Zavod Global - Institute for Global Learning and Projects Development

National Network

Nova pot 72
1351 Brezovica

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Zavod Global (Global Institute) was established in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2010 to address issues of global learning, intercultural education and development.  The Global Institute’s role is to attempt to provide an alternative non-Eurocentric perspective to issues dealt with in the field of global learning. The purpose of the Institute is to bring together better understanding of people in Slovenia/Europe with people in the Global South. The Institute has a 3 member Council, a Director and as of December 31st, 2014, 5 employees. It is a member of the SLOGA NGO platform and collaborates very strongly with partners like Zavod Voluntariat and Društvo Baobab. Since its inception Global Institute has implemented about 25 projects funded by the Slovenian Government, Municipalities of Ljubljana and Škofja Loka and the European Social Fund. Currently, we are implementing a social-business project Skuhna for which most of the funding is now generated out of the business.    
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Global Institute Slovenia is to channel, exchange and provide quality information on the global South (Africa, Asia, South and Central America) to the Slovenian and European space with migrants themselves being at the forefront. We strive for equal opportunities and participation in Slovenian/European society of migrant communities taking into account their specific knowledge and skills.
All the activities of Global Institute Slovenia are geared towards the empowerment of migrant society in Slovenia from the Global South. From our strong links with migrants (facilitated by the fact that the organization was founded by a migrant), we came to the conclusion that  they face immense difficulties in entering the labor market, as they often do not know the language, cultural specifics, and do not have  a wide social network. Some of them are not aware of their basic labour rights and their skills and knowledge goes unrecognized. They are also victims of institutional or covert racism.
Our activities are hence geared towards  integrating migrants into the labour market while at the same time spreading more balanced information about non-Western cultures. This is why we strive to create a space for action-oriented global citizens with strong critical thinking abilities

Main Projects / Activities

1. Skuhna – World Cuisine the Slovenian Way
Skuhna is a social business model project aimed at increasing the employability and employment of migrants from the Global South via culinary activities. Skuhna is a 3 year project ending in 2015 funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Labour and the European Social Fund.
In the context of the project Skuhna, we generate 3 direct income activities:
Culinary workshops, restaurant, and intercultural catering.
We empower migrants and refugees from the Global South by creating jobs and working opportunities for them. We currently employ 4 immigrants or refugees in our activities and offer contractual employment to at least 10 others.
The general public in Slovenia has a chance to “travel” and “discover secrets” of the world without ever actually leaving Slovenia. They widen their horizons with quality information about other cultures, which is a step in the right direction to a more just and tolerant society.
Through the project Skuhna we are addressing various challenges:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As the Global Institute is strong in the fields of global education, especially  intercultural education and migration, we believe we can contribute by sharing best practises with other NGOs and also through awareness-raising campaigns  and  research initiatives. These are all conditioned by the needs of the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe the network will provide us with a platform to reach a wider audience while also being an umbrella though which we can together address common issues - which are many. We would also like to benefit through sharing from members of the network who have for long years been doing great work

Contact (1) Full Name
Max Zimani
Job Title
Programme Director
Head of the organisation
Teja Kuk
Contact (2) Full Name
Teja Kuk
Job Title (2)

Mythos ry

National Network

Humanistinen tiedekunta Uskontotiede PL 59
Humanistinen tiedekunta Uskontotiede Unioninkatu 38E
Helsingin yliopisto

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mythos ry. (registered association) is a student organisation for people interested and associated with Study of Religions. Majority of our members are students. Our organization comprises of 5-15 members of board, that are elected once a year in a general meeting, and of varying committees assigned for specific projects. We employ no staff and are working with a minimum budget that depends on the activities of the year. Our funding source is grant-based and our main funder is HYY ry, who supplies us with an annual budget of about 600€. Besides that HYY and University of Helsinki provide us with small grants based on specific projects. We cooperate with student organisations concentrated on Cultural Studies such as Kulo ry, Nefa ry and other Study of Religions organizations [mainly SUS ry, TYT ry, Nirvana ry and Gnosis ry] on regular basis. Mythos holds seminars, publishes a magazine, holds a yearly course and has cultural programs. We also make annual trips with members in order to create international networks.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Mythos is to assemble people interested in Study of Religions in activities that relate to the field and enhance our understanding and future professional abilities. It is also within our main priorities to promote the good quality of Study of Religions and to give people possibilities to network beyond discipline and land barriers.  As a student organization we also find it important to maintain and promote the health and wellbeing of our members.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects include seminars on matters of interest in Study of Religions that we hold four times a year, magazine concentrated on Study of Religions and associated subjects (Mynthos), an annual course handling religious diversity, cultural excursions, recreative evenings and networking through different means (for example joint meals, travelling and joint activities). We also have many activities that change on yearly basis, for example last year we cooperated with Helinä Rautavaara museum and held a seminar and guidings with them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be interested in joint working, for example in joint seminars especially dealing with religions and intercultural relations. We also have willing and able volunteers to help with your  projects. If of interest we could also organise training for members of ALF network on religions.
Right now we are planning a journey to Bosnia-Herzegovina in autumn 2015 and would be very interested in working with the local Anna Lindh network and its members. Our theme for the journey is religious coexistence and cooperation as well as the religious landscape of Balkan area. We would be happy to create bonds and networks between Anna Lindh network in Bosnia and our Finnish network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see ALF as a wonderful opportunity for networking and learning through each other. We are also interested in the training ALF Networks may organise. The members of Mythos are very keen on intercultural relations and understanding of human culture(s). As a small student organisation we also find it very important to reach out to others and be more society than university centered. We find that the Finnish ALF Network has accomplished a lot;  for example the reports the Finnish ALF Network has produced are of interest to us and we would like to be a part of something that educates our society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emma Komulainen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emma Komulainen

Carrefour d'initiatives de communication, d'information et de documentation

National Network

Appt. 1 im.2 rue safsaf hay zaza
30050 Fès

212 535607619
212 535607619
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
212 661493107
Mobile Phone (other)
212 661446310
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Carrefour dinitiatives de communication, d'information et de documentation connu sous l'abréviation de CICID est un réseau national regroupant plus de cent associations. Le réseau est dirigé par un bureau excécutif et un conseil administratif. l'assemblée générale se tient tous les deux ans. le réseau emploie entre deux et trois emplyées à plein temps. d'autres personnes sont employées à temps partiel. les ressources dospnovles varient selon les projets en cours financés par des oeganismes nationales et internationales. les partenaires impliqués sont les associations membres du réseau et des institutions nationales.  
Mission and Objectives

CICID vise l'instauration et la promotion de la culture des droits de l'Homme , ainsi que la lutte contre la corruption et l'inégalité de sexes. Depuis quatre ans, le réseau a ciblé le  développement du milieu rural et en particulier l'émancipation de la femme rurale. La démocratie et la chose publique font partie des activités du réseau.

Main Projects / Activities

- Décrochage scolaire
- Démocratie dans le milieu rural
- Plaidoyer
- Formations de consolidation
- Sensibilisation 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Renforcement du réseau au maroc, particiation des ressources humaines dans les activités du réseau. Nous avons des objectifs communs qui peuvent se renforcer par notre adhésion au réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tout réseautage constitue une force capable de participer au changement positif avec une pression plus efficace.

Contact (1) Full Name
chihab Mohammed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chihab Mohammed
Contact (2) Full Name
Hinda Bouddane
Job Title (2)
secrétaire générale

حقوق المراءة

National Network

شارع الجيش طموة الجيزة

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
العمل على رجوع حقوق المراة من حيث المراة المطلقة او المراءة المعيلة او الارمله من حيث تعليمها او توظيفها او لو كانت هناك مشكلة قضائية
Mission and Objectives

لا يوجد منظمة ولكن اقوم بالعمل بنفسى

Main Projects / Activities

هناك الكثير وساقوم بعمل صورة ضوئية من المستندات الداله على المساعدات التى قمت بها

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ساقوم باى عمل تندبه لى المؤسسه فى بلدى

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لانها منظمة مرتبه وقد قرات عن اعمالها ومقترحاتها ونجاحها فى برامجها فى كل البلدان واحب ان اكون من ضمن هذه المنظمة الرائدة

Contact (1) Full Name
رباب عبدالله رسمى محمد
Job Title
Head of the organisation
رباب عبدالله رسمى

Inaash Association

National Network

Ras Beirut, Sidani street, Bikhazi and Charif Bldg.
Beirut 2030

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
10 Board Members 80 General Assembly members 20 full time employees  
Mission and Objectives

​Inaash Association for the Development of the Palestinian Camps works to preserve the cultural heritage of the Palestinians through the finest quality embroidery as well as is an income generating project for the women in the refugee camps of Lebanon.

Main Projects / Activities

Income generating projects for women
International exhibitions for high end artisan
Kindergarten and afterschool  youth activities 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a well established NGO since 1969, founded by the daughter of the first Lebanese president. Have a network within Lebanon, regionally, and internationally. We bring expertise in the finest artisan embroidery  and marketing.  Our sustainability for over 40 years in  volatile Lebanon and the region and  continous working with the refugee community while  providing our beneficieries  with income consistently. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We welcome affiliation with such a reputable international organization that may help us with our strategy and sustainability in what we do. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Lena Yashruti
Job Title
Board member
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Nadia Abdelnour

Palestine Aid

National Network

Al Naser
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Palestine AID Foundation is a civil, non-profit leader in the humanitarian work which does not endorse any political ideology or organizational specific founded by a group of Palestinian legal figures in 2001 under license from the Ministry of the Interior No. 7074 in the framework of the urgent need for the Palestinian society for the support and assistance in the light of subsequent developments, which kept pace with the suffering of the Palestinian people in their just cause. We’re working flat out to get focused on social and health care, economic and educational programs aimed at where the basic category of children, particularly orphans, as well as youth and women and the family.
Mission and Objectives

Is to help Palestinian community to have decent humanist life, independent in all economic, educational, and health aspects.
Is to serve and develop the marginalized and disadvantaged people in the Palestinian community and improving the cultural, social and economical conditions of them life, and provide them with proper management in order to reach innovative environment for coming generations. To achieve this mission we seeking harness all our energies and potential of physical and human resources to provide all the services required by development projects and programs.
Strategic Goals
1.       Contribute to providing a healthy environment appropriate for children specially orphans to nurture a generation able to take part in the construction and development of a civilized society.
2.        Participate in the process of development and rehabilitation of the Palestinian community culturally and socially to reach a balanced and cohesive society.
3.        Enable youths to improve their social, economic and cultural levels.
4.        Mitigate the impact of the economic situation on families and protect peace food.
5.        Help people with special needs, and work to integrate them in society.
6.        Promote women's participation in community development.
7.        Develop services provided by the association to ensure that all activities perform with high quality.
Strategic Priorities
1.       Strengthen regulatory frameworks within the organization.
2.        Improve communication internally and with partners and donors.
3.        Improve the appearance of the institution's mission and its goals and programs.
         Increased financial resources, and manage it effectively and efficiently.

Main Projects / Activities

- Humanitarian Relief Program.
- Childhood & Orphans Program.
- Woman and family Program.
- Economic Development program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saleh Hassouna
Job Title
Projects Manager
Head of the organisation
Abdesamee Arabeed

Institute for Creative Civil Strategies - ICCS

National Network

Ruse, 17 Baykal Str, bl. 22, fl. 1, ap. 1
Sofia, 125, Czarigradsko Chaussee Blvd. Block 4, Floor 2, Office 216
7005 Ruse

+359 887 759 272
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners The Institute for Creative Civil Strategies — ICCS was founded in 2010 with the aim to assist the successful personal development, social integration and professional realization of young people who work with, developing their creativity as a model for active participation in the civil, social and cultural dimensions of society and promoting the European youth and lifelong learning policies. The ICCS’s long-term strategy is to mix the boundaries between creative industries and youth civic participation, implementing on this base different educational and cultural projects focused on youth cultural participation. The ICCS team has a permanent team of three young university professors, PhD and MA students in Media and Communication, Cultural studies, Fine Arts and Social work. Nora Goleshevska is the Founder, President and Project manager, Sylvia Borisova is the Research and Publications manager and Pavlina Ivanova is the Administrative manager. We also have part time employees who are experts in their fields, Kristina Todorova, who is a career counselor and professor, is the EVS mentor and Radoslav Neichev acts as the Bulgarian teacher for the EVS volunteers. ICCS is currently hosting two EVS volunteers for our year long project- Marta Olaso, a sound technician from Spain and Katya Owens, a reporter from UK/Australia. We also work with more than 10 Bulgarian volunteers from different Bulgarian universities- National Art Academy, Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski and South-West University “Neophit Rilski’. Budgetary resources available in a year: As ICCS works with project funding, the budgetary resources vary yearly depending on the awarded projects we have. For this year (2014), we have three awarded projects on a budget of €25 000. Sources of funding Modalities of action: In 2013 the organization received EVS accreditation (h-s-c EVS Acr. No 2013-BG-35) and started sending Bulgarian EVS volunteers abroad on projects involved in the field of arts and culture, cultural heritage, environmental protection, new media and youth information, active citizenship and human rights. Our host EVS  project –  ‘Art Reporters without Borders’ –  stimulates  the  creativity, employability  and  entrepreneurial  spirit  of  young people.  The EVS volunteers are an essential part of achieving our goal to increase national and international visibility of young Bulgarian visual artists, who are otherwise hidden from Bulgarian cultural institutions and mainstream media. It’s financed in the frame of Erasmsus+ Programme 2014-2020. In May and June 2015 we are going to implement one more EVS project that is already approved – a short term grope EVS project “ YOUNG SUSTAINOPRENEURS: Active Citizenship through Wind and Sunshine”; In 2013-2014 ICCS developed  a long-term Youth  in Action project (under Sub-Action 1.2.) about career development of  university students (undergraduate and postgraduate) in courses such as: Cultural  & Media Studies, Cultural  Management & Tourism, Management of Cultural Heritage, Creative industries & Social media. The aim of the project „Count me in! Culture Creative Industries and New Media“ is to motivate and encourage all youth, university students, young professionals, unemployed youth, etc. to get involved in educational and practical activities and bring awareness to the creative labor market. The university students and facilitators we work with are often involved in youth mobility projects in the fields of Culture, Art, Creativity and Career development in the field of the creative entrepreneurship (international youth exchanges, international seminars and training courses for youth workers, youth initiatives). They are or were under the umbrella of the Youth in Action Programme (2007-2013) and Erasmsus+ Programme 2014-2020.  In the resent past the ICCS’s participation in non-formal educational activities is identified under Action 1. (Youth for Europe), we were partners of International Youth Exchanges (Sub-action1.1) between young people from Bulgaria and other (EU and non-EU) countries. Our youth workers had also participated in a variety of different projects – Action 4 (Youth Support Systems) – mostly Sub-Action 4.3. and 4.5 - of the Youth in Action Program. The main partners involved in the organization's projects in the last 2 years are:  + Association “Atelier for social work” (BG) + Association of Doctoral Candidates in Bulgaria   (BG) +    Albert & friends instant circus (GB) long term EVS “Art Reporters without Borders” + Bond of Union (It) –  youth workers TS "Shape your Future" Feb 2015 Palermo; YE "Shape your Future" Sofia 2015, YE "Discover Your Enviroment" 2, Collesano, Sept 2013 and youth workers TC "Educate to Sustainability" Collesano - Aug 2012, + We also collaborate actively with the Department of Cultural Studies at Blagoevgrad University (BG) + Pendik Municipality Istanbul (TR) youth workers TC "Economic Literacy for Youth", Istanbul Apt 2014 + Solidarity Track (GR) youth workers TC "FREE PaSS For rediscovering, empowering & enhance the path to soft skills", Lefkas Nov 2014 and youth workers TC Empowering Youth Throuth EVS" Lefkas Dec 2014 + Ser Joven (ES) long term EVS “Art Reporters without Borders” 2014-2015
Mission and Objectives

The Institute for Creative Civil Strategies — ICCS mission is to assist the successful personal development, social integration and professional realization of young people who work with, developing their creativity as a model for active participation in the civil, social and cultural dimensions of society and promoting the European youth and lifelong learning policies.
According to nowadays educational tendencies we believe the successful youth personal and proffesional development should be build on two major pillars - the creativity and sustainability. So we aim to increase youth cultural participation implementing projects that stimulate youth's creativity, sustainability and employability encouraging the young people crieative entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

Оur team  provides the student communities informational support to assist with development opportunities such as: national and international academic and non-academic scholarships, internship programs, non-formal education projects, and volunteering opportunities. ICCS involves university students in international trainings, youth initiatives and intercultural exchanges which serve to extend their understanding of European Citizenship and to critically develop their sense of European identity.
Institute  for Creative Civil Strategies works also as EVS sending organisation actively searching for European voluntary  service  placements abroad for Bulgarian EVS candidate volunteers. Currently we have two volunteers undertaking their placements in Slovenia and Hungary.
The ICCS’s host  EVS project  „Art Reporters Without Borders“ seeks to enhance the creativity of young people in Arts, New media & communication. It promotes a concept for ‘youth access to culture’  that  goes  beyond  accessing  cultural  products,  attending  spaces  and  receiving  information, but about  a  first-hand  experience  empowering  the  EVS volunteers personal  development  &  employment. Our two EVS volunteers began their year-long project ‘2014
The short term grupe host EVS Project "YOUNG SUSTAINOPRENEURS: Active Citizenship through Wind and Sunshine" project aims to raise awareness on sustainable living and other environmental subject involving young volunteers in the eco-building activities of the building of small youth educational center. The project will be implemented in the spring of 2015 with the help of 16 EVS volunteers from : Belgium, Croatia Great Britain, and Spain.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ICCS can be really helpful for the ALF network in Bulgaria creating or managing various visibility channels in the social media – weblogs, social media fan pages, social media work groups as well as providing information through the already existing channels and mailing lists.  
ICCS can contribute to the  Bulgarian ALF Network because our team is made up of dedicated members that are motivated to spread and receive information. We are actively looking for collaboration in the field of youth volunteering, non-formal education and access to culture and information and be as involved with any projects as we can. 
At least but not last our team can contribute with the experience and expertise of every member. (For example creating and implementing informational campaigns, surveys and other research activities).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network at firs place will encourage ICCS’s future thematic cooperation and the process of exchanging good practices and inspiring ideas.
ICCS share similar ideologies to ALF and becoming a member would increase the capacity of our organization but also give us a chance to find out more information and share any information that could be of help for the youngsters we work with as well as with a wider audience.
We already have Mediterranean project partners but we would be very glad to extend our partnership and start new fruitful collaboration in the field of arts, culture, cultural & environmental heritage protection, youth information & new media, youth entrepreneurship, environmental, human rights and civic education issues.
In 2011 the president of ICCS took part in SALTO Euromed TC for Youth Workers developed in collaboration with the Bulgarian National Agency. This training developed in pragmatic way her academic background in the field of intercultural dialogue between Mediterranean cultures and societies (Bulgarian-Italian Master degree in “Anthropological studies of Mediterranean region and the Balkans”). Following this interest, the last month two our youth workers took part in Youth workers TC with partners from the MEDA region dedicated on collaboration in the field of EVS.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nora Goleshevska
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nora Goleshevska
Contact (2) Full Name
Pavlina Ivanova
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Col-lectiu Mediterrani

National Network

Avenida Aguilera,52
03006 Alicante

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Col-lectiu Mediterrani is a non-profit cultural association born in Alicante in July 2013, and its five creator members have their addresses in Alicante (Spain). The association has its own legal status, the total capacity to administrate and make use of its properties and comply with the purposes they target.   The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association, built in by all members as an inalienable right and with absolute equality, which adopts its agreements by the majority rule or internal democracy. The representative body is formed by the Board of Directors: President, Secretary, Treasurer and members.
Mission and Objectives

Its general objectives are to establish “bridges” that benefit the intercultural dialogue between different Mediterranean nations, carrying a message of coexistence and social, cultural and spiritual interrelation through the artistic activity.
The main objectives are: the carrying out of collective exhibitions of various Mediterranean countries in Alicante, making it possible to bring it to other countries. The dissemination and promotion of all art which is developed in the Mediterranean area. The development of seminars, talks and workshops in which the Mediterranean art meet together. We contemplate the creation of a Biennial International Mediterranean Art in Alicante. The idea is to show and make aware society the need and possibility of living peacefully among nations without giving up the different cultural ways of understanding life.

Main Projects / Activities

In September 2014, sponsored by the Cultural Area of the Alicante city council, the presentation of Col-lectiu Mediterrani was carried out in the Municipal Art Center of Alicante, with the participation of artists from Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Libya, Turkey, Syria and Serbia.

Contact (1) Full Name
javier pastor
Head of the organisation
Asociacion Cultural

جمعيه الامل للتنميه الشامله

National Network

الجماليه/ قوص /قنا/ مصر
/قريه الجماليه / مركز قوص / محافظه قنا /مصر
مدينه قوص

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
جمعيه الامل للتنميه الشامله  المشهره  برقم 1079 لسنه 2007  تعمل  الجمعيه على النهوض بالمجتمع  بمختلف طوائفه بصفه عامه  والمراه بصفه خاصه  الهيكل التنظيمى للجمعيه / يتكون الهيكل التنظيمى للجمعيه من مجلس الاداره 7  اعضاء  رجال ونساء    يوجد بالجمعيه عدد من اللجان التى تقوم بدور فعال  تنفيذ انشطه وبرامج الجمعيه التى تخدم المجتمع وهذه اللجان هى لجنه البيئه وخدمه المجتمع والتى تعمل على حمايه البيئه ورعايتها وتنميتها   اللجنه الثقافيه  التى تقوم بدور فعال فى نشر الوعى لد افراد المجتمع من خلال تنفيذ عد ت انشطه ثقافيه وتوعويه  مثل محو الاميه وتعليم الكبار وحملات التوعيه الثقافيه المنتنوعه من اجل محابه العادات والتقاليد البائده والسلوكيات الخاطئه من خلا ل رفع الوعى الثقافى للمجتمع  / اللجنه الاقتصاديه والتى تعمل على تنميه الدخل لد افراد المجتمع من خلال الاهتمام بتربيه الطيور المنزليه والاهتمام بيه وتربيه المواشى  وتزويدهم بالبرامج الخاصه بزياده الانتاج الزراعى وجودته من خلال الاهتمام والتقاوى والبزور الجيده وتفعيل دور المرشد الزراعى  من خلال التعاون بين المنظمه والجمعيه الزراعيه وكذلك التعاون بين المنظه ووحده الطب الباطرى لكتساب معلومات  لتربيه الطيور /لحنه المراه بالمنظمه تقوم لجنه المراه بالمنظمه رفع الوعى لدى السيدات والفتيات من خلال برامج التوعيه التى  تفيدهم   ابراز دورهم فى  تنميه المجتمع والنهوض بيه حتى تصبح المراه عضو فعال فى المجتمع  جنبا الى جنب مع الرجل من خلا تنفيذ برامج الانشطه الخاصه بالمراه وتعريفها بدور التى تقوم به من خلال عده برامج تنمويه تعمل على محاربه الاميه  والجهل  والعادات والتقاليد السيئه وتغير نظره المجتمع الى المره وكذلك لتمكينها  للقيام  على حصولها   على حقوقها القانونيه والسياسيه  / التمويل حصلت الجمعيه على 10000 عشر الاف جنيه وذلك لتوعيه  على الانتخابيه / 5000 لتنفيذ ندوات عن ختان الايناث  500000 لتدريب  على التوعيه الانتخابيه  10000 ندوات عن مناهضه العنف ضد المراه
Mission and Objectives

تعمل المنظمه على تنميه المجتمع تنميه شامله فى جميع المجالات البئيه والاجتماعيه والاقتصاديه والبشريه وذلك من خلال التعامل مع الهيئات والمؤسسات المتنوعه التى تعمل فى هذه المجالات منها على سبيل الموسسات مركز قضايه المره / المركز المصرى لحقوق المراه / الصندوق المصرى السوسرى / الهيئه القبطيه / الجمعيه المصريه من خلال المؤسسات والهيئات الدوليه والمحليه الاخرى والتى تعمل فى هذه المجالات

Main Projects / Activities

 1/مناهضه العنف ضدد المراه / ندوات توعيه عن ختان الايناث والزواج المبكر  ومؤتمرات 
2/الحقوق القانونيه والسياسيه للمراه    ندوات عن التوعيه الانتخابيه  ومتابعه الانتخابات
3/ تنفيذ حمله على صوتك / ندوات توعيه عن كيفيه الادلاء بصوت 
مشروع مناهضه التعذيب / تنفيذ ندوات عن التعذيب 
تنيذ حمله شارك لبنى مصر    ندوات

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلا تنفيذ برامج وانشطه خاصه لمجال رفع الوعى الثقافلى والبيئى والحقوقى لدى افراد المجتمع لتعريف كل فرد بدوره فى المجتمع وان يكون ايجابى ومشارك وفعال حتى ننهض ببلدنا الحبيبه مصر كما نهضه عد ه دول من حولنا فى مجالات متنوعه اجتماعيه واقتصاديه وثقافيه وكنا نحن الحق والاجدر بهذ النهوض بما لنا من تاريخ عريق وحضاره متنوعه 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

الاستفاده بالخبرات الازمه واكتساب  مهارت  توفيد فى كيفيه نشر الوعى الثقافى والبيئى والحقوقى  حتى نتمكن من نشر الوعى لد جميع افراد المجتمع من رجال وسيدات وشباب ليكونو لهم دور فعال فى تنميه المجتمعات المحليه والاقليميه وان تزيد نسه المشاركه لد افراد المجتمع فى الترشح للانتخابات البرلمانيه والمحليه والنقابيه والمنطمات الحقوقيه وكذلك فى المشاركه الفعاله فى الانتخابات لكافه انوعها 

Contact (1) Full Name
امل على محمد عبدالله
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الاداره
Head of the organisation
امل على محمد عبدالله
Contact (2) Full Name
امل على محمد عبدالله
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الاداره

Sigtunastiftelsen / The Sigtuna Foundation

National Network

Box 57
19322 Sigtuna

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Today the Sigtuna Foundation operate as a center for education and research, and also for various kinds of cultural programs and retreats. The Sigtuna Foundation is also a reputable hotel and conference center open to anyone who wish to combine modern and atmospheric facilities in peaceful and scenic surroundings. The Sigtuna Foundation is open all year.

The Sigtuna Foundation is a private non-profit foundation. The organization is under the leadership of the Executive Director who servers under the board of nine people. Within the non-profit foundation, we also have some activities that work under commercial conditions, e.g. a conference hotel. The non-profit part of the organization has a budget of 10-15 Mkr for each year.

Mission and Objectives

A meeting place The Foundation offers a neutral ground to people of different backgrounds, traditions and/or viewpoints who wish to meet, interact and learn from one another in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Our emphasis on dialogue is rooted in Christian humanism which strives to protect each individual's rights and dignity and also understands human existence as including spiritual values and dimensions.

From the outset, the founders tried to bring together people who would not otherwise meet in dialogue. Initially they focused particularly on ecumenism and the struggle between classes; two burning concerns of their times. Today's emphasis lies on interfaith and intercultural dialogue as well as on issues related to the environment and media. In order to serve effectively as a neutral meeting place between faith, society and culture, the Sigtuna Foundation has remained as an independent self governing institution.

Main Projects / Activities

The Sigtuna Foundation is a center for crossover dialogue between, art, faith and society. We offer various kinds of cultural programs, such as concerts, art exhibitions, author meetings etc.

The Sigtuna Foundation operate as a center for education and research. Our main focus areas are: The multicultural and multi-religious societyMedia faith and societySustainability and humanism and Dialogue, culture, science and faith.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helle Klein
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Executive Director Helle Klein
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisabet Mattizon Armgard
Job Title (2)
Programsekreterare Abrahamns Barn