Future Society Institute

National Network

M. Valančiaus str. 3-11

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
Future Society Institute - a non-profit organisation, established in 2012, geared towards improving the overall welfare of the society.  Future Society Institute carries out scientific research linked to various disciplines that range from social sciences to technological innovation. While collaborating with governmental authorities, universities, non-governmental organisations and business sector, institute aims to publicize research results, provide consultations and educate the society in general. 7 well-qualified people are currently working in the Institute.  Main sources of funding: EU Structural Funds, National funds (Lithuanian Council of Culture, etc.), private clients. Main social partners: Arts Factory LOFTAS (www.menufabrikas.lt), National Tourism Business Association (www.ntva.lt), Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (www.lpk.lt), Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries (www.lispa.net), Verslas ar menas (www.vam.lt) and others.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Future Society Institute - to carry out research of inter-disciplinary scientific studies and uses the results to contribute to overall well-being of the society. 
Institute prioritizes the research that: 
- Fosters inter-sectoral cooperation;
- Focuses on the results that can be applied in practice;
- Generates benefits to the society of different social groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
- Inter-disciplinary research, analyses, forecasts and feasibility studies;
- Consultation and training;
- Initiation and organisation of inter-institutional discussions, forums, science symposiums, conferences;
- Education of civil society and promotion of political activity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Future Society Institute aims to increase inter-sectoral and inter-institutional cooperation in Lithuania. Organization’s objectives go in alignment with Anna Lindh Foundation mission – bringing together civil society and citizens as well as improving a mutual understanding between them. While focusing on culture and arts (cultural and creative industries), institute seeks to carry out interdisciplinary research, which results can be applied in practice. Being part of the network, organization can contribute to mutual goals by encouraging the dialogue between different sectors and promoting individual consciousness. We believe an active community is one of the main ingredients for a holistic and consistent path to sustainable development. Cultural development is particularly dependent upon an open and inclusive participation of all social and civic actors. Therefore, we believe that we can increase well-being of overall society by fostering regional development, promoting social innovation and developing cultural project across different Mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a member of ALF Network would contribute to achieving the goals of the organisation:
- Exchanging good practice would help to initiate changes and apply innovative practices in Lithuania.
- Establishing closer international links would help to develop projects that contribute to the development of a national culture. 
- Being in a network that has similar values and goals would increase organisation's capacities to initiate international research related to civil society, sustainable development as well as culture and arts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Auksė Statauskienė
Job Title
Deputy Directo
Head of the organisation
Erika Furman
Contact (2) Full Name
Aistė Paškevičiūtė
Job Title (2)
Communication Specialist

Forum of knowledge

National Network

street obada ibn samet
4023 city riadh sousse

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The structure Assembly of 9 members with over 200 subscribers, our budget is made up of voluntary contributions and some activities such as book fairs and seminars cultural activities with a group of intellectuals and academics and exhibitions of books, films and training sessions and we have Companies with centre of dialogue of civilization  and centre of youth in Riyadh
Mission and Objectives

Our goals and are publishing and development of culture in popular areas to support young talent

Main Projects / Activities

Clubs theatre and cinema and music in the District of Riyadh and a public library

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Find a partner with experience in the field of cultural development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Gain more experience and find a partner with experience

Contact (1) Full Name
ghanem chihaoui
Job Title
responsable of projet
Head of the organisation
saleh ben nuir

Forum der Kulturen zu Fragen der Zeit

National Network

Eisenacher Str. 6
10777 Germany

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
A board of 4 honorary members, including the president (head). Administration secured by SFGM No funds available for projects. They are financed by cooperation with Institutions and other Foundations or by private sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

The foundation has published the art-magzine”POIESIS” and initiates, organises exhibitions
scientific: “The Forms of LIFE” ; artistic:”Aesthetics and Sustainebility”(travelling worldwide,13th Edition now part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Lima - Website: http://www.z-n-e.info/ ), “Patterns of an Other Order”(Bologna-Berlin)” , “IDENTITY-Erdem Gündüz”(Berlin-Istanbul,website www.werkstattgalerie.org/exhibitions).

Main Projects / Activities

 Actual projects:
The worldwide exhibition: Aesthetics and susstainebiliby
Exhibition and Seminars on: “Patters of Another Order” (exchange Bologna-Berlin)
A German edition of the “Festival de la Cultures Soufie de Fès, Maroc: The famous encounter of these Muslim traditions in philosophy, religion, art, literature and dance with other cultures and the questions of our time wants to open up tothecountriesof Europe- inBerlin with concerts from Marocco, Turkey, Spain, Mayotte and speakers and artistsfrom Marocco, Germany, Niger,USA, Tunisia and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Following the activities of the “Jaspers Lectures on Matters of Our Time” we link an international network with a national one, concerning cultural issues of equally social and even political importance

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to participate in some of the ongoing debates and activities and at the same time, ask for support for the one or the other of our own projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Rudolf Prinz zur Lippe
Job Title
Prof. Dr. President
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Prinz zur Lippe
Contact (2) Full Name
Beate Lukas, Zeisig Str. 3, D-27798 Hude
Job Title (2)

Association mourouj de sport pour tous

National Network

Maison de culture mourouj1, rue gafsa, 2074
2074 mourouj

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Tout d’abord  il est important de signaler que tous les membres de notre association  sont des volontaires, alors  notre structure est composée de 7 membre de bureaux et presque 30 adhérents. Nous avons atteint un revenus Total pour l’année 2013/2014 égal à 1.300.000 DT équivalent à 600 euros,  Nos Sources de financement sont : -Fédération Tunisienne de Sport pour Tous -Municipalité El Mourouj -Commissariat Régionale de la jeunesse et de sport Ben Arous - frais d’adhésion des participants Modalités d'action : - Projet sur l’intégration et l’égalité entre les enfants à travers les activités sportives. -Organisation des Soirées d'animation socio-sportives dans les universités, les foyers, les centres des personnes âgées, les centres des  handicapés, les centres pour jeunes délinquants… - Organisation des Journées culturelles : les jeux traditionnels, des visites culturelles aux monuments archéologiques Partenaires principaux : -Le centre de rééducation des jeunes délinquants d’El Mourouj  - Club VTT de banlieue sud -Commissariat Régionale de la jeunesse et de sport Ben Arous - the Cross Cultures Project Association (CCPA) - Les fédérations sportifs
Mission and Objectives

Objectifs de l’association :
• Promouvoir le sport de base (dés l’enfance) comme un outil pour l’égaliter et la cohésion sociale dans la société.
• Amène les enseignants, les dirigeants, les formateurs, les enfants, les jeunes, les familles de différentes origines ethniques et sociales de travailler ensemble, sans conflit.
• Développement de remise en forme de l'individu en fournissant des opportunités pour tous à l'exercice de l'activité physique libre suivant les intérêts les motivations, aptitudes et compétences de chacun.
• Veille à l’amélioration de l'état de santé de l'individu, prévention de nombreuses maladies notamment  les maladies cardio-vasculaires et mentale et l'obésité ...
• Améliorer le comportement social de l'individu.
• Développer la capacité d’investissement du temps libre.
• Apprendre le bon managment de la qualité de vie et comment surmonter le stéréotype de la vie quotidienne à travers des activités sportives bien ciblées.

Main Projects / Activities

- Projet sur l’intégration et l’égalité entre les enfants à travers le football, organisation des tournois entre les enfants des sud et de nord de pays.
-Organisation des Soirées d'animation socio-sportives dans les universités, les foyers, les centres des personnes âgées, les centres des  handicapés, les centres pour jeunes délinquants…
- Organisation des Journées culturelles : les jeux traditionnels, des visites culturelles aux monuments archéologiques.
- Organisation Journées portes ouvertes dans les sports  non reconnus (Paint ball, Scrime, escalade, équitation, canoë-kayak, karting, spéléologie, speed ball, Tir à l’arc…)
- Organisation des Journée des sports et santé pour tous : Stage de formation au secourisme, Des journées de sensibilisation pour l'importance du sport et l'éducation sanitaire dans les établissements scolaires, Séminaire de sensibilisation pour la lutte antidopage, Des journées de sensibilisation pour maintenir la santé humaine (interventions médicales et d'ateliers dans la détection du diabète , la pression artérielle , le cholestérol , l'obésité ...)
- Des partenariats avec les institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales pour organiser des activités sportives après les heures de travail, et faire des clubs ou d'associations sportives pour toutes ces institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

On s’engage de participer aux activités organisées par notre réseau national, et nous organisons des activités avec le partenariat de notre réseau national Tunisien. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous avons l’honneur de joindre le réseau ALF pour les raisons suivantes:
_ Tout d'abord c’est une chance pour nous d'améliorer nos compétences par la participation au formation, stage, séminaire… liée à la fondation
_ Il se agit d'une occasion de réseautage avec d’autre partenaire de réseaux partout dans le monde.
_ Enfin notre passion de servir notre pays la Tunisie après la révolution pour former une nouvelle génération  portant les valeurs de la citoyenneté.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem ZIR
Job Title
professeur de jeunesse
Head of the organisation
Hatem ZIR
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Forum Connecting Cultures in Morocco

National Network

Bloc1 Num 70 Youssoufia East
10000 Rabat

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Forum Connecting Cultures, is a Moroccan non-profit non Governemental youth exchange organisation promoting youth mobility, intercultural learning and international voluntary service. FCC is formed by socially active Moroccan youth who have worked with a variety of  local civic associations, and is networking with non-formal University Students Clubs and youth organizations to involve them in international youth exchanges and Researchs and Scholarships abroad. It is run by youth activists on a democratic structure and our members are mainly working on a voluntary base.  The minimum age to participate in our activities is 18 years FCC has young people throughut Morocco from across Europe and Africa involved in our activities.  As national network, we are the representative body of our members in contacts with the institutions and partners in the youth. FCC, works to foster a public interest in cultural development towards community issues. FCC, is gradually increasing its network of partners on the national and international levels.
Mission and Objectives

To promote peace, cultural understanding and youth empowerment through opportunities of international exchange and voluntary service overseas.
To provide a rich cultural experience for international volunteers, wishing to discover Morocco first hand. By fostering intercultural dialogue among people from different geographic and socio-economic backgrounds, FCC hopes to both preserve indigenous traditions, and find ways to shape modernization.
International and local volunteers have the opportunity to cooperate with each other, and to share cultural practices and values of different societies. In addition, FCC works to foster a public interest in cultural development towards community issues.
 To promote international co-operation for cultural, educational and social purposes;
 To work towards resolving conflicts and promotion of peaceful societies through awareness of humanitarian principles and respect for others.
 To improve the relationships and promote tolerance among young people of different cultural /economical/ political realities;
 To Promote awareness of heritage of the environment and sustainability.
 To encourage the active involvement of all young people in society without distinction because of race, social status, educational levels or any other disadvantage.

Main Projects / Activities

Volunteering, Short mid term and long term Volunteering programs
Training courses / Seminars/ conferences
international Youth exchange programs
Participation in International Projects that goes with the objectives of the FCC.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the projects proposals and active participation of our members ,volunteers and trainers in projects of Euromed and Erasmus plus ,We would dessiminate the results of projects, as well as emplement and multiply semilar experiences in Morocco.
We would like also to introduce Annalindh foundation via the network of our partners.
As we are a member organisation in YEU international-Youth for Exchange and Understanding www.yeu-international.org we have some potential projects that we would apply on the behalf of our network.
We also would like to apply for some grants on local and regional level, and envolve more and more member organisations from Morocco to join the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As our working fields are mainly the young people from the Local communities (Universities, schools, House of youth, youth Club and youth associations), as well as youth with difficult social and economic backgrounds, we want to give them the opportunity to go abroad and let them experience what the best comes from these intercultural exchanges, training courses, seminars,etc.
So we can proceed with a more solid path, we feel that this can’t be without embracing along the network Annalindh Foundation. These are our objectives :
a) Actively collaborate with other ALF members, promoting dialogue and exchange of views among them.
b) Being able to participate and collaborate in the organization of activities undertaken by members of ALF.
c) Inform, guide and advise our young members in the sense of the advantages in programs and activities designed and structured by ALF.
d) Express our views on the topics discussed on the agenda, using the opportunity to intervene, and Collaborate actively in the dessimination of the anna lindh foundation projects results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Tazrouti
Job Title
International Programs Manager
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohammed Tazrouti
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassan Aittaleb
Job Title (2)
General Secretary


National Network

محافظة البلقاء مدينة السلط حي البقيع
as salt 00962

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
يهدف تجمع أبيش لتغيير السلوك المجتمع الخاطئ و تحفيز أنشطة الحوار داخل المجتمع و نبذ العنف و تحسين الممارسات الديموقراطية للمواطنيين و زيادة الثقافة الحقوقية الإنسانية و القانونية إضافة إلى دعم مشاريع الشباب الصغيرة من خلال المساعدة في تسويقها إضافة إلى متابعة المؤسسات الخدمية الحكومية
Mission and Objectives

مجتمع متحاور
شباب أكثر دراية بحقوقه و واجباته
مؤسسات خدمية مرنة و متواصلة
رفع ثقافة المجتمع الإنسانية
دعم قطاع الأعمال الصغيرة
محاربة التطرف و توجيه الشباب نحو التطوع

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع زراعة الأشجار و محاربة الاعتداء على الثروة الحرجية
نادي القراءة
مشروع ندوات الحوار
طوف بالسلط مشروع دعم السياحة المحلية
مبادرة مجالس العشائر انشاء مجالس عشائرية تنتخب أعضائها و تشكل قاعدة مجتمعية صحية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكنني الإسهام بنقل تجربتي للشباب المشارك في الشبكة و أيضاً الانتقال لمناطق أخرى في الأردن و مساعدتهم في إنشاء شبكات حوار اجتماعية ينتج عنها أعمال ومشاريع تساعد في تمكين المجتمعات

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لإكتساب مزيد من المهارات و تطوير المعرفة و نقلها لمجتمعي

Contact (1) Full Name
al-mothana basheer arabeyat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
مجتمع الشباب

National Society for Democracy and Law (NSDL)

National Network

2nd Floor - Yahia Zorob Building, Rafah City, Gaza Strip"Palestine"
2nd Floor - Yahia Zorob Building, Rafah City, Gaza Strip"Palestine"
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
: 00970-8-2139181
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Democracy is based on essential requirements and it can not based on or achieved without it, especially awareness and freedom. So searching for democracy without freedom and awareness is searching for mirage. Since democracy is a system based on faith and science which needs organized values. Therefore, the National Society for Democracy and Law registration no. (7313).The organization was established by an initiative of educated Palestinian youth, and it was supported by many national figures to be as the light candle for those they looking for freedom and knowledge NSDL seeks to disseminate and promote the concepts of democracy and human rights for all segments of Palestinian society, and is working to raise public awareness to the principles, values ​​and the foundations of human rights through its programs and the professional qualified staff, in addition to monitoring and documenting all violations against the citizens and individuals of the various entities and to prosecute Perpetrators according to international and local conventions
Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the Society:
Stabilizing rule of law principles and human rights respect.
Educating citizens of their rights and duties and the responsibilities entrusted to them.
Documenting the most important events relating to rule of law and human rights violations.
Defending for human rights in accordance with the Palestinian National Authority established laws and legislations and to the international conventions of human rights.
Participating in establishing the civil society organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization consists of several departments to achieve its objectives and they are as follows:
Monitoring and Documentation Department.
Legal Support Department.
Women Department .
Department to promote human rights

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through participation in the implementation of joint activities with the network through advocacy campaigns, workshops and meetings

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cooperation for the promotion of democracy and human rights
Increase cooperation and networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Muammar
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Dr Ibrahim Muammar
Contact (2) Full Name
Hossam Jarghoun
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

BABIL Association

National Network

Cumhuriyet Cad. No:40 Ka-Han K:8
(Anadolu Kültür premises)
34367 Istanbul/

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
General Information
Founded in May 2013, Independent Research, Information and Communication Association (BABIL) aims at contributing to building a democratic society where human rights are respected and rule of law prevails. BABIL believes that the conflicts can be best transformed through peaceful dialogue. With these aims, the association undertakes independent research projects hoping to support the development of civil society where cultural and ideological diversity is valued and considered as richness. BABIL intends to empower social communication, interaction and collaboration through independent studies in various fields such as culture, art and literature.
Mission and Objectives

BABIL aims at contributing to building a democratic society where human rights are respected and rule of law prevails. BABIL believes that the conflicts can be best transformed through peaceful dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Running short and long term projects including workshops, field studies, meetings, symposia, exhibition etc.
20 Dollars, 20 Kilos was a project of BABİL Association: 1964.babilder.org 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ragip Zik
Job Title
International and Corporate Affairs Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Salih Erturan
Contact (2) Full Name
Salih Erturan
Job Title (2)

alryada for Development Studies and Human Rights

National Network

Port Said - suburban area - Portx housing - Marwa building - Apartment 27
port said

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
Association alryada  for Development Studies and Human Rights work in the fields of studies and applied research and consultancy in the field of social sciences and human rights. Has been added to the field of human rights in April 2014 by a judicial ruling. We have made many studies and research in the areas of sustainable development and energy. And Human Rights Studies. We have cooperation with a number of partner organizations In the fields of training and studies We have a great group of young activists In many fields and disciplines -          There are a number of basic and sub-committees are as follows: - - Executive committee - Committee of Rights and Freedoms - To the Dispute Settlement Committee and the elimination of customary - Commission studies and projects - Information Committee - Committee training and education
Mission and Objectives

Work on finding solutions to many problems that concern the life of individuals in the first place and so try to change their life and improve their living conditions and their surrounding environment.
Through the preparation of studies and research on these problems and find solutions to them, according to a modern and sophisticated vision which fit the era of scientific , creative and technological development , which witnessed by the developed world.
This is in addition to holding seminars, training programs and events in order to raise the scientific and cultural awareness among individuals.
-We are fully aware that these studies and scientific programs can not be valuable or helping to change people life, but under the rule of a democratic which allows the possibility to Show visions and ideas and work to implement them without any obstacles or control to reduce the role of science in various fields so as not to turn contributor’s natural to change the surrounding environment for the life of individuals. Or find good solutions and new resolve various problems, whether economic, social or cultural or religious without distinction relative to religion, color or sex with the recognition of the  other acceptance and rejection of violence and extremism and respect for human rights and the principles of equality and interest in and respect for women's issues and work to enable it.. The science is the basis of everything and nothing without the knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conduct studies and research
- Human rights
- Printing and Publishing
- Economical development
- Environment protection
- Training and education

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can prepare studies and programs that may help the network to develop and promote its performance in the geographical area in which we operate as well as bring in new members of organizations to join the network  .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Anna Lindh network big and important network and will be of benefit to join it through access to information and the exchange of expertise and work of the various partnerships .

Contact (1) Full Name
waleed mohamed atwa
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
waleed mohamed atwa
Contact (2) Full Name
Sayed Mohamed Mahmoud Ali
Job Title (2)
Vice Chairman of the Board

Ula Al-Khateeb - UIB university

National Network

07011 Palma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
A researcher on education for active citizenship and diversity, intercultural learning, intercultural& inter-religous dialoug, working in designing and implementing non-formal education programs.
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities

Resarch studies, conferences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ula Al-Khateeb
Job Title
Head of the organisation