Association Les Jeunes Positifs

National Network

13, rue Belgique
7000 bizerte

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Notre association est composée principalement des  jeunes et d’étudiants, avec   beaucoup de motivation et engagement. On travail à Impliquer les jeunes Tunisiens dans des activités qui s'intéressent aux plusieurs sujets tel-que, l'environnement, santé et travail social afin d’aider les jeunes à développer un  savoir-vivre et les préparer a devenir des leaders dans leurs milieux, et, être actifs on partageant le positivisme aux autres à travers leurs activités. Nous organisons des sessions de formations et initiations dans différents domaines comme le développement personnel,  éducation par les paires,  secourisme, la transition démocratique, et aussi d'autres formations en partenariats avec d'autres associations. Notre milieu d'intervention et la gouvernorat de Bizerte, soit dans dans les zones urbaines ou bien les milieux rurales, on cible tout types de gens amis on se concentre surtout sur les vulnérables ( femmes rurales, handicapés, enfants en situation de séparation familiale..) Nous activités son variés, on travail dans plusieurs domaine, mais surtout on est très active au niveau des actions de sensibilisation et d'éducation.

Mission and Objectives

- Mettre en place des programmes de travail et des projets pour soutenir l'éco-tourisme. - Eduquer et sensibiliser à l'importance de la préservation de la nature et de l'environnement. - Consolidation de la sensibilisation et la propagation de l'environnement parmi les émergents. - Aider à la promotion des familles  nécessiteuses et les groupes ayant des besoins spéciaux. - Sensibiliser et éduquer les jeunes sur les comportements à risque. - La diffusion de la culture d'hygiène. - Le développement et la diffusion de la culture de la citoyenneté chez les jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

durant les 3 derniers années, notre association à contribué dans plusieurs action dans la zone urbaine et rurle de notre région, en collaboration avec d'autres associations et institutions public. notre intervention été dans plusieurs domaine, tele-que, la sensiblisation a la bonne santé, education envirennementale, travail et aide social. aussi on esaye a organiser des cycles de formations pour les jeunes pour les donner des outils de travail avec l'asociation et dans la commaunité local.

Contact (1) Full Name
aymen cherif
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ali bejaoui
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Ali Béjaoui
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire Géneral

Asociatia De Tineret Plantogether

National Network

Str: Kossuth Lajos NrI:80. AP.
535400 Cristuru-Secuiesc

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Since 2014 our Association focuses on Roma and non Roma youth as a target group but not to the exclusion of other young people who share similar realities and without prejudice to broader policy initiatives which also impact on Roma youth.   Geographically in Cristuru Secuiesc there are 30 % Roma poor people. The Association helps the Roma and non Roma living in extreme poverty. People who are struggling, who are orphans, not only in Cristuru Secuiesc, but even the surrounding villages: Filiaşi, Beteşti, Rugăneşti, Cecheşti, Avrămeşti, Harghita County. Our aim in the Association since.
Mission and Objectives

Protective rooms: We provide children and youth, which largely grew up in the orphanage without privacy rooms to retreat, with places, where they feel comfortable, where they are able to meet each other in a secure environment and can experience a positive impulse for their mental and spiritual growth.
Abilities and skills: Children and youth from the Roma and non Roma also youth orphanage seldom experienced individual support, as it is found in the social environment of a functional family structure. They often have distinct learning and concentration weaknesses.
Integration: Children and youth from the Roma and non Roma , and also orphan represent within the Hungarian and Romanian society a segregated social group. They differ from “normal” youth through their social behavior, their own language (orphanage slang) and the lack of organization of a self-determined life. A majority, approximately more than two thirds of them, belong to the minority of the Roma (Hungarian “Cigány”, English “Gypsy”). Members of this minority are usually discriminated in everyday life. We are organizing of the Association Youth Plantogether is to integrate these people into society, to bring together youth and adults, who are not from the orphanage and live in ordered family structures.
European Roma and non Roma culture: We want to extend the ways of thinking and the patterns of acting of the children and the youth of the orphanage, through the medium of European values and culture. They get to know people from other cultures and develop new ways of looking at life through the international exchange,. 

Main Projects / Activities

The association helps the Roma and non Roma living in extreme poverty. People who are struggling, who are orphans. The base of our work is to provide leisure activities, youth events and life issues with the aim to build up a self-running and financially independent youth work in the Region of Harghita, Romania. The young volunteers have been working here, who have committed themselves to work here with the children and the youth for a certain time. In a team of full-time and voluntary colleagues, honorary colleagues and international volunteers, we offer weekly programs, including language lessons, hand crafting, sports and excursions into the countryside. We dispatch young volunteers from Romania to other European countries, and we accept volunteers from all the European Union’s countries in our circle of colleagues. As a yearly highlight, we organize international youth meetings in the summer and winter holidays.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In order to be able to effectively develop your country site as a platform, resource, and network for youth, and to help facilitate the process of getting members involved with ALF, it is important for you to be able to understand all aspects of our  country site. Our  region  site features quick facts and reflections on local cultures and traditions, community projects, inspirational members, artwork, upcoming local events, active organizations and opportunities. As you go through each section of the site, think about the things that you feel need to be done in order to make it more relevant for youth in our  country.  Another way to get involved is to inform other young people in all word and our  country about your country site and show them how they can benefit from being a part of the online community.These activities can inspire them to action by getting involved in their local community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

This is the main reason cultures  networks were created, so people can meet and find new friends for all word. We  believe they would not survive without a national or international affiliation; others have apparently never considered the option of joining.The left, on the other hand, argues that it fosters grassroots culture in young people and increases their voice. WE also pose the idea that CULTURES  have argued that placing such a strong emphasis on civic participation could actually turn people away from becoming politically involved. In other words, youth can get together and talk about goals and beliefs, but as soon as one person brings up voting or lobbying, people start to leave WHIT ALF partners. Thesejoin  point out the reality  with work ALF , family, and other social activities, CULTURES, that they do not care for politics and civic engagement as much as scholars would like to think. We are   motivation to partake in such civic engagement activities whit ALF organisation. This importance of trust, according to ALF organisation , is due to the fact that people in a type of membership association share similar values and views and learns more about each other each time they all come together for meetings or socials.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Youth Work
Head of the organisation
Asociatia De Tineret Plantogether
Contact (2) Full Name
Rudi Sandor
Job Title (2)

Ecological Movement Thessaloniki

National Network

Ptolemeon 29A
54630 Thessaloniki

0030 2310222503
0030 2310222503
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0030 6946621161
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6972902748
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki (Greek: Οικολογική Κίνηση Θεσσαλονίκης, Oikologiki Kinisi Thessalonikis), is the oldest living eco-political group of Greece. It was founded in 1982, by an initial core of people with ecological sensitivities who wanted to turn them into action. Among them was Michalis Tremopoulos (currently an elected councillor in the Thessaloniki Prefecture and an elected member of the Executive Secretariat of Ecologist Greens, the Greek Green Party) and Yiannis Tziolas, who are still active. Oikologiki Kinisi in fact means ecological move or action or movement. This shows an emphasis on action and social mobilization. The political agenda of the group consists of the main pillars of the green ideology: ecology, peace/non-violence, grassroots democracy, human rights, social solidarity, with a strong social context. A major influence was Murray Bookchin's social ecology. André Gorz, Ivan Illich and Cornelius Castoriadis were also significant influences.
Mission and Objectives

Our ecology
Already in 1982 we said that we understand the ecology as a tool of analysis, critique and social change, starting from a new angle, as to reinstate man in nature, by utilizing the findings of science and translating them into social practice, with interdependence, naturalness, plurality and diversity as its guiding axes. Thus, it is clear that ecology, extends beyond the identification of the physical laws that govern ecosystems, the denouncement of the upset of ecological balance and the fight for the environment protection, and inevitably reaches to a criticism of  lifestyle, of production and consumption. Ultimately, and contrary to what many believe, the domination of man over nature is but a reflection of human domination over man. This is what social ecology advocates, not merely sticking plasters on the planet's wounded body.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing awareness activities, provides legal advice on environmental offenses matters. Also is claiming vindication through the legal battles for public issues.
Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki is the National Eurovelo Coordination Center for Greece and Membership of ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation)
GreenWave Festival: It is an alternative “green” celebration which is organized by the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki every year since 2011, in cooperation to other organizations and networks. It is materialized thanks to the valuable contribution of citizens who give away their voluntary action, free time and energy towards planning, setting about and taking care of every single detail about all kind of issues during that event
GreenWave targets the meeting of people, the exchange of their opinions and the cooperation prospects among the ones who are interested in alternative ways of solving social problems in accordance to environmental protection and social solidarity as well as to entertain, to amuse and to develop the creativity of the participants. Those kind of people-every September- freely communicate and associate with each other, form cooperatives, think about solving local environmental, social or political problems and finally act accordingly
The social space OIKOPOLIS was  created as an initiative of the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki. OIKOPOLIS objectives are:
a) the dissemination and application of green ideas and values ​​and alternative solutions through organizing events, lectures, discussions, seminars, workshops and other activities on issues of ecological, political, social and cultural content
b) the practical solidarity to individuals and social groups in need, as well as the realization of raising-awareness actions on issues of discrimination, racism, violence , etc, but also support actions for those who suffer from them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleonora Zotou
Job Title
Legal Representative
Head of the organisation
Alexandros Georgopoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Kyprianidou
Job Title (2)
Communication Officer

kef organic association

National Network

93 farhat hached kef
7100 kef

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

the kef organic association is created in march 2014 and have a 148 menbership within the organic certified grower ,farmers also kids , youth and civil socity. generly the resources of the association are coming from the donnation of the menbers also from international organization such as ILO: international labor organization , VNG :CILG-VNG international, GIZ : germany , slow food and terra madre - 100000$ from the international  organisation  - 30 000 tunisian dinar from the menberships   

Mission and Objectives

non - formel education -good agriculture practice whitch respect the environment and minimies soil and water polution - organisation of trainning and workshops for rural womens in order to improve them skills and incomes -saving the local seeds by the conservation and the multiplication -perparing a healthy and safe food for the community from the local product -organaize and participation in international exchange programms in the filds of interest  

Main Projects / Activities

- trainnig for rural community for good organic practices : ILO (50000 $)  - valorisation and mangement of green wastes : composte : VNG (30000$)  - participing in international festival : italy , torino : convivium slow food kef (5000 $) : local food produced from local varrity and seeds  - organisation of olive oil tasts and dugustation , home made traditional food   for children and youth : bio-kef (2000 tunisian dinar)     

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-improve the quality of our local products by using a safe and good practices. -organasing meetings and trainning for community teams in the filds of interset - increasing the participation of rurual women in the family decision and improving here levels and skills  -by  participating in international exchanges programms we improve the knowelege of the community and share the experiences of others countries - sharing new tradition, habit, culture of other nations also leran how to tolerate the differences in a mind thinking. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

join ALF network allow us to: -share new experinces and new  technolgy - cooperate with new methods and larger network  - exchange group visit with other association  - consolidate and support the effort of ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
moez ben dhief
Job Title
professor researsher in horticulture science
Head of the organisation
moez ben dhief
Contact (2) Full Name
aroua leila
Job Title (2)
trainner youth

Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes (IBLA)

National Network

12 rue Jama'a el Haoua
1008 Tunis

+216 71 560 133
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Fondé en 1926 par les Pères Blancs, l’Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes a pour vocation de promouvoir la culture tunisienne, dans tous ses aspects, et de développer le dialogue interculturel et interreligieux. Par sa bibliothèque de recherche en sciences humaines renommée, sa revue scientifique au rayonnement international et son espace éducatif dédié aux jeunes, l’IBLA s’engage depuis des décennies au service de la culture et du dialogue entre les peuples et les religions. Les Pères Blancs proviennent de divers pays et travaillent main dans la main avec les Tunisiens, s’enrichissant ainsi mutuellement de leurs différences culturelles et religieuses. Les chercheurs trouvent en l’IBLA une source intellectuelle et académique unique, tandis que les habitants du quartier y saisissent l’occasion de rencontrer d’autres cultures et religions. A travers des relations de simplicité et d’amitié, l’IBLA constitue un lieu d’échange comme il en existe peu. L’équipe comprend 4 Pères Blancs et 4 employés.
Mission and Objectives

Par sa présence et ses activités, l’IBLA contribue à renforcer l’ouverture interculturelle et interreligieuse. Cette tradition de l’échange, l’IBLA la considère aussi comme moteur d’avenir face à un défi mondial de compréhension de l’autre. Respecter, estimer, promouvoir gratuitement et sans parti pris la culture de l'autre peut mener à l'appréciation mutuelle et à la construction d’un monde de dialogue et de paix.

Ainsi, l’IBLA représente un espace de liberté, de respect et de connaissances partagées, où chacun, quel que soit son pays, sa culture ou sa religion, est en même temps acteur et récepteur. A travers un dialogue inscrit dans le quotidien, l’IBLA s’engage au service du « vivre ensemble», d’une grande actualité.
En janvier 2010, un incendie s’est déclaré dans la bibliothèque de recherche, entrainant de graves dégâts au bâtiment, aux équipements et aux livres. Aujourd’hui, notre objectif est de raviver nos activités pour servir le patrimoine culturel tunisien et resserer les liens entre les peuples et les religions.

Main Projects / Activities

- La bibliothèque de Recherche
Le fonds documentaire, essentiellement en arabe et en français, constitue un apport unique pour le milieu universitaire et culturel en Tunisie. L’important soutien reçu après l’incendie nous a permis de rouvrir la bibliothèque de recherche en octobre 2014. Aujourd’hui, notre objectif est de restaurer entièrement et développer le fond documentaire tout en modernisant le système informatique. Cela permettra d’offrir un lieu de qualité, au service du patrimoine culturel et de l’échange entre les cultures.
- La Revue IBLA
La Revue IBLA publie deux fois par an un fascicule de 200 pages qui a pour objectif de participer à la création d’un espace d’échange intellectuel alliant respect, humanisme et rigueur. Elle naît en 1937 en Tunisie, à la croisée de plusieurs disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales. Avec ses 213 numéros publiés, IBLA constitue la plus ancienne revue existant à ce jour en Tunisie.
Elle entretient aujourd’hui des liens avec une centaine de revues et centres du monde entier. En 2014, la revue IBLA a publié le livre « Cours d’Arabe Tunisien, niveau 1 » et a à présent pour objectif de publier le volume 2.
- La Bibliothèque des Jeunes :
Pendant plus de 50 ans, l’IBLA a ouvert ses portes aux jeunes des quartiers populaires avoisinants, en leur offrant un espace d’études et un accueil bienveillant.
Fermée depuis l’incendie, elle rouvrira à l’automne prochain sous une nouvelle forme.  Un projet participatif va être mené, incluant l’implication de jeunes dans la conception et la réalisation des activités éducatives qui seront proposés en complément de l’espace d’études : ateliers informatiques, artistiques, soutien scolaire, cours de langue …L’objectif général du projet est de développer l’intérêt pour l’éducation et l’ouverture intellectuelle chez les jeunes de quartiers populaires de Tunis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Au service du dialogue interculturel et interreligieux depuis les années 1930, l’IBLA a une grande expérience dans le développement du respect et de la compréhension mutuels. Cette expérience peut bénéficier au réseau. L’équipe de l’IBLA peut également apporter de nouveaux points de vue aux débats et échanges du réseau.
Nous avons aussi des relations particulières avec le milieu universitaire, certaines institutions culturelles, chercheurs, jeunes... Ce réseau peut être bénéfique pour la FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous voulons rejoindre le réseau FAL car nous partageons ses valeurs et sa mission.
Après l’incendie qui a affecté l’IBLA en 2010, nous souhaitons à présent regarder vers l’avenir et renouer avec la riche société civile tunisienne et méditerranéenne, et ainsi élargir notre réseau. Nous sommes très intéressés pour participer à des activités nationales et régionales.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucie Jacquet
Head of the organisation
John MacWilliam

Cobertura Photo

National Network

C/ Narciso Campillo, nº4
41001 Sevilla

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
CP Nace  como un espacio independiente dedicado a la difusión de la fotografía y a su relación con otras disciplinas artísticas; un espacio para el encuentro, la comunicación y la reflexión entre fotógrafos y no fotógrafos. CP centra sus actividades en el campo de la formación, desarrollando un programa de cursos y talleres que abarca desde la introducción a las clases magistrales con grandes fotógrafos, y fundamentando el proceso de aprendizaje no solo en aspectos técnicos, sino también en la transmisión de valores culturales y humanos que considera necesario para la formación de un fotógrafo. Paralelamente, CP funciona como agencia de fotografía que idea y desarrolla proyectos fotográficos, de forma independiente y en colaboración con otras instituciones culturales, tanto públicas como privadas. CP cuenta con una librería especializada y un espacio expositivo que desde septiembre 2014 es gestionado por la > Galería Sanchez de Lamadrid.  CP transforma su estudio para sesiones fotográficas externas.
Mission and Objectives

El objetvio de CP es enseñar a personas, que partiendo de un nivel básico, desean profundizar en la fotografía en todos sus aspectos y obtener así unos niveles de conocimientos del mundo de la imagen y capacidad suficiente para decidir sobre su continuidad en la formación en este medio, su complementación con otros campos, o su paso al mundo profesional.
tambien pretende llevar a   la reflexión y el intercambio de ideas surgidas de diferentes maneras de entender la fotografía y que derive en escenarios adecuados para la puesta en práctica de iniciativas visuales.

En definitiva,  una plataforma para idear y desarrollar proyectos fotográficos, un grupo permeable en cuyas propuestas pueden tener cabida otras disciplinas artísticas y otros fotógrafos.

Main Projects / Activities

CP organiza en su espacio un programa de talleres, un curso anual y un curso general de fotografía. El programa se divide en dos ciclos por año, estos ciclos incluyen talleres monográficos intensivos y talleres de técnica, lenguaje y creación fotográfica.
Los talleres monográficos son impartidos por reconocidos fotógrafos como Alberto García-Alix, Jeffrey Silverthorne, Cristina García Rodero, Antoine d´Agata entre otros. 
Los talleres de técnica, lenguaje y creación son impartidos por fotógrafos con una amplia formación en el mundo de la imagen y una larga trayectoria profesional y docente.
Además, CP cuenta en su espacio con una librería especializada en fotografía. La componen un fondo de libros de ocasión, primeras ediciones y rarezas adquiridas al librero holandés Dirk Bakker, así como publicaciones de las más importantes editoriales nacionales e internacionales. La librería se completa con fondos la colección de CP para consulta interna

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Rojas Maza
Head of the organisation
Alberto Rojas Maza

NGO Parents

National Network

Velise Mugose bb
Bracana Bracanovica 75
81000 POdgorica

+382 20 27 21 68
+382 20 27 21 68
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
382 67 26 33 54
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Parents was founded as a non-profit and independent association on July 22nd 2011. Our association brings together parents/guardians with vision and initiative to bring about social change by promoting the rights and improving the living conditions of parents and children in Montenegro. Also, through concrete examples, proposals and activities, NGO Parents is proving that changes are possible and emphasizes its positive sides. NGO Parents currently gathers about 300 members, among them 26 active members who are involved in the most of the activities of the association. Active members represent the NGO's Assembly that reaches most of the decisions.   The NGO Parents in recognized in Montenegrin public by a number of activities and initiatives that directly help parents and children. We must admit that we did not have many opportunities to prove our skills in managing projects, because most of our activities are carried out voluntarily, by gathering our members very quickly around an idea and its realization. Individuals and companies help us in that. That segment of our work will have to change, since we currently have a large number of activities that request time and employees. In four years since this association exists, it received two important awards- one for volunteering action of the year, and the other is ISKRA award, a special recognition for citizens' contribution to public welfare. Also, our efforts have been recognized in Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index Report which stated that “The civil sector in Montenegro depends primarily on foreign aid donations, with only isolated successful attempts to build a constituency within the local context (e.g., Association of Parents)”. According to a media clipping agency’s data,  the NGO Parents’s activities were reported about 504 times in the biggest Montenegrin media in 2014, excluding webportal Vijesti, radio stations and regional media.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission - Improving the rights of parents and their children in Montenegro with active participation of parents’ community in those processes, through public advocating, as well as promotion of those rights, education and informing parents about them and cooperation with institutions.
We believe in:
Equal opportunities - right to live in encouraging environment that offers possibilities for development in accordance with potentials and guaranteed rights
Preserving and encouraging families – We believe in a society which is friendly towards parents, children and families, and which creates better conditions for parenting. 
Team work - Mutual respect, strong will for changes and direction towards the same goal
Humanism – Support, empathy and tolerance in the moments when families need them most

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our activities are:
• Charity actions ’Share, Together We Can Do More’, during which we collected and distributed clothes, school books and school supplies, toys,... to the socially disadvantaged families in whole Montenegro.
• In cooperation with the Dnevne novine daily we started the initiative ’Introduce Podgorica Maternity Ward to the 21st century’, during which we introduced the
public to the deficiencies that exist in that healthcare institution and the problems which their users face on a daily basis. 
• School for Parents project which gathered parents, who attended the classes led by a psychologist. The project helped parents prepare and face with different challenges of parenting. The funding was provided trough the Fund for Active Citizenship (FAKT), financed by the EU through the EU Delegation in Montenegro.
• NGO Parents initiated a campaign for improvement of conditions in public preschool institutions named ’Children Deserve the Best’, focusing primarily on Podgorica, Bar, Budva, Herceg Novi... where the problem of overcrowding in the public preschool institutions is the most pressing. The campaign resulted in providing eight new schoolrooms within the existing facilities. Our association also launched a donor campaign to which eight companies responded, procuring necessary equipment and toys to the Podgorica based kindergartens. However, not pleased with the accomplished results, the Association carried out collecting signatures to an e-petition to the government that called upon the government to build new facilities. The government undertook building of 6 new kindergartens, with the funds obtained through the Council of Europe Development Bank’s grants.
• We are offering free legal counseling in the form of helping and advising pregnant women and new mothers on how to fully realize their labor law rights since September 2013. This started as a project financed by the US Embassy, but later on our members continued helping on a voluntary basis.
• The Parents Association has been very active in the field of promotion of breastfeeding in Montenegro. We have been celebrating the World Breastfeeding Week since 2012, and the National Breastfeeding Promotion Week.
• We have been a partner to company Telenor on their project Conquer the Internet, Surf Smartly for the last two years.
• We carried out a project Pripovjedaonica, with the aim of developing a support program that would promote tolerance, nourishing differences and valuing friendship among the preschool-aged children, within which we organized 13
workshops in preschool institution Djina Vrbica in Podgorica. The project was financed by fAKT.
• Through a project financed by fAKT, supported by the EU Delegation to Montenegro, the NGO Parents created with the Ministry of Health the national breastfeeding guidelines that define protocols and activities of medical workers regarding
breastfeeding. The lack of adequate and timely counseling has been recognized by mothers, but also by the authorities, as something that in the biggest part influences the low breastfeeding rate in Montenegro. The guidelines should help medical workers in giving right advice, and mothers to know what adequate advice should be.
• NGO Parents has established the first peer counseling breastfeeding group, consisted of mothers who are being trained to help other mothers to overcome problems with breastfeeding.
• NGO Parents also initiated the action of restoring old and building new playgrounds under the name “Return Playgrounds to Children”. It was initiated in Podgorica, where we restored, together with the citizens and companies, two playgrounds. In the meantime, the action spread to
Budva, Niksic, Cetinje, Ulcinj... In those activities out primary partners are companies that donate playground toys, but also other NGOs and foundations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a over 300 members various profesional skils, and thanks to portal and groups on social networks, we communicate with about 60 thousand parents from Montenegro per month (statistics from Google statistics). That way we recognize their needs and we constantly receive inputs for our initiatives. With these mechanisms we will be able to influence the advancement of the rights of parents and their children in Montenegro more vigorously. Active participation of parents in our actions, support in advocacy and promotion initiatives, makes a strong front of critical mass for achieving results, as all our actions are community and need driven and supported. Our strength is gathered around the participative and transparent approach, evidence-based advocacy and strong negotiation skills with the institution of systems. It represents a firm background for further impact on society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, we want to achieve partnership and cooperation with organizations dealing with the same or similar issues, and to further educate and train our profesional and managerial capacities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristina Mihailovic
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Kristina Mihailovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Danijela Knezevic
Job Title (2)
president of Bord of directors

Comité de Coordination du Service Volontaire International - The Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service

National Network

1 Rue Miollis
75015 Paris

0033 1 45684936
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
CCIVS is an International Non Governmental Organisation (INGO) engaged in the field of International Voluntary Service (IVS). CCIVS’ main focus is the quest to achieve ‘change in the minds of men’ by bringing together people of different backgrounds. It supports and develops projects based on the idea that working together on a concrete task is the most effective way of creating international friendship and understanding. The projects serve as a catalyst for dialogue as they provide an opportunity to work together according to each person’s ability and to practice living together. In such situations national and international volunteers experience a new reality which can challenge their habits and convictions as well as those of the local community. CCIVS is inter-disciplinary: its members are self-regulating and involved in a wide variety of types of activity. With its Secretariat based at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, CCIVS has always worked closely with the UN organisation and complements UNESCO intellectual activity and goals in the fields of Education, Culture, Sciences and Communication through a hands-on, non-formal education approach transforming societies at the grassroots level.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of CCIVS are:
a) The promotion and development of the voluntary service movement on the national, regional and international levels in the contemporary world;
Towards peace, international understanding, friendship and co-operation among the people of the world, particularly youth;
Towards the development and the furthering of efforts in sustainable development and protection of the environment, the recognition of all cultures and their diversity, and the importance of the world’s cultural heritage;
For the benefit of people affected by all forms of social, cultural, political and economic exploitation, unemployment and bad working conditions, and the promotion of awareness and action against these forms of degradation.
b) For the benefit of a fruitful co-ordination of the activities of the CCIVS members and for the benefit of their individual work and their co-operation regarding the common interests on a national regional, and international level.
c) The propagation and development of the aims of voluntary service and its educational impact both on the volunteers and the community in which they work, mutual understanding, respect, personal responsibility and commitment.
d) The promotion and development of relations and co-operation with other voluntary service organisations, with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), with youth and student organisations and movements on a broad political, religious and social spectrum, which are dedicated and committed to contributing to the objectives of the voluntary service movement.
e) The support of the United Nations Principles : co-operation and contribution to the implementation of the programmes and the initiatives of the United Nations and its bodies on the question of common interest, especially to develop co-operation on a broader scale with UNESCO, striving for the realisation of common initiatives and the contribution to each others programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

 Networking and International Representation
CCIVS organises inter-regional projects of IVS organisations, global meetings and participates in intitutional forums to defend the priorities of the International Voluntary Service Movement
Training and Capacity building
Trainings for Volunteers, leaders, trainers and staff of IVS organisations to develop the organisational capacities of members
CCIVS as non formal education experts also provides training to institutions outside of the IVS network.
You can see current capacity building actions here: and here:
Communication and campaigns
CCIVS puts IVS organisations and other institutions into contact and provides information, materials and tools.
CCIVS also promotes campaigns to raise visibility and strenghen the work of IVS organisations
One major campaign CCIVS is working on started last year and will continue for the next 5 years, it is supported by CCIVS members and CCIVS sister networks. The Raising Peace Campaign is a networking initiative that aims to contribute to the construction of peace and the guarantee of human rights all over the world. ( twitter: @raising_peace

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CCIVS can actively contribute to common actions which are developed in France and provide expertise on the area of international volunteering, intercultural dialogue, local actions developed by local people with a global outreach and non formal education.
CCIVs can be involved in meetings and support the create of projects and the development of intercultural tools.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Many of CCIVS members are part of networks of the ALF, as such the members have requested for CCIVS to join directly. International Voluntary Service directly works on issues related to the objectives of the ALF. CCIVS is currently developing a project on strenghening relations between IVS organisations in Europe and the Mediterranean  with the aim of developing IVS exchanges and providing capacity building relating to the needs of the members. As mentioned above CCIVS is also strongly focusing on Peace and Human Rights and intercultural dialogue and we consider that this connect directly with the work of the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Victoria Lovelock
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Stamatia Deligianni

Youth Inclusion Association

National Network

Barbaros Hayrettin Pasa Mh. 1993 Sk. No:35A/165 Esenyurt
34515 Istanbul/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Younclusion is an new association which is established by an informal group of young people. The ex-name of the team was COM Youth CLUB and now will organize new projects under the name of Younclusion. Our volunteers and staffs want to realize their passions, pick up new challenges and search for any occasions to prove their skills. Thus, we took an initiative to establish the Younclusion! Younclusion is non-profit, non-governmental organization with aim to improve the situation of young people, women and marginal groups of the society in all areas of social life. This is achieved by promotion of gender equality, democracy, human rights, social development, volunteerism, integration (LGBT, Migrations, Minorities, Disabled People etc.) mostly through art&culture projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our Themes are;
- Social problems ( migration, integration, fighting against violence community, active participation)
- Culture ( respect for diversity, peaceful co-existence)
- Political Issues (democracy, human rights, freedom etc.)
- Art (theatre, music, photography, dancing, handicraft etc.)
Therefore, we have quite enough experience in a high variety of topics.
Main objectives are:
- To encourage our target group to take part in our projects and events,
- To contribute community development by planning local and national events,
- To foster cooperation in international level for mobility in the youth field,
- To support any kind of initiatives from our target group for improving of personal and professional skills,

Main Projects / Activities

Activities that our team has conducted till now
- Encouraging young people in the development of creativity and innovation
- Facilitating self-determined way of life for young people with fewer opportunities
- Promoting democratic participation of young people in the decision making process
- Encouraging young people to participate in the activities of civil society and encouraging the construction of a tolerant, democratic and non-violent society
- Creating a learning environment that increases the mobility of young people and supports learning from other young people and youth organizations.
Our team organizes and has experience at local, national and international level.
1) Personal Development & Leadership: We are providing and creating opportunities for Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Trainings for young people in our local communities. We want to support future leaders and change makers from now and give opportunities to our target group to become one of them.
2) International cooperation and Networking: Trainings, support and promotion, along with other national or international organizations and associations, mobility projects, internships, European integration and international relations, cooperation in European level.
3) European projects: As an organization we are working on different types of projects funded by European Union. Mostly, we have experience on KA1 (Learning Mobility of Individuals). We are providing opportunities for individuals to improve their soft skills and competences, enhance their employability, leadership and gain cultural awareness. Under the Youth in Action programme
framework, we made or participate more than 20 youth exchanges and trainings with our team.
Some of our previous projects;
- YE Ecologival Reverse (Krusevo, Macedonia)
- TC EVS What you get is what you give (Vlore, Albania)
- TC Motivated-Activited - Fit for the Future! (Kljuc, BiH)
- YE RurALL (Craiova, Romania)
- TC Movie ( Bucharest, Romania)
- YE Rural Reaction ( Kemes, Hungary)
- YE Dialogue in Art Village (Antalya, Turkey)
- PBA FEDI Network (Cognac, France)
- TC SHELTER-Sharing and Learning Culture (Tsahgazor, Armenia)
- TC We Can Change ( Antalya, Turkey)
- TC Sustainability, Odrzlivost and Youth in Europe (Ponikva, Macedonia)
- YE Re-creating Europe: Creativity is fighting racism and xenophobia! (Prijedor, BiH)
-TC Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (Baku, Azerbaijan)
- TC Heart Puzzle (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- YE You(th) and Water(land) (Dojran, Macedonia)
- YE EU is your Right ( Caltanisetta, Italy)
- YE Fashioned 4 Equilibrium: Empower Women for Future (Krusevo, Macedonia)
- YE Our Vision (Kobuleti, Georgia)
- TC Be Healthy, Feel Wealthy (Indjija, Serbia)
- YE Keep Europe Clean – GO GREEN! (Sajan, Serbia)
- TC LETS ACT: Culture of Peace and Social Entrepreneurship in EUROMED(Caltanisetta,Italy)
Besides international projects, we are organizing local events, info-meetings, courses etc. The main purposes of such events are making awareness among youngsters, encouraging them to be more active citizens and make use of opportunities which European and Turkish organizations offer for them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization is new establishment, but we have experience as informal group since 2011. Thanks to our experience, we have many international partners and we are planning to organize more further projects. 
First of all, we will include Anna Lindh Foundation name into our applications in order to make dissemination. Put the logo into our webpage and other visual materials.
Besides, we will collobrate with other organizations who is under ALF Network and organize national and transnational projects together.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network is well-known network and has many experienced and professional members. We would like to be part of such family where we can learn more from others in order to develop our organization and at the same time, to share our experience and knowledge. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Neslihan Cecen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Neslihan Cecen
Contact (2) Full Name
Gamze Nur Cecen
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Nouakchott Music Action

National Network

socogim 428PS

+222 46 87 73 82
Telephone (other)
+222 33 36 98 31
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Les cadres d’expression artistique font cruellement défaut en Mauritanie. Et, pourtant, les jeunes qui s’intéressent de plus en plus à la musique pour en faire ultérieurement un métier sont nombreux aujourd’hui. C’est dans ce cadre que ce projet est né pour aider ces jeunes à développer leurs capacités musicales. D’autre part, faire connaître la musique mauritanienne dans toutes ses dimensions artistiques est pour nous un souci permanent qui s’inscrit dans la diffusion de la culture mauritanienne.
Mission and Objectives

En conséquence, ce Centre mènera les actions suivantes :
- Une formation des musiciens mauritaniens déjà confirmés
- Une formation à une meilleure maîtrise des nouvelles techniques musicales
- Une formation des jeunes musiciens mauritaniens en quête d’expérience
- Une participation des musiciens mauritaniens aux formations musicales étrangères de passage en Mauritanie
- Une recherche pour une meilleure synchronisation entre la musique traditionnelle mauritanienne et la musique moderne

Main Projects / Activities

Formations, Productions

Contact (1) Full Name
Amadou Lamine Kane
Head of the organisation
Amadou Lamine Kane