Initiatives pour le Développement Socio Economique et la Protection de l'Environnement (IDSEPE)

National Network

Sebkha, Nouakchott (RIM)

+222 44702727
Telephone (other)
+222 46436964
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+222 44702727
Mobile Phone (other)
+222 46436964
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
Le but de l’association est de promouvoir le bien être social des populations  de fixer les populations rurales dans leur milieu en revalorisant les activités agro – pastorales et enfin, de lutter pour établir un équilibre écologique entre l’homme et son environnement. L’action de IDSEPE s’inscrit dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pauvreté et les maux sociaux  dont les objectifs principaux concernent: - développer dans tous les domaines des relations et des échanges entre les villes et villages de la moughataa de Maghama ( Wilaya du Gorgol ) en Mauritanie et d’autres villes dans le monde - créer et entretenir des liens d’amitié , de solidarité et des passerelles d’échanges de tout genre entre les populations ( jumelages , coopération avec des ONG , des institutions et organismes publics, semi – public et privés ). - OEuvrer pour le développement socio – économique en initiant des projets , en les exécutant et en assurant leur suivi ; ( santé , éducation, culture, femmes & enfants, revalorisation du secteur agro - pastoral en vue de combattre l’exode rural ) - Lutter contre les calamités naturelles ( inondations , incendies etc.) et la désertification par des actions de reboisement , de prévention et de lutte contre les feux de brousse, - Encourager une gestion rationnelle et une protection efficace des ressources naturelles ( faune et flore)
Mission and Objectives

Les ressources de l’association proviennent de :
1- le montant des cotisations versées par les membres.
2- les subventions des institutions et des organismes publics, semi-publics et privés
3- les dons et legs faits à l’association par des particuliers ou des associations
4- les revenus générés par ses activités
5- les prêts
budget annuel:salaires de personnel et fonctionnement : 3 600 000 um
notre ong travaille en parfait partenariat avec toutes les communes du pays
Le but de l’association est de promouvoir le bien être social des populations defavorisées, de fixer les populations rurales dans leur milieu en revalorisant les activités
agro – pastorales et enfin, de lutter pour établir un équilibre écologique entre l’homme et son
L’action de IDSEPE s’inscrit dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pauvreté et les maux sociaux

Main Projects / Activities

1- Création et encadrement de coopératives de femmes pour le maraîchage.
2- Réhabilitation et montage de 90 tables-bancs pour l’école III de Maghama (2000).
3- Conférence débat sur les IST dans le village de Maghama (2002).
4- Distribution gratuite de seringues et de préservatifs dans 9 postes de 9 communes rurales (2004).
5- Distribution de médicaments pour l’utilisation gratuite des populations défavorisées dans le Centres de Santé dans Maghama et Dolol (2004).
6- Sensibilisation des jeunes autour de la problématique du SIDA à Nouakchott (2000).
7- Projection vidéo suivi de débat à Nouakchott avec des regroupements féminins sur les effets du SIDA et attitudes – comportements à adopter vis-à-vis de la  maladie et des malades (2012).
8- Etude et réalisation avec un financement conjoint FCIL (Fond Canadien d’Initiatives Locales) – GDF (Gaz de France) – IDSEPE d’un projet de périmètre maraîcher en faveur d’une coopérative féminine avec la construction d’un bassin relié au réseau d’adduction d’eau de la Moughata de Maghama pour lutter contre la pénibilité des femmes 2003.
9-  Création d’une Activité Génératrice de Revenus (AGR) en faveur des femmes chef de ménages et filles non scolarisées aux fins de promouvoir l’intégration effective de la femme dans le processus de développement du pays, d’améliorer la cohésion du tissu social en faisant intervenir les femmes dans tous les compartiment de la vie familiale et enfin de réorienter les efforts de production des femmes en milieu rural en incitant à la diversification (2013).
10- Organisation des journées de sensibilisation sur le VIH/SIDA avec l’appui financier du SENLS à Nouakchott et au Gorgol (2005).
11-   Réception et distribution d’un lot de matériel médical, des médicaments et des fournitures scolaires à Nouakchott, au Brakna et au Gorgol en partenariat avec ISEL (Institut Supérieur d’Etudes en Logistique) du Havre (France) en 2006.
12- Réhabilitation de la forêt de N’GOUYE à travers l’exploitation rationnelle et la revalorisation de ses potentialités (pisciculture et apiculture). Dans le cadre de ce projet IDSEPE a organisé les populations riveraines de la forêt et la mise sur pied de d’une grande coopérative Apicole (structuration, coaching, formations aux techniques Apicole (apicole et piscicole) pour leur reconnaissance par les autorités administratives sur financement du PNUD (2007).
13- Réalisation d’un projet de protection de l’écosystème forestier par l’ouverture d’environ  40 km de tranchée pare –feux et une plantation de 5000 plants pour le reboisement et lutter ainsi contre l’avancée du désert (2008).
14- Mise en place et gestion de 9 centres de récupération nutritionnelle (CRENAM) ainsi que la formation et la sensibilisation des femmes enceintes et allaitantes en nutrition sur financement du PAM en collaboration avec le CSA et le Ministère de la Santé (2007 à 2010).
15- Mise en œuvre du programme de distribution gratuite de 107 tonnes de vivres au profit de 467 familles nécessiteuses identifiées par le CSA et PAM dans la Moughata (DGR 2009).
16- Mise place et encadrement de 13 SAVS (Stock Alimentaire Villageois de Sécurité) sur financement du PAM, servant à asseoir une base d’autosuffisance, de maîtrise de contrôle des prix des denrées de première nécessité en période de soudure (2008 à 2010).

17- Organisation d’une caravane de sensibilisation et de consultations itinérantes dans le cadre de la lutte contre la mortalité maternelle et néonatale avec l’association ADECOM dans le Département de Maghama. L’ONG ADECOM par sa présidente et les membres de son BE a sollicité et obtenu le support de IDSEPE pour organiser une campagne de consultations foraines dans la Moughataa de Maghama
18- Synergie avec la Faculté de Science et l’Université de Nouakchott dans le projet de Foretorum  et de réhabilitation des plantes en voie de disparition dans la zone de Maghama  / AFORNET. Les représentants de la Faculté de sciences et de L’Université de Nouakchott ont rencontré les dirigeants de IDSEPE en vue de coopérer dans le cadre de leur projet à l’échelle africaine de réhabilitation des forêts, de la protection des espèces végétales en voie de disparition  et de plantation d’espèces disparues (2005).
19- Formation d’une Sage-femme d’Etat et d’une infirmière médico-sociale ce projet est réalisé en collaboration avec le jumelage Saint-Martin de Crau et IDSEPE pour pallier le déficit en personnel permanent et régulier du centre de santé de Maghama (destiné à l’ensemble du département) (2009 à 2011).
20-      IDSEPE en collaboration avec l’ONG SANTE-SUD a mis sur pied une étude de faisabilité et obtenu le financement de  la construction d’un centre de santé à SAGNE au GORGOL (2012).
21- IDSEPE a participé à la mise en place d’un projet de plantes médicinales à Maghama qui consiste à l’encadrement des coopératives volontaires pour l’exploitation attentive des ressources végétales, notamment par la revalorisation des plantes médicinales qui contribueront à rehausser le niveau de vie des populations conformément aux orientations du CSLP.
Réalisation d'un projet de partenariat avec USADF/IDSEPE pour l'assistance technique et soutien aux groupes communautaires en Mauritanie en cour de d'exécution

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Au regard des actions réaliséees au niveau national et vu l'engagement vis à vis de la FAL
L’ONG IDSEPE s’est également illustrée dans le soutien, l’encadrement et l’organisation logistique des cérémonies du Jumelage entre Maghama et la ville française de Saint Martin de Crau. Elle apporte également, chaque année son assistance et son appui organisationnel à toutes les activités religieuses à Maghama. Elle est présente dans l’animation et la promotion des activités de développement social et de la jeunesse( conférences débats, appui financier aux activités de jeunesse etc.)
Au 1er semestre 2009, elle a déjà distribué 44,8 tonnes de denrées alimentaires ; au 31 décembre 2009, IDSEPE a eu à effectuer une importante distribution gratuite de 119 tonnes de céréales aux différentes communes de la Moughataa.
Le dernier défi relevé par IDSEPE, est sans doute la formation de deux infirmières pour le centre de santé de Maghama (qui en a bien besoin),en partenariat avec l’Association
Française de jumelage ST Martin de Crau. L’ONG a pris en charge la bourse et le transport, l’Association de jumelage a supporté les frais de la Formation à l’ENSP (Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique)
Ainsi, devant l’ampleur des défis du développement à relever dans le monde rural dont
La Moughataa de Maghama n’est qu’une composante, une meilleure coordination
des différentes ONG qui y interviennent , permettrait d’éviter la dispersion des activités et les doubles emplois. Un partenariat bénéfique pourrait par exemple être crée entre lIDSEPE et les ONG comme le GRDR, WORLD VISION, Action Internationale Contre la Faim (AICF),
ECODEV et AFVP (Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès) ,pour le bien-être des populations du monde rural.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Notre ong souhaite se joindre à la FAL pour offrir des degrés considérables de capacité  dans la réalisation de ses objectifs de développement  au sein de l'Union Méditeranéenne   . En terme de compétence notre ong pourra accompagner de manière constructive et participative au partage des idéaux fixés par la FAL

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ly Abdoul Dakel
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Brainstorm Organisation

National Network

Fakulteti i mjekesise, tirane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Brainstorm Organisation was established in march 2013. It began as an informal group of medical students but it got stronger and bigger so it had to become something more serious, an organisation. There are more than 500 students included in differents departments such as research, youth exchange, activities, IT, human recourse,etc. There is a executive bord, staff and simple members. The organisation gets funds by the university and different sponsors. We work with a yearly calendar of activities which are really various such as medical schools throughout Albania and abroad, conferences, workshops, campaign, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the organisation is strengthen the social spirit of students , help them discover their talents and create a bond between them and the society, and finally help them become better and grwat doctors.

Main Projects / Activities

There are some several activities which are organised each year, such as medical sciences conference, winter and summer school, workshops with different topics, breast cancer, ovar cancer, HIV AIDS campaigns,etc. every year more and more activities get organised thank s to the sponsorships as well.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We help our country by educating the society, by helping different parts of it (the poor, cleejing the city, educating people, etc) and finally by becoming better doctors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because it can help us with our mission, to help kore and more students making their dreams come true.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matina Çobo
Job Title
Medical student
Head of the organisation
Gentjan Asllanaj

Association Footura

National Network

Odrin 14
1303 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
National movement Union for development of sport and sports culture FOOTURA has as main purpose the development and promotion of various sports, as well as activities for sports and cultural tourism, exchange programs, etc., through organization, grants and respective support to individuals and teams, sport events and other events with charitable and / or demonstration purposes on the territory of Bulgaria and abroad. All activities of the Association are oriented towards amateur and collegiate model of practicing sports to motivate children, young people and amateur athletes to an active and healthy lifestyle and the Association constanly seek to attract new people to support the ideas and goals of Footura and to practice sports in the best possible conditions.
Mission and Objectives

Some of our objectives are:
1. Development of youth activities, initiatives and projects, supporting healthy lifestyles and physical education of children and youth.
2. Defending national policy of the Republic of Bulgaria the strategic place of sport, sports culture and sports education among teenagers and amateurs.
3. Work to restore and expand existing and create new connections between people, organizations, regions and other structures based on sport and sports culture and specific sports events - both in Bulgaria and abroad.
4. Promoting the achievements, projects and initiative of individuals and organizations in the field of amateur sport.
5. Supporting our members for better implementation and solve certain social issues of training and competence on issues related directly to sports and topics beyond.
6. Involve a wide range of citizens and civic organizations in the activities of the Association, forming partnerships with companies concerning their support to the Association and its objectives, as well as dialogue with central and local executive authorities and their affiliates on opportunities for joint initiatives and projects related to the objectives of the Association.
7. Formation and supporting sports teams at the Association (also individual athletes) to participate in amateur and / or professional competitions and tournaments in various sports, as well as building and managing the activities of the Academy of Football and / or other sports games.
8. Creation and development of better infrastructure for the practice of amateur sport, which increases motivation and keeps the commitment of young people.
9. Participation in public life and public dialogue on the issues of youth and sports - both directly and indirectly (through the Internet).
10. Improving the health of the population and improve the quality of medical services in the country.
11. Supporting local governments in identifying current problems of the community in the field of sport and health, and support for their solution.
12. Develop, implement and coordinate development projects.
13. Collection, maintenance and dissemination of information on existing national and international investment, credit, humanitarian and others institutions and their conditions of investment, credit and assistance.

Main Projects / Activities

«Greedy for Sport» Sofia Municipality, 2014
"Students practice" to the Ministry of Education, 2013-2014
«FARE-against racism in football with partners UEFA and EU", completed projects in 2013 and 2014
«Erasmus + Project Junior HOP» 2015
«Erasmus + Project Promoting healthy practices in sports clubs», 2015
"European Week of Sport» 2013, 2014, 2015
«International Day of Sport, the United Nations» 2014 and 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Association Footura can contribute with development of activities and projects connected with our main objectives and values - youths, inter-cultural relations and sports. We would like to create bridges between cultures - as we do and now - currently we work with partners from Jordan, Italy, Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Turkey, Latvia, etc. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be members of Anna Lindh foundation in order to achieve better results in international communication, to find more international projects opportunities and to have more trustful Bulgarian and foreign partners. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Emiliyan Metodiev
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Youth Mobility Center-YMC

National Network

45, G. Papandreou Str., Zografou
15773 Athens

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Mobility Center was founded in August 2012, as a Non-Profit, Non Governmental Organisation; as a result of the prolonged experience of its founder and partners in Youth Mobility Schemes on the European and International level. The permanet staff are: Mr. Kyroglou as legal representative and project writer, Mr. Gravas as Mobility Coordinator and project manager. We enjoy a wide network of partner organisations on the european and international level. Since 2015 we are operating our Youth Center Velelekos, in N. Epidavros where our principal partner is the Municipality. Throughout the year, we count on the constant support of our EVS volunteers and interns to develop our projects. We work as a CO, SO and HO for youth mobility programs, so our principal source of funding is Erasmus+. In 2015 we managed to secure a total amount of funds well above 80.000Eur. through Erasmus+ and individual and corporate donations.

Mission and Objectives

In YMC our motto is "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving". Our mission is to: To provide further opportunities for cross-border mobility within education, training and volunteering, thereby transforming mobility into a widespread phenomenon; To take steps to attain the objectives of the current European Union programs for education,youth, culture, citizenship and research; To facilitate the participation of all young people in mobility schemes and enhance the mobility of all educational staff; To create partnerships and take action at several levels and with various international stakeholders to increase opportunities for mobility on behalf of young people. Our goal is to give the opportunity to as many young people as possible to be mobile, to study, work and volunteer abroad. We believe that through mobility young people may enhance their personal development and increase their future employability by developing soft skills that may be proven invaluable in the labor market. Our incentive is our firm belief that participation in Mobility Programs - be it through actions specifically targeted against Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance or within numerous programs dealing with poverty and social exclusion, with minorities and children rights, just to name a few areas of interest - YMC will be able to develop mobility opportunities in favor of children and young people. This way it will promote the understanding of the political and social framework of the EU. These elements may directly affect positively the heart of the problem namely,the increasing unemployment of young people and the lack of appropriate training and preparation for life.

Main Projects / Activities

We are acting as a co-ordinating, sending and hosting organization for young volunteers who want to deliver a social project in another European country. We are providing guidance and assistance from the initial phase -finding an appropriate project for them- until the final stage, i.e. the spillover effect of using the experience they gained back in their local society. YMC's activities are centered around the tools of non-formal and informal learning in a European dimension. Non-formal learning refers to the learning which takes place outside formal educational curriculum. Informal learning refers to the learning in daily life activities, in work, family, leisure, etc. It is mainly learning by doing. Non-formal and informal learning enables young people to acquire essential competences and contributes to their personal development, social inclusion and active citizenship, thereby improving their employment prospects. Non-formal and informal learning activities are complementary to the formal education and training system. They have a participative and learner-centred approach, are carried out on a voluntary basis and are therefore closely linked to young people's needs, aspirations and interests. In this context, the main programmes we will be working with are: -Erasmus+ concerning non-formal education and volunteering. -Internships, concerning vocational training. -Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, regarding small or medium sized enterprises. In the beggining of May 2015 we established our youth center in Nea Epidavros in collaboration with the municipality and with the contribution of the volunteers. The idea is that this place is going to host the cultural inquietude of the youngsters of the village and at the same time attract the attention of the youngsters of the surrounding villages and in this way hold the young people in their hometown and potentially lower the average age of the villagers. We believe that the creation of a strong youth community will facilitate the social inclusion of young migrants and will spread seeds of forbearance throughout the whole community. Furthermore, we aim to improve the linguistic skills of the youngsters through their regular contact with the European volunteers as well as keep them up to date concerning their mobility opportunities. We are confident that all of the above will promote the youth mobility and entrepreneurship and potentially create employment opportunities in a local, or even in a European level. Our objective when speaking about the project in terms of the Village of Nea Epidauros is to introduce a small, agricultural place to other cultures, thereby fighting xenophobia and creating a greater feeling of a common European heritage. Also we have organized and implemented several local youth actions in Attica and Argolis region on Theater as a tool of Non-Formal Education, Singing and Acting workshops, Sustainability, Handicraft (Soap Making, Shoe Making, Cooking, Wood carving), Alternative Currency Systems (ACT), Political Consumerism, Ethical Consumerism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In YMC we are committed to improve mutual understanding, respect and intercultural dialogue. Everyone should have the possibility to develop themselves and have the opportunity to contribute to a democratic and equal society for a most inclusive and sustainable human development. Since we are an organization who are working with youth we attempt to understand the changes occurrig in the society and answer to the questions that are around us. We realize workshops and traineeships in collaboration with several partnes thoughout Europe using Non-Formal and Informal Education metodhology for youth workers.  Up to now, we have organized four international workcamps, two youth exchanges, one TC, while we are constantly launching several youth initiatives on the local level, in collaboration with the local authorities; and numerous projects promoting youth creativity, such as Theater, Photography, Web Design and  WebRadio  laboratories, artistic events and exhibitions, contests. We also strongly believe in international mobility as a stimulus for personal and professional growth, and through Non-Formal educational methods we promote intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship. For these reasons we believe that we can contribute as  partner to realize projects to bring together young people and aiming to explore, identify, comment and sensitize over the role of the arts in general as a tool to promote dialogue skills and intercultural citizenship learning, using the Europen heritage as an antidote to barren individualism, in order to create an open space for dialogue, social cohesion, respect for diversity and mutual cooperation on the national, local and European level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think of ALF as an interface and a catalyst so as to promote regional alliances and a channel for partnership with other entities that share the same values and purpose. The Network represents a space to understand the transformation taking place in the region; a place for debate, exchange of ideas and good practices; a constructive tool to connect civil society organizations and social groups which do not normally interact and cooperate to enrich a dialogue on interculturality, develop and implement common operations. We want to join ALF to be part of a Network of civil society organizations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship across Europe and the Mediterranean, to enlarge the network of our partners  and to improve and enhance our actions. Having said this we will be honored to become part of the extended ALF network, in hope of a fruitful cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
George Kyroglou
Job Title
Legal Representative
Head of the organisation
Georgios Kyroglou

State Institute for Culture to the MFA of the Republic of Bulgaria

National Network

2 Alexander Zhendov Str.
1113 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
The institute works in the field of cultural diplomacy.
Mission and Objectives

To be an integrated part of international cultural relations and to support the successful implementation of the priorities of Bulgaria's foreign affairs through cultural diplomacy.
- To take part in creating a positive image of Bulgaria as a modern country with a wealth of ancient and a vibrant contemporary culture, as well as of a country with potential to contribute to global intercultural dialogue.
- To work towards and contribute to the promoting the significance and role of Bulgaria as an active partner in international cultural cooperation.
- To support the efficient use of resources deriving from Bulgaria's increased international reputation towards expanding the country's cultural presence abroad.
- To support the implementation of regional foreign policy priorities.
- Supports programmes and projects with emphasis on cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue - a high priority area on the European Union's agenda.
- Encourages the establishment of direct links between Bulgarian cultural operators and their counterparts abroad to the end of creating opportunities for the successful integration of the national culture on the European and world cultural scene.
- Supports and works towards the priority implementation of cultural projects and programmes as an element of the transformation of cultural cooperation into integrated intercultural dialogue in keeping with the European Union's cultural agenda.
- Develops the strategy and supports the coordination of the international activities of government and nongovernmental organisations dedicated to international cultural policy.
- Encourages cultural organisations active in the field to broaden their geographic parameter in promoting Bulgaria and increasing interest to its history, culture and contemporary cultural arena.
- Stimulates and offers professional assistance to Bulgarian diplomatic missions in the implementation of bilateral and multilateral cultural projects and events.

Main Projects / Activities

Main part of the program "Public diplomacy" is a project "Traveling exhibitions" intended as an instrument for promoting the Art collection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and developing of a different kind of particular exhibitions presenting the Bulgarian culture, history and contemporary art.
"Traveling exhibitions" is implemented jointly with the missions abroad. The program relies on coordination between Cultural Institute and missions which allows projects to be carried out in adequate communication with local partners and to multiply the effect of the presentation . In 2012 the world have organized 28 exposures of 12 projects from the portfolio of the Institute. In 2013, over 50 presentations - mainly related to the celebration of important events such as the Great Moravian mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the 70th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lyudmila Dimitrova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Lyudmila Dimitrova - Director

Film Lab: Palestine

National Network

P.O. BOX: 49822
AL Harajeh Building, 3rd Floor, old Ramallah, Palestine
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Hanna Atallah (Artistic Director) Fatin Farhat (Development Supervisor) Enass Shuaibi (Administration and Finance Officer) Haneen Battrawi (Project coordinator) Suad Rishmawi (Days of Cinema coordinator) Budgetary resources available in a year: 200150 $ in 2015 Sources of funding: Center for Development and Cooperation, Denmark Representative Office of Switzerland, Ramallah Representative Office of Denmark to the Palestinian Authority British Council Consulate General of Sweden, Jerusalem Welfare Association Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Yearly Film Festival Days of Cinema Work shops and trainings on filmmaking (script-writing/storytelling, production, sound-editing, cinematography) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Ramallah Doc Palestine Writer’s association The Danish House in Palestine The Danish Film Institute Århus Film Workshop World Cinema Fund with the Goethe Institute
Mission and Objectives

Vision: A productive, dynamic film industry in, from, and for Palestine.
Mission: To boost film production and viewership in Palestine
Objective 1 Space: Space and equipment is available and accessible. Film Lab is organized and sustainable. Film Lab is visible among the public
Objective 2 Talent: Capacity development through international professional support and education programs. Co-production opportunities are created and supported
Objective 3 Production: Network of filmmakers in Palestine is stronger. Eight film productions are supported (with knowledge, equipment, and/or seed-funding)
Objective 4 Cinema Culture: Film screenings and dialogue sessions; Audiovisual summer camp for children and youth; Days of Cinema International Film Festival; Cinematheque program; Film studio for children and youth

Main Projects / Activities

The FilmLab has in 2015 focused on the following activities:
• Workshop: Storytelling (November 16-20, 2015)
• Days of Cinema International Film Festival (October 12-20, 2015)
• Building relationships to similar institutions abroad to establish co-production, and residency
opportunities (MoU concerning post-production and partnership with the Danish Århus Film Workshop signed in February 2015)
• Fact-finding mission to Denmark in cooperation the Danish Film Institute, January 2015
• Development of Strategic Plan 2015-2018, January 2015
In 2016 the FilmLab will focus on:
• Days of Cinema International Film Festival in October, 2016
• Setting up equipped production studio (Equipment has been donated by the Danish Film Institute)
• Starting up of regular film screening program.
• Workshops: Director of Photography, and Sound-Editing
• Co-production of short-movie with Århus film workshop
• Facilitate network meeting for Palestinian filmmakers
• Sign MoU with 1) the Swedish institution Film in Skåne (focusing on co-production and residency program), and 2) the German institution Filmwerkstatt Kiel (focusing on co-production and/or residency program)
• Develop curriculum for audio-visual summer camp for children

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The FilmLab:Palestine strives to be a strongly rooted organization, looking for local partnerships and hoping to create synergies with other cultural organisations. We hope to be a resource to other cultural institutions through the equipped space for filmmakers that we are building, our international network of film institutions, and our technical knowhow on filmmaking.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the success of the FilmLab is contingent on successful partnerships in Palestine, in the Arab region, and beyond, we want to join the Anna Lindh network to enhance our opportunities for dialogue and cooperation with other organizations. Be it partnerships with other film festivals in the Arab world, cooperation with filmmakers on documentary films concerning the Euro-Mediterranean region, cultural programs for children, mutual residency opportunities, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Atallah
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Hanna Atallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatin Farhat
Job Title (2)
Development Supervisor

Women Employment Information Centre

National Network

Savanorių 1
44255 Kaunas

+370 687 10380
Telephone (other)
+370 37 200392
+370 37 200392
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Women's Employment Information Centre (WEINC) was farmally established as an NGO in December of 1994, by an initiative of the Kaunas Municipality and the United Nations International Labour Office (UNILO). WEINC began as a local organization, and although it continues to the address the needs of women in Kaunas and the surrounding districts, it works closely with women’s NGO’s on a national and international basis. Nationally, the WEINC has a number of individual and joint projects that address the needs of women through electronic and practical skills training and business and personal consultations. On an international level, WEINC has a number of projects that were established in partnership around women entrepreneurs with Finland, Sweden and France. WEINC has also participated in international joint projects and training of women in equal opportunities, organizational management, women in politics and trade unions. WEINC has international links with many organizations that work within women’s human rights framework, collaborating with the US, Canada, Western Europe and the Baltic States. The WEINC strengthens the areas in which it can actively promote gender equality in Lithuanian society. It is also one of the very few organizations that specifically addresses and meets the needs of women in the employment domain. It will continue to work collaboratively with women’s organizations nationally and internationally to empower women.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to improve the status of women in Lithuania, solve their employment, business establishment and development problems, train women leaders, as well as influence public opinion on equality issues Our objectives:  To influence formation of women’s policy at a local and national level;  To promote the idea of social economy, equal rights and possibilities for women and men;  To encourage women entrepreneurship by supporting development of newly established businesses;  To encourage women leadership in politics;  To provide updated information about available job openings and to provide job placement service.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities  The Centre has an employment agency, where women get free of charge job search and job placement services. In 2008 there were 1293 of unemployed women who were looking for a job through our agency. 182 of them were offered jobs  The Centre provides various educational courses and seminars: English language courses, Accounting courses, Computer literacy courses, Computerized “Pragma” accounting courses, Courses of electronic commerce, Internet courses, nursing courses. The aim of the courses is to give women a more advanced position in the labor market, and to promote life-long education and non formal education.  The Center has established Clubs that are targeted at different groups of women. Businesswomen Club 21st Century is a club for women who operate businesses. The Club seeks to create an image of a business woman in Lithuania, more favorable laws and governmental programs for businesswomen. Women’s Job Club Crossroad is for women who have been unemployed for a longer period of time, lack self-confidence, and need support to overcome psychological and skill barriers of a modern labor market. Kaunas Women’s Politicians Club MILDA is a club uniting women politicians from different parties. The aim of the Club is to seek more women representation in local and regional governments

Contact (1) Full Name
Jūratė Puidienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jūratė Puidienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Čepienė
Job Title (2)
project manager

European Network for Dialogue Facilitation

National Network

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 9 - 0406

+49 - (0)30 - 749 22 700
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 - (0)171 - 60 355 28
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The European Network for Dialogue Facilitation (ENDF) … is a result of the multilateral project "DIALOGUE - Facilitating Creative Communication" which trained trainers from different countries in dialogue facilitation based on the methodological approach developed by David Bohm and others. It has been founded in 2012 in Meissen, Germany. It is legally registered in the Magistrate's Court of Berlin-Charlottenburg under the number VR 32228 B.   Members are certified dialogue facilitators from 10 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Romania, Spain, Turkey) and dialogue facilitating trainers and researchers with teaching background in universities. All of them practice dialogue facilitation in order to enabling fruitful group communication for common and mutual learning and thinking processes. Sources of funding are different projects financed by public authorities as well as from private sources, donations and membership fees. The budgetary resources available in a year depend from the implementation of funded projects. The extended board consists of 11 experts from different countries. They have built and are active in working groups like research, training of trainers, certification standards for facilitators, quality assurance and ethical standards, summer academies, project development. All of them are dealing in their professional life with the subject of dialogical communication but from different perspectives - like research, teaching, training, facilitating, consulting etc. The board organizes "Training of Trainers for Dialogue Facilitating" in German and English language, seminars, workshops, conferences and other kinds of learning offers.The board members are actively involved in the founding process of a European Dialogue Academy in Strani, Czech Republic, which will offer a place and learning arrangements for dialogical civic education to strengthen European citizenship and international cooperation.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the network is education and further education for enhancing dialogical skills of individuals and groups in different fields of practice to promote respectful, tolerant and diversity appreciating attitudes for co-operation of people and organisations on different levels. Promoting dialogical intercultural and interreligious communication for common and mutual learning is one of the main aims.
One of the main purposes of ENDF is transnational cooperation and project work aiming at networking of these experts to spread the message of the benefits of dialogical attitudes and communication.
In developing transnational projects aiming at disseminating the dialogue idea and enlarging the community of certified dialogue facilitators the ENDF tries to enrich the culture of communication in Europe and beyond in different fields. The activities aim at supporting the buildung and strengthening of democracy

Main Projects / Activities

> Offering "Training of Trainers for dialogue Facilitation" based on the approaches of Martin Buber, David       Bohm and further developed by others
> Networking for cooperation with other organisations which promote the same aims, purposes and principles as ENDF
> Cooperation with different organisations outside of Europe to support democracy building and  sustainable development of organisations which empower people by promoting a new quality of communication
> Cooperation with Tunesian organisations to support democracy building by offering Training of Trainers (ToTs)
> Developing projects for applications in EU programmes to cooperate with European partners in different fields to further develop aspects of theoretical, pedagogic and didactic basics for diaalogue processes in different contexts
> Engagement for including of young people to learn and practice dialogical skills and attitudes for designing a peaceful future in partner countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide possibilities for Trainings of Trainers for Dialogue Facilitation in intercultural contexts by promoting common and mutual learningabout the subjects which the ALF is dealing with. Further we can offer networking activities and our competence in developing project proposals. 
We can offer presentations of our partners  - especially from Tunisia - in our country and the National ALF Network.
We can contribute to develop a creative communication between people and partners of the national ALF network
We can provide the longtime expertise of our members  for methodological and didactic approaches for further development of dialogical skills in special target groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are convinced that networking between European and Arabic countries is necessary and will strengthen democratic potential of people and organisations of the ALF region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka
Contact (2) Full Name
Oskar von Homeyer
Job Title (2)


National Network

Mauritskade 53 huis, 1092 AC Amsterdam
Mauritsweg 35
3021 JT Rotterdam

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our program builds bridges between the different generations en cultural backgrounds of our talented participants. They are aged between 14-25 yrs and then 50 tot 87yrs. In workshops and masterclasses they are educated by well known singers, rappers, hiphoppers en others to be the best they can and while doing it, interact with the other generations ie cultural background. Thus preparing them for cocreating with musical director Paul Mayer in staging concerts en theatreproductions. Talentdevelopment and -presentations are directed to a reciprocal interaction with society. All our programs have a theme that relates to the urgency of giving back in return for the support me recieve. Last year our theme was and still is TALENT FOR FREEDOM, celebrating 70 yrs of freedom from the German occupation while giving a lot of attention to other oppressive parts in history: slavehistory, colonialism and human rights. From 2011 till 2014 we were active in the Kurdish parts of Turkey, bringing dialogue through music.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to bring people together through the arts, intergenerational talentdevelopment while we feel that the intercultural part should speak for itself. After the development part we aim at working with local talents in combination with refugees in the Netherlands as wel a abroad. Human rights promotion through a lived and musical example of a singing society.

Main Projects / Activities

2001 Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe, start together with Porto 2001
2005 Fever, intergenerational program with rappers and singers of Rotterdam and seniors. Membership Age-Culture Net
2006 First Grundtvig EU exchange with 8 countries
2008 Government support for 4 years to be prolongued to this day
2009-2010 Cooperation in Ruhr area coaching NGO's on intercultural communication through Music with IBK in Remscheid
2010 Exchange with Ruhr and istanbul, cultural capitals (Grundtvig support)
2011- 2014 celebration of 400 yrs friendship with Turkey, Kurdish program and EU exchange
2014-15 TALENT FOR FREEDOM, working together with refugees

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

International exchange en a reciprocal approach to intergenerational, intercultural and international dialogue is in our DNA. Our friends of cultuurenco ( a longtime member of your network, advised us to seek membership as well. Especially since my last visit to the Palestinian territories, Palestine, returning with ful vigor and wanting to make a contribution there to the seniors that have been in the refugees camps for so long, and the children who need a break from the daily trauma inflicting situation.
The Anna Lindh Palestinian network is looking for partners and this seems a good opportunity to continue our research for making a difference in this troubled area.
Kind regards,
Conny Groot

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Please as described above, we gladly contribute through the arts to international dialogue in troubled areas as we do in hotel while working with seniors, young people and bringing them together with refugees.

Contact (1) Full Name
Conny Groot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Conny Groot
Contact (2) Full Name
Kevin Hoogenboezem
Job Title (2)
office management

Ramallah Municipality

National Network

4 Issa Ziadeh St.
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
since its establishment in 1908, Ramallah Municipality has had 24 presidents, including the first woman municipal president in Palestine, elected in 2005, and its last election was held in 2012. The City of Ramallah has almost 350 employees and 15 council members; the mayor is one of them. it includes the following directorates:  Engineering Dep., Urban Planning Dep., Health and Environment Dep., Management Dep., GIS an IT Dep., Dep., Public Relations Dep The main funds of the municipality comes from taxation, in addition to that the municipality tries to get funds from some Governmental agencies locally and internationally, in addition to some direct and indirect funds from the twin cities. The municipality has tens of projects: main infrastructure projects, Sewage treatment project, Cultural infrastructure, Economic Strategy of the city, Tourism Strategy of the city, Environment projects and awareness, Smart City and Electronic Municipality. Global communities, City of Toulouse and many other partners Follow link to a shortfilmabout the city of Ramallah:  
Mission and Objectives

Vision for the city of Ramallah
To create and preserve a civilized and distinguished city that is beautiful and green, safe and prosperous and environmentally friendly. Whilst being equally open and attractive to both tourism and investment, we aim to provide an innovative environment for the arts as well as for cultural,intellectual, and political life, grounded in the values of pluralism and respect for human rights.Vision for Ramallah Municipality
To be a pioneer in theprovision of participatory, accountable and effective services through the proficient, inclusive, and transparent management of resources. To be a Municipality that cares for all of its beneficiaries on the basis of mutual partnership and coherent service delivery.

Main Projects / Activities

City Museum
City Archive
Visual Art Residency Program and community art Center
Waste Treatment Project
LED Lighting System in the City
Smart City
Electronic Municipality

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Municipality can be a main partner to many  local institutions in many projects and multidisciplinary fields.... the city always develop and process any of it's projects in partnership with local organizations and International ones in some cases ( it depends on the projects ).
The Ramallah Municipality is a sustainable, strong Institution that provide an umbrella to local organizations and institutions and a strategic partner to many.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To  have fund opportunities, International partners, for capacity building programs to employees in specific fields

Contact (1) Full Name
Sally Abu Bakr
Job Title
Acting Director of Culture and social affairs Directorate
Head of the organisation
Mayor of Ramallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Maha Shehadeh
Job Title (2)
Director of Public Relations Directorate