Impact Foundation for Research and Development

National Network

Touil Center, Rue Nile, Gafsa 2100
Cité Ennour
2100 Gafsa

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
23 210 486
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Description ​Founded in February 2015, IMPACT Foundation for Research and Development is a youth-led NGO that aims to promote research in various areas, and to use research as a vehicle for cultural, economic, social and environmental development. Staff employed ​President Vice President Secretary General Treasurer Communications Manager Graphic Designer Fieldwork Coordinator Community Manager Budgetary resources available in a year: 100 000 $ Sources of funding: Donors (NED, OSI, POMED, NAWAT INSTITUTE) Modalities of actions: Seminaes, Workshops, Surveys, Research Fellowship, Roundtables, Project On civic Education. Main partner: National Endowment for Democracy (NED)  

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission Despite the active involvement of civil society in various projects side by side with the public sector in recent years, development still remains below the expectations of Tunisians, particularly in the sectors of employment, education and health. Our mission stems from our deep belief in the far-reaching potential of the human capital when harnessed in the benefit of research and innovation. In Impact Foundation, we believe in the huge and untapped potential of the energy of youth, and in their capacity to make a deep impact on their environment at the local, regional and global levels. We are building on the academic acquisitions and dynamic capacities with the Tunisian young generation demonstrated throughout several trials. We seek to provide mentoring, support and motivation for these young energies, and to mobilize young people in the direction of addressing local and global challenges.   Our Objectives To initiate and support projects of economic, social and cultural development in Tunisia, especially in underprivileged regions. Organize, coordinate and boost the efforts of various research centers, universities and Think Tanks in Tunisia. Develop, reinforce and improve the skills and capacities of research centers and young researchers in Tunisia. Draw attention to the importance of linking research to development on the economic, social, cultural and environmental levels. Draft and develop proposals for laws and policies that promote research. Rationalize public policies through the involvement of research in state reform. Network with different research centers and academic institutions, reach out to young people and be open to their expectations.

Main Projects / Activities

Young City-Zen This project is part of civil society efforts to promote civic Education. Since Tunisia is going through a phase of political, social and cultural changes, this project responds to a critical need for active and promising citizenship. By relying on an inclusive participatory approach, the project will try to involve several stakeholders in a societal dialogue to teach young students the principles of the civic education adapted to the post-revolution Tunisian context where democracy, freedom and citizenship are being established as values of the Tunisian society. Through the various efforts of civil society, local authorities, education staff, and national and international experts, this YOUNG CITY-ZEN  project will consolidate the learning of civic education at primary schools for children between 8 and 12 years, and empower civil society institutions committed to the promotion of democracy and citizenship through civic education. Moorings Journal ​MOORINGS JOURNAL FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES is a quarterly online journal published by IMPACT FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. The journal aims to provide readers around the globe, particularly researchers and students, with a wide range of views about current issues pertinent to the region of the Maghreb. Since early history, the Maghreb has been the heart of a vibrant crossroads that witnessed a dynamic demographical movement and a rich interchange of ideas and commodities. In view of the recent regional and global changes, MOORINGS seeks to bring together fresh perspectives to the dynamics that underline the various socio-cultural, economic and political spheres in the countries of the Maghreb, as well as provide a wide range of outlooks which examine the interaction of this region with the rest world. We are looking for original, innovative and previously unpublished material, with the aim to promote excellence and encourage outstanding research approaches among researchers, academics and professionals. We particularly encourage submissions from young researchers and researchers at the beginning of their career. Working women’s rights under scrutiny ​The projects consists in an evaluation of the rights of threatened workers in Tunisia, through a report that will be written jointly by Impact Foundation for Research and Development, and academics from the High Institute of Human Sciences of Jendouba. The project aims to stress the precarious and deplorable conditions of work, endured by women working in the agricultural sector, in the absence of the fundamental rights of workers. With the intention to set in motion an advocacy program that seeks to influence public policies and improve their conditions, the project will focus precisely women working in the agricultural sector in the governorate of Jendouba., This governorate suffers the insufficiency of development compared to the rest of the regions, and where Agriculture constitutes a principal pillar in economic activity and wealth. In addition, the project which will seek to reinforce Research capacities at universities, by orienting research endeavors towards local socio-economic rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building partnerships with local and international think tanks and research centers and work with them toward achieving our shared goals. Organizing workshops, round tables and seminars to develop research projects. Participating in national and international events in relationship with our goals. Organizing trainings for those interested in research.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

​To meet other organizations representatives and learn from their exepriences and succes stories To make our work more visible and to draw attention to the importance of networking To realise joint project with differents parteners from different cultures and countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Dhahri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adel Dhahri
Contact (2) Full Name
Imen Yaakoubi
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Fundación Valparaíso (Valparaiso Foundation)

National Network

Miguel Angel 1 dupl
Camino Eras del Lugar 23 04638 Mojácar Almería Spain
28010 Madrid

+34 913082490
Mobile Phone
+34 629 325 009
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 607 696 365
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We are a private, non-for-profit institution since March 1990, registered in the Register of Foundations of the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Board of trustees: President Beatrice BeckettVice-president Lukasz GornickiTrustees Felipe Gutiérrez Jesús Mateos Ole VilladsenSecretary of the Board Javier Almagro The Director Marie Laure González and Project Manager Teresa Santiago are working for Fundación Valparaíso. We have an approximate annual budget of 150,000 €. We have always worked with our own private funds (equity, property rents…). Grants for board and residency to international artists in our residence in Mojácar; Poetry Prize; Theatre Prize; Plastic Arts Prize and Prize for Painting for students; sponsorship of the Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras Musical Composition Award; individual exhibitions and concerts… We have collaborated with Caixaforum, Mapfre, the International Institute, Complutense University, Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras… in our Prizes. Today, we are firmly convinced of, and working on, the need to share forces with many other institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Our aims, according to the statutes of Fundación Valparaíso, are to promote the creation of artistic works and research in the field of fine arts, literature and music.
These aims are principally carried out by funding artists, writers and researchers, from all over the world, for periods of residence in the Foundation's facilities in Mojácar (Almeria, Andalusia, Spain), providing financial assistance to any cultural activity, or individual, involved in teaching and research in these fields and holding seminars, conferences, exhibitions and prizes across the various artistic disciplines.
Our objective for the near future is, using our resources and strategic geographical location in Almería, to promote cultural interaction between North and South of the Mediterranean, through our residency’s grants, improving multidisciplinary cultural access and knowledge of, and between, both sides of the sea.

Main Projects / Activities

Till now, our patronage activities have been:
Grants for board and residency
Since 1990, Valparaiso Foundation has been providing grants to enable artists to live for four weeks at its Residence in Mojacar (Almeria). These artists have all produced professionally recognised works and submitted proposals for projects to be undertaken at the Foundation itself. 
The annual Paul Beckett Poetry Prize (awarded with 4,000€ and the book is published in the Beatrice collection).
The biennial Beckett Theatre Prize (awarded with 6,000€, the play published in the Beckett collection and presented to the public in a dramatic reading of the work).
Also, the Valparaíso Foundation Prize for Painting; sponsorship of the Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras Musical Composition Award; concerts and exhibitions, in our facilities in Mojácar.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Valparaíso Foundation can contribute to the Spanish ALF Network with:
- providing our facilities in Mojácar (Almería), for free, to ALF projects, as we are strategically located less than 400 km from Morocco and Algeria: the residence is situated amongst olive, orange and almond groves two kilometres from the beach at 150 metres above sea level; it has magnificent views to the Mediterranean coast and the Sierra Cabrera, home to the town of Mojacar.
This rural retreat, an old olive mill, has eight private rooms with en suite bathroom, a dining room, a library containing more than 10,000 titles and various other common areas. Each unit consists of a studio, a bedroom and a bathroom. Several of the rooms also have outdoor terraces or access to the courtyard. It also has its own vegetable garden and four individual workshops for painters, sculptors and multi media artists, as well as a study and auditorium for the musicians.
- offering specifically our residency grants to artists and creators of the Mediterranean in order to increase cultural relationships and understandings between North and South: one of the Valparaiso Foundation's main aims is to offer artists from all over the world and from all branches of the arts (writers, composers, painters, sculptors, visual artists, etc.), a quiet and peaceful retreat where they can concentrate on their art, free from distraction and the duties of daily life. Each month eight artists on grants have come together at the Mojacar Residence. Almost twenty years of experience has shown this number to be ideal for facilitating an interchange of ideas in a friendly and enriching atmosphere.
- our international cultural multidisciplinary projects;
- our own financial resources.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been working until now, very autonomously. And due to the actual world context it is time, for us:
- to work together with, and join forces to similar and complementary institutions;
- to reach wider and different audiences, public not used to the artistic world, so as they can be beneficiary of our efforts;
- to be part of multidisciplinary projects, out from our usual work but where we can contribute with our international artistic experience of 25 years;
- to help improving the knowledge and understanding of our different cultures in the Mediterranean. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Santiago
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ms. Beatrice Beckett (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Javier Almagro
Job Title (2)
Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Associazione ValIda

National Network

Via Alessandria 154
00198 Roma

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ValIda aims at promoting multiculturalism and solidarity  through the exchange and integration among individuals. We believe in education,  in active citizenship and networking  as tools for overcoming barriers and cultural diversities. Our team consist of professionals, with around ten years of experience in European project management. They operate in vocational training and research, communication, social media and marketing management, networking, events coordination.  
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of the Association are:
To involve individuals and organisations with a view to building a fair and equitable society
To raise awareness on the benefits of integration, cultural exchange, cooperation and inclusion
To valorise the synergy between formal and non-formal learning through the recognition of the experiences and learning by doing
To promote practices for the social inclusion of individuals coming from disadvantaged backgrounds
To create and maintain sustainable networks and partnerships for transnational cooperation
To provide lifelong learning experience for youths and adults for professional and personal growth
To encourage entrepreneurship and managerial spirit in the cultural and artistic sector

Main Projects / Activities

Valida is in charge with the:
-development of opportunities and networking platforms in the fields of culture with the specific mission of sustainability of careers in culture and operators in the culture sector,
- development and training of players in the field of science education through the introduction of new methods and media that make science education more relevant in the lives of students aspiring for careers in science and more in key with the learning methods that pertain to our times,
- youths and youth leaders activities with strong orientation towards professionalism in the field of youth leadership and the development of interesting and sustainable life projects for young people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Valida cah contribute to the network bringing in the experience of its professionals in intercultural education, coordination of yourh projects, training for youth leaders, creation and management of international networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from and contribute to the exchange of experiences among the other memebers 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ida Salvi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms Ida Salvi

Paulina test

National Network


002 0102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
General Information
Dear Liana, This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail. Thanks! Paulina
Mission and Objectives

Dear Liana,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Main Projects / Activities

Dear Liana,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation
Paulina test

Paulina test

National Network


002 0102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
General Information
Dear Yarden, This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail. Thanks! Paulina
Mission and Objectives

Dear Yarden,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Main Projects / Activities

Dear Yarden,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation

Paulina test

National Network


002 0102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
General Information
Dear Orsi,   This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail. Thanks! Paulina
Mission and Objectives

Dear Orsi,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Main Projects / Activities

Dear Orsi,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dear Orsi,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation

Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ (Black Nights Film festival NGO)

National Network

Telliskivi 60a
10412 Tallinn

+372 631 4640
+ 372 631 4644
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Black Nights Film Festival was launched in 1997 and screened 25 full length films at the first festival to 4500 cinema visitors. The festival started to grow rapidly doubling the visitor numbers every year reaching out beyond the Nordic-Baltic region to discover the cinema of faraway countries. Within 10 years Black Nights Film Festival had increased the number of films nearly tenfold and the number of cinema visits even more. From the first focus on Nordic cinema the festival has grown to present all continents and many genres.
Mission and Objectives

Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival is a unique event combining a feature film festival with the sub-festivals of animated films, student films and children/youth films. The festival aims to present Estonian audiences a comprehensive selection of world cinema in all its diversity, providing a friendly atmosphere for interaction between the audience and filmmakers from all around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Traditionally two festivals are held yearly  one being Black Night Film Festival (PÖFF) and an other Tartu Love Film Festival (tARTuFF). There is a number of minor festivals and programs inside, that reflect topics important in the society - for instance, documentaries (this year focusing on migration, refugees, wars or relations between cultures and relations in societies)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are always trying to work on topics that are important in the society - it is not only chosing and showing films, it is also organizing discussions, side-events as exhibitions etc). We can provide space for this, and include networks suggestions and Networks competence in our work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Currently issues about clash of cultures and refugees, freedom of speech etc are currently much tied up to Southern Mediterranean. We are looking forward to both get suggestions on how to approach the topics, and also suggestions on what is happening in film production area in this part of the world, to be better able to provide a high-quality program for Estonian public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnes Nurme
Job Title
project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mikk Granström

L'arbre du Voyageur Association

National Network

Zaywat Oulmzi
00000 Tabant

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
A new created Ecomuseum is located in one of the most secular Moroccan High Atlas valley, the Ait Bougmez valley. This Ecomuseum welcomes visitors who can discover the Berber daily life from yesterday to today. Here, involvement of the Ait Bougmez valley inhabitants helps immerging people in an authentic experience. Creation and management of the Ecomuseum are provided by “L’arbre du Voyageur” association. Concerning staff employment, there are one guide, who is an inhabitant of the village, 2 women who take care of the place, weave and sell carpets, serve tea and food. Budget for one year is about 22 000 MAD, including salaries, electricity, material, food and beverage costs, temporary exhibitions, new items for the Ecomuseum. For the launch of the Ecomuseum, 64 000 MAD were needed. Sources of funding: revenues from an Ecolodge, linked with L'arbre du Voyage association, donations from the visitors of the valley and generous people. here is the website: the facebook page:
Mission and Objectives

Our major mission is to preserv and enhance the berber culture of the region. By creating a bridge between visitors and locals, thank to this Ecomuseum, the culture of the Ait Bougmez Valley is exhibited and unterstood by visitors. Moreover, locals can feel the importance of preserving their traditions as a pride and a source of recognition.
The Ecomuseum is also a meeting point foreigners/locals: foreigners can discover and feel closer to the culture and people from the valley and inhabitants can be identify themselve  and be proud of their traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

There are some autonomous visits in the Ecomuseum, thank to a guide book. A guide, who is also inhabitant of the village, provide some information and create a special ambiance during the tour.
A tea time is also planned, with traditionnal process.
There is also a carpet cooperativ directly at the place: 2 women work on weaving loom to make carpet and sell them if it's asked.
This is an interactiv museum, with animations and games, for children, couples, groups of friends or single people. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It a interessant tool to have more visibility and to exchange with other projects as ours.
This Ecomuseum matchs with the philosophy and domain of your organisation.
So thank you in advance for your interest and futur actions.
Yours faithfully.

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Marghadi
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation
Said Marghadi
Contact (2) Full Name
Pauline Lecomte
Job Title (2)
Member and project manager

Association pour la Recherche et l Enseignement de la Shoah ( A.R.E.S)

National Network

Cite des association BP 319 93 la Canebiere Marseille 13001
Chez R Bensousan 85 ab Jean Moulin Allauc 13190
13001 Marseille

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association qui a pour objectif d enseigner la citoyenneté et les valeurs humaines à travers l enseignements des génocides  en partenariat avec d autres associations et ouverte association laique non confessionnelle  Structure association Loï 1901 budget et ressources :subventions, sponsoring, cotisations modalite d actions: interventions dans les lieux d éducations ( lycées, collèges, écoles) intervention et projet avec Archives départementales echanges avec divers groupes d enseignants europeens exposition  université d ete  actes et publications des actes
Mission and Objectives

objectif : éduquer à la citoyenneté et mieux vivre ensemble

Main Projects / Activities

Projets en cours Université d ete Projets école Projets actes sur le cinéma et la Shoah

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je peux contribuer au travail 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dray-Bensousan Renee
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Antoinette de bourbon pastor
Job Title (2)

UNITI X UNIRE - Movimento Internazionale Transculturale ed Interprofessionale

National Network

00199 ROME

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
"Uniti per Unire" is an international and interprofessional Movement that includes more than 500 Members divided between partners and followers, most of them are Associations. The budget is variable according to the Members, the source of founding are based on the self-financing. Modalities of action: to promote intercultural and interprofessional exchange. To provide a good information throughout our independent media sources. Main Partners: Community of Arab World (Co-mai), Association of Foreign Doctors in Italy (AMSI), "In Migrazione" Onlus, Cerveteri Local Authorithy, Alrahma Medical Centre of Tira, Association of Arab Medical Rescuers.
Mission and Objectives

To encourage the intercultural,  interreligious dialogue increasing the Euromediterranean network with the contribution of a good information.

Main Projects / Activities

The development of new Politics concerning work, occupation, education and research.  Promoting intercultural mediation and the defence of human rights working to improve women and young people conditions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to give the Ride a useful contribution concerning intercultural and interprofessional exchanges.
We work to unite Italian and Foreign people to proceed behind the real integration.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we deeply believe that  Ride can understand our mission, supporting our values and intents.
The Ride may help us to  grow and realize our projects extending our  principles to all Mediterrenean Partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Foad Aodi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Battafarano
Job Title (2)