L'association du vieux ksar de taghit

National Network

Center City Of Taghit wilaya Of Bechar
08030 TAGHIT

Mobile Phone
07 77 29 19 10
Mobile Phone (other)
05 50 35 76 78
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
My organization was created in small city of Taghit, Where I am the founder of this organisation and the general secretary and with the assistance of a few volunteers, we are active for solidarity and tourism actually we don't have any resources to include them in our annual budget, we organize only visits for tourists and we host them in our hostel, we are still looking for partners to concrete our activities. Unfortunately, we are modest organisation margilsed by the local authorities and we don't have access to any international organisations as yours.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the association are:
the Protection and the renovation of the old Ksar -Castel-, organisation of tours inside the old Ksar for tourists, ensure the management and renovation of the old Ksar and its yards, making specific studies about the Ksar, the preservation of the original architecture through making restaurants and tea space with traditional design, the organization of meetings and exhibitions in the Ksar- makes values to the old Ksar and inform tourists about the History and the memory of the great Ksar and about the region too, try harder to cumulate large memberships in order to preserve the local ksar materials, organise festivals and religious celebrations related to the region and the protection of cultural heritage of the Sahara region.

Main Projects / Activities

Organise festivals and religious celebrations related to the region and the protection of cultural heritage of the Sahara region; The association received large groups of tourists between September and the middle of june, where the target will be a window for international and local tourists who came to visit the Sahra and enjoy with the religious celebration as Mawlid and the new year.
-Insure the management and renovation of the old Ksar and its yards; the association with its poor resources unless it gives a big importance to preserve the car as it is old and insure the renovation of its yards the association with its poor resources unless it gives a big importance to preserve the ksar as it is old and insure the renovation of its yards every year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I notice that Anna Lindh foundation regroup large of associations which work the most in culture and education field, my association work on solidarity and tourism, and it is active in the South of Algeria, My contribution will include hosting the meetings and the seminars of the network ALF, develop activities of partnership with other countries in the region of the south of Algeria, connect the north and the south of Algeria, providing a beautiful natural space for cultural activities, festivals, cultural trips which will be in the car or in the city, exchange projects about mixing Solidarity with Tourism.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I heard about Anna lindh foundation through a friend, who encourge me to register and to give opportunity not for me as person but for my region which i love the most and i feel less powerful every day when i see the beauty of taghit and its wonderful sunsets and incredible sunrises abondonate without devloping it or even contribute to the developpment of this beautiful city, i tried and i am trying every day in my small city in the south of algeria in the front door of our big sahara to make a change every day and preserve the ksar which is our idendity! the soul of the city of taghit! I feel that the foundation will help me with all of this and help me to develop it, be part of a network that work for solidarity tourism as i do, share my experiences and learn form theirs experiences as well, show that the south deserve more importance that the north do, host one of the important meetings that anna lindh launch, contribute in the perservation of the heritage of my rigion, work to make the ksar as World Heritage of the UNISCO.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
abdelkafi m'hamed
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

YHDESSÄ-yhdistys / TOGETHER Association

National Network

Nisse Kavon katu 3
20610 Turku

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
YHDESSÄ-yhdistys – TOGETHER Association works over language, cultural and religious barriers in order to improve intercultural dialogue.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of TOGETHER Association are to
• promote diversity
• support immigrant integration
• improve possibilities for employment
• support immigrant communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Together Association is run by a board formed of six individuals who hold their posts as volunteers. Currently Together Association runs a project dealing with social integration and suburban activities. Besides, municipal and state authorities purchase rehabilitation services from the association. Six people work at Together Association full time. In addition, the association always employs a varying number of part-timers, interns and volunteers.
The activities are funded by STEA (Funding Center for Social Welfare and Health Organizations). Together Association also gets minor support from the Ministry of Education and Culture and Regional State Administrative Agency. Also when possible, new sources of funding are sought.
Together Association works at Varissuo, neighbourhood that is the most culturally diverse in Finland. City of Turku provides the association with premises in the centre of the area. The place is open for all. Anyone can step in, read newspapers, drink coffee or meet with friends. Immigrant communities also use the location for their own club meetings and cultural events.
TOGETHER Association cooperates closely with the municipality of Turku and its branches, as well as with local immigrant and multicultural NGOs and other actors in Varissuo area.
The IKU project is in charge of the overall administration of the association´s premises and coordinating their implementation. The project offers different group activities and organizes events. The goal is to encourage different cultures to interact. The groups we offer include cooking, physical exercise, Finnish and English languages, excursions etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Duha Elsayed
Job Title
Project Director
Head of the organisation
Hersi Muhiadin
Contact (2) Full Name
Hersi Muhiadin
Job Title (2)
Chair of the Board

Demokratiezentrum Wien / Democracy Centre Vienna

National Network

Hegelgasse 6/5
1010 Vienna

0043 1/512 37 37
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Democracy Centre Vienna is a non-profit NGO with four employees. It is part of the Conflict-Peace-Democracy Cluster and in this context the Democracy Centre collaborates with the Centre for Peace Studies and Peace Education (University of Klagenfurt), the University of Graz, the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution as well as the Institute of Conflict Research (IKF). The yearly budgetary resources amout to € 300.000,00. The Democracy Centre is mainly funded through: the city of Vienna; Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs; Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. Current projects (selection): Teaching controversial issues (associate partner, Council of Europe); Peacemaking: analysis of Nobel Peace Prize awardings 1901–2014; Handbook on Conflict-, Peace- and Democracy research; touring exhibion and workshops: Migration on Tour; (Global) Citizenship Education: post-graduate university training course (co-organizer) and publications.
Mission and Objectives

The Democracy Centre Vienna (Demokratiezentrum Wien) is an academic non-profit organisation with an application-oriented profile, situated at the interface between the academic and public spheres. It is an academic research institution and a virtual knowledge centre which deals with basic questions of political culture and of the political system of Austria in the European context; it is concerned with the processes of democratization and their historical development, with current sociopolitical debates, with new concepts of citizenship, with e-participation, migration, democratic citizenship education, culture of remembrance and the European Union.
Due to its application-oriented profile and its longstanding experiences in relation to pedagogical and didactical issues, the Democracy Centre Vienna has been able to establish a large network within the Austrian educational sector, where it has worked together with different actors in formal/non-formal education and administration: schools, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Austrian Parlament, adult education centres, university departments, NGOs in the field of civic education etc. Through its participation in trans-boundary projects, it has also established contacts throughout Europe, contributing to a Europe-wide development of education and training.
The Democracy Centre Vienna addresses different and heterogeneous target groups: students, researchers, teachers and other practitioners in the field of education as well as the wider public. It collaboratively develops versatile teaching materials as well as print and online publications that can be used by all target groups and are also available to the wider public.

Main Projects / Activities

Research and Networking:

Processes of democratization and recent debates: political systems in flux, further development of democratic mechanisms, direct democracy, new concepts of citizenship, gender perspectives on society and politics

Europe and European Enlargement processes: historical development and recent perspectives, debates on reforms, processes of participation

Migration and Integration: Austrian and European migration policy, Asylum policy and human rights

Culture of remembrance: dealing with the past, historical-political education, collective memory

Media and image communication: media society, historical short movies, political visual strategies, deconstruction and analysis of historical and recent election posters
Workshops, touring exhibitions, publications:

(online) participation of pupils (project: PoliPedia.at / PoliPedia.eu)

migration and integration (project: Migration on Tour)

human rights and democracy

Global Citizenship Education
Virtual Knowledge Centre:
The Democracy Centre Vienna sets out to provide a virtual knowledge centre (available via www.demokratiezentrum.org) with an extensive supply of substantive material on relevant current and historical questions of democracy and sociopolitics addressing the wider public.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Democracy Centre Vienna can look back on a broad range of research projects and can enrich the Austrian Network with its expertise in the fields of democracy research, democratic citizenship education, migration and diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Democracy Centre Vienna appreciates and supports the vision and goals of the ALF Network. The ALF Network is a great opportunity to connect with other institutions that are active in supporting democratic processes and civil society and that are dedicated to a peaceful society on the principles of democratic values on the one hand and on the other hand to develop new research projects and contribute to a profound exchange of ideas, information and experience in line with those goals set by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Gertraud Diendorfer
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mag. Gertraud Diendorfer

Zeugma Gençlik ve Spor Külübü Derneği

National Network

Gazi Muhtar Paşa Bulvarı no 39 Şehitkamil
27090 Gaziantep/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
Our organization include mostly sportsmen from Gaziantep city in south-eastern Turkey. There are about 200 members of our organization.The avarage age is 27. Till this time as a NGO we are funded mostly from EU's budget. We are active in Youth in Action Projects. As a group we carried 2 youth exchanges in Gaziantep. Their names were ,,Brake the ice with sport'' and ,,ACTION - HAREKET''. We are in contact with many similiar youth group from all over the Europe for example ,,European Intercultural Forum e.V.'' from Germany, ,,Support for Youth Development '' from Romania and ,,Lietuvos jaunimo centras''.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to
-) encourage young people to fight for their rights
-) take an active part in life of local community
-) encourage young people to practise various kind of sport
-) promote European values such as tolerance, equality and respect

Main Projects / Activities

youth exchanges, training courses, seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Figen Kanışlı
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Bilginç

Association for the promotion and protection of human rights "SMS"

National Network

Ljudevita Gaja 3
33000 Virovitica

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The bodies of the Association are: 1. Assembly of the Association; 2. The Management Board of the Association; 3. The President of the Association; 4. Secretary of the Association. The Association has employed one person, but a larger number of volunteers (8). In 2015. we plan to employ 4 people. The planned budget for 2015 is around 2000.00 euros (without the EU and other projects). Assets of the Association consists of funds that the Association membership fees, voluntary contributions and gifts, funding programs and projects of the Association of State Budget and budgets of local and regional (regional) governments and funds and / or foreign sources, as well as other monetary assets acquired in accordance with the Act, its real estate and movables, as well as other property rights. During the current year we plan to answer the three competition relating to human rights, youth, Roma, and the disabled and elderly people. Partners in the project will be: City of Virovitica, Virovitičko podravska district, Association of Pensioners and the Roma community Virovitica.

Mission and Objectives

The Association is active in the field of human and constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms. The objectives of the association are to promote and protect human rights in accordance with applicable and convention ratified by the Croatian, and in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UN), Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and additional protocols thereto, regulations and directives European Union and other international treaties that the Republic of Croatia concluded and who commit it, and relating to the area of human rights, and the promotion, enhancement and protection of constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Main Projects / Activities

Association activities are used to accomplish the objectives are: - The monitoring of human and constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms in the Republic of Croatia and the collection of documents on human rights cases and constitutionally guaranteed rights, and fingering and encourage the need to protect human and the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia guaranteed rights to the competent authorities; - Proposing, advocacy and monitoring of national and international public policy, anti-discrimination and human rights; - Raising awareness of human rights and promotion of democracy, citizenship policy of the European Union and consistent respect for the rule of law; - Advocacy and assistance for the benefit of citizens on the basis of equality and gender equality; - Strengthening and development of civil society for the provision of social services and the preparation and implementation of actions to assist socially disadvantaged and vulnerable citizens (children, unemployed people, members of minority groups, women, victims of domestic violence, elderly, invalids people) and aid in their social integration into society; - Providing legal support and assistance to individuals and vulnerable groups of the civil society in the field of human and constitutionally guaranteed rights of the Republic of Croatia in accordance with the applicable legislation; - Develop a culture of dialogue and non-violent culture of life and encouraging research topics related to peace-building and education for peace, multicultural understanding, tolerance and diversity; - Promoting social and economic equality, strengthening social cohesion and the action against poverty and social exclusion; - Promoting partnerships and building the capacity of civil society organizations and social partners; - Prevention, control and action against corruption; - Influence and improving the efficiency of public administration; - Preventing and combating racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance; - To prevent and combat violence against and among children, young people and women, the fight against human trafficking and support victims of violence and crime; - Support access to sustainable and quality employment of the unemployed with an emphasis on effective measures of active labor market policies for young people, long-term unemployed, women and older workers, as well as preventive measures to reduce the risk of job losses in the changed economic conditions; - Independent and impartial observation of all forms of elections and referenda in the Republic of Croatia in accordance with applicable regulations; - Organizing preventive - educational programs directed to the rights of children, youth, students and their families, the disabled, women, the unemployed and the teachers, educators and other stakeholders in the community to raise awareness and knowledge of human and constitutional rights and opportunities exercise thereof; - Publishing of books, magazines and leaflets, holding public presentations, seminars, workshops and conferences on the topic of human rights and constitutionally guaranteed rights; - Cooperation with national minorities; - Cooperation with state and judicial bodies, trade unions, local and regional (regional) governments, law firms and other organizations to achieve the aims and objectives of the Association; - Cooperation with other related associations and organizations, including transnational cooperation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Association may contribute to the development of human rights in accordance with their aims and operations of. In particular this applies to the following activities: - Maintenance of training, seminars and other training; - consultation citizens about human rights; - Publishing brochures and leaflets.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to become a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation because we share the same values. Our association is proud to highlight membership in the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mario Jakša
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation
Mario Jakša

Gallery "Meno parkas"

National Network

Rotušęs a. 27

+370 698 74301
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
+370 698 74301
Mobile Phone (other)
+370 618 87569
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Public enterprise Gallery „Meno Parkas“ was established in 1997 by Kaunas department of Lithuanian Artists’ Association. Gallery works active in Lithuania and abroad, constantly runs or participates in projects with other institutions 
Mission and Objectives

Priorities of galleries’ practice’s:
Realization of Lithuanian Artists’ Association’s creative program.
Young artists creations stimulation, involving them into projects of contemporary art.
Various educational projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Gallery’s fields of activities:
organizing projects and exhibitions of professional contemporary Lithuanian artists in Lithuania and foreign countries,
organizing projects and exhibitions of professional contemporary foreign artists in Lithuania,
participating in international contemporary art projects and exhibitions,
publishing (projects’ and exhibitions’ catalogs, Lithuania’s and foreign artists’ personal creation catalogs, gallery’s electronic information publications ect. ),
library (Lithuania’s and foreign countries’ publications),
centre of information (database about Lithuania’s and foreign countries’ artists creation, information about contemporary art projects in Lithuania and abroad,  spread of information),
selling professional artists’ artwork, marketing of artists’ materials, framing and other facilities,
collaboration with Lithuania’s and foreign countries’ galleries, institutions of  contemporary art, art academies, creative associations and organizations,
organizing conferences, meetings and discussions on contemporary art topics.
Underlying gallery’s projects:
international cultural exchange project “Art Line”. This project has been started in 1999 and is annual. Contemporary art galleries, art centres and art institutions from Germany, Portugal, Poland, Latvia, Spain, Italy, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Norway, Lithuania.
contemporary art festival “Kaunas in Art” (author of the project – Arvydas Žalpys) started in 2008.
continuous project for young asrtists "The Young. Green Consciousness", started in 2011.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the gallery's quite long experience of existance (since 1997), "Meno parkas" has gained and created a network of artists, proffesors, critics and other institutions, organisations in Lithuania and foreign countries. We run various projects, where cross-border co-operation is deeply supported and maintained with professional artists, young artists, curators, audience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The point of view of the foundation - collaboration with other organisations around Europe, Mediterranean region, gaining reliable partners and becoming one for others for the common goals in the fields of arts, education, overall - sociaty. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Arvydas Žalpys
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Arvydas Žalpys
Contact (2) Full Name
Giedrė Legotaitė
Job Title (2)

Oriental Hype ry

National Network

Mariankatu 8 B 11
00170 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Dance association specialized in the MENA region dance forms  
Mission and Objectives

Oriental Hype ry is an association that works in the field of Middle-Eastern and North-African dance art. The aim of Oriental Hype ry is to raise the popularity of so called Oriental Dance and make it generally more known as a field of art and as an important universal cultural heritage. Through dance culture Oriental Hype ry also aims to raise the awareness of Middle-Eastern and North-African cultural features such as: music, dance, expression, poetry etc. So the most important aim is to open doors for wider public and create possibilities where people can experience the richness of Middle-Eastern and North-African dance and music culture.
The association was established in the year 2014, but the dance group Oriental Hype has been an active factor among the Oriental dance scene since 2012.

Main Projects / Activities

Festivals, performances, workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Suvi Tuominen
Job Title
Dancer/Choreographer/Dance teacher/Bachelor of Humanities
Head of the organisation
c/o Suvi Tuominen

الجمعية المغربية لفنون الدمى والعرائس

National Network

صندوق البريد 236 المكتب الرئيسي تاونات المغرب
دار الشباب الوحدة تاونات المغرب
34000 تاونات

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
رسالةالجمعية : خلق حراك فني وثقافي فاعل في المحيط يوسع قاعدة الممارسة الفنية في المجتمع عبر فنون الدمى والعرائس, وتطوير المجتمعات المحلية عبر تنمية الحس الجمالي لأعضائها ودعم العمل الفني الإبداعي ما بين القطاعات المختلفة للمجتمع .
Mission and Objectives

1. بعث حركية مسرح الدمى والعرائس في المغرب
2. فتح مسرح الدمى والعرائس على المجال الاجتماعي والتربوي والمدني
3. ربط فناني مسرح الدمى والعرائس بالمغرب والشبكات الدولية
4. فتح مركز تدريب مهني في فنون الدمى والعرائس
5. انتاج ودعم وتقديم عروض مسرح دمى وعرائس
6. التوثيق والأرشفة لتاريخ فنون الدمى والعرائس بالمغرب

Main Projects / Activities

 قافلة مسرح الدمى والعرائس قرى وجبال 
يضم المشروع ورشات عمل فنية مع شباب محلي لانتاج عرض دمى وعرائس يتم التجوال به في المناطق الجبلية بالريف المغربي وصعبة الوصول تقدم الى جانبه ورشة اليوم الواحد لفائدة السكان المحلين بالضافة الى العرض نتاج الورشة . كما سيتم العمل مع حرفين وصناع تقلدين محلين لتطوير منتجاتهم اليدوية واستخدام مهارات الدمى والعرائس في الرفع من القيمة المادية للمنتج وبالتالي تحسين الدخل الفردي . حيث سيقام في نهاية التجوال معرض للمنتجات اليدوية واعمال الورشات 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عبر الانترنت 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- تقاطع مجال العمل 
- وجود شبكة تمكن من تسهيل الاتصال والتشبيك مع الاقران 
- داعم للمشاريع الفنية والتنموية 
- المصداقية والسمعة بين المنظمات الدولية 
- التجربة والخبرة التي راكمتها انا لايند في العمل المجتمعي 

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد سراج
Job Title
المدير العام
Head of the organisation
محمد سراج

Lebanese Development Network (LDN)

National Network

Jal el Dib, University Bldg.,1st floor
Jal el Dib (Metn)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information
Established in 2008, LDN works in the education, culture, economy, social and health fields through the various strategic levels of Capacity Building, Social Marketing and Networking Practices, and provides Consultancy, Training and Program Development services. We endeavor to promote new paradigms for SMEs and Social Entrepreneurships in collaboration with both the public and private sectors. To date, more than 250 prominent international, regional and local organizations have either partnered or benefited from one or more of our services such as UNDP, USAID, American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), Danish Refugee Council, International Medical Corps, IREX, Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), Norwegian Refugee Council, Save the Children, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, World Vision, Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF), Arab Thought Foundation, Jordan River Foundation, Mentor Arabia Foundation, AMIDEAST, Lebanese Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs, Lebanese Red Cross, American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanese American University (LAU)…
Mission and Objectives

To be recognized as a pioneer organization in the creation of a productive social environment.
Mission Statement
“The Lebanese Development Network - LDN” is a national non-profit organization dedicated to assist individuals, communities and institutions build their capacities by conveying knowledge and improving practical performance to enable them manage the changing social requirements, catch opportunities and meet the development challenges.
- To contribute in the implementation of viable projects on the social, economic, educational, cultural and health levels.
- To promote the culture of democracy, human rights, dialogue and citizenship, and help constituencies display a high degree of leadership.
- To increase personal ability through purposeful reflection, planning and action
- To improve organizational proficiency in growing stronger achieving their purpose and mission.
- To help constituents efficiently interact and positively influence their societies.
- To foster better environment for sustainable growth.
- To identify social needs, design solutions, and promote higher livelihood standards.
- To carry out proficient guidance to develop suitable programs and creates job opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

> Euro-MeD Career & Employment Advisor Portal - EU
DAEDALUS aims at addressing the needs of young residents in Lebanon, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Jordan, Tunisia and Palestine who are seeking employment in the labor markets of the Mediterranean Sea Basin by enhancing their career and business opportunities and matching their qualifications and skills with existing needs in neighboring countries as well as to enable the exchange of information and knowledge among stakeholders about potential synergies and collaborative activities. It seeks to provide career advising services to help young people raise their competence level in marketing their skills and searching for employment in the Mediterranean markets as well as to establish a technologically enhanced instrument for stakeholders, to post employment vacancies, seek qualified competitive employees and explore investment opportunities in a collaborative way.
> Rapid assessment of the skills and employability of Syrian refugees in Lebanon - International Labor Organization (ILO)
This Rapid assessment of the skills and employability of Syrian refugees in Akkar and Bekaa, to assess the level of child labour, to identify job market competition by interviewing Lebanese workers where the Syrian refugees are concentrated, and to identify possible job offers through interviewing businesses in the areas where Syrian refugees are more visible.
> Migrant-Friendly Labor Policies through Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue in MENA - The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
This pre-project is to lay the foundation for the multi-stakeholder  dialogue in Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE & Qatar which would enhance the change in the labour market system, the framework conditions for labour migrants and the accountability of duty bearers. Thus, the primary focus of the pre-project, presented here, will be to link an appreciation for labor market policy to a conceptual understanding of the impact of labor migration on the economy and society as a whole. Stated more concretely, the respective national participants in the project will ultimately be able to articulate and disseminate proactive positions on how active labor market policy and the inclusion of labor migration into this equation, is inextricably connected to overall development within a given society. Rule of law, labor market policy, a comprehensive grasp of how labor migration is linked to both and a country’s medium and long term developmental goals thus go hand-in-hand. The key facilitating agent of this process will be a multi-stakeholder dialogue (MSD) process to be developed, designed, and implemented based on the specificities of each unique project country.
> Survey Report on Access to Information in Lebanon - World Bank and Lebanese Transparency Association
The aim of the survey was to assess Lebanese people’s familiarity with the nexus between their rights as citizens and the information they hold to allow the exercise of those rights. The survey was designed to map the impact of the absence of an Access To Information (ATI) law and regulations on three levels: the level of ordinary life, or in other words, the personal and family sphere; the level of professional and business activities; and on the sphere of good governance in the country, or in other words, on the level of the activity of elected officials themselves. To provide a sense of the current state of affairs vis-à-vis information access, the survey generated information about the prevailing difficulties to access information from public bodies, and the methods used by people to acquire needed information. More specifically, the general knowledge of the ATI draft law presented to parliament in 2009 in the population and among policymakers was probed.
> Establishing MEPI Alumni Network Local Chapter - MEPI
The major purpose of this project is to provide the Chapter with a solid base structure through the MEPI – Lebanon Alumni Association where members will enjoy an advanced platform to reunite, act, and achieve on the democratic, the economic and the different social levels. With the membership retention policy adopted and the diversification of committees and activities, MEPI-LAA will ensure a homogenous, vigorous, growing and independent entity in the service of the Alumni Network in specific and the Lebanese civil society at large. Hence, it provides the appropriate linkages between the registered members and the new comers, offers the most practical administrative tools and fosters better exchange opportunities among the various partners and stakeholders.
> Promoting Financial and Economic Education - Islamic Development Bank & Ministry of Finance
By training teachers in economics and finance and by creating a multimedia toolkit, using the EDUTAINMENT methodology for financial education in classroom instruction, the Basil Fuleihan Institute will contribute to improving economics and civic education teaching methods in Lebanese public schools. This will increase Lebanese students’ understanding of public finance and economics, enabling them to better understand the challenges of economic growth and development. This project builds on the results and findings of a 2009 pilot program which enrolled 210 teachers.
> Refugees of the Arab Spring: The Syrian Refugees in Lebanon - The Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (AUC)
The   study   reviews   the   manifestations   of   the   Syrian   refugees’   crisis   in Lebanon during its first year. The paper analyzes the attitudes and policies of the Lebanese state as well as the interaction of these attitudes with those of the Lebanese society in its different components. As such, the paper may be viewed as a study of the impact of the political and social environment on refugee policy-making.
> Capacity Building for Non Profits - Lebanese American University (LAU)
The emphasis of the program is mainly on NGO Management and Development which provides participants with working knowledge of the managerial, financial, and organizational aspects of non-profits in society. Accordingly, two disciplines are adopted, The Organizational Planning for NGOs as a whole and The Personal Dynamics for team members as change agents. Another focus takes place when dealing with the particular issue of the private sector characterized by the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and its relation with NGOs.
> Capacity Building for Youth-Led Organizations - IREX
LDN worked on developing the capacities of a group of six Youth-Led NGOs by providing them training and technical assistance on both, Fundraising and Communication skills.
> Capacity Building for Women in Rural Areas - Relief International
This program aimed at providing technical assistance and training to empower a total of 320 women from Nahr El Bared area through targeted knowledge related to topics on Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution, Leadership and Decision Making. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Amin Nehme
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Amin Nehme

Karakutu Association

National Network

Yildiz Posta Cad. No:8/30 Gayrettepe Besiktas
34349 Istanbul/

+90 212 3180130
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 530 3305318
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Karakutu Association (Derneği), is independent of states, governments and political parties, is against any discrimination based on race, language, religion, gender, political affiliation and similar reasons, is against any kind of violence and militarism under all conditions, believes in the right of all creatures to live in fair conditions and problematizes any type of domination, is transparent to its volunteers and supporters, recognises young people’s active participation and non-formal learning. It is a member and volunteer based organization with an executive board of 5 people. It has a professional general coordinator and around 20 young volunteers.  Its financial resources mainly  come from membership fees and individual donations.
Mission and Objectives

Karakutu works to learn lessons from the past. We believe that remembering the past plays an essential role in justice and peace.
As a society, we lack a fair memory of the past. As much as we remember past violence, conflicts and wrongdoings, a peaceful and equal society is possible.
We try to raise voices of the alternative narratives that were suppressed by official history and to introduce different perspectives about the past to society, especially to youth.
It is for this reason that we founded Karakutu at the beginning of 2014, in Istanbul.

Main Projects / Activities

As a voluntary and participatory organisation, we conduct projects such as

Memorialisation projects for/with young people;

Trainings and meetings in the area of dealing with past;

Intercommunity historical dialogue projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

is independent of states, governments and political parties,
is against any discrimination based on race, language, religion, gender, political affiliation and similar reasons,
is against any kind of violence and militarism under all conditions,
believes in the right of all creatures to live in fair conditions and problematizes any type of domination,
is transparent to its volunteers and supporters,
recognises young people’s active participation and non-formal learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Derya Acuner
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emrah Gursel
Contact (2) Full Name
Emrah Gursel
Job Title (2)