ALMELAD for development and human rights

National Network

Amman shfa-badran 11821

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ALMELAD Centre is a non-profit company was established under Jordanian company’s law. It works in its new born in some fields trying to add different values for development and human rights. it has start a funded action for youth exchange by euro-med youth exchange unit. so it hope and work to achieve more success in different fields specially in spreading dialogue and peacefully coexistence between humans that which will lead to enhancing human rights and peace. We don’t have any source of funding except self-finance or if we get funding for any project or action. We are working in different types with different people through seminars, workshops, and lectures. We are trying to build capacities of different people who need together with our team.
Mission and Objectives

We believe in the universality and importance of human rights. This respect is a target for all, so each side should contribute to the achievement of this letter, we seek various ways and means, independently or participatory work towards the promotion of and respect for and protection of these rights and a culture of respect in various levels to achieve the values of justice and equality
our objectives:
Contributing in social awareness process to prepare a generation that able to understand the rights and duties related to human rights and sustainable development.
Promoting the culture of the society in the field of human rights and development through various training workshops in the field of human rights and development
Preparing various studies in the field of human rights, and development.
Holding various specialized seminars in the field of human rights and development.
Holding various training courses in the field of human rights and development.
Contributing in achieving justice, equality, the rule of law, and the preservation of human dignity and the protection of rights and public freedoms.
Contributing in the promotion of tolerance, justice, equality and brotherhood values of humanity

Main Projects / Activities

Dialogic sessions
Win the support of
Training and capacity building
Awareness lectures
And other activities related to the objectives of the center and areas of work.
Now we implement a number of projects funded by the self-Center being a nascent. There is a project funded by the unit for young Euro-Mediterranean Youth Exchange

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In short, the carefree one and one goal. We strive to create multiple areas of cultural and civilizational dialogue and understanding between different peoples, tolerance, justice and the values of dialogue, and to promote respect for human rights.
So we are willing to cooperate and make the effort possible in cooperation with the various networks to achieve these goals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to participate in any effort in the same objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Alshible Mohamad
Job Title
generak manager
Head of the organisation
Dr. Alshible Mohamad

Kulttuurikameleontit ry

National Network

c/o Globe Art Point, Malminkatu 5
00100 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation's aims are to enhance intercultural dialogue as well as multicultural awareness in Finland. The emphasize is in work through art.
Mission and Objectives

We focus at the moment on a development project on anti-racism and multicultural education. Our methods include arts in many forms.

Main Projects / Activities

We focus at the moment on a development project on anti-racism and multicultural education. Two main projects in the field "Diversity through art" are funded by the Arts Promotion Centre. We also have a project on the social and economic empowerment of Cairo street mothers. We are also a partner for Afrojazz Club, which offers the best Finnish-African live-music in Finland as well as pre-gig talks by active citizens.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We cooperate e.g. with Afrojazz Club, Kilombo ry, Finnish Red Cross, RASMUS, Afrobeat from the Heart musical community, EtnoSalo ry, Nicehearts ry, Ehjä ry, Espoo city and we are enlargening our network all the time.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We already cooperated with ALF Network in Wold Village festival and met ALF and talked about future plans. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjo-Sisko Lindstedt
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marjo-Sisko Lindstedt
Contact (2) Full Name
Annette Lindström
Job Title (2)

A.D.E.L. - Association for Development, Education and Labour

National Network
Slovak Republic

Kalinciakova 1046/16
09101 Stropkov

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We are organization, which creates opportunities for young people who would like to be an active, try and learn something new and gain new experience and knowledge for personal and professional development. We want to enrich the educational, social and cultural life of young people living in our country, mainly young people with fewer opportunities and coming from Eastern Slovakia. We believe that young people must become a driving force in building the society in which they live and therefore we create various opportunities in order to help shape a generation that is determined to change our country/and world for the better.
Mission and Objectives

Our main goals are:
- to increase employment of young people and to support their personal and proffesional development;
- to organize and mediate trainings, youth exchanges, workcamps,  seminars, study mobilities, internships and volunteering programs abroad;
- to encourage active citizenship, civic participation, voluntary and civic initiatives and to emphasize their importance in the society;
- to stimulate the creation of new and innovative ideas as the basis for entrepreneurial initiatives of young people, to motivate them and support towards his own business;
- to encourage the responsible attitute to the nature and animals, promote a healthy lifestyle and protect the environment;
- to promote constructive debate on the EU, to raise legal awareness of citizens, protect human rights and to watch the transparency in the allocation of public resources;
- to endorse the elimination of gender stereotypes and promote equality of opportunity for all ...

Main Projects / Activities

youth exchanges, training courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, discussions, language courses, individul mentoring, European Voluntary Service

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We organize various projects and althogh not always is the main topic this one (e.g. protection of enviroment, project management, consumer rights etc), in all of our projects are participants from different countries, background, cultures and religion. One of the project was particularly focused on spreading intercultural dialogue among young people from Balkan countries. You can find more information about project here:  We realize the importance of similiar projects and activities and we would like to contribute to intercultural dialogue through our future local activities, or national activities within network but also through international projects . 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share the same values and goals as Anna Lindh Foundation and we would be very happy to participate in the activities of ALF Network and also contribute by the implementation of these goals through future projects. We are convinced that as many young people as possible from each corner of the world should get opportunity  to face real intercultural dialogue - only then "the world will live as one" - without war, poverty, hunger...but with real solidarity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lenka Curillova
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Lenka Curillova

Mauritanian Center for Reseach and Human Science

National Network

Mauricentre- chambre 309- Nouakchott- Tevregh Zeina
PO.Box 1974

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Mauritanian center for Reseach and Human Sciences is working to prmot Human rights, and emproving reseach and Education. it is menaged by a staf including Doctors, reseachers, and Administrators.,  the main fields of  our activities are  Democracy , community development, Human rights,  Internationa/sustainable  Development, Media, Reseach, Youth and Education.
Mission and Objectives

Structure ;
-The President, 
- General Secretary
- the menager of Administrative and Finacial Affairs
- The heads of Research Unities
-The president advisers 
the partner :
-  National  Endewment for Democracy  (NEd)
- Mauritania Center for  Strategic Studies
- Nouakchott University
Budgetary Resources available   in a year
- 25000 Dollar
Sources Funding : 
- Support from NED
- Members Contributions
- Input  Activities (Forums, Workshop, Training Sessions
- Nouakchott University
Modalities of action ; 
- Training Sessions, Studies related to Human rights and Communications Skills.
 The main Partner involved
 Noukchott University.

Main Projects / Activities

- Training sessions on Communication Skills
- Forums on Dialogue and  Human rights
- Training session on The participation of Mauritanian Youth
- Media role in Development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

it is up to us to work on  representing the Network  by the following steps :
- orgenize a meeting on the role of the Network and it contribution in Mauritanian Development
-  Invite 20 members belonging to the notwork in order to   exchange their experience ( How did they launch a project aiming to promot the democracy and Community development?)
- orgenising a trip  to the inerior cities to  talk to the elected about the importance of the opositions . and the best technique for professional dialogue.
- orgenising an annual conferance about the role of Media in  Human development
- In addition to many ideas are beiing treated by the staf if our cebters.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wanted to join the ALF Network in order to exchange vues about  the best ways for improving democracy and Community Development.
in fact we also try to meet  a partner aible to support us in our process , considering that the network includes many orgenisations having a lot of means and  good experince to be shared.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Sid Ahmed Vall El Wedani
Job Title
President of Mauritanian Center for Reseach and Human Sciences
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Sid Ahmed Vall El Wedany
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Sid Ahmed Vall El Wedani
Job Title (2)
Professor at Nouakchott University

Association Féminine Aicha Oum El Mouminine - Aflou (AFAOM),

National Network

13 rue Tourchide Ben Gueloula, village Sud, Aflou, Laghouat -Algérie
BP 2038 Cedex, Aflou 03400, Laghouat.
03400 aflou

0213 29 966 056
0213 29 966 056
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+213 560 99 00 71
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Notre association, a but non lucratif, a été créée en 28 Septembre 1994 suivant la loi n° 90-31 du 04 décembre 1990 relative aux associations .C’es une association non lucratif pour but de développement, et promotion la de la femme (jeunes filles en particulier).Aicha Oum El-Mouminine est une association créée dans une période des plus ténèbres qu’a connu notre région, et l’Algérie en générale, non moins une période de terrorisme mais de plus une période ou tous les maux sociaux ont touché la population, et spécialement la femme, tel que l’analphabétisme, le chaumage, etc. Le défit qu’a soulevé notre association dans cette période est de participer, plus au moins, à améliorer le quotidien et notamment leurs niveaux scolaires et professionnel.
Mission and Objectives

Développer l’autonomisation économique des femmes Création d’une dynamique socio-économique et culturel par l’intégration de la femme dans la promotion et le développement de la région tout en restant dans la démarche de la protection de l’environnement par l’information, la sensibilisation et la formation.

Main Projects / Activities

- Renforcement des capacités des leaders associatifs et nom associatif locaux pour mieux activer dans la réinsertion socio-économique des jeunes filles essentiellement) travers la formation, l’information, sensibilisation et l’orientation a la création d’activités. - Aide à l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes filles par l’amélioration de leur niveau scolaire et la formation aux nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication. financé par FDF - Renforcement des capacités d’agir des associations féminines de développement d’Aflou. Analyse socio-économique selon le genre. le Rôle socio-économique des femmes dans le développement. - Renforcement des capacités d’agir des associations de développement d’Aflou financé par la CCE, dans le cadre du projet ONG II. - Autonomisation économique des Femmes tisseuses d’AFLOU (hauts Plateaux) La maison du tapis de Djebbel Ammour dédiée aux femmes gardiennes de ce patrimoine »financé par ONUfemme . - Mise en œuvre d’un atelier de formation aux métiers qualifiants pour femmes et jeunes filles financé par l’ambassade du Canada. Une centaine de femmes ont acquis un métier en couture grâce à ce projet. - La mise en place du « Centre de l’Espoir pour le Développement Durable » : portant sur l’insertion socio-économique des jeunes par l’information, la sensibilisation, la formation et l’orientation, financé par la CCE, dans le cadre du projet ONG MJS. Plus de 300 personnes ont été formés en langues et en informatique. L’université d’été 2007, co-organisée avec la Fondation Friedrich Ebert. Des ateliers de formation regroupant chacun 22 bénéficiaires ont été organisés, en GCP et en gestion du temps….

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Participiez à tous les activités de la fondation - Faire le logo de la fondation sur notre action de visibilité - Participiez aux appels des projets proposé par la fondation et être le partenaire technique et financer de notre association - Dans le coud ‘main en chef de de résous FAL en Algérie

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Notre organisme vous être membre active pour la coopération en diffusion la culture de la paix et la solidarité dans la méditerranée. - Coopération a tous efforts concertés pour améliorer le statut des femmes dans divers secteur dans l’Algérie et la méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
présidente de l’association.
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire général

L'Onde & Cybele

National Network

2-6, rue Duc
75018 Paris

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'équipe de l'Onde & Cybèle est composée d'un directeur, une administratrice, une chargée de production et de diffusion ainsi qu'une chargée de communication à mi-temps. Les ressources budgétaires annuelles de l'association sont de 315 000 €. Les principales sources de financement sont : l’Institut français et le réseau français à l’étranger, la Mairie de Paris, la DRAC Ile-de-France, le Ministère de la Culture, la Région Ile-de-France, l’ADAMI, le FCM, la SACEM, la SPEDIDAM, l’ONDA, le CNV-Aides au festivals, la fondation STREGO, la fondation SNCF, Paris Habitat et la Fondation Orange. Nos principales structures partenaires sont : Le théâtre Garonne à Toulouse, le GRIM et le MUCEM à Marseille, les Instituts français de Tunisie, du Liban et d’Egypte, l’association Chantier-Libre en Tunisie, le festival D-Caf en Egypte et le festival irtijal au Liban la Maison de la Poésie, la Maison de la musique de Nanterre, Bonlieu –Scène nationale d'Annecy, Institut des Cultures d'Islam, le Centre Fleury Goutte d'Or, la Fête de la Goutte d'Or, l’Institut Français, la scène Nationale de St Quentin en Yvelines, la Mairie de Pantin, la Mairie de Paris, la Région Île-de-France.
Mission and Objectives

Dès 1999, dans les quartiers populaires du nord de Paris jusqu’à la création du festival La Voix est Libre en 2005, l’activité artistique de Blaise Merlin, dans un va-et-vient entre création et programmation, fonde ce que deviendra L’Onde & Cybèle. Forte de dix ans de réalisations, l’Onde & Cybèle se positionne résolument sur le terrain du soutien à la jeune création dans un souci constant de promouvoir la rencontre entre les artistes de différentes cultures, les professionnels et les acteurs de territoires situés à l’avant-garde des enjeux économiques et culturels de notre temps. Entre découvertes et créations, L’Onde & Cybèle élabore une identité artistique affirmée, dans un esprit d’invention et de dialogue défiant toutes formes de repli identitaire, brisant les frontières entre l’écrit et l’improvisé, le populaire et le savant, les genres et les générations, les formes orales ou contemporaines, traditionnelles ou urbaines. L’Onde & Cybèle produit des manifestations artistiques à fois ancrées localement et rayonnant sur le plan national et international :

. Jazz Nomades/La Voix est Libre à Paris depuis 2005 (Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Maison de la Poésie, Institut du Monde Arabe…), exporté depuis 2009 au Théâtre Garonne à Toulouse, à Bonlieu-Scène Nationale d’Annecy, à la Comédie de Béthune, au Channel-scène nationale de Calais. Dans le souffle du Printemps Arabe, le projet sest implanté depuis 2013 les Pays du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient sous l’égide de l’Institut Français, en Tunisie, en Égypte et au Liban.

. Rhizomes, festival de musiques du monde organisé chaque été depuis 2004 dans les espaces verts et le long des canaux du 18ème et de la Seine-Saint-Denis.
Ces manifestations marquent des temps forts en associant un public très mélangé, issu de nos dix années d’action et de réflexion conjuguées sur les formes artistiques émergeantes et leur lien avec les territoires, notamment à travers les lieux de diffusion, de vie et de partage implantés dans les quartiers populaires. Ces temps forts permettent la reconnaissance publique, médiatique et professionnelle d’un travail de fond mené toute l’année sous forme de recherches, créations et rencontres transdisciplinaires (résidences, programmations et actions pédagogiques organisées en lien avec des structures partenaires).

Devenu une plate-forme innovante d’échange et de coopération à l’échelle internationale, s’inscrivant dès 12 dans le vent de liberté soufflant sur le Monde Arabe et les espoirs qu’il suscite en terme d’ouverture et de dialogue, associant des personnalités scientifiques, politiques et philosophiques de renom (Edouard Glissant, Albert Jacquard, Hubert Reeves, Youssef Seddik…), attirant les pionniers et les espoirs les plus talentueux venus de la danse, du cirque, du hip-hop ou des musiques traditionnelles, le festival La Voix est Libre porte aujourd’hui les espoirs d’une génération de citoyens qui ne se reconnaissent plus dans l’uniformisation et la segmentation rampantes de nos moyens de production, de diffusion et de communication…et encore moins dans les replis identitaires ou religieux qu’elles suscitent en retour.
Associant des acteurs indépendants, publics ou privés dans chacun des pays visités, notre programme dynamise un paysage en pleine recomposition, favorisant les échanges entre différentes cultures et différentes disciplines, dressant des ponts entre tradition et invention, permettant de faire découvrir des artistes de haut niveau à un public qui n'y avait pas accès, favorisant le développement international et la circulation d'artistes français et étrangers avides d’échanges et de rencontres.
Pour ce faire, notre association développe des outils de production et d'administration adaptés à des pratiques nouvelles, croisant les désirs et aspirations communes à des artistes de différentes cultures, confrontant les « savoirs-frères » et les pratiques, y compris sur le plan technique et administratif, notamment à-travers la création et accompagnement de structures indépendantes dans les pays concernés.

Main Projects / Activities

En 2015, les activités principales de l’association sont les suivantes :

• Production, programmation et organisation de la 12ème édition du festival Jazz Nomades/La Voix est libre en 2015  (la 10ème au Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, 1ère au cirque Electrique). Impressionnante mobilisation publique, professionnelle et médiatique, production et diffusion de plusieurs créations originales. Dans le cadre de notre partenariat avec la Maison de la Poésie, une soirée de prélude y a été organisée la veille du lancement du festival.

• Export du festival La Voix est Libre avec la troisième édition internationale à Beyrouth (Liban) après une tournée au Liban et en Egypte en 2014 ponctuée par de nombreuses créations, dont certaines présentées ensuite en France. :

• Lancement du Festival La Voix est Libre / El Chanti en Tunisie (Tunis/Le Kef), avec la crétion d’une strcture dédiée (Chantier Libre), sous la co-direction artistique de Bakhta Ben Tara.

• Production, création et organisation de la 14ème édition de Rhizomes dans le 18ème arrondissement et en Seine-Saint Denis :

• Organisation d’ateliers de pratique artistique à la Goutte d’Or :

• Organisation d'un concert dans les Jardins de l'Hôpital Bretonneau où les personnes du 3ème âge et personnels de l'Hôpital se mêlent au public du festival Rhizomes.

• Diffusion de créations initiées dans le cadre de Jazz Nomades/La Voix est Libre.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En dix ans, le festival La Voix est Libre à la fois devenu une plateforme innovante d’échanges euro-méditerranéen, et une vitrine et un laboratoire de la jeune création sur le plan national. Au-delà de la joie partagée lors de soirées à l’ambiance inénarrable à Beyrouth, Tunis, Le Caire ou Alexandrie en passant par Toulouse, Annecy, Calais… la Voix est Libre propose des solutions vivantes au problème de la création et la diffusion de langages communs dans un contexte de crise et de profonde mutation, prouvant qu’entre une uniformisation à marche forcée et les replis identitaires, culturels ou religieux qu’elle provoque en retour, il existe une zone de « libre-étrange », une infinité de trajectoires qu’il est urgent de laisser s’épanouir.

En rejoignant le réseau Anna Lindh, nous souhaitons continuer de favoriser l’émergence des formes d’expression issues de la diversité sociale et culturelle, défendre l’ouverture, l’exigence et l’intégrité de ces formes d’expression face aux critères de production parfois dépassés de nos institutions. Fédérer au niveau régional les habitants et les acteurs sociaux, culturels et éducatif d’un même territoire autour de l’importance de ces richesses et de leur impact positif sur le vivre-ensemble et le développement local. Continuer à développer des outils de production et de diffusion adaptés à des formes de création et de rencontre non formatées, issus de la collision fertile entre les cultures, les genres et les générations, en attirant des programmateurs venus du monde entier.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Depuis 2011, La Voix est Libre est identifié par l’Institut Français et de nombreux partenaires publics ou privés en tant que projet prioritaire en matière de coopération artistique avec le Moyen-Orient, pour sa manière unique de s’attaquer aux enjeux de la libre expression, du multiculturalisme, des liens entre tradition et modernité, pour la qualité et l’impact grandissant de ses réalisations qui favorisent la rencontre in situ entres artistes pionniers et émergeants de différentes disciplines, pour sa capacité d’adaptation à des contextes sensibles avec le concours d’acteurs locaux jeunes et très dynamiques, pour sa manière de faire résonner et raisonner ce travail avec les questions fondamentales de diversité, de vie et de hasard soulevées par les grandes découvertes du XXe siècle (génétique, jazz et physique quantique, paléoanthropologie, ethnomusicologie…).
Rejoindre le réseau Anna Lindh nous permettra de renforcer notre projet en tant que plate-forme innovante d'échanges et de coopération artistique sensible aux enjeux du multiculturalisme, de la liberté et de la transversalité, et d’atteindre de nouveaux partenaires partageant les mêmes désirs et les mêmes exigences éthiques et professionnelles dans un souci permanent d’échange et de collaboration.
Depuis 2013, c’est une jeunesse avide de découverte, de liberté et d'altérité qui a accueilli nos projets au Liban, en Égypte et en Tunisie, avec des tournées associant plus de 50 artistes de ces 3 pays à autant d’artistes français, donnant lieu à une douzaine de création à  Beyrouth, Tunis, Le Kef, Le Caire et Alexandrie, lors de soirées d’une richesse et d’une intensité rares avec les publics. Incarnant un paysage en plein renouveau, bénéficiant d'un ancrage fort, nos partenaires de renommée internationale tels que le festival Irtijal à Beyrouth, le festival D-CAF au Caire, Rézodanse ou l’Université Léopold Senghor à Alexandrie, permettent de toucher un large public au cœur de ces villes en ébullition. En retour de ces voyages, les artistes français et étrangers sont amenés à présenter le fruit de leurs rencontres sur la scène des Bouffes du Nord, de la Maison de la Poésie, de l’Institut du Monde Arabe, du Théâtre Garonne à Toulouse, de la Friche de la Belle de Mai à Marseille. Tous les acteurs impliqués (IF, artistes, partenaires locaux) expriment le souhait de pérenniser ces actions avec déjà de nombreux jalons posés pour les années à venir.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Roland
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Blaise Merlin
Contact (2) Full Name
Blaise Merlin
Job Title (2)

Fanni Raghman Anni

National Network

14 Rue Iraq 1002 Lafayette Tunis, Tunisie
1002 Tunis

00216 71 848 191
Telephone (other)
00 216 71 848 195
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 21626111632
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Fanni Raghman Anni was born in a Tunisian civil society in full construction phase and within an extraordinary cultural and associative movement.  FRA is a resident Association in Tunis (Tunisia), regulated by the Decree Law N° 2011-88 of September 24, 2011, and founded on 21 January 2013. This independent initiative is not related to any political or religious structure. its stracture is composed of the administrative board who is responsible of taking decision and putting the vision and the strategic plans. Then there is the executive board, composed of the administrative and financial department and the artistic  and public relations department.  The emplyed staff in our Ngo are 4 full time employee and 3 part time emplyee.  Our partners are diverse , international and national. in the international level we are partner with the European union, the NED, the Minority rights international group, Action Aid, Cultural ressources, the European Endowment for Democracy... in the national level , we are member of unofficial network of tunisian organizations working to defend human rights and dignity and to achieve and protect the priniciples of the revolution.  The main activities of our organization are production, performance, and diffusion in one part and trainings in a second part. Besides, we have an experience in the cultural relief (refugee camps in North Africa and the Middle East) as in the cultural management. We support and develop local talents of both sexes, and give them the opportunity to create a cultural space in their communities, making it possible for them to pursue their fight for their rights and for the eradication of all forms of exclusion. We provide these groups with means of expression, education, advocacy, recovery, innovation and communication through practical programs such as debate sessions, training workshops, etc.  

Mission and Objectives

 Our vision is an equal society without discrimination and marginalization. Our Mission is the defense of human rights, and positive change of our community through innovative creative cultural alternative ways.    we educate, train, aware, cultivate, and enlighten people. We give them the ways to change their communities, to make it a better place to live in dignity, to enjoy their rights: political, social, cultural and economical through some innovative creative artistic ways. Our work strategy focuses on the following points:   Art for positive change   An independent and engaged  culture   Liberate the public space   Defending and advocating human rights   Strengthen the role of youth and women in decision making   Strengthening the cultural decentralization,   Promote the cultural relief   Support the cultural management,   Supporting the democratic governance

Main Projects / Activities

Caravan Artist for my rights (01) Caravan Artist for my rights (02) : Performance of advocacy that support the idea of decentralization in the form of a caravan in Tunisian areas that suffer of deprivation of Rights, followed by a short trainings in each region for 03 days period in which there is  workshops on human rights, in addition to artistic interactive panel discussions and exchange of experiences. Art is citizenship ... Citizenship is art. : an educational project consisting in some artistic and civic internships for a period of 07 consecutive months through which the formation of more than 120 young men and women from the area '' Sayda  '' and '' wardiya » and they are most  the neighborhoods of the capital  marginalized and dangerous, and has been organization of a performance dancing show titled '' El sayda . '' Produced and performed of the targeted youth groups. Artistic Camp : A closed training, held in Mestir, elbkalta,that lasted 10 days, for 35 youth from both sex, from all the national level, giving the proprieties to these from deprived interior areas. It has 5 workshops that combine between arts and human rights. The participants were committed to produce an artistic performance that defends universal human rights. It is more than an artistic residence or a normal training, it is a free space based on respect of others, of time, which its slogan is: engagement, respect, citizenship, then arts and creativity.  Zamken Amazigh : An artistic production combining theater, plastic arts, alternative dance, music and values of human rights, to raise awareness about the risk of loss of the Amazigh civilization by pushing Amazigh, being a minority group to engage in the process of positive change in the community using art according to a logic respecting the rights and freedoms.  St’ART GOV LAB : A laboratory in local governance and cultural management for 35 young people to create cultural, artistic projects, followed by a competition for the best three artistic / cultural projects about local governance. The best projects selected by the jury will have the financial and technical support.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network in diverse ways, first through our contact with the local population, then through our local partners, and also through sharing our experience in arts for social change. in fact, we work with over 500 young people in all Tunisian regions, specifically those in the disadvantaged interior regions.We use our resources, our influence and experience to help people find their own solutions. And one of our strategic activities is organizing Artistic performances that are based on interactive and provocative improvisational techniques by involving the public in the theatrical play, which in turn criticize the situation of social and political crisis, especially at the level of enjoyment of Rights and Freedoms. Besides to all that we can give trainings in such different fields. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Alf Network is an opportunity that will open new doors for our organization work. In fact, meeting different civil society organisations across Europe and the Mediterranean , and building new partnerships and adopting new common strategies in aim empower the intercultural dialogue, are such important motivations in joining the ALF Network.  Being member of the ALF Network will enable us to share our experience, besides to learn from other's experiences. It is exchanging and peer to peer learning. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Seif Eddine Jlassi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Seif Eddine Jlassi
Contact (2) Full Name
Asma Kaouech
Job Title (2)
Administrative Manager

Creative Industries Agency Global

National Network

Carrer Collsabadell, 11, bjs 4
Carrer Pujades, 126
08450 Llinars del Valles

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Creative Industries Agency Global is a non-for-profit organization aiming at teeritory developemnt and prosperity through the support of creative industries and local comunities. We established our Agency in 2015. The members of the organization are activists in various sector of creative industries. The projects we have run together as well as individually led us to the idea to unite our forces within on non-for-rpofit organization. We come from Spain, Russia, Marrocco, Italy and Sweden. We do hope to expand our network soon. We are planning to act in the Southern Europe and the middle East as it corresponds to our ideas of how to make a Medditerranian area a better place to live. Overall frame of our activities is creating conditions of good-neighbourhoodness for fruitful collaboration of cities and territories.  
Mission and Objectives

Creative Industries Agency activities:
• Shaping innovation strategies of territorial development via culture and creativity;
• Adopting new approaches to the economy of culture (social entrepreneurship in the field of culture, private public partnership and endowment);
• Researching, monitoring and analysis of the situation within the creative industries and their influence on the economy and the city environment;
• Promoting projects in creative economy sectors and cultural entrepreneurship;
• Sharing experiences in creative industries best practice at an international level and promoting the Russian experience in creative industries development;
• Organizing and delivering various educational programmes;
• Supporting freedom of creativity and unlocking the creative potential of our citizens as the main engine of the creative economy;
• Facilitating networks among creative professionals.
Agency implements research, consulting and educational projects. For example:
• Part-time educational program for creative entrepreneurs from all over Russia «School for Creative Entrepreneurs»(2012-2014)
• Summer Schools on creative economy for the students of Russian universities, scholars of Oxford Russia Fund (2007 - 2015).
• Online Legal Center for creative entrepreneurs from all over Russia (February - May 2013).
• Creative Business Cup 2013 and 2014. Russian stage of the International Competition of Creative Entrepreneurs (2013 - 2015).
• Organization of a professional study trip for Moscow creative entrepreneurs to Copenhagen, Denmark (2014).
• Educational program «Starting Business in Creative Industries» for the Moscow entrepreneurs with the support  of Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship (2014).

Main Projects / Activities

Smart Eco-CArd
A winner of British Council Programme "Our shared Future"
The project is aiming at engaing local communities of the Mediterranian area to take part in eco-activities in order to raise people`s awareness in ecological sustainability. Various cultural institutions support the project through offering free access to theatres, music halls, musuems, galleries in order to encourage people to take part in the project aswell as to benefit them for collaboration.
Every participant is provided by a smart-card. All actions done by a participant (e.g. bringing glass to recycle centre, recycling clothes, participating in seminars etc.) were stored as bonus points in the card of the participant. Those bonuses then can be exchanged for any cltural service provided by the project.
Our experts spread the word in professional community about the effectiveness of territory development through culture and creative entrepreneurship. 
IAs an example, in the attached file there is a presentation of our board member, who is aswell an expert of our partner organization in Russia. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a wide network of experts we have worked with and we are building a database of experts wishing to help Meditteranian area grow. The database will be available in our website or can be integrated to the exisiting ones. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to find partners for our possible future projects, we would like to offer our resources to members of network aswell. We also are thinking of grant possibilities in the area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elizaveta Kiseleva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elizaveta Kiseleva

Caritas of Vilnius Archdiocese

National Network

Odminių str. 12
11203 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Vilnius Archdioceses Caritas has been established in 1989 by Archbishop of Vilnius. For the poor of Vilnius Archdioceses Caritas is implementing 40 different activities. Help is provided for approximately  12 thousand people.  We have 150 employees and 600 volunteers. Budgetary resources available in a year  - 1,8 ml. Eur. Sources of funding Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): EU structural, National and regional funds, private donations and donations fom Vilnius archdiocese. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Lithuanian Prisoners' Aid Society; Lithuanian Order of Malta; Vilnius probation service; Lithuanian Food Bank; Health Charity Foundation "CORDIS"; Vilniaus Rotaract club; Internet newspaper „“; Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania; Lithuanian City of London Club

Mission and Objectives

Mission – unite and develop Vilnius Archdioceses for charitable mission, society - for social justice and responsibility. Objectives: • Sensitization and activation of Vilnius Archdioceses church community for acts of merciful love and justice. • Coordination of the Catholic Social initiatives acting within  Vilnius Archdioceses • Recruitment, training and support of workers in the charitable field ( parish coordinators, volunteers, institution staff) •    Implementation of innovative social projects. • Sensitization of Vilnius Archdioceses church community for the global issues. •     Rapid response to unexpected emergencies within the diocese.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organisation of volunteers and formation of  local community - Operating centres/ branches: 10 day centres for children; Care home for Single Mother’s and children; Refugee Integration Center; Foreigners Integration Program; Hostels for homeless; 2 homeless day centre; 2 charity canteens; Rehabilitation and integration community for addicted people; Temporary Care Home for children; Support program for victims; - Social business structures: social café, candle workshop

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Development and support of partnership at national and a whole association’s network. - Sharing know – how in work with social exclusion groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Partnership possibilities - Possibility of developing programs and projects together. - Possibility of creating new contacts with all members of the association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Audrone Kairiene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Audrone Kairiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Egle Maseviciute
Job Title (2)

Gain&sustain:europe; Verein zur Förderung von Kulturaustausch und Nachhaltigkeit

National Network

Kernstockgasse 11/58
8020 Graz

0043 650 6348883
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The association "gain&sustain:europe" was founded in 2009 in Graz, Austria, and exists at the moment of ten enthusiastic young people at the age between 18 and 30 years. We don't have permanent staff, it is lead by 2 people that are engaged in international training affairs, Sabrina Schifrer & Martina Maria Linzer. We are very much involved in Erasmus+ projects and organize international training courses here in Austria and send youngsters to our partner seminars in other countries. Our partner network is huge and we are working with NGOs and youth initiatives all over the world.
Mission and Objectives

The organisation aims to support social, economic and ecological sustainability in Europe and also developing countries all over the world. In the centre of our activity stands the desegregation of politics, society and economy with youngsters in the global context and the step in to an open dialogue and a generation of valuable common strategies for the present and the future. As our major task we see the interlinking and consultation of youngsters in connection with international, multicultural events and EU projects to promote awareness in the direction of tolerance, EU citizenship and cultural diversity with the generation of tomorrow. The main objective of the association is the interlinking of single organisations and individuals, above all youngsters, around subjects like sustainability and social entrepreneurship in order to give space to innovation & creativity and to allow a cultural exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects are diverse and in a high number. Just to mention a few of them: Miracool is our newest project about missions for people that want to do great things every day. Please visit our website: there you find all our projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can use our international contacts to promote the Anna Lindh Foundation. Furthermore we are willing to contribute in local events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network because we see it as an opportunity of the expansion of our network and the application for grants that are available for innovative projects. We are always developing international projects in order to create a society based on the values of trust and happiness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabrina Schifrer
Head of the organisation
Martina Maria Linzer