Biedrība “Virtuālā studija URGA”

National Network

Liksnas iela 26 - 9
Riga, LV-1003

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

NGO URGA is a film and production studio dedicated to promote education and creativity through filmmaking.  Estabilshed in 1999 the studio started as a laboratory where children and youth had the possibility to develop their skills in the field of audio and video technologies by filming and editing and making own films. The professionals working in the studio estabilshed an entvirontment for fillmmakers aiming at creating high quality production for TV and cinema. Since then URGA has produced fiction and animation films, video and audio advertising as well as music videos. Our productions have participated and have been awarded in European and International film festivals. The studio is based in creativity centre for youth "2 ANNAS" in Riga. Our main funding sources include state funding coming from Riga town hall and Culture Capital Fund of Latvia.  

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is empowering youth to to become skilled social and critical creators and thinkers rather than passive consumers of the media. Among our key priorities are: eliminating barriers between people with different cultures, different native languages and interests; raising young people’ s awareness of the aching problems of our world; inviting exploration and thinking about social roles and stereotypes, gender equality and intercultural dialogue through film; give all young filmmakers, an opportunity to access film training and digital technology skills; enable local filmmakers to estabilsh international connections and future co-productions.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities include training youth on editing and filming trough courses, organising workshops on fillmaking with participation of field professionals, producing high quality film and animation videos. Our main project each year is the international film festival "2 ANNAS". The festival searches and introduces with innovative ways of visual communication on an international level. The main objective is to show the various problems of our world and encourage a dialogue between the film viewers.  In 2007 the festival became and an international film festival and started to offer Baltic and International competition programmes. During the festival cinema and audiovisual professionals and students as well as everybody interested are given the opportunity to see films that are showcased in  film festivals like Berlinare, Tampere, Annecy, Sundance and others. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can conribute with the promotion of their ideas and values, share with our experience in work with youth and film, participate in events, promote opportunities of the network among our international partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During our 16 years experience as an NGO in the cinema field, we have learnt on our own that art is strong way to unite people. It speaks about different issues, searches for common values and breaks cultural barriers. Everything connected with film- the production process as well as film festivals, connects work of different departments, people with different backgrounds, skills, tastes and personalities. We want to join the network because we are interested  in future international collaborations with young people and active organizations in order to develop new ideas, concepts and partnerships as well as broaden the intercultural dialogue for our youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viesturs Graždanovičš
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Viesturs Graždanovičš

CS Ubuntu

National Network

Drift 6
3512BS Utrecht

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
Ubuntu is an African concept and philosophy with regard to the interconnectedness of human beings. In the words of the South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu: "What you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity." In the words of Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee: "I am what I am, because of what we all are." At CS Ubuntu, we apply these notions when exploring the academic field of ‘CS’ – that is: Conflict Studies. Mission The membership of CS Ubuntu consists of (Utrecht University) students who want to acquire a better understanding of human conflict and human rights. As such, CS Ubuntu provides conflict studies- related activities in an international social setting with the combined aims of knowledge sharing, capacity building and career orientation.
Mission and Objectives

As a study association, CS Ubuntu is led by a 3-headed board consisting of students - or recent graduates. The board rotates every year, and is democratically chosen at a general assembly. It consists of the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. As the association grows, we expect to extent the board, too. 
Funding comes primarily from contributions, and Utrecht University (Ufonds, Vidius) funds and subsidies for specific activities, such as studytrips. 
Madalities of action are a yearly studytrip to a post-conflict area, conflict-related excursions, seminar, lectures, as well as social activities. 
The activities, excursions, trips etc. are organized by the several committees (activities committee, social committee, studytrip committee, lectures committee, etc.)
CS Ubuntu has recently decided to cooperate with the Ubuntu House in Utrecht,, which provides a place and space for people who have endured poverty, homelessness and social isolation.

Main Projects / Activities

Yearly studytrip to a post-conflict area, where students of conflict studies acquire a better understanding of human conflict and human rights, and all their practicalities and realities. 
Moreover, relevant lectures and excursions are organized regularly. These usually entail the providing of a perspective on a topical situation, that academic insight has not yet reached. This is done in a more extended form for the yearly Dies Symposium, which gives a platform to several (prominent) speakers on a relevant topic related to conflict studies. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anouk Pietersen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anouk Pietersen
Contact (2) Full Name
Marleen van Ooijen
Job Title (2)
External affairs officer

National Center for Environment, Tourism and Sustainable Development (NCETSD),

National Network

Rruga Milan Shuflaj, Pall, 2, Ap.10, Tirane,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

National Center for Environment, Tourism and Sustainable Development (NCETSD),  is a nonprofit NGO working in the field of Environment, Tourism and sustainable development of the economy of Albania. We work towards an economically winning combination of tourism and environment with the idea that a beautiful environment will attract tourism which in turn will stimulate the local economy as well as safe guard the environment

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to encourage sustainable development and provide a better livelihood for rural communities in Albania through the implementation of an economically winning combination of tourism and environment.

More in details: Support innovation in all dimensions of sustainable development; Establish a more integrated approach for communities mostly in rural areas; Promote Protected Areas in line with conservation measures and recommendations;

Main Projects / Activities

In its daily work, NCETSD is focused in the following activities: - Successfully implement projects in the field of environment, tourism, and social-economy in cooperation with responsible stakeholders; - Provide consultancy and assistance for the study of management plans of protected areas, forests, water resources, flora and fauna, waste streams etc. - Investigate alternative methods to minimize the negative impact on the environment and society. - Provide assistance and consultancies on preparation of the national, regional or local action plans for environment, nature protection and sustainable development of economy; - Promote protection of natural, cultural and environmental heritage; Investigate alternative methodologies to minimize the negative impact of tourism in environment and society. - Prepare environmental, socio-economic and technical studies related to environment and sustainable development in different sectors as nature protection, biodiversity, transport, industry, energy, agriculture, tourism etc. - Campaign against environment degradation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NCETSD is willing to contribute in every approach possible in order to achieve best results in the nature conservation, environment protection, and overall sustainable development of the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NCETSD is devoted in fulfilling its fields of expertise in the best way given, by always supporting their community. Collaboration with ALF network is seen as one of the most outstanding ways of this commitment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Avni Mara
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Avni Mara
Contact (2) Full Name
Ornela Balla
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Link Academy

National Network

Marktmeesterstraat 119
1315GD Almere

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Link Academy is a project- and consulting agency that offers non-formal education programs and projects for the enhancement of socio-cultural development within the Euro-Mediteranian region. Link Academy is specialized in youth participation through artistic and cultural activities, aiming to enhance active citizenship and dialogue. The agency complies one employed staff member, an intern and three volunteers. Our budgetary resources available in a year is approximately 5000 euros. Our current sources of funding are public and national governmental fundings. Link currently organizes artistic projects between youngsters in Morocco and the Netherlands, seminars and trainings. Our main involved partners include the Ministry of Justice and Security, Universities in The Netherlands, small associations and NGO's.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to stimulate intercultural exchange and dialogue between youngsters in the Euro-Mediteranian region. We aim to do this by offering non-formal educational programs based on experiential learning and intercultural trainings. Link Academy's objectives are to develop structural programs for and by youngsters that support the development, implementation and monitoring of projects within and between the Euro-Mediteranian countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects entail study trips to Morocco / intercultural trainings / Art exchange / loal debates / non-formal and experiential learning programs on schools

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In addition to the above, we can contribute to the network  by stimulating exchanges with Morocco as this is one of Link Academy’s area of expertise.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To broaden my professional network and stimulate collaborations with partners within the Euro-Mediteranian region. I believe that one can only grow by stimulating one another and collaborating to initiate long lasting change.

Contact (1) Full Name
Najat el Hani
Job Title
Founder and Director of Link Academy
Head of the organisation
Najat el Hani
Contact (2) Full Name
Elles Steinvoorte
Job Title (2)

First Aid Arab Union Society

National Network

East jerusalem PO BOX 21498
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The orgsnization is non government organizaton and was established i on 2007, for te sake od developing    the youth competences and skills in a way that will develop their willingness to be an active citezen in their community in Jerusalem and in the West Bank 
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organiztion is " to develop Jerusalemite Cadre that wil enable using their skills and accumilated knowdelge ,, through developing youth capacity that will develop their statud\s in the community
Build amd develop the youth skills and talens in the most professional way , which will develop their self
Develop the concept of the human right in the community and among youth 
Develop life skills and princple of living with conflicts 
Develop organizational systems in the community and youth organization
Raising awareness of volunteersm among out and develop programs and activities based on that  

Main Projects / Activities

 Language skills and communication programs 

Leadership for youth and for volunteers in the society 

Volutary campaing on the national and relegious days ( medica days and cleaning days in Jerusalem and West Bank)

Various training courses for female students at their studennt which include:

Negative concequences of early marrige on youth male and female in addition to the community 

Personal cleaning anf hygene for girls and women 

Negative concequeses for women inside their home and possible intervention strategies

Motherhood and childhood for mothers and fr kids 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can educated on any of the mentied programs and activities ubon request , we have an accumilated experience in delivering many programs for the benefit of women ,,, in additio to te organization abilitiy to deliever different training programs on First Aid  for all interested people . The training might be edio\um and advnce training programs and migt target te yout and volunteers 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I tink its important for our NGOs to  joing te network since we believe we and out\r volunteer migh benefit a lot throught exchanging ideas and best practices 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Grableh
Job Title
Chairman of board council
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ghrablah
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahd Hasheemah
Job Title (2)
Office admin assistant

DOKKICA - Children’s creative center

National Network

O. Keršovanija 4
31000 Osijek

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Dokkica is founded 2009 as project of Youth associaton Breza.  From 2011 Dokkica is nongoverment organization which has carried out non-institutional and educational support trought projects and programs for primary school age children for 6 years. In more that 100 different after-school activities more than 2000 children and young people have participated.  Organization has 7 members and 2 employee. Our budgetary resources available in a year are approximately 450.000 kunas, founded by different sources: Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, Ministry of science, education and sport, EEA Grants, Norway Grants, City of Osijek, County of Osijek, National Foundation for Civil Society Development. Main partners in most of our projects are Youth association Breza, City of Osijek, Children theatre of Osijek, Local television station "Televizija Slavonije i Baranje", Center for Social Welfare, and all schools in city of Osijek.

Mission and Objectives

According to objectives, organization operates in the field of protection of children rights, youth and families. Our mission is to ensure basic conditions for qualitty and succesfull development of children, encourage and organize quality free time for children and implement education of parents and teachers on the methods and techniques necessary for the growth and development of individuals and families in general. Also, aim is to create non-institutional education for primary education, support for children and youth with special needs, prevention of violence amoung youth, promotion and development of volunteering,short stay platforms, workshops, clubs. Our mission is to implement and develop programs to support and courage education for children, in order to realize their potential, develop their creativity and self-confidence in order to create conditions for growth and social progress.

Main Projects / Activities

The program "Dokkica-my support" is performed in order to prevent institutionalization of children and youth with behavioral disorders and without proper parental care, by strengthening of capacities of Childrens creative house. The specific objective of program is to prevent separation of children for family environment and the local community trought provision of a half-day stay, to help parents to raise and care of childrens free time activities which are necessary for changing behaviour and creating acquire healty life skills and habits. The program  "My free time" is project aimed at improving quality of childrens free time. Users are children for age 5 to 14, an average 100 regural users and 300 children as participants as creators of actionas and initiatives. ( Trough cooperation with schools and kindergartens  ). The "Reporters of better society" is project carried out with a aim of empowering children and young people in the promotion of democratic values, human rights, critical thinking, active citizenship and the affirmation of their personal development to become empovered reporters of better society.. Project is founded by EEA Grants and Norway Grants. During the project, group of talented students, trough the workshops about civil education, with the use of different methods and forms of work, will create an educational television show. Partner in this project is local television station. "Warning!We swim at the scene" is project created in 2012. as an idea of promoting theatrical achievements of primary school children as competition in five minutes performances of student play created within scool drama groups. The idea was accepted by Childrens theatre in Osijek and they became a partner in organizing this event which has been held for three years on the occasion of the World Day of Theatre for Children and Youth ( March 20) and The World Day of Puppetry ( March 21 )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to excellent cooperation with the primary schools in the city of Osijek, customer satisfaction ( children and parents) and media support we have become known in local community as the implementers of quality activities for children. With our skills and experience we can contribute to the Network by involving more children and youth, by creating new methodes of work in civil education, cultural diversity and human rights. During our work we create good cooperations with other organizations in Osijek and that's why we think we can be good mediator between Network and our local comunity. Also, our biggest partner, Youth association Breza is member of Network, because of that we are already familiar with work of Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our main work is to create awarness of childrens rights by using skills from non-formal education, thinking of cultural, national, social diversity. Trough the activities with children,youth and parents, we collected opinions about a number of situations in which their right has been violated. By making programs,projects and new possibilities joining the Network we can encourage them to "think out of box" . The values that we promote in our work: creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, freedom, responsibility, tolerance, autonomy, respect for diversity, art, creations, equality, the culture non-violence, non-formal learning. Considering of that we share common interests, we want to join Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ines Novak
Job Title
president of association
Head of the organisation
Ines Novak
Contact (2) Full Name
Mirna Šmit
Job Title (2)
leader of project "Reporters of better society"

Tawasol: Anna Lindh Youth Network Unit

National Network

Amman 11183

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .   An initiative launched in 2013 by Anna Lindh Jordanina Network through social media and its influenicial role to make a change.  A youth netwokr for social development working closely with the Anna Lindh Foundation on the grass rout level.   Volunteers run the association: people from all walks of life with different backgrounds and experiences who give their time and effort to lead and guide Tawasol ALF youth network. The Founders Committee is responsible for the overall direction and policies of Tawasol, they are vital to our success and the legal responsibilities we have to funders and to our staff rests with them. The founders work as team; guidance is a shared task and this makes it more enjoyable as well making the work more manageable. The Founders involve both the Jordanian ALF youth members, staff and young people who are part of the association in the decisions making process. the founders are 5 people - self funded till now. Objectives : •Building comprehensive national culture awareness among youth which embraces all positive pillars of development; in order to meet all the demands of this century to find peace with itself, present and future. • Spreading the notion of 'freedom of expression' for positive change. This includes solutions in all development areas: social, political and economic development within the frames of reference. •Raising Youth awareness on democratic processes in order to encourage and increase political participation. •Contribute in increasing awareness on human rights and gender‐related issues and focus on its importance in the development process of all sectors. •Cultivating young people's skills in using mass communication to interact and put them in a positive way to build an interactive map for communication and knowledge reflected positively on the reform and political development in the community of Jordan. •Activate Jordanian's women role at both educational and economic stages in order to reach wider women's political participation Vision Develop the skills and capacities of young people is the main driver for the positive change Mission TAWASOL aims at developing various educational resources so that young people gain valuable understanding to empower their communities and become the change of their country How can you contribute to the Network in your country?: Being active members and participate in all activities. moreover, create joined projects with ALF members to develop our own community how shares same interest and values. learn from the training activities and transmit the knowledge gained to the community and create partnership locally. Why do you want to join the ALF Network?: Develop and network on national and international level with different ngo's and create bridges to come up with different ideas for certain themes. Promote other cultures and introduce it to our Jordanian youth and enable them to be aware of the others by all means culture,religion, human rights, democracy and community development.
Mission and Objectives

وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .

Main Projects / Activities

وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أجل بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني للشبكة الوطنية الأردنية  لديمومة العمل واستمراريته.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah al Ahmad
Job Title
Co-founder of the Unit
Head of the organisation
Abdallah Momany
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Zayed
Job Title (2)

Brave Festival - Against Cultural Exile

National Network

Purkyniego 1
50-155 Wrocław

+48 509058204
Telephone (other)
+48 71 344 18 16
+48 71 344 18 16
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Brave Festival is formaly based on The Song of the Goat Association which is an institution pro publico bono. There are 15 founder–members of the association. The executive power is the board, which counts three people. The Brave Festival itself employs 3 fulltime workers and about 20-30 employees during the event. Budgetary resources: There is a different budget for each year. In 2015 it was 1.370.000 Polish zloty. Source of founding: Brave Festival receives the support from the Wroclaw City Council and the Polish National Department of Culture. Modalites of action: Brave Festival which is based on concerts, performances, workshops, conferences, lectures, film programme, archive projects, ecological projects. Partners: Minister of Culture and National Heritage, President of the City of Wroclaw, UNESCO, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Marshal of Lower Silesia.  
Mission and Objectives

Brave Festival – Against Cultural Exile is a festival organized since 2005 by Song of the Goat Theatre Association. It takes place in Wroclaw and in Lower Silesia. For over 10 years artists from all over the world are invited to present their traditions. It is a festival of brave people, people who speak about where they come from, what their values are and what their tradition and spirituality is. Therefore, they help to save and protect forgotten, abandoned and forlorn cultures. Brave Festival has also very important project which is called Brave Kids – its aim is to meet, integrate and start a collaboration of artistic groups of kids from different continents.
Each edition of our festival focuses on a different aspect of either humanity or region of the world. Previous ten editions have been titled so far: Magic Voices, Asian Voices, Drowned Songs, Rituals: Out of Africa, Prayers of the World, Enchanters, Mask, Women Initiating, Lost Rhythm, Sacred Body and this year – Griot.
An extremely important element of our work is to take up brave artistic initiatives of high social value which are based on the attitude of tolerance, openness and exchange of cultural experiences. During the concerts, performances, rituals, cinema screenings and meetings with artists we present output of different cultures from very distant and diverse parts of the world.
Moreover, since the very beginning of existence of Brave Festival the revenue from ticket sales is designated to support humanitarian activities in Tibet led by the international charity organization, ROKPA. Following its motto: “Helping where help is needed”, ROKPA brings help to people in the poorest regions of the world where other aid agencies rarely operate. All proceeds from ticket sales for Brave Festival 2015 were designated to support the victims of the earthquake in Nepal. Together we collected 31.000 EUR net.

Main Projects / Activities

To the Main Programme of each Brave Festival belongs:
- concerts, events and performances,
- Film Programme which refers to the main topic of the festival,
- conferences and lectures,
- workshops,
- meeting with artists.
Moreover there are more activities around the festival like:
- project for seniors "Your grandfather is also a griot",
- ecological project "Let's plant a forest",
- integrational project with handicapped.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina Anna Galanciak
Job Title
Assistant to Executive Producer
Head of the organisation
Grzegorz Bral

Grenzenlos Interkultureller Austausch

National Network

Latschkagasse 1
Heiligenstädterstrasse 2
1090 Wien

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Grenzenlos is an Austrian NGO based in Vienna. It is independent of religions and political bodies. Grenzenlos is a non-profit association. Its main purpose is to promote world peace and respect between people through intercultural non-formal education programmes abroad which combine cultural integration with engagement at non-profit initiatives worldwide. The German word „Grenzenlos“ means „no boundaries“ and also „no limits“. The word explains the basic mission of Grenzenlos: to promote the personal development of individuals (no limits!) and inter-cultural understanding  through international encounters, trainings, inter-cultural living and work experience (no boundaries!). Grenzenlos is a non-governmental organization (NGO) and a non-profit organization (NPO). The supreme organ is the annual assembly of members. It decides on statutary issues and elects the association’s board; usually, this consists mainly of returnees from various exchange programmes. The board supervises the performance of the management and decides on structural questions. The management consists of three functionaries (General Secretary, Programme Co-ordinator, Manager of Public Programmes). Furthermore, there are 7 other employees and more than 100 voluntary co-workers. Board 2015: Florian Kaulich (president), Martin Kainz (vice president), 5 further members Management team 2013: Birgit Fetty, Daniela Fellinger, Christoph Mertl
Mission and Objectives

The nowadays association started in 1949 as a co-operation programme of protestant youth organizations in Austria, Ger¬many and the USA (nowadays „International Cultural Youth Exchan¬ge“/ICYE). In 1970, the ICYE Austria  became an independent association. In 2001, it was renamed into “Grenzenlos – Inter-Cultural Exchanges”.
Between 1997 and 2001, the association started various new programme co-operations – such as the European Voluntary Service (EVS), the co-operation with the Alliance network and the Youth Action for Peace movement (YAP), as well as many bilateral partnerships.
In 2001, Grenzenlos opened its sending programmes for all generations, and also for short-time volunteers.  On the hosting side, Grenzenlos joined the international camp movement in 2003 and started its medium-term hosting programme for foreign volunteers in Austria in 2006 (“Experience Austria”).
In order to promote and develop Grenzenlos’ inclusion approach, Grenzenlos co-ordinated an international back¬up and trainings structure for inclusion trainers (“All Inclusive”, see from 2005 to 2008. All international camps hosted by Grenzenlos include participants with special needs.
In 2009, Grenzenlos decided to give a high priority on the development of domestic programs, promoting a more harmonious relationship between Austrian citizens and immigrants. The result is a mentorship programme for immigrants to Vienna, and anti-racist awareness workshops for schools.
Since 2010, more EU programmes have become part of the Grenzenlos activities – so Grundtvig 50+;  Leonardo da Vinci student mobility and projects in cooperation with the European Youth foundation.

Main Projects / Activities

Mobility Programmes
Grenzenlos tries to offer a variety of international mobility programmes. These programmmes are dedicated to world peace through the promotion of inter-cultural exchanges.
• Traditionally, Grenzenlos organizes volunteering programmes (individual as well as in the frame of inter-national camps); additionally, we offer a work and travel programme in New Zealand, and we provide a support structure for European internships (Leonardo da Vinci)
• As an exchange organization, we send volunteers abroad and host volunteers in Austria.
• for people of all generations from 18 to 99 years. Right now, we work on special programmes for seniors (inter alia, the EU programme Grundtvig 50+)
• including stays from two weeks up to one year
• for skilled as well as for non-skilled people
• worldwide.
The Inclusion approach is a high priority for Grenzenlos:  special attention is given to pro¬moting the partici-pa¬tion of physically handicapped people in our European exchange programmes (MELANGE, that is EVS in Vienna).

Grenzenlos understands its international volunteer programmes as holistic non-formal training measures for competence, language skills and personality development.
For its participants as well as for interested persons, Grenzenlos offers various trainings about foreign cultures, travel preparation, language preparation.
Furthermore, Grenzenlos hosts various international seminars and trainings in Austria.
 Domestic cultural integration programmes
This is the most recent development of Grenzenlos. Inter-Cultural Exchanges are not only connected to mobility. Wherever migration happens, they take place HERE and NOW. Sometimes in harmony, sometimes in conflict.
Grenzenlos implements a mentorship programme to promote the personal integration of immigrants in the city of Vienna (“Zusammen Leben – Living Together”). Austria-wide, Grenzenlos offers workshops for high school classes which raise awareness about racism and xenophobia (“grenzenlos@schools”).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Grenzenlos was founded after the second world war and has a long experience in intercultural exchanges. We are part of the worldwide network ICYE (Intercultural Youth Exchanges in which we have a partner organisation in Marocco (CSM). Before 2007 Grenzenlos was involved in many MEDA activities such as trainings and voluntary services as it was still priority within the former EU-Youth programmes in Austria.
From these times we still have a few contacts. One of our co-workers in the office has been a volunteer in Israel, later a mentor for EVS volunteers in Israel and Palestine and did her training education in the frame of SALTO-Euromed. Since 2009 we run a local mentoring programme for migrants in Vienna (Zusammen Leben) together with the organisation Interface. Many of our mentees are coming from MEDA countries and we would like to find a way to strenghthen partnerships on different levels again with MEDA partners.
We can on one hand share our experiences we had in MEDA projects and on the other hand shere the experiences we have through our ICYE programm. For more infos we attached our annual report.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As said above we would like to find a way to develop and strengthen partnerships with MEDA partners. Currently we only work on a regular base with Chantiers Sociaux Marocains CSM and exchange long-ter,-volunteers and with a partner in Israel (GoEco). We would like to discover new partnerships and ways how to put these partnership into concrete projects as well as refresh our old existing partnerships.
As we hardly had possibilities to run projects with MEDA partners due to a lack of funding possibilities we hope that we can change this for future cooperations and develop a sustainable partnership strategies.
Beeing member of the Austrian network would allow us to be part of a national exchange platform and give us the possibility to be in closer contact with Austrian organisations outside of our regular activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Eglitis
Job Title
Project Assistance
Head of the organisation
Daniela Fellinger
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela Fellinger
Job Title (2)

Association „National assembly of active mothers”

National Network

Architektu 212-2
40214 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Organisation convinced family policy as such is concerning all public areas: • Justice;  • Media and information society;  • education;  • Local development• Working conditions;  • Health protection; • Social affairs and social integration; • Culture; • Tax policy.
Mission and Objectives

The aim is to promote an open and friendly environment for motherhood / parenthood / childhood, responsible and accountable family functioning in the cohesive and inclusive society, strengthening of family structure and families participation to the civil society live in order to ensure each person's well-being, ability to relay on a strong family and solidaire society in Lithuania and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are destined to
• Implementation of public information and visibility activities destined to guarantee family friendly social environment and enhance positive image and role of parenthood and childhood institution;
• Initiation of scientific research of family situation, demographic decline in fertility, population aging and labor market problems related to that;
• Activation of parents in order to increase their participation in civil society life, to initiate a permanent, public and open forum on family role issues;
• Attraction of investments into facilities of preschool and school institutions; decreasing problem of the quality and quantity of occupation of parents with preschool and school age children;
• Participation to family friendly work places development, increase of possibilities of harmonization between family and work commitments;
• Promotion of parent’s occupation and entrepreneurship and self-employment; social integration of parents;
• Realization of sexual equality, women and men equal opportunities in family and society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasa Zemaite
Head of the organisation
Reda Starkuviene