Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups EDRA

National Network

5 Eschilou str,
12134 Peristeri

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The social cooperative Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups EDRA is a non-profit organization established since 2001 in Greece. Tha staff is up to 180 people (including employees, full or part time, freelance partners, volunteers). Our partners are national authorities (ministries, local authorities-municipalities, non-profit organizations, ecc).  resources available in a year: Sources of funding: national projects, european projects, private companies, sponsors, donators, ecc We run units for mental health rehabilitation, psychoeducational centers, network of services against poverty, we organize annual,international Art Festival, sport events, trainings, seminars, conferances, ecc Partners : Authorities (national, local), partner organizations,

Mission and Objectives

Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups – EDRA is a Non Governmental / Non for Profit Organization established in Peristeri, in the western part of Attica / Athens, since 2001. The organization is operating in the field of Mental Health and provides services, in the community, to people with mental health problems.  EDRA has developed a variety of community programmes and structures aiming at supporting the quality of life and the rehabilitation / integration process of disadvantaged individuals being at risk of social exclusion as well as programmes for the prevention and the sensitization of the community around mental health problems and the promotion of mental health in general. Mission Our mission is the development of selected actions offered to our community (in terms of rehabilitation) with a double mandate: that of health and wellness as well as prevention and education regarding mental health.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities of EDRA: a) two rehabilitation houses (for 25 residents/mental health service users) b) 13 psycho-educational centres in different areas in Attica/Greece c) one Supported Living Home for young people with mental retardation, which hosts four (4) people facing moderate to heavy mental retardation and /or autism or syndrome Down. d)  two Supported apartments for independent living for 4 people with minor support of mental health professionals e) a network of services against poverty (time bank, soup kitchen, intermediation office, social market, social pharmacy) f) EU projects (Youth In Action / Erasmus Plus Projects, ecc)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EDRA is offering a vast range of activities/services to different groups of people that are risk of social exclusion (like mental health users, disabled, poor).  Networking has been one of our priorities since the beginning, as most of our activities are resulting from long-lasting trustful relationships with other organizations and bodies. In this Network we hope to be able to develop activities of common interest between peer organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For the above mentioned reasons.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oikonomou Dimitris
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Maria Kerasoglou

Art Gallery Sliven

National Network

Tzar Osvoboditel 13
8800 Sliven

359 44622083
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Art Gallery "Dimitar Dobrovich" is an authoritative, cultural, artistic and educational centre in regional and national plan. The Gallery has been founded in 1905. It has four separate buildings with a total expositional area of above 3000 square meters and above 2000 square meters for storage areas. Eighteen people work in the Gallery – director, three curators, a fund-keeper, a decorator-exhibitions, a maintenance worker, two restores, and seven informants. The curators, besides their fund activity, perform all technical activities related to the preparation and exposure of the exhibitions, participate in the preparation of the cultural calendar of the gallery and the carrying out of inventory, prepare the main documents related to the funds. The tour-guides are in charge of the advertisement activity, the maintenance of the site, facebook account and the twitter page of the Gallery. The funding of the Gallery comes from the Municipality of Sliven with a voted annual budget. It has also been funded by different projects which the Gallery applies for, own resources, tickets, concerts and others. The Gallery works with all galleries in the country for the dissemination of the Bulgarian Art. It spreads out foreign culture with the cooperation of the cultural institutions and embassies. It organizes children's forums, creative workshops, competitions and concerts. It attracts young creators belonging to elementary, high-schools and higher educational institutions and also the children from various art schools. The Gallery organizes art forums, round-tables and university conferences, aiming to give the chance to young authors present their art. Annually the Gallery organizes thematic, genre and style exhibitions of national importance. The Gallery is a holder of the following awards: 2014- Award of the Bulgarian Association of the Employers in the Sphere of Culture for Work with Young People, 2013- “Golden Muse” Award of the Russian Cultural-information Centre-Sofia, 2012 – “Sirak Skitnik” honorary plaqueс of the Bulgarian National Radio, 2011- Diploma for high professionalism-Sofia.
Mission and Objectives

•  Preservation, conservation and dissemination of the cultural inheritance
• Attracting and educating the young people in the spirit of the art
•  Validation of the Gallery as a regional, national and international cultural centre.
• Work for European programs and initiatives. 
•  Widening the contacts with similar structures and cultural institutions, with the European Union countries, Balkan countries and international organizations.
The Gallery has three separate buildings that are being developed and accessible, suitable for the organization and carrying out of cultural events. Each of the buildings has an individual architectural shape as the separate premises create an atmosphere of spirituality, giving on the one hand a chance for the arrangement of different thematic expositions and on the other hand creating the necessary atmosphere for perception of the visitors. This is a result of the targeted policies developed by the Gallery as the visitors have increased from 4 704 people in 2008 to 11691 people in 2014. Out of them 3867 have been children. The events in the halls of the Gallery in 2008 have been 15 in number and in 2014-63 in number. The sensitive increase of the attendance is a result of the atmosphere of hospitality- a consequence of the many projects with the participation of children, young people, representatives of ethnic minorities and others, organized and carried out by the Gallery. Exhibitions and events with ethnic character for different ages, educational expositions and concerts have been presented.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Gallery “Dimitar Dobrovich” has limited resources in terms of the realization of many activities, having direct relation to the Gallery’s policy for its establishment as a cultural centre for young people, authors and community. The development and realization of different projects, performed by the Gallery, create real preconditions for improving the expert capacity of the team, the quality of work and realization of a series of cultural events and activities at the local, regional and national level. Last but not least the implementation of different projects gives the Gallery a chance to form itself as a loyal partner and a beneficiary, having a capacity and an established name among the cultural and financing organizations and institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Gallery has a site and a Facebook account with a sub-page of the Summer Art School. They are supplied daily with new information, photo materials, messages for upcoming events and coverage of already opened exhibitions. To ensure the wider coverage of events, organized in the Gallery, its team collaborates with local and national journalists via a press-list.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Gallery would like to participate in the creation of common projects with similar organizations, both to present Bulgarian arts to the international arena and host international arts in Bulgaria. We would like to participate in projects related to cultural exchange, work with partners to create international network of cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Nencheva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniela Nencheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Hristina Dobreva
Job Title (2)

Atr gallery Sliven

National Network

Tzar Osvoboditel 13
8800 Sliven

359 44622083
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Art Gallery "Dimitar Dobrovich" is an authoritative, cultural, artistic and educational centre in regional and national plan. The Gallery has been founded in 1905. It has four separate buildings with a total expositional area of above 3000 square meters and above 2000 square meters for storage areas. Eighteen people work in the Gallery – director, three curators, a fund-keeper, a decorator-exhibitions, a maintenance worker, two restores, and seven informants. The curators, besides their fund activity, perform all technical activities related to the preparation and exposure of the exhibitions, participate in the preparation of the cultural calendar of the gallery and the carrying out of inventory, prepare the main documents related to the funds. The tour-guides are in charge of the advertisement activity, the maintenance of the site, facebook account and the twitter page of the Gallery. The funding of the Gallery comes from the Municipality of Sliven with a voted annual budget. It has also been funded by different projects which the Gallery applies for, own resources, tickets, concerts and others. The Gallery works with all galleries in the country for the dissemination of the Bulgarian Art. It spreads out foreign culture with the cooperation of the cultural institutions and embassies. It organizes children's forums, creative workshops, competitions and concerts. It attracts young creators belonging to elementary, high-schools and higher educational institutions and also the children from various art schools. The Gallery organizes art forums, round-tables and university conferences, aiming to give the chance to young authors present their art. Annually the Gallery organizes thematic, genre and style exhibitions of national importance. The Gallery is a holder of the following awards: 2014- Award of the Bulgarian Association of the Employers in the Sphere of Culture for Work with Young People, 2013- “Golden Muse” Award of the Russian Cultural-information Centre-Sofia, 2012 – “Sirak Skitnik” honorary plaqueс of the Bulgarian National Radio, 2011- Diploma for high professionalism-Sofia.
Mission and Objectives

•  Preservation, conservation and dissemination of the cultural inheritance
• Attracting and educating the young people in the spirit of the art
•  Validation of the Gallery as a regional, national and international cultural centre.
• Work for European programs and initiatives. 
•  Widening the contacts with similar structures and cultural institutions, with the European Union countries, Balkan countries and international organizations.
The Gallery has three separate buildings that are being developed and accessible, suitable for the organization and carrying out of cultural events. Each of the buildings has an individual architectural shape as the separate premises create an atmosphere of spirituality, giving on the one hand a chance for the arrangement of different thematic expositions and on the other hand creating the necessary atmosphere for perception of the visitors. This is a result of the targeted policies developed by the Gallery as the visitors have increased from 4 704 people in 2008 to 11691 people in 2014. Out of them 3867 have been children. The events in the halls of the Gallery in 2008 have been 15 in number and in 2014-63 in number. The sensitive increase of the attendance is a result of the atmosphere of hospitality- a consequence of the many projects with the participation of children, young people, representatives of ethnic minorities and others, organized and carried out by the Gallery. Exhibitions and events with ethnic character for different ages, educational expositions and concerts have been presented.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Gallery “Dimitar Dobrovich” has limited resources in terms of the realization of many activities, having direct relation to the Gallery’s policy for its establishment as a cultural centre for young people, authors and community. The development and realization of different projects, performed by the Gallery, create real preconditions for improving the expert capacity of the team, the quality of work and realization of a series of cultural events and activities at the local, regional and national level. Last but not least the implementation of different projects gives the Gallery a chance to form itself as a loyal partner and a beneficiary, having a capacity and an established name among the cultural and financing organizations and institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Gallery has a site and a Facebook account with a sub-page of the Summer Art School. They are supplied daily with new information, photo materials, messages for upcoming events and coverage of already opened exhibitions. To ensure the wider coverage of events, organized in the Gallery, its team collaborates with local and national journalists via a press-list.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Gallery would like to participate in the creation of common projects with similar organizations, both to present Bulgarian arts to the international arena and host international arts in Bulgaria. We would like to participate in projects related to cultural exchange, work with partners to create international network of cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Nencheva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniela Nencheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Hristina Dobreva
Job Title (2)

Africa e Mediterraneo

National Network

via gamberi, 4
40037 Sasso Marconi

+39 051 6790117
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Africa e Mediterraneo is a non-profit  organisation created to promote intercultural awareness, especially between Italy and Africa, and to conduct development education. With its constitution officially formalised in 2002, since 1997 Africa e Mediterraneo has brought together a group of professionals committed to the task of promoting contemporary African artists and intellectuals. Africa e Mediterraneo pursues its goals by regularly publishing the biennual journal Africa e Mediterraneo, and by organising initiatives such as intercultural workshops (in both school and out-of-school contexts), exhibitions, conferences, training courses for teachers and other activities linked to cultural and intercultural cooperation. Africa e Mediterraneo has a long experience in setting out projects (both at national and international level) that focus on intercultural dialogue and anti-racism education, both in formal and informal sectors. The Italian association has worked since 2000 both at national level (in more then 30 cities all around the country) and at European level (developing project activities in more then 10 EU countries). Our main interlocutors are both private organisations and public and institutional bodies.  
Mission and Objectives

Africa e Mediterraneo is committed to raising awareness and encouraging appreciation of African cultures, in the belief that culture is a route to development, peace and justice among people. Its goal is the promotion of culture as a mean for development, peace and justice among peoples.
Another important topic for Africa e Mediterraneo is mass communication, understood as both the set of technologies required to transmit and receive information (in all its economic, social and cultural forms), and as the set of values, symbols and representations that underlie mass democracy and public participation. Communication, as a factor inherent in that which allows a community to represent itself, to form relationships with other communities and to play its role in the world, is therefore an important tool in promoting mutual understanding. 

Main Projects / Activities

The activities carried out by Africa e Mediterraneo include: the organisation of intercultural projects and development education, both at the international and national level; the organisation of projects promoting cultural cooperation and respect for human rights;  the organisation of exhibitions on African cultural expression; the production of the biennual journal Africa e Mediterraneo; the organisation of training courses and conferences for teachers.
The main projects carried out by Africa e Mediterraneo are:
1. The "ComiX4 = Comics for Equality" project aims to foster dialogue in order to combat racism, xenophobia and discrimination in Europe, particularly in Italy, Bulgaria, Estonia, Romania and Latvia.
2. The "Africa Comics" project, which revolves around the Award for the Best Unpublished Comic by an African Author, has been running since 2002 and is now in its sixth edition.
3. "Common Values" revolves around the provision of intercultural education based on two basic elements of contemporary society: immigration and the coexistence of people with different cultural backgrounds, and the invasiveness of the youth-targeted media.
4. The “Approdi” project stems from an awareness of the high risk of social exclusion faced by young immigrants in Italy, and the belief that immigrant reception services should not exclude children and young second-generation immigrants.
5. “SCREENS – Southern visions of the Millenium Goals” is a European project. Funded in December 2010 by the European Commission, which holds the project in high esteem, Screens seeks to facilitate, above all, the greater involvement of African partners in the international debate on the eight Millennium Development Goals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Africa e Mediterraneo association can contribute to the ALF Network participating in the promotion of the events and initiatives; implementing the visibility and the action of the Network, both at national and international level and exchanging knowledge and information. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to joing the ALF Network in order to get involved with ALF activities and projects; to exchange knowledge and information;  to find partners for common initiatives in the EU and in its Neighbourhood, as well as to design and implement common projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Lorelli
Job Title
Project Assistant
Head of the organisation
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Meloni
Job Title (2)
Project Designer

DIPUTACIÓN DE GRANADA - Delegación de Empleo y Desarrollo Provincial

National Network

Avenida Andalucía sn
18014 Granada

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Provincial Council of Granada is a Public Administration (NUTS III) coordinating municipal services in the whole province of Granada through legal, economic and technician assistance to 170 town councils. It is compose by a President and 27 local elected representatives, 1.600 employees from 12 departments and consortium. Budget 289 M€ (2015) excluding the budget for Community financing. Partners: local authorities, education, cultural and research institutions. Cooperation networks: Arco Latino, Med Group Eurocities, EuropeDirect, RedReto and several national networks.
Mission and Objectives

Main Goal:
Technical, economic and technological support to enable local resources to provide consistent quality services throughout the country.
Coordinate municipal services and organize utilities sustainable municipal character.
Strategic Goals:
Providing municipalities and their citizens the tools to ensure the cohesion, security and development.
Improve the queality of life of the municipalities and their citizens.
Working for a sustainable land management.
Work for social and economic development of different regions of the province.
Strengthening of civic, public and democratic dimension of our municipalities.
Achieve an effecient and structured local system.

Main Projects / Activities

Provincial Council of Granada has close cooperation with several european regions (FEDER and FSE) through the colaboration in programs as INTERREG IVB, INTERREG IVC, MED, POCTEFEX, LIFE or SUDOE.
The PRovincial Council of Granada had participated in several internacional and national projects in the last 15 years.
Currently it is taking part in the following internacional projects:
.- CesR - Cooperatives of employment and services in rural areas.
.- EMMA - Entrepreneurship methodology mediterranean assistance.
.- WIDE - Innivation in the MED area.
.- AGROPAISAJES - Peri-urban agricultural landscapes.
.- INNOMERCAMED - Relationship betwen Granadian and Marroccaine bussines.
.- ETNOMED - Cultural Heritage.
.- CULTURMED - Cultural Heritage.
.- I4Food - Interregional cooperation for competitive and sustainable regional food industries.
.- ITERA-AA - Rural development and innovation.
.- Tourage - Developing Senior Tourism in Remote Regions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For Provincial Council of Granada is a priority to coninue collaborating in european partnerships that contributing to the promotion of the socioeconomic development of our province.
Development in the following areas thar has been working for years: rural enterprise development, training and employment, promotion of cultural heritage, social responsibility of organizations and companies, international cooperation....
The Provincial Council of Granada, in addition to collaborating with the 170 municipalieties, with more than 1.800 contacts of associations, other public institutions, foundations and NGOs in the province through different projects and activities carried our in the territory.
Also it is working with national networks of the different work areas of priority development.
Networking the Council of Granada has developed facilitates knowledge and knowledge transfer between European and national public entities, citizens and territory.
Other priority for the coming years is to consolidate our relationship with the Kingdon of Marrocco who, trhough POCTEFEX projects, have conducted seven cooperation projects during the last 4 years

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Provincial Council of Granada believes in the intercultural public awareness through knowledge sharing and dissemination of experiences and cultures.
Networking between public and private entities from different countries helps us in a territiorial and common development.
ALF Networking will provide us new networks to work for the coomon citizenship, sustainable development, culture, environment....sharing and working new experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Ramón La Chica Aranda
Job Title
Jefe de Servicio de Desarrollo - Delegación de Empleo y Desarrollo Provincial
Head of the organisation
Juan Ramón La Chica Aranda
Contact (2) Full Name
Jose Francisco Oliver Berta
Job Title (2)
Jefe de Sección Administrativa - Delegación de Empleo y Desarrollo Provincial

Pokrov Foundation

National Network

68 Cherni Vrah blvd
ap. 1
1407 Sofia

00359 2 9871655
Mobile Phone
00359 888 801103
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Media
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Pokrov Foundation is a Bulgarian non-profit organization. Its core staff is 12 persons (full-time). The funding is raised mostly through international projects and sales of goods and services. It organizes trainings, youth exchange projects, public debates. It works closely with religious communities of the majority Christian Orthodox Church in Bulgaria.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Pokrov Foundation is to provide support to parishes, social and educational institutions, related to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the development of its cultural and social profile. 

Main Projects / Activities

- The Media Programme develops a group of web sites, fostering mutual understanding between the religious communities.
- The Birdhouse Project organizes a series of public debates on social issues and ethical discourses.
- The Social Programme develops a variety of initiatives to support people in need.
- The Publishing Programme produces books and periodicals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Bulgaria is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country. We hope to bring the experience of the network in our efforts to provide a public space for activists of the different communities in Bulgaria to exchange ideas and to discuss issues of common concern.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to be able to contribute to the development of the multi-cultural aspect of the ALF Network's mission in our local context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Plamen Sivo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Plamen Sivov

Better World Foundation - NGO

National Network

5 Ellan Street – Ibn Sendr Square
Mansheyiet El Bakry

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Better World Foundation (BWF) consists of 5 main departments which are Accounting, Training, R&D, HR and PR departments. Number of volunteers per semester is 20-25 volunteers in addition to 4 employees. From 2006-2011, BWF was financially self sustained organization by neither accepting donations nor grants to ensure that its system customized based on the community not the funding source, meeting its overhead costs solely through its Board of Trustees and the small fees of our training programs. As BWF is committed to keep our programs accessible to as many people as possible, it will rely on grants for funding rather than increasing the programs’ fees. Also, the entrepreneurs who will be incubated by our project will share 20% of their revenues for the first 5 years to be re-used to support and develop the program. Starting from 2014, we have participated in many international projects in Europe under Erasmus+ Programme.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to offer various educational, training and research opportunities along with social entrepreneurship work to equip young Egyptians youth with business and entrepreneurial skills needed to succeed, in order to pave the way to decrease unemployment rates, alleviate poverty and revitalize Egypt’s economy and community.
Our objectives are:
- Helping public university students and recent graduates to develop their occupational skills and realize their full potential as professionals.
- Preparing these students and recent graduates to be more proactive by providing them with tools and support necessary for contributing to the advancement and progress of their community.
- Facilitating the entry of Egyptian youth into the labor market as well as to enable young entrepreneurs to plan for their own sustainable businesses.
- Providing specialized vocational training and capacity building 5 days per week in technology, world languages, and professional skills for enhancing their leadership, capabilities and value to the job market.
- Utilizing a job listings database, a consistently updated list of job openings in companies throughout Egypt to link individuals with a company according to their qualifications and skills.
- Providing a simplified and efficient job search experience for the program’s participants, while also ensuring a consistent level of candidate proficiency for employers.
- Building bridges of cultural understanding between youth from different nationalities and backgrounds as we have a balanced corps of volunteers, of which 50% Egyptian and 50% international.
Better World Foundation is interested in developing the capabilities of young people. This is done by investing in resources and economic activities that contribute to the development of our emerging human capital. Developing the occupational skills of youth will allow them to pursue a higher quality work and life, making them more productive global citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Better World Foundation aims to prepare the Egyptian youth to succeed in the modern professional world through offering various educational/training Skills in a form of training courses and workshops in (Languages-Computer-Life Skills-Knowledge-Attitude). In addition to organizing workshops, seminars, training sessions and site visits in order to develop and promote entrepreneurial skills, our activities are represented in the below three main functions:
• Offering various courses to public university students and recent graduates which include languages courses, computer courses and career skills classes. Courses are Non Formal type of Education to enable our beneficiaries to attain the necessary skills for employment and go on to find jobs.
• Research Activities to investigate critical social or environmental issues and then presenting all findings to put hands on experience on Job Market needs. This has a double impact of providing beneficiaries with specialized knowledge that may be relevant to their future careers, as well as providing the opportunity for others to educate themselves on relevant issues Egypt is facing.
• Entrepreneurial Support Training: helping young entrepreneurs establish themselves professionally through incubation and mentoring for a full 8 months period.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Better World Foundation will be an active member in the network through participating effectively in meeting, conferences and exchange opportunities. We will be sharing our experiences and ideas regarding working with youth and the intercultural exchange opportunity that we offer. In addition to, working collaboratively with the members of the network in order to come up with new ideas and establish international projects supporting the mission of Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network for below reasons:
- Our common objective to promote intercultural exchange as we have a balanced corps of volunteers, of which 50% Egyptian and 50% international.
- Our common target group which is youth will allow us to cooperate on different aspects.
-  Cooperate to implement a project that enhances youth leadership and entrepreneurial skills in addition to conducting researches on other topics such as environment and social awareness.
-  Our ability and experience to send Egyptian volunteers and host international volunteers will support your mission.
-  Provide our beneficiaries with more job opportunities, scholarships and international exchange programs
-  Expanding our partners’ network which will increase our opportunities for cooperation on an international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hany Amin
Job Title
Founder / Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Hany Amin
Contact (2) Full Name
Michael Moheb
Job Title (2)
International Projects Manager

The Association For Developming the Rustic woman in farshout

National Network

frashout - elgomhoria st

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية تنمية المرأة الريفية بفرشوط المشهرة برقم 463 فى 27/ 5/ 1995 ♦ عدد اعضاء مجلس الادارة :- (9) اعضاء                  ذكور ( 7)                 إناث (2) ♦ الفئات المستهدفة للجمعية :- 1- الاسر الفقيرة 2-  المرأة المعيلة 3- الشباب والشابات العاطلين عن العمل 4- ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة 5- المتسربين والمتسربات من التعليم 6- الاميين ♦ رؤية الجمعية :- حياة افضل للمرأة فى صعيد مصر  
Mission and Objectives

♦ رسالة الجمعية :- دعم وتنمية المرأة  فى صعيد مصر
♦ اهداف الجمعية :-
1- تنمية المجتمعات المحلية
2- رعاية الأسرة والطفولة والأمومة 
3- الخدمات الاجتماعية والثقافية والدينية والعلمية
4- حماية البيئة والحفاظ عليها
5- الأنشطة التعليمية والصحية والخدمات الاقتصادية
6- رعاية الشيخوخة والفئات الخاصة والمعوقين
7- رعاية المسنين
8- التنمية الاقتصادية للأسرة لزيادة الدخل

Main Projects / Activities

اغراض الجمعية :-
1- رفع مستوى اهالى مدينة ومركز فرشوط اقتصاديا واجتماعيا وثقافيا .
2- إصحاح البيئة والقيام بالمشروعات التى تخدم ذلك .
3-تيسير الحج والعمرة .
4- تقديم  القروض الصغيرة للأسرة وبصفة خاصة المرأة  .
5- عمل برامج التوعية الصحية والثقافيه والتعليمية والبيئية .
6- إنشاء حضانة طفل ورضع ورياض اطفال .
7- إنشاء مشاغل الحياكة والتريكو
8- رعاية الأسر التى تعولها سيدات  .
9- رعاية الشيخوخة والفئات الخاصة والمعوقين .
10- إقامة نادى اجتماعى ونادى مسنين ونادى للمرأة
مشرعات الجمعية :
مشروع قروض الحد من الفقر
مشروع قروض الاسر المنتجة
مشروع قروض مجتمع منتج
مركز تدريب فتيات على الخياطة والتريكو والكليم والسجاد والاشغال اليدوية
مكتب التوجيه والاستشارات الاسريه
مشروع بيئى ( كسح وجمع قمامة )

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed abdelfattah abdelsattar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mohammed mohammed kamal khaleel

association tunisienne pour la promotion du droit à la différence

National Network

2 rue 2 mars 1934/18 janvier
7000 Bizerte

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

RESUMÉ DE L’ASSOCIATION ATPDD L’association tunisienne pour la promotion du droit à la différence (ATPDD) est une association non- gouvernementale à but non lucratif. Elle a été créée le 15 avril 2011 dans le but premier est de défendre des droits humains universels et la démocratie en Tunisie. Ses activités générales sont basées sur la défense du droit à la différence dont les libertés cultuelles, linguistiques, culturelles et la parité homme/femme. Aussi l’ATPDD tend à renforcer la sensibilisation, la formation et le travail sur le terrain dans les régions très défavorisées par rapport aux villes. La prise en charge des élèves en difficulté scolaire à travers l’intervention des professionnels de l’éducation bénévoles (clubs de cinéma, de lecture et ateliers de théâtre), l’Installation de bibliothèques dans les écoles rurales (financé par le CAWTAR : 25 000 DT et EUROMED : 22 600 DT), la formation des élèves aux principes fondamentaux des droits humains, l’encouragement des habitants de certaines zones rurales à la bonne gouvernance de l’eau potable (financé par le PNUD : 30 000 DT), à la participation active à la transition démocratique et  aux notions du genre (financé par OXFAM : 56 000 DT). L’ATPDD, lors de ses activités sur le terrain pour le développement rural a fait en sorte de faire participer les femmes pour améliorer leur quotidien : la bonne gestion de l’eau courante, la participation à la vie publique.

Mission and Objectives

 Œuvrer pour le respect de la personne humain.  Renforcer la Liberté d’expression.  Soutenir la liberté cultuelle, linguistique et civilisationnelle.  Œuvrer à la parité homme/femme.  Renforcer les droits de l’enfant.

Main Projects / Activities

les projets: 1 Bibliothèques et contes pour tous 2 Bonne gouvernance de l'eau potable en zone ruralr 3 Citoyennes et Vie Publique   Les activités: travail de terrain formations renforcement de capacités

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L’Etat tunisien est aujourd’hui en pleine transition démocratique, ce qui nécessite le renforcement des éléments constitutifs de l’Etat de droit et assure un passage sûr vers une démocratie, un pluralisme et dialogue sociétal. ‘Si la question des minorités peut sembler marginale face aux défis politiques auxquels est confrontée la région, elle est symptomatique du changement politique intervenu. Elle révèle en effet que ce pays est entré dans une forme majeure de la modernité : la reconnaissance de la différence’ (Stéphanie Pouessel, (Les minorités en Tunisie, entre expression culturelle et politisation, Orient XXI, magazine, 17 janvier 2014) La question des minorités est désormais au centre de ces préoccupations. Les réformes du Statut des minorités ainsi escomptées assureraient l’instauration de l’Etat de droit aux niveaux socioculturel et législatif. L’Etat de droit est en effet une synthèse de la conscience sociologique, de la diversité, de la tolérance et des instruments juridiques nécessaires à renforcer le sentiment de cohésion sociale. Tel est le résultat ultime auquel notre projet aspire.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Oui. Merci d'accepter notre adhésion

Contact (1) Full Name
Saloua Ghrissa
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

via Verona 17
15121 Alessandria

0131 1826034
Telephone (other)
+39 320 6173150
0131 1826034
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 6760914
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
ICS Onlus reborn for the will and direct initiative of many people who in corrent period provided service for various reasons. as volunteers, contractors, operators, technicians, trainers, teachers, foreigners, representatives of the authorities. We work in the field of intercultural issue and cooperation.  ICS Onlus moves on a purely voluntary basis (40 volunteers), has no staff, its resources are its members, events, demonstrations and free donations. Annual budget (2014) is 138.256,78 euros ICS Onlus considers the fundamental relationship with local authorities. Decentralized cooperation multiplies the economic resources, enhances professional skills and amplifies the impact on civil society. An important source of funding is from call for proposals. ICS works in cooperation with local authorities of our province, with region, with the lines of national and European funding,.
Mission and Objectives

international cooperation
cooperation among local authorities
local development for management of sourses (water)
development of relationships among cultures, paticulary in the mediterranean area
face the migrant issue
management of events in order to create popular partecipation in the project 

Main Projects / Activities

- Intercultural education
- Training of teachers and operators
- ntercultural mediation
- Sporting events (StrAlessandria)
- Exhibitions, debates, publications
- Interventions of international cooperation
- artistic creation as instrument of social empowerment

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ICS can contribute actively to the sharing of the principles of self-sustainable development, recognition of culture and conflict management. An active role will be played at the level of activation of community relations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that network is an antidote in order to face conflict today, a useful tool to share objectives and projects and increase the opportunities. Furthermore, the exchange between different national realities can be an added value in terms of expected results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Sacchi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pietro Sacchi
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisa Adorno
Job Title (2)