National Network

Drasiu 5, Dubingiai, Moletai reg.
Aukstaiciu str. 6, Vilnius

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
“Teatriukas” – professional actors troupe founded on 1998, creating and organizing theatre performances, educational activities, festivals and entertainment events for children over all Lithuania and abroad (Tours to UK (2004); USA (2007); France, Luxembourg, Swiss, Germany (2010); Czech Republic, Poland  (2011);  Iceland (2009, 2011); Belgium (2012), India new Delhi (2013), Ireland, Norway (2014), Ireland, Sweden, Denmark (2015). The theatre is made up of three actors - Dalia Mikoliūnaitė, Žilvinas Ramanauskas, Arturas Varnas. All of them have graduated from Vilnius University (at 1997) in Lithuania, where they studied in the specialized actors-philologist program. From 2004, „Teatriukas“ is a member of ASSITEJ - World Theatre Network of Theatre for Children and Young People. “Teatriukas” has created 7 performances, 2 concerts for children, a special musical program for adult spectators, and several unique specialized events, purposed for theatre education aspects (theatre summer camps, projects for libraries and etc.). Created and produced 20 different sound projects (CD) in Lithuanian language, lounched theatre summer camp for children in rural Moletai region. “Teatriukas” is a group of initiative and creative people. We like to find, develop, use new spaces for events to children (we perform in parks, libraries, hospitals and etc.) Our values are creativity, flexibility and non formal communication. STAFF: administrative director, arts director, finansist. We employ  artists for particular projects. STRUCTURE: two stakeholders elect administrative director. BUDGETARY RESOURCES:  aprox 25 000 Eur per year. SOURCES OF FUNDING: grants and financing of the Lithuanian Culture Council, also other funds (as Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania,  regional municipalities ) and commercial activities (performances to companies). ACTIVITIES: perfromances for children and all familly, social and educational projects (activities, workshops with children in orphen houses,small village children, theatre summer camps organized in rural region of Lithuania). PARTNERS: different venues, schools, kindergardens, local communities in Vilnius and rural areas of the country, charity fund "Viena šeima", authorities in Molėtai region and etc.  
Mission and Objectives

Teariukas mission: to help children grow up more creative, more open, more tolerant.
- to participate in cultural projects that stimulate a creative society and its interest in art.
- to present lithuanian folk material on the stage.
- to create cultural, interactive theatrical programs for children, adults and guests from foreign countries.
 - to bring arts activities to children in the regional areas or socially isolated places.
Target groups:  babies (0 - 6 years), children (6 - 12 years), teenagers (13 - 15 years). Families. School, kindergarden communities, minorities, imigrant children, emigrant children and Lithuanian communities abroad.
“Teatriukas” is a group of initiative and creative people. Our values are creativity, flexibility and non formal communication. We believe - big flowers grow up from very small things!

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects we developed last years:
PERFORMANCES FOR CHILDREN (7 performances for children and all familly are in the repertoire, new premiere planned on November 2015);
THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL FOR BABIES IN LT ("Labas" 2015 took palce in VIlnius, with support of Ireland, Croatian, Austrian embassies, support from Lithuanian Council of Culture and etc.);
TOURS to LITHUANIA COMMUNITIES ABROAD (every year we visit 2-3 communities with performances fr Lithuanian children abroad);
TOURING AROUND LITHUANIAN HOSPITALS WITH PROGRAME FOR CHILDREN (with charity fund "Viena šeima", aproximately 25 performances in hospitals anad orphen houses since 2010);
PROJECT "Muzikiniai skaitymai vaikų kambarys" - theatrical activities in 10 regional libraries (2015);
SUMMER CAMP FOR CHILDREN FROM VILLAGES was organized by Teatriukas on 2014 and 2015 (with suport of local authorities).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

"Teatriukas" institution could be partner in cultural, educational, social projects, dedicated to children and families. We also have some ideas for actvities and work in minority centers and refugees center in Lithuania.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 We see it is still problems in Lithuanian schools related with bullying, we travel around Lithuania alot, we see lack of open society, also big difference between city and rural region for culture accessibility for children and young families. "Teatriukas" always looking for possibilites to implement creative ideas, to be helpful to the society. And we believe arts could  contribute to reduce these problems. We want to be partners in the Anna Lindh Foundation and to contribut to solving these and other problems in our acting field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dalia Mikoliūnaitė
Job Title
actress, manager
Head of the organisation
Dalia Mikoliūnaitė
Contact (2) Full Name
Žilvinas Ramanauskas
Job Title (2)
artistic director

Fundació Somiadors Solidaris

National Network

Ricard Ankerman 35 a bajos
07006 Palma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Fundació Somiadors Solidaris is a small Balearic nonprofit Foundation independent and non-discriminatory of race, origin, gender and / or religion. We aspire to be a bridge between companies, government and private initiative to fulfill the wishes, dreams and illusions of the most disadvantaged groups, through the creation of businesses and projects solidarity, both internationally and in the Balearic Islands for cooperation, training and personal development, awareness and culture. Our dream is to be a reference and promoter of citizen participation, providing training, awareness, personal development, culture and international cooperation. Therefore, we participate in projects of citizen participation, with the time bank, helping young entrepreneurs in their business plans, we advise them and we collaborate to put them in contact with the social agencies for food aid economic helps and career. And we perform activities of education, training and integration of groups at risk of social exclusion. Somiadors Solidaris was incorporated by public deed on 14 February 2011. It was registered in the National Register of Foundations of the Balearic Islands with the number 100000000296 (BOIB 92 of 21/06/2011.) And the Register of Institutions of Social Services of the Balearic Islands with the number 1000. Fundació Somiadors Solidaris was created with multidisciplinary, multicultural, secular and nonpartisan vocation,promoting social cohesion and peace, tolerance, solidarity, dialogue, gender equality, sustainable social development, environmental and recycling. Its operation should be governed by the principles of efficiency, agility, transparency, non-discrimination, participation, promotion, solidarity, non-party and non-denominational. Our Areas of action are: 1-International cooperation, development cooperation, co-development and eco-development. 2- Training and education. 3- Awareness. 4- Culture  
Mission and Objectives

To be a bridge between business, government and private initiative and to help for the wishes, dreams and illusions of the most disadvantaged groups through culture, art,training, awareness, personal and business development and national and nternational cooperation.
To get a better distribution of resources and promote the comprehensive personal development of individuals.Implement a culture of solidarity based on participation, efficiency and transparency and networking.

Main Projects / Activities

On July 2015, we won the XII Blas Infante Solidarity Prize 2015 with our "dream project" multi-cultural civic center.

To optimize the prize and raise funds for the civic center, we decided to organize three to five educational solidarity days through lectures, workshops on social, health and personal development, ecology-feeding and other activities (such as social relational art, music and cuisine from around the world) on weekends throughout 2016.
This series of specific activities in a day would replicate the model of the civic center and would finance the final project, a Multicultural Civic Center.
We want to promote interrcultural exchange through arts and creative process, personal development and education for immigrants, youth and  people on risk of social exclusion.
At the same time, we participate with the Time Bank Network of Palma and Adventreks Eco-Society and Welfare Association in India.It focuses on humanitarian projects in India for the integration and development of children, oppressed communities and impoverished families.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to promote development education , personal development, social participation and social change agents and be a bridge between enterprises, administration and citizens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that Anna Lindh foundation is a very active , interesting internactional network. We are following  you long time ago and read whatever you do. In addition Irenia Jocs de Pau , is in contact with us.
However, all the people who work in our organization are voluntary and we did not want to assume obligations that we could not fulfill. Now we have a more stable team and now we can assume the challenge to participate in your network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angela Pazos Arciniega
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Angela Pazos Arciniega

National Agency for Family Care (NAFC)

National Network

Al-remal region
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
(the National Agency for Family Care (NAFC Is an elected board consisting of (7) members of professionals and academics who oversees the management of the Agency in general, and at its staff is diverse and qualified who oversees directly on the implementation of all its activities and programs. (8) full-time employees in addition to (25) volunteers direct the action and are distributed between all activities and projects.
Mission and Objectives

NAFC  has  the  capacity  to  support regional  palliative  care  provision comprehensively  with sustainability, effectiveness,  efficiency,  transparency, equality and innovation
1. Improving  health  status  of  thePalestinian family.
2. Elevating poverty for poor families to enable  them  to  survive  and  enhance self-reliance.
3. Promoting  psychological  and  social stability  of  the  Palestinian  family  as means  to  strengthen  social  ties  in the Palestinian society.
4. Improving  educational  and  cultural level  of  members  of  Palestinian families  to  cope  with  global developments  and  to  meet  local needs.
5. Empowering  marginalized  groups  in the  Palestinian  society  for  adopting and defending their cases to achieve the  principle  of  social  justice  and equality.
6. Advocating  and  mobilising  the community  behind  the  activities  of the Agency and its mission.

Main Projects / Activities

:Improving  the  health  status  of  the Palestinian family
1. The  food  bank  program  (healthy meals for children).
2. Nutrition program for school children.
3. Workshops  and  media  campaigns and  awareness  bulletins  for Palestinian family.
Elevate  the  poverty  for  poor  families  to enable  them  to  survive  and  self  –reliance:
1. Providing  financial  assistance  to needy families.
2. Providing aid in Ramadan and Eid.
3. Providing clothes and school uniform.
4. Creating employment opportunities.
5. Establishing  income  –  generating projects to help the unemployed.
6. Program  of  the  Green  Crescent Palestinians.(agriculture  and environment).
Promoting  the  psychological  and  social stability  of  the  Palestinian  families  as means  to  strengthen  social  ties  in  the Palestinian society:
1. Psychosocial  support  program through entertainment programs .
2. Family Counselling Programme.
3. Civil teams intervene in the crisis.
Improve  the  educational  and  cultural level  of  the  members  of the  Palestinian families  to  cope  with  global developments and to meet local needs:
1. Establishing  a  private  library  for  all family members.
2. Mobile library program.
3. Printed  and  electronic  articles  on  the site of agency.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Ghboun
Job Title
executive manager
Head of the organisation
Rami Ghaboun

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Zagrebačka 69
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+387 61 274 997
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
PCRC consists of 7 full-time staff members and a network of over 40 experts from the Balkans Region and around the world who provide expertise and support to the organization and its projects and programs. Oversight is provided by PCRC’s local and international Advisory Boards, whilst PCRC’s accounts and financial books are kept by a certified accountant. Budgetary resources available in a year total 100,000 Euros, predominantly sourced from international bodies (UNAOC, Council of Europe), international grantmaking foundations (Fetzer Institute, National Endowment for Democracy etc.), and local embassies (British, Swiss, Dutch). PCRC’s main activities are focused around educational activities, consultany, and storytelling through methods such as film, photography and investigative journalism. PCRC partners with organizations at local, regional and international levels, including local victims associations and youth groups, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, UN Office of Genocide Prevention, ICTY and ArtWorks in Chicago.
Mission and Objectives

PCRC’s mission is to cultivate an environment for sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the greater Balkans region using creative multimedia projects that foster tolerance, moral courage, mutual understanding and positive change.
In addition to developing our own unique projects, we leverage our expertise to act as independent consultants for local and international groups and actors, including journalists, photographers, academics, filmmakers, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and others who are interested in carrying out projects that contribute to a brighter future for BiH and the region.
By building a web of relationships, we intend to establish a network that empowers BiH’s internal resources for peacebuilding while helping to maximize contributions made by the international community.

Main Projects / Activities

PCRC is working to bridge divides through bringing people together, giving them the space to speak freely and openly about their current issues and problems, and educating them on how to take an active role in instigating change within their local communities.
This work is focused around three main themes:
Youth and reconciliation – illuminating overlooked, positive narratives of interethnic and intercultural cooperation from the past and utilizing them as models of pro-social behavior and catalysts for social change towards other ethnic groups and minorities in the present and future.
Media freedom – challenging the prevalence of skewed media reporting and negative stereotypes within Bosnia’s mainstream media through promoting the merits of independent media, increasing media literacy levels and providing youth with a space free from censorship to share their concerns and ideas.
Gender and peacebuilding – increasing the capacity of women working in the field of gender rights to influence positive social change and peace, with a specific focus on enabling victims of wartime sexual violence address the cultures of impunity and stigmatisation in BiH.
Throughout this work, PCRC specializes in using multimedia to engage, educate and create awareness target groups. Film and photography are not only powerful artistic expressions that can create lasting images in the eye of the beholder, but can also carry important messages and help people visualize and relate to complex issues, characters and situations. As well as using these tools to inspire change in local schools and public squares, PCRC has also screened its Ordinary Heroes documentary series and the standalone documentary Uspomene 677 to over 500,000 viewers across the region in partnership with Al Jazeera Balkans.
Key projects implemented in 2014-2015 include:
Ordinary Heroes
Ordinary Heroes is designed to foster social healing, reconciliation and forgiveness among divided groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This project utilizes photography, film, and educational youth workshops to tell the stories of four post-conflict regions -- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Rwanda, Cambodia, and post-Holocaust Europe. During periods of moral collapse and genocide existed ordinary people who exhibited incredible courage and compassion to help others at their own risk. Their stories of rescue illustrate the power that love, self-sacrifice, and moral courage have in resisting overwhelming tides of prejudice and violence. PCRC aims to use these narratives as a model for pro-social behavior and a tool to build a social ethic that counters communal violence and promotes healing and forgiveness in divided societies.
Balkan Diskurs
Balkan Diskurs is an independent multimedia outlet that provides young citizen journalists, activists and academics in the Western Balkans with a space free from censorship to publish their opinions, analyses and impressions of the region in which they live. In a media culture dominated by political elites and which seeks to divide rather than unite, Balkan Diskurs offers young citizens from across the region a chance to engage on issues of common concern, with a particular focus on the lack of transparent, objective accurate media.
Regional Genocide Prevention Seminar
In collaboration with the Office of the Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide (OSAPG), PCRC runs an annual seminar to the build the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Balkans working in the fields of human rights, peace building, and the prevention and prosecution of crimes against humanity. The seminar aims to raise the awareness of factors that cause genocide and mass atrocities and facilitate discussions on practical applications for CSOs to contribute to the prevention of genocide.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PCRC has an extensive network of local contacts throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina, ranging from local officials and authorities to some of the most marginalized communities in the country. First, we will utilise these longstanding relationships to lobby relevant stakeholders to support the ALF’s proposed strategy in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Second, we hope that we can further develop the foundations links with grassroots organizations, activists and officials, enabling the network to better implement its upcoming activities in local communities across the country.
In addition, PCRC will also add to the exchange of ideas and good practices within the network, having won the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and BMW Group’s 2014 Intercultural innovation award, which recognizes recognizes the most innovative projects that promote intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation around the world. PCRC has since received over a year of specialized training in organizational management, fundraising, marketing and project management and evaluation, as well as training in how to replicate and expand small-scale projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Membership in the ALF network will help PCRC broaden its network at a local, regional and international level. In addition to contributing our own ideas and experience of good (and bad) practice to this network, we also wish to draw on the knowledge, expertise and resources of those already operating within the network in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as the experience of others within similar fields of work or contexts internationally. Finally, we hope that access to ALF’s network will help provide our organization with long-term stability.

Contact (1) Full Name
Velma Šarić
Job Title
Founder and Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Velma Šarić
Contact (2) Full Name
Leslie Woodward
Job Title (2)
Co-founder and Project Director

Chantiers Sociaux Marocains

National Network

Rue Elmouahidine N°13
Quartier Hassan -Rabat RP
10000 Rabat

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Chantiers Sociaux Marocains CSM is registered, non-profit, independent NGO created in 1963, with the main office in Rabat. CSM aims to promote youth voluntary work and local development in the communities we work with. We work for : Awareness of the importance of volunteering and the need to its recognize and reinforce the values of citizenship and strengthen the capacity of the population to contribute to sustainable development  

Mission and Objectives

Towards an inclusive society rich of volunteering culture and citizenship spirit. So as to achieve its missions CHANTIERS SOCIAUX MAROCAINS – CSM work to : - Implement projects dealing with local population needs such as, global education, capacity building, youth activities, protection of environment, health… - Encourage the active involvement of local and international volunteers in its projects - Encourage young people to join the associative work , participate actively to its activities , improve their capacity building and ensure the sustainable of the associative movement - Foster the local and international youth meeting without distinction because of race, social status, or any other disadvantages, so as to communicate and seat up a global intercultural leaning and peace all around the world - Strengthen the associative governance and contribute to its empowerment so as to achieve its mission in a democratic way - Work for the recognition of the voluntary service and non-formal education

Main Projects / Activities

We have a wide offer of different projects: Long term and short term / Workcamps: Working with disabled children Vocational Training for Youth Scholar support: Sport , Art activities, teaching languages Working with poor families in Casablanca Elderly Care Centre Working with children in Zagora  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Chantiers Sociaux Marocains has a wide experience bringind volunteers from all over the world to Morocco. Joining Anna Lindh foundation will bring to the network in our country the contacts and expertise that we all need to work for an inclusive societ through the associative life. Voluntary service placements are mainly in education, health and development projects working with children, women and the local community at large scale. Taking part of such a big network, will give us all the strenght necessary to achieve our aims.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Chantiers Sociaux Marocains and Anna Lindh foundation work for the same ains. The Anna Lindh Foundation works for the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean and our organization is also part of many networks with the same aims. We already have a vaste experience bringin volunteers from abroad and we know about the benefits that this bring to developing societies. We are a full member of: - UMAC , Moroccan union of work camps association - Associations space - UMAV, Maghreb union of volunteering action - ICYE, International Cultural youth exchange - CSM is also a partner of the European Alliance of work camps associations Joining Anna Lindh Foundation will complete our missions, helping us delivering the projects that we have in mind and for which we will need the help of our peers with the same aim abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raziq Abderrazak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Raziq Abderrazak
Contact (2) Full Name
Sara Garrido
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Alsharq e.V.

National Network

Paul-Lincke-Ufer 41, c/o Wildcorn GmbH
10999 Berlin

+49 (0)157 78337361
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
Alsharq is the leading independent German platform for alternative information about the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Besides up-to-date reporting on, we provide socio-political analyses and organize political study trips to the region. Founded in 2005 by a group of young researchers and journalists, we are working to promote dialogue and political education about the MENA-region in Germany. As a public non-profit association, Alsharq is based in Berlin. The board comprises five people, but we are all working on a voluntary basis. We currently have 50 members that pay monthly fees through which we finance our ongoing activities. Altogether, we have around 6000 EUR at our disposal/year, but as we were just recently registered as a non-profit association we are currently applying for support through political foundations and third-party funds for our projects. For this, we cooperate closely with many civil society actors from Germany and the MENA-region.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to promote political education about the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in Germany. We seek to cultivate a common ethos and sense of tolerance in the exchanges across the MENA-region and Germany that we support through journalism, research, and civil society cooperation.
Towards this end, we provide comprehensive, multi-perspectival and in-depth information about the MENA-region. This, we do in a participatory manner, where everybody can contribute, always in collaboration, where we learn from each other, and always motivated to capture the personal dimension of the political developments we cover. We have all lived or are living in different countries across the region, speak Arabic, Hebrew, or Farsi, and are well connected with our friends and partner in the different countries.
As part of our mission, we support the ensuing democratic transformation across the MENA-region. We want to inform about the possibilities and difficulties of those processes, drawing primarily on the role of civil society. In particular, we work to capture different perspectives from across the region and make them accessible to a wider audience in Germany. We thereby enhance the understanding for the recent developments in the MENA-region and contribute to the civic dialogue across the (equally real and fabricated) boundaries between Germany and the Middle East and North Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities are based on journalism and research about the MENA-region, as well as political study trips to different countries.
Our blog is the heart of Alsharq. On it, we publish a new article every two or three days for the past ten years already, which makes for almost 2000 contributions altogether. With the blog, we promote independent reporting as well as profound commentary about the MENA-region to contribute to the public debate about the region in Germany. As we have all lived or are currently still living in various places across the region, our comprehensive first-hand insights into the different facets of the region help to elucidate the personal, social and political dimensions of the topics we discuss.
In this way, we help to give voice to many different actors that otherwise struggle to be heard. And we pick up and reflect a variety of issues, topics and perspectives from the region – through our own reporting, feature articles from local personalities and frequent press-reviews from regional papers. Profound analyses, book-reviews and numerous interviews continue to qualify our blog as one of the most important sources of information and debate about the MENA-region in Germany. For our work, we enjoy both an ever-growing audience and critical acclaim. The Deutsche Welle user-award “Best of Blogs” in 2008 and the nomination for the “Grimme-Online-Award” in 2013 for example testify the high quality of our reporting.
As part of our political education, we also offer regular public seminars and workshops on political, economic and cultural events and developments in the Middle East and North Africa. For this, we regularly cooperate with universities, where we hold presentations or conduct seminars, and other institutions and organizations. Previous partner include for example the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, the “Studienstiftung Villigst” or the “Staatspolitische Gesellschaft Hamburg”. In the past year alone, the panel-discussions we have initiated and led spanned from cross-border cooperation in Israel and Palestine, to life under the “Islamic State” in Syria, political re-conciliation in Yemen, and story-telling in Morocco. Moreover, we founded a network for young journalists working on the MENA-region, which serves as a forum of exchange of expertise. We also have published already a number of research series, for example on the possibilities and difficulties of reporting about the Middle East and North Africa and about the Oslo-process in Israel/Palestine. Furthermore, members of Alsharq regularly provide expert media-commentary, including for example at N-TV, Deutschland Radio Wissen, the Deutsche Welle or Detektor FM.
Finally, to better understand the Middle East and North Africa, we feel it is necessary to personally experience it. For many years, Alsharq has therefore been independently organizing and conducting political study trips to the region (Palestine/Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Morocco). Our trips combine political education with cultural encounters in the most remarkable countryside. In this way, we provide for a unique opportunity to realize and actively engage with what it means to be living on either side of the wall between Israel and Palestine, explore Beirut along the scars from the Lebanese Civil War, or gaze at the beauty of Petra, the ancient city of rocks in Jordan. To grasp what the abstract news about the Middle East actually mean, our well experienced and locally acquainted team especially values personal meetings and conversations with many different locals. This not only helps local organizations and initiatives, but also serves to build bridges across the MENA-region and Germany.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe the participation in the ALF-network offers great opportunities for Alsharq. In the same time, we are highly committed to contribute to the network in Germany. As we have been doing in the past years, we value collaborative work, when different sets of experience are brought together in an inclusive and participatory manner to the mutual benefit of all participants. We believe that we can do more when we work together.
Towards this end, the members of Alsharq not only have different academic qualifications that we can all contribute to the network, ranging from Middle Eastern studies to political science, international relations, sociology and anthropology. We also have many different practical skills and experiences that we can add, which pertain to journalism, editorial processes, the organization of events, seminars, and political study trips, as well as the application for funding. Moreover, we are already very well connected not only with many different civil society actors in Germany, but also across the MENA-region. We consider it therefore a particularly important contribution to link different actors and organizations, facilitate exchange and foster constructive dialogue across Germany and the Middle East and North Africa.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As much as we believe we can contribute to the ALF-network, we also believe that we have a lot to gain from it. We have already come some way in the work we do, especially since it is voluntary and we started Alsharq from scratch. This makes for a great learning-opportunity for all of us as we make the transition from our university studies to the first career-steps. That is why we want to connect even more with other initiatives, actors and organizations to learn with and from them. We are only at the beginning and the ALF-network provides a unique opportunity to get together and work on our common goals, especially as it pertains to the many strong linkages we want to cultivate across national borders. This aspiration is not only important for us individually. We consider it especially pertinent with regard to the precedent for people-driven that was set by the popular uprisings that have captivated so many people in the MENA-region and beyond. We accordingly believe that the ALF-network can help us realize our collective responsibility in the democratic transitions, not only “there”, but also “here” – because, after all, that we are in it together. Towards this end, we would in particular hope for our membership in the ALF-network to provide us with information on how to better strategize our work, more successfully acquire funding, involve more actors and thereby contribute to sustainable civil society engagement and cooperation across Germany and the MENA-region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johannes Gunesch
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Laura Overmeyer

جمعية شباب الريصاني بلا حدود

National Network

دار الشباب بلدية مولاي علي الشريف عمالة الرشيدية المغرب
52450 بلدية مولاي علي شريف

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية شباب الريصاني بلا حدود جمعية تنشط مع شباب الواحات بالجنوب الشرقي للمملكة المغربية و تهدف الى تكوين الشباب و تأطيرهم و الحد من الهجرة من الواحة نحو المدن 
Mission and Objectives

-تكوين الشباب 
حقوق الانسان 
التشغيل و التشغيل الذاتي 
ادماج الفتيات القرويات 
جعل الشباب مساهم في التنمية المحلية 

Main Projects / Activities

دورات نكوينية 
ملتقيات للشباب 
اندية المسرح و اللغات و التواصل 
مهرجانات و انشطة رياضية و التحسيسة 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكن للجمعية التنسيق مع الجمعيات المحلية و الدولية من اجل الرفع من قيم حقوق الانسان و المساواة و تربية الشباب على الاختلاف و تقبل الاخر و ادماجهم في جميع الميادين .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

العمل على خلق شراكات مع الجمعيات الجادة و تبادل الخبرات و التجارب 

Contact (1) Full Name
hamza chhilif
Head of the organisation
حمزة شحيليف

ADAT - Associação dos Amigos do Tocá Rufar

National Network

R. Dr. Miguel Bombarda
Nº 40
2840-514 Seixal

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ADAT is a non-profit association with more than 15.000 members all over Portugal. We are a small team of 6 people working full-time. Our anual budget is around 100.000,00€. Sources of founding: Ministry of Culture; local administration; performing revenues; schools. Music classes; adults formation; seminars, exchanges; 100 performances a year Main partners: Ministry of Culture; City of Seixal; City of Moita.
Mission and Objectives

Tocá Rufar is an artistic and cultural education project that aims to assert and promote the Bombo (traditional Portuguese bass drum) and traditional Portuguese percussion. The project excels in placing art, learning and Portuguese culture in a privileged position as a source of value, development and contemporaneity, and by making it accessible to all.
Tocá Rufar’s mission is to promote the Bombo as a symbol of modern Portuguese culture and identity and to develop its practice in an orchestral context that concentrates on a contemporary expression of traditional Portuguese percussion, alongside providing exemplary educational practices within an instructive framework.
By creating and innovating from within the heart of traditional culture and employing high quality artistic practices, we intend to develop and export the image of a modern, agile, active, creative and innovative Portugal with a strong cultural identity. This is in addition to having a preeminent organizational model that can be applied by other national and foreign bodies.
Considering the contemporary cultural scene in Portugal, projects such as Tocá Rufar are essentially initiatives of sociocultural intervention and consequently provide alternative cultural models and practices to those offered by an entertainment industry that does not require the personal and social development of individuals and groups. Therefore, we participate in sociocultural projects that work towards the development of civil society, in particular the sectors that are most at risk and in need of attention.
The contribution and creativity of Tocá Rufar as a leader of distinction in the area of social work is summed up well by Rui Júnior, founder and director of the project, when in discussion with a local representative of education: “When our members enrol in the Tocá Rufar Orchestra, they take on the responsibility of representing the culture and identity of an entire country; due to its visibility, this initiative provokes a sense of duty. As a result, we demand hours of hard work and have strict rules on conduct, appearance and posture. Our members are artists and, above all, demanding and deserving human beings and – I guarantee you – they will know how to make important decisions and take on responsibilities, today and in the future, and do everything for their country. Therefore, sir, you need to give them the respect and admiration that they deserve. Any person that joins the orchestra, whether they are a child, teenager, adult, male or female, is considered and treated by Tocá Rufar as a talented individual.”
Under the motto “Lend yourself! Express yourself! Exceed yourself!”, Tocá Rufar gives its students a new and improved self-perception while also requiring them to find a balance between their personal will and the common good thus enabling them to affirm an individual identity within the community.
Performing social work through art provides them with the refuge of traditional culture while also extending their horizons and showing them a promising future within their reach and bestowing upon them the freedom to set their own limits. Besides proving the “tools” to achieve this, Tocá Rufar also demands effort, enthusiasm and the spirit of sacrifice, teaching its students in the process to be independent and take charge of their own lives.
Defining itself as an artistic and cultural project, Tocá Rufar protects its members from any social prejudice linked to their background, age, gender, race, culture or sexual orientation. Tocá Rufar is investing in the creation of platform that gives everyone equal opportunities to access the project and grow within it and within society.
By teaching in a group, Tocá Rufar brings together individuals whose social realities normally do not coincide or interact, however, once integrated into the orchestra everyone acquires equal status. Like members of a family, one common space is shared by people of different generations, cultures, life experiences, education, social status and identities. It is a space where everyone is understood and judged only on their input, goodwill and personal merit.
Orchestra members have the opportunity to access places and contexts that the majority of people do not. These have included: playing alongside renowned artists such as Buraka Som Sistema, Fafá de Belém, Fausto, Jorge Palma, José Mário Branco, Mickael Carreira, Paulo de Carvalho, Rui Júnior & oÓquesomtem?, Tony Carreira, Xutos & Pontapés, to name just a few; representing Portugal at international events including several World Expos (Expo’98 Lisbon; Expo Hannover 2002 Germany; Expo Aichi 2006 Japan), the Signing of the Treaty of Lisbon and several Festivals in the UK and in Belgium; and travelling the world and meeting people from various backgrounds. This not only plays an integral part in personal development but also provides a greater capacity for understanding and acceptance.
As well as having a direct effect upon its students, the project also influences those that engage with the group. Tocá Rufar’s shows and the manner in which its members behave and present themselves publicly inspires thousands of spectators, not just because of the high standard of music but also due to the integrity, education, generosity and kindness that they exude. Tocá Rufar members set an example, they challenge and nourish the spirit and are an important stimulus for community solidarity and service.
More than 80% of the orchestra’s performances are made available to promoters that do not have the resources to afford the costs of hiring, provided that the principals and underlying causes are considered fair and of value. So that the sustainability of the project is not put at risk, Tocá Rufar charges a higher rate to those that can afford to pay it and, indirectly, places upon the richest in society a social, educational and cultural role that quite often they refuse to assume.
Every year Tocá Rufar teaches around 500 students for free.

Main Projects / Activities

Research; formation; performing arts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work each year with 500 children from ethnic minorities and social disadvantaged people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange through Euromed projects with Palestinian partner.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rui Romão de Melo Araújo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Fernandes Miranda Ceia
Job Title (2)
Artistic Director

European law students' association Sarajevo

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Obala Kulina Bana 7
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. ELSA Sarajevo - local group which is part of ELSA in BIH, through which ELSA Sarajevo is member of ELSA International. Its main bodies are: Assembly and Executive committee. Executive committee is made from seven sectors: president, treasurer, secretary-general, academic activities, student exchange program, seminar and conferences, marketing and study visits. 2. approx 2000 BAM - cca 1000 euros 3. sources: donations of Faculty of Law University of Sarajevo and membership fees 4. modalities of actions: seminars, workshops, conferences, study visits, student exchange program, legal clinics, lecturers, moot courts competitions, simulation of parliament, legal research groups. 5. main partners: Faculty of Law University of Sarajevo, Council of Youth Old Town Sarajevo, Cure foundation, state institutions (Ministry of human rights and refugees).
Mission and Objectives

The European Law Students' Association (ELSA) in Sarajevo, as an international, independent, non-political, non-profit organization run for and by the students themselves, to unite and to organize students and graduates, who are interested in the academic and personal development as an addition to his studies at the universities. The main mission of the Association is to contribute to legal education, through various forms of non-formal education, introduction to comparative European justice and social systems, the development of mutual understanding among students of law faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Legal Clinic in International and European law on human rights law (legal clinic topics are related to protection of human rights in B&H, world, and mechanism of human rights protection in Europe - more precisely - European Convention of Human Rights and case law of European court for human rights. (Sarajevo, October 2015 - ) 2. Seminar "Transitional justice - a path to the peace" (21 September 2015 - International Day of peace) 3. organizes visits to state institutions - Parliament of B&H, Court of B&H, Constitutional Court of B&H, Central Bank and Presidency of B&H (during whole year) 4. students internships in private companies, state institutions and international organisations (during whole year) 5. trilateral project (including ELSA Sarajevo, ELSA Ljubljana, ELSA Croatia) that consists from: legal research group and academic-educative visits on topic of economic-social rights of LGBT persons in B&H, Croatia, Slovenia (Sarajevo, Ljubljana & zagreb, March 2015 - ) 6. Legal research group on European social charter as part of ELSA International biggest legal project (Sarajevo, November 2014 - April 2016) 7. Advocate of United nations development program "Advocates of Military control" (Sarajevo, November 2015 - ) 8. Seminar "European court for human rights - constitutional court of Europe?" organized with ELSA Osijek (Dubrovnik, 19 - 23 August 2015) 9. Seminar "Feminism and woman's rights" (Sarajevo, 19 June 2015) 10. Legal clinic in international and European law on human rights law (legal clinic topics are related to protection of human rights in B&H, world, and mechanism of human rights protection in Europe - more precisely - European Convention of Human Rights and case law of European court for human rights. (Sarajevo, October 2014 - January 2015)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ELSA Sarajevo has a rich experience when it comes to organization and implementation of multicultural and multinational events and it is willing to share it in order to contribute achievement of Anna Lindh foundation main goals. Its 200 members will actively participate and give its own contribution to the Anna Lindh Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ELSA Sarajevo has a good cooperation with state institutions, Law Faculty and some other nongovernmental organizations which might be used for purpose of Anna Lindh Network in B&H.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ELSA Sarajevo would like to join Anna Lindh Foundation as it share the same goal – bringing people together in order to break down prejudices and stereotypes among peoples and cultures. More precisely, ELSA's focus group are law students. The best tool to do so is a dialogue. Dialogue, communication is essential part of our everyday life if we want to have a society that is multicultural and tolerant; society of mutual understanding. ELSA Sarajevo is using the most effective tool – education as meeting point of every human. Just by getting to know each other we develop mutual understating to others – to those whole are different from us. Finally, as well as Anna Lindh foundation, ELSA Sarajevo by its activities, as are study visits, provides opportunity for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and rest of Europe to travel and meet Bosnian or other European legal orders and at the same time their cultures. In order to make us more visible and to be closer to achieving our goals we would like to join Anna Lindh foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Išerić Harun
Job Title
Preisdent of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Aida Hamur
Job Title (2)
Vice president for academic activities

National Chamber of Mediation

National Network

Ministry of Justice, Bulevardi Zogu I, Tirane, ALBANIA
Rr Don Bosko, Pallatet Hawai , kulla 2 kati 9 Tirane, ALBANIA

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
In compliance with the requirements of the mediation law, the Albanian National Chamber of Mediators (NCM) was established as a public legal entity on July 7, 2013, with the support of the Albanian Ministry of Justice and USAID
Mission and Objectives

The Chamber operates independently of the state, with the mission to support the profession of mediators as well as the functioning and  strengthening of the mediation process as an effective extrajudicial alternative for solving disputes in less time and cost based on the free will of the parties.
The Chamber has now established the legal framework on the basis of which it operates, as does its membership. In addition to the Statute, this includes, among others, the Mediators’ Code of Ethics and the Manual of Mediation Service Fees and Tariffs. The Chamber has also approved standard mediation agreements and mediators have been provided with personalized stamps produced by the Ministry of Interior in adherence to current legislation.
Since the establishment of the NCM, according to the Mediators’ Registry maintained by the Ministry of Justice, the mediators’ number has doubled. The Chamber is now represented in the Mediators’ Licensing Commission. On April 4 - 6, 2014, it successfully organized the fi rst initial training on mediation, in accordance with its legal obligation to provide mandatory initial training to those who want to become mediators.

Main Projects / Activities

We also appreciate the planned intervention by the European Union in this fi eld. All-around cooperation is key for consolidating the mediators’ profession in Albania, and for offering parties dispute resolution services through mediation, a win-win alternative for all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will contribute in the network, in all forms of informations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs Drita AVDYLI
Contact (2) Full Name
Alketa ELEZI
Job Title (2)
General Secretar