The Educators International

National Network

Gropgränd 4
75310 Uppsala

+46 18131358
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 762504193
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Started in March this year, we are very young yet highly experienced organisation with board, staff and volunteers experts in their relavent fields of humanitarian work and health, art etc. According to the constitution of The Educators International there is a minimum number of five baord members required. We right now have five board members, one staff member and 4 volunteers. Financial resources are various actually.

Uppsala Kommun, some schools in Uppsala and Tierp area are co-sponsors of our activities in Sweden. For our international programmes the grant proposals are being sent to ensure constant flow of funds to run our projects without any bumps.

We arrange seminars and talks at various schools in Stockholm and Uppsala area. In Tierp we have started an Integration and Understaning project with the help of local schools and Kommun. Sofar, we have two partners in Sweden, PeaceQuest International and Somaliska Föreningen, and one international partner organisation in Nairobi Kenya.  

Mission and Objectives

Through Education we can make a difference. We at The Educators strongly believe that education is the key to a better world.  Our objectives are: Irredication of poverty through empowerment and skillful education. Education not only a tool to earn a living but a better way to live. With education comes awareness and understanding, train the youth to learn to listen and listen to learn.  Create empathy and compation.  Women's empowerment through skill and learning. Health training sessions for women to understand their own issues better. Create healthy activities for youth. Use audio and visual tools to teach them better ways of life in poverty and war stricken countries.     

Main Projects / Activities

Intergration and understaning in Tierp. Tierp is a small town with various villages around it loaded with huge numbers of immigrants. We have already started activities on smaller scale but we are planning to arrange Mingles and Activity based evenings, we shall invite people from both sides, new comers to Sweden and those who are born here. In this way both sides can understand each other better. Under lighter moods and with fun activities, dance, music and games that are designed to learn about each other.     School lectures with focus on the changing world around us. Accepting new comers in Sweden, in Uppsala and Stockholm area. And Each time we deliver lectures on different conflicts around the world. Creating awareness as to how can we deal with it? Understanding reasons behind these conflicts and come up with ways to stop them.  A lot more is in the pipeline and we are working on bring them into shape.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

More is always better than lesser in case if we want to be more effective. With such networks in place more organisations can come together and use their abiities and expertise to make a bigger difference.  We can create awareness by various activities and combined afforts. In order to bring change in the attitudes and thinking we can spread more information and make the citizens and soon to be citizens of this country more aware of goodnesses rather than negatives attributes. Sweden is such a great society with high acceptance level. We only need to be more proactive to avoid any unwanted situation. With our expert team we can do a a lot more than even we can imagine. We have a focused group of enthusiasts with focused goals to achieve, so, we can do it. With all the success stories Sweden became one of the economic and social leaders of the world. Here we can use these experiences and help poorer countries to learn from our examples and improve their quality of life. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a part of such a huge and useful network a whole new world of understanding opens to us to learn from. And to do more. That leads us to; help more. Teach more. Interact more. Educate more. And exchange of experiences can help us do our work more effectively. By participating in the activities ALF Network arranges, we can expand our horizon and become better organisation to make bigger difference. All in all, we can take part in making this world a much better place for our coming generations to live in. And leave better generations to this world.   

Contact (1) Full Name
Tajdar Aziz
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Anneli Nordenpalm (Chairperson)
Contact (2) Full Name
Anneli Nordenpalm
Job Title (2)

Association de Conservation de la Nature et de protection de l'Environnement d'Hammam-Lif

National Network

41 rue Charles Nicolles
2099 Hammam-Lif

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ACONPE /H-Lif a été constituée le 13 Février 2012 (2012T015220APSF1, JORTn°29, page 1470 du 8 Mars 2012) pour combler une lacune dans le tissu associatif de la ville d’Hammam-Lif qui manque une association dont les activités sont totalement  consacrées à la conservation de la nature  et la protection de l’environnement de la ville en particulier et de la région en  général.  
Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour objectifs de:
-Promouvoir et de développer toutes activités liées à la conservation de la nature et la protection de l’environnement dans la ville d’Hammam-Lif,
-Constituer un front de pression contre toutes les activités qui portent atteinte à la nature ou ayant un impact négatif sur l’environnement. Ce front essayera d’inclure les lois protectrice de l’environnement dans la constitution et l’adoption des études d’impact stratégiques dans tout programme que ce soit politique ou de développement,
-Mener des actions qui contribuent à la gestion durable des ressources naturelles de la région, en particulier, celles du Jebel Bougarnine et de la mer méditerranée,
-Mener des actions de sensibilisation du public et des autorités locales à la gestion intégrée des pollutions liquides, solides et gazeuses générées par la région,
-Promouvoir l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables,
-Organiser des colloques et des rencontres et toutes sortes de manifestations scientifiques, de sensibilisation ou de démonstration concernant la nature et l’environnement,
-Favoriser des liens entre les établissements économiques et industriels à travers l'échange des informations, la participation à des séminaires de formation et la création de ponts avec les milieux universitaire et de recherche pour d’une part, promouvoir l’application des résultats de recherche dans le domaine et d’autre part, trouver des solutions pour les problèmes de pollutions,
-Favoriser la coopération nationale et internationale par la participation active dans des réseaux d’associations opérant dans le domaine.

Main Projects / Activities

Actions réalisées
1-Compagne de nettoyage de l’espace vert de la cité du Stade en collaboration avec l’école Primaire Boussouffara
2-Aménagement de l’espace vert du martyr Al Michlaoui en collaboration avec la         Direction des Forêts
3-Compagne de nettoyage de la plage sud de la ville d’Hammam-Lif en collaboration avec Hammam-Lif Today et la Municipalité d’Hammam-Lif (Eté 2013).
4– Contrôle bactériologique des eaux de baignade de la mer au niveau des plages de Hammam-Lif et de Hammam-Chatt.
5-Etude de  la gestion des déchets  solides à la Municipalité d’Hammam-Lif  et proposition d’un plan de gestion intégrée.
6-Action de sensibilisation des écoliers de la Cité Boussouffara sur la collecte des bouteilles en plastique.
7-Expérimentation de compostage de déchets de jardin et suivi de sa qualité à différents stades de maturation.
8-Participation aux festivités de la journée du travail le 1er Mai 2013 à Ain Zarga au Parc National du Boukornine par une exposition des produits plastiques recyclables et des échantillons de compost de déchet de jardin à différents stades de maturation.
9– Adhésion au collectif d’associations pour le développement du programme Eco-quartier en tunisie.
10-Participation à la Consultation nationale sur le post-2015 pour Réduction des risques de Catastrophe (Tunis, 28 Novembre 2013).
Projets en cours
1-Suivi du Projet de Centre de Transfert projeté par l’ANGED au Boukornine pour préconiser un Centre de Tri dans le cadre d’une Gestion intégrée des déchets solides de la ville d’Hammam-Lif
2-Contribution au Programme international d’ECO-SCHOOLS.
3-Participation au Programme national d’ECO-QUARTIERS.
2-Etablissement d’un Agenda21 local pour la ville d’Hammam-Lif
3-Inscription de la ville d’Hammam-Lif en tant que Ville résiliente contre les  catastrophes dans le programme des Nations Unies pour la réduction des risques de catastrophes (UNISDR)
4-Participation à l’organisation du festival Ain Zarga 2014.
5-Participation au Suivi du projet de l’Aménagement du littoral de la ville d’Hammam-Lif.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamadi Kallali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hamadi Kallali


National Network

4, Tsouka str., 17455 Alimos
96, Achilleos str. & 287, Thisseos av.
17674 Athens Kallithea

+30 2109426550
Telephone (other)
+30 2109883521
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+30 6949075629
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: General Assembly, Board of Directors, Head of Opearations and Head of Financing, Training and Education Unit, Trategical planning Unit, Secretariat. 4 part time staff and 5 volunteers. Budgetary: 2014: 2000 euros, 2013: 5500, 2012: 3500 Sources: UNDEP, members Modalities: Gender equality project in Serbia, OSCE organised trainings on CSOs Istanbul principles for development effectiveness in Athens, poarticipation in CONCORD Working Groups (Aidwatch, Policy Forum, Beyond 2015 European Task Force). Partners: FRACTAL Serbia, Hellenic Platform for Development CSOs, CONCORD
Mission and Objectives

To facilitate the meeting of human needs in integrated, innovative and effective ways. Actions are to be governed by the spirit of International Law, the convention of human rights, as well as principles and provisions of relevant international organizations.
PLATEAU's objectives are the planning, design and implementation of actions, in Greece or abroad, aimed at benefitting populations, civilians, vulnerable groups and societies.  Such actions are to be carried out in accordance with the principles and practices of international organizations, conventions of international law and human rights while being pursuant to the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
More specifically, PLATEAU intends to execute comprehensive sustainable development programs and activities. Such programs will focus on combating poverty, stimulating social and economic development in developing countries and promoting cultural development in accordance with the MDGs as well as the principles of sustainable development. Actions may include but will not be limited to:
-    Emergency humanitarian assistance in regions of the planet   in urgent need.
-    Promotion and protection of human rights as well as democratization activities in developing countries.
-    Social economy actions in Greece and other developed or developing countries.
-    Rehabilitation programs and social infrastructure projects in communities and vulnerable groups stricken by natural disasters or conflict.
-    Strategic, integrated programs to promote global sustainable development.
-    Research, training and awareness campaigns.
-    Programs and partnerships with agencies towards these aims.
-    Regional development, research and educational awareness campaigns to improve public information. This may be accomplished through conferences, meetings, seminars, publications, research programs, vocational training, employment orientation and IT programs.
-    Design, development and presentation of project proposals.
-    Implementation of project activities within the framework of national, European and international co-financed programs specifically having to do with research and education, promotion of employability and culture, athletics, health care, social economy and development of modern technologies.
-    Capacity building and training to the organization’s executives who implement the referred programs, to any other interested nongovernmental organization or to anyone   planning to work in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

1. UNDEF project: "Enhancing the Role of Internally Displaced Women in Serbia in the Process of Integration and Return"
The overall objective of the action was to strengthen the role of Civil Society in Serbia in regards to the
promotion and protection of the rights of Internally Displaced Persons and especially women as the most
vulnerable group among them. The target group of the project is mainly female IDPs living in Belgrade,
Kragujevac and Kraljevo. Furthermore the project is targeting the Local Authorities in these three regions,
as well as the CSO’s relevant to the protection of IDPs, or women rights.
PLATEAU activities:
- Participation in Project Steering Committee (PSC)
- Management, design, preparation and realization of ToT (Training of Trainers) activity in Serbia
which was realized 21-24 March 2012 in Belgrade.
- Management, design, realization of evaluation, research study of civil society situation in Serbia.
- Support overall supervision, management and coordination of project activities, reporting,
monitoring and evaluation whenever requested from PSC.
2. In the framework of the Pilot Action “Provision of Humanitarian assistance to homeless, refugees, immigrants and vulnerable families”, Plateau managed to collect a large amount of clothing and kids toys. The assistance was provided to “Komvos Allilovoitheias” of the Municipality of Athens, a structure organised to collect and provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable groups (clothing, food, toys and furniture), as well as to immigrant families who visited our office.
3. Greek lessons to Immigrants, refugees and foreignes for facilitation of their integration to the Greek society and communities. We have started a series opf lessons to a forst group of refugees and immigrants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PLATEAU is a newly created agency. The members/friends however, possess a wealth of long-term experience both in strategic planning and implementation of projects relevant to NGO’s objectives and also in management of funds, which are estimated in an average of 30 m. euro up to date.
Combined experience amounts to over 50 years and includes Cooperation with Greek Development NGOs as Project Coordinators and Heads of Missions, more than 9 years in the Balkan Peninsula (a total calculation of 35 years for all members) implementation of projects in FYROM, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and Turkey Egypt, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq, participation in direct humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka, and creation of proper conditions for the development of a reliable mechanism to provide humanitarian assistance and international development cooperation. (ANNEX – indicative experience of PLATEAU members)
ANNEX: Indicative experience of PLATEAU
PLATEAU’s members have already recorded, as members of the Greek and global civil society sector, the following experience:
2.1    Emergency Humanitarian Aid (Projects coordination and management)
1.1.1    Natural disasters humanitarian aid:
-    Turkey (2000 – 2001): Emergency humanitarian aid to earthquake victims in the region of Duce, Central Turkey;
-    Iran (2006 – 2007): Humanitarian aid and damaged houses reconstruction to the earthquake victims in the region of Bam, Iran;
1.1.2    Emergency humanitarian aid to the people who suffered by military conflicts:
-    Serbia (May 1999): Participation in humanitarian aid mission during NATO bombing demonstration in the cities of Nis and Belgrade;
-    Kosovo (2000 – 2003): Humanitarian aid and reconstruction of houses, schools and health centers in the Kosovo post conflict regions (Pristine/Prishtina, Obiliq/c, Lipljan/Liplianje, Fush Kosove/Kosovo Polje, Poduje/Podujevo);
-    FYROM (2001 – 2003): Emergency Humanitarian aid and reconstruction of houses and schools in post conflict, civil war, regions in FYROM  – village of Arachinovo and surroundings regions;
1.2    Development projects: Reconstruction and rehabilitation of structures, houses and public social care works
1.2.1    Reconstruction projects in natural disaster suffered regions:
-    Iran (2005 – 2007): Houses reconstruction (55 houses) in earthquake region of Bam, Iran;
-    Sri Lanka (2007 – 2008):  Humanitarian aid and schools reconstruction (7 schools) in the tsunami suffered region of Abara;
1.2.2    Reconstruction projects in military conflict suffered regions:
-    Albania (1999- 2005): Refugees camps and reconstruction of schools, health centers, water supply and sewerage systems in the regions of Koritsa, Burrel, klos, Skodra;
-    FYROM (2001 – 2003): Houses reconstruction, schools, water supply and sewerage systems in FYROM regions – village of Arachinovo and surroundings areas;
-    Kosovo (2003 – 2007): Reconstruction of houses and villages, schools, water and sewerage systems as well as electricity supply to the minority population in Kosovo – Serbs, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptians – in the framework of Internal Displaced people (IDPs) multi-sectoral return projects in Kosovo;
1.3    Social Economy projects:
-    Serbia (2001 – 2002): Micro-credits benefits to vulnerable groups in Central Serbia (refugees, 1999 war suffered vulnerable groups);
-    Kosovo (2003 – 2007): Grants and income generation projects as well as houses and schools rehabilitation in Kosovo minority population – Serbs, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptians – in the framework of IDPs multi-sectoral return projects in Kosovo.
-    Serbia (2006 – 2008): Support to the National Strategy for force return migration projects in Serbia (Serbs and Roma population who migrated and/or seeking asylum to EU states during or after 1999 war) as well as force returnees’ re-integration to local communities projects in Serbia (EC AENEAS projects).
-    Egypt (2007 – 2009): Support to the Egyptians legal migration process – foreseen immigrants - for EU countries (EC AENEAS project).
1.4    Human rights protection and democratization projects, strengthening democratic structures and institutions:
-    Serbia (2001 – 2007): Strengthening of multiple participation through the support and promotion of social society initiatives in Central and South Serbia (local NGOs and representatives of Internal Displaced Persons Associations – IDPs Associations);
-    Kosovo (2001 – 2007): Strengthening and support of local structures and institutions, civil society entities as well as local self government representatives through the participation, the design and the join implementation of reconstruction projects and IDPs return projects in Kosovo;
-    Serbia, Kosovo and FYROM (2004 – 2008): Establishment and/or strengthening of civil society regional networks in the referred regions;
-    Pakistan (2006 – 2008): Rhabilitation of victims of Torture (VoT) in the North West Frontiers of Pakistan (NWFP) – Islamabad, Peshawar and Dir regions.
-    Kyrgyzstan, Democratic Republic (2007 – 2009): Support and strengthening of local institutions, civil society sector and local self government structures through the participatory approach, the design and join implementation of local development projects.
1.5    Research and Education/Trainings
1.5.1    Greece (1999 – 2009)
-    Implementation of EU financed projects in the Athens Technical Educational Institute of Athens (Dellor-II EU packages for educational reforms) (1999 – 2000);
-    Evaluation of development projects through quality and quantity analysis of objectives achievement;
-    Participation in European Commission financed projects INTERREG II, implemented in the cities of Skopje, Sofia and Tirana and in partnership with the Municipalities of Volos and Thessaloniki (2004 – 2006);
-    Participation in research projects of the University of Thessaly (2005 – 2007);
-    Participation in conferences and projects presentations as well as models evaluation (Youth in Action projects, Vocational training seminars – Naousa 2002, Stability Pact conferences Thessaloniki 2006 and Sarajevo 2007).
1.5.2    International experience/participation:
•    Kosovo (2003 – 2007): Consultancy services, research and participation in UNMIK/PISG Kosovo,  design and development of Manual for IDPs Sustainable Return in Kosovo – Framework for IDPs return in Kosovo and implementation of multi sectoral IDPs return projects. Active participation in established structures – Municipal Working Groups, Task Force meetings and Evaluation Committees – for update of the referred Manual for IDPs Sustainable return.
-    Participation as Trainer in civil society representatives Trainings (NGOs Capacity building) in Greece and worldwide.
-    Participation in Conferences and presentation of project as well as evaluation of modules (Stability Pact Sarajevo 2006, Brussels 2008, Almaty in Kazakhstan 2009).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Plateau wants to join the ALF Network In order to contribute to ALF objectives and values and become part of the broader Mediterranean Network giving us the opportunity to achieve credible partnerships and proper action in favour of our communities and civilisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fotis Vlachos
Job Title
Chairman, General Director
Head of the organisation


National Network

50 boulevard du jardin Exotique

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Monaco-Tunisia would like to be the link between those two small countries. Members involve in the organization are tunisians but also monegasques and french.  
Mission and Objectives

To promote Tunisia in Monaco and all over the French Riviera
To help Tunisia in his global development ( education, culture, health, econimy, environment...)

Main Projects / Activities

To organise conferences about tunisian/mediterranean culture
To promote young tunisian artists
To promote investisment in Tunisia
To promote a better education for our children in Tunisian
To promote a better environement
To promote a better heath for all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By supporting us

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because it's well-known

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Fethia EL MAY
Job Title (2)

Paulina test

National Network

ALF Alexandria

+20102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
This is only a test.   Dear Orsolya,   I have created this application in order to check, if the online system is working correctly. Kindly please send me an e-mail, once you receive the automatic e-mail from the website, notifying you about this application.   Best, Paulina
Mission and Objectives

Dear Orsolya,
I have created this application in order to check, if the online system is working correctly. Kindly please send me an e-mail, once you receive the automatic e-mail from the website, notifying you about this application.

Main Projects / Activities

Dear Orsolya,
I have created this application in order to check, if the online system is working correctly. Kindly please send me an e-mail, once you receive the automatic e-mail from the website, notifying you about this application.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation

Compagnie Chat du CHéschire

National Network

8, rue Paul Bert
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Good Evening ,   Our Company is a Theatre Company   
Mission and Objectives

Throw the the theatre , create relations between differents people 

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre lessons for children , lessons for politic migrants ( CIMADE partner)
Creation of spectacles 
Actually , project to create  from Yasmina KHADRA "A quoi rêvent les loups" with actors  and musician algérian (Arabic ) 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we want to send  migrant dreams and we have been collecting many of them 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To  find partners  and  communicate  with other cultures 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeanne-Marie Michineau
Job Title
Directrice artistique
Head of the organisation
Béatrice Gaudnik-Magassa
Contact (2) Full Name
Paul Michineau
Job Title (2)

Jazz Fest Sarajevo

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pruscakova 2
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+387 33 550 480
Telephone (other)
+387 33 550 482
+387 33 550 481
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 267 114
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Jazz Fest Sarajevo is non-profit organisation established in 1998. Focus of its activities is annual international music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo and Music Meeting, regional educational program for youn musicians and music students. In past 19 years Jazz Fest became one of the most significant cultural events in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the most respectable jazz festivals in wider region. Jazz Fest every year, in first week of November, gathers in Sarajevo high profile artists, important on music scene by its actual projects and collaborations. Beside the festival, Jazz Fest is devoted to non-formal education of pre-school and school age children as well as music students and young musicians, 18-27 years old. Project Music Meeting is designed for up to 100 young musicians from BH and Western Balkan countries. Numerous activities enables them to meet colleagues, collaborate, gain new knowledge from top lecturers and contribute to the development of civil society and to the reconciliation process. Four employed persons in organisation work on mentioned project which has been financed through box office income, donations and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

Jazz Fest mission is to advocate affirmation of jazz and music in general, to popularize music based on jazz and improvised music and to familiarize, above all young people, by involving them into different workshops, concerts and discussions.
Through its activities Jazz Fest enabling cooperation between young musicians disregarding territorial, national or religious barriers. In possitive atmosphere of annual international music festival and regional educational program, we promote principles of intercultural dialogue, collaboration, tolerance, and reconciliation.

Main Projects / Activities

- Jazz Fest Sarajevo (
- Music Meeting (

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jazz Fest Sarajevo promotes same values as ALF and one of its activities is to connect young people from region, to promote principles of intercultural dialogue, collaboration, tolerance, and reconciliation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF network to establish new contacts on international scene and to contribute to intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Djana Karavdic
Job Title
project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Edin Zubcevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Edin Zubcevic
Job Title (2)
artistic director


National Network

Vucedolska br 1
81000 Podgorica

00382 67 272 352
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
NGO NOMEN founded senior journalist in order to help develop professionalism on the media scene in Montenegro. NOMEN i also interested in projects with similar NGOs in the country and abroad which share the same values.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the NGO NOMEN is to:
Help reporters to apply professional and ethical standards.
Support the activities of civil society to develop awareness in the public about the importance of development of democracy, respect for human rights, improvement of tolerant dialogue and cooperation among the people and nations;
Support the civil society organizations in their training to raise public awareness of human rights and issues of general public importance

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of NGOs NOMEN are:
Education of journalists and the public in order to develop modern media based on professional rules and ethical standards;
Organizing workshops, courses, seminars and training for journalists, media staff and people from economic, cultural and public life ;
Activities on the application of new technologies in the development of the media;
Connecting with organizations of civil society and networking in order to achieve common goals. Developing cooperation with similar institutions in Montenegro and abroad, especially in Southeastern Europe.
Conducting research that aim to establish the situation in certain areas of general public importance

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NOMEN aims to enhance the professional and ethical standards of journalism. The goal of NOMEN is mutual cooperation of journalists and journalist organizations in the country and abroad.
NOMEN's goal is to strengthen the voice of those individuals and organizations that build a society of equal and free citizens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is an essential part of NOMEN's mission. We are certain that ALF Newtork can contribute in order for NOMEN to achieve it's goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Ramusovic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aida Ramusovic

Afous-Afous ry

National Network

Tanssijantie 21
01390 Vantaa

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The association Afous-Afous works with the Tuareg of the Sahara and Sahel, introducing the culture, history and way of life. The Tuareg belong to the North African indigenous population, Amazigh (Berbers), originally leading a nomadic lifestyle stretching across many state borders. Majority of the Tuareg live in Niger, Mali and Algeria, smaller groups also in Libya, Mauritania and Burkina Faso.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to be an informative channel in Finland of the Tuareg, as well as on the current situation of the Tuareg areas. We wish to promote human rights and equality in the multi-ethnic communities in Sahara and Sahel and work in projects that preserve the culture, living areas and quality of life of the Tuareg. Our aim is also to be an intermediate between the Tuareg and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Afous-Afous has participated in several cultural and educational projects in the Sahel area. In Finland we inform about the Tuareg by organizing cultural events and seminars, and by producing informative materials. We are also giving a platform in Finland for the Tuareg to speak about themselves by inviting cultural, political and intellectual members of the Tuareg community to Finland. We work in a tight co-operation with associations both in Sahara and Sahel, as well as in Europe. We are also maintaining tight relations to the academic world in Finland.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can bring the expertise of the Tuareg, Amazigh and North-Africa, Sahara and Sahel regions as well as work together with other associations in the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Yikona
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hanna Yikona
Contact (2) Full Name
Satu Riikonen
Job Title (2)
Vice chair

Babel Initiative

National Network

11 Place Saint Julien
06500 Menton

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Babel Initiative est une association de loi 1901. Depuis 2006, année de sa création, elle est menée par des étudiants. Elle vise à promouvoir les liens entre les pays de la Méditerranée et du Moyen-Orient, et une meilleure compréhension de cette zone touchée par d'importantes mutations. L’objectif de notre association est de faire connaître cette région en présentant ses différentes facettes. Nous agissons en tant que plate-forme pour des projets de recherches initiés et menés par des étudiants formant des groupes de travail de une à quatre personnes. Chaque année, nous offrons la possibilité aux étudiants sélectionnés de mener à bien leurs travaux sur un pays choisi au préalable, et de participer à un séjour d'étude, qui constitue une étape décisive dans la réalisation de leurs projets. Pendant une semaine, les étudiants procèdent à un réel travail de terrain. Ils peuvent ainsi compléter leur projet et découvrir le pays de manière approfondie, grâce à des rencontres avec différents responsables politiques et économiques, mais aussi un ensemble d'acteurs de la société civile (chercheurs, artistes, chefs des communautés religieuses, ONG...) et en vivant chez l'habitant. Ainsi l'année dernière la délégation qui s'est rendue en Tunisie a rencontré de grandes figures publiques à l’instar de Beji Caid Essebsi, l'actuelle président tunisien récemment élu, Rafik Abdessalem, la caricaturiste Nadia Khiari ou encore des hauts responsables syndicaux de l’UGTT et de l’UTICA. Les étudiants confrontent ainsi leurs connaissances théoriques et académiques à la réalité. Cette recherche de contact direct est complétée par la rencontre avec des étudiants du pays, et les liens ainsi tissés alimentent et diversifient la découverte du pays et de ses problématiques. Les projets, qui peuvent prendre différentes formes (mémoire de recherche, reportage vidéo, exposition photo), sont présentés lors d'un colloque aux autres étudiants du campus, à ceux de l'Université de Nice, aux habitants de Menton, et de manière plus large à toute personne intéressée. Lors de ce colloque, les projets sont confrontés à la critique de spécialistes des problématiques étudiées.  Nous avons l’espoir de contribuer aux réflexions menées sur les enjeux centraux de cette région qui nous passionne. Nous partageons la conviction que par cette initiative estudiantine, réunissant des jeunes d’horizons multiples, nous oeuvrons à l’échange inter culturel et à la promotion de la recherche sur la zone Méditerranée Moyen Orient. Notre association se compose de huit membres du bureau Babel : Isabelle Poulet Présidente de l'association, soutien aux postes de communication, et contacts. Madeleine Canavesio Vice-Présidente de l'association, soutien au poste logistique, et suivi des groupes. Cassandre Spiliopoulos  Trésorière, responsable des récoltes de fonds. Khelil Mehenni  Coordinateur de la logistique. Buse Cetin et Gürcan Gülersoy  Responsables de la logistique en Turquie. Sara Furxhi  Responsable communication visuelle. Silvia Rizzotto  Responsable communication de la région PACA. Les projets sont au nombre de neuf comprenant 26 étudiants. Pour mettre en oeuvre notre projet nous comptons sur la générosité de nos sponsors. Nos partenaires actuels sont : BNP Paribas, Sciences Po campus de Menton, Ethix, CROUS Nice Toulon, Mairie de Menton. Nous avons aussi des partenaires culturels qui nous permettent de diffuser nos recherches : Partenaires culturels : Orient XXI, Samar Media, Crosswords, Amnesty International. Partenaires média : Radio France, TV5 Monde. Réseau : FACE 06.
Mission and Objectives

Le projet de Babel est un engagement citoyen qui tente de répondre à deux problématiques :
Premièrement, nous manquons en Europe de connaissances positives sur les pays du pourtour méditerranéen alors même que nous partageons une histoire et des problèmes de société communs. De cette ignorance nait la peur de l’ « Autre » et ses conséquences que nous connaissons trop bien.
Deuxièmement, la Méditerranée, autre fois zone de partage est aujourd’hui une frontière naturelle entre une Europe qui se barricade et des pays en extrême mutation.
A partir de ces deux constats, notre association a construit un projet ayant pour but, premièrement d’apporter notre participation à l’immense travail de recherche et de banalisation/diffusion du savoir sur les pays du pourtour Méditerranéen et deuxièmement de recréer un lieu d’échange et de partage pour les jeunes de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Chaque année nous choisissons un pays différent ( Egypte, Iran, Qatar, Liban, Jordanie, Maroc, Grèce, Tunisie). Pour l'année universitaire 2014-2015, nous avons choisi de nous intéresser à la Turquie. Vingt-six étudiants ont été sélectionnés pour mener à bien leurs travaux de recherche.
L’année est ponctuée par de nombreux évènements :
- Une semaine culturelle turque, du 2 au 8 février 2015: Destinée à introduire le pays sur le campus et dans la ville de Menton par son prisme culturel (danse, théâtre, musique, dessin…), avec une conférence présentée cette année par Pinar Selek sur le thème du génocide arménien et la venue d'un réalisateur.
- Un séjour d'étude en Turquie, du 21 février au 1 mars 2015. Les vingt-six étudiants de quatorze nationalités différentes, accompagnés de huit membres du bureau, sont partis réaliser un travail d’analyse et de recherche afin de ne pas s'arrêter à une étude des écrits, mais de se rendre compte de la réalité du terrain. Lors de cette semaine ils ont rencontré des universitaires, hommes politiques, journalistes, business-man, urbanistes,artistes et étudiants.
- Un colloque, le 18 avril 2015. Celui-ci est la concrétisation d’un an de travail et de recherche puisqu’il permettra aux élèves de Sciences Po d’exposer le résultat de leur étude, puis de confronter leurs réflexions à celles d'un intervenant invité pour l’occasion : Mme Riva Kastoryano. Cet évènement est le moment de discuter des projets des étudiants avec un public composé d'étudiants, d'associations ( Amnesty, LDH), de fondations, de représentants régionaux...
L'objectif final de notre année est de réussir à faire publier nos recherches dans les revues de Sciences Po, de l'IRIS, de Confluences Méditerranées.
Nous avons également été choisis cette année pour participer à l'émission Maghreb Orient Express sur TV5 Monde afin de mettre en lien un projet de l'an dernier sur la Tunisie ( les couleurs de la contestation avec un de cette année autour de la problématique comment les jeunes s'emparent-ils de l'espace public comme source de contestation?

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous partageons les mêmes valeurs et nous voulons tout comme vous promouvoir le dialogue interculturel. Nous nous spécifions plus précisemment sur le dialogue entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée puisque notre zone de recherche est tournée vers les pays du Moyen-Orient et de la Méditerranée. Notre association a travaillé jusqu'aujourd'hui sur 11 pays de la zone: Turquie, Egypte, Iran, Qatar, Bahreïn, Koweit, Liban, Jordanie, Maroc, Grèce, Tunisie. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Cassandre Spiliopoulos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Khelil Mehenni
Job Title (2)