Cartooning for Peace

National Network

12 cité Malesherbes 75009 Paris

01 40 23 24 03
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Laurence Lepetit, secrétaire générale: + 33 6 28 77 35 02
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Cartooning for Peace is an NGO under "Loi de 1901" French Law. There are four permanent employees in Paris headquarters. The annual budget is around 250 K€ The NGO is funded at 46% by private foundations; 18% by corporate sponsorship, 24 % is generated by incomes, and 12% is coming from private donors. Our activities are organised around three sectors: ➢ The support to endangered cartoonists worldwide ➢ Pedagogical project towards young peoples (Travelling exhibition, conference and workshops) ➢ Organisation of events and cartoons exhibition
Mission and Objectives

1/ Who we are
Cartooning for Peace is an international network of committed press cartoonists, who fight with humor for the respect of cultures and freedoms.
2/ Our history
Cartooning for Peace is an organization founded after an event and a meeting. The bloody reactions to the publication of the Mohammed cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten on September 30, 2005, led to the founding meeting of twelve cartoonists on October 16, 2006, gathered together by Kofi Annan, Nobel Peace Prize and United Nations Secretary General, and editorial cartoonist Plantu from French newspaper Le Monde, for a seminar on “unlearning intolerance”.
3/ Our commitment
Cartooning for Peace defends fundamental freedoms and democracy. Our organisation is particularly eager to exert freedom of expression as it is defined in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.

Main Projects / Activities

Cartooning for Peace allows cartoonists to interact with each other and to confront their different ideological opinions. Our network provides visibility and support for those who are unable to work freely or whose freedom is threatened.
Cartooning for Peace uses the educational value of press cartoon to denounce intolerances. Our organization gives young people a voice and raises their awareness on major societal problems.
Cartooning for Peace brings press cartoon closer to the public. We organize meetings between cartoonists and a large audience, and set up thematic exhibitions showing a critical look of society. We also publish press cartoons, in paper or digital form.
Cartooning for Peace is a tool serving freedom of expression: a forum and a meeting place for all those who challenge intolerance and all forms of dogmatism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cartooning for Peace is an international network of cartoonists with a strong presence in Mediterranean countries.
We have done many exhibitions treating Mediterranean subjects as for examples:
➢ Rencontre des dessinateurs du Maghreb, Foire du Livre de Tunis (Tunis, 2013).
➢ « Les révolutions arabes », L’Ecole de la 2ème chance (Marseille 2012)
➢ « Les relations entre la Turquie et l’Union européenne à travers le dessin de presse », (Istanbul, Paris, Bruxelles, 2012).
➢  « Dessins de presse en Méditerranée »  Maison des Métallos (Paris 2012)
➢ « Dessine moi la paix en Méditerranée », Hôtel de Région (Marseille, 2009)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF network in order  to further contribute to the building of a sustainable Mediterranean area of ​​peace, development and solidarity.
As a NGO with a cross over mandates on culture, medias and education, we are eager to create further partnerships with others NGOS with similar mandates within the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurence Lepetit
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Jean Plantu
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Moyersoen

Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion

National Network

361 Avenue du President Wilson
93211 Saint Denis

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
FACE is an international non-profit foundation based in Paris, France. Its core objective is to fight against any form of exclusion, poverty and discrimination faced by vulnerable communities and minorities. FACE is a network of 4,750 companies which in the framework of their social engagement, cooperate with the actions that our foundation carry on. FACE is also an umbrella organization with 47 structures all over the French territory and abroad, which make the number of staff employed sum up to 250. In 2013, the budgetary sources available for the activities of the foundation (national level) were 4M €. The principle sources of funding for our activities come from public institution e.g. ministries, national agencies, European institutions, etc., private organizations, and recently crowdfunding. The modalities of action of our foundation range from concrete project to seminars/formation on specific themes, workshops. The main partners involved with our activities are public actors like European Commission, ministries, etc., private organizations like Orange, Carrefour, Axa, Sodexo, into others, and European NGO's that share our mission.
Mission and Objectives

FACE missions are:

- Promote the social engagement of companies in the territory   
- Facilitate the implementation of corporate social responsibility of companies.
- Develop social innovation from the companies.
- Affirm the central place held by responsible companies.

In line with its mission, the core objectives of the foundation are: prevent and fight against any form of exclusion, discrimination and poverty at the workplace, education, consumption, health services, housing, and citizenship, among others, by innovating and experimenting local actions for a better harmonious development of the territories, and for the benefit of the society.

Main Projects / Activities

As a public utility foundation, FACE inform, raise awareness, prevent, train, accompany, advise, organize, facilitate, in order to reverse the front lines of exclusion, discriminations, and poverty.
The domains of activities of the Foundation are:
- In companies: consulting, training, audit, accompaniment;
- For the employment: sponsorship, integration, training, and forum;
- At the school: discovery of the corporate world, support, guidance;
- On daily basis: energy management, personal finance education, rights access;
- With local stakeholders: patronage, local animation, integration through economic activity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

FACE Foundation can contribute to the network by spilling over the experience gained throughout the years working in the fields of discrimination, exclusion and poverty. Its network of 63 local structures will help the ALF Network to touch a larger number of territories and to promote its actions among other local organizations. The large number of FACE partner companies will also contribute to the activities carried on by the Network by involving them in the development of social innovation at a national and local level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For the last years, FACE Foundation has been integrating different international networks in order to promote the exchange of practices, experiences, and actions in the field of social innovation. To join the ALF Network can be an opportunity to cooperate with other national organizations to promote integration and equality in the french society. Also, the ALF Network could be a funding source due to the equal target groups and similar activities carried on while looking for a more homogenious society and world. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Adeline Dailliet
Head of the organisation
Vincent Baholet

Omega -transcultural Centre for mental and physical health and integration

National Network

Albert Schweitzer Gasse 22
8020 Graz

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
Omega- transcultural Centre is an association with a Board of Members who have appointed a managing director who is incharge of the ongoing activities. Currently there are 33 staff members,3 consultants and 7 honorary workers. The yearly budget is between 1,2 and 1,5 million Euros. The main sources opf funding are the city council, state government,ministries and the EU. The main activities are counselling  and support for refugees and migrants, therapeutical support, interpreter services, language courses as well as mobile work in refugee shelters. The main partners are stake holders at a local political level, refugee office, Caritas, Diakonie, shelter workers, NGO's working in related fields etc.
Mission and Objectives

Omega - transcultural Centre for mental and physical health and integration was grounded in the year 1995 and began its work in the field of mental and physical health care and integration measures for refugees and other immigrants. Omega Health Care Centre was renamed in 2009 and is now called Omega – transcultural Centre for mental and physical health and integration. Omega is a non governmental, politically independent and non-profit organisation whose main objective is to provide care, assistance and treatment using a family oriented approach for persons who are victims of Violence as well as Human Rights Violations.
Omega is a provider of medical, psychological and social counselling, as well as a treatment centre for refugees and other victims of violence. Community based psychosocial programmes for children, adolescents and women are a vital part of the services that are being offered by Omega.
The main mission of the organization is to bridge the gap between refugees and migrants who are new in the country and the existing mainstream services. Very often such persons do not have sufficient information and support in order to use mainstream services. An important aspect is also to carry out lobbying activities in order to influence public opinion regarding the needs of refugees and migrants.

Main Projects / Activities

Current Projects:
Medical, psychological, psychiatric psychotherapeutic and psychosocial counselling and treatment
Open counselling
Psychiatric-social counselling
Counselling in the mother tongue
Interpreter services
Social Work
Integration assistance
Mobile services
Crisis intervention
Specific projects concerning migration and health, community and integration, improving language skills of migrants in order to enhance chances of employment, training multipliers in the areas of violence prevention and women's health, sport activities for young refugees etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Omega has gathered a considerable amount of experience and know how in the work with refugees and migrants. The activities are broad and very often based on a good cooperation with members of local networks. Omega can contribute to the network in various ways.

providing expertise in the areas of intercultural competency

Exchange of knowledge as well as good practice


providing access to networks

offering seminars and training

participating in information campaigns and public awareness raising activities

participating in surveys and research activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ever since we came to know ot the ALF, we have been gathering information about its work and as a human rights organization working with refugees and migrants, we are often confronted with the need to find a broader base on a national level in order to discuss common needs and problems as well as find solutions which are valid for all. The work that Omega is carrying out is important but is mostly active only at a local level. Thus much of the work is not transparent. Further, belonging to a large network at a national level  is of advantage to small organizations like ours. It is possible to develop wider perspectives and be innovative with ideas and solutions. There are many more possiblities to benefit from the expereinces made by others in the network.Experience has shown that being a part of a national network can influence policy making more easily than individual organizations. We think that we can contribute to the network as well as benefit from being a part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. med. Emir Kuljuh
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Edwin Benko
Contact (2) Full Name
Usha Sundaresan M.A
Job Title (2)
Social Manager

Associação Check-IN - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento

National Network

Rua Campo de Tiro, nº14
7800-256 Beja

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Check-IN is a non-profit organization, and works in close cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in everyday quality improvement activities. Check-IN was created in 9 of April 2010. 
Mission and Objectives

The aim of Check-IN Organisation is to be a resource of information, training and access to lifelong learning opportunities for young and adult people in order to promote: social and communitarian integration; education and cooperation for sustainable development; personal competencies, interpersonal and social development; active citizenship; the respect for human rights;  gender equality;  tolerance, intercultural dialogue and solidarity between the peoples, among others.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve its aims, the association organises activities at local, national and international level, including national and international workshops, seminars, activity buildings and training courses (some of them within the Youth in Action Programme) as well as volunteering activities (ex: european voluntary service, national volunteering), international traineeships (ex: Leonardo da Vinci), etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can support the network with the quality and professionalism of our Staff, which are a group of dynamic and motivated people, with exceptional organizational and customer service skills. We can develop some activities and to promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and Latina American Countries. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of one of the best Network of intercultural dialogue. Now, Check-In is ready to be part and envolve in activities about Intercultural diaologue in Portugal and in Europe. We know some member association is inside of the ALF network and we'll like to be participate with them inside of network.

Contact (1) Full Name
António Isidro dos Santos Gomes
Job Title
Head of the organisation
António Gomes
Contact (2) Full Name
Sérgio Gonçalves
Job Title (2)
Youth Worker


National Network

résidence amina,lot hassnia, n 32, gueliz, Marrakech
40000 Marrakech

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I'm a doctor in anesthesiology and intensive care. I work in high school university of médecin in Marrakech.i'm ingesting to abrobat with you
Mission and Objectives

Work with you to develop the education, humain democracy and environment in the word and specially in Morocco.

Main Projects / Activities

Develop education and human democracy
contributed to protect environment

Contact (1) Full Name
abou el Hassan taoufik
Job Title
prof agrégé en medecine
Head of the organisation

Col-lectiu Mediterrani

National Network

Avenida Aguilera,52
03006 Alicante

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Col-lectiu Mediterrani is a non-profit cultural association born in Alicante in July 2013, and its five creator members have their addresses in Alicante (Spain). The association has its own legal status, the total capacity to administrate and make use of its properties and comply with the purposes they target. The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association, built in by all members as an inalienable right and with absolute equality, which adopts its agreements by the majority rule or internal democracy. The representative body is formed by the Board of Directors: President, Secretary, Treasurer and members. In September 2014, sponsored by the Cultural Area of the Alicante city council, the presentation of Col-lectiu Mediterrani was carried out in the Municipal Art Center of Alicante, with the participation of artists from Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Libya, Turkey, Syria and Serbia. COL-LECTIU MEDITERRANI Javier Pastor President
Mission and Objectives

Its general objectives are to establish “bridges” that benefit the intercultural dialogue between different Mediterranean nations, carrying a message of coexistence and social, cultural and spiritual interrelation through the artistic activity.
The main objectives are: the carrying out of collective exhibitions of various Mediterranean countries in Alicante, making it possible to bring it to other countries. The dissemination and promotion of all art which is developed in the Mediterranean area. The development of seminars, talks and workshops in which the Mediterranean art meet together. We contemplate the creation of a Biennial International Mediterranean Art in Alicante. The idea is to show and make aware society the need and possibility of living peacefully among nations without giving up the different cultural ways of understanding life.

Main Projects / Activities

The main objectives are: the carrying out of collective exhibitions of various Mediterranean countries in Alicante, making it possible to bring it to other countries. The dissemination and promotion of all art which is developed in the Mediterranean area. The development of seminars, talks and workshops in which the Mediterranean art meet together. We contemplate the creation of a Biennial International Mediterranean Art in Alicante. The idea is to show and make aware society the need and possibility of living peacefully among nations without giving up the different cultural ways of understanding life.

Contact (1) Full Name
javier pastor
Head of the organisation
Asociacion Cultural

Educational Forum Association

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
About Us: Educational Forum Association, a Palestinian non-profit charity, was founded in 2003 in the Gaza Strip, operating under the law of charities and bodies Palestinian civil No. (1) for the year 2000 and its implementing regulations, and its activities in the fields of educational work, cultural, scientific and social charity.
Mission and Objectives

Association Education Forum is an association of civil independent, non-profit organization that aims to enhance the educational process in the Gaza Strip for community empowerment Palestinian through capacity-building programs and the promotion of culture and empowering children and young people, and is committed to the Assembly during the realization of the vision of the principles of human rights, which include justice, equality and transparency, tolerance, respect and non-discrimination participation and empowerment of marginalized groups.
1-contribute to raising the level of education in Palestine.
2- to provide advice and expertise to students, graduates and teachers.
3- to provide material support to students and graduates needy Palestinians.
4- to assist in the alleviation of poverty and unemployment and its negative
     repercussions on society as a whole and the student    And graduate Palestinian  in particular.

Main Projects / Activities

The local Youth Council to encourage young people to exercise local Government ensure that university students are poor written makes my future to encourage young people to read training and operation of graduates unemployed business initiatives (projects) and many important activities and projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the implementation of joint projects and activities and the constant communication with the network partner institutions are urged to cooperate in achieving the objectives of the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
akram hassan hashem
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
wajdi jouda

Udruga mladih ENTER

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića 1
72250 Vitez
Bosnia & Herzegovina

063 335 334
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Udruga od svog osnivanja 2005 godine okuplja veliki broj mladih ljudi sa cijele teritorije općine Vitez ali i iz susjedih općina. Udruga nema stalno zaposlene osobe a većinu adiministrativnih abveza obavlja Direktor udruge. Trenutno Udruga ima preko 50 aktivnih članova koji djeluju kao volonteri na akcijama koje udruga organizuje. Udruga se finansira potporama od strane Općine i Županije. Najznačajnija aktivnost koja se sprovodi u kontinuitetu jesu dramski programi tako da je najveći proj realizovanih aktivnosti proveden upravo kroz ovu oblast, kroz Gradsko Kazalište Mladih. Najčešći partneri  GKM-a su DIS Pozorište mladih Banja Luka i MTM 1974 Mostar. 
Mission and Objectives

Misija Udruge mladih "Enter" je poboljšanje kvalitete života mladih, aktivno uključenje mladih u sve aspekte života zajednice i prepoznavanje mladih kao prioriteta, te edukacija i pomoć mladima u usvajanju novih znanja, njihovom osposobljavanju, odnosno razvijanju njihovih kreativnih vještina. 
Vizija Udruge mladih "Enter" je stvaranje društva i sredine u čijoj izgradnji i donošenju odluka aktivno sudjeluju mladi ljudi i gdje su njihovi interesi zadovoljeni. 
- okupljanje, edukacija te poticanje i  razvijanje kreativnosti mladih
- podizanje svijesti o nužnosti očuvanja životne sredine
- suradnja sa drugim sličnim udrugama i organizacijama u zemlji i inostranstvu

Main Projects / Activities

- Kursevi jezika i računara
- Kreativne radionice 
- Sekcija dramskog stvaralaštva kroz Gradsko kazalište mladih
- Priprema i izvođenje kazališnih predstava za za djecu i mladež 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Želja nam je uključenjem u mrežu učimo od iskusnijih ali i da podjelimo znanja koja smo mi do sada stekli.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

U ALF želimo da se uključimo kako bi smo proširili kroz potencijalnih partnera na projektima te kako bi smo također na osnovu tih partnerstava povećali dijapazon svojih aktivnosti.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Sajević
Job Title
Director of organization
Head of the organisation
Ivan Sajević

Alexandria Human Resources Association

National Network

33 Fowzy Mooaz . Smouha

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
AHRA. Alexandria Human Resources Association is a non-profit organization established to meet the needs of workers in this profession and the various stakeholders associated with. AHRA Slogan is " Networking for Practice, Progress and Prosperity. AHRA set itself clear objectives to ensure its success, including:- • provide consciousness of the real role of HR profession and how to maximize benefits to spread the social awareness of the profession and its vital importance. • Reunion of all HR professionals and personnel affairs for exchanging experience and opinions about mutually important topics and to formulate specialized HR pool. • Organize  regular meetings and invite specialists and HR Experts to train members on the  advancement and progress of human resources strategies • Providing  technical human resources consultation for individuals and companies to answer controversial inquiries related to the field • Coordination between the companies and entities dealing with human resource managers (training providers, companies that provide services to employees of companies such as health-care companies, insurance, and Mobile, hotels, etc. • The representation of the human resources profession and personnel affairs of Alexandria • Provide training courses with nominal prices suitable for fresh graduates to prepare them to join the job market through accredited programs and certification from AHRA • Prepare periodical reports on the labor market and hot HR topics that is most important to HR professional such as ; wages and salaries evolution, induced laws, strikes and turmoil..etc • Provide specialized workshops in cooperation with experts from social insurance authority, manpower authority and income taxes to  provide accurate information necessary for members regarding various legal issues • Support university undergraduate students in obtaining internship at companies and achieve benefits for both parties
Mission and Objectives

AHRA. Alexandria Human Resources Association is a non-profit organization established to meet the needs of workers in this profession and the various stakeholders associated with. AHRA Slogan is " Networking for Practice, Progress and Prosperity. AHRA set itself clear objectives to ensure its success, including:-
• provide consciousness of the real role of HR profession and how to maximize benefits to spread the social awareness of the profession and its vital importance.
• Reunion of all HR professionals and personnel affairs for exchanging experience and opinions about mutually important topics and to formulate specialized HR pool.
• Organize  regular meetings and invite specialists and HR Experts to train members on the  advancement and progress of human resources strategies
• Providing  technical human resources consultation for individuals and companies to answer controversial inquiries related to the field
• Coordination between the companies and entities dealing with human resource managers (training providers, companies that provide services to employees of companies such as health-care companies, insurance, and Mobile, hotels, etc.
• The representation of the human resources profession and personnel affairs of Alexandria
• Provide training courses with nominal prices suitable for fresh graduates to prepare them to join the job market through accredited programs and certification from AHRA
• Prepare periodical reports on the labor market and hot HR topics that is most important to HR professional such as ; wages and salaries evolution, induced laws, strikes and turmoil..etc
• Provide specialized workshops in cooperation with experts from social insurance authority, manpower authority and income taxes to  provide accurate information necessary for members regarding various legal issues
• Support university undergraduate students in obtaining internship at companies and achieve benefits for both parties

Main Projects / Activities

AHRA. Alexandria Human Resources Association is a non-profit organization established to meet the needs of workers in this profession and the various stakeholders associated with. AHRA Slogan is " Networking for Practice, Progress and Prosperity. AHRA set itself clear objectives to ensure its success, including:-
• provide consciousness of the real role of HR profession and how to maximize benefits to spread the social awareness of the profession and its vital importance.
• Reunion of all HR professionals and personnel affairs for exchanging experience and opinions about mutually important topics and to formulate specialized HR pool.
• Organize  regular meetings and invite specialists and HR Experts to train members on the  advancement and progress of human resources strategies
• Providing  technical human resources consultation for individuals and companies to answer controversial inquiries related to the field
• Coordination between the companies and entities dealing with human resource managers (training providers, companies that provide services to employees of companies such as health-care companies, insurance, and Mobile, hotels, etc.
• The representation of the human resources profession and personnel affairs of Alexandria
• Provide training courses with nominal prices suitable for fresh graduates to prepare them to join the job market through accredited programs and certification from AHRA
• Prepare periodical reports on the labor market and hot HR topics that is most important to HR professional such as ; wages and salaries evolution, induced laws, strikes and turmoil..etc
• Provide specialized workshops in cooperation with experts from social insurance authority, manpower authority and income taxes to  provide accurate information necessary for members regarding various legal issues
• Support university undergraduate students in obtaining internship at companies and achieve benefits for both parties

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Make worlwide networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed El Derwy
Job Title
AHRA Chairman
Head of the organisation
Mohamed El Derwy

Mas'Arts association

National Network

Appt N6, IM D32, Mansour 3
50000 Meknes

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L’association Mas’arts d’ arts plastiques, est une jeune association d’artistes visuels et de professeurs d’arts et d’autres membres de la société civile, fondée sur des liens d’amitié tissés entre ses membres, elle vise principalement à créer des espaces interactifs entre les jeunes à travers des ateliers et des chantiers. Cette entreprise s’inscrit dans le cadre d’échange culturel et de formation de la jeunesse afin de contribuer à la promotion et le développement de l’art dans la ville de Meknès, siège de l’association ‘aussi bien que dans les autres villes du Maroc.
Mission and Objectives

Créer une dynamique artistique au sein de la ville de Meknès et les autres villes du Maroc.
Encourager la créativité, promouvoir les arts visuels.
Favoriser la dynamisation de la création plastique, en s’ouvrant sur les diverses expériences artistiques.
Créer un espace ouvert et donc susceptible d’accueillir les diverses expériences artistiques.
Mettre en valeur les qualités et les compétences créatives chez les jeunes.
Encourager toutes formes de valeur positive tel que le travail volontaire et solidaire.
Organiser des événements artistiques et culturels (Rencontres professionnelles, expositions, conférences,
Coopérer et signer des partenariats avec toutes les fondations et les institutions, qui partagent avec
l’association Mas’arts les mêmes buts et intérêts.

Main Projects / Activities

L'association Mas'Arts organise chaque année un événement très special intitulé : "Festival du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour" de Meknès, il s’agit d’un événement de rencontre entre le public jeune et les grands noms de la caricature et dessinateurs de presse au Maroc. Le festival s'articule autour de 4 axes principaux : Exposition de dessinateurs caricaturistes, conférences, ateliers et workshops pour les lycéens et étudiants, et concours de la meilleure caricature jeunes talents. Le festival se propose d’être un espace ouvert et fertile d’échange d’expériences et de communication positive entre les acteurs du domaine de l’art en général, du dessin d’humour et de presse en particulier.
L’événement se veut également un vecteur de promotion d’un genre de dessin qui ne cesse de s’imposer dans l’espace public et susciter tant de controverses et de débats houleux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Saadani
Job Title
Président, fondateur
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Adnane Jabir
Job Title (2)