Pi Youth Association

National Network

Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sokak No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak / İzmir
35210 İzmir/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Founding works of Pi Youth Association started on March 14 in 2014 (Pi= 3, 14). 6 mission topics were determined in accordance with the development in the world-Europe and the requirement of our youth. It was founded for the youth’s progress of capacity, helping for developing positive behavior/ attitude, contributing to knowledge and skill of the youth and carrying on works aimed at solution of the youth’s problem. Pi Youth Association carries out activities regularly for their young members and volunteers. Besides it produces and conducts national projects, develops partnership on the determined 6 mission topics. Especially the youth in particular to classified as woman, person with disability, refugee, minority and in disadvantaged on the subject of sociality, economy, geography etc. – each individual who lives in Turkey ( between 15- 30 years) is focus group of Pi Youth Association  
Mission and Objectives

We are sustaining 6 mission which we identified for youth and other associations which are working on youth working area.These missions are civil society capacıty building,technology based development,helathy life,time for volunteering,social media analysis and the youth rıghts and problems.

Main Projects / Activities

Our association, which carries on capacity building activities for civil society organisations that are active on the field of youth, produces and apply projects, and builds partnerships. It also ascertains deficiencies of the civil society organisations (NGO- Non-governmental organisation) and tries to fill these deficiencies.
For development, economic capacity should also be increased. This is a problem which can be solved by improving service or products with high added values. We are carrying out activities to develop the society in which the youth lives with high added values technology products/services.
A healthy society consists of healthy individuals. In order to guarantee the society health in the future, the youth should be provided to have a positive manner and behaviour about a healthy life. For the purpose of contribution, Pi Youth Association carries out projects about this topic, too.
While Pi Youth Association tries to involve more youngsters to civil society works and make volunteering more common escpecially among youngsters, it also carries out several awareness-raising and disemination activities in order to keep the volunteering sustainable. Time for volunteering is about how many hours you take part in voluntary work in a week.
Recent fast development in technology has led to emerge the concept of social media. Now, social media is so common that it has become a field which exercises influnce over the youth for 24 hours. Hence, it has a big effect on the youngsters. This field, where they can reach anything in an easy and fast way, is a kind of field that each institution working on youth activities should have knowledge about it.
Education, access to information, minority youngsters, young women, disabled youngsters, the youth rights, the youth problems, the youth policy being in the first place, particularly for the disadvantaged ones among 15-30 years old, any kind of projects, activities and events are in Pi Youth Association’s line.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our associaition has experiences about Erasmus Plus ,Turkey-German Youth Bridge which are presenting facilities to young people for cultural interaction and so on.. We want use these experiences for other networks.Furthermore we want to implement our local projects which are based on active participation of young people to social life and young people's rights.Our association works based on projects.Not only we apply for projects but also we conduct many works on local which are regarding with our missions.We want to carry out our experience which are  our missions,management of volunteering,visibility and extensification, with members of this network.By the way we can also carry out this network's activities on local with support of public and private sector

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are aware of importance of participating to either  local and international networks and sharing of experiences and informations on these network.After we participate to Anna Lindth Foundation we will enlarge our capacity about democracy,human rights,media and cultural interaction and we will produce more projects.Also we will  facilitate from experiences and informations of these associations which are members of Anne Lindth Foundation with conducting projects and making partnerships also we will have chance to conduct new project with these associations.We will have chance to spread our local activities to international area and we will be informed about other projects which are carrying out on different areas and we will have chance to conduct these projects on our local area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sinem Kocaman
Job Title
Contact Person
Head of the organisation
Begum Intepeler

Mahira Idrizovic

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Porodice Foht 95
Bosnia & Herzegovina

00387 61 326 914
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
I am Mahira Idrizović and I want to aks you to add me on your network organization. Currently am work as consultant - individual consultant, and before that I worked as Program manager in NGO Gariwo - it si branch office NGO Gariwo Italy. I hope you acept my request for network and hope we will good collaboration in future. Thnak you, Mahira
Mission and Objectives

As I wrote before, I am individual participant - consultant

Main Projects / Activities

A have a lot of projects when I worked as individual and also as a memeber of NGO Gariwo,
There are: Education in High school and University in all Bosina and Herzegovina about Civil Courage,
Organize a lot of promotion and Book lunch for very important people in the Civil Courage World etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahira Idrizoivć
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Réseau Euro-Méditerranée pour l'Education à la Citoyenneté et à la Transculturalité REMECT

National Network

18 rue jean balde
33000 bordeaux

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Réseau Euro-Méditerranée pour l'Education à la Citoyenneté et à la Transculturalité un réseau apolitique régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 et le décret du 16 août 1901, ayant pour titre « Réseau Euro-méditerranéen pour l'Education à la Citoyenneté et à la transculturalité » 
Mission and Objectives

Le Réseau a pour but :
• Soutenir les principes universelles des droits de l'homme tel qu'ils sont prévus par les conventions internationales des
droits de l'homme, et qui figurent dans la Déclaration de Barcelone, qui a été signé par les gouvernements des pays
européens ainsi que les pays du Sud et de l'Est de la Méditerranée («pays partenaires»), en Novembre 1995 à

Main Projects / Activities

• Promouvoir et soutenir les efforts visant à rapprocher les peuples des deux rives de la Méditerranée.
• Eduquer à la citoyenneté méditerranéenne
• Promouvoir le dialogue inter-culturel.
•Promouvoir les valeurs de la démocratie, des droits de l'homme et du dialogue
• Promouvoir la justice sociale.

Contact (1) Full Name
lekbir el harrak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
lekbir el harrak
Contact (2) Full Name
zagrouba dhakouin
Job Title (2)
secrétaire général


National Network

Moh'd Ali al Saadi st. , B.210

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Oxygen is a registered nonprofit organization. It is located in Amman and started in june 2015 to promote social developmen and creative education in an nonformal methods, art expression tactics and international cooperation. Oxygen works with children and youth from the age10 to 30 years old. T he main purpose of this organization is to introduce the participants to exotic life experiences and opportunities where a space of comfort is found to express, develop and learn better perspective of life understandings. And also to support productive youth learning about equality and peacefulnessin their community.   We also encourage young people to be responsible for their societies needs. This is when Oxygen takes part to involve the youth in a nonformal education with an international cooperation.
Mission and Objectives

First mission of oxygen to rise awareness among young people to respect the environment by recycling, renewable energy and agricultural projects. This way we motivate them to value nature and to inspire other people around them.
Oxygen second mission is for children and young people to eknowledge Art education and brainstorme ideas.
Express creative massages to be shared with the society through lming, Art & crafts and workshops. A hope for a brighter future away from stereotypes and bad habits and instead self- development and positive atmosphere.
Our third mission to builds strong partnership with multiple organizations and movements from around the world. We look forward to strengthen the relationships and bonds with particular nations. We can prove intercultural dialogue, gain and share experiences, develop techniques and methods of education, host and send and coordinate actions, youth exchanges, youth gathering and volunteering opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

we had multiple experience in projects with children and young people focused on teaching art techniques like stencil, screen printing and painting to develop creativity and self-development in the society through non-formal methods and way of education by workshops and trainings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

being an active member of the network, share the knowledge and seek for development, supporting the mission of the network and strength the internal cooperation, share ideas and response to duties, respect teamwork and encourage creativity, shared resources and connect opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to strength our networking cooperation and meet the new opportunities, and to rise experiences and share knowledge, learn tactics and methods, and take an active part in such a powerful network which can change the impact of our work with society and goals achievements.

Contact (1) Full Name
Qais turki masadeh
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Qais Masadeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Urwa ahmad mehrem
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator

Environment Protection Organisation Nobilis

National Network

A.Schulteissa 19
40000 Čakovec

+40 395148
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
+385 998632460
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Full name of the Association is: "Environment Protection Organiznation Nobilis".The abbreviated name of the Association is: ZEON. Association is chaired by the President, Board of Directors and Supervisory Board that oversees the work of the whole organization. The General Assembly is the highest governing body of the Association and consists of all members. At the time we are having 24 members of which one is employed for a specified time. Most partnership was established with associations in Croatia and Europe, regional and state bodies and educational institutions. ZEON is member of many environmental networks such as Drava League, Danube Environmental, Green Forum and Forum Green Phone. We are beeing foundet through donations and local, state and EU projects. Last year we established 70.000,00 kn (Approximately 9.500,00 €) of  income. Most of our projects consist of workshops, seminars and research work.

Mission and Objectives

Mission of ZEON is to encourage and promote a responsible attitude factors in the community for nature, the environment, cultural heritage and sustainable development. Objectives of the Association are: - Protection of nature, environment, sustainable development; - Support to the development of civil society, volunteerism and active participation of young people; - Promoting and supporting lifelong learning and non-formal education; - Humanitarian action in accordance with special regulations and laws; - To encourage, promote and develop social responsibility and business, eco-social economy and social entrepreneurship; - Performing other activities that contribute to achieving the objectives of the establishment by the Statute in accordance with law.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003., ZEON is a member of Green Phone network (a partnership which consists of leading Croatian environmental NGOs) which solves environmental issues. Also since 2003., every year we conduct campaign of "Where do you put your garbage" with which we put Međimurje County in the top of the waste managing counties in Croatia. Of the bigger projects that we carried out we would like to highlight a project called "Civil Dialogue for Better Environment" which was started in 2013 and funded by the EU. The goal of the project was to build the capacity of environmental NGOs to monitor and enforce Aarhus Convention in Croatia, with an emphasis on access to justice, strengthening cooperation between public authorities at national and local levels, and academic institutions with environmental NGOs. Along with projects of bigger scope which are carried out on a Croatian terittory, we also organize non-stop workshops on the protection of the environment and nature for all ages, organizing public actions and work for a better community. For its work, ZEON was rewarded with some notable rewards in Croatia. Achievements and notable rewards: - Charta Rabuziana, 22nd April, in 1996. - Acknowledgment State Environmental protection Administration in class education, 5th June in 1996. - EKO-OSCAR for general contribution to environmental protection Croatia, 5th June 2003. - Zrinski award and approval for achievements in environmental protection and nature Međimurja, 29th April 2014.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For a long time we are following your organization so we decided to join in. We like your work, ease of mating and your concern for the community so we decided to be a part of such a size.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Bajsić Mavrin
Head of the organisation
Ana Bajsić Mavrin
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Support Group Network (SGN)

National Network

Kungsladugårdsväg 5
46254 Vänersborg

+46 841002722
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

In August 2014, Support Group started and after two years in July 2016 it become officially licensed organization called Support Group Network (SGN).

Support Group Network (SGN), is a non-profit organization initiated by refugees and collaborates with local societies to improve integration and inclusion of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants, for whom SGN provides psychosocial support through creating need-based activities and projects aiming to enhance their future in Europe or home countries if they go back.

SGN functions as an umbrella that gathers associations and individuals efforts aiming to help and support asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants to be included in the hosting countries through need-based activities and projects. 

Mission and Objectives

SGN mission is all about empower and encourage refugees and migrants' own initiatives and support them in all areas: (social, cultural, education, sports, health and psychological care).

- Make refugees actors and stakeholders for their own affairs.

- Gather advocacy for asylum seeker, refugee and migrant cases at all levels.

- Facilitate the academic inclusion of refugees who wish to complete their higher studies, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree. Promote the understanding of society's norms to create a better integration and inclusion of children, young people, adults and families and give them the tools to become active members of society, with a main focus on: diversity, gender equality, women's and young people's empowerment and children's rights protection.

- Increase the employability of refugees and support them to start their own business.

- Support the graduates to validate their certificates to contribute their experiences to their new communities.

Main Projects / Activities
  • Refugee ed projectEffective methods in education, mental health and psychosocial support for the integration of refugee children.
  • Youth Center: A meeting place for children and young people for meaningful activity, learning and better everyday life.
  • NEETs for NEETs: 

Support Group Network participates in the Erasmus+ project NEETs for NEETs - Improving inclusive methods to empowering young adults together with partners in Norway, Sweden, Germany and Belgium.

The project aims to prevent exclusion in order to get the target group into work or further education, in addition to increasing the teachers' competence. The project focuses on including NEETs and empowering them. The ReACT model has a central role in the project. The model was developed by refugees at Sweden's largest asylum reception, Restad Gård, in 2014. When the waiting time at the asylum reception was over a year, the refugees themselves took the initiative to share their knowledge and skills with other refugees so that they could create meaning in the long waiting time and build something for the future.

  • Next step Sweden:

The purpose of the project is to increase the self-sufficiency of the target group of asylum seekers and to improve the mental state. This means that the project must work with health-promoting activities as well as guide and supervise the target group, improve the conditions for employment/practice or that entrepreneurs are given the conditions to start and run sustainable businesses.

Support Group Network's relationship with asylum seekers and new arrivals together with the developed cooperation model provides unique conditions for asylum seekers, new arrivals and foreign-born to achieve increased self-sufficiency.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bilal Almobarak
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Adnan Adnan Abdul Ghani
Contact (2) Full Name
Eman Albohtori
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Vlora Youth Center

National Network

Pallati i Kultures "Laberia", kati i pare, Vlore, Albania

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Vlora Youth Center is a non-profit organization operating in the Vlora Region with public interest in mind, for the respect of human rights and democracy, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, wiht respect to the law and international agreements. The bodies of VYC are: Assembly of Members, Executive Council, The President. The staff of the organization is composed 4 full time and 2 part time employees.

Euro VYC work is focused on: 1) Direct engagement of the youth as agents of change at the local level. 2) Cooperation with local authorities by developing common strategies. VYC has collaborated with different donors and agencies: OPIC, European Union, US Embassy in Tirana, USAID, UNICEF, Marche Regional Authority, Italian Consortium of Solidarity, UNDP etc.

Mission and Objectives

The organization is based on the principles of justice and social and economic solidarity, democratic participation in the life of the community,  promotional of civil, social and human rights, and voluntarism. • The Center undertakes and supports the development of youth policies and promotion of human rights and social integration of people in need. We pay particular attention to the situation and difficulties of children, youth, people with disabilities and women. • The Center has the objective to offer youth and children, without political, religious, cultural, gender, race or nationality discrimination, services to benefit their integration in work, study and society as a whole. • The Center has the objective to promote international relations of youth, with the objective of reinforcing the relation between populations and cultural collaboration. In this field the Center tends to promote principles of peaceful coexistence between populations and nationalities.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects: “Youth empowerment through participation and monitoring policies in local level” January 2012 – December 2015, financed by Sweden and  Olof Palme International Center "Actions at local level to promote innovative ideas of building partnerships between men and women for gender equality and a society free from violence" September 2015- September 2016, financed by UNDP Albania "Empowerment of first time voters as gender equality advocates for local election 2015" May 2015-October 2015, financed by UN Women Albania "Vlora Youth Vote" April 2015- September 2015, financed by Embassy of the United States in Tirana SOCIALNET – Social and cooperative cluster of cross-border cooperation January 2013 – June 2014, financed by Delegation of European Union in Albania, IPA CBC Greece - Albania Activities: • Campaigns and extracurricular training programs that promote youth and community participation in elections, decision-making processes, gender equality and civic participation. • Career education and employment counseling for young people through youth entrepreneurship development and financial management skills training courses • Youth Networking in and out of the country • Social, health and education services to at risk groups • Environmental, sports and cultural activities to promote environmental awareness and healthy lifestyles at an early age

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

VYC has been working with the community of Vlorë for many years. Through strong networking we have developed open communication with the Municipality, community leaders and centers of influence, youth, NGOs and community members. We have developed a positive image and reputation as an organization that was created by the people of Vlorë and for them.  Anna Lindh Foundation has a mission to promote various matters ranging from religion, areas of cultural convergence, tolerance, cultural understanding, avoidance of stereotypes, etc. We believe that our organization has a strong understanding of promoting various causes including those in your mission. The ability of an organization to mobilize members of their community to promote a cause, whether it is gender equality or religious tolerance, is of the upmost importance. Our long standing positive image and work history has given us the ability to mobilize community members in large numbers to promote various causes which include but are not limited to: gender equality, first time voter education, development of a youth action plan along with the local Municipality, open forums with Mayoral candidates to discuss community issues at large, and much more.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

VYC is consistently looking to continue our collaborative efforts with various NGOs and community based organizations. We believe that working with organizations from the Euro Mediterranean partnership will allow us to learn and share best practices, conduct civil society exchanges, promote an understanding of cultures, and much more which are missions of Anna Lindh Foundation. As an organization that was built organically from the ground up we understand the importance of collaboration and working jointly with others to promote various matters. Our organization has thrived due to our networking abilities and we want to continue this through ALF and branch outside of our country to work with partners who we hope will provide us with new and inspirational insight.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elidon Lamani
Job Title
President of the Organisation
Head of the organisation
Elidon Lamani
Contact (2) Full Name
Alketa Dhimitri
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Associazione per l'ambasciata della democrazia locale a Zavidovici

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Omladinska 10.
72220 Zavidovici
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation currently has 3 employees and around 10 active volunteers in various activities. The employees are: - Sladjan Ilic, head of office - in charge of organisation represantation, organisation management, overall project management, budgeting, networking, fundraising, and all other aspects of organisation leadership; - Jasna Zvekic, project manager - in charge of project implementation, organisation of project activities, administrative aspects of project management, project drafting, fundraising, specifically asigned to projects regarding citizen participation, human rights and gender equality etc.; - Dino Sinanovic, local assistant - in charge of specific tasks in project implementation, administrative assistance, drafting of various documents and articles, specifically asigned to projects involving youth, education, volunteers etc. - budgetary resources depend on approved projects and vary; - sources of funding are mostly project based, and LDA Zavidovici is a beneficiary of an EU operating grant within Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue. LDA Zavidovici is a member of ALDA, European association for local democracy, a European network which gathers more than 150 members, including local authorities, authorities associations, NGOs, and individuals from more than 30 countries. Basic characteristic of ALDA and her members is promotion of good governance and citizen's participation on a local level.
Mission and Objectives

- Our mission is to support the process of democratization by strenghtening capacities in local NGO, authorities and other target groups, and to improve citizen participation in public life.
- Our vision is to become a resource center for citizens, organisations and authorities, in order to improve harmonization of standards with the democratic EU standards.
-development of civil society;
- encouraging reconciliation and protection of human rights;
- encouraging sustainable local development;
- strenghtening local capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

- decentralized cooperation in different sectors:
- local democracy, environment, local economic
development, social welfare, social, educational,cultural activities, with special focus on women, youth and the protection of human rights;
- organization of twinning between local authorities in Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina;
- organization of sports exchange between Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- youth exchanges, animations of children in rural areas of Zavidovici;
- support and assistance to local initiatives for the fight against domestic violence;
- awareness-raising activities in local communities on the issue of human rights, civil participation and promotion of European integration;
- coordination and hosting of volunteers within the European Voluntary Service - EVS;
- mediation activities and encouraging the construction of civil society at the local level;
- activities of research, analysis and publication of documents on the state of society and social needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our resources and experience we hope to become a valuable member of the network, maintaining the high standards in civil society engagement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We feel that, by becoming a member of the ALF, we can improve the intensity and quality of our work, thus creating new opportunities for developing our local communities potential.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasna Zvekic
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Sladjan Ilic

Cross Cultural Club & Services de Jeune

National Network

331 Lot. al Fath 2
50040 Meknès

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non for profit org. with 5 representation in the big cities, we employ 7 staff and train over 60 young student every year. Our source of income comes from memberrship and activities. We have partners over 11 countries including Europem Africa and USA. 
Mission and Objectives

Our Objectives :
we focus on
* Youth educational & cultural exchange
* Volumtary service 
* Youth Employment 
* Encouragement of youth mobility and travel
*Training and orientation of students

Main Projects / Activities

We organised many events such as:
* The International youth Caravan in 1997
* Youth Excange with Hostelling International Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal since 1994

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Depend on the activities on the agenda 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to enrich the experience of our Association and spread the activity of ALF network

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Bel Mustapha
Job Title
President & founder
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Bel Mustapha
Contact (2) Full Name
Rachida MLAKA
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Stichting Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO)

National Network

Papengracht 30
P.O.Box 11114
2301 EC Leiden

071 5163143
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
General Information
The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO)/National Museum of Antiquities was founded in 1818. Since 1995 the museum has been an independent foundation, with the primary objective of managing the Dutch national archeological collection and making it accessible to a wider public. The RMO’s world-famous archeological collection contains over 180,000 antique objects from Ancient Egypt, the Classical World (Greek, Roman, Etruscan), the Ancient Near East and the Netherlands. Highlights are the Egyptian and Etruscan collections, which rank among the top ten in the world. The RMO’s curators are actively involved in scientific research at the national and international levels, publishing scientific articles and books, holding university professorships and leading archeological excavations in Egypt and Jordan. The RMO is considered a Center of Excellence in the field of Archaeology, and has close ties with the internationally renowned Leiden University.
Mission and Objectives

Through exhibitions, education, public activities, scientific study and national and international exchange, we tell stories that highlight the relevance of the ancient world to our past and present. Growth

Main Projects / Activities

The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) brings archaeology and the ancient world to life. At our museum, everyone can discover the age-old civilizations of Egypt, the Classical World, the ancient Near East, and the Netherlands – in prehistoric, Roman, and medieval times. Collection: The RMO has some 180,000 objects in its collection, divided into four areas: 1.Egypt 2.Classical Antiquity (Greeks, Romans, and Etruscans) 3.the Ancient Near East 4.the Netherlands (prehistory, the Roman period, and the Middle Ages) Recently, the annual number of museum visitors has ranged from 150,000 (in 2011) to 210,000 (in 2014). Temporary exhibitions: You can see the highlights of the museum collections all year round in our permanent departments. We also organize temporary exhibitions that are related to our permanent collection. These usually involve a combination of objects from our collection and loans from other organizations, varying from specialized Dutch museums and collections to world-renowned institutions. Egyptian collection: The RMO has one of the world’s top ten Egyptian collections. The absolute highlight is a complete 2,000-year-old Egyptian temple from the village of Taffeh. This temple was a gift from Egypt to the Dutch people, in gratitude for the country’s role in a UNESCO rescue operation in the 1960s. In the entrance hall you can view this impressive monument from all sides. Activities for everyone: The museum organizes year-round activities for the general public and for people of all ages. These range from an extensive programme of lectures to children’s activities during school holidays and a variety of concerts. Education: Every year, many groups and classes from primary and secondary schools visit the museum. We develop new museum lesson plans for them each year, along with teaching materials for classroom use. In 2014, more than 24,000 schoolchildren visited the museum. Scholarship: The curators at the RMO are actively involved in scientific research at both the national and the international level. A few examples: •Three of our staff members hold endowed professorships at Leiden University. •Two of our curators lead archaeological digs in Egypt and Jordan. •Our curators, conservators, and other staff members regularly publish scholarly articles and books about topics in their fields of expertise. History of the museum: The RMO was founded in 1818, originally as Leiden University's 'archaeological cabinet'. Its first director was Caspar Reuvens, a pioneer in the field of archaeology. In the nineteenth century, many objects from classical antiquity and ancient Egypt were added to the collection. Until the Second World War, the museum was the only official Dutch institution to conduct archaeological excavations. On 1 July 1995, the museum became an independent non-profit organization that manages the archaeological part of the Dutch national collection. Its mission is to make these objects accessible to a large public. The museum today: The current director of the RMO is Wim Weijland. The museum has about 70 staff members (the majority working on a part time basis), who work with a large number of trainees and volunteers. A variety of freelancers and independent businesses also work with the museum.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The RMO has been working in the field of archaeology and antiquities with museums, cultural and academic institutions in the Mediterranean for many years. It has a strong and extensive network of experts and partners. The RMO has organized multiple exhibitions with master pieces from Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Spain, Syria, Tunis and other countries in the Mediterranean region. The yearslong experience and valuable network will be beneficial for other organizations in the Anna Lindh Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The RMO primarily works on a bilateral basis with its partners in the Mediteranean region. We are interested to learn more about cross-cutting and cross-border issues between Norther Europe and the Mediterranean region, as well as establishing contacts with organizations outside our regular network. The RMO combines exhibiting cultural artefacts and archeological masterpieces with telling the story behind the objects and with shedding light on social, technological and cultural developments that took place over time in certain regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna de Wit
Job Title
Project manager Nineveh Exhibitions
Head of the organisation
Wim Weijland
Contact (2) Full Name
Wim Weijland
Job Title (2)