Polish-Lithuanian Association of Tourism and Recreation

National Network

E.Plater 8
16-515 Punsk

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association was established in 2004. There is about 20 partners from Lithuania and Poland. Organization cowork with local gowerment, partners from Lithuania and Poland, make cross-border projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main goals of Association:
- support development of rural tourism
- support and promote the various forms of recreation
- support and assistance in the organization of active recreation in rural areas by social – cultural and economical activities
- Supporting and organizing activities in the field of amateur sport and unifying the integration of efficient and disabled people
- cultivate the cultural heritage of local environments
- promote youth mobility

Main Projects / Activities

During the twelve years of activity, Polish – Lithuanian Association of Tourism and Recreation ,,Neighbors” took part in many activities on local and international environment:
- Take part in Youth in Action projects and send young people to the projects abroad
- Organize local event (Tourism season opening, sport events, concerts)
- Organize Trainings, Exchanges and Camps for youth

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Will now we worked just with Polish - Lithuanian partners. Becouse organization has a lot of experience and new ideas, we want to join ALF Network and make important international projects with partners from other countries, especially from Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dalicja Szuszczewicz
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Dalicja Szuszczewicz

Traditional and historical ship` association (Lithuania)

National Network

Rusnė town, Skirvytėlės 9

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association for saving maritime heritage by keeping traditional and historical ships afloat and spreading the knoeledge of traditional maritime crafts. Budget is formed from member fees, sponsorship and local funds. Activity projects associated with sailing events and maritime festivals.
Mission and Objectives

Nourish the maritime heritage of Lithuania state by keeping ships and shipbuilding traditions alive.

Main Projects / Activities

As we are young organisation, first our bigger project was in 2014 - "Burpilis" regatte of traditional and historical sailing ships that lasted for three days in Curonian lagoon. Also, our member boats participated in yearly Sea festival in Klaipėda. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have made some contact with colleagues in Crotaia (Rijeka) with similar activities. There is a mutual wish to share the skills and the knowledge by visiting maritime heritage events in both countries (Lithuania and Croatia).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It would boost our connections with traditional shippers and sailors of Mediterranean region. Though it seems very far from the Baltics sea we have some cultural similarities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Romualdas Adomavičius
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Romualdas Adomavičius
Contact (2) Full Name
Simas Knapkis
Job Title (2)

Taurages Jovaru Pagrindine mokykla

National Network

Laisves 19
72305 Taurage

+370 446 72563
Telephone (other)
+370 446 72564
Mobile Phone
+370 685 51473
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Jovaru basic  school of Taurage is one of the schools in the district, which is located near the Russian-Lithuanian border. Because of  its geographical and geopolitical location the school specifies on safety of human development and citizenship development programs. There are 64 employees lead by the head teacher in this institution, which is funded from the municipality budget, but also supported by different funds and private sponsors. Budgetary resources available in a year make approximately 180.000 EUR. The school cooperates with different municipalities, local communities, focuses on partnership with other educational institutions of Lithuania and other countries.
Mission and Objectives

Main Aims of our School are:
1. To develop qualified educational programs and to adapt them  for the students with different needs.
2. By developing and promoting  active citizenship programs to raise active and responsible society,

Main Projects / Activities

The institution is focusing on developing projects based on two main aims  - active citizenship and development of educational processes. It promotes and establishes friendly relations with other schools locally and internationally.
In its past it has implemented School Improvement Program Plus "General education schools UPGRADING", Action "Darom" ; Participated as a partner in projects "Protect the environment and recycling waste" in "Week Without Bullying"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network as we are interested to make future projects with the countries form Mediterraian countries. That type of projets could to help get better understanding among people from different counties regardless of their educational, religious, historical experience. Our focus groups are young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Vitalija Jancauskiene
Job Title
Deputy Director of the Econimic Affairs
Head of the organisation
Algimantas Kaminskis


National Network

Kauno street 8

+ 370 64690334
+370 34063449
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
The organization is headed by a Director.  The Organization has 19 branches. A total of 66 workers from their work with 47 employees. Takes place in a wide variety of events, festivals, competitions, concerts, performances, educational programs for different age groups of people. In cooperation with schools, museums, libraries, and other non-governmental organizations.Budgeraty reources available in a year is 699931,01 Eur. Funding from the municipal Treasury, the State buget, Europian Union, Special programs.  
Mission and Objectives

To achieve that, the cultural center would become an attractive and  modern edge of human cultural development,  creative features of the mainstream, active, good District Community Center, which is acceptable for a variety of age groups and cultural needs of the population. To facilitate the dissemination of ethnic culture, promoting the old cultural traditions, customs, to ensure the availability of ethnic culture. Organize amateur art collectives, expression studies, activities of clubs open.
To Organize recreational, educational and other events.To organize the public leasure, important dates, calendar dates to mention. To organize the dissemination of professional art in the area. Take care of the children and youth employment.To create and give a State of the art and modern art forms of activity.To raise the qualifications of the employees.

Main Projects / Activities

The international drum and percussion in the Festival.
Amateur theatres and performans Chamber Festival "Camera Obscura "
Educational cultural program  A Cultural Thread "

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasa Graužinienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rasa Graužinienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Inga Kaselienė
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director

Klaipeda state music theatre

National Network

Danes st 19

+370 46 39 74 01
+370 46 41 05 51
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Klaipeda State Music Theatre is a budget institution which purpose is to organize professional scene art (stage plays, concerts and (or) other art programs) creation and public performance. Klaipeda State Music Theatre (Klaipeda, Lithuania) is the biggest professional art organization not only in Klaipeda, but in the entire region of West Lithuania. It employs 230 people: soloists, choir singers, ballet dancers, orchestra musicians, administration and the service personnel. The Theatre’s repertoire (www.klaipedosmuzikinis.lt) comprises operas, operettas, musicals, dance performances, plays for children and concerts; The institution organizes an international artistic and educational projects. Some of the most prominent include: international festival "Muzikinis rugpjūtis pajūryje" (The Musical August on the Seaside), “Jaunųjų talentų festivalis“ (Festival of Young Talents), international project “Jūros mūzos” (Muses of the Sea). Theatre is a member of European Network for Opera and Dance Education (RESEO). Theatre took part in Europian projects: ”South Baltic academy of independent theatre – a tool of social change”, under the South Baltic Programme 2007-2013, “Multicultural dialog – Multicultural theatres – strengthening social and cultural integration of border areas” under the Lithuania-Poland-Russia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013, and “International Theatre - joint cultural-workshops in the South Baltic region” under South Baltic Programme 2007-2013. Budgetary resources of the Theatre available in a year (2014) - 2184975 Eur. Sources of funding: State budget, income payments, support, lithuanian project funds and European Union funds. Theatre collaborates with variuos cultural, art and non formal education institutions in Klaipeda and West region of Lithuania. Partners of the Theatre in EU project's: Aleksander Sewruk’s Theatre in Elbląg (Poland), Dramatic Theatre in Kaliningrad (Russia), The Foundation Fotevikens Maritime Center (Sweden), Baltic artistic agency BART (Poland), Riksteatern Blekinge (Sweden).
Mission and Objectives

Main sphere of the Klaipeda state music theatre’s activities – professional scene art.
Goals of the Theatre’s activities:
1. By its own and in the Theatre working creative employees’ creative activity, to present the achievements of national musical culture on the highest level, to foster, to create and to develop the professional musical scene art culture and traditions, to perform classical and modern music and scene art pieces of Lithuanian composers and composers of foreign countries, to creatively feature world music culture values;
2. To create conditions for young and known music and scene art performers from Lithuania and all over the world, and their collectives to present their creations in art programs of the Theatre;
3. To participate in forming the music and scene art culture image of the country, to present music and scene art of Lithuania and other nations in Lithuania and abroad;
4. To rear, to form and to satisfy the social need in the culture of professional music and scene art, professional music theatre art.

Main Projects / Activities

When implementing its goals, the Theatre performs the following functions;
1. Organizes professional scene art creation and public performance, various art and culture events;
2. Carries out educational programs;
3. Performs on tour in the country and abroad, presenting professional scene art to the community;
4. Participates in the republican and international events, programs;
5. Creates and publically performs musical stage plays, other artistic programs;
6. Performs other functions stipulated in the legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Mažulytė
Job Title
Cultural projects manager
Head of the organisation
Ramūnas Kaubrys
Contact (2) Full Name
Edita Lubickaitė
Job Title (2)
Deputy director for art

Juozo ir Alfonso Keliuočių palikimo studijų centras

National Network

Nepriklausomybės aikštė 16

8 458 51502
8 458 52656
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
8 687 16104
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Asociacijos statusą turinti nevyriausybinė organizacija, kurioje yra 10 visuomeniniais pagrindais dirbančių narių. Aukščiausias organas- visuotinis narių susirinkimas, tarp jų- taryba.Organizacijai vadovauja pirmininkas. Struktūroje yra pirmininko pavaduotojas, finansininkas ir sekretorius. Partneriai- kultūros sektoriaus NVO, valstybinės įstaigos, savanoriai, savivaldybė. Metų biudžetas- 13680 € . Finansavimo šaltiniai- savivaldybės, valstybės, fondų, privačios ir kt. lėšos.Kultūrinės veiklos projektai teikiami į Lietuvos Kultūros ministerijos programas, leidybos projektai teikiami Spaudos, radijo ir TV rėmimo fonui, kiti- savivaldybei. Organizacija kasmet teikia Juozo Keliuočio literatūrinę premiją.
Mission and Objectives

1. Rengti ir realizuoti kultūrinius, švietėjiškus, kultūros paveldo projektus;
2. Aktyvinti pilietinės visuomenės , vietos bendruomenės kultūrinių iniciatyvų plėtrą.
3. Plėtoti kraštotyros veiklą, saugoti , identifikuoti, tyrinėti J. ir A. Keliuočių kūrybinį, memorialinį palikimą.
4. Vykdyti leidybinę veiklą. Leisti Rokiškio krašto kultūros žurnalą.
5. Bendradarbiauti su kraštiečiais, tyrinėti išeivijos lietuvių kūrybinį palikimą.
6. Skatinti kultūrinės veiklos savanorystę.
7. Organizuoti kultūrinio pobūdžio renginius,

Main Projects / Activities

Tęstinis leidybos projektas" Romuvos keliais" . Jo veiklose realizuojami krašto paveldo tyrinėjimai, užsienio lietuvių veiklos apžvalgos,rašytojo, Lietuvos žurnalistikos pradininko, kraštiečio Juozo Keliuočio gyvenimo , mokslo, kūrybos laukas Prancūzijoje. Projektas aktyvina tyrinėjimus ir informacijos paieškas apie pirmosios Lietuvos moters - rašytojos , rašiusios prancūzų kalba Sofijos Tyzenhauzaitės gyvenimo Nicoje faktus, ieškoti Prancūzijos bibliotekose kraštiečių Juozo Keliuočio ir Sofijos Tyzenhauzaitės kūrybos ir gyvenimo ženklų.
Projektas " Sėlių kultūra virtualioje erdvėje" Tęstinis, įgyvendinamas organizacijos internetiniame puslapyje www. keliuociucentras.rvb.lt . Tai JUozo ir Alfonso Keliuočių palikimo studijų centro veiklos sklaidos projektas.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Juozo ir Alfonso Keliuočių palikimo studijų centras galėtų tapti projektų partneriais, informuoti apie fondo bei tinklo veiklas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Norime tapti tinklo nariu, kad turėtume galimybę dalyvauti tarptautiniuose projektuose. Ypač domina ryšiai su Prancūzijos panašiomis organizacijomis, bibliotekomis, kuriose galėtume rasti Rokiškio krašto įžymių žmonių gyvenimo ir kūrybos pėdsakų. Sudomino tinklo veiklos kultūros sektoriuje, jau esančių tinklo narių projektinė patirtis. Siekiame ir lobistinių tikslų, ieškome finansavimo šaltinių projektų įgyvendinimui.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alicija Matiukienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alicija Matiukienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Viskaitienė
Job Title (2)
Pirmininko pavaduotoja

Samogitian museum ALKA

National Network

Muziejaus street 31
87357 Telšiai, Lithuania

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Youth and education
General Information

The museum history goes back to 1932 , when one of the most active initators decided to establish a society and  maintain a museum by their own means.On the 6th of October in 1938 the museum's new building was opened during an agricultural exhibition in Telšiai. The museumm gradually became one of the centres of Samogitian culture, although until 1939 it had only two employee: the director and a cleaner. Right now there are 41 paid employees. Budgetary resources available in a year - 1,410437,72 litas or 408404,11 euros.  

Mission and Objectives

Samogitian museum Alka has one of the most interesting collections of all the museums in Lithuania. There are more than 100,000 objects representing Samogitian culture of Lithuania. This museum represents collection of the heritage of the Samogitian estates, the historical- numismatics section, which holds written and printed documents, photgraphy. Furthermore, archeological findings includes such as stone hatchets, iron spearheads and bronze jewellery of early settlers. Valuable collection includes Samogitian folk sculptures, bas-reliefs, crosses, altars, chapels, iron crosses. Museum is housed in the building specially designed for museum exhibitions. There are 10 different sections, which provides different heritage of Samogitian culture and history in the museum Alka. A large gallery is composed for temporary and travelling exhibits. On the south-western bank of Lake Mastis lies a mini open-air museum of the Samogitian village. In an area of 8,5 ha, household utensils, agricultural implements and pieces of furniture from the end of the 19th-early 20th c. The exposition in the buildings reveals the daily life and environment of peasants of that period.

Main Projects / Activities

Museum presents a myriad of public programming including, performances, reading, concerts, lectures, special events and workshops throughout the year. It has special educational programs for children, students and adults. Alka museum serves students from secondary schools not only in whole Lithuania , but also in 2012 took care of international scout organization. For more than 2000 children were educated in mini open air museum of the Samogitian village. The mission of Samogitian Museum Alka acquires, preserves, exhibits and interprets its collections to educate the public about the arts, history, arecheology, folk art, the heritage of ethnic culture of Samogitian people of Lithuania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ajida Stančienė
Job Title
Museum guide
Head of the organisation
Elvyra Spudytė
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Šiaulių rajono savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka

National Network

Aušros alėja 21

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Others
General Information
Siauliai District Municipality Public Library (Šiaulių rajono svivaldybės viešoji biblioteka) is a budgetary institution owned by the Siauliai district municipality, which has legal personality, classification code 111105174, address: Vilniausg. 263, LT-76337 Siauliai. The rights and obligations of Siauliai district implements the municipal council. The library is a public legal person, registered in Lithuania's Registry, has a seal with the name and bank account of the Republic of Lithuania. The library is the beneficiary, acting in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Library is headed by a Director appointed and dismissed by the Municipal Council of the Republic of Lithuania Labour Code and other legal acts. Library has 53 employees. Main partners are Siauliai district municipality and Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. Biggest projects, in which participated: Libraries for innovation, Libraries for innovation 2.
Mission and Objectives

With library activities contribute to the information and knowledge society.

Collect, process, store and disseminate documented knowledge, ideas, promote continuous learning, knowledge renewal;

Install Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS) and provide free internet access library branches;

Effectively promote the role of the library and to represent its interests;

Maintain a high level of professional competence of the librarian, promote motivation activities.

Organize optimal access to library services for all District social groups;

Participate in a variety of library development programs, projects related to Library activity;

Organize and carry out cultural and educational events;

Libraries organize staff training, and other training and competency development activities;

Develop rural society and its members to open up world of information and knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promote the intercultural dialogue across Europe, find new partners, friends.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Find new partners, friends.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ingrida Klupšaitė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ingrida Klupšaitė


National Network

Bajoru km 6, Moletu raj
B.Dvariono 5, Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
Organization structure: one employee and about 15 partners (organizations and individuals) Sources of funding: support, project financing from the Fund programs Ways to action: projects, creative exchanges, plain-air workshops Key partners: JCI Vilnius, Interlux ltd ltd SEVIGA, individuals
Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives *
Good news movement in Lithuania and  world

Main Projects / Activities

Main project - "Good News" ( think, say, write, draw)
  creative exchanges, creative tourism, seminars

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by creative tourism

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Why do you want to connect to the network ALF?   promotion of the good news, positivity
To promout : Lithuania is a good news country

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva Guntyte
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daiva Guntyte

Vilniaus senamiesčio teatras, viešoji įstaiga

National Network

Naugarduko 20
03225 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Vilniaus Senamiesčio Teātra 1989 METAIS įkūrė Vilniaus Universiteto Kiemo teatro Steigėjas IR ilgametis VADOVAS Vladas Limantas. Universiteto teatras atgaivino seniausią Lietuvoje barokinio mokyklinio-universitetinio teatro tradicija. Mokyklinis-universitetinis teatras, gyvavęs XVI -XVII., Paruošė Dirva Vilniaus miesto Viešojo Teatro atsiradimui. 1995 m. Teatro branduoliu TAPO Vilniaus Universiteto studijas baigę aktoriai - lituanistai (Vlado Limanto IR Alges Savickaitės kursas), o TAIP paglostyti 1998 METAIS Prie their būrio prisijungė keletas Jono Vaitkaus aktoriaus - dainininko specialybės Kurso Studentų. NUO 1996 m. . Vilniaus Senamiesčio Teatrui vadovavo režisierius Valdas Pranulis, o NUO 2005 Metų teatrui vadovauja Laima Ašakaitė Teatro specifika - Akcijos IR vaidinimai netradicinėse erdvėse: gatvėse, aikštėse, bažnyčiose, pilyse, parkuose, gamtoje IR dešimt Kur mes esame esam arčiausiai žiūrovų. Teatras, kasmet dalyvauja tradicinėse Miesto šventėse, rengia humoristines gatvės akcijas, kurios į liečia skaudžias Socialines IR moralines Problemas. Vilniaus Senamiesčio Teatras garsėja gatvės akcijomis, kurios į daugiausia skiriamos žmonėms, who asylum vienų AR Kitu priežasčių Į Teātra Visai neateina Arba lankosi Labai retai. Tradicinis IR žinomiausias Senamiesčio teatro gatvės spektaklis - ". Beatliejus", aš Kuri kasmet renkasi miestiečiai IR svečiai Nuo aušros Vartų IKI KATEDROS aikštės lydėdami TRYS KARALIUS SU Jo imperatoriškosios didenybės svita Sausio 6 diena  Teatras vykdo Edukacinė veikla, atstovauja Vilniaus miestą tarptautiniuose festivaliuose Gatvės, Miesto šventėse uzsienyje, dalyvauja Gatvės reginių festivaliuose "Vilniaus dienos" ", Klaipėdos Jūros šventeje, Palangos sezono atidaryme IR uždaryme, Šiaulių festivalyje" Žuvys ", Vilniaus Muzikinio veiksmo festivalyje ir kt. Organizavo tarptautinius Gatvės Teatru festivalius "Teatras būti STOGO" 2004/5 METAIS, Vilniaus tarptautinį gatvės teatro festivali "Miraklis" 2007 METAIS IR, Jau tradiciniu tapusį, tarptautinį gatvės teatrų festivali "Mozaika" 2008/14 METAIS.   Daugiau www.senamiescioteatras.lt 
Mission and Objectives

Vilniaus miesto gatvės teatras - teatras Atviras idėjoms, Artimas žmonėms
Vilniaus miesto gatvės teatras - Lietuvos, Tarptautinių Teatro Renginių, festivalių Dalyvis, organizatorius, atstovaujantis Vilnių, Lietuva pagal šalies IR tarptautiniuose festivaliuose, propaguojantis, skleidžiantis Teatro idėjos vykdytojai.
Teatro, Viešosios įstaigos, Pagrindinis VEIKLOS TIKSLAS - tenkinti viešuosius interests, vykdant visuomenei NAUDINGA veikla.
Kiti "Teatro Tikslai Yra sie:
puoselėti, Kurto IR plėtoti Teatro tradicijas, formuoti IR pristatyti visuomenei Šiuolaikinio teatro tendencijas IR KRYPTIS, kūrybiškai perteikti Scenos meno kultūros vertybės;
sudaryti conditions talentingiems Lietuvos ir PASAULIO meno kūrėjams, kūrybiniams darbuotojams, atlikėjams dalyvauti Teatro kūrybinėje veikloje;
dalyvauti formuojant pagal šalies Scenos meno kultūros įvaizdį, pristatant UŽSIENIO šalyse NACIONALINIO Scenos meno kultūros pasiekimus;
plėtoti kultūros renginius, siekiant platesnio TARPTAUTINIO pripažinimo;
ugdyti, formuoti IR tenkinti Visuomenės poreikį . profesionaliajam menui Teatro
Teatras, įgyvendindamas Tikslus, atlieka SIAS funkcijas:
Kuria IR viešai atlieka spektaklius, kitas Literatūros, meno programs;
organizuoja ivairius Meno IR kultūros renginius (. koncertus, festivalius, konkursus, Kitu Menų programs, projektus IR PAN);
vykdo Švietimo IR ugdymo programs;
rengia gastroles šalyje IR uzsienyje;
dalyvauja pagal šalies IR tarptautiniuose renginiuose, programose, atstovaudamas IR pristatydamas Teatro meno kultūra;
atlieka funkcijas, nustatytas Teatro įstatuose IR kituose Teisės aktuose.

Main Projects / Activities

Teatro specifika - Akcijos IR vaidinimai netradicinėse erdvėse: gatvėse, aikštėse, bažnyčiose, pilyse, parkuose, gamtoje IR dešimt Kur mes esame esam arčiausiai žiūrovų. Teatras, kasmet dalyvauja tradicinėse Miesto šventėse, rengia humoristines gatvės akcijas, kurios į liečia skaudžias Socialines IR moralines Problemas. Vilniaus Senamiesčio Teatras garsėja gatvės akcijomis, kurios į daugiausia skiriamos žmonėms, who asylum vienų AR Kitu priežasčių Į Teātra Visai neateina Arba lankosi Labai retai. Tradicinis IR žinomiausias Senamiesčio teatro gatvės spektaklis - "Beatliejus", aš Kuri kasmet renkasi miestiečiai IR svečiai Nuo aušros Vartų IKI KATEDROS aikštės lydėdami TRYS KARALIUS SU Jo imperatoriškosios didenybės svita Sausio 6 diena.
Teatras vykdo Edukacinė veikla, atstovauja Vilniaus miestą tarptautiniuose festivaliuose Gatvės, Miesto šventėse uzsienyje, dalyvauja Gatvės reginių festivaliuose "Vilniaus dienos" ", Klaipėdos Jūros šventeje, Palangos sezono atidaryme IR uždaryme, Šiaulių festivalyje" Žuvys ", Vilniaus Muzikinio veiksmo festivalyje ir kt. Organizavo tarptautinius Gatvės Teatru festivalius "Teatras būti STOGO" 2004/5 METAIS, Vilniaus tarptautinį gatvės teatro festivali "Miraklis" 2007 METAIS IR, Jau tradiciniu tapusį, tarptautinį gatvės teatrų festivali "Mozaika" 2008/14 METAIS.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizuoti, vykdyti tarptautinius bendrus projektus, įgyvendinti iškeltus Tikslus, prisidėti kūrybiška veikla. Vistyti tarptautinį bendradarbiavimą, prisidėti patirtimi, įdėjomis. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tai corresponds Mūsų Tikslus, matome Perspektyva vystant tarptautinį bendradarbiavimą. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Laima Ašakaitė
Job Title
direktorė/ direktore
Head of the organisation
Laima Ašakaitė