AC Amics de la Biblioteca de la Fonteta

National Network

C/ Pilar, 29
46460 Silla

0034 656541202
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0034 656541202
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 616072134
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our NGO started from a Scout group initiative to improve the neighborhood where we were located, and as the years passed, we developed different priorities and evolved to what we are now. Our structure is based on a board of 5 people, a group of 20 regular volunteers and a group of 100 members who take part according to their posibilities. The funding for the different project comes from the open calls for funding (either local, regional, national or international), and the local donors and volunteers.  Our regular activities consist of local info-sessions, trainings, seminars and also international projects such as exchanges, trainings, etc. We have participated and developed several projects in the Erasmus+ field.
Mission and Objectives

Our focus is community development and empowerment of citizens (mainly youth). Our tools are based on non-formal education.
Our motto is "Try and leave this world a little better than you found it. (Baden Powell)".

Main Projects / Activities

Local: training courses, infodesk, forums, seminars, language exchange, intercultural learning, promotion of Human Rights and Children Rights.
International: youth exchange, training courses, seminars, voluntary service, youth inititatives and entrepreneurship, intercultural learning, empowerment of citizenship.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can be multipliers of the actions developed by the network at our local-regional communities, we can also promote and foster the values of the partnerships and contribute to the specific goals of each action.
We can contribute also by sharing our expertise and good practise in the field of international youth empowerment in the EuroMed Region, as we have had many good and diverse experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in enlarging the opportunities of partnership and project development for the future, and also we have heard very good reports about the networking inside ALF, so we do not want to stay out of such a powerful network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Benaches Bodi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jose Martinez Lopez

initiative pour l'entraide et la solidataire

National Network

Nouakchotte \Mouritania\
moukataa teyaret

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
je suis une jeune activiste de la societé civile Mauritanienne et je suis tres hantée de vous rejoindre
Mission and Objectives

mon objectiver est de partager  avec vous mais experénce

Main Projects / Activities

education; senté ;echenge ;renconte

Contact (1) Full Name
aziza mohamed salck yarahllah
Job Title
Head of the organisation
aziza yarahllah
Contact (2) Full Name
aziza mohamed salck yarahllah
Job Title (2)

Association for Development and Strategic Studies in Medenine ADESM

National Network

BECHIR Sawsen B.P number 62 P.T.T Medenine Perseverance 4127
4127 Medenine

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Riadh Bechir (Président) 98698714
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

chose associative work to contribute to the development of our destination. President of the Assembly Researcher - Doctor of Economic Sciences. But there are those members of the employee and a researcher at the master's and doctorate, engineer and disposed ... This association aims to conduct studies and research development of economic and social state of Medenine

Mission and Objectives

In addition to contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants and valuing cultural heritage and to achieve sustainable development in all fields. The Assembly also trying to deepen ties with shades of civil society in Tunisia and abroad and that for the good side

Main Projects / Activities

Project Altazoiq bearings on rural girl in cooperation with the PNUD Project to create the soil Local project development disparity Médenine Social Accountability Playdoier of training, communication techniques...  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The following key partners · Institute of Arid Regions of Medenine · Regional Office of Youth and Sports of Medenine · House of itinerant young 1 Medenine · Incubator and business incubator Medenine

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having a relationship betweet a member of organization  the promotion of dialogue between cultures Change of adea Having a partner in other contry   

Contact (1) Full Name
sawsen bechir
Job Title
Member of association
Head of the organisation

ALMELAD for development and human rights

National Network

Amman Jordan
Amman 11821

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ALMELAD Center is a non-profit company was established under Jordanian company’s law. It works in its new born in some fields trying to add different values for development and human rights. It has started a funded action for youth exchange by euro-med youth exchange unit. So it hopes to achieve more success in different fields especially in spreading dialogue and peacefully coexistence between humans that which will lead to enhancing human rights and peace We don’t have any source of funding except self-finance or if we get funding for any project or action We are working in different types with different people through seminars, workshops, advocacy, training, preparing studies, and lectures. We are trying to build capacities of different people who need together with our team
Mission and Objectives

We believe in the universality and importance of human rights. This respect is a target for all, so each side should contribute to the achievement of this letter, we seek various ways and means, independently or participatory work towards the promotion of and respect for and protection of these rights and a culture of respect in various levels to achieve the values of justice and equality
Contributing in social awareness process to prepare a generation that able to understand the rights and duties related to human rights and sustainable development
Promoting the culture of the society in the field of human rights and development through various training workshops in the field of human rights and development
Preparing various studies in the field of human rights, and development
Holding various training courses and specialized seminars in the field of human rights and development
Contributing in achieving justice, equality, the rule of law, and the preservation of human dignity and the protection of rights and public freedoms
Contributing in the promotion of tolerance, justice, equality and brotherhood values ​​of humanity

Main Projects / Activities

1. The need for dialogue and enounce violence and extremism to achieve peaceful coexistence
2. Community awareness of human rights concepts
3. Political empowerment for woman
4. Inclusion of youths in local governance

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

it depends about the activities. but we are ready for cooperation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we are searching for networks that its interest fall in our scopr of work and agree with our mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alshible Mohamad
Job Title
general manager
Head of the organisation
Dr Alshible Mohamad

Democratically Promising Family association

National Network

Amman- Al-Abdale- building Al-Afefe (8)
Amman 11190

Telephone (other)
009624680468 - 009624634464
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Mission: Cooperation with the governmental, private and international organizations to develop the life of the individual of whatsoever ability, religion or perspective. This association belongs to all family members. It embraces their ideas, develop their lives and provides well – informed plans with scientific, educational and social methodology to put our families on the track of success and build a better society. (We would be delighted to have you as active members to have carry out the mission together.) Objectives: The headquarters of the association is in Amman, and it performs its work in all parts of the kingdom and for all members of the family. The association seeks to develop the lives of the youth, enlighten the mothers who are virtuous nursemaids and guide the father to construct righteous families in society. The main objectives of the association concentrate on the following: 1. Contributing in elevating the level of consciousness among the various categories of civil society to realize a society that believes in diversity.  2. Holding different training programs in all the domains that could develop the member of society and guide them to success. 3. Holding workshops and conferences in cooperation with local and international entities to enhance the values of cooperation and intellectual development among the participants. 4. Emphasizing the importance of the youth and women to serve the issues of local society. 5. Fostering the values of civil society based on justice, equality, freedom, democracy and acceptance of the other. 6. Observing various phenomena in society and presenting appropriate solutions in cooperation with the competent bodies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 7. Building the capacity of individuals and institutions and empowering them to create positive changes in society.  
Mission and Objectives

Cooperation with the governmental, private and international organizations to develop the life of the individual of whatsoever ability, religion or perspective. This association belongs to all family members. It embraces their ideas, develop their lives and provides well – informed plans with scientific, educational and social methodology to put our families on the track of success and build a better society.
(We would be delighted to have you as active members to have carry out the mission together.)
The headquarters of the association is in Amman, and it performs its work in all parts of the kingdom and for all members of the family. The association seeks to develop the lives of the youth, enlighten the mothers who are virtuous nursemaids and guide the father to construct righteous families in society. The main objectives of the association concentrate on the following:
1. Contributing in elevating the level of consciousness among the various categories of civil society to realize a society that believes in diversity.
2. Holding different training programs in all the domains that could develop the member of society and guide them to success.
3. Holding workshops and conferences in cooperation with local and international entities to enhance the values of cooperation and intellectual development among the participants.
4. Emphasizing the importance of the youth and women to serve the issues of local society.
5. Fostering the values of civil society based on justice, equality, freedom, democracy and acceptance of the other.
6. Observing various phenomena in society and presenting appropriate solutions in cooperation with the competent bodies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
7. Building the capacity of individuals and institutions and empowering them to create positive changes in society.

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع تدريب المواطنة وتوعية الشباب يحقوقهم القانونية
برنامج مساعدة الأيتام بشهر رمضان
سلسلة محاضرات التوعية حول الديمقراطية في محافظات الأردن للشباب
عقد مذكرات تفاهم مع رؤوساء البلديات ومراكز السباب في الأردن
توقيع تعاون مع جمعية في جمهورية سلوفينيا
توقيع اتفاقية عمل مع جمعية الشبكة الأورتومتوطية للتربية على المواطنة في فرنسا

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عمل العديد من المشاريع والبرامج الخاصة باستثمار طاقات الشباب التطوعية والتدريبية والابداعية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لما نسمعه عنها من نشاطات واسعة ومتميزة وهادفة لجميع فئات المجتمع وخاصة الشباب 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr.Eman Ameen Al-shamileh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr.Eman Ameen Al-SHamileh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Al-Ofeshat
Job Title (2)

Suncokret Center for Community Development

National Network

Trg F Tuđmana 4
44410 Vrginmost

+385 44 881 523
+385 44 881 523
Mobile Phone
+385 098 649 398
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 098 9294 065
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non governmental non profit association. In 2015 we had 11 employed and 130 volunteers. Our budget for 2015 was 425 000 kuna. Our sources of funding are national and international donors such as the ministry of education, ministry of social policy and youth, ministry of health, Croatian Employment Service, EU funds, National foundation for civil society development etc. International donors in the past have been the American Embassy, Good Planet, Colas, Kids Earth Fund, CNF-CEE, UNDP/UNV. Suncokret runs daily non-formal afterschool education projects, social inclusion and community development projects. In addition, we also run a local volunteer center and hold international volunteer camps. We conduct edcuational, skill and capacity building projects. Our youth participate in Erasmus exchanges and projects and we also host EVS volunteers. We are partners with the Gvozd Municipality, Gvozd elementary school and day care, the local Red Cross and BLANK NGO based in Zagreb, Kids Earth Fund Croatia and Kids Earth Fund Japan.
Mission and Objectives

Suncokret - Centre for Community Development is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded as a response to the psychosocial needs of an ethnically mixed postwar community. Suncokret undertakes community development programs and projects. The aim is to address negative psychological, social and cultural postwar consequences; to increase social inclusion and improve the quality of life for all community members, especially for the most deprived members of society; to promote community rebuilding, and support development of a sustainable democratic civil society.
Suncokret bases its activities on the work with individuals, families, groups and whole community on the principles of active participation and empowerment while supporting positive initiatives, initiating co-operation as well as mutual respect of differences. Suncokret is committed to establishing the building of democracy, citizen initiative and participation, community development, volunteerism and altruism, shared responsibility, equal opportunities for all regardless of their gender, religion or nationality.

Main Projects / Activities

We run both a volunteer center and a community center where we work with socially excluded individuals and local children and youth and. At the volunteer center we host 130 international volunteers per year that parcitipate in our activities. We also have organic gardens, a new orchard where we teach sustainability and about preserving the environment. At the community center we provide after school programs for the local children in the community (from Bosnian Croat refugee and Serb returnee families) where we provide everything from educational activities, non-formal education (childrens rights, health and hygiene), psychosocial workshops, tutoring, homework help to games, sports, fun and creative workshops, arts and crafts.  arts and crafts activities. We also publish our own local news magazines, hold documentary film workshops and numerous other activities. We promote volunteerism, democracy building, sustainable community development and especially focus on social inclusion. We have an Info Centre/ Internet Club, we host EVS-European Voluntary Service volunteers, we organize multicultural cooperation and youth exchange and nvironmental actions and education. We hold computer literacy courses for children and adults and arts and crafts workshops for children and youth. We hold yearly film making and photo workshops and we publish the only local newsmagazine. We have held courses in English and other languages. We have conducted music workshops and other entertainment activities and sports and recreational activities and gym. In addition, we provide practical support and assistance to the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 We are a small organization that has worked hard in the postwar community and over the years have created a community center and a volunteer center. Our organization has aimed to promote intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, and contributed to civil society development in a rural postwar area. We could contribute with our experience and knowledge in the field of postwar development and social inclusion and volunteer promotion. In addition, for us as an organization it is essential to keep learning, networking and growing capacity and membership in your network would assist us in these goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization works to achieve active citizenship and social inclusion in an ethnically divided postwar community. We strive to promote civil society development, access to information and promotion of tolerance and respect in a postwar area.We promote social inclusion, tolerance building and non-violence. Our youth have now expressed ideas of wanting to engage in social entrepreneurship projects to engage the local community, promote rural development and local employment possibilities. From what we have learned about the ALF it seems that being we have similar ideas and activities and share the same values as the foundation and being part of this network would be a great asset and a way to connect, network and cooperate with other NGOs, organizations and institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Predrag Mraović
Job Title
President of NGO
Head of the organisation
Mr. Predrag Mraović
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Turniški, Ph.D.
Job Title (2)
Program manager

Genesis Project

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kalemegdanska 20
78000 Banjaluka
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Genesis Project Budgetary resources available in a year: Approximately 300,000.00 EUR per year.  Sources of funding: Donations from international donors such as Delegation of the EU in BiH, UNICEF, Stiftung Schüler Helfen Leben (SHL), Berlin, Germany,  US Embassy, Netherlands Embassy, etc. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Concrete projects implemented currently:  1.  “Bridges of trust and cooperation” (budget 190,000 EUR) 2.  “Rebuilding trust and confidence among children, teachers and parents in divided and segregated schools of Middle Bosnia canton” (budget 80,000 EUR) 3.  “Promoting Intercultural, Inclusive and Peace Education and Prevention of Violence ...” (budget 100,000 EUR) 4.  Prevention of Peer Violence and Gender Based Violence in Primary Schools (budget 15,000 EUR) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Primary schools, Ministries of education (entity and cantonal), different NGOs, etc.   
Mission and Objectives

Genesis Project mission is to, through our professionals and dedicated individuals, help children and adolescents throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina in fulfilling their rights to have free and correct psychophysical development regardless of their religious, ethnic and racial belonging whilst respecting their individual differences and potentials.
Our main objectives are:
• To overcome the ethnic segregation.
• To develop and support various co-existence initiatives throughout B&H.
• To implement and support different peace building initiatives.
• To educate children and adults about the peaceful conflict prevention and resolution,
child safety and violence prevention.
• To reduce the negative impact that mines, unexploded ordinances and small arms and light weapons have on children and their communities in B&H.

Main Projects / Activities

Through our work, we are seeking to build the trust and change the attitudes among different ethnic groups as a precondition for the creation of a safer environment. Through our work in the primary schools we want to improve the communication and cooperation between the divided ethnic groups and to create the peaceful and safe environment for the children in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The peace building is the main activity of our organization and therefore we have undertaken numerous peace building projects and activities. Our work is mostly focused in the primary schools located in the ethnically divided communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and through our activities we are affecting a large community of people: children, teachers and parents.
In the schools where we worked, the communication skills were improved and bridges of trust and cooperation have been established. Correspondingly, the pupils have shown a higher level of knowledge about conflict, peaceful conflict prevention, etc. They also participated less in the violence and had more active role in stopping the violence in their inner environment.
Small but consistent changes in attitudes and behaviours in the field of multi-ethnic relations have also been recorded. The pupils have shown greater willingness to socialize with their peers from other ethnicities. The prejudices were also reduced.
Similar results were obtained with the teaching staff and our projects have improved the interethnic relations at school and approximately 80% of the senior grades teachers pointed out that they now spend more time with the colleagues from other components, and 94% stated that they are now closer. Over 60% of respondents supported the cooperation between the school components. After our workshops a higher percentage of teachers are for integration of the school components.
Our experiences with the pupils have taught us that children gladly participate in the joint activities; they quickly overcome the ethnic separation and develop friendships being highly motivated and dedicated to the project and its aims. For example, the teachers who have participated in our workshops have asked for the activities to be continued because they felt that these workshops offered the opportunities to expand their skills and knowledge jointly.
More about our work in divided schools you can see in the following story:
Furthermore, our work in the field of the mine risk education is very successful. The BiH Mine Action Canter recorded more than 18,200 minefields, but it is estimated that the total number of the minefields is 30,000, containing about one million mines. The locations of many minefields are still unknown. The minefields were placed along the former confrontation line, which was the subject of frequent changes, so that the mines can be found throughout the country. The members of the Genesis Project are working simultaneously on several levels and including several groups of direct beneficiaries: peer educators, teachers and students. Through our activities we are supporting the long-term school battle against landmines and UXO.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are willing to share our experience gathered through peace building project implemented throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Through our work, we are seeking to build the trust and change the attitudes among different ethnic groups as a precondition for the creation of a safer environment. Through our work in the primary schools we want to improve the communication and cooperation between the divided ethnic groups and to create the peaceful and safe environment for the children in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The peace building is the main activity of our organization and therefore we have undertaken numerous peace building projects and activities. Our work is mostly focused in the primary schools located in the ethnically divided communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and through our activities we are affecting a large community of people: children, teachers and parents.
We have gathered significant amount of experience and lessons learnt which we would be happy to share with network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We appreciate work of the ALF tremendously and we think that we can benefit from the membership in the ALF network.
There is always room for improvement of our work and for learning new things, and we hope that we can do that by learning from other members of the ALF network. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dijana Pejic
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Dijana Pejić
Contact (2) Full Name
Sasa Saric
Job Title (2)
member of the Executive board

Association Footura

National Network

50 A, Alabin str.
1000 Sofia

+359 887 883980
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information

Association Footura tries to reach as many young individuals as possible, and although we implement our first project with Erasmus in 2015, we have a team of very actively engaged and experienced volunteers and members who are able to organize large-scale sporting events. At the beginning of 2014, in its aim to provide more diverse and thorough program for the development of youths’ potential, the association started an immense initiative to expand its sphere of activities, going further beyond sport-oriented undertakings. Footura hired established specialists to act as mentors and organize innovative and creative trainings targeting students from the top Bulgarian universities, who had already proven their excellence at academic level. Nowadays more than 100 youths have already gained certificates for passing successfully the different work programmes, such as “Practical realization and impact assessment of the EU regional policy”, “Methods for accounting of the economic activities”, “Current management models in the sphere of economy”, “Sport management”, “Procedures in preparation and implementation of EU-funded projects”, “PR and image building”, etc. As a result during the last year more than 90% of the Footura’s work associates belonged to the group of young people (most of them aged between 19 and 26). Our members also participated in several Youth exchange on Erasmus and Euromed.

Mission and Objectives

National movement Union for development of sport and sports culture FOOTURA has as main purpose the development and promotion of various sports, as well as activities for sports and cultural tourism, exchange programs, etc., through organization, grants and respective support to individuals and teams, sport events and other events with charitable and / or demonstration purposes on the territory of Bulgaria and abroad. All activities of the Association are oriented towards amateur and collegiate model of practicing sports to motivate children, young people and amateur athletes to an active and healthy lifestyle and the Association constanly seek to attract new people to support the ideas and goals of Footura and to practice sports in the best possible conditions. Among the other objectives of the Association are: 1. Development of youth activities, initiatives and projects, supporting healthy lifestyles and physical education of children and youth. 2. Defending national policy of the Republic of Bulgaria the strategic place of sport, sports culture and sports education among teenagers and amateurs. 3. Work to restore and expand existing and create new connections between people, organizations, regions and other structures based on sport and sports culture and specific sports events - both in Bulgaria and abroad. 4. Promoting the achievements, projects and initiative of individuals and organizations in the field of amateur sport. 5. Supporting our members for better implementation and solve certain social issues of training and competence on issues related directly to sports and topics beyond. 6. Involve a wide range of citizens and civic organizations in the activities of the Association, forming partnerships with companies concerning their support to the Association and its objectives, as well as dialogue with central and local executive authorities and their affiliates on opportunities for joint initiatives and projects related to the objectives of the Association. 7. Formation and supporting sports teams at the Association (also individual athletes) to participate in amateur and / or professional competitions and tournaments in various sports, as well as building and managing the activities of the Academy of Football and / or other sports games. 8. Creation and development of better infrastructure for the practice of amateur sport, which increases motivation and keeps the commitment of young people. 9. Participation in public life and public dialogue on the issues of youth and sports - both directly and indirectly (through the Internet). 10. Improving the health of the population and improve the quality of medical services in the country. 11. Supporting local governments in identifying current problems of the community in the field of sport and health, and support for their solution. 12. Develop, implement and coordinate development projects. 13. Collection, maintenance and dissemination of information on existing national and international investment, credit, humanitarian and others institutions and their conditions of investment, credit and assistance.

Main Projects / Activities

«Greedy for Sport» Sofia Municipality, 2014 "Students practice" to the Ministry of Education, 2013-2014 «FARE-against racism in football with partners UEFA and EU", completed projects in 2013 and 2014 «Erasmus + Project Junior HOP» 2015 «Erasmus + Project Promoting healthy practices in sports clubs», 2015 "European Week of Sport» 2013, 2014, 2015 «International Day of Sport, the United Nations» 2014 and 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will develop the possibilities that already exists - given by us and given by other organizations here in Bulgaria - to open the minds and chances of the young people to touch to various cultures and behaviours. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Association Footura has a team working on international level and we appreciate every possible membership of our organization as recognition for our work and values. We would like to join ALF network in order to achieve new horizons for inter-cultural and partnersip opportunities. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Emiliyan Metodiev
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emiliyan Metodiev
Contact (2) Full Name
Stoyan Gechkov

Bodrum Klasik Muzik Dernegi

National Network

Sysyphos Pansiyon Yanı 1120 Sokak 8/1
Gümüşlük - Bodrum
48970 Bodrum/

00 905 07349 5968
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 90 507 349 5968
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation of the international Gumusluk Classical Music Festival was the motivation behind the setting up of our music society in 2006. The Gumusluk Culture and Arts Society was founded in 2006 and until 2012 was the umbrella organisation under which the festival was organised. With a change in venue of the festival in 2012, the existing members and the music Festival project were transferred to the Bodrum Classical Music Society, under which we operate all our cultural activities.  The Society has 27 members, and 3 full-time staff. The main activity of the society is the organisation of the International Gumusluk Classical Music Festival, an annual event that takes place in the small town of Gumusluk, Bodrum on the South-West coast of Turkey. The festival, which lasts for 6 weeks is composed of  a series of concerts, a dedicated masterclass programme which has attracted over 600 students, a Piano competition and as of 2011, the programming of non-classical music events such as Jazz and ethnic musics, and Modern Dance.  The yearly budget of the festival is close to 400 000 TL. Funding is available as follows Contributions and Grants – 55% Ticket Sales and other Program Revenue – 30%        
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of the Bodrum Classical Music Society is the organisation of cultural events on an International level in the village of Gumusluk and the surrounding Bodrum area.
To promote awareness about,  and help protect the areas' rich historical antiquities bu using important ancient sites as the stage for main festival events. 
To help and support young talented music students. 
To promote high-value low-volume tourism as a model in the region. 
To promote Turkish music and musicians on the worlds stages. 

Main Projects / Activities

The main project of the society is the International Gumusluk Classical Music Festival. 
It began in 2004 as a series of piano recitals, with the aim of furthering and supporting the education of Turkish music students. 
In 2005 the festival expanded to include all instruments.  By 2006 the founding aim of the festival was put into action. The Festival academy was born in this year, and attracted a group of students from Australia, Japan, Greece, UK and Turkey. The GFA ( Gumusluk Festival Academy) continues to this day, and is at the core of all festival activities and programming, Over 600 students have attended GFA in its 10 year history. 
The festival itself continues to grow each year. In 2008, it expanded its'borders by moving bigger-scale orchestral concerts to the Bodrum, using historically important venues such as the Bodrum Castle and the Bodrum anique theatre.  In 2010 & 2011 alongside the classical music programme a jazz programme was developed. In the same years the first of the Adnan Saygun Piano Competition was realised. This bi-annual event takes place with the aims of supporting young music students with cash prizes and performance opportunities, but also carries the aim of promoting one of Turkeys most succesfull and prolific composers, Saygun to the world and encouraging its performance amongst the younger generations. 
The association has organised winter concert series, notably in 2011 - 2012, the "Gumusluk Classical and Jazz days" took place over an 8 month period and listed a calendar of national and Internatioa s stars

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association has a well-established network of artists, young proffesionals, educators and audience. It has cooperated with many local organisations in a number of different projects and capacities. 
It has strong, lasting ties with local government and local business. Its main event - the festival, is a welcomed by the local population.  
Its main activity, the International Gumusluk Classical Music Festival was recently honoured with the EFFE 2015 - 2016 label, proving its success on a Europe-wide level. 
As the only independant cultural operator in the region that operates on an annual level with a sustainable project, we would be open and happy to share and participate in projects with other members in the Anna Lindh network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In 2016, for the first time the festival plans are to expand on a larger scale than ever before. Incorporating three festivals into one the festival hopes to grow its educational programs to include non-classical music workshops. A dedicated Jazz festival, and a dedicated Guitar festival are programmed to run alongside, and as a part of the Classical music Festival. With this move into a broader artistic sphere, we would welcome the networking opportunities and the experience of other network members, with whom we would like to collaborate with 

Contact (1) Full Name
Eren Levendoglu
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Eren Levendoglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Madelon Briet
Job Title (2)

Order of Malta CARAVAN

National Network

Burgstr. 10
53505 Kreuzberg

0049 176 29249199
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Order of Malta CARAVAN was established in 2009 and is a collaboration of the German and Lebanese Associations of the Order of Malta. Every year young people get the chance to spent ten voluntarily months in Lebanon, working in Homes for handicapped people and studying at the Jesuit University of Beirut. Through various activities and field trips they become familiar with the culture, the region and the people living there. The program was founded upon the desire to make peaceful coexistence of religions a possibility, as well as, inter-cultural dialogue. Order of Malta CARAVAN has 2 permanent employees ( Project management in Germany and Project Assistant in Lebanon), and more than over 80 participants from all over Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is that the structure of this program, and this intensive period of service will spark the other participant’s interest in maintaining an open dialogue and an open mind towards Christian charity programs, and hopefully, these views will spread throughout their home country.
The program’s goals are:
1. To keep the momentum of summer camps program going, by incorporating the program throughout the rest of the year, which entails visiting handicapped people in their homes.
2. To train Volunteers so that they are and well-educated and respectful towards other religions and cultures.
3. To strengthen the faith and hope of Christians who live in the Middle East, through creating mutual trust and an understanding between the youthful generations, that come from different
denominations and religions.

Main Projects / Activities

a) Service in the homes of handicapped people
- afternoons are spend in one of the three assigned homes.
- job is not to support the staff in their daily work activities, but to offer a special service to the handicapped people that is unique to the CARAVAN program (spending quality time together, entertainment, a sense of belonging, and friendship).
b) education 
- one month of arabic intensive course
- attend lectures at the Jesuit University every morning
- several trips taken to cultural or religious places in Lebanon.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Order of Malta CARAVAN is part of the internation organisation of the Order of Malta working worldwide. Network and experience are what we can contribute.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expand network. Implement new projects. Find new partners for intercultural and interreligous dialogue in the Euro-Med Zone.

Contact (1) Full Name
Theresa Premauer
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Steering Committee