Association for preservation of multiculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vojvodica put br 3
72000 Zenica
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organization has 10 members that are working as volunteers and many youth that is coming and joing to different activities. As we are new organization we had just one project and it was teaching bosnian youth English, German and Turkish language. So our budget depends of projects we dont have standard sponsors. We offten give free seminars, workshops. Our member Maja is on Erasmus + exchange. Unfortunetly we can not send still volunteers that is why we borrowed Maja to other organization that she doesnt miss opportunity like this.
Mission and Objectives

Mission is to create inviroment for all youth in Bosnia without any borders, for all nationalities and minorities and to teach everyone about others that are part of this county. The best way to do this is using good examples from other counties. 

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching about foreign languages and culture of minority groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By working together with other organizations from Bosnia we will be more stronger and we can easily approach our objectives. We have in our organization experts in the field of culture of minority groups in Bosnia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to find partner organizations that allready are working on this field and that we can together with them create some activities and learn something from their expirance. Also we would like to apply to some of ALF calls for proposals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Bajramovic
Job Title
Ensemble president - teacher
Head of the organisation
Taib Bajramovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Taib Bajramovic
Job Title (2)
president - journalist

Association Issil pour le théâtre et l'animation culturelle

National Network

Saada 1, N°675, M’Hamid
40160 Marrakech

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure de l’association: assemblée générale ; 3 cadres permanents (président, trésorière et secrétaire) ; un réseau d’environ 10 professionnels qui collaborent de façon permanente ; un réseau de presque 30 volontaires. Budget annuel : environ 80.000 euros. Sources de financement: subventions publiques et apports privés. Les principaux bailleurs de fonds et sponsors sont : Ministère Chargé des Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger et des Affaires de la Migration, Ministère de la Culture, Théâtre National Mohammed V, Wafacash et Western Union. Principaux partenaires : l’Institut Supérieur d’Art Dramatique et d’Animation Culturelle (ISADAC) de Rabat (Maroc), le Syndicat des acteurs iraquiens (Iraq), l’Institut Français  et l’Institut Cervantes de Rabat (Maroc), l’Association Atelier pour la Culture et l’Art (Maroc), Théâtre de l’Atlantide (Maroc), la Fondation Maison du Maroc (France), l’Association Projet (France), le Centre culturel Espace Magh (Belgique), le Réseau de compétences germano-marocain (Allemagne) et l’Association Aamana (Allemagne).
Mission and Objectives

La mission de l’association consiste d’une part à la promotion de l’accès à la culture et de l’art du théâtre en tant que moyen d’épanouissement personnel et social, et d’autre part, à la promotion de la culture des droits humains en utilisant les techniques d’animation culturelle comme instrument clé pour le changement de mentalités, valeurs et comportements.
Les activités d’Issil se déroulent autour de 2 axes stratégiques d’action :
• Action Culturelle et Interculturelle : Actions visant à la promotion de la culture comme activité de loisir en arabe dialectal et en amazigh, au Maroc et à l’extérieur. Egalement l’association développe des activités d’échange avec d’autres collectifs, nationaux et internationaux, visant entre autres, à lutter contre les stéréotypes.
• Théâtre pour le Développement et pour l’Enseignement : Actions avec l’objet d’améliorer la sensibilisation et vulgarisation autour des différentes thématiques (santé, éducation, droits humains et droits des femmes, interculturalité, etc.) à travers le théâtre et les techniques d’animation culturelle. L’association vise aussi mener des activités de formation des formateurs pour renforcer l’utilisation des techniques théâtrales et d’animation culturelle dans l’enseignement et la diffusion des connaissances.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organisation de tournées nationales et internationales (France, Allemagne, Belgique, Angleterre, …) des pièces de théâtre arabes et berbères.
• Organisation de festivals euro-arabes et internationaux.
• Projets interculturels de partenariat avec l’Espagne, l’Iraq et la Palestine.
• Organisation de cours de théâtre pour la promotion de l’interculturalité.
• Organisation de diverses activités d’animation culturelle visant la promotion de la culture des droits humains.
• Production de pièces de théâtre de sensibilisation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Mettre en valeur la dimension de la culture et des arts comme mécanisme de rapprochement des peuples dans le cadre du dialogue interculturel.
• Contribuer au renforcement des liens entre les deux rives à travers la réalisation de projets de sensibilisation visant à la lutte contre les stéréotypes, la promotion de l’interculturalité, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Les principales raisons sont :
• Participer au dialogue interculturel dans la région ;
• Enrichir notre action dans le cadre des activités à caractère interculturel dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen ;
• Renforcer les capacités de l’association et contribuer au renforcement des capacités d’autres membres à travers des activités de networking et d’apprentissage par les pairs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Ait Bajja
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Said Ait Bajja
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Verdu Delgado
Job Title (2)

National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training (NISCVT)

National Network

Tarik al jdide, Al Danaa street, Al Tiba Bldg., 2nd floor, facing Sabra Coop

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational training (NISCVT) known as Beit Atfal Assumoud (BAS) is a humanitarian, non-secular, non-sectarian and non-governmental organization, and it is not related to any political group. It was established in 1976 after Tal Al Zaatar massacre to provide assistance and accommodation for the orphaned children who lost their parents during the massacre (license no. 135/AD).  NISCVT is well established among the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, a marginalized and poor community deprived from the most essential aspects of human rights and who suffer from discriminatory civil policies, which affect their socio-economic conditions. Today NISCVT has services available to Palestinian refugees and other disadvantaged nationalities living inside the camps or close to them. NISCVT runs ten social/cultural centers inside different camps in which diverse gender sensitive projects and programs are implemented addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged groups of children, youth and women, who usually are the sole providers of their orphaned children. Our centers are a haven for them to escape from these societal pressures and a space for them to express themselves freely through art, dance, poetry, and other creative and non-violent expressions. number of staff emplyed : 260  number of volunteers: 30 structure of organization, please visit our website: PARTNERS 1. Germany a. Fluchtlingskinder 2. Italy a. Cooperazione Odontiatrice b. Un Ponte Per.. c. ULAIA ArteSud Onlus 3. Malaysia a. Malaysia Sociological Research Institue (MSRI) b. Beni Ismail 4. Norway a. Beit Atfal Assumoud b. Forum for Culture and International Cooperation c. Norwegian People’s Aid d. NORWAC 5. Finland a. Finnish Psychologists for Social Responsibilities (FiPRS) b. Finnish Arab Friendship Society (FAFS) 6. Japan a. Campaign for the Children of Palestine (CCP) b. Committee for the Children of Palestine (JCCP) c. Rissho Kosei-Kai, Lay-Buddhist (RKK) 7. USA a. ANERA b. United Palestinian Appeal (UPA) 8. France a. Association Franco PalestinienneSolidarite (AFPS) b. Handicap International 9. Spain RESCAT 10. Canada Human Concern International 11. United Kingdom MAP 12. Belgium Action Development ParrainagesMondiaux (ASBL) 13. Switzerland VereinFuer Die Unterst (PalCH) 14. Lebanon Welfare UNICEF Royal Norwegian Finnish Embassy Embassy of Japan
Mission and Objectives

NISCVT aims to contribute to the development of the Palestinian community in Lebanon through services addressing the needs of the families, and through various gender-balanced projects empowering the potentials and skills of the children, youth and their parents or guardians.

Empowering sponsored families, by supporting them to be able to improve their Socio-economic conditions.

Provide the youth with a platform for self-expression and opportunities to open dialogues with youth from other countries.

Develop economic and professional opportunities for youth through gender-balanced programs.

Preserve the Palestinian identity by preserving its cultural heritage and transmitting it to the new generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Family Happiness Program
This program addresses the families which are most needy through:

Sponsorship program for 1350 orphaned children, whereby families and individuals support children financially.

Social and educational services for sponsored families and children.
Education Programs
These programs are both formal (schools) and informal (support), they provide:
• Vocational training programs for young men and women offering a certificate.
• Scholarships for vocational training and university students.
• Remedial classes for primary school children, to support children attending UNRWA schools.
• Literacy classes for school drop-outs and three classes for girls with special needs.
• 8 kindergartens with three classes each inside the camps serving around 600 children at the end of which they are able to enroll in UNRWA elementary schools.
• Co-ed computer training programs offering a certificate.
Mothers’ Empowerment Programs
These programs address women, especially mothers by providing:

Embroidery training and production project.

Literacy programs.

Cultural, social and recreational activities.
Health programs
NISCVT health programs address all family members in the camps:

A Mental Health program for children and youth (Family Guidance Center) operates through five clinics for assessment, therapy and rehabilitation for all family members.

Specialized dental clinics for children in six camps which also carry awareness campaigns for dental health care.

Five Reproductive Health centers, provide treatment and counseling for the youth.
Varied Empowerment Programs
These programs aim at developing the capacities of individuals on one hand and awareness about their rights especially enjoying their own heritage on the other, this is done through: 

Training workshops on human rights, living values, health education and environmental issues for youth.

Special art and music programs for children and youth.

Educational, sports, scouts, recreational and cultural activities, and summer activities for children and youth.

“Youth Friendship Volunteer Project” and a cultural exchange project with participation of youth from different countries.

Relief operations during crisis and situations of war and disasters.

Palestinian heritage projects encompassing children youth and older family members.

In-service training, workshops, and seminars for NISCVT staff and other NGO staff.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Joining this network can assist us in implementing some beneficial projects for the Palestinian refugees living in all the camps in Lebanon; most of the population lives under the poverty line and in very bad environmental conditions. This would be achieved through collaboration with other regional and international NGOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joing ALF Network allows us to connect with various institutions. Thus its very important to have a strong connection with different regional and international parties because such connection would help us to collaborate  in a better way and improve our funding for the projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kassem Aina
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Kassem Aina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Hanan Masri
Job Title (2)
Public Relations

National Institution of Social care and Vocational training

National Network

Beirut/ Dana Street/ facing Sabra Coop/ 2nd floor

009611859076 - 009611c
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational training (NISCVT) known as Beit Atfal Assumoud (BAS) is a humanitarian, non-secular, non-sectarian and non-governmental organization, and it is not related to any political group. It was established in 1976 after Tal Al Zaatar massacre to provide assistance and accommodation for the orphaned children who lost their parents during the massacre (license no. 135/AD).  NISCVT is well established among the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, a marginalized and poor community deprived from the most essential aspects of human rights and who suffer from discriminatory civil policies, which affect their socio-economic conditions. Today NISCVT has services available to Palestinian refugees and other disadvantaged nationalities living inside the camps or close to them. NISCVT runs ten social/cultural centers inside different camps in which diverse gender sensitive projects and programs are implemented addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged groups of children, youth and women, who usually are the sole providers of their orphaned children. Our centers are a haven for them to escape from these societal pressures and a space for them to express themselves freely through art, dance, poetry, and other creative and non-violent expressions. number of staff emplyed : 260  number of volunteers: 30 structure of organization, please visit our website: PARTNERS 1. Germany a. Fluchtlingskinder 2. Italy a. Cooperazione Odontiatrice b. Un Ponte Per.. c. ULAIA ArteSud Onlus 3. Malaysia a. Malaysia Sociological Research Institue (MSRI) b. Beni Ismail 4. Norway a. Beit Atfal Assumoud b. Forum for Culture and International Cooperation c. Norwegian People’s Aid d. NORWAC 5. Finland a. Finnish Psychologists for Social Responsibilities (FiPRS) b. Finnish Arab Friendship Society (FAFS) 6. Japan a. Campaign for the Children of Palestine (CCP) b. Committee for the Children of Palestine (JCCP) c. Rissho Kosei-Kai, Lay-Buddhist (RKK) 7. USA a. ANERA b. United Palestinian Appeal (UPA) 8. France a. Association Franco PalestinienneSolidarite (AFPS) b. Handicap International 9. Spain RESCAT 10. Canada Human Concern International 11. United Kingdom MAP 12. Belgium Action Development ParrainagesMondiaux (ASBL) 13. Switzerland VereinFuer Die Unterst (PalCH) 14. Lebanon Welfare UNICEF Royal Norwegian Finnish Embassy Embassy of Japan             
Mission and Objectives

NISCVT aims to contribute to the development of the Palestinian community in Lebanon through services addressing the needs of the families, and through various gender-balanced projects empowering the potentials and skills of the children, youth and their parents or guardians.
• Empowering sponsored families, by supporting them to be able to improve their Socio-economic conditions.
• Provide the youth with a platform for self-expression and opportunities to open dialogues with youth from other countries.
• Develop economic and professional opportunities for youth through gender-balanced programs.
• Preserve the Palestinian identity by preserving its cultural heritage and transmitting it to the new generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Family Happiness Program
This program addresses the families which are most needy through:
•   Sponsorship program for 1350 orphaned children, whereby families and individuals support children financially.
• Social and educational services for sponsored families and children.Education Programs
These programs are both formal (schools) and informal (support), they provide:
• Vocational training programs for young men and women offering a certificate.
• Scholarships for vocational training and university students.
• Remedial classes for primary school children, to support children attending UNRWA schools.
• Literacy classes for school drop-outs and three classes for girls with special needs.
• 8 kindergartens with three classes each inside the camps serving around 600 children at the end of which they are able to enroll in UNRWA elementary schools.
• Co-ed computer training programs offering a certificate.Mothers’ Empowerment Programs
These programs address women, especially mothers by providing:
• Embroidery training and production project.
• Literacy programs.
• Cultural, social and recreational activities.
Health programs
NISCVT health programs address all family members in the camps:
• A Mental Health program for children and youth (Family Guidance Center) operates through five clinics for assessment, therapy and rehabilitation for all family members.
• Specialized dental clinics for children in six camps which also carry awareness campaigns for dental health care.
• Five Reproductive Health centers, provide treatment and counseling for the youth.
Varied Empowerment Programs
These programs aim at developing the capacities of individuals on one hand and awareness about their rights especially enjoying their own heritage on the other, this is done through: 
• Training workshops on human rights, living values, health education and environmental issues for youth.
• Special art and music programs for children and youth.
• Educational, sports, scouts, recreational and cultural activities, and summer activities for children and youth.
• “Youth Friendship Volunteer Project” and a cultural exchange project with participation of youth from different countries.
• Relief operations during crisis and situations of war and disasters.
• Palestinian heritage projects encompassing children youth and older family members.
• In-service training, workshops, and seminars for NISCVT staff and other NGO staff.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Joining this network can assist us in implementing some beneficial projects for the Palestinian refugees living in all the camps in Lebanon; most of the population lives under the poverty line and in very bad environmental conditions. This would be achieved through collaboration with other regional and international NGOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joing ALF Network allows us to connect with various institutions. Thus its very important to have a strong connection with different regional and international parties because such connection would help us to collaborate  in a better way and improve our funding for the projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kassem Mohammad Aina
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Kassem Aina
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanan Masri
Job Title (2)
public relations

Techniques Found in kingsroad online hack tool ( blank ) A lot of Information

National Network

Busingstrasse 16
Busingstrasse 16
Busingstrasse 16

08136 67 01 90
Telephone (other)
08136 67 01 90
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
08136 67 01 90
Mobile Phone (other)
08136 67 01 90
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
Ashly Thiel
Job Title
Administrative services manager
Head of the organisation
Techniques Found in kingsroad online hack tool ( blank ) A lot of Information
Contact (2) Full Name
Ashly Thiel
Job Title (2)
Administrative services manager

National Institution of Social care and Vocational training

National Network

Beirut/ Dana Street/ facing Sabra Coop/ 2nd floor

009611859076 - 009611859092
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational training (NISCVT) known as Beit Atfal Assumoud (BAS) is a humanitarian, non-secular, non-sectarian and non-governmental organization, and it is not related to any political group. It was established in 1976 after Tal Al Zaatar massacre to provide assistance and accommodation for the orphaned children who lost their parents during the massacre (license no. 135/AD). Today, NISCVT is providing services for the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and other disadvantaged people with other nationalities living in the camps or close to them. Since its establishment NISCVT aimed at fulfilling basic social, educational and health, needs of families living in Palestinian camps in Lebanon suffering from lack of basic human rights. It started off with establishing its big center Beit Atfal el Somoud which was a home to shelter and take care of 210 children who lost their parents as a consequence of the Tal Ezzaatar Massacre in 1976. However after 1982 the institution had to expand its service to encompass more families outside this home fulfilling growing needs of Palestinian families in various refugee camps. To accomplish this aim it opened centers in refugee camps in various areas in Lebanon. All through our focus has been to empower Palestinian refugee families both as individuals and as members of their community, hence addressing all its members. From this perspective we aimed at developing capacities of individuals socially, intellectually and maintaining their state of health, will enable them to improve their living conditions and lead an ordinary life like any other family, on one hand, and to properly carry out their responsibilities toward their homeland, and efficiently work for returning back home, where it is only there that these families will have their full rights as proper citizen in a free country.  It is only there that they can have their full rights as humans. This being our vision and hence mission our programs address the individual and national needs of these families focusing mainly on children and youth preparing them for such responsibility. From that perspective our programs are multifaceted dealing with individual social health and education needs, as well as transmitting the knowledge of history and geography of Palestine and its various cultural aspects in form of art, literature, music, folklore so that they would be committed to this culture and land, be proud of themselves as Palestinian working for their country to be free. Though our focus is the children and youth however the well being of the whole family is our overall aim.  Hence the NISCVT is continuously expanding its services both in kind and number of beneficiaries addressing various growing needs of Palestinian families.
Mission and Objectives

NISCVT aims to contribute to the development of the Palestinian community in Lebanon through services addressing the needs of the families, and through various gender-balanced projects empowering the potentials and skills of the children, youth and their parents or guardians.
• Empowering sponsored families, by supporting them to be able to improve their Socio-economic conditions.
• Provide the youth with a platform for self-expression and opportunities to open dialogues with youth from other countries.
• Develop economic and professional opportunities for youth through gender-balanced programs.
• Preserve the Palestinian identity by preserving its cultural heritage and transmitting it to the new generations

Main Projects / Activities

NISCVT runs ten multipurpose centers that provide social, cultural, recreational, educational and health services for children and families through various programs.Family Happiness Program
This program addresses the families which are most needy through:
•   Sponsorship program for 1350 orphaned children, whereby families and individuals support children financially.
• Social and educational services for sponsored families and children.Education Programs
These programs are both formal (schools) and informal (support), they provide:
• Vocational training programs for young men and women offering a certificate.
• Scholarships for vocational training and university students.
• Remedial classes for primary school children, to support children attending UNRWA schools.
• Literacy classes for school drop-outs and three classes for girls with special needs.
• 8 kindergartens with three classes each inside the camps serving around 600 children at the end of which they are able to enroll in UNRWA elementary schools.
• Co-ed computer training programs offering a certificate.
Mothers’ Empowerment Programs
These programs address women, especially mothers by providing:
• Embroidery training and production project.
• Literacy programs.
• Cultural, social and recreational activities.
Health programs
NISCVT health programs address all family members in the camps:
• A Mental Health program for children and youth (Family Guidance Center) operates through five clinics for assessment, therapy and rehabilitation for all family members.
• Specialized dental clinics for children in six camps which also carry awareness campaigns for dental health care.
• Five Reproductive Health centers, provide treatment and counseling for the youth.
Varied Empowerment Programs
These programs aim at developing the capacities of individuals on one hand and awareness about their rights especially enjoying their own heritage on the other, this is done through: 
• Training workshops on human rights, living values, health education and environmental issues for youth.
• Special art and music programs for children and youth.
• Educational, sports, scouts, recreational and cultural activities, and summer activities for children and youth.
• “Youth Friendship Volunteer Project” and a cultural exchange project with participation of youth from different countries.
• Relief operations during crisis and situations of war and disasters.
• Palestinian heritage projects encompassing children youth and older family members.
• In-service training, workshops, and seminars for NISCVT staff and other NGO staff.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kassem Mohammad Aina
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Kassem Aina
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanan Masri
Job Title (2)
public relations

جمعية شباب منشأة ناصر للتنمية

National Network

مبنى خدمة المجتمع عزبة بخيت م ناصر
منشأة ناصر

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
تتمتع الجمعية بسمعة جيدة فى المجتمع المدنى وبها عدد كبير من الشباب المتطوع وتتمتع بتواصل جيد مع الجهات الحكومية والجهات المانحة ولديها قاعدة بيانات عن المجتمع فى منشأة ناصر لان الجمعية تعتمد على الشباب لانهم ركيزة المجتمع  
Mission and Objectives

رئيس مجلس الادارة : عارف صادق السيد

نائب رئيس مجلس الادارة : حمادة خير محمود

أمين الصندوق : محمود أبراهيم أحمد

سكرتير الجمعية  : ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم

عضو مجلس الادارة : يحيى أحمد محمد 

عضو مجلس الادارة : محمود طاهر محمد

عضو مجلس الادارة : ممدوح خضرى جودة

عضو مجلس الادارة : نشات عاطف بسيط

عضو مجلس الادارة : أحمد عبدالقادر محمد
بيان بالموظفين
1- مكتب تأهيل المعاقين
عدد 5 موظفين
2-مشروع تشغيل الشباب بحملات النظافة الممول من الاتحاد الاوروبى
عدد 50  موظف
3-نادى الطفل
عدد 3 موظفين

Main Projects / Activities

تطوير مفهوم التنمية من اجل حياه كريمه للإنسان دون الاستسلام للجهل والفقر والإمراض لبناء وتطوير المجتمع نحو تنمية مستدامة والتغير بالمشاركة المجتمعية جمعية أهلية تنموية تسعى لزيادة  وعى الفرد والمجتمع  بأهمية دورهم في التغير والتطوير والتنمية وتمكين الشباب وتأهيلهم لسوق العمل ونعمل على حماية الطفل  وتنمية المواهب الإبداعية لدية وتمكين المرأة في المجتمع ورفع المعاناة عن المرأة المعيلة ودمج وتأهيل ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة وتسهيل الخدمات وتوفير الإتاحة لهم  للمشاركة في كافة المجالات وذلك يتطلب بيئة صحية نظيفة ومجتمع خالي من ألاميه والفقر والإدمان ويتمتع بصحة جيدة بعيدا عن الفكر المتطرف لتحقيق عدالة اجتماعية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تحسين التصورات المتبادلة وتعزيز التفاهم المتبادل؛ 2) تشجيع الحوار بين الثقافات على مستوى القاعدة الشعبية من خلال تنفيذ مبادرات المجتمع المدني؛ 3) تعزيز شبكات منظمات المجتمع المدني الخاصة بمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات مع السعي إلى أن تساهم أعمال أعضائها في تحقيق أهداف مشتركة.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

مساهمة الجمعية مع المؤسسة فى تحسين التصورات المتبادلة وتعزيز التفاهم المتبادل
 وايضا فى تشجيع الحوار بين الثقافات على مستوى القاعدة الشعبية من خلال تنفيذ مبادرات المجتمع المدني
و مساهمة الجمعية في تحقيق أهداف مشتركة فى كل ما تهدف الية الشبكة .

Contact (1) Full Name
عارف صادق السيد
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
عارف صادق السيد
Contact (2) Full Name
محمود إبراهيم أحمد محمدين
Job Title (2)
أمين صندوق

Palestinian Wefaq Association

National Network

Abu-Warda Building, Al Baher St, Next to Jabalia municipality-North Gaza Governorate
North Gaza
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Palestinian Wefaq Association has 7 members who constitute the Board of Directors which is elected by General Assembly as well as there are 10 employee. Budget resources available in a year are foreign donations, and members endowment. Sources of funding and main partners include IHHNEDERLAND.NL, IHHUK, IHHBELGIUM, AVRUPA YARDIM VAKFI- EUROPE AID FOUNDATION, International Help Organization (IHO-EBRAR), RAHMA Islamic Relief Fund, MERCY-RELIEF, THE ANSAR TRUST, One UMMAH, OLIVE LANTERN TRUST, United Palestinian Appeal(UPA), Humanitarian Relief Foundation. Modalities of action are concrete projects. 
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Palestinian Wefaq Association seeks to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people and rehabilitating it financially and non-financially through the adoption of high quality relief and development programs targeting Palestinian society especially orphans, poor, and persons with disabilities -without discrimination by any mean- for ensuring welfare fairness and dignity of living leveraging the good ties with formal and non-formal organizations locally and internationally.
Objectives:The overriding purpose of Palestinian Wefaq Association is the contribution towards rescuing the Palestinian community and alleviating its daily suffering, providing practical solutions to the negative effects of the occupation such as the widespread of poverty and unemployment and the demolition of all constituents of living, and enhancing the determination of Palestinian people on their land.  
 Sponsoring orphans, persons with disabilities, sick, and poor people as well as supporting wounded, students, graduates, and labors.
 Contributing in supporting and developing scientific, cultural, educational, sports, health, and agricultural projects.
 Working towards developing the Palestinian society and achieving its prosperity through working with all different groups of the society.
 Spreading ethics and awareness of societal, humanitarian, national, and religious issues among groups of the society.
 Developing welfare through collaborating with formal and non-governmental organizations locally and internationally.
 Enhancing patriotism and belonging as well as good citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

Supporting the women farmers in Gaza Strip.
Rehabilitation of Shelters for Poor Families Project.
Gaza's Orphans Sponsorship Project
Emergency Relief Project 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By participating in spreading diversity and cultural issues in North Gaza Governorate.
carrying out activities that contribute in sustainable development. 
Through its wrok PWA can act to promote diversity and coexistence.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Larging PWA partners and international network.
Exchange dialogue and cultural issues with other non-governemntal organizations.
Know about other Mediterranean non governmental organizations and share them the mutual concerns and issues. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng.Said Serdah
Job Title
projects manager
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Al Adham
Contact (2) Full Name
Walaa Nemer Mohammed
Job Title (2)
projects coordinator

PI "Smart Vision"

National Network

Siauliu str. 6-22
01133 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
Smart Vision is nongovernmental organization, providing knowledge-based services to private and public sectors in the area of funding opportunities, project management and research. Sources of funding involve knowledge-based services for private sector as well as national and international funds (Lithuanian Council for Culture, Nordic Culture Point, etc.).  PI “Smart Vision“ has a broad network of external partners and experts (social science researchers, theatrical education experts, philosophers, sustainable development analysts and others), who cooperate in the project management and development activities. The main goal of this partnership is to encourage and strengthen cooperation and to develop innovative products and services. PI “Smart Vision“ engages in different types of action: By developing interdisciplinary teams, organisation implements projects that contribute to the well-being of the society PI “Smart Vision“  engages in the transfer of knowledge (in the fields of CCI, social inclusion and education) to the smaller regions and deprived areas by organizing seminars, providing consultations and developing innovative non-traditional concepts. Organization seeks for international cooperation in the fields of social science research, cultural, social and educational projects. PI “Smart Vision“ has established close partnerships in Norway, Iceland, UK and other European countries.
Mission and Objectives

Smart Vision seeks to achieve four goals:

To use various sources of expert knowledge in order to foster competitiveness and effectiveness of private and public sectors.

To contribute to the development of cultural and creative industries at a local and international levels by implementing innovative project, stimulating cooperation between science, arts and business and consulting cultural operators.

To strengthen social cohesion and intersectoral cooperation by implementing educational programmes, providing training and initiating social projects.

To increase the contribution of science to culture, social and economic processes, by engaging in interdisciplinary research and innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:

Consulting about funding opportunities and international programmes.

Development of project visions and concepts.

Management and coordination of projects.

Writing the applications for various funds (EU Structural Funds, Nordic Council of Ministers, Lithuanian Council for Culture, etc.).

Training provision in the areas of sustainable development, business ethics, cultural and creative industries and others.

Research and analysis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PI “Smart Vision“ has established a broad network of the representatives of cultural and creative industries in Lithunia (especially in the regions). Organisation can contribute to the Network by sharing both practical and theoretical knowledge in the fields of cultural creative industries, social inclusion via culture, social innovation and education.
PI “Smart Vision“ can also provide professional project management and coordination services both locally and internationally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PI “Smart Vision“ seeks for new partnerships and opportunities to engage in international activities. Joining ALF Network would help to find partners for various projects and to initiate international cooperation more easily.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miglė Paškevičiūtė
Head of the organisation
Migle Paskeviciute

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National Network

Lustenauer Strasse 34
Lustenauer Strasse 34
Lustenauer Strasse 34

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
No Answer
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
Jefferey Balas
Job Title
Dog trainer
Head of the organisation
Simple agar io hack Ways As An Introduction
Contact (2) Full Name
Jefferey Balas
Job Title (2)
Dog trainer