Vilnius Theatre Lele

National Network

Arkliu str. 5
01129 Vilnius

+370 607 83312
+ 370 5 26 28159
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Vilnius Theatre Lele is a state institution. The number of employees slightly varies but it has a staff of approx. 60-70 people. It is mainly funded by Lithuanian Government, the Lithuanian Council for Culture as well as some private companies. It is a repertoire theatre that presents 2-3 premieres each year, participates in the festivals, organizes educational workshops and seminars. Among main partners of the theatre are International Puppeteers Organization UNIMA, international organization  ASSITEJ. The theatre has projects with independent artists, public institutions, educational organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Vilnius Theatre Lele is open to both valuable traditions of puppet theatre for children as well as new, original forms of contemporary theatre. Being the leading puppet theatre in Lithuania, it sees as its mission the promotion and preservation of puppet theatre as well as education of the younger audience. Our theatre also stages performances for adults thus trying to change society's attitude towards puppet theatre as exceptionally for children.  

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1966 the theatre has been the participant at the festivals of the International Puppeteers Organization UNIMA; the national centre of UNIMA operates at the theatre. The theatre also contributes to the activities of the international organization ASSITEJ. We also invite artists from foreign theatres to stage performances for our theatre, organise seminars, educational workshops. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lithuanian Network is still rather small so first of all we could contribute by making up partnerships with other organizations in the Lithuanian Network and then look up for foreign partners. By promoting Anna Lindh Foundation and its activities among Lithuanian organizations we will create possibilities for stronger partnerships and better projects to be developed and presented. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our theatre sees ALF as the possibility to become more visible on the international scene of puppetry, make up partnerships with artistic institutions from other countries, stage co-productions, organize international seminars with partners from those countries where puppetry traditions have undergone different developmental processes. Becoming the member of ALF, our theatre could more easily exchange valuable and unique experience with foreign puppeteers and stage artists in general. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Agne Pulokaite
Job Title
Public and International Relations Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Juozas Marcinkevicius
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Vilmantas Juskenas
Job Title (2)
Artistic Director


National Network

Meškeriotojų street 33
10100 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Rupert is a centre for art and education devoted to establishing close cooperation between cultural actors through three interdisciplinary strands: Alternative Education, Residency and Exhibition programs which provide a platform for a multidisciplinary approach to, and critical examination of artistic and academic practices. Through free, public events, and collaboration with local and international institutions from both within and outside the arts, Rupert integrates with the social and cultural framework of Vilnius while supporting a strong international focus. Rupert's team consists of Justė Jonutyte, Director, Maya Tounta, Curator and Diana Burneckaitė, Accountant, as well as a coordinator. Rupert's yearly budgetary resources: approx. 90.000€ come from funding from the Lithuanian Council for Culture (Lietuvos Kultūros Taryba), Norden Nordic Culture Point (Kulturkontaktnord) and intermittent private donations. Our main partners are the Contemporary Art Centre (Vilnius, LT), the National Gallery of Art, (Vilnius, LT), Studio X (NY, USA), Komplot (Brussels, BE), the Living Art Museum (IS) and Oslo Art Academy of Arts (NO), among others. 
Mission and Objectives

Rupert's mission is to establish close cooperation between local and international artists, curators, researchers, designers, architects, academics and other creative practitioners and cultural actors, through three separate but interactive programs. Through these research and development-oriented programs, Rupert supports international thinkers in realizing their projects and establishing their creative careers on an international scale. It focuses on contemporary artistic and curatorial practices but remains close to an extensive range of disciplines, while encouraging trans-disciplinarity.

Main Projects / Activities

The Alternative Education Program offers 8–10 participants the chance to develop project ideas and make connections with professionals in the field through regular lectures and workshops. It provides the invaluable opportunity for collaborative education, forging new international networks. This degreeless, non-academic program is proudly career-oriented and supplemented by its transdisciplinary approach. Rupert’s third educational series began in October 2014 and will last until end of May 2015.
We also house a free Residency program suited to mid-career professionals working in creative capacities from bases all over the world. We welcome artists, curators, writers, thinkers, those developing social enterprises: any and all manner of projects, though our priority remains contemporary art. Residents are given a ready-made means of interacting with and assessing the thriving Lithuanian arts scene, culture and society as well as being provided with space to pause concerns and develop personal projects.
Finally, our Exhibition program explores various themes and media in works of internationally renowned artists in ways that compliment the Educational program. Exhibitions take place in and outside of the Rupert building. Gediminas G. Akstinas displayed work responding to line and language in the CAC Reading Room in central Vilnius. Further afield, a host of new Lithuanian artists were featured in Fast Flux held at Studio-X NYC in 2013 as a culmination of the Alternative Education program (III). More recently The Jerusalem of Europe, a site-specific piece of Dora Garcia, was developed for Rupert’s exhibition space, the first display of Garcia’s work in Lithuania. Additionally, Lia Perjovschi presented Knowledge Museum Kit in tandem with Dan Perjovschi’s display of Time Specific in a continuation of the pair’s longstanding practice creating points of connection between their processes and present encounters. Our last exhibition Ashes of Roses and the Smell of Birch presented work of Tamara Henderson and Bridget Currie.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through its three programs dedicated to contemporary interdisciplinary discourse and contemporary art practice, Rupert promotes intercultural exchange across European practitioners on all levels. As participants, residents, visting lecturers, collaborators, or exhibitng artists, Rupert forges relationships between artists and other cultural actors and provides them with resources for developing a dialogue, exchange or collaboration. Through a rigorous program of free, public events and strong collaborations with local and international institutions in the cultural sector, Rupert has already developed a vibrant network of conspirators and wide-ranging local audience. By becoming part of the ALF Network, Rupert could share in the network's afilliate institutions with its own network, and involve ALF in its practice or collaborate on new initiatives that further support interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange, inclusivity, non-discrimination and appreciation for diversity,  much needed in Lithuania as in many other countries in Europe.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we share in its values. Intercultural interdisciplinary dialogue was the foundational element on which Rupert was created, and it remains an essential tool and objective for Rupert. Through our programs we invite artists, curators, researchers and other creative practitioners from across the globe, from diverse backgrounds and with diverse interests, so as to generate and sustain Rupert as a vital cultural platform through which participators and local community can encounter new ideas and engage in new forms of exchange. By gaining access to the ALF Network, and its 4000 civil society organisations, we wish to familiarise ourselves with the strategies, methods and agendas of other organisations with similar prerogatives, and join efforts with them in hosting effective programs. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Maya Tounta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Justė Jonutytė

Association Tabarka pour l'écotourisme et la pêche artisanale

National Network

Amphithéâtre la Basilique Tabarka
8110 Tabarka Tunisie

+216 95 173 573
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
   L'objectif principale de l'Association Tabarka pour l'écotourisme et la pêche artisanale et de développer le tourisme à Tabarka et Ain Drahem (nord ouest de la Tunisie) aussi l’identification des nouvelles pistes d’action orientées vers le tourisme écologique et culturel.  
Mission and Objectives

1- Développement du tourisme à Tabarka et Ain Drahem aussi l’identification des nouvelles pistes d’action orientées vers le tourisme écologique et culturel.
2- La sensibilisation à la préservation des ressources naturelles et la biodiversité terrestre et marine pour assurer leur durabilité.
3- La participation à l’intégration des diplômés universitaires dans des projets d’économie Verte.
4- Promouvoir la participation économique de la femme fondée sur le genre aussi la  solidarité sociale et l’égalité des chances.
5-  La promotion d'un nouveau  produit touristique, son marketing à l’échelle nationale et internationale (produits du terroir, des circuits de randonnées, maisons d’hôtes).  

Main Projects / Activities

- Sensibilisation pour l'environnement
- Education et formation en écotourisme.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participation au different forum et formation a Tunis et réseautage.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour agrandir la liste des associations partenaires et créer un réseautage avec des association partout au monde.

Ouverture sur les expériences étrangères et œuvre pour la coopération internationale dans le domaine d’écotourisme et  la pêche artisanale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Slim Saidi
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Laima Asakaite

National Network

Naugarduko 20
11203 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Vilnius Old Town Theatre was founded in 1989. Its founder is Vladas Limantas, the person who has founded Vilnius University Yard Theatre and who headed it for long years. The University Theatre has revitalised one of the oldest theatre traditions in Lithuania the Baroque School-University Theatre. The School-University Theatre flourished during the 16-17th centuries and has prepared the soil for the emergence of Vilnius Town Public Theatre. In year 1995 the core of the theatre came to be the graduates of Vilnius University actors – Lithuanian Language specialists (Vladas Limantas and Alge Savickaite course), later, in 1998 they were joined by a few students of Jonas Vaitkus actor – singer speciality course. During 1996 - 2005 m. Vilnius Old Town Theatre was headed by stage director Valdas Pranulis, since 2005 - by Laima Asakaite. Theatre specialises in arranging actions and performances in non-traditional spaces: streets, squares, churches, castles, parks, natural landscape and the locations where the spectators are most close. The Theatre participates annually at the traditional feasts of the town, arranges humoristic streets actions, dealing with the urgent social and moral problems. Vilnius Old Town Theatre is renowned for street actions, which as a rule target the persons, who due to certain reasons do not attend theatre at all or pay very seldom visits. The Theatre regularly takes part in street events festivals “Vilnius Days“, Klaipeda Sea Festival Opening and Closing Resort Season in Palanga, Siauliai Festival „Zuvys“ (“The Fishes”), Vilnius Musical Action Festival, etc. The Theatre has organised international Street Theatre Festivals "The Roofless Theatre" 2004 -2005; and Vilnius international Street Theatre Festival "MOZAIKA" in years 2007-2014.

Mission and Objectives

Theatre specialises in arranging actions and performances in non-traditional spaces: streets, squares, churches, castles, parks, natural landscape and the locations where the spectators are most close. The Theatre participates annually at the traditional feasts of the town, arranges humoristic streets actions, dealing with the urgent social and moral problems. Vilnius Old Town Theatre is renowned for street actions, which as a rule target the persons, who due to certain reasons do not attend theatre at all or pay very seldom visits. These workshops aim - to reveal the human creative abilities and to give confidence.

Main Projects / Activities

The Theatre regularly takes part in street events festivals “Vilnius Days“, Klaipeda Sea Festival Opening and Closing Resort Season in Palanga, Siauliai Festival „Zuvys“ (“The Fishes”), Vilnius Musical Action Festival, etc. The Theatre has organised international Street Theatre Festivals "The Roofless Theatre" 2004 -2005; and Vilnius international Street Theatre Festival "MOZAIKA" in years 2007-2014.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Public space - the opportunity to express, to hear, see, understand, reflect ... Cultural policy importance is clear for all, but especially public event forms self-awareness for city residents, the opinion of guests. Only because it is public, it is accessible to all, voluntary choice, participation in it. This year, following the tradition of European cities, we will give a possibility to present on the stage their works of all genres, professionals and amateurs, without restriction.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Practicing dialogue to address common regional challenges and search partners. Develop international intercultural cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laima Ašakaitė
Job Title
freelance actor
Head of the organisation
Laima Asakaite


National Network

6 ش دار السلام - متفرع من عمر بن عبد العزيز _ طنطا

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
         تدريب البرنامج العالمى CORT  وتأثيره فى زيادة نسبة التركيز بنقابة المعلمين بجمه     بجمهورية مصر العربية.          تدريب دبلومة إدارة الاعمال بمعسكر لأكثر من 14 دولة عربية بالمدينة الساحرة          شرم الشيخ بجمهورية مصر العربية. 2       تدريب مصابين 25 يناير على البرنامج الشهير LEADERSHIP بمعسكر اعداد                                           القادة بحلوان..بجمهورية مصر العربية.          تدريب بمعسكر بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة الفيوم بمعهد إعداد القادة والبرنامج               الشهير LEADERSHIP.          تدريب بمعسكر بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة القاهرةبنادى شباب الجزيرة                     والبرنامج الشهير LEADERSHIP.          تدريب بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة العريش فى المدينة السياحية البرنامج           الشهير LEADERSHIP.          تدريب بوزارة الشباب والرياضة بمدينة سوهاج فى المدينة الشبابية البرنامج             الشهير LEADESHIP.         .      .          تدريب البرنامج العالمى CORT بقاعة المؤترات بمدينة نصر.          تدريب مجموعة  شركات أمل مصر المهندسين – القاهرة بجمهورية مصر العربية          تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOT  بفرع الجامعة الهولندية بجمهورية مصر العربية           VAN HOLAND.          تدريب البرنامج العالمى  TOT بمدينة بورسعيد جمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى القبعات الست بمدينة بورسعيد بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى القبعات الست بمحافظة القاهرة بجمهورية مصر العربية           تدريب البرنامج العالمى القبعات الست بمحافظة الفيوم بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى CORT بمحافظة الاسكندرية لمجموعة مدارس علماء                           المستقبل بالاسكندرية جمهورية مصر العربية. تدريب   تدريب مبادرة بناء وطن بجامعة دمنهور بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOT  بمحافظة الاسكندرية بجمهورية مصر العربية.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOT  لافراد الشرطة السلطانية بسلطنة عمان.           تدريب البرنامج العالمى TOTلافراد الشرطة بمعهد السلامة المرورية بسلطنةعمان
Mission and Objectives

رؤية الاكاديمية Stratos
"تدريب تقنـي متميز، وفقاً لمعايير الجودة الشاملة في بيئة تربوية تتسم بالإنسانية والإبداع ".
رسالة الاكاديمية Stratos
"تقديم برامج تدريبية متميزة في بيئة تربوية تتسم بالإنسانية والإبداع والقدرة المؤسسية والفعالية التعليمية، قادرة على: الإسهام الفعال في إعداد شخصية مختلفة ناجحة ذاتيا وفى سوق العمل ، وتنمية جوانب الشخصية المتكاملة لدى المتدربين، والمشاركة  الفعالة بين الاكاديمية  و المجتمع وسوق العمل".
أهداف الاكاديمية Stratos
يمكن تصنيف أهداف الاكاديمية على النحو التالي :_
أولا ً : أهداف تتعلق بالمتدربين :
•  تمكين المتدربين من المهارات المعرفية والعملية في سوق العمل وفى حياتهم الاجتماعية والشخصية.
•  تمكين المتدربين من ممارسة مهارات سوق العمل والتدريب عليها .
•  اكتشاف وتنمية جوانب الإبداع لدي المتدربين وتبني الأفكار الجيدة لديهم.
•  دعم المتدربين المتعثرين من خلال برامج تدريبية معتمده  .
•  الإسهام في تنمية جوانب الشخصية المتكاملة والمتوازنة روحياً وعقلياً ووجدانياً وانفعالياً وعاطفياً   والاجتماعية وجسمياً للمتدربين من خلال تخطيط وتنفيذ أنشطة تدريبية متنوعة.
•  القياس المستمر لأداء المتدربين أثناء التدريب وقبل تخرجهم وعلاج ما يظهر من جوانب قصور لديهم.
•  متابعة خريجي الاكاديمية Stratos للتحقق من انخراطهم في سوق العمل، وتوفير أقتراحات   بيانات الخريجين لأصحاب العمل، وتعريف الخريجين بأماكن العمل.
•  تنمية الإيمان بالله وطاعة ولاة الأمر وحب الوطن لدي المتدربين.
•  تفعيل مشاركة المدتدربين في المناسبات الوطنية والعالمية.
•  توعية المتدربين والمدربين بالتحديات المختلفة المحلية والإقليمية والعالمية.
ثانيا ً : أهداف تتعلق بالمدربين :
•  إتاحة الفرصة للمدربين لتنمية معارفهم ومهاراتهم التخصصية والتدريبية والإدارية ومواصلة دراستهم.
•  ضمان النمو التدريبي والتخصصي لمجموعة المدربين المعتمدين من أقوى الاماكن الدولية والحكومية  من خلال  الاستمرار في إعداد وتصميم وتنفيذ وتقويم برامج تلبي احتياجاتهم .
•  تنمية العلاقات الإنسانية والتواصل بين المدربين والمتدربين لتبادل العلاقات والخبرات.
ثالثاًً : أهداف تتعلق بعملية التدريب :
•  عمل دراسات للبرامج التى ستقدم فى الاكاديميةStratos  وتقديم التوصيات والحلول والمقترحات.
•  اقتراح التخصصات اللازمة لسوق العمل وتوفير كوادر مدربين على أقوى المهارات العملية والفنية.
•  التحقق من مواكبة محتوى مقررات التدريب التقني مع المعايير المهنية للتخصصات التقنية اللازمة لسوق العمل.
•  تبني استراتيجيات التدريب الإلكتروني، وإعداد وسائط تدريبية وتوفير مصادر تعلم  وتدريب للمدربين والمتدربين.
•  تبني برامج تدريبية مصممة ومعتمدة من جهات وشركات عالمية متخصصة في مجالات ( الادارة _ التنمية البشرية _ الموارد البشرية وبرامج اخرى تخدم الشباب).
•  الاستخدام الفعال لنظم تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات المتوفرة داخل الاكاديمية.
•  توفير  مقومات التدريب  في البيئة التدريبية بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  الالتزام بمعايير المصداقية والأخلاقيات المهنية في ممارسة الأنشطة التدريبية والإدارية والتدريبية بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تطوير إجراءات قبول الطلاب بصفة مستمرة بالاكاديمية Stratos .
رابعاً: أهداف تتعلق بالأنشطة التدريبية والمواد العلمية :
•  إقامة المعارض والندوات والمؤتمرات التي تسهم في تنمية ثقافة منسوبي الاكاديمية Stratos و أبناء محافظة الغربية  في مجالات ( الادارة _ التنمية البشرية _ الموارد البشرية ... كل مايخدم أبناء وطننا الحبيب).
•  تخطيط وتفعيل الأنشطة التدريبية داخل الاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تخطيط وتفعيل الأنشطة الثقافية والاجتماعية .
•  توفير المجلات والنشرات والجرائد والكتب التى تعمل على زيادة مهارات الشباب والخريجين فى مجال الادارة _ التنمية البشرية _ الموارد البشرية...وكل المجالات التى تخص الشباب .
خامسا ً: أهداف تتعلق بتوكيد الجودة في الكلية :
•  وضع خطة إستراتيجية لاكاديمية Stratos والعمل على تطويرها بصفة مستمرة.
•  تقديم البرامج التدريبية بالجودة والكفاءة العالية التي تؤهل شباب الخريجين  من المنافسة في سوق العمل.
•  اعتماد مبدأ الجودة الشاملة في تقديم التدريب والعمل الإداري بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تطوير الهيكل التنظيمي والإداري للاكاديمية Stratos ليواكب النظم الإدارية الحديثة.
•  عمل دراسة ذاتية للاكاديمية Stratos في نهاية كل عام تدريبي ووضع الحلول لعلاج جوانب القصور وتقوية جوانب القوة.
•  تبني سياسة العمل الجماعي التعاوني مع تحديد المسئوليات والمهام، و مراعاة الاختصاصات  والتخصصات.
•  تقديم  توصيف حديث للوظائف التدريبية والإدارية باللاكاديمية Stratos يشمل: المهام والمسؤوليات والحقوق والسلطات.
•  إعداد خطط تنفيذية لمواجهة الكوارث والأزمات التي يمكن أن تواجهها الاكاديمية Stratos .
•  إعداد فريق لتقييم الاكاديمية Stratos  أول بأول.
•  تطوير أنظمة تقويم أداء المدربين والإداريين بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  تبني مفاهيم ومبادئ وأساليب الإدارة الحديثة في ممارسة الأنشطة التدريبية والإدارية باللاكاديمية Stratos .
•  تهيئة البرامج التدريبية باللاكاديمية Stratos للحصول على الاعتماد من جهات دولية وحكومية .
سادسا ً: أهداف تتعلق بخدمة المجتمع المحلي وتنمية البيئة المحيطة:
•  إشراك القطاع الخاص في توفير التجهيزات الأساسية للاكاديمية Stratos وتحديثها.
•  عمل دراسات استشرافية لتوجهات سوق العمل والتطور التقني ، لتحديد التخصصات التقنية اللازمة لسوق العمل المصرى وتحديد المهارات المعرفية والعملية اللازمة لكل تخصص، ورفع نسخة منها للاكاديمية Stratos.
•  فتح قنوات اتصال بين منسوبي الاكاديمية Stratos والمؤسسات الحكومية والأهلية ذات الصلة لتبادل الخبرات والمعلومات الحديثة .
•  تخطيط وتنفيذ بعض المقررات التدريبية بالتعاون مع أصحاب الشركات والمؤسسات.
•  قياس رضا اصحاب الشركات عن أداء خريجي الاكاديمية Stratos بصفة مستمرة، والإفادة من ذلك في تطوير برامج التدريب بالاكاديمية Stratos.
•  التوسع في تدريب موظفين  الجهات الحكومية والقطاع الخاص .
•  الإسهام في تحسين النظرة الاجتماعية والثقافية لدى الخريجين  في سوق العمل.
•  الإسهام الفعال في تطوير ,طلاب الجامعات وطلاب الثانوية والباحثين عن عمل من خلال تخطيط وتنفيذ برامج تدريبية تهدف الى توعيتهم بمجال العمل وإشباع رغبات سوق العمل من خلال الاكاديمية  Stratos .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق المكان به قاعات مجهزة ومدربين متخصصين فى علوم التنمية البشرية بالاضافة لاننا جاهزين لاى اقتراح منكم بما يفيد شباب الغربية خاصة وشباب مصر عامه

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لاقتناعنا وان مؤمنين بما تقدموه من توعية وخدمات للشباب فنريد ان نكون جزءا فى خدمتهم من خلالكم

Contact (1) Full Name
sameh helal
Job Title
The development of a human expert
Head of the organisation
sameh helal
Contact (2) Full Name
sameh helal
Job Title (2)
The development of a human expert

Lietuvos "Žinijos" draugija

National Network

Vilniaus g.22
01402 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+370600 22 530
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The society operates independently, providing residents of paid and free services, the use of various forms and methods in the following areas: Children's education, which includes pre-school age children aesthetic education school "Pippi school" courses graduates and language courses for students; Adult education, which includes language training, IT courses for adults, informal training and in-service training; Lectures activities (lectures popularization of science, culture, economics, political science, religious studies, etc. issues, science and culture days of the country; public meetings with cultural and artistic workers, evenings, holidays, etc.); Activity of clubs with the same interests; Exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, etc .; scientific and scientific-practical conferences, symposiums. At present, Lithuania "Žinija" Society employs 18 people. The annual budget - EUR 60 000
Mission and Objectives

To develop and maintain the Lithuanian population's need for self-education and lifelong learning.
Goals and Objectives
1. Provide assistance Lithuanian residents suffering from social exclusion.
1.1. Expand psychosocial support, social skills training and support, socio-cultural, social support and mediation services for the socially excluded.
2. Encourage informal and lifelong learning;
2.1. Organize events in various scientific, political, social and other topics, and participate in them;
2.2. Organize clubs with the same interests (economists, science fiction, women, public debates, artists, scientists, etc.) and to meet the needs of the association members and the interests of people living in the municipalities;
3. To promote the various fields of science achievements and successes, spread humanities and sciences, cultural and artistic achievements;
3.1. Organize lectures activities (lectures popularization of science, culture, economics, political science, religious studies, etc. issues, science and culture days of the country; public meetings with cultural and artistic figures, evenings, holidays, etc.);
3.2. Organize a range of knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge and promote the development and publishing of publications.
4. To co-ordinate the activities of members of the Society and to represent and defend the interests of the public members of the Society;
4.1. Establish and maintain contacts with Lithuanian state agencies and public organizations, associations and other organizations.
4.2. Cooperation in adult learning and development NGOs.
5. The new results-oriented training services models.
5.1. Increase the availability of training services, interactivity; personalize and tailor training to the specific individual needs;
5.2. Provide the necessary skills and knowledge to help bendruomeneii and citizens to address the challenges and take part in a social life;
5.3. Participate in addressing chronic unemployment, poverty, exclusion and other problems.

Main Projects / Activities

Children's education, which includes pre-school age children aesthetic education school "Pippi school" courses graduates and language courses for students;
Adult education, which includes language training, IT courses for adults, informal training and in-service training;
Lectures activities (lectures popularization of science, culture, economics, political science, religious studies, etc. issues, science and culture days of the country; public meetings with cultural and artistic workers, evenings, holidays, etc.);
Activity of clubs with the same interests;
Exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, etc .; scientific and scientific-practical conferences, symposiums.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lithuania serious lack of services to help the socially excluded - in rebuilding their social skills, motivation, drive, and so on. t. Therefore, 2014 / year 2015. Lithuanian period "Žinija Society is planning a psychosocial support, social skills training and support, socio-cultural, social support and mediation services development, thus creating conditions for the social integration of vulnerable persons and the return of social life. It is planned to receive a service person will actively seek social integration / rehabilitation (eg., Gydysis from addictions, will address housing issues, learn and so on.), Will be ready to participate in public life activities, looking for work or self-employment opportunities to reduce this dependence on personal social benefits and compensation. Improving the quality of service and efficiency, great attention is to be given a greater personalization of services, so that they better meet the situation of people receiving services and opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for cooperation opportunities for new partnerships and providing new knowledge and skills.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatjana Simaškienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tatjana Simaškienė

Ploksciai school- multifunctional centre

National Network

Mokyklos st. 4 Ploksciai
Ploksciai Sakiai District

+370 345 42772
Telephone (other)
+370 345 42768
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Ploksciai school- multifunctional centre is situated in the south-east of Lithuania. It's a kindergarden, comprehensive school and local community centre in one. There is also a library and a gym. The school is located in the middle of a nice small village. (population 1000) The students at school are from 3-17 years old. We have grades from 1-10. There are about 100 students. There are about 22 teachers. The staff and the students are friendly and motivated. We have also adult classes for community. We have folk groups for songs and dances, art club, sports classes, drama and etc.   The school- centre building has been rebuild in 2013. Now we have excellent modern facilities, classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards, ICT classroom and a modern gym with fitness equipment. We would like to use it not only for our local projects but for international ones as well.
Mission and Objectives

to provide kindergarden, primary and basic education and various evening courses for adults
- to be open to other cultures religions and traditions and to respect our language, culture, traditions and heritage
- to learn foreigner languages( English, Russian, German)
- to use ICT
- cummincation skills among various age groups- from young to elderly

Main Projects / Activities

- have experience in Erasmus+ projects; local and regional projects ( Creative Partnership, Non-smoking, Tolerance Day and etc.);
- we are actively involved in various social and national actions- Cake Day, Clean-up compaings, charity and etc. ;
- are motivated to take part in various local and international projects;
- we have great resources for various events (staff and equipment);
- we are surrounded by green environment and are interested in eco-friendly issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By publishing the information about the activities we are involved in.
By sharing experience, practical material and knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to present our school community to other organisations and to find partners for collobaration in various projects and events.  We are open for your ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dovile Kazakauskiene
Job Title
English teacher
Head of the organisation
Nijole Bitiniene
Contact (2) Full Name
Neringa Motiejaityte
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Lithuanian Cultural Centres Association

National Network

Barboros Radvilaitės str. 8
01124 Vilnius

+370 448 51981
+370 448 55743
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+370 687 30484
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
Association is non profit organization, uniting 140 cultural centers at Lithuania, managed by president, vice-president and a council of 10 it's members. Main recourses are: membership fee, projects funds. Main activities: projects (as "Enhancing the competitiveness of  cultural centers"), meetings of members, conferences, seminars, courses, learning activities for the employees of cultural centers, also it contains the work on preparing legislation for cultural centres, in cooperation with government institutions. Our local partners: The Ministry of Culture, Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre, universities, association of Lithuanian Museums, Lithuanian Librarians Association, The Union of Cultural workers; international: ENCC.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to unite Lithuanian cultural centres for seeking common aims in implementing cultural policy. The purposes of association - to unite the cultural centers and to represent them in order to seek common objectives and mutual cooperation;

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities: projects (as "Enhancing the competitiveness of  cultural centers"), meetings of members, conferences, seminars, courses, learning activities for the employees of cultural centers, also it contains the work on preparing legislation for cultural centres, in cooperation with government institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To spread ALF Network information to Lithuania cultural centres, to share best practice.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand a network of partners, to gain new experience, to find new financing sourses for association activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Romas Matulis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Romas Matulis
Contact (2) Full Name
Jurgita Aleknaviciene
Job Title (2)

Association of Lithuanian County Public Libraries (further AVBA)

National Network

Aušros al. 62

(8~41) 523750
(8~41) 523750
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association incorporates all five county libraries in major Lithuanian Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Šiauliai, and Vilnius cities. In accordance with an annual approved activity plan the AVBA runs meetings, workshops, and conferences for the representatives of member libraries. During the meetings the most important county library issues, problems and activities are discussed and solutions sought to.  The Association prepares joint statements and resolutions to current issues concerning their own and likewise other libraries. These activities facilitate access to employees, enable them to exchange experiences, to consult, to develop joint projects.
Mission and Objectives

The AVBA is a voluntary association of county public member libraries that are directly subject to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Its objectives are:
By cooperation to unite intellectual and financial resources of member libraries in order to facilitate solving relevant library running problems;
Represent and defend the interests of the county public libraries in Lithuanian and foreign institutions.
Coordination of activities performed with the framework of implementation to protect county public library rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Conference "The Library Partnership for development: experiences and opportunities" (2013).
Publication of  Lithuanian Public Libraries: Preserving, Creating, Cooperating (2012).
The International conference The Promotion of Cultural Heritage and New Challenges for the County Public Libraries (2012).

Contact (1) Full Name
Jolita Rimeikienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rūta Žirgulytė

Vilniaus Keistuoliu teatras

National Network

Laisves av. 60

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Vilniaus Keistuoliu teatras is first private theatre in Lithuania, which has been operating since 1989. Theatre has about 12 performances fo adluts and the same for children. An organization comprising the artistic and administrative staff, about 40 persons. Theatre's income consists of: most funds from tickets to the theatre and less to the projects from Lithuanian Cultural Council. Main partners are most popular daily in Lithuania "Lietuvos rytas", radio station "Radijocentras", other theatres, Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra and others.
Mission and Objectives

Our goals: show theatrical performances, organize concerts and creative evenings, build performance of lithuanian drama and world classics, to form the concept of theater for children and youth ranks. Theater builds and shows high-quality works of art.

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre has about 12 performances for adults, about 15 performances for children. also theatre goes to the festivals, shows performances abroad. Theatre organize educational activities for children and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simonas Keblas
Head of the organisation
Aidas Giniotis