Radio albalad 92.4

National Network

وادي صقرة - مجمع مدانات التاجاري
شارع الجامعة الاردنية - خلف المادونالدز

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
محررة ومذيعة اخبار في راديو البلد وموقع عمان نت  *مدونة على البلوجر مدونة كريستال : *كاتبة للمقال السياسي والدولي في العديد من الصحف الالكترونية ( سرايا – نجم –جراسيا –jo 24  -عجلون الاخبارية – مركز دراسات الشرق والغرب) *مدربة في مجال مهارات وأساليب الحوار في مركز الشرق والغرب  * ناشطة في حقوق الانسان والعمل التطوعي *  مسؤولة حملة بعنوان : غطيني صح وهي فكرة شخصية حملة غطيني صح : الاعلام معنا تحت الرقيب لا للصور النمطية نعم للتغطية المسؤولة من حق المراة ان يحتويها الاعلام بشكل سليم  ويمكن الاطلاع عليها من خلال الرابط التالي:
Mission and Objectives

العمل من اجل خدمة المجتمع والتشارك مع خبارات الافراد والمؤسسات الاخرى سواء محليا او دوليا من اجل تقديم خدمة افضل للجمهور وتبادل الخبرات من اجل نشر ثقافة الحوار 

Main Projects / Activities

عقد جلسات حوارية لطلاب الجامعات  مع مركز الشرق والغرب

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق عقد ورش حوارية وجلسات حوارية قمت بتصميمها للاسرة والطفل والمدارس وطلاب الجامعات ... الخ 
يمكن التشارك مع المركز لعقدها ضمن مبادرة او مشروع 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

عملت سابقا مع الاناليند واعتقد ان لديها رسالة واضحة تجاه نشر ثقافة الحوار وهو هدف اسعى لتحقيقها واتشارك فيه معها وهو تعزيز ثقافة الحوار في وطني والبلدان الاخرى 

Contact (1) Full Name
سونيا محمد عارف الزغول
Job Title
محررة ومذيعة اخبار - راديو البلد 92.4
Head of the organisation
Daoud Kuttab
Contact (2) Full Name
اريج محمد عارف الزغول
Job Title (2)
مقدمة اهبار - دجلة الفضائية

Planet Citizens Union

National Network

Laisvės pr. 71B-2 (for correspondence)
Laisvės pr. 125 (VšĮ "Trys brangenybės")
07189 Vilnius

+370 611 39866
Telephone (other)
+370 641 74495
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+370 699 67983
Mobile Phone (other)
+370 612 96007
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information
We are a community-based organization which aims at gathering honourable and good-natured people who care about establishing peace on the Earth, helping humanity to shift towards healthy, organic sustainable lifestyle. We aim at preserving virtues common to all people as well as uniqueness and identity of different cultures.  Joining this Union as an associate member, you’ll find many congenial people who, just like you, care to preserve the earth, pure water, and clean air.You become an associate member right after you register. Structure of the organization - Head of Organiztion, Board (14 people), Associated Members (paying tax), Free Members (without tax). Sources of funding  - member tax, voluntary support. Main Partner - filial in India. Modalities of action - social projects ,,Hug the Earth (environmental management)'', Happy Water (cleaning banks of the rivers, lakes..), Sunday meditations (prayingfor peace in the world), ,,Run, Dance, Liberate''(project for happy, healthly life without alcohol).
Mission and Objectives

Mission: We want to establish peace, morality, and consciousness in humanity. We seek to preserve virtues common to humanity and Earth. We think that if humanity wants to remain a reasonable, successful race and civilization, we have to develop and establish morality in all main spheres of human activity.
Isn’t it obvious that to solve the aroused great and complex challenges of modern civilization it’s necessary to join light people, honourable intellectuals, prominent and honourable cultural, society, ethnic consciousness and spiritual leaders, to gather simple honourable people who care about the Earth and humanity. This still hasn’t been done, but do we still have time to delay?
It’s time to take responsibility for our planet – to become citizens of the entire Earth and not only of separate countries.
We want to act globally and effectively on level of the Earth – after all, ecologic and social problems cover the entire Earth.We want to establish peace, morality, and consciousness in humanity. We seek to preserve virtues common to humanity and Earth. We think that if humanity wants to remain a reasonable, successful race and civilization, we have to develop and establish morality in all main spheres of human activity.
Isn’t it obvious that to solve the aroused great and complex challenges of modern civilization it’s necessary to join light people, honourable intellectuals, prominent and honourable cultural, society, ethnic consciousness and spiritual leaders, to gather simple honourable people who care about the Earth and humanity. This still hasn’t been done, but do we still have time to delay?
It’s time to take responsibility for our planet – to become citizens of the entire Earth and not only of separate countries.
We want to act globally and effectively on level of the Earth – after all, ecologic and social problems cover the entire Earth.
To organize
light people of the world for active cooperationTo cherish and spread
peace, cooperation, understanding, democracyEstablish
consciousness, morality in all spheres of human activityTo preserve
family, humanity, traditions, various life formsTo stop
consumer and debauching culture, aggressionTo create
conscious and successful model of human evolutionTo develop
spirituality and spiritual covenantTo promote
a wise and ethical use of resources

Main Projects / Activities

The projects which you see here are very simple, understandable and common to all people.
They are very valuable for us. Taking part in them sincerely and selflessly, we see how little actions done constantly and with love change the world for the better.
They are:
Hug the Planet ( ) - It’s a social project aiming to express peace, fellowship and to increase self-awareness of people and nations. Embrace sacred places, heritage or what is most important to You together with others.
Happy Water (,
„Happy Water“ is a social-ecological project, that aims at cleaning foreshores, to express gratitude to water and earth, to re-establish a connection with nature and restore love and respect to it.
,,Run, Dance, Liberate'' ( - the objective of this social project is to create a common atmosphere where you can express your citizen attitude peacefully, soberly and joyfully.
Sunday Meditation - - praying for peace in the world.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by email, skype, video conferences and by visits in Network countries. We can contribute legally - by contracts and co-operating.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, because:
• We are ready to start and develop new projects and activities which will help to preserve healthy and peaceful Earth and humanity.  We do not seek political goals or power. Our goal is healthy planet and peaceful, moral, evolutionary successful humanity, capable of solving posing problems.
• We are ready to act selflessly for the embodiment of these fundamental for the Earth and humanity objectives and we are already taking actions by organising simple, understandable events which can be joined by everyone willing to.
• We want people of different nationalities, age, education would become Planet citizens. People from big cities, small villages or residents from the farthest corners of the Earth, different organizations which have the same objectives as we do. We seek that both the rich and the most poor would become Planet citizens. We care about common interests and virtues for whose preservation we call to unite.
• We think that only by joint efforts, by focusing unified efforts of many good-natured and honourable people we will be cope with scores of ecologic and evolutional threats that are currently posed to the Earth and humanity.
• We are ready to search together for ways how to reach the mentioned goals as effectively as possible.
• Our desire is to unite honour and intellect of the planet to deal with the major evolutional tasks of the Earth and humanity. After all, this is still not done.
• We seek to preserve the culture and identity of different nations, to protect the interest of humans and other life forms, to do everything we can to heal our beloved planet and to encourage humanity to use the Earth’s energy resources ethically.
Let’s create a new world, new humanity, new Earth together!

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva Markauskienė
Job Title
Public relations, communication
Head of the organisation
Nijolė Gabija Wolmer
Contact (2) Full Name
Birutė Gudelienė
Job Title (2)
Public relations, communication

Studio TVIP

National Network

Buivydiškių g. 6-114

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: CEO, accountant, manager, hired workers for projects. Partners: public cultural institutions, private companies, TV companies, theaters, universities, municipal. Sources of funding: private investors. Budgetary resources available in a year: approximately 15000 EUR. Main partners: Lithuanian Folk Culture Center, Ltd."United Baltic projects", Ltd. "EKT", International Cultural Programme Centre.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Develop public cultural knowledge and broaden cultural boundaries.
Objectives: Promote full and active dialogue between artists and the public. reduce the distance between the audience and the artists reveal new cultural opportunities, cooperate and exchange values with foreign countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: 9 documentary films from the series Living Tradition, 2007-2012. in cooperation with LLKC and JSC "United Baltic projects". Lithuanian Song Festival movie "This is my house" filming and coordination in 2014. Performance "White Christmas Dreams" staging in Vilnius College of Arts Faculty in 2014. "LT Identity" Awards for promoting the name of Lithuania in the world. Directing and organizing in Lithuanian Institute for 4 events - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
Other activities: Making and producing documentary films, staging public events, event organization, concept development, script writing, conference moderation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We plan to create a documentary about cultural diversity and cooperation in the Mediterranean region. With your fund's help it will be easier to find partners and cooperate with them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva BIlinskienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daiva Bilinskienė

Sheta gymnasium universal multifunctional centre of Pagiriai

National Network

Kėdainių g. 1, Šėta

+370 347 3 53 45
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Multifunctional centre in a countryside creates a space for a socio-educational activity, which supplies the need of the society, activates the society to participate in the activities and encourage the collaboration. There are working pre-school education teacher, primary school teacher, culture, library and medical personnel. Seminars„The development of the opportunities of the lifelong learning in a countryside“ and “Long time learning programs for multifunctional centres”
Mission and Objectives

The employment of the children, youth and adults. Relations and collaboration with a local society. Contacts with fellow-countrymen and emigrants

Main Projects / Activities

The employment of the children, youth and adults, the communication and collaboration with fellow-countrymen and emigrants, the saving and revival of traditions, the communication and collaboration with the society and other nearby institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be glad to share our expertise and experience in the fields of formal and non-formal education, cultural exchage, in international meetings, seminars and provide volunteering for young people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a member of ALF would mean great co-operation and information opportunities for children, young people and adult , cultural exchanges, and it's a great posibility to get in touch with other European countries, to learn more from other societies and to make better and more interesting environment of our community 

Contact (1) Full Name
Neringa Širkienė
Job Title
Education assistant
Head of the organisation
Neringa Širkienė

Alytus music school

National Network

Sporto 12

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Alytus Music School was founded in 1957.  It is non - formal education institution for children and adults. Currently the school employs 50 teachers all of whom are true professionals and experts in their field. The number of students studying in the school is 580. Their age fluctuates from 5 years of age to mature adults.   Back in 1997, Alytus Music School was the first institution in Lithuania to integrate children and adult with developmental disorders, teach them the art of music and hold music therapy sessions. Psychological and pedagogical experience of music teachers has been summarised in  different handbooks or methodical brochures, such as "Artistic exercises as a didactic tool in adult education".
Mission and Objectives

he teachers of the Music School have been working with the adult learners since 2007. They designed artistic exercises based on ethnic music and traditions. These exercises  help   people understand  themselves and their environment as well as control their emotions and develop their personality through music and arts.  There were different LLL projects (Grundtvig MP (2005), Grundtvig WS (2010), Study visit (2013) carried out together with different European institutions and devoted to music , arts and basic skills  . Music school teachers work as a strong team  in a different international projects and   develop  common attitudes to European cultures. They created a book about adult education and presented music and arts as a didactic tool for development personal features and basic skills - communication, understanding, creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

Life Long Learning , Study visit , 2013
Grundtvig multilateral partnership, 2008-2010
Grundtvig  mobility partnership, 2007-2009; 2005-2007;
Nordplus Adult, 2012;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can create methodical material for the artistic and inclusive education of the disabled (children and adults as well) and to share it through web or face-to-face  workshops

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to cooperate with more coutries and to share our good practise with other institutions

Contact (1) Full Name
Aldona Vilkeliene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aldona Vilkeliene
Contact (2) Full Name
Audrone Venckuniene
Job Title (2)
music teacher

Public Institution Theatre Projects

National Network

Laisves al. 97
44291 Kaunas

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization: Theatre Projects consists of three divisions: administrative, artistic and technical parts. Administration department has a permanent  staff: managing director, accountant and marketing manager. The size of personnel in artistic and technical departments depends on the project and its structure. On average, the artistic department staff consists of 8 employees, technical department  - 5 employees. Volunteers are participating in the projects as well.   Budgetary resources available in a year: 30 000 - 40 000 EUR / year Sources of funding: city municipality and private companies (media companies: printing, televizion, radio). Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Municipality of Kaunas city The Ministry of Culture JSC "Energosa" Lithuanian Radio and Television Broadcasting JSC "SMS - Eligita" Others
Mission and Objectives

Public institution THETRE PROJECTS is an energetic non-governmental, a non-profit organization taking part in the various republican and international art festivals. It propagates scenic art, develops the new art forms and encourages cultural diversity.
1. To meet public interests implementing useful activity for society and looking for self-expression means, solving relevant cultural development and educative issues with the help of artistic projects.
2. To make certain the spread of professional art in society shaping and educating artistic attitudes of growing audience.
3. To strive to bring art as close as possible to each person.
4. To use untraditional spaces for the spread of art.
5. To make certain the prolongation of professional projects
6. To encourage cultural tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

Most successful implemented projects:

IDIOT'S MASS play by F. Dostoyevsky's novel "The Idiot" which scored a great success in international theatre festivals in Lithuania, Estonia, Turkey. Premiere in 2003. Director of the play - Rolandas Atkociunas. Composer: Antanas Jasenka. Scenographer: Arturas Simonis. Main actors: Petras Venslovas, Vytautas Anuzis, Margarita Ziemelyte, etc.

SEVEN SOLITUDES by Oscar Milosz. 2005. (in french: Oscar de Lubicz Milosz Vladislas Les Sept Solitudes). A joint Literary musical project with French artists.

THEATRE MAKER play by Thomas Bernhard. Premiere in 2006. Director of the play: Sigutis Jacenas. Scenographer: Andrius Kavaliauskas. Main actors: Petras Venslovas, Ramunas Simukauskas, Ieva Zelionkaite.

CASTLE AKORDS. Chamber Art Festival. 2006 - 2012.

LIGHT AND TRUTH play by Gediminas Jankus. Premiere in 2008. Director of the play: Petras Venslovas. Composer: Mindaugas Urbaitis. Main actors: Jurate Onaityte, Dainius Svobonas, Henrikas Savickis.

MARBLES play by Joseph Brodsky. Premiere in 2010. Director of the play: Arturas Simonis. Composer: Antanas Jasenka. Main actors: Vytautas Anuzis, Petras Venslovas

THE WIND IN THE TOPS OF POPLARS play by Gérald Sibleyras (in french: Le Vent Des Peupliers). Premiere in 2013. Director of the play - Rolandas Atkociunas. Composer: Vidmantas Bartulis. Scenographer: Kotryna Daujotaite. Main actors: Petras Venslovas, Gintaras Adomaitis, Albinas Keleris.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To present company's main activity more wider via the internet and to collaborate with companies, institutions, artists from all over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agne Venslovaite
Head of the organisation
Petras Venslovas


National Network
amman 23056

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
I am a third year student law in Jordan University
Mission and Objectives

Work with an organization to be successful

Main Projects / Activities

Create a dialogue between cultures

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Create a dialogue between cultures

Contact (1) Full Name
anna zuhair ali aldirbashi
Head of the organisation

المبادرة الأردنية للبناء "زمزم".

National Network

Amman (capital city)

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Initiative originated and was founded in 2012 at the height of the claims Blaslah Jordan Street. I mean this initiative in the field of political reform to this Almasesk organizational structure more than the body (the body of youth, the body politic, the body advertising .... etc) activities carried out based on the foregoing which means Blaslah and sustainable development. Initiative operates self-financing system and we have branches and offices in all regions of the Kingdom.
Mission and Objectives

One of the tasks is to be the direction of our religion and homeland accelerate political and societal reform process. It targets to reach this logo (versed community of mutual compassion and strong state adult) any consolidation of the concept of citizenship and good governance

Main Projects / Activities

Forum Jordanian history. And amending a number of laws currently

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

If owned by the partnership and communication with your organization that would uphold the effectiveness of our performance in the field of community development and the concentration of projects and campaigns in the areas of education, education, and consolidate the concepts of active citizenship and peace.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

.I've been a concerted awareness campaign against drug abuse in schools in the past. The knowledgeable and aware of research and study, and others about how important education institutions and support for your network to be joining probably will make a big positive change as never before because of my partners in government and non-government sectors of civil society, trade unions and other institutions. And joining within your network might happen to a lot of change lobbying issues that we care about in particular.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amer Ghozlan Rasheed Ghozlan
Head of the organisation
د . ارحيل غرايبة

We Love Ajloun

National Network

ِajloun 00962

0772100506 \ 0799124998
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
مبادرة نحن نحب عجلون مبادره تطوعيه اجتماعيه ثقافيه في محافظة عجلون تقوم بعدة انشطه تطوعيه من تنظيف دهان وزراعة أطاريف وانشطه ثقافيه واجتماعيه مثل اقامة الدورات التدريبيه والجلسات الحواريه  لها لجان منتشره في معظم قرى محافظة عجلون وتقوم بنشاطات سنويه اهمها الإحتفالات الوطنيه ومساعدة الأجهزه الامنيه والعالقين في الثلوج تحتوي ما يقارب 100 متطوع 
Mission and Objectives

صقل شخصيه وخلق جيل واعي قادة على خدمة بلده ورزع روح التعاون والفريق الواحد وأهمية العمل التطوعي

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيف وزراعة ودهان الاطاريف
رسم الجداريات 
إقامة الورش التدريبه
إقامة الجلسات الحواريه

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamad Eyas Abood
Job Title
Youth activist and dialogue Trainer
Head of the organisation
Ola Sawaei

Kings Road Association

National Network

43 Abdulah Ben Omar st Shmisani
P.O.Box 710038
Amman 11171

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
General Information
Support and develop communities, civil society, tourism, cultures, gender concepts by integrating human and Earth together to create effective Sustainable development.
Mission and Objectives

Improve & Effect on the local environment and communities to promote archaeological areas and cultures to attract tourism investments that would support the national economy through tourism of various types, and strengthen local communities knowledge and skills to participate in public life and support democracy.
1. Maximize economic returns:
a. Encourage development projects that enhance competitive advantage and relative to the tourism sector in the MENA region.
b.  Promote development projects in all regions in the country that would increase efficiency in time and quality of added programs.
2. Activate the private sector and community participation in development process.
3. Strengthening the principle of partnership in the national administration of development and Democracy.
4. Developing and leading development marketing and promotion policies.
5. Distribution of the benefits of geography and thus bring about the creation of products in various territories Assembly will circulate the founding associations and rehabilitation by the private sector to manage and maintain all sites.
6. Promote social responsibility among individuals and encourage participation in improving the quality of life and ability to convert negatives to positives.
7. Adoption of the tourism sector as an effective tool to improve citizens ' income and reducing poverty and unemployment.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Assessment needs of Um- Al Rassass agrological site development and linked it with religious tourism paths in Jordan, capacity building for local community to merge in development, cooperate with local associations work several projects in the region to improve tourist services and the restoration of monuments out. Ministry of social development, 2012-2013
2. Project for Integrating Syrian refugees in host communities
3. Cultural and touristic twinning project between the archeological cities of Umm Qais (Gadara) in Jordan and the city of Sbeitla (safitla) in Tunisia and the city of Otranto in Italy and Algeria 2013
4. Project for Integrating Youth in local communities and promote citizenship in Jordan
5. Field research includes the areas that deal with adventure tourism and eco-tourism in Jordan, and put it on the map of the local tourism, a study on the needs of these areas, and how to employ them for using environmentally tourists through the development of an integrated environmental tourism product. Fund for support associations
6. A detailed analytical mapping on the situation of tourism, cultural and social and economical to the city of Umm Qais, Himma in Jordan to support the twinning program between the cities of Umm Qais and Himma in Jordan, Tunisia and Sbeïtla in Otranto in Italy. Funded by USAID – under program title: civic initiative support fund 2014- managing by FHI360.
7. Promote awareness of women leaders roles in political and civic life (I made my Decision)funded by European delegation Contracting Authority: Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs 2015.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

KRA is developing strategy to fight poverty through developing tourism, by integrating local community with resources in tourism to support local income for poor people

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to build sustanability for our projects and NGO

Contact (1) Full Name
Dina Baddawi
Job Title
Projects manager
Head of the organisation
Inaam Ahmad
Contact (2) Full Name
Inaam Ahmad
Job Title (2)