The Sky is the Limit

National Network

Rabbi Akiva 1
Jerusalem 9458201

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Sky is the Limit- HaShamaim Hem Hagvul is an organization that is ran by me- the CEO, has a program director- Ms. Hila Tam, two program coordinators and 24 students that are getting a scholarship. We also have an Educational advisor and a finance manager that are volunteering. All of our resources are from philanthropy besides 10% of our budget that is from the Jerusalem Municipality. Our donors are the Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University, UBS, RCF (a private family foundation), Brooks Keret, האיגוד הישראלי לקידום האדם, private donors (The Davis Family, The Katz Family), Yahav Bank. We are in partnership with Perach (פר"ח), JVP, the community centers in Jerusalem, The Education department in the municipality of Jerusalem. Our yearly budget is 150,000$. Our Modality of action: we are oporation only one project- a social entrepreneurship training program, see details below.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to transform at-risk youth into socially involved citizens, by developing their sense of self-worth and insuring an ability and desire to account for their future and communities.
1. Transform at-risk youth into community leaders and role models by raising their social and political awareness.
2. Empower impoverished communities through youth projects that target unaddressed communal needs.
3. Open the window to higher Education by exposing youth participants to university students, encouraging them to continue academic pursuits after high school.

Main Projects / Activities

What We Do. Through learning programs and empowerment workshops, we rebuild confidence, educate regarding civic consciousness and responsibilities and encourage social activism. we give them the opportunity to be active social entrepreneurs within their environment. We encourage them to take responsibility for their personal future, transforming themselves into actively involved citizens.
Target Population. Our participants, 6th–9th graders, are youth at risk from low socio-economic areas in Israel. Our counselors are university students who develop a commitment to volunteerism and social betterment. The students serve as role models for our youth, encouraging them to pursue higher education after high school graduation.
Project Description
Stage 1: Youth empowerment. During the first months of the program, counselors meet with participants weekly and help them develop personal and social tools for success alongside the education process of how to become socially aware (consumption of news media, environmental awareness and experience of activism through volunteering).
Stage 2: Community Change and Entrepreneurial Projects. During the second stage, participants identify a need in their community, then devise and implement a plan to address this need. One group identified a community need for healthy youth recreation and initiated a youth movie theater in their local community center. Another group opened a student coffee shop in their school and donated all the incomes to the local soup kitchen.
Previous outcomes of the project: We have witnessed participants develop better relationships with the school system, stay off the streets, and continue to create projects that answer communal needs. We have seen participants serve as leaders among their peers, modeling and encouraging healthy educational and social behavior. Through a ripple effect, the project benefits hundreds, if not thousands, of people throughout its impacted communities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We, as an organization, can contribute to the ALF Network, by bringing the underprivileged youth voice into the network. We work with a wide verity of the Israeli youth and exposed to different sides of the Israeli community. We can contribute our knowledge of social entrepreneurship and experience from the Jerusalem neighborhood we work in. We could contribute cooperation with other organization to create a better and deeper solution to the social problems of the Jerusalem and Israeli society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe that in all sectors but mainly the social one (the third sector)- corporations are very important between similar organization and also between different organization. I also believe that the more we learn, the more we are exposed to new and different ideas, information and action- we become more aware and implement the new things we learn in our organizations and in our own life. This way we become more engaged and more active in creating a better society.
I believe that the ALF network is an amazing place to make all that happened! to generate the coop orations, to expose the members to different realms and subjects and to help us implement it in our organizations.
In a more personal note- I am missing an activist community that its members will support each other and enrich each other at the same time. I feel like the ALF network is this community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moriah Ben Ami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Moriah Ben Ami

IREX Europe

National Network

11 rue Aimé Collomb
69003 Lyon

0033 (0)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information
9 staff members work in IREX Europe's headquarters in Lyon, France. In addition, we work in cooperation with our project partners as well as with independent experts and consultants who contribute to our activities. The work of IREX Europe is supervised by the IREX Europe Board that meets at least once every six months. IREX Europe’s turn-over during the last three years has been approximately 3 million Euros with funding support from multiple donors, including the AFD, the EU, the UN, DRL, National Governments, etc. The IREX Europe approach emphasizes partnerships with local development organisations to expand capacity, build sustainable institutions, and affect change through training, partnerships, education, research and grant programmes.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: IREX Europe works to develop and maintain peaceful, democratic, fair, and sustainable societies where individuals enjoy equal rights, have access to independent information and are empowered to build the society in which they want to live.
Mission: IREX Europe promotes human rights, strengthens independent media and civil society and empowers individuals through developing critical thinking skills, enabling them to take informed decisions and to claim their rights.
IREX Europe’s actions focus on 2 main areas :
1.         Media and media education
To strengthen local and independent media, by improving the sustainability, quality and accuracy of reporting and to develop Media and Information Literacy (MIL) by empowering citizens so they can critically engage with the media and information they consume and by increasing their ability to access accurate and objective information
2.         Human rights
To promote fundamental human rights with a particular focus on women’s rights, LGBTI rights and freedom of opinion and expression. We work with civil society organisations, human rights defenders, media, journalists and media lawyers, providing capacity building training; emergency and legal support to victims of repression; and national and international networking opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Media and media education:
Training and mentoring for journalists and journalism students to better produce quality content.
Media Management, financial sustainability; strategic development training and support.
Training and support for media lawyers including legal analysis of editorial content, as well as legal defence before local courts
Training for media lawyers for European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) case law and support to bring cases before the ECHR.
Core support to independent media and small grants for media projects and strategy implementation
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) training of trainers (ToT) workshops in libraries, universities, schools and community centres.
Developing MIL courses and curricula.
Creating online platforms for MIL resources
Creating MIL centres and media corners in libraries.
Public discussions on reports focused on social issues and media manipulation and propaganda.
MIL summer fairs/events aimed at sharing good practice among stakeholders
Media Tours for MIL practitioners to raise awareness on how the media works.
Review and analysis of key media legislation and the production of white papers.
Support to advocacy and monitoring activities by journalists, bloggers and CSOs.
Support for media coverage of human rights and social issues by journalists and bloggers.
Support for joint initiatives between media and CSOs.
Legal support - providing legal analysis pre-publication, as well as legal defense before the courts for media and media professionals.
Training for journalists and media organisations in media law.
Peer-to-peer exchange, regional and international to promote exchange of best practice.
Emergency assistance to media workers, activists and their families during and after persecution to cover medical, material, financial costs and legal advice.
Human rights
Strategic development for local CSOs
Leadership and financial management training
Fundraising and outreach support and capacity building
Core support for key services such as LGBTI and women’s shelters support and development
Small grants support for regional advocacy and outreach
Training for media professionals in how to better report on minority issues
Positive image campaigns promoting more tolerant societies
Targeted trainings in advocacy and public outreach, leadership, financial management, fund-raising
Leadership Academy trainings for women’s rights activists
Media campaigns and public event organization
Legal, medical and psycho-social support for human rights activists and organisations
Current projects:
Strengthening Media Literacy and Independent Media in Moldova
FEAAM: promoting Freedom of Expression and Association in Morocco
EYCA: promoting youth engagement with media, and MIL for youth in Moldova Jeunesse Active, Médias Inclusifs et Littératie Numérique in Tunisia promoting MIL for youth in Tunisia’s regions, including establishing a network of MIL centres
TOKE : promoting community radio and MIL for youth in Tozeur and Kebili in Tunisia
Promoting media plurality, balance and media literacy in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly in Morocco
IN-EDU – Inclusive communities through Media literacy & Critical Thinking Education in Europe
Promoting Rights, Inclusiveness, Dignity and Equality for LGBT in Albania.
Promoting new women leaders and ‘invisible women’ human rights activists in Eurasia
D-jil Youthroom in Algeria, Marocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can increase liaison and outreach between our partner French NGOs and those in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are keen to increase our outreach for our partners in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, and provide them with increased networking and outreach

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael de Villiers
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michael de Villiers
Contact (2) Full Name
Flora Graioni
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director

7amleh - Arab Center for the Development of Social Media

National Network

PO Box 99604
Haifa 31996

+972 (0) 48523035
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information
Structure: 7amleh has 7 board members, 3 steering committee members and 2 project co-ordinators. Previous partners include Adalah, Baladna, Palestine Vision, Sikkuy and Kayan.  Budgetary Resources: Approx 50000 EUR Sources of Funding: 7amleh has previously received funding from the European Union, Sparkplug, and a private donor.  Modalities of Action: Social media training courses, social media awareness campaigns  Main Partners: 7amleh does not have a single main partner but works with other organisations when it is beneficial to the project. However, 7amleh has worked closely with Baladna on a number of social media campaigns. 
Mission and Objectives

 7amleh is a professional Palestinian center, established in 2013, that believes that social media is powerful and influential tool for enacting social reform. We utilise the influential possibilities of social media and train the current generation of Palestinian activists to use social media effectively to challenge the status quo of discrimination, marginalisation and dispossession. We operate as partners with local Palestinian civil society activists seeking to promote dialogue about Palestine via alternative media channels, enabling Palestinians to advocate for themselves and their community.

Main Projects / Activities

- Social Media Training Courses: 7amleh holds social media training courses for Palestinian active citizens/citizen journalists in Israel, the West Bank and most recently the Gaza Strip. These courses are designed to empower Palestinians to advocate and campaign for themselves and their communities using social media platforms such as YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo and Facebook, among others.
- Social Media Awareness Campaigns: 7amleh produces campaigns on issues affecting Palestinian society in Israel, in conjunction with other NGOs. Videos on the topics of house demolitions, gendered violence and the importance of knowing your rights under arrest and investigation, among others, have been produced. 
-Lam Shamel: 7amleh is currently seeking funding for this project, which is a website which will act as an online community for Palestinian active citizens/citizen journalists. Work produced from the social media training courses will be hosted on the site, and it is believed that this will encourage a culture of dialogue and tolerance in these communities. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

7amleh brings expertise in social media to the Network, which can wil be very beneficial in terms of capacity-building for the Network. 7amleh will raise the profile and capacity of the Network's civil society organisations in the field of social media, which is integral to success in the new age of technology. Social media offers the perfect channel through which to conduct campaigns, due to the established and growing popularity of this form of communication and the ease and speed with which information can be shared, reaching people who may not otherwise have engaged with civil society. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a new organisation, joining the ALF Network will allow 7amleh to network with potential partners, and to improve our capacities.
It also gives us an opportunity to spread the word about 7amleh and our work in civil society. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Minem Maarouf
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Nadim Nashif

Sarajevo Meeting of Culture

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Merhemica trg 4
Brace Begic 38
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+387 33 974 491
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
“Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” is a non-governmental, non-for-profit organization founded in 2012 with the aim of: Organizing various project and activities with an intent to promote culture and the arts in the city of Sarajevo, BiH and Westen Balkan region establishing connections with alike organizations from Europe and world in order to exchange best practices and experience. The basis of the establishment of the NGO is the project titled “Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” as a space where tolerance, peace and different cultures meet. Correspondingly, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures participates in the promotion of cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina and collects the historical structures of the values of the country. In future, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures will focus on educational programs for the youth, students as well as visitors of the city and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Mission and Objectives

To promote Western Balkan region as space of peace and tolerance in last 500 years with the project aiming to prove to coexistence and tolerance. 
To promote diversity as advantage not as threat.
To organase different activities as meeting of cultures.
To establish study program for student visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkan region In order to give appropriate education and information about history and heritage , culture diversity in cooperation with different higher education institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Set-up and promotion of the landmark Sarajevo Meeting of Culture
Awareness campaign about peace coexistence and tolerance in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Region
Creating study program for student visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkan region In order to give appropriate education and information about history and heritage , culture diversity in cooperation with different higher education institutions. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our personal experiences in coordination with variety of stakeholders at different levels of decision making in culture , sport and education sector.  Profound experience in projects development as well as network developments in Western Balkan countries. Our experience in development of standards, criteria, indicators for institutions as well as strategic and policy development trough internal and external quality assurance processes, strategy and policy development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sarajevo Meeting of Culture is organisation focused on multiculture dialog. This network will be great adtvantage in communications, value sharing as well possible join activities. 
Experience and project sharing would be great benefit for Sarajevo Meeting of Culture but we are sure also for the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Dino Mujkic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Dino Mujkic
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Carkadzic
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Humanitarian Center

National Network

Amman 11942 Jordan Queen Rania St. P.O.Box 13695
Amman 11942

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are Arab youth who are dedicated to play our part as human beings in this world to alleviate the indescribable sorrows of mankind which have resulted from the evils of injustice, racism and ignorance to the best of our contextual abilities. Our belief in the core rights of man, the dignity of each individual, and in the equity of rights towards all humans, as prescribed in the all divine religions is our drive. We aim to foster welfare and aid in raising the standards of life in our context and beyond it under the light of freedom, justice, education as well as the dignity and respect of the human being.  
Mission and Objectives

We are a non-profit association aimed at providing support in educational matters, human rights and freedoms,, and conflict and crisis alleviation..
Our resources are based primarily on the fundings and grants of organizations and the charity of individuals or groups. As we proceed with our activities, we expect to have developed means to attain sustainable funds.
We are confident in our skills and efforts to attain these goals if we are given the chance.

Main Projects / Activities

For this purpose, our projects are aimed at societal progressing in the spheres of organizational, economic, legal, educational and health-related aspects of the human being.
Furthermore, the key elements of empathy, forgiveness and compassion, as taught to us divinely, will be a part of our mission. Mechanisms to strengthen them shall be incorporated into our endeavors, to embed a stronger sense of harmony and attachment within our community, society and regional and global community. We are committed to employing all proper educational and knowledge tools to enhance those affairs.
Our accumulated efforts to attain these goals have brought us to presenting all the necessary documentation and proceeding with the authorization procedures in order for us to establish the “Humanitarian Center” association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eyad Alsamhan
Job Title
Judicial Assistant
Head of the organisation
Eyad Ayed Alsamhan
Contact (2) Full Name
Muntaha Hijazi
Job Title (2)


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
L’ADCS contribue à l’instauration de la démocratie locale et au développement économique. Elle vise la diffusion des valeurs de citoyenneté et droits humains et le renforcement de l’esprit entrepreneurial chez les jeunes et femmes. La culture est au cœur de son action, l’ADCS fait, de la communication culturelle et artistique sa priorité en la plaçant au centre de ses préoccupations. Projets en cours : 1. Les Produits de terroir au service de l’emploi et du développement local Objectif : Contribuer au renforcement des opportunités d'emploi dans le secteur agricole et artisanal, au sud tunisien. Durée : 2 ans Bailleur des fonds : Union Européenne 2. Dynamisation du Centre féminin de Cité el Khadra comme espace pour la défense de l'égalité de Genre Objectif : Renforcer les capacités et les structures d’appui à  la promotion des droits des femmes. Durée : Une année Bailleur des fonds : AECID
Mission and Objectives

L’ADCS a pour mission de concevoir et développer des actions adaptées aux besoins spécifiques du contexte tunisien. Elle a recours aux moyens innovants pour améliorer les conditions de vie des jeunes et femmes dans les zones les plus défavorisées. Son objectif principal est de renforcer l’autonomisation économique et intellectuelle des jeunes et femmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets en cours :
Les Produits de terroir au service de l’emploi et du développement local
Objectif : Contribuer au renforcement des opportunités d'emploi dans le secteur agricole et artisanal, au sud tunisien.
Région : Sud Tunisien
Durée : 2 ans à partir du Septembre 2014
Partenaires : Assemblée de Coopération Pour la Paix
                       Association de Sauvegarde de l’Oasis de Chénini
Bailleur des fonds : Union Européenne
Récupération et dynamisation du Centre féminin de Cité el Khadra comme espace pour la défense de l'égalité de Genre et les droits des femmes
Objectif : Renforcer les capacités et les structures d’appui à  la promotion des droits des femmes.
Région : Grand Tunis
Durée : Une année à partir d’Octobre 2015
Partenaires : Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne
                        Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l’Homme
Bailleur des fonds : Agence Espagnole de Coopération Internationale au Développement
Des ateliers culturels en Cinéma, Théâtre et Photographie
Objectif : Développer les capacités de création et de communication chez les jeunes.
Région : Grand Tunis
Durée : Une année à partir d’Octobre 2015
Partenaires : Lycée Secondaire Carthage Hannibal

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L’ADCS adopte une méthodologie basée sur l’action, le projet vise mener une vraie action d’incidence sur les espaces ouverts au dialogue social qui puissent avoir une incidence sur la participation sociopolitique des jeunes à niveau régional. Ainsi donner une base solide et durable aux bénéficiaires qui devront s’approprier le projet. La prise de responsabilité est également un moyen de mise en œuvre du projet et ce en mettant les bases pour la consolidation d’une société civile organisée qui soit gérée par des associations locales démocrates et en faveur d’une jeunesse qui s’inspire aux principes de l’égalité, démocratie participative, l’égalité, connaissances de ses propres droits et devoirs communautaires.
- Capital humains :
Ce réseau profitera de l’expertise personnelle de  chacun  des membres fondateurs de l’ADCS, que de son expérience elle- même au cours des différents projets auxquels elle a participé. 
- L’ADCS dispose d’un réseau solide d’ongs et institutions partenaires sur tout  le territoire du pays. Elle mobilise son réseau pour rendre effective la participation citoyenne et la promotion du travail en réseau et la capitalisation des bonnes expériences menées par des autres réalités. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le réseau proposé ANNA LINDH Foundation est le plus grand réseau d'organisations de la société civile impliquées dans la promotion du dialogue interculturel à travers l'Europe et la Méditerranée. Il oeuvre dans 43 pays de l'Union de la Méditerranée et rassemblant environ 4000 organisations de la société civile qui partagent les valeurs de la Fondation. Faire partie de ce réseau, permettra à notre organisation d'acquérir de nouvelles expériences dans un climat d'échange et de diversité. Cela nous permettra également de proposer des initiatives mutidisciplinaires et interculturelles en collaboration avec nos homologues, ce qui aidera à la réalisation de nos objectifs et ceux du réseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Rahala Production & distribution

National Network

2 El Bostan El-Said - Downtown - Cairo

Telephone (other)
+20102 325 1705
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Throughout the experience of three filmmakers coming from different backgrounds in the cinema industry, we are building a professional workflow in order to give young filmmakers the forum they need to develop their talents by organizing their creative talents in order to help them produce not just artistic films, but also films with high quality that can compete in international festivals and reach wider audience. Rahala at the moment functions with two producers, one of them is the founder of Rahala and a line producer along with administrative workers. Rahala is self funded through production and editing services and it produces its work through searching of funding opportunities depending on each project.
Mission and Objectives

At RAHALA we believe that a lower budget should not affect the quality of a film. We offer a professional production cycle from a film’s inception to its release, while guaranteeing filmmakers the space to make fresh and innovative films.
RAHALA seeks to have a leading role in the independent filmmaking industry through working with young filmmakers who have the talent and passion to turn their ideas into films that are bold and creative. We are eager to work on and co-produce films not only from Egypt but also from around the globe, especially the rest of Africa.
RAHALA believes in social responsibility and that art should be shared with everyone. That is why we aim to cooperate with other entities to offer filmmaking workshops and seminars in Egypt’s rural and informal areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Future projects:
1- Humanoid Park (Short Fiction, Sci Fi)
2- Fathy Doesn’t live here anymore (Short Fiction, Drama)
3- In Search of Essam Abdallah (Feature Documentary, Biography)
4- Gas (Short Fiction, Sci Fi)

Contact (1) Full Name
Naji Ismail
Job Title
(Founder / Filmmaker)
Head of the organisation
Naji Ismail
Contact (2) Full Name
Shady Ishak
Job Title (2)
(Producer / Director)

Young European Federalists

National Network

Ακαδημίας 91-93
10677 Athens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
JEF is a supranational, politically pluralist youth NGO with about 30,000 members in over 35 countries. The goal of JEF is the creation of a democratic European federation as a guarantee for peace and more free, just and democratic society.
Mission and Objectives

ederalists understand that the complex international challenges of tomorrow cannot be tackled by the simplistic national means of today. Federalists are bridge-builders who want to close the gaps in democracy, transparency and efficiency in the current European constellation and equip it with the necessary institutions and policies to prepare for the future.
At the same time, they are bridge-builders between the Citizens and the European decisionmakers by striving to reconnect them. In their effort to bring Europe closer to the Citizens and by acting on their deep-rooted philosophy and principles, Federalists should thus insist on various institutional improvements and concentrate on policies precisely because this approach will arouse Citizens’ interest.

Main Projects / Activities

JEF members, have to actively reach out to the Citizens via presentations in schools, debates in universities, international seminars, public events, street actions, pan-European campaigns, on-line articles and various local, regional, national and European media, aiming to reverse European and political apathy and fight nationalism.
Through their commitment to a supranational European destiny, Federalists thus breathe life into the concept of European Citizenship and add to the strengthening of the European consciousness and even the development of the European identity. In doing their job, they eventually contribute to the emergence of – paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln’s words – a European government of the people, by the people and for the people!

Contact (1) Full Name
Petros AGGOS
Head of the organisation
Petros AGGOS

drustvo plesni center Samba

National Network

Igriska ulica 19a
drustvo plesni center samba
2000 Maribor

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Dancing klub , sport club, cultural club
Mission and Objectives

Education and training of youth and others of beaty of dancing.

Main Projects / Activities

Dance workshops, promotion of art, particularly dance, as tool for empowerment and integration, sport club , cultural club, youth events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our more than 10 years of experineces organizing dance and other cultural events. Active participoation in all activities of Slovenian network and of Foundation in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network, share good practices dance as a tool for integration and social empowerment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Donald Keranovic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Donald Keranovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Donald Keranovic

al sanad for training and development purposes

National Network

Al yadudeh
Um uthaina

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Non profit oraganization aims to develop and enhance the level of awareness , education and proper understanding for many of community subjects (health, social, religion, media,...) for all the community ages and genders in order to build better and proper generation in thoughts and actions for both national and international relations and civilisation by collaborating with sociaties , organizations and international civil development organisations in order to put the right budget and action plans and present it to the desired donars like NGO, USAID,..etc
Mission and Objectives

(Word of mouth)Working with many of training specialists and needed profficionals in many the country targeted areas to deliver the desire massages and services aimed from the projects we assigned and took the responsibility of achieving their aims and conclusions ..

Main Projects / Activities

Euromed projects that aim to develop and improve the skills , structures of youth and other community parts that play the major role in building better environment for them to live in peace and prosperity. .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing their projects and activities. .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To cooperate in some way for euromed and other desire projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Shereen Adnan Abu Nimreh
Job Title
Head of organization
Head of the organisation
Shereen Abu Nimreh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohmmad Abu Nimreh
Job Title (2)