means to be a "European"/A Jewish Israeli/A Palestinian etc.
In 2013, Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer has  received the Honorary Cross for Science and the Arts from the Austrian Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture for ten continuous years of peacecamp work.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are annual "peacecamps" - multicultural encounters of four different groups of young people. They always involve Palestinian and Jewish Israelis and two European groups - one from Austria plus one from a country  behind the former Iron Curtain. So far we had Slovenian and Hungarian groups participating in peacecamps.
peacecamps' main activities are:
- getting-to know the "other's" culture, religion, history, society, nation, social reality, etc.
- learning the narrative of the "other"
- cope with mission impossible challenges
- debating (listening, arguing, speaking up one's mind)
- talking/presenting issues to an audience
- going on stage (giving a speech, a presentation, performing on stage)
- show4peace and welcome reception with speeches, awards and many invited guests (public figures and private persons)
Our experience is based on 12 peacecamps which we have realized since 2004, each new and different from the previous ones in many respects - with a different focus, different workshops, team-members, workshop-leaders and participants each time.
Right now peacecamp no. 13 is in preparation for July 2015.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our experience in peace related activities and workshops, both for the Middle East as well as for EU countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to benefit from other projects' experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ronaldo Böhmer
Job Title
Admin Manager
Head of the organisation
Mag. Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
Contact (2) Full Name
Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
Job Title (2)
President of the organisation

Synergies Interculturelles

National Network

16, rue de la salle
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Aziza BENRAHAL est  Consultante Formatrice et Coach. Elle accompagne, les managers, collaborateurs et consultants à créer une dynamique individuelle et collective performante dans un environnement multiculturel par le biais du coaching et de la formation en management interculturel.  Son parcours professionnel, d’une vingtaine d’années, allie des expériences en France, au Maroc et s’ouvre à l’international. De ce parcours pluridisciplinaire, elle a expérimenté l’ouverture sur différents horizons et a pu constater la diversité des fonctionnements humains selon les contextes et les cultures. Cette interculturalité qui marque son parcours professionnel, s’ancre dans son identité multiculturelle et empreint ses études. Ce rapport particulier à l’interculturalité, associé à son approche pragmatique, lui permettent d’appréhender la dimension culturelle dans l’interaction des gens de cultures différentes.  Ainsi, elle a mis au point une méthode de coaching permettant aux expatriés d’optimiser leur mode de communication et d’interaction pour créer une dynamique individuelle et collective performante.
Mission and Objectives

En tant que consultante, j'ai pour vocation de créer une alliance entre la culture marocaine et la culture française par le biais d'une offre de services dans le domaine de la formation interculturelle et du coaching. J'accompagne en particulier les équipes françaises qui travaillent dans un environnement multiculturel que cela soit dans le cadre de leur collaboration avec des filiales installées au Maroc ou dans le cadre de la diversité au sein même de la France.
Ma mission est de faire acquérir la compétence intreculturelle pour favoriser une collaboration efficace ainsi que le mieux vivre ensemble.

Main Projects / Activities

Synergies Interculturelles cabinet en cours de création.
Synergies Interculturelles a pour vocation de créer une alliance entre la culture marocaine et la culture française par le biais d'une offre de services dans le domaine de la formation interculturelle et du coaching.
Un projet de thèse de doctorat en prenant une étude de cas : L'exemplarité de la cohabitation des juifs et des musulmans au Maroc en dépit des aléas de l'histoire.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

J'ai le projet d'animer un "café interculturel". C'est un rendez-vous mensuel qui sera l'occasion à des expatriés comme moi, de prendre conscience de l'impact de la culture sur les comportements personnels et professionnels. Et également de comprendre le fonctionnement du filtre culturel et de faire ainsi un rapprochement entre celui de la culture de leur pays d'origine et celui de la culture du pays d'accueil. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le domaine interculturel n'est pas seulement le domaine de mon activité professionnelle, il est aussi le domaine qui me passionne le plus.
Je souhaite intégrer ALF Network pour avoir l'occasion de participer au débat sur le dialogue interculturel dans la région euro méditerranéenne, la diversité culturelle et la cohésion sociale dans les sociétés méditerranéennes. En tant qu'expatriée marocaine vivant sur les deux rives méditerranéennes et en tant que consultante dans le domaine interculturel, je souhaite apporter ma contribution à ce sujet. Je serai heureuse de faire part de mon expérience personnelle et professionnelle et également de m'enrichir de celle des autres participants cela sera certainement profitable pour ma pratique dans le domaine interculturel. 
Je suis convaincue qu'en promouvant le dialogue interculturel ensemble, nous nous donnons les moyens d'œuvrer pour le mieux vivre ensemble dans cet ère marquée par la montée de l'extrémisme. En favorisant le dialogue interculturel Ensemble nous serons Ensemble contre l’antisémitisme, le racisme et l’extrémisme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Consultante Formatrice et Coach en management interculturel
Head of the organisation

Forum der Kulturen zu Fragen der Zeit

National Network

Zeisigstraße 3
Eisenacher Str. 6, 10777 Berlin
27798 Hude

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of the organization: A board of 4 honorary members, including the president (head). Budgetary resources available in a year.: depends on donations and joint ventures. Sources of funding: No funds available for projects. They are financed by cooperation with Institutions and other Foundations or by private sponsors. The Administration is secured by SFGM. SFGM is a  private limited Company (GmbH), theForum der Kulturen zu Fragen der Zeit  is a legally dependent Foundation. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): The foundation has published the art-magzine”POIESIS” and initiates, organises exhibitions-scientific: “The Forms of LIFE” ; exhibitions--artistic:”Aesthetics and Sustainebility” (travelling worldwide, 13th Edition now part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Lima - Website: ), -“Patterns of an Other Order”(Bologna-Berlin)” (, -“IDENTITY-Erdem Gündüz” (Berlin-Istanbul, website Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Govermental Administrations, other Foundations, private sponsors.

Mission and Objectives

Our Forum of Cultures engages its activities for cultural diversity in unisson with theUNESCO Charter of 2001. The predecessor was already declared official member of the World Decade for Cultural Development. We persue these goals in relation to specific actual problems - religious, ecological, ethical, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Among others: Actual projects: The worldwide exhibition: “Aesthetics and sustainability” Exhibition and Seminars on: “Patters of Another Order” (exchange Bologna-Berlin 2015) A German edition of the “Festival de la Cultures Soufie de Fès, Maroc: The famous encounter of these Muslim traditions in philosophy, religion, art, literature and dance with other cultures and the questions of our time wants to open up tothecountriesof Europe- inBerlin with concerts from Marocco, Turkey, Spain, Mayotte and speakers and artistsfrom Marocco, Germany, Niger,USA, Tunesia and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Following the activities of the “Jaspers Lectures on Matters of Our Time” we link an international network with a national one, concerning cultural issues of equally social and even political importance

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to participate in some of the ongoing debates and activities and at the same time, ask for support for the one or the other of our own projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Beate Lukas
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Prinz zur Lippe
Job Title (2)

Dihzahyners / Paint Up!

National Network

Sakiet El Janzir
Beirut 1103

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
‘Paint Up!’ is the brainchild of co-founders Lana Chukri and Jubran Elias. After establishing a team of talented and bright designers with whom they graduated with called “Dihzahyners” – the duo brought the team together in 2012 to recreate and rejuvenate broken and gloomy spaces in Beirut through a series of urban and street art initiatives that were later known as “Paint Up!” volumes. In developing this, their social enterprise and non-profit organization was born and began evolving into a living, breathing entity that resonated with artists, enterprises, and people worldwide. Dihzahyners is a team of inspired, driven & passionate artists/designers, aimed at creating initiatives to make Beirut brighter & more beautiful, through color. After their first event in Sakiet El Janzier on April 8th, 2012, founders Lana Chukri & Jubran Elias established their NGO, ‘Paint Up!’ where they and their team continued to set up what they called ‘Volumes’ of paint installations and interventions around Beirut. The inspiration came after Chukri & Elias had been researching ways to help and connect with their country, through urban design, and intervening in the public spaces/locations in Beirut for a while, and found that painting particular places that needed some uplifting would be an ideal medium to do so. Because they were always keen on being inspired through researching visuals from around the world of street art, graffiti, outdoor and urban design, they felt as designers that they could contribute to this powerful use of communication and expression. By starting small, with a team of 12 members, and focusing on stairs, they found they could gain awareness for bigger areas that needed attention such as larger walls and broken down spaces around Beirut.
Mission and Objectives

There comes a time, where you’re standing, high on the fumes of the city, looking out to the horizon, where your blood boils and you want to be those walls. You want to speak, you want a voice, one that the entire city sees as they walk by every day. That’s what we set out to do. We wanted to be able to disrupt the city, in a peaceful and non-invasive way; in a way which brings the communities some clarity, and transforms stairs into the bridges that connect our streets and alleyways.
By empowering the urban fabric of our city, through paint, through color; we all become the walls, the stairs, and the streets. We all share in each others smiles, laughter, fears, noise and silence.

Main Projects / Activities

Since we’ve started, we’ve had 7 major Paint Up ‘Volumes”, 3 exhibitions, and we’ve also teamed up on initiatives with Beirut Art Center, Ayadina, Achrafieh 2020, Live Love Beirut, Beirut Green Project, Dispatch Beirut, Kroum Ehden, Tedx, and a personal favorite Achillea’s ‘Waiting for the train’.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Catherine Moutran
Job Title
PR & Communications
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jubran Elias & Ms. Lana Chukri


National Network

Rue 9 Avril
4011 Hammem Sousse

00216 22 857 126
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Eveil Fondé en Mars 2012 est une association d'interet générale dont l'objectif est de promouvoir les valeurs humaines pour contribuer à un changement positif . Nous avons la conviction que pour réussir ce changement , nous devons individuellemnt voir le monde d'une manière différente et incarner au quotidien une rélation harmonieuse à nous-meme , aux autres et au monde . L'engagement de nos associés dans le projet  'Eveil' ainsi que leur 'savoir faire' et  'savoir Faire ' sont la clé de voutre pour réussir à atteindre notre objectif commun : un monde meilleur , plus juste , plus équitable , et plus humain. Par savoir etre et savoir faire et  'Faire avec ' plutot que ' Faire pour ' nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour atteindre une réponse à la situation actelle ou les associations deviennent  de plus en plus professionnalisées et technicistes , souvent au dépens de l'engagement solidaire et honnete et du militantisme .
Mission and Objectives

Nous sommes une association d'interet générale car nous croyons que les valeurs humains doivent etres le principe de bas pour toute activité humaine . De la meme manière , les enjeux sociaux , économiques , environnementaux , culturels et politiques sont étroitements liés et ne peuvent etre abordés séparement . Education civique , Gouvernance (INstauration de la notion de gouvernance locale chez les jeunes à travers une approche participative outil privilégié permettant l'association active et responsable de cette jeune population . Nous tendant en réalité à modifier la perception du role des intervenants ( population et administration ) et à proposer un partage de responsabilités entre les différents partenaires .) , Développement , Culture et patrimoine , jeunesse et conflit de génération , Sport , Environnement et Ecoloie .Notre vision doit etre globale et nos activités concernent tous les niveaux de l'etre et de la société .

Main Projects / Activities

* Comité Jeune citoyen : Renforcer le dialogue des jeunes de la zone avec les élus et instauration de la notion de gouvernance locale .
* Projet " من حقي نسالك "  La responsabilisation sociale des élus , créepar un réseau d'association de 8 gouvenorats
* Des séances de formation sur les techniques de débats
* Des séances de formation de renforcement de capacité .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Travailler en réseau suppose de travailler en «coopération» et pas seulement de juxtaposer son rôle à celui des autres acteurs .
Notre contribution sera de travailler efficacement en réseau , nécessité de mobiliser l’intelligence collective face à des situations de plus en plus complexes à gére surtout au niveau régional , exigences croissantes de l’innovation nécessitant de savoir combiner des ressources diversifiées, besoins d’anticipation et de veille entraînant le recours au captage et au traitement de multiples informations , accentuer la volonté de partager ou de «transférer» des pratiques innovantes pour en assurer la généralisation ,rechercher de cohérence entre les initiatives prises dans des organisations décentralisées ,développement des nouvelles formes d’alliance entre  les associations et les acteurs locaux  .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Fait important , cette participation est avant tout une opportunité trèe importante . Motivée par le désir d'aller à la rencontre d'autres participants d'autres associations  dans un contexte enrichissant et de développer une expertise collective et contradictoire qui permet d’apporter de meilleures garanties quant à : l'approche pluri-disciplinaire de tous les sujets à traiter,
la diversité des sources de données et connaissances ,
la confrontation de différentes opinions,
l’expression et l’argumentation d’éventuelles opinions divergentes, et l’indépendance des avis. Aussi bien visant à promouvoir des activités et initiatives , des processus et institutions qui prévilégient un développement participatif . Beaucoup plus q'une  appartenance à un réseau , cet opportunité nous offrira une occasion d'aiguiser nos connaissances des qualités de communications , et  ce , dans un environnement stimulant et hautement compétitif .

Contact (1) Full Name
Maali Mrabet
Job Title
cadre technique au sein de ministère de l'environnement
Head of the organisation
kais Lahmar

L'Atelier D'Alexandrie - group of artists and writers

National Network

6 Victor Basilli street, Alpharaana, Alazarita

00203 4860526
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Atelier is one of the most vital and active resources for contemporary culture and art in Egypt. It’s active in all of the modern movements in art and culture. Atelier of Alexandria is a very dynamic Egyptian NGO originally founded in 1934 as a meeting point for the Alexandrian artistic scene. It moved to its present premises in 1956, and took the name of Atelier of the Artists and Writers of the City of Alexandria. The Atelier is mostly funded by the subscriptions of its nearly 1000 members. It also rents its premises (halls and working studios), at very affordable prices, for exhibitions and artists in residence. Atelier of Alexandria is a member of the board of BJCEM biennale (The International Association of the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean) (la Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs d'Europe et de la Méditerranée) . Also Atelier is a partner with CeSIE – Italy (Centro Studied Intiziative Europeo), as a partner with ECM – Marseille (espace culture et multimedia).
Mission and Objectives

Atelier aims at connecting artists from different horizons, at making it possible for artists from different fields and nationalities to share their experiences. The very dynamic team of this famous venue on the Egyptian artistic scene also strives to make the arts more accessible to the general public. They have organised several events including exhibitions, workshops, seminars, talks. They have been chosen to host part of the Alexandria Biennale of Arts in 2005, which was a great recognition of their cultural role. Since 1956, the Atelier has hosted many cultural events, both regional and international, with a wide variety of activities in the fine arts, poetry, music, history lectures as well as seminars. The Atelier of Alexandria is one of the most vital and active resources for contemporary culture and art in Egypt; its members represent the top intellectuals and thinkers. The Atelier is active in all of the modern movements in art and culture, giving many workshops and supporting established and emerging talents. Since 2005,This is an example of the most recent activities of the Atelier. international youth salon 2006, international workshop 2006, workshops through Alexandria Biennale 2005, running the “ON-ART” dance and multimedia performance workshop in partnership with the French Cultural Centre and the Biennale de Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (based in Naples), and promoting RAMI: the Mediterranean Arts et Multimedia platform, a joint venture alongside partners in Beirut and Milan.

Main Projects / Activities

- International activities: international youth salon: Atelier of Alexandria organize international Youth Salon held each year on 16th of April. The Atelier gives opportunities to young artists under 35 years old to develop their experiences, talents and skills. Its aim to create interesting atmosphere to the youth artists for creation, discussion, share their experiences and develop the dialogue between youth artists whose comes from a different cultures, it was hold on 16th of April 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 for more information visit: international artists workshop: Atelier of Alexandria organize international artists workshop held each two years is an intense two-week studio session for an international group of professional visual artists in Atelier, The workshop's mission is to create an environment designed to maximize exchange, stimulate new ideas and encourage experimentation. It is aim to working in the relation between arts and the dialogue of cultures, especially in the fields of visual arts and interdisciplinary work (with a cross over between performing and visual arts). The workshop gathering a group of artists to exchange their artistic work learn about their respective cultures and develop work together in a collective environment of intense dialogue and creativity. The first one was hold on 20-30 November 2006, and the second one was hold on 25 January – 8 February 2008 for women for more information visit the founding director of AAW projects is Moataz el Safty and Reem Hassan. RAMI project workshops 2006 - 2007: International Encounters on Arts and Multimedia, The RAMI project is the result of a cooperation that began in 2001 between the following major partners: SHAMS-Beirut, ZINC/ECM-Marseilles, l’ATELIER of Alexandria and ASTAR-Milan. The RAMI project, initiated in September 2006 until December 2007, is a platform for experimentation and communication that will organize international meetings based on contemporary creation, digital tools and multimedia, it was hold in Marseille September 2006, in Beirut through May2007, in Alexandria through June2007, in Marseille through September2007, in Beirut through October2007, in Alexandria 8th November 2007 through the opening of Alexandria Biennale and through BJCEM biennale 25th November 2007. For more information Photography festival the ECUME(s) Alexandria and Marseille in collaboration with Atelier of Alexandria organized the 3rd Mediterranean Photo Workshop of Alexandria. From April 7th to 17th, 10 photographers from France, Italy, Tunisia, Syria and Egypt came together in Alexandria. The pictures they took during these ten days exhibited at the Atelier of Alexandria until April 28th. Fore more visit: BJCEM biennale: Atelier of Alexandria is a member of the board of BJCEM international association of the biennial of young artists from Europe and Mediterranean, each two years the Atelier select more than 32 Egyptian young artists under 30 years old in different fields of art – painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, installation, video, cinema, theatre, music, fusion, poetry, writer, modern dance, electronic music and gastronomy, to participate in the edition of the biennial, which hold on Napoli 2005 – Italy, Bari 2007 – Italy, Skopje 2009 – Macedonia, Thessaloniki – Greece and Rome – Italy 2011 and in Ancona – Italy2013. For more information visit: International conference: in 2004 the Atelier of Alexandria holds an international conference under the title the role of artistic NGOs in Arab worlds. - National activities: Exhibitions: each year through its artistic session from September to June, the Atelier gives opportunities to the Egyptian artists from any ages to exhibit their artworks in its halls, and help them to introduce their works to the Alexandrian society and to the world through publish their works on its website and send newsletter to its members. Workshops: from time to time the Atelier organize many workshops to public people, audience and child to develop their talents and to give them more experiences, its hold visual arts workshops, digital and editing workshops – to learn how you can work in computers with many of the software which used to product artworks, also Atelier did some workshops in Fusion and Jewelry design, also in hand made and recycling workshops. Studios: in all the artistic session of Atelier in summer and winter season, the Atelier is open its studios to public people, audience and child to introduce the different arts and to create interesting atmosphere to audients for creation and share their experiences and develop their talents and skills. Its gives a lot of opportunities to children, Audients and public people through its opening to the professional to organize a lot of workshops which is necessary for the Alexandrian Society. Conferences: Atelier organized many conferences under the title of files of modernism 1998, the meeting points of different forms of poetry 2000, the prospects future of Novels & literature 2002, first conference of art critics 2003 and forum for Arab poetry 2005, also in 2011 the atelier organized a first conference after the Egyptian revolution, 12 – 13 May 2011 it’s called the future of Culture .. Culture of the future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Rafik Khalil
Job Title
Head of L'Atelier D'Alexandrie
Head of the organisation
Prof. Mohamed Rafik Khalil
Contact (2) Full Name
Fathy Barakat
Job Title (2)
Treasurer of L'Atelier D'Alexandrie

Alaman Consulting and rehabilitation of Human Rights

National Network

0King Abdullah II Street - Alrussaifa - zarqa09

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Alaman Consulting and rehabilitation of Human Rights Society was established in 2010 under the Societies Act 2008 within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Political Development - Human Rights Directorate. Three full-time employees, in addition to a team of trainers and Voulnteer. We have created a youth committees at the center in 2012, now falls within our lists 801 volunteers. These committees are working within an integrated organizational structure, being periodic elections to choose the administrative body. Alaman Ambassadors program funded organization ActionAid - Arab Region Initiative. Source of income for 2014 is very subjective, and after the launch of the Alaman ambassadors program, the main partner is the organization ActionAid.
Mission and Objectives

Working on three main themes:
First, awareness, monitoring and treatment of human rights violations.
Second, observe the elections within the Civil Alliance to monitor the elections.
Third, the development of skills and abilities Youth and the fight against terrorism

Main Projects / Activities

- In 2014, we launched Alaman ambassadors program, we have trained 330 students from secondary schools in the District of Rusaifa on three main axes (the promotion of human rights concepts - citizenship and leadership - the Amman Message and its role in the fight against terrorism)
- Control of municipal and parliamentary elections, and follow-up departments and official institutions on performance
Youth committees - contains 801 volunteers 16-24 years old - have an organizational structure consists of the administrative body and the team leaders and coordinators and members, the many activities and community initiatives in the local community.
Field monitoring team is to follow up and monitor any issue or problem in society and processes it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By contributing to the implementation of your programs, especially in the pavement and Zarqa Governorate, where the number of volunteers we have within 801 volunteers 16-24 years age group.
We are currently working on a program to combat terrorism and extremist thinking and we are delighted to achieve partnership with you for that.
We have a strong team of trainers who are able to train young people in various topics topics related to social responsibility, especially, human rights, terrorism, debates.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we trust you.
We carry out your activities important in the Arab world and your programs, we want to be a contributor to the implementation in accordance with the highest degree of accuracy and transparency.
We set off in 2010, we have built a strong youth bridge of young leaders who are able to bring about growth and development in the community, we believe that creating opportunities leads to creativity, we seek to holistic investigation, justice, development of human rights concepts in the community, enhance youth capacity, finding large tracts of dialogue.
One example of success is optional ambassador for the youth of the Arab Thought for 2015 in Jordan.
We have hundreds of activities that we have implemented in previous years, Alaman ambassadors project has achieved great success in the community and was a great influence.
We wish to communicate with you, and be a part of your coalition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Nedal Ahmad Awwad
Job Title
Programs Director
Head of the organisation
Omar aljarah
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Youssef Aljarah
Job Title (2)
General manager