Paulina test

National Network

Paulina test

002 0102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Hello Yarden,   Please let me know if it is working.
Mission and Objectives

Paulina test

Main Projects / Activities

Paulina test

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation
Paulina test


National Network

32 Vasileios Irakleiou str
54624 Thessaloniki

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information

Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. – Κέντρο Προστασίας Καταναλωτών – είναι μη κερδοσκοπική, μη κυβερνητική, πανελλαδική Ένωση Καταναλωτών. Εδώ και 33 χρόνια, αγωνίζεται για την προστασία των δικαιωμάτων των Καταναλωτών, την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος και τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής. Ιδρύθηκε το 1982. Είναι η μοναδική μεγάλη Ένωση Καταναλωτών, που έχει έδρα τη Θεσσαλονίκη. Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι Οργάνωση με υπαρκτά μέλη, με καταστατικές λειτουργίες (προγραμματικές – απολογιστικές Γενικές Συνελεύσεις, δημοσίευση στην ιστοσελίδα μας του οικονομικού και διοικητικού απολογισμού, αιρετό ανά τριετία Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, και Ελεγκτική Επιτροπή). Διοικείται, από 9μελές Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, όλα τα μέλη του οποίο είναι καθαρά εθελοντές. Είναι η πρώτη ‘Ένωση Καταναλωτών, που αναγνωρίστηκε και καταγράφηκε στο Μητρώο του Υπουργείου Ανάπτυξης, Ανταγωνιστικότητας, Υποδομών, Μεταφορών και Δικτύων, σύμφωνα με τα κριτήρια του Ν. 2251/94, όπως τροποποιήθηκε με το Ν. 3587/2007. Έχει συμβάλλει, ουσιαστικά, με την αξιόπιστη και συνεχή του δράση στην ενδυνάμωση του Καταναλωτικού Κινήματος στη χώρα μας. Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. παρεμβαίνει, δυναμικά, για τη διαμόρφωση θεσμικού πλαισίου, που προστατεύει τον Καταναλωτή, στη λειτουργία της αγοράς. Επειδή πιστεύουμε ότι η προστασία του Καταναλωτή δεν επιτυγχάνεται με μεμονωμένους νόμους, αλλά μέσω της ενσωμάτωσης της προστασίας αυτής σε όλη τη νομοθεσία, εκπροσωπούμε τους Καταναλωτές και παρεμβαίνουμε, σε Τοπικό, Εθνικό, και Διεθνές επίπεδο και σε όλους τους αρμόδιους φορείς. Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. εκπροσωπεί τους καταναλωτές, σε: Τοπικό επίπεδο: Επιτροπή Φιλικού Διακανονισμού Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης, Επιτροπή Φιλικού Διακανονισμού Δήμου Δέλτα, Επιτροπή Φιλικού Διακανονισμού Δήμου Καλαμαριάς, Επιτροπή Φιλικού Διακανονισμού Δήμου Πυλαίας – Χορτιάτη, Επιτροπή Φιλικού Διακανονισμού Δήμου Νεάπολης –Συκεών, Επιτροπή Φιλικού Διακανονισμού Δήμου Θέρμης, Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο Οργανισμού Λαϊκών Αγορών Θεσσαλονίκης, Επιτροπή Φιλικού Διακανονισμού Διαφορών του Ο.Α.Σ.Θ., Επιτροπή Διαβούλευσης Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης. Εθνικό επίπεδο: Οικονομική και Κοινωνική Επιτροπή – Ο.Κ.Ε., Εθνικό Συμβούλιο Καταναλωτών και Αγοράς - Ε.Σ.Κ.Α., Επιτροπή Πιστοποίησης Ενώσεων Καταναλωτών του Ε.Σ.Κ.Α., Επιστημονική Επιτροπή Διατροφικής Πολιτικής. Από τον Ιούνιο του 2013 ο Πρόεδρος του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι Μέλος της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής της Οικονομικής και Κοινωνικής Επιτροπής – Ο.Κ.Ε. Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο: Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομική και Κοινωνική Επιτροπή – Ε.Ο.Κ.Ε., Παρατηρητήριο Εσωτερικής Αγοράς της Ε.Ο.Κ.Ε., Ευρωπαϊκή Συμβουλευτική Ομάδα Καταναλωτών – ECCG, Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Ενώσεων Καταναλωτών –B.E.U.C., Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση για το συντονισμό της Εκπροσώπησης των Καταναλωτών στην Πιστοποίηση – A.N.E.C., Ευρωπαϊκή Συμμαχία για τη Διαφάνεια - ALTER – EU. Διεθνές επίπεδο: Διεθνή Οργάνωση Καταναλωτών – C.I., Διεθνή Οργάνωση Υγείας - H.A.I και Διατλαντικό Διάλογο Καταναλωτών – T.A.C.D.). Από το Δεκέμβριο του 2004, έως και το 2007, ο Πρόεδρος του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ., κ. Νικόλαος Τσεμπερλίδης, ήταν ο Συντονιστής του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου Καταναλωτών (Ε.Σ.Κ.). Από το Φεβρουάριο του 2008, ο Πρόεδρος του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι Μέλος της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής του Ε.Σ.Κ.Α. Από το Φεβρουάριο του 2010, η Γενική Γραμματέας του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι τακτικό μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Συμβουλευτικής Ομάδας Καταναλωτών – ECCG.  Από το Σεπτέμβριο του 2010 η Γεν. Γραμματέας του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Οικονομικής και Κοινωνικής Επιτροπής (Ε.Ο.Κ.Ε.). Από το Νοέμβριο του 2010 η Γεν. Γραμματέας του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι Αντιπρόεδρος του Παρατηρητηρίου Εσωτερικής Αγοράς της Ε.Ο.Κ.Ε. Από τον Φεβρουάριο του 2012, ο Πρόεδρος είναι Αναπληρωματικό Μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Οικονομικής και Κοινωνικής Επιτροπής (Ε.Ο.Κ.Ε.). Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. ενημερώνει τους Καταναλωτές, με δελτία τύπου, παρεμβάσεις τηλεοπτικές, ραδιοφωνικές και στον έντυπο τύπο, ημερίδες, με ειδικούς επιστήμονες, επισκέψεις σε σχολεία, με έρευνες και ενημερωτικές εκστρατείες.  Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. διαθέτει ιστοσελίδα στη διεύθυνση, για την πληροφόρηση των Καταναλωτών και email  για την κατάθεση καταγγελιών. Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι, ίσως, η μοναδική ελληνική Ένωση Καταναλωτών, η οποία μεσολαβεί, για την επίλυση των διαφορών, μεταξύ Καταναλωτών – Προμηθευτών. Το 2014, το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. κατέγραψε 5,878 παράπονα – καταγγελίες Καταναλωτών. Το 81,15% αυτών των καταγγελιών επιλύθηκαν, υπέρ των καταναλωτών, μετά από παρέμβαση του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. , στους προμηθευτές.

Mission and Objectives

Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. – Κέντρο Προστασίας Καταναλωτών – είναι μη κερδοσκοπική, μη κυβερνητική, πανελλαδική Ένωση Καταναλωτών. Εδώ και 33 χρόνια, αγωνίζεται για την προστασία των δικαιωμάτων των Καταναλωτών, την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος και τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής.

Main Projects / Activities

Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. ενημερώνει τους Καταναλωτές, με δελτία τύπου, παρεμβάσεις τηλεοπτικές, ραδιοφωνικές και στον έντυπο τύπο, ημερίδες, με ειδικούς επιστήμονες, επισκέψεις σε σχολεία, με έρευνες και ενημερωτικές εκστρατείες. Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. διαθέτει ιστοσελίδα στη διεύθυνση, για την πληροφόρηση των Καταναλωτών και email  για την κατάθεση καταγγελιών. Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. είναι, ίσως, η μοναδική ελληνική Ένωση Καταναλωτών, η οποία μεσολαβεί, για την επίλυση των διαφορών, μεταξύ Καταναλωτών – Προμηθευτών. Το 2014, το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. κατέγραψε 5,878 παράπονα – καταγγελίες Καταναλωτών. Το 81,15% αυτών των καταγγελιών επιλύθηκαν, υπέρ των καταναλωτών, μετά από παρέμβαση του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. , στους προμηθευτές.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Θεωρούμε ότι η παρουσία και η ενεργός συμμετοχή μιας Ένωσης Καταναλωτών όπως το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. μπορεί να βοηθήσει το Ελληνικό Δίκτυο να συμπεριλάβει και τα δικαιώματα και τις υποχρεώσεις των καταναλωτών στις δραστηριότητές του. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Το ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. παρεμβαίνει, δυναμικά, για τη διαμόρφωση θεσμικού πλαισίου, που προστατεύει τον Καταναλωτή, στη λειτουργία της αγοράς. Επειδή πιστεύουμε ότι η προστασία του Καταναλωτή δεν επιτυγχάνεται με μεμονωμένους νόμους, αλλά μέσω της ενσωμάτωσης της προστασίας αυτής σε όλη τη νομοθεσία, εκπροσωπούμε τους Καταναλωτές και παρεμβαίνουμε, σε Τοπικό, Εθνικό, και Διεθνές επίπεδο και σε όλους τους αρμόδιους φορείς. Θεωρούμε ότι η συμμετοχή μας σε μεγάλα εθνικά και ευρωπαϊκά δίκτυα ισχυροποιεί τις θέσεις και την προστασία των δικαιωμάτων των καταναλωτών και μας βοηθάει να τα υπερασπιστούμε με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nickolaos Tsemperlidis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nickolaos Tsemperlidis
Contact (2) Full Name
Evagelia Kekeleki
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Lebanese Association for History (LAH)

National Network

Domtex Bldg., 4th floor, Hamra street
Hamra 1103

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
LAH is a group of educationalists, history teachers, and activists who work together to contribute to the development of disciplinary approaches to History education in Lebanon.Sources of funding are project based. Our main sponsor is the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netehrlands.  LAH organizes  throughout the year workshops and seminars offered to history teachers, academics, researchers, and all who are interested in History Education.LAH organizes for History teachers several Pedagogic Days every year. Main Partners are: American University of Beirut, Board for Transitional Justice,Centre for Lebanese Studies, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, Euroclio,Finnish Institute in Middle East, Forum for Civil Peace, the Finnish History Teachers’ Association, Historical Dialogue and Research Agency – Cyprus, Lebanese American University, Notre Dame University-Louaize.
Mission and Objectives

LAH Mission:
LAH promotes the learning and teaching of history as a discipline in Lebanon, raises public awareness about the importance of history and ensures that history teaching becomes more recognized by society and more engaging to learners with a focus on historical concepts. LAH aims at encouraging continuous learning for different age groups as a way to build learners’ critical thinking shape their personalities and develop a sense of individual and collective responsibility.
LAH objectives:
• Facilitate continuous professional development for  History teachers and educators.
• Generate  and  sustain  constructive  and  informed  public  discussion  on  approaches  to  History education. 
• Establish working  relationships  and  partnership  with  the  local  and  international stakeholders, namely educationalists in schools and civil society learners and policy-makers. 
• Produce and disseminate publications and pedagogical material generated through the association’s activities.

Main Projects / Activities

“Developing  History Teachers' Capacity to Foster Historical Thinking” Project: 
A  comprehensive  Professional  Development  project  that  offers  an opportunity  for  a  group  of history  teachers  to  benefit  from  an  exhaustive  training  program. The professional development program consists of a series of training modules accompanied by mentoring.This  professional  development program  is  funded  by  a  grant  from  the  Embassy  of  the  Netherlands,  support  from  Notre-Dame
University  –  Louaize  and  the  Center  for  Lebanese  Studies  and  is  offered  free  of  charge  for participants.- The project offers an opportunity for a group of teachers, from public and private schools in the six governorates, to benefit from an exhaustive training program where they learn about new theories and pedagogies for teaching history.
LAH organizes for History teachers several Pedagogic Days every year. These events offer teachers the opportunity to apply model history lessons and get feedback from their colleagues. Teachers focus in their lesson planning on the use of historical concepts, varying teaching strategies, and the use of multimedia in the history classroom.The aims is  to empower teachers to adopt a modern approach that engages learners in historical thinking, nurtures higher-order thinking skills and links history to real-life situations.The Pedagogic Days are open to all teachers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LAH can contribute to the Network through workshops, conferences and seminars which LAH organises in addition to planning events and projects with other organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

LAH work focuses on dialogue and memory. We hope through this network we are able to learn about other organisation's activities and explore potential collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Maha Shuayb
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Maha Shuayb
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Nayla Hamadeh
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Centar za tranzicijsku pravdu u Puli

National Network

Danteov Trg 3
52100 Pula

098 944 1940
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Transitional Justice Centar TJC-Pula is the successor of the SENSE News Agency. Current structure of the organization is the following: Assembly, President, Vice-president, Secretary.  The plan is to increase the nuber of employees from current 0 by employing the journalists who worked for the SENSE Agency for the past 15 years. Since its establishment, SENSE Agency was awarded over 10 mill in grants, however, the newly foundedTJC had a modest 10000 turnover in a year.  Since its establishment, the TJC implemented 2 projects, both of which had great reviews and effect. The first was establishment of the Srebrenica Documentation Center ( and the second was online interactive narrative on the "operation Storm" (

Mission and Objectives

The association was founded to promote, develop and improve transitional justice as well as individual and social process of dealing with the past in order to build sustainable peace. The objective of SENSE - CTP is to encourage the process of confronting the past in Croatia and other countries in the region that have been affected by the wars of the nineties, the presentation and publication of the factual and legal findings of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). This task Association will realize in cooperation with the Hague judges, prosecutors and defenders, similar associations for human rights and transitional justice in the region and abroad, associations of victims and families of missing persons, other civil initiatives, international institutions and organizations, institutions of state and local authorities, scientific institutions, the media, religious communities and other stakeholders. The new Statute is in the process of adoption.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association's activities are: Collecting, arranging and digitizing of audio-visual and other documentary material on the trials for serious violations of international humanitarian law in the Hague, and courts in the region and the establishment of a searchable database of factual and legal findings on what had happened and who was responsible; Production of documentary films and publication of books on various war crimes trials, presentations, exhebitions, projections, international conferences and other legal experts, as well as public debates on specific aspects of the Hague trials and judgments; Informing the public, the deepening of public dialogue and start the creation of public policies that encourage dealing with the past. Strengthening cooperation with similar organizations in Croatia and abroad Creation of local and/or on line Documentation centers to show how the crimes committed in the most affected communities like Srebrenica, Vukovar, Pristina, Prijedor... have been investigated, reconstructed and prosecuted by the ICTY.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since SENSE Agency and thus the TJC Pula have long standing cooperation with the organizations in Croatia and the region, is a member of RECOM initiative and other associations, we believe to be a valuable partner to other organizations in the Network. In addition, the experiences, knowledge and material built and produced over the past 17 years is a great asset to any non-governmental organization or association that is interested in promoting human rights, justice and dealing with the past.  Working from our offices in Zagreb, Pula and The Hague, we have been dividing our attention regionaly and would therefore valu the experiences of the organizations working in Croata alone, focusing on the local and national issues and gaining experiences TJC Pula is lacking at this point.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Respect between cultures has been one of the goals of the SENSE in the past 17 years. Educating media and public in the region on the work of the Tribunal processing war crimes commited in ex-Yugoslavia and developing a region-wide cooperation with the media and civil society organisations have been our tasks and we are proud of the progress we have made. Our agenda fits perfectly into the mission and goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network and we woud therefore valu the membership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirko Klarin
Head of the organisation
Mirko Klarin

Citoyen des Rues International

National Network

38 boulevard Henri IV
75004 Paris

06 51 26 77 71
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Founded in 2006, Citoyen des Rues International (International Street Citizen) is supporting local initiatives in favour of street children and vulnerable children. As a non-profit and non-political association, CDRI adheres to the Children Rights Declaration of the UN and the Rufisque Charter. CDRI is running day care centres in several countries, which each accommodate around 20 children, to provide them personalized care adapted to each youngster.  CDRI is composed of 1 employed member in France, and 22 employed member in our different countries of intervention (3 in Benin, 6 in Perou, 6 in Marroco, 7 in Niger). Thus, we do have in total 23 employed members and around 250 volounteers. CDRI is composed of a President, a Vice President, a General Secretary and a Treasurer, all volounteers and composing the desk. They are also members of the Administration council and the general assembly. CDRI's previsionnal budget for the year 2015 is about 340 000 Euros (including the valorisation of volunteering : around 97 000 Euros). CDRI funds are coming from private’s donations and public grants. The association has plenty of partners (Air France Foundation, bel Foundation, RAJA Foundation, ESPPER...)
Mission and Objectives

The association Citoyen des Rues International aspires to rehabilitate the children gradually into their society and assist them in their aspirations, in the respect of their cultur.
Last year, Citoyen des Rues International supported over 1 500 children around the world.
The action of Citoyen des Rues International is divided in 3 complementary parts:
- The protection: each street children needs to get protection. We are providing them a safe shelter were they can stay away from the street and its danger.
- The accompaniment : street children are going through a lot and need to get a proper psychological counselling. They also need to feel secure and to built a trust relationship with the members of the association.
- The Sensitization: The phenomeon of street children is not enough known locally and internationally. There is more than 1 million street children around the world and still, it is not recognize as a major phenomeone which has to be stop. The sensitization of local and international population is necessary to reduct this phenomeone.

Main Projects / Activities

Citoyen des Rues International (CDRI) is running severals shelter homes and day care centers in wich, the team members are helping street children in multiple ways:
-      Putting in place emergency assistance for street children
-      Helping the children to reinstate themselves in their own country
-      Giving access to the children to formal and non formal education
-      Giving a psychological assistance and follow to the children 
-      Creating solidarity programme sponsorships
-      Putting in place prevention actions with families
-      Helping the concerned young people to build their future
-      Putting in place professional training in favour of young women in difficulties
-      Helping to build small school projects
-      Having a lobbying action in favour of street children
-       Supporting solidarity actions and young associations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that we can share our knowledge and expertise about the exchange of knowledge between the southern and northern countries and southern countries between themself. We gained this knowlege through our actions of reinforcement of the civile society, especially the countries of south mediterranean.
We can put in common our respective knowledge and evolve together to reach an optimal way of working.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network in purpose to share and learn from the other members of the Network. We do want to be able to grow up and to use the experience of the other members to improved our work and our intervention.
We also see in ALF the opportunity to increase the knowledge of people arounf the question of street children and to build some new partnership, in order to help these street children and vulnerable children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonathan MACHLER
Job Title
Coordinateur Actions et Sensibilisation / Actions and Sensitization Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Bénédicte FOUBERT


National Network

centre culturel Hsen MEZZANI Larbaa Nath Irathe Tizi-Ouzou
15500 Larbaa Nath Irathen

05 55 82 40 14
Telephone (other)
05 58 80 03 05
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

L’association culturelle IGAWAWEN (TTI) est légalement instaurée le 17/03/2013 date de délivrance de son agrément, sa naissance est engendrée par l’initiative d’une poignée de jeunes soucieux du sort réservé à la culture de leurs grands-parents et du vide culturel qui prédomine sur la région, ils avaient pour buts principaux de Raviver la culture, Dynamiser la région et Combler ce vide culturel.

Mission and Objectives

1. Développer le maximum d’activités culturelles (Dessin, théâtre, danse, poésie etc.); 2. Informer et orienter les jeunes vers le plan culturel afin de les épargner des fléaux sociaux (consommation de drogues, prises excessives d’alcool, délinquance etc.) ; 3. Stimuler et encadrer les jeunes talents pour les préparer aux compétitions culturelles et artistiques ; 4. Soutenir les adhérents le long de leurs cursus scolaires ; 5. Sensibiliser les habitants et les inciter à la protection de l’environnement ; 6. Sauvegarder et mettre en valeur le patrimoine historique de la région ; 7. Organiser des sorties pédagogiques et de loisirs en vue de détentes physiques et intellectuelles ainsi promouvoir le tourisme local ; 8. Organiser et participer aux échanges culturels de différents horizons ; 9. Célébrer les fêtes nationales et les journées mondiales ; 10. Enfin, Promouvoir la culture dans toutes ses dimensions en peu de mot leurs missions se résument à : Former, Créer et Animer.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Atelier de Recherche, Poésie et Enseignement. 2. Atelier de Théâtre. 3. Atelier de Danse. 4. Atelier vert (Ecologie et environnement). 5. Atelier de Dessin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Association "Tuzla Live"

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kula no.61
75000 Tuzla
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation was established in November 2000 by young artists (music, theatre, painting), professionals in video/photo/sound production, graphic and web design, ICT design and programming and experienced youth activists and entrepreneurs with professional knowledge in business management and marketing. Our goal is to provide a constructive framework for its members to exercise their rights and pursue their interests towards social and professional emancipation within and for betterment of our society. We enable cooperation between members and partners through projects implemented mainly in Creative Industry sector. Hence our finances stream from a range of services and products, membership fees and donations/grants from domestic and international institutions/organisations, which usually amount to 15-20.000 EUR per year. Association gathers app. 200 members, has no permanent employees but members/partners are temporarily employed in projects. It is run by the management team of five to eight people, responsible to the assembly of members.
Mission and Objectives

In a society still damaged by the social and economic effects of war, our mission is to:
- provide opportunities for young people to fulfil their creative, vocational and social potential;
- promote awareness of and responsiveness to the needs and potential of young people among older generations and statutory institutions;
- build, with our partners, a culturally rich and diverse society for present and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Here are three of our main project taking place in the last 5 years:
1. Re:Activete – education, rehearsal, recording, production and promotion of young urban music artists
2. “BRDO” Coworking space – a shared working space that gathers community of entrepreneurs, activists and creative people, eager to help development of local community on the principles of Social Entrepreneurship
3. EXIT Festival – for more than 10 years the official partners of the largest and the most influential music festival in the region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our 15 years of experience in projects implanted with various partners from our region and the rest of Europe, we believe that our know-how and qualified members can greatly contribute towards strengthening of the National ALF Network and its positions in the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that self sustainability and development should spring from inside local communities. Hence, networks of individuals/organisation from different communities can bring about a positive change on a larger scale. Moreover, engaging young people with knowledge, drive and energy, through modern and creative ideas and initiatives, surely is a path worth taking in order to see effective and efficient progress take place in our region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anes Husanovic
Job Title
President, general manager
Head of the organisation
Anes Husanovic

Institute for the Study of typography & Visual Communication (IMETYPOE)

National Network

17 Kallipoleos street
1055 Nicosia

+357 841725
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute for the Study of Typography and Visual Communication (ISTVC) is an independent nonprofit research body, specialising in scientific research, study and documentation of the historical, theoretical and practical issues related to typography and visual communication, and of matters that concern the originators of intangible processes and the production of conventional and electronic documents in Cyprus and abroad. The ISTVC aims to promote the importance of such documents as cultural commodities. The supreme body of ISTVC is the Council, comprised of seven members.
Mission and Objectives

The Institute has been established with the following aims:
To scientifically research, study, and document historical, theoretical and practical issues related to typography and visual communication. Develop research programmes and participate in programmes about the theory, history, education and practice of typography and visual communication in collaboration with Cypriots and foreign scholars and researchers. Establish and develop scientific bonds with similar scientific institutes in Cyprus and abroad. Study printed artefacts produced through analogue and digital technologies and discuss their importance as evidence of everyday activities and thus enhance knowledge of the community that created and used them. Offer high quality services to the interested parts of the local and international communities; lectures, seminars, conferences, field trips for educators as well as professionals, and specialised professional training and evaluation of educational programmes in the field of typography and visual communication. Promote the importance of conventional and electronic artefacts as cultural commodities. Establish awards and scholarships. Establish a library-archive, conventional and digital, about typography and visual communication. Organise and promote scientific events, lectures, and conferences at local, national, and international scale. Organise exhibitions, filmings, social events and presentations.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Inernational Conference on Typography & Visual Communication
ICTVC is established worldwide as a major event that explores the world of typography and visual communication. Since its inception, people from diverse fields and different disciplines with a passion for visual language research, education, and practice, contribute to the conference.
ICTVC attracts speakers and delegates on an international scale, and from a wide range of disciplines related to typography and design. The high quality of presentations is a hallmark of the conference.
2) Hyphen, a typographic forum, was first published in 1998. It welcomes papers on ty­pog­ra­phy and graphic communication and contributions at the meeting places between typography and other disciplines. Hyphen is currently pub­lished by the Institute for the Study of Typography and Visual Communication.
3) Exhibitions (Against Lethe, Design Museum Thessaloniki, ICTVC exhibitions), presentations (academic and professional talks) and workshops (light letterpress, typedesign etc)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ISTVC can contribute by providing a specialised expertise and cultural knowledge to the network. Typography and visual culture constitute a mirror image of societies and their study provides an important tool in order to better understand people from different countries and civilisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through the ALF network the ISTVC will have an opportunity to cooperate with institutes and organisations in Europe and the Mediterranean region, develop and implement projects that are relevant to its aims and objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Klimis Mastoridis
Job Title
Dr of Typography & Graphic Communication
Head of the organisation
Prof Klimis Mastoridis
Contact (2) Full Name
Niki Sioki
Job Title (2)
Dr of Typography & Graphic Communication


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Blajburških žrtava 100, 88000 Mostar
Kraljice mira 3, 88266 Međugorje
88000 Mostar
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Herzegovina University (Sveučilište Hercegovina) is a private higher education entity, recognized by the competent ministry of education, but also involved in social work.  
Mission and Objectives

It is situated both in Mostar and Međugorje, both places well known for their specific social roles, inter-ethnic and inter-cultural conflict (divided city - Mostar) and special form of religiosity, peace and reconciliation (Međugorje).
It is young but vibrant and growing institution, aware of it's social role in society as complex as Bosnia and Herzegovina is.

Main Projects / Activities

Various projects and programs of social work, primarily education (especially issues of special education), research, psychology, social research, inter-religious and inter-cultural relations, as well as other fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By employing intelectual and academic capacities in raising level of approach, work, analysis and understanding of results. We have created environment of understanding and respect within our institution among professionals and students coming from BiH, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro ... we believe our smaller network can bring improvement to the ALF Network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we can work better if we find partners and expand our work across Mediteranean and Europe, therefore ALF Network is a great resource to have. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Marko-Antonio Brkić
Job Title
Head of Organisation and Development Office
Head of the organisation

bedaya jadedah for human rights training

National Network

amman-jabal alhussain-alrazi street-alshefa center-third floor
amman 11123

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Bedaya center is a national non-profit institution , a group of believers with a message of justice and merit for all to have access to help change the negative life style. Bedaya center Cares about  penal reform and subsequent care with regard to issues that includs juveniles , children who are victims of crime ,and the provision of social, psychological and legal assistance to them. in addition to our interest in human rights and the rights of battered women , the rights of female prisoners in detention administratively and children who are in need of protection and care  and work on these issues within a human rights-based society and within the justice and rehabilitation system For the purpose of integrating them to society again, as the means to work on the application of the new law with regard to the events of non-custodial penalties against them in order to achieve the best interests of the child
Mission and Objectives

  promote the humane and fair treatment to vulnerable and marginalized groups  within the criminal justice system through the application of international standards of human rights and the administration of justice in order  to achieve reform and reintegration and rehabilitation of these vulnerable groups within the criminal system to include all of the inmates in Rehabilitation centers both genders, pregnant women and children accompanying their mothers in the Rehabilitation centers  system and maids in detention houses , juveniles and female children

Main Projects / Activities

Take care of the families of the beneficiaries and to provide psycho-social, legal and economic aid
Aftercare for beneficiaries and ensuring their stability psychologically, socially and economically to ensure thier non-return of breaking the law

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are building a national model of an efficient and sustainable after-care in harmony with the local environment and take into account their needs and privacy where efficient team working to enable the community to exercise the right of access to justice and the reintegration of the beneficiaries in their communities through the implementation of awareness and providing legal, social and psychological services free of charge to those who deserve programs and serve every individual in jordan  who lacks  financiale ability to access justice 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For the purpose of building partnerships with the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
eman mostafa ali bany saeed
Job Title
general manager
Head of the organisation
eman bany saeed
Contact (2) Full Name
ala abed algaffar muammar
Job Title (2)
assistant manager