Sofia Municipality - District Lozenets

National Network

2 Vasil Levski blvd
1142 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Lozenets has many modern buildings as well as many communist-era apartment blocks. The area is undergoing regeneration with areas experiencing intensive new construction. There are tree-lined streets, and many public parks in Lozenets and the surrounding areas. The area has a direct view of Vitosha mountain. A large new church is under construction. There are many cultural and educational institutes including 13 schools and three reference libraries (Bulgarian: chitalishte). Healthcare infrastructure includes the largest hospital in Central and Eastern Europe "Tokuda" with a personnel of more than 1,100 medics and three clinics. The City Center Sofia mall, European Union Metro Station andJames Bourchier Metro Station are within walking distance of Lozenets.
Mission and Objectives

Lozenets district is located on the hill south of the old city of Sofia and comes down to the northern foot of the Vitosha mountain. Its boundaries are: north - boulevards "Cherny", "Evlogi Georgiev" and "Dragan Tsankov" east - "Peyo Yavorov" and "Simeonovsko Shosse" boulevard to the west. "Black Peak" str. "Kozjak "and to the south -" Ring Road ". Stretches of 9.24 km2 area, which accounts for only 4% of the territory of Sofia Municipality and its average altitude is 588 m. In the territory of the downtown area run two rivers - Dragalevska and Adzhibaritsa and almost 30% of this area (2.7 km2) is occupied of forests. The village, according to data from the 2011 census 53,080 people live. A significant part of the area is occupied by low-rise residential buildings among trees and bushes. One and two-storey houses in yards alternate with three- to five-story buildings. A number of small-area neighborhood gardens as part of the Borisova Gradina meet important public needs and complement the look of the area of the most magnificently landscaped territory of Sofia.

Main Projects / Activities

Education, culture, sports and ecology - OKSE Carry out coordination activities in the field of education, culture and sport in the territory of rayona.Sledi care and maintenance of green areas in schools and kindergartens in the territory of rayona.Uprazhnyava regular monitoring of the quality protection and green space in the area, management of green spaces by citizens, individuals and legal entities. Control and accepts the work of the companies responsible for maintenance of the green space in the area and landscaping.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Regional Information Centre in Sofia City and Sofia Region (JRC-Sofia) will continue its efforts to provide accurate and timely information on the new Operational Programmes (OPs) of all potential beneficiaries. We stand behind the idea to be held information meetings and campaigns for the new programming period 2014-2020, because it is important for every Bulgarian citizen. the new good moments in the Partnership Agreement between Bulgaria and the European Commission, defining the strategy for an optimal use of the ESIS in country areas of application under the new operational programs opportunities for electronic filing and reporting of projects and the pursuit of maximum transparency and speed in application.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Lozenets District will particicipate in a project and will actively implement the acticities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liubomir Drekov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Liubomir Drekov

Viesoji istaiga "Creativitas"

National Network

Druskio 1-265
04307 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Creativitas main aim is to create a space for qualitative and creative education and learning practices and to encourage one‘s experimentation in personal expression and development, as well as to contribute to development of organisations. Organisation was founded by two enthusiastic youth workers, trainers and friends Agnė Rapalaitė and Alina Bechterevė. NGO outsources a team of professional trainers and educators. „Creativitas“ objectives are to develop social and personal children, youth, adult competences by organising local and international projects, camps, training courses, conferences, seminars, consultations, lectures and other educational activities, based on non-formal education principles and practices. Creativitas does: trainings, courses, conferences, seminars, lectures and other educational activities based on non-formal education principes and approaches for kids, youth and adults. Creativitas are friends with: Different social partner, institutions and NGOs in Lithuania and abroad. Creativitas suggests: to contact and consult if you want to participate. Creativitas is looking for: people interested in voluntary work, implementing ideas or willing to participate in activities organised by Creativitas, partners for regional and international cooperation. During one year Creativitas administrates a budget of aprox. 50.000 EUR which is mostly generated from EU funds and providing training or consultancy service. We have partners (other NGOs) in Germany, Italy, Poland, Estonia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzogovina, Malta, Belgium, Luxemburg, Latvia, Austria, Portugal, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Italy, Spain, China and aother countries. in Lithuania we have strong partnership with Utena library, National Blood center, NGO SOS Village, Council of Youth Organisations, National Agency for Erasmus+, and many more.
Mission and Objectives

Public body "Creativitas” is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation,
that has a mission to contribute to the development of continuously learning, open and tolerant
society which would be able to design innovative solutions in order to cope with emerging social
Public body „Creativitas“ main aim is to create a space for qualitative and creative education and
learning practices and to encourage one‘s experimentation in personal expression and development,
as well as to contribute to development of organisations.
„Creativitas“ objectives are to develop social and personal children, youth, adult competences by
organising local and international projects, camps, training courses, conferences, seminars,
consultations, lectures and other educational activities, based on non-formal education principles
and practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of NGO „Creativitas“:
Organising qualification training programmes and activities; practice and
experience sharing activities and events; different experts (psychologists, pedagogies,
doctors and ect.) consultations; support and consult participants or organizers of different kind of
“Creativitas” promotes healthy lifestyles and educate children, young people and adults through
sports activities: organises outdoor and experiential learning activities; develops a healthy
lifestyle and educational classes based on nutrition.
“Creativitas” promotes volunteering development: creates and organises social campaigns;
consults about volunteering possibilities young people and adults; mobilises and coordinates
volunteers groups for the different events; to organize prevention activities in a different social
themes; contributes to social innovations, communities and non-profit
organization promotion.
“Creativitas” can carry out creative, artistic activities: organize, creative symposiums; organize
activities of theatre and dances; organize art and handcraft workshops; organize exhibitions;
organize others creative workshops.
“Creativitas” can cooperate with companies, institutions, organizations and private persons in
Lithuania and abroad who could joint to activities of organization, seminars, conferences, trainings
and consultations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are intrested in finding new partners within organisation. We hope we can contribute to achieving goals of this network by applying for project funding, implementing projects. We are also available to contribute to activities happening in Lithuania. We are able to find appropriate participants for common events within this network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organisation is directly working with topics that are actual for this network. We believe we can contribute with our expertese as well as learn from others. We are starting cooperation with Maltese NGOs so we believe this network could help to strength cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agne Rapalaite
Job Title
Acting director
Head of the organisation
Agne Rapalaite
Contact (2) Full Name
Alina Bechtereve
Job Title (2)
Project manager

Association Tous pour la Parité et la Protection des Enfants dans des Situations Difficilles

National Network

60000 OUJDA

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Salut Madame, Monsieur,  Permettez moi de vous adresser notre demande d'adhésion au groupe Anna Lindh foundation du  Maroc. Je me présente Mr. AMIMAR MOURAD, le Président de " l'Ass. tous pour la Parité et la Protection des Enfants dans des Situtions Difficiles " . Notre siége d'assemblée est localisé à l'Espace Sportif Fath, Lazaret à Oujda au Maroc. Notre association est active dans les affaires de dévelopement, les droits sociaux et culturels dans un esprit de croyance en parité comme valeur de référence de base constitutionnelle fondamentale. Notre Ass. veille également à une vision partagée avec toutes les forces qui travaillent pour faire avancer les droits des femmes; consacrant le principe de la foi profonde de l'égalité entre les sexes dans tous les aspects de la vie professionnelle, sociale et politique.   En plus, l'Ass. met l'accent sur l'importance de l'intégration des questions relatives aux droits de l'enfant dans les programmes de gouvernance locale et de travailler pour soutenir les initiatives locales dans ce  domaine, conformément aux directives de Sa Majesté le Roi ( que Dieu le protège et soutenu ), appelant à la consolidation d'un partenariat éfficace entre les acteurs associatifs du public et du tissu civil et de  renforcer la protection des groupes sociaux dans des situtions difficiles.   L'Ass. adoptera tous les moyens pour atteindre tous ses objectifs nobles.   L'Assemlée sont soumis au bureau de la direction, dont les membres sont le président, secrétaire  général, trésorier et les conseillers; aussi ramification de ce bureau à plusieurs comités qui visent à poursuivre le bon fonctionnement des objectifs et des programmes de l'Association.    L'Assemblée se compose des revenus provenant des sources principales, à savoir : - les devoirs de candidature des membres. - les revenus des différentes activités de l'Association et les dons. - les subventions et les dons fournis par des bienfaiteurs et les autorités officielles et les secteurs et les  organisations non gouvernementales et les organismes élus, nationaux et internationaux. - les fonds obtenus par l'Association des différents partenaires, à mettre en oeuvre des programmes et  projets.   Dans l'attente d'une réponse favorable à notre demande.   Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous fournir de toutes informations suplémentaires...   Veillez agréér, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de nos salutations les plus distinguées..                                                                                                                                        SIGNE                                                                                                                              Mr. Amimar Mourad.                                                                                                                                      Président
Mission and Objectives

Les membres de l'Assemblée hàte d'atteindre les objectifs dans les domaines suivants :
* d'une part  :
- Lutter contre toutes les formes de discrimination contre les femmes, partant des exigences de la 
constitution marocaine en particulier son chapitre 19; garant de l'égalité entre les femmes et les 
hommes et la lutte contre toutes les formes de discrimination à tous les niveaux.
- La Parié; c'est la lutte pour la diversité culturelle, politique, multi-dimensionnelle. Elle n'est pas la 
question concernant les femmes seules, mais c'est un problème de société par excellence, de l'intéret 
de toutes les organisations de masse vastes.
- Sensibiliser les points de vue sur le phénomène de la violence, les agressions et le harcèlement 
sexuel sur le lieu de travail; en abordant toutes les tentatives d'extorsion et les menaces et les actions
honteuses de certains opérateurs, par abus de pouvoirs.
- Rendre le travail et l'engagement associatif une source compresseur pour contribuer à un
changement équitable; à la lumière d'une revendication légitime en adoptant des lois garantissant
l'égalité et protégeant les femmes contre la violence; sous la bannière du code pénal marocain.
- La reconnaissance des droits fondamentaux des femmes marocaines; afin de garantir la 
démocratisation, de la modernisation, de la justice sociale et de la défense des valeurs universelles des 
droits de l'homme.
- Dénoncer les pratiques dégradantes pour la dignité des femmes; en levant toutes les réserves à la
convention sur la Justice; conformément à la Déclaration Royale et armé de toute la législation 
nationale appropriée à tous les accords et déclarations ratifiées par le Maroc.
* d'autre part :
- Activation du plan d'action du Ministère du Développement social, de la Famille et de la Solidarité par 
la création de strutures locales pour protéger les enfants, d'encourager et de soutenir les initiatives 
sincères selon une méthodologie participative; conformément à l'approche des droits de l'enfant et les 
exigences prioritaires.
- Mettre l'accent sur l'importance de l'intégration des questions relatives aux droits de l'enfant dans les
programmes de gouvernance locale et de travailler pour soutenir les initiatives locales dans ce 
- La nécessité d'une coopération et une cordination entre les différents acteurs locaux, afin de travailler
sur la ré-insertion des enfants en situation difficile au niveau de la région orientale, dans la mise en 
oeuvre des priorités du gouvernement dans le domaine de l'amélioration des conditions de l'enfance et
le renforcement des mécanismes de protection au niveau national et local.
- Promouvoir la culture de la parité, l'égalité, le respect des droits, les libertés et de la dignité de 
- Tenez fermement à toutes les violations, à l'exploitation des enfants et le harcèlement sexuel ou de 
viol ou de réprimade, sous ce qui est garanti par la loi pour protéger nos enfants et de notre génération 
- L'enfant doit bénéficier d'une scolarisation adéquate et d'une protection contre toutes les formes de 
négligence, de cruauté et d'exploitation.
- La coordination entre la communauté et les autorités locales et nationales, en déployant des soins 
spéciaux aux enfants privés de leur famille; et ceux qui n'ont pas des moyens suffisants de subsistance 
et les victimes du divorce des parents.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos projets consistent à : 
- Promouvoir la présentation des femmes dans les postes de décision et de leadership communautaire 
en redonnant reconnaissance et réhabilitation aux femmes; qui ont contribuées et encore; dans 
l'édification de la démocratie locale et régionale et de ses institutions acteurs.
- Construire des Unités de soutien social; soutenir les femmes battues judiciairement et organiser des 
campagnes de sensibilisation et alimenter le débat sur la protection juridique pour les femmes contre 
toutes les formes de violence qui atteignent ses intégrités physiques et psychologiques.
- Chercher à renforcer les mécanismes d'action des centres d'acceuil et d'écoute pour les victimes de la 
violence; gràce à des cadres professionnels compétents dans ce domaine; afin de réduire les séquelles
négatives surtout moralement sur les femmes et les enfants.
- Viser toujours à convaincre les décideurs et les législateurs de la nécessité de promulguer une loi 
pénale spéciale sur la violence contre les femmes.
- La protection des femmes contre la violence est de la responsabilité de l'état et de la société par la 
création de refuges pour les femmes battues et des centres de santé et d'assistance juridique et sociale;
en recherchant des partenariats avec des associations et des organisations qui s'intéressent à ce 
secteur socialement opprimés. 
- Organiser des sessions de formation avec le soutien du Ministère du Développement Social, de la
Famille et de la Solidarité des ressourses humaines; en développant leurs capacités professionnelles.
- Faire des activités de sensibilisation et de communication pour la culture des droits des enfants et 
travailler à créer les bases d'un développement de solidarité locale, régionale et nationale pour 
s'occuper des enfants dans des conditions épouvantables.
- Empécher le marriage de mineurs sous l'age de la puberté (avant 18 ans).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Continuer à élaborer et concrétiser nos objectifs nobles avec ALF Net Work en élaborant un plan d'action
par la création de strutures locales pour protéger les droits des femmes et des enfants, d'encourager et de
soutenir les initiatives sincères selon une méthodologie participative; conformément à l'approche des droits
de l'homme et les exigences prioritaires.
- Faire reconnaitre ALF à notre région en montrant ses intérets, ses pricipes, ses activités et son parcours 
depuis sa création..

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Pour créer des partenariats et des initiatives de la communauté internationale dans un esprit de tolérance,
de coopération, de compréhension et d'amitié entre les peuples.
- Développer nos outils et nos moyens en matière d'education et d'animation de jeunesse, dans le sens de
savoir comment se dialoguer et apprendre la citoyenneté interculturelle ?
- Travailler avec les responsables culturels nationaux et internationaux de la région méditérranéenne dans
un cadre d'échange mutuel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Superviseur et Gestionnaire des laboratoires de lutte Anti-Tuberculeuse à la Délégation du Ministère de la Santé à l'Oriental - Maroc
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Administrateur Divisionnaire à l'Hopital Al Farabi - Oujda - Maroc

Arts for All

National Network

An der Tonkuhle
26131 Oldenburg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Arts for All is a non-profit, artistic and social company.  The staff consists of  volunteer artists (teachers, master students, scientists, artists). The annual budget depends on the support of the governmental or non-governmental organizations and foundations in Germany. Sources of funding are: governmental or non-governmental organizations. The company is founded by well qualified Syrian Artists (PhD in Arts) who live in Germany. The Arts for All  leads activities such as concerts, workshops, research, exhibitions, theatre work, dancing, Multimedia, Music teaching, etc. The project Arts for All  cooperates with many partners and organizations whether governmental or non-governmental.  The main partners for the project  are governmental organizations (Universities, Theatres, exhibitions, refugee camps, camps of people with special needs, etc.) in Europe specially in Germany, and governmental organizations in the Arabic world.
Mission and Objectives

The main mission of Arts for All  is to make music available for all people, in all ages, different cultures, and for people with special needs including refuges, children, etc. The project is conducted by highly professional experts in the musical and the multimedia fields.
Arts for All organizes its activities by participating in developing artistic ideas and then putting them into reality. 
The objectives of the Project are the following:
1- To simplify the ways of teaching and performing arts (music, theatre, multimedia, painting, etc.) to make them available for all people (all ages, different cultures, for people with special needs including refuges, children, etc.)
2- To build  cultural bridges between different cultures by using arts, and exchanging experiences between orient and occident;  mainly between Arabic, Persian, Turkish,  African  and European cultures.
3- Bringing the arts of different cultures together by finding contact points or new comprehension concepts by doing special researches for the property of each culture and society.
4- To organize concerts, workshops, exhibitions, and  human resources  training.
5- To facilitate the understanding of contemporary arts;  and  to compose works for them.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects:
Arts for All organizes non-profit projects for music, theatre, dance and multimedia with other organization for people with handicapped people and also refugees.
in addition to that it organizes teaching training courses.
The present participations in projects are:
1- Arts projects with the refugees.
2- Music, Multimedia and theatre projects with people with special needs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Chahin
Head of the organisation
Rami Chahin

SwIdeas AB

National Network

Malmöhusvägen 5
21118 Malmö

+46 (0) 72 831 9996
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

SwIdeas is an enterprise with a social mission that focuses on environmental and social sustainability. Our company builds bridges and partnerships with small and medium-sized enterprises, civil society and the public sector in Sweden, Europe and internationally to provide innovative solutions to our societies’ environmental and social challenges. 

Through the development of training material, delivery of training and workshops, research, and organization of outreach events, SwIdeas offers needs-based, innovative and creative solutions in education and research.

SwIdeas is an Erasmus Plus accredited organisation in Adult Education.

Mission and Objectives

SwIdeas is a value-driven organisation and our aim is not to generate profit but to make an impact. We believe in sustainability, diversity, collaboration, and equality. When working with clients and partners, our aim is to support those who provide value not only for themselves, but also for their societies and communities, and to empower business owners and organisations to do so.

Our vision

is to be a reference point in education and applied research on social and environmental sustainability that contributes to building a more resilient, creative, and inclusive society.

Our mission

is to support those who provide value both for themselves and their societies by offering needs-based, innovative and creative solutions in education and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Topics we have explored via our projects and activities

  • Sociocultural aspects of integration
  • Circular economy and Zero Waste
  • Intercultural communication and interpretation
  • Strengthening the inclusion of individuals with special needs in further education and the workforce
  • Migration & Mobility Matters
  • Young people leadership in social and environmental matters and economic participation
  • Female leadership and economic participation
Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah Sobeih
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Abdallah Sobeih

CFSJ - Centre de Formation à Saint-Josse-ten-Noode (Bruxelles)

National Network

Rue de la Pacification 2
(Galerie Pacific 16)
1210 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Nous sommes un centre de formation
Mission and Objectives

Aide à l'intégration sociale

Main Projects / Activities

Accueil des primo-arrivants, cours divers

Contact (1) Full Name
mr Levon Muradyan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mr Levon Muradyan (coordinateur)

Moniheli ry.

National Network

Hermannin rantatie 12B, 4h floor
00580 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information

Moniheli was founded in 2010 as a cooperation network for multicultural organisations. As of 2018, the network counts over 100 members. Moniheli's goal is to promote the development of a multicultural and diverse Finnish society as well as to support the activities of its member associations in various ways. More information from and; Katto project at and, Multicultural Independence Day at

Mission and Objectives

Moniheli is a service and interest network that facilitates collaborative leadership and activities in the Helsinki metropolitan area and nationwide. Moniheli contributes to and further develops the awareness and promotion of physical and mental well-being as well as economical and social improvement of all members in its member associations. It also promotes their full political participation in Finnish society. Moniheli’s practical methods and tools for promoting diversity and interculturality are the key to a more inclusive Finnish society, therefore it promotes and develops cooperation between multicultural associations, individuals, media, educational institutes and authorities. The purpose of the network is 1. to function as advocate of the multicultural society and its members 2. to develop the cooperation between migrant associations and associations active in multicultural work 3. to influence questions related to migration policy as a network 4. to promote active participation in influencing the society, especially with regards to matters of migration and multiculturalism 5. to advance equality and non-discrimination in the Finnish society 6. The network is a politically and religiously independent non-profit organisation. To do so, the network strives: 1. to plan and implement projects that advance the network’s purpose 2. to support the integration of migrants into the Finnish society 3. to promote the dialogue between its members and other actors in society 4. to promote the immediate cooperation among its members 5. to promote the employment and entrepreneurship of people with migration background 6. to advice, guide and support its member associations when cooperating and when implementing projects that support the network’s overarching objectives 7. to organise events, seminars and trainings 8. to participate actively in public discussions 9. to take care of diverse information spreading and giving out publications 10. to collaborate with actors supporting its objectives nationwide

Main Projects / Activities

Member services (guidance and advice regarding project planning, funding applications and NGO-related issues, trainings, Member Association Grant), advocacy and cooperation across sectors in favour of multiculturalism and integration; Katto project (prevention of immigrants' homelessness in Finland and information regarding housing matters); Multicultural Independence Day celebration (December), Moninainen Suomi at the World Village Festival (May).  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Bringing out views directly from grass root level by having quite large representativeness, by working actively on common interests

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking for collaboration on common interests and issues, in forms of trainings, seminars and projetcs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julie Breton
Job Title
Association Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Abdirahim Hussein, Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdirahim Hussein
Job Title (2)


National Network

47050 ZAGORA

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To take advantage of the unique experience of the organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

نادي التربية على المواطنة وحقوق الانسان

National Network

college AL HANSALI
86356 LQLIAA

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Education Club on citizenship and human rights operates within the framework of the consolidation of awareness of the importance of the concepts and principles of the new generation of human rights across the activities within and outside the institution with organizations and institutions of national and international
Mission and Objectives

- Consolidation of awareness of human rights and citizenship.
- Work as part of a collaborative and participatory with different cultures.
- The exchange of expertise and consulting with organizations that belong to the field of human rights and cultural.

Main Projects / Activities

- Cultural exchanges with institutions in France and Turkey.
- The launch of the education the basis of citizenship.
- Cultural activities different inside and outside the Region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Broker Educational clubs that share the same goals
Provide counseling and guidance to emerging clubs
Work in the approved network of clubs citizenship education and human rights formation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is a leading organization in the field of human rights and cultural education and embraces the organizations and institutions that belong to the Euro-Mediterranean area of work
- Tires large and active from different cultures and competencies includes helping to enrich the participatory action between us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lahcen BADE
Job Title
Director of the educational institution
Head of the organisation
Noureddine MOUIDA

Baltic Youth Way

National Network

Lāčplēša iela 59-47
Rīga, LV-1011

+371 28378431
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Baltic Youth Way aim is to encourage young people to become more creative, and dare to do what they love the most, to promote singing and dancing traditions, as well as to encourage youngsters to learn traditional crafts, for example pottery, blacksmith and so on We wish to promote non formal education, especially in the rural regions, where young people have limited access to higher or professional education, social entrepreneurship to encourage people who are being unemployed or haven't decided yet what would they like to do, to become entrepreneurs and employ themselves and other people from their regions or towns

Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to encourage young people to become more creative, and dare to do what they love the most

Main Projects / Activities

We provide information about different activities for youth in Latvia and other countries to give them chance to learn and develop new skills, learn foreign languages and express themselves in fields of art, music, traditional crafts and many other Very important aim for us, is to unify all young people of all nationalities living in the Baltic's, creativity, traditions, culture and inspiration is what we wish to promote Project ''Baltic Way for Peace'' And now we work on CME ''NGO atlas''  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

''Baltic Youth Way'' Non-governmental organization: * Offers consultations in order to promote and support social entrepreneurship * Supports various folk events in the Baltic region * Supports and promotes various society integration projects in the Baltics and worldwide * Offers chance to improve language skills, by participating in international projects and seminars * Consults about IT and webdesign, and supports various IT, foto and video projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To establish relationship and work together with mediteranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aigars Livdans
Head of the organisation
Aigars Livdāns