Public Library of District Sirvintos

National Network

I. Šeiniaus 4

8 382 51365
Mobile Phone
8 600 18470
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Public Library of District Sirvintos.Of library services to people.
Mission and Objectives

Of library services to people.

Main Projects / Activities

Of library services to people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

be participants  in Network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

be participants  in Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Dalia Taparauskiene
Job Title
he deputy of director
Head of the organisation
Laima Kutisceva

Kirtimai Culture Center

National Network

Dariaus ir Gireno g. 69

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Kirtimai Culture Centre is a multifunctional culture institution, which is established by Vilnius City Municipality. At the moment around 20 people work in the centre but main staff consists of cultural activity coordinator, cultural project manager, art director and director. Kirtimai Culture Centre has 10 art colectives: 6 youth collectives and 4 senior collectives. Apart from coordination of Kirtimai Culture Center amateur art activities, the centre organizes a lot of concerts and exhebitions, manages local and international projects, celebrates national and other holidays. In 2014 Kirtimai Culture Centre organized over 190 various events – 130 in the center; 60 – all over Lithuania and abroad. Main sponsor - Vilnius City Municipality, which gives annual budget.  Other sponsors - The Ministry of Culture  and Lithuanian Council for Culture. These sponsors help to carry out project activities. 
Mission and Objectives

Kirtimai Culture Centre mission is to enable conditions for art collectives development, to search and adopt new cultural forms, to create and particiapte in variuos cultural activities, to envolve society and community into activieties and to develop free creativity. 

Main Projects / Activities

Kirtimai Culture centre organizes a lot of alternative music concerts with local and international music bands. Some of them are held inside, others, such as Musical Picin, outside.
Other activities are projects managing. There are some annual projects, for example Worlds’ Lithuanians Unity Day, which is celebrated  at International Vilnius Airport. Other projects depends on finantional support from  Lithuanian Council for Culture. Mostly projects are connected with variuos forms of art. The main goal usually is to enclude communities or people with fewer opportunities and to share our experience and ideas with them. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Centre would be glad to meet other organizations that have same goals and objectives. It would be a very valuable experience to establish contact with partners across the Mediterranean. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a part of ALF Network would be a great opportunity to present our Culture centre and its activities for a wide range of members of the Fund. It would also be a great chance to find reliable partners, with who we could manage some common projects. In addition to this, as a member our organization could participate in competitions and get extra support for projects. It would be also inetresting and useful to participate in the fund or its members trainings , seminars or conferences. 
The Centre aims to increase its capabilities, so becoming a member of the Fund would be an incredible start. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ina Puzakinaitė
Job Title
Art director
Head of the organisation
Vilma Ramanauskienė

Siauliai city municipality public library

National Network

K. Korsako str.10

+370 41 52 50 03
+370 41 52 50 03
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+370 610 31932
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
• Siauliai City Municipality Public Library is located in the fourth most populous city, which is in the north of Lithuania. It organizescutural and information services for the citizens, runs variouseducational programs, cultural events and contributes to the development of informal education. • Since November 2013 Library is a member of the National Digital coalition that promotes the development of knowledge society, building its digital capacities and working towards a common goal - a larger employment of population(children and adults) and more effective use of digital possibilities. Looking into thefuture of digital technologies, Siauliai city municipal public Library seeks to find innovative solutions in the use of the latest information technologies and their adaptation to informal education of the children and youth. • On theLibrary’s initiative interactive games for children about Siauliai and its history ( a virtual map of the city of Siauliai (  have been created. They serve as teaching aids for students who want to learn more about their native town. • Reducing social exclusion, special attention is paid to the needs of disadvantaged children and young people from orphanages. • For the informational and cultural needs of users the library has accumulated the fund of 218 000 items of printed materials; books, periodicals, etc. Lithuania and the world's databases are available. • The Library has a toy room, a foreign language reading room, vocational guidance point, it houses the club "Reading Mom ", seniors club. • The library is actively participating in various projects, reading programs, ethnographical activities • The library has a website with special pages for children and young ethnographers of Siauliai. • In view of the ever-changing needs of society, the library constantly setsfor itself new goals, looks for new innovative opportunities, partners, additional funding for the development of high-quality services.
Mission and Objectives

The vision of the Library : to become a  modern library, corresponding to the needs of the community.
The mission of the Library:
collect and preserve  all the information of cultural and historical value,
allow public access to this information;
meet the information needs of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2014-2015 in cooperation with the volunteering center "Deineta" the Library has been implementing the project "Youth voluntary service" which according to the EU voluntary  service program „Youth in Action“ creates a similar youth volunteering model in Lithuania. The project contributes to a more active involvement of young people into the labour market.

During the period of 2014- 2015 Siauliai city municipal public library branch „Saule“ has been running computer literacy training course according to the project of Lithuanian Labour Exchange under Social Security and Labour Ministry „Be sure in yourself“. The Project  helps the young people  16-25 years old who are not motivated to study, work ar participate in social life.
In the period  of 2011-2013 the Library carried out  Education Exchange Support Foundation project  funded by the Leonardo da Vinci partnerships program  "How museums, galleries, libraries and archives can contribute to lifelong learning." The project involved organizations and institutions from different EU countries (Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Italy, Portugal) in order to clarify the role they play in supporting life-long learning, and its aim was to attract socially vulnerable groups: seniors, the disabled, the unemployed, needy families,  people experiencing serious illnesses or disabilities. The library has helped  to many  people to start participating in lifelong learning process. This helped them to promote their different skills, increase participation in community life,  develop their artistic expression, reduce  computer illiteracy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To exchange cultural values, to promote  friendship and understanding, to find new partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To find new partners and friends.

Contact (1) Full Name
Irena Žilinskienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Irena Žilinskienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristina Mikliuvienė
Job Title (2)
Project manager


National Network

A.Vienuolio str. 8

+370 5 2127553
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
General Information
Established in 1996, the Vilnius Industry and Business Association comprises over 50 companies from different industries, institutions representing various business directions, service and consulting firms situated in the Vilnius region. The members of the Association produce different products, including metal and wooden ware, building materials, packages, packing and trading equipment; confectionery items, and provide maintenance, typing, insurance, financial, training and consulting services. The Association maintains close relations with similar domestic and foreign organisations, Lithuanian and foreign embassies. The Association is the member of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, and its representatives are members of different committees and work groups of the Confederation. The representative of the Association is on the Enterprise Policy Group at the Enterprise Directorate General in Brussels. The Vilnius Industry and Business Association co-operates with national government, Vilnius district and municipal structures as well as with trade unions, business, scientific and other organisations.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the Association include regional business development, improvement of general business conditions, representation of its members’ interest in state and municipal institutions as well as public organisations, and organisation of common participation in business missions, fairs and exhibitions.

Main Projects / Activities

On the initiative of the Vilnius employers’ organisations, the Tripartite Council of Vilnius City bringing together social partners was established in 2000, followed by the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County established in 2001. The Association has two members on each of these Councils. Discussions held in these councils are concentrated on city and region development, occupational employment, training and enhancement of professional qualifications, training courses for businesspersons, etc. In addition, meetings of the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County are held in district centres as well.
In its activities, the Association pursues the following priorities: improvement of business conditions, industry and business infrastructure development, enhancement of corporate competitiveness, improvement of professional qualifications and training, market protection against unsafe and poor-quality products, and environmental issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albertas Šimkevičius
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Kęstutis Dabravolskas

Pagėgių savivaldybės kultūros centras

National Network

Jaunimo g. 3

+370 441 57240
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure: administration (3,5 time), art and creative department (4,25 time), technical - economic department (2,5 time). Total office employs 11 people, employed part - time - 10,25. Te annual requirement of funds - 169 thousands Eur. The main budgetary resources: municipal budget funds, European Union funds, te state budget funds and other funding sources. Modalities of action: 2006 - 2007: International INTEREG IIIA project "Lithuania Minor and East Prussian traditions and fostering"; 2009: Ministry of Culture to finance projects - "traditional Feast of St. John on the Rambyno mountain", "Looming tradition by Vydūną"; 2012 - 2014: Pagėgių edge of an activity group projects funded: 2014 - partner status in the project "Weathervane Way"; Traditions plait by Vydūną (2012, 2013, 2014); Minor Lithuania traditions - Goose market (2013, 2014); Mansions outcrop (3 events); Mounds legend comes to life (3 events); Once back in the past recaptured (6 events). The main partners involved in the organization of projects: Šilutės leisure and entertainment center; Pagėgių edge of tourism and information center; Museum of Martynas Jankus; Association "Pagėgių community"; Association "Plaškių community".
Mission and Objectives

devise an effective system that meets the cultural needs of the local community; raise the entertainment culture; foster ethnic culture; change public attitudes towards leisure pleasure, showing the difference between primitive enjoyment and meaningful, noble activities that meet the spiritual needs; innovation; raise the level of cultural institutions; develop cultural activities; to cooperate with related institutuons not only Pagėgiai municipality, but county in the country; find communication, building up relations with other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities: coordination of cultural activities in the municipality; promoting art lovers activities, fostering and organization; cooperation with societies, non-governmental organizations; ethnic cultural activities and development; various festivals and cultural events organization.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through various events, choosing their forms to convey to the community, the necessary information to the public, local history and Lithuania Minor identity. To spread the word about publicize Lithuania Minor.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network, because we want to establish a wider cooperation in education and culture; expand inter-regional program design, project presentation range.

Contact (1) Full Name
Svetlana Jašinskienė
Job Title
Head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Svetlana Jašinskienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Danutė Bardauskienė
Job Title (2)
Deputy of head organisation

Labdaros ir paramos fondas "Auginame ateitį"

National Network

Jogailos 12
01116 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Charity and support foundation "Auginame ateitį" was established in 1999 and known as a foundation of wife of ex-President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus. Last years Mrs. Alma Adamkienė resigned from the managment of foundation and left it to Tadas Bojarskas, who worked as project manager for 8 years. At this time there is only one permanent staff member in fund - managing director Paulius Juočeris, but founder of foundation is also heavily involved. Also we have rotating volunteers. We have a budget of €50-100k. a year, but are hoping to expand that due to big inheritance. We're funded by different companies and private donators. We also time from time apply for state support for specific project. Our main partners and targets of activity are 40 rural schools.
Mission and Objectives

- To make conditions for students in rural schools better. There are lots of talented students in rural schools which suffer from outdated infrastructure and equipment and lack of opportunirties to develop students' talents. Our goal is to help them to buld safer and modern environment and to give more opportunities for talented students to reach higher.
- Also in rural locations culture and worldview are quite limited and it causes all kinds lack of tolerance issues. One of our goals is to change that.
- We are looking forward to find more partners abroad, where education is highly rated and bring all good practice to our supported schools for more effective managment and educational methods.

Main Projects / Activities

"Step into new year with a new book" - donating new fiction books to school libraries. Most of rural schools cannot afford to buy new books, neither children parents. The books we donate are often the only ones kids can access. This project is going for 15 years and we have spent ~€1M
Leadership, business, art programmes - we choose talented students from rural school and bring them to the camp in capital or near sea, where they can work and study with best proffesionals in respective field. We see this opportunity not only as developing skills and get some actual practice for students, but also as a motivational time, where kids from distant locations can understant what they can achieve in the future.
Renovation of stadiums/sport halls - working hand to hand with "Coca-cola" we had significant part in reconstruction of infrastructure in 7 rural schools. Most of these stadium and sport halls are built and not renovated since 80's or even older times.
Wide scale educational games - our this year project to encourage students to read books. Big game on internet platform involving mistery story written by known fiction writter and students performing different task which could be acomplished only with consulting books.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope it will help us to find reliable partners in outside Lithuania. And also to aplly for funds which are always needed in our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tadas Bojarskas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paulius Juočeris

The Directorate of The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles

National Network

Siltadarzio str. 2

+370 5 212 2662
Telephone (other)
+370 5 261 7064
+370 5 212 2499
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of organization : The Directorate of the State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles is a budget organization and consists of two depts: Cultural Reserve's maintenance and Cultural reserve's mangement. Number of Staff - 18 persons; Budgetary resources available in a year: resources for staff salaries and maintenace of the Cultural Reserve ( resources from Ministry of Culture of LT); Sources of funding: projects and programes resources; Modalities of action: projects:  Nordic baltic Mobility programme for public administration projects in 2011-;2013;  International conference: Historic greeney in Scandinavia and  Lithuania, 2012;  International conference heritge protection:challengies and management,2014 Main partners:   Scandinavian heritage protection institutions;   Vilnius university.   Vilnius art academy
Mission and Objectives

The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles was founded to preserve historical, spiritual and cultural center of the state, the castles of Vilnius, their territory and also all cultural and natural values within it in order to carry out permanent scientific research.
The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles is the heart of the city. It is the smallest state reserve in Lithuania. The Reserve was established in 1997 and covers an area of 57,5 hectare. The Directorate of the State Cultural Reserve was organized to coordinate its activities and management in 2004.
The mission and of The Directorate of the State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles - to save the historic Lithuanian state and the spiritual and cultural center - castle, castles territory and within it the cultural and natural values, to organize their ongoing research, proper management and use.The main objectives of The Directorate of The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles is to preserve the historical, spiritual and Cultural centre of Lithuanian State - the Vilnius Castles, their territory and all cultural and natural values within it and to organize works related to maintenance, and regeneration.

Main Projects / Activities

 Nordic Baltic Mobility program for public administration. Historic greenery in Scandinavia and Lithuania, 2011  Nordic Baltic Mobility program for public administration . Cultural heritage in Scandinavia and Lithuania: knowledge and experience, 2012.  Nordic Baltic Mobility program for public administration. Application of cultural heritage objects to public use,2013

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Organizing Conferences and workshops, common projects, exchanging the good practice;


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 To cooperate in joint projects, to exchange experience and knowledge, to learn more about other countries good practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Antanina Jarukaitiene
Job Title
The Head of Cultural Reserve's maitenance dept
Head of the organisation
Ms. Audrone Kasperaviciene
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms.Angele Cepenaite
Job Title (2)
The senior specialist

Education Centre of Sirvintos

National Network

81 Vilnius street
19121 Sirvintos

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Education centre of Sirvintos is an institution supplying non-formal education for children and adults, founded in 2004. Its work contains several spheres: events for children (foreign language teaching, contests, etc), adult non-formal education (foreign language, computer literacy teaching, art workshops, etc), adolescent trainings (leadership trainings, drug prevention, etc), pedagogical qualification development.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of Education Centre of Sirvintos is to supply non-formal education for children and adults. The centre organises events for children (foreign language teaching, contests, etc), adult non-formal education (foreign language, computer literacy teaching, art workshops, etc), adolescent trainings (leadership trainings, drug prevention, etc). Also, the centre is responsible for pedagogical qualification development, supplying techers in the district with important information and help working with children with speacial needs.   

Main Projects / Activities

Every year Sirvintos District Education Centre implements from 5 to 20 projects of various levels for non-formal adult and children education. We work with youngsters quite a lot. We had many projects for youngsters such as “Motivation of young and active people, leaders of young people’s organizations, teachers education and sociality in Sirvintos district” (leadership, project management, public relations trainings, 2012), “Incentive of citizen” (incentive of public spirit iniciatives, 2011-2012). “From stage to screen” (creativity workshops for film making and life skill development, 2011). Also, we train facilitators, who later volunteer in various camps. Also, Education center prepares and implements qualification programs for teachers, the institution is accredited to develop pedagogical qualification. It is obvious that we have practice working with young people (developing their life skills and encouraging their self-reliance, independence), organizing various workshops devoted to art developmet (film making, plein-air painting), developing pedagogical qualification.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lada Kizina
Head of the organisation
Daiva Vinciuniene

Loftas Fest

National Network

Kauno str. 30A-1

+370 650 93 081
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
It s an innovative cultural organization that runs activities in the venue called Arts Factory LOFTAS in Vilnius, Lithuania. Capacity: 1000 persons (standing). LOFTAS hosts up to 160 different cultural events a year, mainly alternative pop music concerts. Others are design fairs, creative industries conference, music competitions, music and audiovisual arts festivals. It is non-governmental private organization, open to international collaboration. Main source of funding during a year is organizations own income. Other sources are private sponsorships. Arts Factory LOFTAS employes up to 30 full-time workers for events production, communication, projects development, lights and sound engineerig, design etc. Arts Factory LOFTAS is in a long-term partnership with Lithuanian national TV and radio channel LRT. 
Mission and Objectives

To raise cultural life in Lithuania and internationally by encouraging alternative pop music, electro/base, jazz music bands, audiovisual artists, especially youngsters, and to educate society about significance of creative and cultural industries. 
Main objectives:

To find and promote next best thing in alternative pop, electro, base, jazz music, as well as in audiovisual arts.

To educate communitys and societys taste for music and arts by giving a high quality product and servise localy and internationally.

To promote creative industries and to raise local and international collaboration in this field.

Main Projects / Activities

Main annual projects:
“Loftas Fest” (since 2012) - the only urban festival in Lithuania, which connects art, music, workshops, exhibitions and a lot of creative people. Attendance – over 6000 unique visitors.
“What’s next?” (since 2013) - a unique international two-days conference of creative industries where culture, technologies and business meet in one event.
Concerts - up to 40 individual concerts anually.Kelis , Xzibit, Hot Chip, Nicolas Jaar, Ellie Goulding , The Editors, Moderat, Jazzanova, Crystal Fighters and many others already performed on LOFTAS stage.
Summer terrace – a place for live and electronic music performances, day activities, movies, workshops, games, kids zone. Embodied LOFTAS vision of fulfilled urban lifestyle.
Christmas factory  LOFTAS - Cristmas market with a unique concept - Last Minute Market, involving christmas Tree Town,  Pop-up cafe, creative workshops, Kids zone and live music concerts.
Young bands competition (since 2014) - a project, focused on fresh music incommers in purpose of pushing young peoples musical careers.
Professionals from music industry evaluate, consult and teach young musicians basics of self marketing, public relations, positioning in market.
Insanitus - a closed spase festival of light, sound and interdisciplinary arts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Arts factory LOFTAS is skilled  and experienced to be a No 1 advisor in contemporary alternative pop music of not only Baltic countries, but eastern European countries and Russia. It could be a know how to share with colleagues from more distant areas, such as Mediteranian countries. LOFTAS is open to consult as well as to take part in network activities organisation processes. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Arts factory LOFTAS is an open organisation which values international collaboration. This year the organization is activelly looking for international contacts for partnership development. In 2015 it is a strong objective to increase international connections and develop international partnerships. Therefore international network would do a favour to reach potential partners and future stakeholders as well as to be seen as open for international collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zivile Diavara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Živilė Diavara

Evergreen Organization

National Network

Amman 11171

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Evergreen Organization is a Non-profit organization that works with the youth, women and the whole community in Jordan to raise awareness of the environmental issues in Jordan and the whole world. As well as providing the Jordanian community with Green Building designs and applications that will help their lives to become sustainable.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to spread the culture of Sustainable living and the positive interaction between man and environment.

What we look forward to achieving is a generation that's fully aware of the proper interaction of the environmental elements without harming or disrupting the natural flow of our Eco-system.
To engage and support the innovative solutions of all community members regarding the environmental and cultural issues in Jordan

Main Projects / Activities

In Evergreen Organization we work on building the capacity of the youth through training and workshops, we try to provide them with the essential skills of a healthier environment.

Working with women is one of the most important aims we have, empowering women in all the fields possible as they are the givers of life and love.

And as we believe, environment is not only trees, oceans and climate, environment is everything that surrounds us, living in a healthy environment where men and women are equal, youth are employed, women are heard and the world is green. That is called Evergreen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ra'ed Ayesh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ra'ed Ayesh
Contact (2) Full Name
Taghrid Qutaishat
Job Title (2)
Vice President