Life Foundation for Development and Integration

National Network

abo hammad

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
General Information

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعى تأسست عام 2015 بعد ان تم اشهارها تحت رقم 3312 من وزارة التضامن الاجتماعى تعمل بالهيكل الوظيفى اولا : رئيس مجلس الامناء       ثانيا : نائب رئيس مجلس الامناء والسكرتير العام          ثالثا : امين الصندوق وهناك هيكل تنظيمى اخر من  مدير تنفيذى ، ومدير مشروعات ، محاسبين ، ومحامين ، واخصائيين نفسيين ، واخصائيين اجتماعيين 

Mission and Objectives

اولا : رعاية المسجونين واسرهم والفئات المهمشة والاحداث والتدريب والتوظيف لمحدودى الدخل ثانيا : عمل مشروعات بيئية وتوعية المجتمع المحلى ورفع الوعى وحماية المستهلك ثالثا : التأهيل النفسى والقانونى والسياسى للمرأة رابعا : رعاية الطفولة والامومة والاسرة وتدريب وتاهيل المرأة الريفية خامسا : التنظيم والادارة ومكافحة الفساد سادسا : مساندة الجهد الحكومى وحث المجتمع للمساهمة مع المؤسسات والجمعيات ذات الصلة سابعا : اقامة الندوات والتدريبات وتقديم الدعم والاعانات الخيرية ذات الصلة

Main Projects / Activities

رعاية المفرج عنهم من النساء والرجال ونسبة العجز الدعم القانونى للمسجونين المساعدات المالية والنقدية للغارمين

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتجربتى معها شخصيا مع مبادرة ابدأ للعدالة المجتمعية وحقوق الانسان حيث اننى كنت اعمل مدير وحدة العدالة الجنائية وتناقشت معهم فى العديد من المحافل الاقليمية ذات الصلة

Contact (1) Full Name
mohamed gamal mohamed
Job Title
Secretary General of the Corporation
Head of the organisation
mohamed gamal mohamed

NGO "Unity"

National Network

Harmanli, 18, D-r Atanas Chochkov
6540 Harmanli, 18, D-r Atanas Chochkov,street

+359 899 611 051
Mobile Phone
+359 889 415 111
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 887 415 111
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
„Unity" is a non-profit public benefit organization, which works in various fields and efforts to promote and protect human rights and rule of law. It is a voluntary association of individuals and legal entities, united by the mission of supporting freedoms in order to consolidate democratic values and ideas, especially in a country with already a long period of transition and still fragile democracy. The team constitutes highly qualified lawyers, economists, sociologists and engineers actively involved the work of the Association. We are working on issues affecting refugees, their problems and rights. We participate in the development of local, regional and national strategies in all spheres of public life. We provide training to empower leaders, staff development, teaching and corporate training. We organize seminars and trainings to groups of people with common interests and goals. We work and contribute to the development and promotion of spiritual values, best practices in the development of civil society, education, culture, and sport. Part of our experts involved in the drafting of reports in the compilation of national strategies for the Operational Programs of Bulgaria to thematic working groups to the ENRD, respectively, with the participation of experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Culture. “Unity” is financed by funds generated from projects, donations and economic activity. The association focuses on charity events and small projects as well as support for actions taken by other NGOs and international cooperation initiatives in particular.
Mission and Objectives

Protection of democracy and humanism, protection of people's rights. Supporting and promotes the realization of women in economic and social life, strive to learn and strengthen Bulgarian heritage and traditions, supports the social adaptation, actively promoting environmental protection and organizes public events to strengthen traditional values.
The association works for development of civil society and aims to build a national network of people with progressive thinking that could cooperate creative in meeting the challenges of community and social development.

Main Projects / Activities

- Support the development and implementation of initiatives for economic, social and cultural development of the regions in Bulgaria;
- Generates social investments by private individuals, the business sector and various public and private sources of funding;
- Provide technical support to individuals, companies and organizations working to meet the social needs of society at the national level;
- It contributes to the effectiveness, sustainability and diversity of social programs in Bulgaria
- Mediate by providing professional counseling, assessment, monitoring and tracking the implementation of projects and programs;
- Working in collaboration with other civil society organizations at national and local level for the development of social responsibility and sustainability of the civil sector in Bulgaria
- Assists for minority groups, people with disabilities and vulnerable groups;
- Organize and conduct trainings and seminars for enhancing professional qualifications;
- Initiates and participates in the creation of partnership networks with national and international organizations and NGOs;
- Develops and implements programs and projects for the implementation of national operational programs
- Promotes and organizes activities for the conservation and introduction of traditional Bulgarian community events, cultural activities, traditions, crafts and customs, combined with voluntary initiatives to improve the environment or to solve local problems.
At this stage the organization "Unity" has focused its attention on the realization of initiatives for young people with a focus on two of the largest organizations in Bulgaria - "Bulgarian Donors' Forum", which is a member of WINGS - World support network of donors and partner CEENERGI - regional initiative in Central and Eastern Europe for the development of corporate philanthropy, and the "Help for Charity in Bulgaria", which is part of the global network of organizations Charities Aid Headquartered in the UK.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We intend to contribute to the ALF Network in Bulgaria by:
Promoting its objectives and initiatives and the implementation of project activities in areas that are essential for peaceful coexistence between people: intercultural initiatives and trainings for youth and adults, human rights and regional development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

„Unity” Association fully supports the promotion of intercultural exchange rates and joint projects between civil societies. “Unity” fully accepts support and encourages the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, recognition of the rule of law and fundamental freedoms.
Becoming a member of ALF Network, will give a chance to „Unity” to help the sustainable development of the region through mutual respect of the above values. „Unity” has an interest to be part of an organization that has an impact on the ability of individuals and groups who share values and live together in the region. We want to contribute to the further maintenance of intercultural dialogue, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the long-term strategy to address the real reasons - political, ideological.
Our Association can unite civil society in the region to intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future and this is the main reason for „Unity” become part of this organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hristina Borisova
Contact (2) Full Name
Zlatka Georgieva
Job Title (2)
Vice Chairman

Stowarzyszenie na rzecz integracji społeczeństwa wielokulturowego "Nomada"

National Network

Paulińska 4/8
50-247 Wrocław

0048 71 307 03 35
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Surces of founding: Batory foundation, OSCE/ODIHR, EEA Grants, croudfundifng     
Mission and Objectives

The NOMADA Association in Wroclaw is a NGO concerned with the popularization and protection of human rights. We work especially with marginalized groups that have been excluded from society such as immigrants, foreigners, and ethnic and religious minorities.
We are working toward the comprehensive development of an open and civil society.
We are committed to building solidarity between people with different backgrounds and social status.
We want to break down stereotypes and prejudices.
Through our actions, projects and cooperation with outside groups, we want to create relationships based on mutual understanding and good communication.
We all have the right to migrate.
The main methods of our activities include: development projects, education, monitoring, advocacy, intervention, legal support, training, conferences, debates, publications and literary journalism.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Agata Ferenc
Head of the organisation
Agata Ferenc

Fondacija CURE/ CURE Foundation

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Čekaluša 16
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
CURE Foundation is a feminist-activist organization which operates for the equality of sexes and genders pleading for positive social changes through educational, artistic, cultural and research programs. Providing affirmative action, CURE Foundation celebrates women’s strength and power and works on empowering people so they could become initiators of social changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Feminist activism has provided a safe space where women are strong, fearless and capable united in their differences. CURE Foundation is an organization of professionals and volunteers who go out to the streets in sign of public protest against violence, discrimination, violations of laws and fundamental human rights, organize performances against violence, invite artists, scientists, educators, activists and the citizens to action and personal contribution to creating a better and healthier BiH society. Vision – The kind of society we want – CURE Foundation works for the equality of women in BiH, for a society without patriarchal norms in which violence and discrimination are not tolerated, where women are recognized as responsible initiators and bearers of positive social changes and equally make decisions in the society. Mission – What we do to realize the vision – CURE Foundation works on supporting, strengthening the capacity and creating a safe environment for a new generation of activists and feminists, for their responsible and active involvement in positive social changes through: - educational programs, - research, analysis and public advocacy, - improvement of the media image of women and raising visibility, - local and regional networking, - engaged arts and activism and - building an inclusive and sustainable women's movement.
Mission and Objectives

CURE Foundation has 9 members empoyed (one directress, 8 employees). We have a Governing board made out of 5 members (activists from other NGOs). CURE Foundation is funded by foreign donors and local government bodies (ministries). CURE's work is based on educational workshops for young women, women politicians and women from smaller, rural areas of BiH. CURE Foundation also works on lobbying and advocating for equality in the governement and works on LGBT rights. CURE Founadation is member of different networks and coalitions with other NGOs working on similar topics. CURE coordinates the Women's Network of BiH and is partnering with many different local and regional women's rights organizations. CURE Foundation organizes an annual women's arts and activism festival, networking with different regional and world wide organizations and activists, talking about women in arts and promoting women's arts. 

Main Projects / Activities

OAK Foundation is funding CURE Foundation in buidling our capacities as an organization
Empowerment of women's rights through the empowerment of the Women's network of BiH- raising the capacities of the organizations members of the women network and strenghtening the capacities of the WNBIH itself 
Gender based violence: View from a different angle – Violence in youth relationships- education of young women on the topics of violence, feminism, activism, etc. and the creation of a new generation of feminists  
Capture gender based violence- Creation of short films on the topics of gender based violence and the promotion of these films all over BiH
Empowerment of activists from smaller areas- CURE Foundation work with smaller organizations from BiH on empowering them and raising their capacities in the field of women's human rights 
ISCOS- Education of Roma girls and work with smaller organizations 
Solidarity Fund- Helping women who have been dealing with difficult times through a Solidarity fund
Education of women politicians- CURE Foundation is educating women politicians and preparing them for their electoral campaigns
ASTREA Foundation- CURE Foundation is creating a safe space for LBT* women and opening a space for dialogue about the  needs of LBT* women in BiH 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CURE Foundation can contribute with our knowledge in the field of women's human rights and activism in BiH. CURE has been existing and working for the past ten years in this field and we have been trained to facilitate different processes regardless if ti is education of young women or lobbying and advocating workshops. CURE can build capacities of smaller NGOs working on these topics and can help with the topics of EU integration process and different conventions BiH signed regarding gender based violence and the position of women in BiH. Also, CURE are very visibile in the media, so we can benefit with public representation of our activities including this network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to joing the ALF Network because we consider that it is important to have connections all over the world regarding the work in the field of women's human rights and human rights in general. We consider the ALF Nework a good approach to current topics in these fields and the networking part is generally very important when it comes to working as an NGO. We also want to partner with different organizations in project which would benefit our country and the general position of women everywhere. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Marija Vuletić
Job Title
Project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Jadranka Miličević
Contact (2) Full Name
Vedrana Frašto
Job Title (2)
Office manager

Human Development Network-HDN

National Network

28, Rue Idir Toumi
Ben AKnoun

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

HDN is a Social Entreprise, intervening on developements projects and capacity-building programs for youth. It has 5 employees. In 2014, we managed a budget of 70 000 EUR. We work with NGOs, so we run several funds. We are specialized in scientific events (conferences, seminars, colloqiums, trainings, workshops...etc.) Our partners are: Institutionnal bodies, public & private entreprises, local and foreign NGOs.

Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to support human development programs and actors in Algeria through capacity-building and sectoral analysis issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Active Citizenship Intercultural Dialogue Women Empowerment Capacity-building for Civil Societies managers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to its international network of field experts animated by the values of innovation, quality, integrity and performance; HDN could offer a diverse range of services that cover a wide spectrum of needs for training / coaching, conducting studies and organizing scientific meetings and various events for other members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To Connect to other organisations

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawel Guellal
Job Title
Founder & Director
Head of the organisation
Nawel Guellal
Contact (2) Full Name
Meriem Hafid
Job Title (2)
Community Manager & Logistics Assistant

Fondation Forty two

National Network

JK Suha Reka-208 ent.A floor 10 app 35
1505 Sofia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation 42 was established in 2013 answering the need of institutionalization of the work of 42 training non-formal group of youth trainers. The whole idea behind choosing the number 42 as the name of our Foundation is Douglas Adam’s book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, where 42 is the answer to the question about life, the universe and everything else. So the concept that’s driving us foreward is “bringing people closer to their own answer of the question about their lives“. That's why the main activities we conduct are related to sharing experience, training, stimulating civic initiatives of young people, etc. Our mission is to support people in reflecting on their own lives and role in society by facilitating the process of asking questions and finding their own answers.Our vision is to achieve our goals through conducting trainings, organizing events, presenting good practices and supporting the implementation of innovative approaches in civil society initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

The organization has a structure consisting of Board and Director. Till now only the director is fully employed. Numerous volunteers supported our activities for the last 2 years of existance.
Our budgetary resources come mainly from sponsorship and execution of projects. Till now the projects were related to soft skills development among young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activity is called Forum KLYUCH (The key forum) - motivation speaking events, targeting young people and their active civil involvement, platform for sharing ideas, knowledge and good examples of career development in the non-profit sector in Bulgaria. We are in charge of the Its mission is to daily inform all interested experts, NGOs, companies, etc. about opened calls for proposals, funding programmes and granting organizations.More information on our websites:,,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By intigrating main topics, related to the work of the Network, into our activities, involving young people. By raising awareness about them during our events, by being a correct and predictable partner in different projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a almost newly established NGO we need more stable partnerships, related to our core values, we need to have more opportunities to learn and develop our staff and volunteers, new point of view, etc. Joining this network looks like a great opportunity for this!

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandar Kumanov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aleksandar Kumanov

Kémi Ra

National Network

Postbus 903
7312 HD Apeldoorn

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Kémi Ra is a small Dutch company. Kémi Ra is specialized in the social-cultural aspects of immigration and integration. Kémi Ra aims to help ethnic groups to have a better life in the new societies and to contribute in a better future for these societies. We work together with another enthusiastic professionals from ethnic groups in the Netherlands. These professionals share the ideals, the positive attitude and the hope on a good future in a peaceful world.
Mission and Objectives

Immigration is a big change that affects both the migrant and the hosting society. The biggest challenge for immigrants and for the hosting society is that everyone can participate. However, some people are better able to join the social life than others. Kemi Ra believes that a good connection between the individual and society is the cornerstone of peace and prosperity. People are better, feel at home and give what they can for a better future for themselves and for their society.
For a better future, you need people rather than bricks or technologies. Each human is good. Each person is needed. We deaden nobody.

Main Projects / Activities

- Immigrants as folunteers
- Intercultural- and social development
- Education of immigrants women
- Out-reachend work among immigrants youth
- Interreligious dialogue and work against polarization and radicalization

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Experience exchange. Cooperate when possible.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Experience exchange. Cooperate when possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ragaiy Sinout
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ragaiy Sinout
Contact (2) Full Name
Nur Bayindir
Job Title (2)

Welad ElBalad Media

National Network

43 Mogawra ElOula
6 October - apt 2

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Welad ElBalad is a media production company focused on developing the capacity of local and community media in Egypt. Our network comprises apx 120 journalists and has an apx budget of 600,000US$ per year. Our current sources of income are OSF, IMS and revenues from sales, advertising and training activities. 
Mission and Objectives

The production of independent, high quality and proficient hyper local media products and develop the capacity of local journalists. Further, we are working to develop a viable business model for independent local media in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

We run nine integrated newsrooms across the country and are the only network of independent local newsrooms servicing their communities. We also publish weekly newspapers in 6 locations, run an platform on, and are official YouTube partners with 7 active local channels.  We also run the Local Media Factory which extends high quality and affordable specialised media training and media literacy to communities within which we work. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The cross section of interests and activities supported by ALF are of direct relationship to our work -- we believe Welad ElBalad would be able to both contribute to the work of others within the network as well as benefit from the diverse areas if activity and experience reflected within the membership of the network and the activities support by ANL.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatemah Farag
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Fatemah Farag
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamer ElMahdi
Job Title (2)
Head of Training Unit

I am a Human Society for Rights of People with Disability (Jordan)

National Network

alordon street
rashed baqdones street bilding no 15
Amman 11121

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile: +962 79 5859211
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
I am a human First managed by the chairman and members of an administrative body and the body of the General Assembly with disabilities more than 51% and to be empowered by including people with disability Association. The first association advocates the rights of people with Alaaqh.esid members of the Assembly I am a human its members for more than 2,900 people with disabilities of all types of disabilities and ages and mail and female , of all the provinces Assembly Almmlkh.ammelt with a lot of sectors, including government, civil society organizations and the media, the most important issues Assembly dealt with all the issues of disability as well as the issue of women with disabilities, whether awareness, direction or guidance and securing aids, training and combating violence against women with disabilities and participated in several campaigns in relation to this matter.
Mission and Objectives

our mission Upgrading of educational rights, social, cultural and sports, civic and health, economic, legal and political for people with disabilities
Assembly targets:
• awareness of all the issues related to persons with disabilities.
• integration in the local community and all sectors of the state.
• insurance and medical aids and guidance for medical exemptions.
• building the capacity of people with disabilities under the name of "forum leaders" through train them
Advocacy and advocacy and claim rights and other, whether on a national or international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Empowerment, training and capacity building of persons with disabilities in all governorates of the Kingdom for all the rights and the application of laws and activating

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Promotion of self-advocacy for rights and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities through social networking and web sites.
- Support and empower women with disabilities and make them aware of their rights to claim, and all the issues that relate to their lives.
- Provide statistical database and information for the purposes of conducting the survey and find out the numbers and types and needs of persons with disabilities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To assist in the removal of the negative stereotypes about persons with disabilities through the network members and also spread awareness including respect of persons with disabilities

Contact (1) Full Name
asia abdel mutaleb yaghi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Asia Abdel Mutaleb yaghi
Contact (2) Full Name
shreen hussen
Job Title (2)
Administrative director

Association Mauritanienne des Droits de l'Homme

National Network

Immeuble Nejah; avenue Kenndy; APPT A09
Nouakchott, Mauritanie

Telephone (other)
00222 22427274
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
créee le 1er Juin 1991, l'AMDH est une organisation de defense des droits humains. elle est adminsitrée par une assemblée générale qui son organe politique. le burea exécutif est l'organe exécutif et est composé de 11 membres.l'AMDH est présente sur le territoire national à travers ses antennes qui siégent aux réunions de bureu exécutif élargie. l'AMDH est constituée par 1500 membres  l'AMDH est membre affilié de fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'Homme. elle a un statut de membre observateurt auprés de al commission africaine des droits de l'homme.l'AMDH est membre de l'Union Inter africaine de droits de l'Homme, du Forum national des organisations des droits de l'Homme en Mauritanie, de la coordination Maghreine des droits de l'Homme ainsi que le reseau Migreurop entre autres.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Protection et promotion des droits humains à travers la culture de la tolérance, la lutte contre l'impunité et la préservation de la dignité humaine en Mauritanie ainsi que le bon vivre ensemble

Main Projects / Activities

 Allerte, Interpellation ; plaidoyer, sensibilisation , formation 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

à travers cette adhésion, l'AMDH contribuera à la culture de la tolérance par la lutte contre xenophobie dans un pays comme la Mauritanie qui est traversée par une multitudes de problémes comme la cohésion sociale; le rejet de l'autre, l'impunité.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

notre volonté d'dhérer à ce reseau s'explique par l'engagement pour des sociétés plus ouvertes et où les citoyens participent pleinement à la gestion de la chose publique de façon transparente.
le reseau nous permettre d'avoir de synergie d'action avec les organisations soeures qui partagent avec les principes et la vision  pour un monde plus juste, plus tolérant et où tous les étres humains jouissent les mèmes droits.
le partage des bonnes pratiques pour la promotion et proitection des drtoits humains dans le monde entier

Contact (1) Full Name
Amadou Mbow
Job Title
Secrétaire Général
Head of the organisation
Maitre Fatimata Mbaye
Contact (2) Full Name
Maitre Fatimata Mbaye
Job Title (2)