ِِAssociation d'action civile

National Network

immeuble mejid rue farhat hached
4170 zarzis

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
General Information
Notre organisation est pilote par une comite de direction qui supervise les actions realises par notre organisation apre les avoirs planifier avec les adheronts. L'execution des taches journalieres est assure par deux employers. Les principaux sources de financement sont les subventions et les cotisation des membres. Nous ajissons generalement a travers des projets dans differents domaines.
Mission and Objectives

Notre mission est de favoriser la participation politique des femmes et des jeunnes ainsi que de favoriser la culture de droit de l'homme

Main Projects / Activities

Droit des femmes realite et perespectives
our la preservation des richesses de lagune d el bibenne
Contre la violence dans le discourt politique

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons apporter notre contribition pour la diffusion des principes et valeurs du reseau

Contact (1) Full Name
oueriemmi mokhtar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
oueriemmi mokhtar

The Global Experience

National Network

Florastraße 48
13187 Berlin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Experience is a non-profit organization and international youth media network dedicated to increase the intercultural dialogue. The Global Experience acts globally by giving people a platform for intercultural exchange and locally by initiating and supporting educational multi media projects, youth exchange programs and media camps all over the world. Our organization has two offices in Germany, and operates with a large network of partners with focus on North Africa and the Middle East, Subsahara Africa and Europe. With an annual budget of 200.000 - 300.000 € The Global Experience is primarily funded through project based funding (amongst others by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regional and national foundations). There is two full time eployees and about 25 volunteers, currently working for The Global Experience. Our network partners include other NGOs, non registered youth groups, schools, universities and individual partners. Apart from the association in Germany The Global Experience also has own registered groups in Poland, Vietnam, Simbabwe and Yemen.
Mission and Objectives

The Global Experience's mission:
To contribute to a better global education by building cross cultural bridges among young people of the world and improving children's and young people's access to education.
Our objectives:
- Increasing the intercultural dialogue through multilateral youth exchanges, international youth camps and internship programs abroad,
- Providing access to education by supporting educational projects for marganalized youth and producing free accesable online media,
- Supporting intercultural education by producing online media that combat stereotypes and allow the exchange knowledge about the everyday life in different parts of the world,
- Promoting education for sustainable development through on the ground workshops as well as online learning programs in schools across the world,
- Increasing the multimedia education of young people in order to foster skills of communication with focus on the intercultural communication.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects of The Global Experience include an annual international youth camp for digital acvitism (focus area: North Africa, Middle East and Europe; www.dpsummit.org), an online multimedia project promoting language learning and the exchange of intercultural video reports (www.youtube.com/learnlanguages) and a scholarship program for young Arab change makers in Germany.
We also regularly organize school exchange programs with a network of schools from Europe, Africa and the Middle East, produce online media for intercultural learning and organize workshops in schools.
Learn more about our projects at http://www.theglobalexperience.org/about/show/8

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

There is plenty of options for us to contribute to the network. We'd be delighted to have the chance to not only meet likeminded organizations, but also share our experiences and knowledge.
Especially we could imagine to find and invite partners to expand our network of the Digital Participation Camp and the Easy Languages project. Once a year we invite young digital activists from the Euromed region to work together on new digital projects that have a social impact. (www.dpsummit.org).
The Easy Languages project (www.youtube.com/learnlanguages) at the same time is an open project that invites youth from all over the world to join and contribute to the exchange of free language learning and cultural learning material. We would be very happy for any partner interested to join both networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We heard from our partners from UNESCO national commission of Germany (ASPNET Schools Germany) about the ALF Network and their events. Our partners have recommended us to join the network in order to meet and exchange with likeminded organizations and individuals which we are more than interested to do, especially since our organization is also focussed on the intercultural youth exchange between Arab and European youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carina Schmid
Job Title
Co-Founder and Manager
Head of the organisation
Carina Schmid
Contact (2) Full Name
Herr Christoph Lammen

Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum

National Network

Vilniaus str. 41
11203 Vilnius

+370 5 260 82 74
Telephone (other)
370 5 260 82 74
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+370 6 1548070
Mobile Phone (other)
370 6 1548070
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum Structure of the organization: Director, Chief Curator of Museum Collections, Deputy Director, Office Administrator, Visitors Service department (Head of the department, Cultural activity manager, Educational programs curator, Guards of exhibitions, Exhibition section (Designer and exhibitions installer)) (Theatre department (Head of the department and Museum Specialists), Cinema department (Head of the department and Museum Specialists), Music department (Head of the department and Museum Specialists), Art department (Head of the department and Museum Specialists), The department of collection accounting and storage (Head of the department, Photographer, Restorers, Accounting Department, Curator of literature collections, Maintenance Service. Museum in total has 47 employers. Current projects are concerned with new exhibitions, digitization of Museum values, online exhibitons, researching and publishing materials on Lithuanian theatre, music and cinema  history. Budget of our Museum is about 600000 EUR. The main source is Lithuanian goverment, Museum incomes, various funds, and sponsors. Sourcers of funding: Various Programs financed by Ministry of Culture of the Respublic of Lithuanian, Lithuanian Council for Culture, EU programs, Norwegian Financial Mechanism (EEA-Grants - Norway Grants), sponsors and others. Main partners are other Museums in Lithuania, Lithuanian Museum Association, Lithuanian Art Museums (LAM) the Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitization and LIMIS ( LM CIDLIMIS), Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, National Drama Theatre, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania other Theatre, Music organizations, Lithuanian Cinematography Union, Lithuanian Theatre Union other local institutions.

Mission and Objectives

Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum is unique museum in Republic with mission to accumulate, preserve, restore, research and popularize the most valuable heritage of Lithuanian and European culture history concerning theatre, music and cinema. Objectives are to actualize old historical architecture of the Museum in order to accommodate it to cultural, social and economic needs of modern society and local community. To become open to historical and contemporary art processes, discussions, to become not only the guard of heritage, but also cultural and educational center, which would take part in developing of cultural possibilities, populiarization Lithuanian and Europe cultural heritage, be accessible to all social groups.

Main Projects / Activities

The material stored in the Museum reflects life, creation, and spiritual experience of Lithuanian artists. The Museum accumulates, preserves and examines showpieces related to the history of Lithuanian theatre, music, and cinema, organize evenings in commemoration of artists of these spheres, and exhibitions of collections, conducts exhaustive topical excursions and educational programs, prepare educational publications and consult visitors. Communicating with foreign institutions, international exhibitions are also held there to present significant artists of foreign countries. Modern art exhibitions are held there, and summers are especially rich with various events in the amphitheatre of the Museum. The Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum (LTMCM) is located in the Radvilai Palace in the heart of Vilnius Old Town. The museum collection consists of a wide variety of valuable Lithuanian and also European cultural heritage objects, reaching over 400.000 items. The main group of cultural heritage objects can be classified as paper objects, for instance programme sheets, posters, newsletters, photographs, manuscripts. Other representative groups are composed mainly by wood objects, such as valuable rare music instruments from 18th – 20th century, and metal objects. The collection includes films, vinyl, paintings, soud recording, textiles, such as valuable costumes from personal collections of renowned Lithuanian actors and actresses, among others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Emphasizing the cultural diversity and respect to other cultures through deepening understanding of different cultural roots of various cultural phenomena in music, theatre performances, drama, opera, cinema and certain kinds of audiovisual arts. Organizing exhibitions, conferences, cultural meetings and evenings, educational programs for kids, youth and other part of society. Spreading the idea of respect in cultural diversity in the books and published materials by the Museum.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope that joining the ALF network we can share the idea of shared roots of high culture through the exhibitions, educational programs and etc. mainly baised on the music, theatre and cinema heritage which are preserved in our Museum. The great value for us is the possibility to find partners who support the same idea and share our good practice. Partners with whom it would be possible to develop and create new projects. The possibility to apply for financial support for the projects is the possibility to accomplish our ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Auksė Kapočiūtė-Vaitkuvienė
Job Title
Deputy Director
Head of the organisation
Regina Lopienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Lauryna Lopaite
Job Title (2)
Cultural Activity Manager

Viesoji istaiga KINO PAVASARIS

National Network

Gedimino avenue 50

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Due to constitutional decision to establish the company Viesoji Istaiga KINO PAVASARIS signed on 6th December, 2004, Viesoji Istaiga KINO PAVASARIS is established by the only one person - director Ms. Vida Ramaškienė (Lithuanian). It has not any shareholders and/or board members. There are 7 permanent employees working in the company at the moment and more than 60 temporary employees join the company for few months a year to work in organizing Vilnius International Film Festival KINO PAVASARIS excluding about 200 volunteers joining the Festival for 3-4 weeks a year. As company is owned by private person the budget is composed from various sources: 19% from public local funding (Ministry of Culture, Vilnius City municipality, Lithuanian Council for Culture etc ), 7% from public international funding (European Commission), 36% from private sponsorship, 37% from box office and 1% from other activities. Overall budget per year is about 580.000 EUR.
Mission and Objectives

Main values of Viesoji Istaiga KINO PAVASARIS:
High qualified, professional and well-timed created cultural projects, which would be beneficial to partners, spectators and members of cultural life.
Aims and goals of Viesoji Istaiga KINO PAVASARIS:
• To create exclusive and high qualified cultural projects;
• To popularize unknown countries culture over cinema and other projects;
• To get involved in to team motivated, active people, who are having new and original ideas;
• To make useful social contacts, strong connections with foreign organizations;
• To “grow up” young spectators, interested in foreign countries culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Viesoji Istaiga KINO PAVASARIS is non-profit organization, working in audiovisual art events organizing field and is the main organizer of Vilnius International Film Festival KINO PAVASARIS in Vilnius, Lithuania since 2005. VsI KINO PAVASARIS has expanded its activity and organizes other audiovisual projects, such as various educational and social projects, educational programmes for high school and university students, awareness-raising initiatives, exhibitions, workshops and training courses for young filmmakers, other audiovisual projects - various film weeks, Latin America Culture days (since 2008), ARTscape (since 2008),  the science fiction and science promotion film festival  EUREKA (since 2012), International Film Industry Event Meeting Point – Vilnius (since 2010), European cinema promotion projects in cooperation with Culture Institutes, Embassies etc. (for the last 10 years already) etc. and is also planning to offer more interesting and exclusive events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Vilnius International Film Festival KINO PAVASARIS could serve as platform for spreading information to foreign partners as more than 200 international guests gathers in Vilnius every March as well as to promote partners  / members of network in Eastern and Central Europe as members of  Vilnius IFF attends more than 30 international film festivals in entire world per year.  Common initiatives could be launched during the event in Vilnius as Vilnius IFF gathers more than 100.000 spectators.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand the coverage of projects organized by VsI KINO PAVASARIS, to expand the possible partnerships and initiate more cooperations in audiovisual sector, to profit from the benefits of belonging in networks in the fiels of competence and know how.

Contact (1) Full Name
Odeta Morkuniene
Job Title
Deputy Director
Head of the organisation
Vida Ramaskiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Auste Lazickaite
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Kaunas district Tourism and Business Information Centre

National Network

Pilies takas 1, Raudonvaris, Kaunas district
54127 Kaunas district

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Emilė Kaminskaitė - director, Ieva Poderytė - business manager, Ieva Jasaitytė - tourism manager, Lina Čekanauskienė - tourism manager. Budgetary resources available in a year - 81 000 EUR. Sources of funding - Kaunas District Municipality. Organization's main goal - to popularize Kaunas region in Lithuania and abroad, to create an attractive and welcoming it's image, to meet the public interest, to carry out public benefit training and consulting services, project of the European Union structural funds and training in the domains of other laws and other legal acts not prohibited by the public benefit, the provision of public services to business and to encourage, the creation of new businesses and help existing ones by small and medium businesses develop activities, to adapt to changing market conditions, increase their competitiveness and operational efficiency. Main partners involved in the organization's project/activieites are municipality, eldership, schools, musiems, socially responsible joint stock company.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of Kaunas district Tourism and Business Information Centre is to popularize Kaunas district in Lithuania and abroad and create its attractive and hospitable image. Consultations for new members in small and medium business in Kaunas district.

Main Projects / Activities

Kaunas district Tourism and Business INformation centre provides public services to business and tourism.
Public services to business:
• Business information;
• Consultations;
• Preparation of documents on business validation, venture establishment, restructuring and other documents;
• Seminars, training courses.
Public services to tourism:
• Tourist information about Kaisiadorys district;
• Routes;
• Maps;
• Information about attractions, catering and acommodation;
• Guide services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilė Kaminskaitė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emilė Kaminskaitė

Anyksciai Education Assistance Authority

National Network

Sviesos g.7
29147 Anyksciai

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Anyksciai Education Assistance Authority is the institution in the region providing informal adult education. The main objectives of Anyksciai Education Assistance Authority are: to organize the qualification improvement work of the members of educational institutions and other communities, to initiate active participation in the educational reform and to help teachers who work with pupils having special needs: to provide information, consultation and recomendations. The spheres of the activities are: • the advancement of teachers’ qualification • informal adult education • helping pupils, schools, teachers. The Authority has been organizing all kind of activities: seminars (about 100 every year), courses (computer literacy and foreign languages, art workshops), exhibitions, projects, educational trips. Education Assistance Authority has been organizing all kind of courses and seminars for various people: teachers, unemployed, volunteers from Community Centres of the region, seniors, people with disabilities or for everyone who is interested in acquiring new skills. The Authority is co-operating with all educational institutions in the district. Education Assistance Authority has lots of experiences organizing the international workshops and lots of skills in managing local and international  projects. The Authority aims at providing the possibility for adults to continue learning all their life, be flexible and be ready to adapt in the changing world. Learning on the background of the competences is the main purpose of informal education. Participants not only have to learn on theoretical level, but also they have to use the tools and skills which are offered in the practical part of the program. It is impossible to define the number of adult learners since the number is changing constantly as some courses and seminars are not long term learning activities. During one year more than 2.000 participants attend the activities of the Authority. There are only 6 employees working constantly in the Education Assistance Authority. The central values of institution is  need of clients, human-centred; freedom to choose our own way; know-how, development; balance between financial resources and needs; responsible workforce.
Mission and Objectives

To organize the qualification improvement work of the members of educational institutions and other communities, to initiate active participation in the educational reform.
To help teachers who work with pupils having special needs: to provide information, consultation and recomendations.

Main Projects / Activities

The Authority has been organizing all kind of activities: seminars (about 100 every year), courses (computer literacy and foreign languages, art workshops), exhibitions, projects, educational trips. Education Assistance Authority has been organizing all kind of courses and seminars for various people: teachers, unemployed, volunteers from Community Centres of the region, seniors, people with disabilities or for everyone who is interested in acquiring new skills. The Authority is co-operating with all educational institutions in the district. Education Assistance Authority has lots of experiences organizing the international workshops and lots of skills in managing local and international  projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to develop cooperation with the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to introduce our institution to the members of Anna Lindh foundation and share the ideas and good practise of human rights and democracy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva Ziogiene
Job Title
Methodologist/ project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Jolanta Baksiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Jolanta Baksiene
Job Title (2)

Vilnija's Region Libraries Association

National Network

Trakų str. 10
01132 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Vilnija’s Region Libraries Association – non-profit organization working on co-operation of libraries in the field of region heritage preservation and dissemination. This organization is in a first stage of activities. It was established on 2013. At the moment in the association register we have about 10 members (individuals and organizations). Staff consists of the head of the organization and the accountant. The main source of funding are projects.
Mission and Objectives

Mission – to create a network of Vilnija’s region libraries for the work with region heritage.
Objectives: expand a competencies of the region librarians for working with region heritage information and create a system for dissemination of region heritage

Main Projects / Activities

Working with Vilnija's heritage information on portal "Vilnijas vartai" (Gates of Vilnija): http://www.vilnijosvartai.lt/

Contact (1) Full Name
Petras Zurlys
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Petras Zurlys

Alytus Culture and Communication Center

National Network

Pramonės g. 1B

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Alytus Culture and Communiacation Center is a public institution that aims to acomplish local community cultural needs. There are 16 employees in the Center. Tha main sources of Center funding is municipal funds, support from local businesses and citizens. Alytus Culture and Communication Center organizes variuos events and celebrations in Alytus city. 
Mission and Objectives

Alytus Culture and Communication Center organizes variuos events and celebrations in Alytus city. Trere are a lot of art groups that implement their activities in the Center: variuos dance groups, choirs, folk music studios and others. 

Main Projects / Activities

in 2014 Center implemented project No SPF/2.1/PL-LT/16 "Modern folk dance festival" partly financed from the European Regional Development Fund. Project budget 32 678.70 Eur. Project aimed to create a united collaboration between two institutions, one from Alytus and one from Poland, and its‘ dance groups. During implementation the participants share their experience, knowledge and skills by creating a joint performance, which one they performed in the Morden – folk dance festival. Also implementation helped to renovate the material base in ACCC which is used for rehearsals and performances of variuos dance artists. Social dialog and the common goal helped to continue cooperation between Alytus and Puńsk region and strengthen existing partnership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gintare Gumauskaite
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Director Vidas Simanauskas

After-School Activity Center of Taurage

National Network

Dariaus ir Gireno str.
72215 Taurage

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners 36 staff members: 7 administration staff, 20 teachers, 9 auxiliary staff. Budgetary resources available in a year 23 000 EUR (including salaries, maintenance services, etc) Sources of funding Local municipal, local funds Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Different kinds of projects in arts, photography, ceramics; dance and music festivals. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Europe Direct center of Taurage (Lithuania), Local youth NGO 'ASORTI', public Library of Taurage, cultural Center of Taurage, dance group 'Dzmebi' from Zestafoni (Georgia)
Mission and Objectives

After-Scool Activity Center of Taurage in accordance with humanism, democracy, nationality and openness principles, emphasizing the value of a human, his freedom of choice and responsibility, seeks:
• to develop free and open citizen, honest, creative, proactive personality;
• help children and young people to understand the contemporary world and gain
contemporary cultural and social competence;
• to provide professional interests and meet the need for self-expression;
• help strengthen morality and a healthy lifestyle skills.
Philosophy of the center  “Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” (A.Camus)

Main Projects / Activities

• Non-formal education circles, studios, clubs, courses and so on;
• district, regional, national and international events
(project work with various district, Lithuania and foreign institutions);
• Children and youth summer camps;
• Collaboration with children, youth, student-governmental and non-governmental organizations;
• Foreign languages, dance, information technology, art therapy courses;
• Rental of premises and areas for various events and so on.

Contact (1) Full Name
Indre Milasauskaite
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jolanta Kazlauskiene

Europos Judėjimas Lietuvoje

National Network

Didžioji g. 10A-35

+370 611 46 211
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The organisation consists of the Board of Administration, one Secretary-General and an elected President. In addition to this a General meeting of members can be held in the need of changing the statute, electing the President or implementing other changes that are regulated by the statute itself. European Movement Lithuania was founded by 12 natural entities and its legal form of organisation is an Association.  The usual source of finance - membership fee. Main partners involved: European Movement International, European Commissio, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Partners for Value, Lithuanian Inovation Centre.  
Mission and Objectives

Main objective of the association is to represent and coordinate its’ members activities, as well as to advocate their interests.
Other objetives include bringing together Europe and European entities: countires and citizens. As well as fostering and developing European values: liberty, democracy, unity, peace and respect for human rights and freedom.
European Movement Lithuania is seeking to provide sufficient information to the Lithuanian society about the European union and is stimulating to keep this dialog as open as possible.
Nonetheless, EML is spreading the European Union values and ideas outside the Union as well and is looking forward to a close collabarotion with its neighbouring countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Regular activities involve: encouragement of deeper comprehension of citizen rights, liberties and democrasy as a whole, seeking for partnership in the NGO and other eastern countries.
Promoting mutual interaction among EU member countries and their surrounding neighbours.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being a multicultural European organisation in Lithuania relates to ouspreading information and democratic ideas into the Lithuanian society and contributing to the wellbeing of the nation and its surrounding neighbours.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining a vast ALF Network would help endorse and support the main ideas of European Movement Lithuania. As there is much to be done by both organisations, the joining would mutually benefit them both.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dovilė Baškytė
Head of the organisation
Giedrius Kalninis