Alliance Internationale des Objectifs de Développement du Millénaire Tunisie

National Network

rue Jean Jacques rousseau Sidi Daoued
2046 Ain Zaghouan Nord

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
AIODM Tunisie is a member of an international network based on Genova. 7 engineers and high level graduates composed the excutive bureau of AIODM Tunisie and are since 2014, developing a project with the collaboration of Microsoft, on innovation academy for the regional development, for 7 high institutes of technology in poor tunisian regions. Our main partners are CONECT, INTILAQ, and the ministry of higher education, the ministry of information technologies. our sources of funding are the acceding contribuations and the fund of Micorsoft project
Mission and Objectives

Encourage businesses and local authorities to integrate the MDG/ SDGs into their overall strategy, public policy and sustainable development strategy.
Strengthen the will to act for the implementation of concrete actions, integrating the MDG/ SDGs into the minds of leaders and political leaders.
Centralize projects awaiting funding and, more generally resources.
Assessing the sustainability and performance of projects.
Enhance the visibility of MDGs / SDG in the private sector and communities, and enhance the success

Main Projects / Activities

the tri anual project " innovation academy for the regional development"  with Micorsoft.
conferences and seminars on the millenium goals.
international colloques contributions...
grants participation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are developping networks with other ngo in Tunisia and outside.
we are creating representatives of AIODM Tunisie in tunsian regions.
we participate in events organized tunisian ngos and we invite and associate them to our events.
we associate local ngos to the development of our actions. and we develop actions with the professional ngos as conect, intilaq, utica...unft Enda.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to develop actions with ngo from others countries and exchange experiences and expertises with them.
to build partnership lin

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Engineer président of AIODM Tunisie
Head of the organisation
Hager Cherif
Contact (2) Full Name
Nejib boulares
Job Title (2)

INJAZ - Center for Professional Arab Local Governance

National Network

4 Wadi El-Haj Street - the Industrial Zone, Nazareth
Nazareth 16000

972 4 6566572
972 77 4320886
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Others
General Information
INJAZ - Center for Professional Arab Local Governance is a dynamic non-profit organization working to strengthen the capacity of Arab leadership within local authorities, towns and villages in Israel in order to advance social and economic development for Arab citizens. Promoting principles of democracy, public participation and transparency, Injaz aims to achieve Arab municipal governance that initiates processes of social change, creating the conditions for dignity, development and a sense of belonging. Through training, research, strategic planning, and pilot projects on the ground, Injaz Center contributes to transforming the local authorities from mere service providers to a driving force, working to improve the lives of citizens in Israel, thus contributing to the overall development of the state, and to the creation of a shared society. With 15 highly motivated and dedicated staff, Injaz accompanies Arab local authorities (ALAs) throughout Israel in leading various projects for social and economic development. Established November 2008 with the initial encouragement of the Secretariat of the National Committee of the Heads of Arab Local Authorities, Injaz receives wide-range of support from national and international organizations, public institutions, and private foundations. Partners - Civil society: Adva Center, Heschel Center, Sikkuy Center, Tsofen Technology Centers; with regional economic corporation: Beit HaKerem Valley Cluster; cooperation with Israeli Ministries: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry Construction & Housing, and Authority for Economic Development - Prime Minister's Office; cooperation with international economic organization: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Mission and Objectives

Promoting principles of democracy, public participation and transparency, Injaz aims to achieve Arab municipal governance in Israel that affects social change, creating the conditions for dignity, socioeconomic development, and a greater sense of belonging and civil responsibility. Through catalyzing high impact partnerships with key people, advancing advocacy actions, capacity building and pilot projects, Injaz contributes to transforming ALAs from mere service providers to a driving force, working to improve the lives of the Arab community, ultimately benefitting the entire population of Israel as a shared society.
To achieve its mission, Injaz engages in different areas of operation - Advocacy: accompanying ALAs and target groups in producing policy papers to advocate needs vis a vis central government. Catalyzing cooperation between ALAs/constituency/central government: facilitating forums and roundtables for open dialogue, increasing mutual trust, and launching joint actions. Research & best practices: analyzing gaps between Arab and Jewish municipalities, and obstacles to development; mapping needs and capabilities; formulating best practices based on extensive experience in the field. Capacity building: training ALA elected and appointed officials in municipal management and strategic planning. Empowering and engaging public: (women & youth) accompanying advocacy processes, community work, capacity building in municipal budgets and policy. Pilot projects: designing and implementing innovative programs for local and regional development - please see below for detailed projects' description.

Main Projects / Activities

Among Injaz's prominent projects:
Forum 2030 brings together leading Arab mayors to gain expertise and develop a new agenda for Arab local governance, with concrete strategies in education and welfare, housing and urban planning and economic development.  The Forum creates a safe space for peer learning, in which local council heads grapple with dilemmas and form alliances for regional cooperation.  The agenda documents that resulted from the Forum form the basis for dealing with the thorniest issues facing Arab local governance in Israel today.
Forum of Municipal Senior Officials brings together municipal treasurers, general directors, urban planners and town's engineers for training, debate and creating partnerships. The program aims to enhance the capacities of the local authorities and to build constructive channels of communication with key government officials and decision makers, to allow more equitable access for Arab citizens to national resources in the fields of land use, housing, economic development and public transportation, while assimilating management tools and skills for the senior officials, in order to improve their work efficiency.
Regional Networking - Strengthening the Economic Base of Arab Towns: Creating and implementing regional economic development networks and action plans for four regions -- Wadi Ara (Northern Triangle), the Southern Triangle, the Western Galilee, and Beit Hakerem Cluster Valley.
Kudoman: Stimulating Young People's Involvement in Local Political Life in Arab Towns engages young people in influencing the local agenda in their towns. It is one of Injaz's most active and dynamic projects, and one in which Injaz can see an immediate impact on the participants. Participants are developing their skills and capacity for leadership, increasing their awareness of local issues, of the challenges and dilemmas of municipal management in Arab towns in Israel, and learning how to voice their concerns and become agents of for change, changing their voting patterns and exercising their democratic rights effectively.
Gender Mainstreaming at the Local Level, aiming to strengthen the capacity of groups of local women living in communities in Israel's socio-economic periphery, to empower them with the capacity to participate in the affairs of their local government. It creates a platform for local stakeholders to meet with local and government officials to develop strategies and overcome obstacles, as well as to empower, train and provide the women with tools to create change in their communities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Injaz Center has vast experience and research-based knowledge in leading socio-economic development in Arab towns, and is perceived as the main credible source of information on Arab local governance, with constantly increasing number of Arab mayors, as well as municipal and government senior officials turning to Injaz for advice.
Members of the network who will to embark on similar endeavors could benefit from Injaz's vas experience in this field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Injaz Center holds sharing knowledge and networking among its core values and principles, and believes that joining the ALF network would enable the organization to extend the benefits of its knowledge to other organizations, and would contribute to expanding the organization's knowledge as well. Additionally, Injaz views this to be an opportunity to further develop partnerships and co-operations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi

Association el moussahama culturel club

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ورقة تعريفية بالنادى : هي جمعية ذات طابع  ثقافى واجتماعي واقتصادي تدعى :  نادي المساهمة الثقافى وهي غيرها من هيئات المجتمع المدنى تسعى الى الرفع من المستوى المعيشي للأسر الضعيفة في جنبات المدن الاهلة بالسكان بالاضافة الى اعداد وتقديم  بعض المشاريع الانمائية للقرى التى تتدخل فيها الجمعية منها للحصر :   مكافحة التسرب  المدرسي من الجنسين والتفكك الأسرى  نشر الوعى الوصحى وتقريب الخدمات الصحية من السكان وترسيخ مفاهيم النظافة العامة في المجتمع والتحسيس بأهمية لقاحات الأطفال  نشر الوعى بأهمية الزراعة ودعم المشاريع الصغيرة والتعاونيات الزراعية  المحافظة على التراث وواجباته ومحاربة الأمية بجميع أشكالها  تكوين ودعم النوادي الرياضية والألعاب التقليدية تتخذ الجمعية كافة الوسائل القانونية التي تحقق أهدافها وعلى وجه الخصوص : - حملات تحسيس وندوات وملتقيات - محاضرات تكوين وتدريب - فتح فصول دراسية لمحو الأمية وفتح ورشات وتعتبر مصادر التمويل والعلاقات للجمعية من خلال : - اشتراكات المنتسبين والأعضاء - الهبات والعطايا غير المشروطة وعائدات أنشطة مشاريع الجمعية من اجل تحقيق أهداف الجمعية ترتبط الجمعية مع الجمعيات والروابط والهيئات والمنظمات غير الحكومية
Mission and Objectives

The mien objective :
Through  the meeting  we were try to discuss the message   of Strasbourg about the citizen ship learning and practicing and how can deal  with the  environment  of Mauritania and  that after  twine between our association and others  European association  to show the importance  of this programs that we deal with it

Main Projects / Activities

sub branches  : 
- The concept of  decentralization  and citizenship and local development example:
 The civilian behavior between the act of individual ethic and the duty of citizen chip
 No hate  and accept others
 Level of the education and relationship with all the people
- Human right :
 Learning and practicing
- Civilian behavior

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Work plan:
Thursday 24 sept 2015
The coming of participants ( participant association )
Saturday 26 sept 2015-09-11
17:00 Inscription of participant
20: 30 The dinner party
21: 40  The beginning of party started by introducing the culture of Mauritania
Sunday 27 sept 2015
08:30 Introduction about the program of meeting
-    The speech of thead of el moussahama association
- The speech  of other twine  association
- The speech of admistration and  local authority 
- The reading of Strasbourg’s message
- The  expecting  of the participants in the meeting and their views on Arabic and European cooperation
10:30 showing the programs of meeting and its details
11: 00 citizenship and decentralization as youths works and the importance    in local development
11:45 Groups : let is practicing the citizenship like to  youths in our society
12:00 Civilian behavior between the act of  individual  ethic and the duty of citizenship
12:50 break
13:20 Traning  groups  of  work  to  discuss t he issue
14:00 Break
17:45  choosing Visiting   for same  nightlights    and   active  cooperative  
Monday 28 sept 2015
    08:30 Representation of the daily program
    09:00 Lecture of int- hate and accepting others
    09:50 Break
    10:00   The Messages from foundation and active cooperative in agriculture                     ,development , trading
  11:00 Training  groups  of  work  to  discuss t he issue
  13:00 break
  17:30 Visiting  for some  active  association  and same  garbing
Tuesday 29 sept 2015
08: 30   Representation of the daily program
08:45  Lecture of the level of   the  education and relationship with all the people
09:40  development   project  supposed  for  local development
11:00   Training  groups  of  work  to  discuss t he issue
-  The speech of  admistration  and  local authority
- The speech  of other twine  association
-  The speech of thead of El moussahama  association
-  The last party for participants and visitors
- Metion some  initiative  and project  witch  taking from project that are supposed
- Distributed   certificated
Wednesday 30 or 01 Oct 2015
The going  of participants ( participant association )

Contact (1) Full Name
sidahmed hambel
Head of the organisation
sidahmed hambel

zina al balad

National Network

Airport street
Um uthainah

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Non profit organization consiste of 5 members and two partners working hand to hand with non profit organizations funds to achieve our projects target for the national and international developent in different sectors..
Mission and Objectives

Applying for projects of Youth exchange, culture relations, human rights, education and awarness for all the community genders and Ages in order to have the opportunity to meet the the most important needs of cultural developments in all sectors and work hand to hand by using all our capacities and equipments (training, activities, ..) to achieve our goals of building better world in all needed sectors for all the community. .

Main Projects / Activities

Youth exchange and development, human rights, peace collaboration, health awareness, women's needs and opportunities, education, training, environmental and community development, gender,poverty and crises solution opportunities , ... etc

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our organization, media, meeting the official sectors responsible for admitting to the right proposals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to be one of key partners that influence the proper change and community development which share in building new thinkers and meet cultures in goals and purposes for better life ..

Contact (1) Full Name
Shereen Adnan Abu Nimreh
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
shereen abu nimreh

Sanata ve Eğitime Destek Derneği

National Network

Atatürk Bulvarı 302 Ayvalık
10400 Balıkesir/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Today the hints for getting rid of the chaotic atmosphere the world has been going through, can be found in art itself. Because art is civilization. With the power we gained through that belief and  thanks to our courage based upon our past acquisitions and capabilities, we have founded this organization with the purpose of supporting art, especially art education. • To contribute to the cultural and artistic environment in our country, to try to enrich it, to meet up to the universal criteria by following the worldwide developments in the cultural and artistic arena. • Nationally and internationally claim our cultural values and promote our affluence. • To make the residents keep in touch with art and moreover, make them produce art. To achieve our goals, we acknowledge the universal criteria as our main values and in line with it we try to contribute to art, education and human. We look through a wide opened window to the world, from the magnificent geography of Ayvalık in which we live.
Mission and Objectives

”Destek” Design Academy, will be an international educational institution with its summer season workshops and permanent unique designing education programs. Through the facilities and social capital of the organization, the local people will have the opportunity to be involved in cultural and artistic activities, like “a film every week”.  We are helping to face with the problem of lacking of a movie theatre in Ayvalık. Every Friday we air thematic movies.  This event taking take place throughout the season are welcomed by a quite a big community. We also have day time sessions for students.

Main Projects / Activities

Design School An interdisciplinary two year program, primarily focusing on design education. At the end of the education, the students will gain a wider design vision, learn different disciplines and master the design strategy. These young people will be able to start their careers as professionals. Contanporary Art Workshops Three week workshops that are built around a theme. Students who study art will be eligible to attend these international workshops. The purpose of the workshop is to examine the theme in the context of philosophy and to explore the ways to abstract the concepts so as to turn them into art works and designs. Workshops are planned to take place in June, July, August and September as four groups in one year. Maximum number of attendees is 30.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Akdamar
Job Title
President of Board of member
Head of the organisation
Ali Akdamar
Contact (2) Full Name
Sevil Arslan
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Générations Oranaises

National Network

Centre commercial El-Anik, Place Hoche , 3eme etage
31000 Oran

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
GO! Générations Oranaises est un melting-pot de talents et de compétences qui ne demandent qu'à s'exprimer. Dès sa création, elle a eu à cœur de faciliter l'accès à la culture au plus grand nombre, visant à promouvoir l’engagement associatif et à accompagner les jeunes dans la réalisation de leurs projets. Depuis plus de six ans, l'association a donné des ailes à plusieurs projets artistiques et culturels en collaboration avec de jeunes artistes mis sous les feux des projecteurs. Entourés, écoutés et accompagnés, ces artistes ont travaillé dans le cadre de partenariats mis en place dans les espaces d'expression de la localité d'Oran (avec l'Université d'Oran, Conservatoire d’Oran, le Centre Culturel Français d'Oran (Institut français) ou encore avec d'autres associations locales). Tremplin pour de jeunes talents, GO! permet également l'émergence des artistes de demain à travers l'organisation de spectacles et d’appels à projets culturels (Pocket Film, Rythme Bledi, formations artistiques …). Enfin, GO propose chaque année un cycle d'ateliers et de stages pratiques en partenariat avec les instances culturelles de la région dans les différents domaines artistiques (en théâtre, cinéma, photographie, danse et écriture).
Mission and Objectives

1-L'animation culturel en milieu jeunes (événement culturel et festival)
2- la création et l’animation d’ateliers artistiques (Atelier théâtre, atelier cinéma, atelier photo, atelier danse, atelier écriture)
3- développe l’esprit du bénévolat cher les jeunes 
4- la promotion du patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériel de la ville d’Oran
5-promouvoir des jeunes artistes locaux

Main Projects / Activities

Projet Réseau Ta3na des associations Algerienne
Proposé par Generations Oranaises depuis 2012, le éseau desassociations Algérienne regroupe l'information autour des activités de développement social et culturel au niveau
national et international.Quotidiennement, vous activez dans la société auprès de divers publics et dans divers domaines. Nous vous appelons à vous faire connaître et à vous faire connaitre, à faire découvrir votre travail à travers ce portail.Ce réseau se veut être un espace dynamique, convivial, de développement et d'association de compétences autour de la culture égalitaire, citoyenne, non violente et de paix.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

le projet reseau ta3na des associations Algeriennes a pour bute d'aidé les associations a communique leur projets et leurs activtes 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mellal Hocine
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Fundacja MultiOcalenie

National Network

ul. Kasprowicza 70 lok.1
01-949 Warsaw

+48 22 6350898
+48 22 6350898
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our main activities: 1. Legal support, translation and interpretation at the offices and health-care institutions for the foreigners who stay at detention centres; 2. Culture mediation (the entire country); 3. Social activation of immigrant women and support of their integration with Polish society (the entire country); 4. Organisation of cultural events to build up inter-culture and inter-religion dialogue, and 5. Management of the integration day-room for foreign children in Warsaw.  Number of employees: 14 Financing acquired from the Office of the Capital City of Warsaw; Financing acquired from European Economic Area through Batory Foundation, and Financing acquired from European Fund of Integration. Main Partners: Border Guard, Police
Mission and Objectives

“MultiOcalenie” Foundation is a non-governmental organization, established in July 2013. Although our organization is new on the market, our team has a long experience in working for the benefit of foreigners and refugees. We are the longest-operating multireligious and multicultural NGO in Poland. The Board of the Foundation consists of a Georgian and a refugee from Chechnya, which highlights the multicultural nature of our Foundation. At the heart of the Foundation is Dorota Parzymies, who has the largest experience on the market in working with foreigners. She is the author of the innovative concept of a refugee mentor: a person establishing a link between the host community and the refugees. As the first person in Poland, she engaged refugees in the implementation of EU projects; she organizes workshops on cultural and religious differences, as well as information about countries of origin of foreigners for civil servants, police officers and the border guard.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects:
1. Trainings for Boarder Guard
2. Trainings for Police
3. Cultural support for children in poor regions in Poland
4. Exhibition reminding the history of deportation in Poland during the Second World War

Contact (1) Full Name
Joanna Seroczyńska
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Dorota Parzymies

Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo

National Network

Via Libertini, 1 - Ex Conservatorio S. Anna
73100 Lecce

0832 682552
Telephone (other)
0832 682554
0832 682553
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The 'Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo' is a nonprofit association, with legal status and was founded in March 2003 in Lecce by Municipality of Lecce, University of Salento - Lecce, University of Foggia and UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union - Rome. Current associates are: Municipality of Lecce and University of Salento. Honorary members are: CUM (Community of the Mediterranean Universities) – Bari, Italy, University of Patras - Greece, Lecce Fine Arts Academy, Guglielmo Marconi" online University – Rome, Italy Institute for the History and Archaeology of Magna Graecia – Taranto, Italy, Province of Lecce. The Agency was founded to fill an institutional gap at a local level: the lack of an institutional body working to enhance the realization of the Euro-Mediterranean identity, where culture represents the common identity and culture is considered a resource The resource to bet on.
Mission and Objectives

The 'Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo' develops and promotes actions aiming at the protection, restoration, preservation, enhancement, communication of Euromed cultural heritage, also leveraging the policies of national states and international organizations.
Its peculiarity lies in cooperation, collaboration and sharing of a common goal with public and private bodies and organizations: that is the need to enhance the culture, which has now become not only a priority but a requirement. The Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency does this leveraging a real synergy with public and private institutions. The aim is not only to encourage, but also to develop and implement permanent actions in support of policies enhancing actions leading to know, recognize and appreciate the cultural heritage as a vehicle of identity.
The Agency has presented and taken part to many Community, (INTERREG CADSES, CULTURE 2000, LIFELONG LEARNING EUROPAID, MED, IPA), national and regional (POR, APULIAN ICT LIVING LABS) programmes,
all focused on the protection, restoration, preservation, and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean culture.
The Association has also organized and promoted numerous national and international conferences, seminars, meetings, workshops, exhibitions and events all centered on the promotion of Euromediterranean artistic, linguistic and cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

The Agency, since its constitution, has always set the quality of initiatives among its strategic goals, professionalism and competence of the team as a fundamental basis of projects and initiatives and the evaluation of the results as an essential tool for improving performance and the full achievement of objectives. A path that is often difficult and arduous, but tenaciously pursued. Thanks to this strategy the Agency has fulfilled many and prestigious high-profile cultural activities and projects, aiming at enhancing, protecting, exploiting Cultural Heritage, true vehicle of common identity and collective memory of peoples.
The main fields of activity are:
- Project Planning and Management
- Organization of conferences, meetings, workshops, seminars, conventions and exhibitions
- Education and training on the job
Just to mention the more significant projects and the results, Euromed Agency has until now:
 presented and taken part to 18 Community, (INTERREG CADSES, CULTURE 2000, LIFELONG LEARNING COMENIUS REGIO), national and regional (POR, APULIAN ICT LIVING LABS, P.O. FESR PUGLIA 2007-2013) funding programmes, all targeted on actions enhancing the protection, restoration, preservation, and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean culture;
 patronized 25 national and international conferences on topics related to European and Mediterranean cultural heritage;
 organized 67 events including conferences, meetings and national and international workshops on intercultural cooperation, development and promotion of Mediterranean cultural heritage and traditions ;
 patronized, sponsored, lavished contributions, recognized awards to 14 events and initiatives.
 organized 9 exhibitions one of which under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic;
 contributed to the organization of 2 master's degrees;
 offered the opportunities of high profile training courses to 11 trainees, some of whom coming from abroad
 organized 2 courses of Euro-community planning, 6 courses of Modern Greek language and culture and 2 courses of Turkish language and culture.
The projects developed and implemented by Euromed were funded by the following Community, National and Regional Programmes.
EU Funding Programmes
INTERREG IV C - European Territorial Cooperation Operational Programme “Greece-Italy” 2007-2013
National Funding Programmes
MINISTRY OF YOUTH AFFAIRS - “"Youth for the enhancement of public goods"
Regional Funding Programmes

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mauro Martina
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Adriana Poli Bortone
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Fabio Montefrancesco
Job Title (2)
International Relation and Fund Raising Manager

Amutat Tzel Hatamar - Center for Creative Ecology

National Network

Kibbutz Lotan
Kibbutz Lotan 88855

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Amutat Tzel Hatamar is a registered charity in Israel, no. 580347029, which funds research, development and activities including outreach and scholarships of the Kibbutz Lotan Center for Creative Ecology. The Amuta has a steering committe comprised of a chair, treasurer and three members, all volunteers. Funding for specific projects is raised for those specific projects. Budgets are based on funds raised and earmarked for the projects on a yearly basis.
Mission and Objectives

1. To advance the values of environmental protection through research, education, conservation, experiential activities and examples of sustainable communal living.

2. To support educational and cultural activities which encourage the development of a democratic, pluralistic and environmentally friendly community which serves also as an example for other communities committed to environmental and social sustainability.
1. To advance Reform Zionism from a democratic, pluralistic perspective through engaging in Jewish Zionist education for youth and adults from Israel and the Diaspora, promoting Jewish Zionist culture and engaging in research, education and promotion of Jewish values in a democratic atmosphere.

Main Projects / Activities

Partial sponsorship of Kibbutz Lotan’s Center for Creative Ecology in partnership with Kibbutz Lotan. Recent accomplishments include - 
1. Development of the Lotan Nature and Migratory Bird Reserve including Hides in Lotan’s bird reserve for observation of migrating birds constructed from recycled and natural materials.
2. Subsidies to enable low-budgeted special groups to particapte in educational programming at the Center. Groups include Beit Hagalgaim – a center for young adults with CP, Beit Dafna – a center for teens with autism, Zaka summer camps for children affected or injured by terror incidents, Beit haShanti – a home for troubled youth in Tel Aviv, and more.
3. Subsidies to enable school and kindergarten groups from the region, Eilat and the rest of Israel participate in the Center’s programming.
4. Sponsoring the Center’s professionals’ work as supervisors and trainers in the building of a health clinic built with alternative building methods at the Bedouin unrecognized village of Wadi-El-Naam. This sponsorship was made at the request of the NGO Butan L’shalom, with whom future projects are being developed.
5. Active engagement in establishing the Israel regional network of the Global Ecovillage Network, and participation in developing the curriculum of Gaia Education Foundation's Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) program. The Center for Creative Ecology was the first to community based organization in the world to teach this program which is now being used worldwide.
5. Reseach and development of energy efficient housing including sucessful fire rating testing of materials (earth plastered straw bales), hand-engineering of earthquake proof house structures, purchase of photovoltaic panels for the Center's EcoCampus and energy monitoring of its performance. 
Sponsorship of two long-term educational programs on Kibbutz Lotan:
1. Shnat Sherut - A year of service before the army. 8-15 Israeli high school graduates participate in Lotan's shnat sherut program. The yearlong program, now in its eighteenth year, includes work on Lotan, gemilut hasidim/social justice projects in the greater region, and educational programming based on Lotan's Reform Zionism ideology.
2. Green Apprenticeship Program - An intensive month-long work /study experience, which links together practical skills for environmental sustainabilty along with an engineering methodolgy for developing human habitats while protecting human rights and conservation of natural resources. Participant learn business skills  while helping to build and maintain the Center for Creative Ecology, its facilities and educational programs. Practical experience is reinforced by formal studies, a holistic link to permaculture ideas, and an opportunity for participants to share their ideas and past experiences to influence new projects. This unique work / study experience is also interwoven into the daily life of Kibbutz Lotan.
▪ Partial sponsorship of alternative building projects on Kibbutz Lotan via the Center for Creative Ecology, including –
1. A day care center, outdoor play area from recycled materials.  The work on the play area was performed by students in the Green Apprentice program. 
2. Israel's first recycling center (together with funding from the Environment Ministry and the first bus station constructed from earth plaster and used tires in Israel.
3. The EcoCampus - housing for Green Apprenticeship participants using passive solar, straw-bale, earth plaster building methods integrated with solar power and urban gardening as a living example of energy and resource efficicent housing appropriate for low-income communities in hot, arid regions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Graduates of the Green Apprenticeship and Year of Service programs, as well as participants in our many workshops and professional training programs, and guests that visit and learn from our ideals and actions, are active in many NGO's. government organization, universities, and community organizations. Many have started their own businesses or have changed existing businesses to become more socially and environmentally sustainable. In particular, the women who have participated in our programs have fed back to us how they were empowered to become leaders in the wokr that they do.
We are a training institute for individuals and groups from Israel and visiting from abroad, in association with the Jewish National Fund, Mashav - Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Arava Institute, AICAT - the Arava International Center for Agricultural Training and many of the community gardens and Eco-Education farms and experience centers in Israel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interesting in widening our reach to participants in neighboring countries and Europe. Funding particpants from abroad creates a unique educational experience focused on global leadership.  Israeli particpants in our courses (all taught in English) bond with the foreign nationals as they all become global leaders with compasion and experience in cross-cultural educational experience directed towards networking for a common good. Our experience has shown us that our program graduates have the tools that are necessary for successful development and management of NGO's, health organizations, agriculture and construction/infrastructure development organizations. We are committed to significantly increasing the number taking our programs and hope that ALF and its Network will help us expand our reach.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alex Cicelsky
Job Title
Director of Development
Head of the organisation
Daniel Burstyn

Association Asaka

National Network

10000 RABAT

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We are a newly organized NGO in the Middle Atlas region of Morocco. We have 3 members and work in different communes of the Midelt Province. Our funding sources include donations from the members and outside NGOs. Our main partner is the Asaka Foundation a US based non profit.
Mission and Objectives

The Development of the Midelt Province
Interfaith and intercultural youth programs
Economic and Social Inclusion of youth and women of the region

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Entrepreneurship Camp
Honeybees Project for women

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing the youth of the region with education for  a better understanding of other cultures and coexistence and this thru art, youth camps and educational seminars

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We will join a network of organisations with a common cause of peace,intercultural understanding and coexistence. It would be more impactful to work together on actions for a greater impact in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amine Ayoub
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amine Ayoub