Association for Women with Social Problems

National Network

Lagja nr 2, Rruga "Sefer Efendi"

+355 52 234600
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
355 692103315
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association of Women with Social Problems (AWSP) is a non-profit organization, established on 1999, operating in the Durres Region. It aims to promote the gender equality into society and protect the rights of the marginalised women in this Region.  Domestic violence, gender equality, active participation of women in decision- making as well as the integration of the informal areas’ marginalised communities into the mainstream society, are the main issues in the focus of AWSP. AWSP have manged for 2014, 150.000 euro. The association has a multi-disciplinary team, 3 person full time and 2 person part time. AWSP's staff  provides its expertise in these directions Psycho-social services, Legal services,Professional Capacities Building, Medical services. Main Partners supporting AWSP through 15 years of work, have been KTK (Swedish foundation), EU, SWISS CONTACT, American embassy, The national agency for the development of civil society (AMSHC)
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Equality, Integration and Peace
 To protect women rights as a part of human rights
To increase the women public image as well as her presence in the politic and public  life
To develop the alternatives and possibilities, aiming to strengthen the position of women in community.
Promoting gender equity in society and protection of women rights

Main Projects / Activities

Association for women with social problems has offered various services, consisting of community based services prioritizing training on increasing professional skills among women and youth, information, awareness, promotion and marketing of traditional products and enhancing development of small entrepreneurship.
In this context, the association has been strongly focused in promoting artisan and gastronomical products, as precious elements of tradition and culture.
The current projects implemented by AWSP are, as following:
I. Project “Social Centre for Women and Girls” financed by Kvinna Till Kvinna.
II. Project “The creation and the functioning of the legal – social clinical victims of domestic violence and groups in risk in Durres District” supported from AMSHC”
II. Project “Coaching 4 employment” supported by Swiss Contact.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AWSP aims to enlarge its services in region and provides multi disiplinary services not only in local level but also in the region.
The Association is part also of different networks and these ones serves as resouce for information, partners in joint initiatives and projects and possibilities for projects application. Being in an  network have increased our inner profesional capacities serving better our target groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AWSP aims to work forward in joint projects in the region and enlarge it experience and profesional expertise.
AWSP is part of Anna Lindh Foundation network since 2007.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bajana Ceveli
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bajana Ceveli

YANTE - Youth, Art, and Levante kunstverein

National Network

Stumpergasse 57/558
1060 Vienna

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The NGO YANTE- short for Youth, Art and Levante, was founded in 2010 as a legal entity independent of religious and political affiliation, with the aim to find new and innovative methods to empower communities and counter inhibition of imagination among populations and communities. For that YANTE uses of Art, art therapeutic tools, and alternative education methods in schools within conflict zones and/or economically disadvantaged environments and by such promotes intercultural dialogue.  
Mission and Objectives

What do we want.
Our vision is to see people of all ages and social parameters participating in various art projects, within and for communities. Participants express themselves while believing that the uniqueness of an individual lays in the diversity of the whole. They gradually build a consensus through a bottom-up process, and agree that a rich culture is one nourished by all social strata.
How we do it
With mutual appreciation, the participants at Yante encounter each other eye to eye. Yante strives to connect cultural initiatives by providing best know-how and fostering inclusive policies. Yante's inclusiveness means any individual with interest can become an active member.
For more information please visit:
Youtube Channel:
Narrative reports:
2012 - 2013:
2013 - 2014:

Main Projects / Activities

At YANTE we envision xenomania in societies. We believe in embracing and inclusive societies. Therefore our I CAN MOVE programme uses art, especially dance to address specific social development obstacles such as xenophobia, inequality, exclusion, fragmentation, and trauma: e.g. Post Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. The programme seeks to break stereotypes and enable social strata from communicating across the fault line of their differences. Through this process we seek social empowerment by means of providing the participants with the tools for self-expression, raising their self-esteem and body awareness.
To promote Xenomania we will conduct a comprehensive programme that will entail 1) workshops to sensibilise art pedagogues and therapists to the particularities of the Levantine Arab culture followed by mentorship phase; and 2) direct short-term and long-term art therapy interventions with Refugee children that will be presented to the local audiences to bridge between society members.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have been contributing for a while.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we have been members since 2010.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Arouri
Job Title
Founding Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Nadia Arouri
Contact (2) Full Name
Camilla Mittelberger
Job Title (2)
Outreach Officer

UET Centre

National Network

Blv Gjergj FIshta
Nd 70, H 1,

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
UET Centre has 10 staff, Board of Directors, Executive Director, project managers, researchers, project assistant.  It receives institutional funding from the European University of Tirana. It's budget for 2014 was 143.000 Euro Sources of funding: European Commission;  Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Agency for the Support of Civil Society; ABC Foundation;  
Mission and Objectives

UET Centre is a civil society organization established in 2009 as an initiative of a group of researchers and lecturers at the European University of Tirana (UET). UET Centre intends to contribute towards the progress and democratization of the Albanian society through policy-oriented research projects, capacity building and joint programmes in these main areas:
 Good Governance and EU Integration
 Economy and Sustainable Development
 Human Rights and Social Inclusion
 Information Technology, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Main Projects / Activities

 UET Centre’s programmatic strategy includes the following areas of activity:

conducting scientific research within the framework of good governance and democracy that can be linked with policy development;

providing consultations, papers, policy proposals, draft-law or other reforms and strategies to the government by conducting research and providing expertise;

informing community groups as well as interested groups about policy debates and the policy making process through the provision of resources, information and analysis;

publishing and dissemination of research findings in order to promote policy debate in the public sphere;

strengthening local communities, young people and marginalized groups’ capacities for learning, accessing information and decision-making;

organization of trainings, seminars, summer schools, studies and educational courses for young people in the disciplines of economics, politics, volunteering, law, education, communication and participation;

award of fellowships, grants, donations to young scholars that conduct research in the above mentioned policy areas and facilitate the publication of policy-papers, scientific research, academic articles and books.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our experience in project development, human capital and network of partners. 
UET Centre has an extensive experience in project development, networking and stakeholders’ engagement. It has proven to be a committed a reliable partner in successful project management in various national and international programmes of research, capacity-building and development.
UET Centre has a pool of highly qualified researchers, scholars and project managers and it also collaborates with the European University of Tirana for expertise as well as with the local and regional CSOs and network of higher education institutions, businesses and other stakeholders.  It encourages a culture of knowledge-sharing, openness and horizontal linkages between HEIs, CSOs, research centres, governmental organizations and relevant stakeholders. As such UET Centre strongly supports researchers’ mobility in the region and EU and staff circulation in the quadruple Helix: government, research, business and civil society sector.
UET Centre maintains its commitment to impact the society at large in Albania. To do so, the centre pays particular importance to its strategic communication, visibility of actions, dissemination of information, knowledge-sharing and exchange of experiences and know-how. UET Centre uses mainstream and new media instruments to promote projects to the public at large through MAPO Media and UET Press.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To extend our network of partners in the Euro Mediterranean. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Blerjana Bino
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Blerjana Bino
Contact (2) Full Name
Ketrina Cabiri
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director

Akdeniz University Euromed Youth Center

National Network

Akdeniz University International Relations Office
07068 Antalya/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Akdeniz University was founded in Antalya in 1982, and provides education and training leading to internationally recognised qualifications in 20 Faculties, 7 Graduate Schools, 3 Schools, 14 Vocational Schools and 1 Conservatory which together provide 457 separate programmes at the level of associate degree, master’s degree, doctorate degree, as well as specialisation in medicine, for approximately 60,000 students. Akdeniz University has been working in the field of youth work since 2007, when the first steps were taken towards founding a European-Mediterranean Youth Centre in the region. As a result of cooperation with the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, a decision was reached and conveyed to the Council of Higher Education which gave approval for the establishment of the EuroMed Youth Centre under the authority of Akdeniz University. The Education and Application Centre, which had been founded in Adrasan in 2009, was then converted to become the EuroMed Youth Centre, which launched its first official international activities in 2012. The first training course held was in conjunction with the MOSAIC group from the Council of Europe, and the SALTO-YOUTH Research Centre.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to organize activities which contribute to the personal development, social inclusion and active citizenship of young people, and which encompass the priorities of the Council of Europe including human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The activities should promote social cohesion and cultural diversity by supporting the participation of young people in the life of the community, promote youth employability, and support creative, innovative and sustainable projects in the youth sector.
Our vision is that the EuroMed Youth Center will become a national leader, and a model for the effective application of youth work. We aim to encourage young people to respect human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and to create a community where young people feel empowered to make healthy decisions. We foresee a society where all people value young people, where young people value and respect every member of the community, and where young people become a productive part of society.

Main Projects / Activities

Akdeniz University, which is a member of the European Universities Association (EUA) and the International Association of Universities (IAU), attaches the greatest importance to internationalisation. The International Relations Office, which shares the vision of Akdeniz University, is responsible for Erasmus+ Programme, International Cooperation and Publicity, the Bologna Process, as well as the IAESTE, Farabi and Mevlana Exchange Programmes.
To make a contribution to a general increase in the quality of youth work,
To organize activities and produce resources designed to increase public awareness of young people and youth work through sustainable development and ecology, and through the development of an eco-friendly approach,
To make a contribution to the public debate on the development of youth policy,
To promote the use of non-formal education methods in youth work, and to contribute to the development of a non-formal education approach in formal education,
To work towards greater inclusion of disadvantaged young people into youth work,
To conduct research, and to prepare publications and informative tools in the field of youth matters and youth work,
To contribute to intercultural dialogue, and to encourage cultural cooperation between young people from different cultures.To establish an electronic communications network in cooperation with national and international academic units working in the field of youth matters and youth organizations,
To encourage young people to behave in a way which is beneficial to humanity; to be investigative, creative and integrative, and to work towards an improvement in their capacity to participate voluntarily in the life of the community,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we are leading university and have Euromed Youth Center within the university structure, we can use the benefits of being a university and public institution in the area. We are running a wide range of European Union projects and international cooperations with the countries from all over the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As AFL aims to bring people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society, we would like to be a part of such a leading foundation which we believe contribute to our development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nurgul Buyukkalay
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof.Dr. Israfil Kurtcephe


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
BAŞKA SİNEMA, in collaboration with M3 FİLM and KARİYO & ABABAY VAKFI, is a platform that brings nationally and internationally acclaimed films to the audience by using a different screening approach. A continuous cinematic experience since November 1st 2013, BAŞKA SİNEMA has garnered a huge response from the audience.
Mission and Objectives

Ensure year - long exposure and enthusiasm for well - received independent films.
Spread the festival joy to the entire year.
Create a space and an opportunity to screen nationally and internationally acclaimed films that would otherwise be difficult for release in Turkey.
Provide flexible film schedules and programs to keep films in theatres longer - a break from routine cinema experience.
Stay in constant communication and interact with the audience by combining film screenings and events, as well as developing a flexible approach that includes audience wishes.
Connect the audience and young moviegoers in particular with directors and actors.
Ensure that BAŞKA SİNEMA (Another Cinema) has a presence in many cities and theatres.

Main Projects / Activities

The distribution model in Turkey is as follows: Distributors acquire the rights of the movies and work with a second party, a theatrical distributor, to release the film theatrically in Turkey. There are more then ten theatrical distributors in Turkey and almost 350 movies get released theatrically every year.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Seiklejate Vennaskond

National Network

Tiigi 1-14
51003 Tartu

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Seiklejate Vennaskond is youth and civil society organization working on local, national and international level. Organization is leaded by 2 board members (president and vice president) and coordinated by voluntary coordinators and supported by large number of volunteers (100-200) nationwide. Organization had around 200 partners from local level (local NGOs) to European level and worldwide. Organization only received funds from projects and has no regular funding. Our budget per year is between 60 000 - 100 000 .€. Main funder: Erasmus+ programme.  We organize youth exchanges, seminars and trainigs. 
Mission and Objectives

Seiklejate Vennaskond is youth and civil society organization, which connects active adventurous people together. We work mainly with young people, but also with youth workers, trainers and teachers and organizations active in non-formal education field and life long learning. Our members have participated and organized different youth exchanges, seminars and training courses concerning equality, media impact, innovation, fight against racism & xenophobia, human rights, mobility and migration, HIV prevention, environment protection and other issues. Our volunteers gather every month to take up new ideas and think how to put them into practice. We sincerely believe that young people today can make a difference and we all work for this purpose.

Main Projects / Activities

First activities of the organization date back to the year 2003 when group of active young people got together to organize a youth exchange. After that there have been many local regional activities concerning integration, adventure tourism and different interest specific activities.  Since 2010 Seiklejate Vennaskond has become from non-formal youth group to a registered non-profit organization. Seiklejate Vennaskond has been active in the framework of Youth in Action (before 2007 in “Youth”): 2004 youth exchange “Environment and Nature: What Can Youth Do To Make World Better?” was organized, in 2005: “Integration: Nations and Ethnic Groups: Conflict or Cooperation?”, 2008: “ From North to South, From East to West: All Unique – Yet So Similar!” , in 2010 regional branch Saaremaa Seiklejad organized youth exchange “One World – Our World! (2010 Estonian winner or Charlemagne youth prize competition) and in 2011 Hiiumaa branch Hiiumaa Seiklejad organized youth exchange: “Catch the Opportunity!" and in 2012 Valgamaa Seiklejad organized youth exchange "Active Caring!". In 2013 several youth exchanges were held. Valgamaa Seiklejad organized project about healthy lifestyle "Life in Action!", Tartumaa Seiklejad organized exchange on topic of safe party "(Safe) sex, (No) Drugs and Rock n' roll(?)" and Põlvamaa Seiklejad took up project on identity called "Explore Yourself!".
Seiklejate Vennaskond has carried out training courses “I share, I care!” (2011) and “Stop Labeling Yourself!” (2012) (nominated for one of the best projects promoting intercultural learning by Estonian national agency in 2010-2012), PBA "Partnership Building Seminar in Estonia: think rural, feel global, act international!" (2012), PBA "Ten Steps from Idea To Application!" (2013) and study visit "Discover the Youth Work in South-Estonia!". 
In 2013-2014 Seiklejate Vennaskond coordinates EVS project "Voices of Creativity - From Youth to Youth!" which involved 12 volunteers from Estonia, Turkey and Spain and takes place in Indonesia, Nepal and Mozambique.
In framework Erasmus+ Seiklejate Vennaskond coordinates capacity building project in the field of youth “Use your creativity, take initiative and be the change!“.
Valgamaa Seiklejad received funding for youth exchange „Overcome your fears, be self-confident!“ and PõVa Seiklejad received funding for KA1 project „Health is Wealth!“ which consists of training course and 2 youth exchanges.  Both projects will be realized in 2015.
Members of Seiklejate Vennaskond have taken part in several projects in programme countries, neighboring regions and also in Africa and Asia (Seiklejate Vennaskond has been partner for action 3.2).
Seiklejate Vennaskond is one of the biggest sending organizations in Estonia.
Seiklejate Vennaskond is a sending and coordinating organization for European Voluntary Service.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are able to share our knowledge and experience we have gained over previous years. We are able to contribute to the network in various ways, depending on the aims and needs of the network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to strenghten our partnetships in Southern Mediterranean region and through this raise the capacity our our organization to work with intercultural topics and human rights. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Heleri Alles
Head of the organisation
Heleri Alles

Vitality onlus

National Network

via Carducci, 2
20123 Milano

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Vitality onlus has the simplest organizational structure able to pursue its mission by combining available resources, beneficiaries' needs and members’ skills. - It is managed by its statuary bodies: the President and legal representative (currently matteo Matteini), the vice President (currently Adam Clark), the board of directors. - Its main operational sectors are overlooked by the Advisors, that are proved expert in business management, career counseling, coaching, language trainings, new media, cultural development, research. - The main supporting activities are operated by volunteering staff in communication, fund raising, information technology, administration. All the staff are unpaid committed volunteers. In 2015 the budget available is: 4,500.00 euros. Funding to activities come from: membership yearly subscriptions, restricted grants and the the taxpayers devolution program called 5x1000. Field programs as well as media and cultural events have been developed. Partnership with public, private and nonprofit organizations have been in place.
Mission and Objectives

Vitality onlus aims to contribute to more open, inclusive and integrated communities in which differences are considered resources for their ongoing and balanced development. The ‘Vitality approach’ consists in creating a virtuous circle amongst people, ideas, projects, training methods, technologies and networks by providing a connected space where everyone con contribute:
1. Those who needs help to ‘start afresh’, wherever they have found their progress ‘stopped’.
2. Volunteers who have expertise in coaching, counseling, mentoring, business management, career consulting, information technology, language teaching.
3. NGOs, Government agencies, educational, academic or research institutions, job centers and businesses, with the same vision.

Main Projects / Activities

- Educational programs included 14 programs: training for trainers; intercultural learning for psychologists, teachers and families; exhibitions for the public at large. This phase involved 20 institutions, 500 teachers and educators, 7.000 children and captured the attention of more than 100.000 visitors.
- Adult programs included: ExtraTime Support Helpdesks (in collaboration with ARCI), that provided assistance to 30 migrants in order to increase their employability and entrepreneurship through an innovative approach that combined personal development, training and technical assistance. Sportello Abitare Lavoro (‘Work and Living’ help desk), in conjunction with Architects Without Borders Italy, that helped 24 adult immigrants in improving their conditions and those of their families by providing an integrated service to job and housing. YEBI (youth employment and business incubation) in collaboration with EXPO School and Éupolis lombardia that supported 13 foreign university students in Lombardy.
- Cultural programs includes: RABAB west east dialogue through music.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Vitality onlus would like to contribute to the Italian network sharing knowledge, approaches, methodologies and capacities with other members.
We are currently running local programmes in Milan, Rimini, Ragusa that can be duplicated elsewhere.
We would macth our collective and individual experiences and skills with other members' ones. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

After having gained experiences with internationals in domestic operations, the next logical step is to roll out our programs internationally.
Most of the people, organizations and associations we've met in our work come from countries belonging to the ALF network, so it is incredibli interesting for us and our primary network to connect at a largest level.
Our most wanted undeveloped program is called - Community to Community - and it is based on the idea that etchinc communities that have succesfully extablished in Italy can be protagonist of an effective cooperation with communities in the countries of origin. To this extent it is important to have access to a wide network of potential partners. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Matteini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr Matteo Matteini
Contact (2) Full Name
Adam Clark
Job Title (2)
Vice President


National Network

Dociškių 7-66, Vilnius, 06154, Lithuania
06154 Vilnius

+370 615 14401
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+370 615 14401
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
NGO ‘Diversity Development Group’ (DDG), founded in 2012, is a non-profit organisation with an objective to carry out scientific, applied and infrastructural projects in the fields of human rights, education, equal opportunities, diversity, migration and integration. The main aim of organisation is to improve and manage diversity towards a sustainable, tolerant and socially responsible society. DDG activities include the following areas: • Monitoring of contemporary processes of migration and integration of migrants in order to accumulate, develop and disseminate the theoretical and empirical knowledge about contemporary migration processes in Lithuania; • The development of equal opportunities for migrants and other vulnerable groups: monitoring of living and working conditions, human rights and social inclusion, social mobility and networks; • Promotion and consolidation of fundamental rights and freedoms: equal rights for migrants and other vulnerable groups in areas of employment, housing, health care, social services and education; policy analysis and recommendations; • Preventative actions against xenophobia, racism and intolerance; • Fighting against human trafficking.
Mission and Objectives

By these activities, DDG aims for the following results
• Inform and educate the society about the various minority groups: dissemination of research results, seminars, conferences, trainings, social actions. Active participation in shaping public attitudes;
• Actively participate in the development and implementation of social policies to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups in the society (including prevention of discrimination, promoting tolerance, improving equality and human rights);
• While aiming for a harmonious, tolerant and fully integrated society, to create and develop mechanisms for intersectional cooperation: to include governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, academia, independed experts and business sector in shaping social policies, political debates and discourse;
• Raise awareness about human trafficking in contemporary societies.
In order to achieve these results, in its activities DDG intends to include various social partners, which represent different groups in the society.

Main Projects / Activities

Research projects, implemented by the ‘Diversity Development Group’
1. Situation of Roma people in comparison with other inhabitants of the country funded by the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (2015). The main aim of the project – to collect representative data on the situation of Roma people, according to indicators taken from ‘The Action Plan of Integration of the Roma People into Lithuanian Society for 2015-2020’, and compare the data with the survey of Statistics Lithuania on Incomes and Living Conditions. Eventually, the study will collect the missing data of the situation of the Roma population in different areas: household, financial conditions, educational attainment, economic activities, living conditions and health status. The study surveyed 521 people of Roma nationality.
2. The Trajectories and Evaluation Mechanisms of Integration of Third-country Nationals funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2012 (2013–2014). Project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC) and the ‘Diversity Development Group’. The main aim of the project – to reveal integration needs of non-EU immigrant groups and organisations in Lithuania, disclose patterns of migrant representation and integration, create the system of indicators to monitor and measure migrant integration processes. The main aim includes different levels of the analysis: 1) systematisation of the data available in Lithuania on the needs of third country nationals; 2) monitor integration processes and their evolution; 3) development of the system, which will enable to monitor, collect, analyse and evaluate data, related to immigration and migrant integration in Lithuania.
3. The Strategic Document for Integration of Third-Country Nationals funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2013 (2014–2015). Project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC), Centre for Equality Advancement, Lithuanian Red Cross Society, ‘Diversity Development Group’, Social – educational initiatives centre PLUS, Social partnership foundation Magnum Bonum. The main aim of the project is to prepare strategic policy document of integration of third country nationals. The relevance of the project was measured considering the absence of migrant integration strategy and the need of such document in Lithuania, the obligation of the Government to prepare migration policy guidelines in 2014, previous policy documents, regulating immigration/migrant integration processes in Lithuania and migration/migrant integration policy developments in the EU. The project ‘The Strategic Document of Integration of Third-Country Nationals’ aims to encompass a consortium of organisations with many years of experience in an area of migration and migrant integration and develop the strategic document of integration of third country nationals.
4. Living and working conditions of labour migrants in Lithuania funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2013 (2014–2015). Project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC) and the ‘Diversity Development Group’. The main aim of the project is to create an index of indicators that would allow to evaluate integration and labour migration policy and to monitor process of labour migration in Lithuania. During the project, an empirical research of living and working conditions of labour migrants in Lithuania (N=300) was conducted. The results of the research are being used to prepare recommendations for the development, improvement and implementation of labour immigration policies.
5. European Website on Integration funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals, under Community Actions (2014–2015). Coordinator – Migration Policy Group. Project coordinator in Lithuania – ‘Diversity Development Group’. This Web Site is an initiative of the European Commission under the responsibility of the Directorate-General Home Affairs. The Web Site is designed to act as an EU-wide platform for networking on integration, through exchange about policies and practices. In particular, the Web Site is a documentation facility; an on-line data collection tool for good practices; and a platform for the direct exchange of information between stakeholders. It provides policy makers and practitioners working on integration in Europe with a tool for the exchange of information and good practice.
6. Strategic Partnership in Adult Migrant Education: Perspectives from Mediterranean and Baltic Sea Regions (MEDBALT) funded by the Erasmus+ Grudving (2014–2016). Project coordinator – ‘Diversity Development Group’. Partner organisations: Uninersidad de Salamanca (Spain), Tamat Centro Studi Formazione e Ricerca (Italy), Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD (Cyprus), Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali (Malta), Fundacja Osrodek Badan nad Migracjami (Poland). The aim of the MEDBALT project is to prepare a methodology for the adult migrant education policies based on good practices from different partner organisations. Objectives: each partner organisation develops a case study on the adult migrant integration and education policies and prepares political recommendations in the field of migrant integration and education. Project coordinator organises the final conference of the project. Key activities of the project: study and good practice visits, analysis of adult migrant education and integration programmes, the development of the methodology for adult migrant education in Lithuania, recommendations for implementation of adult migrant education policies.
7. National Integration Evaluation Mechanism. Measuring and improving integration of beneficiaries of international protection, funded by The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) (2015–2021). Project implemented by UNHCR Regional Representation for Centras Europe; UNHCR Representation for Poland (Poland); Migration Policy Group (Belgium); Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants (Bulgaria); Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria); People in Need Foundation (Czech Republic); France terred'asile (France); Berline Institute for Integration and Migration Research (Germany); Menedek – Hungarian Association for Migrants  (Hungary); Centre for Public policy PROVIDUS (Latvia); Diversity Development Group (Lithuania); Maastricht University, Faculty of Law (Holand);  The University of Oxford, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (UK); CIDOB, Barcelona centre for international affairs (Spain); Peace Institute (Slovenia); Open Society Foundation (Romania);  Centro de Estudos Sociais  (Portugal); University of Warsaw, Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation (Poland); Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Poland); Institute of Public Affairs (Poland). The main aim of this project is to mainstream an integration evaluation mechanism into the integration policies for refugees and beneficiaries of international protection at the national level in the respective project countries.
8. Testing EU citizenship as “labour citizenship”: from cases of labour rights violations to a strengthened labour-rights regime, funded by Europe for Citizen (2015–2016). Project implemented by MKC Prague (Czech Republic), Polnischer Sozialrat (Germany), Universita di Padova (Italy), Diversity Development Group (Lithuania), Ado Sah Rom (Romania). The project brings together 12 partner organisations who collect migrant workers' testimonies of serious labour rights violations in the EU. The testimonies become basis for discussions on role of EU and national labour related institutions (labour inspection, labour offices, etc.) and laws (ex. public procurement directives, seasonal workers directive). The project is based on normative position that decent wage and working conditions are necessary in order to promote democratic participation of EU citizens. The objective of the project is to grasp EU citizens' mobility both from perspective of economically weak regions as a source of work migration and places of destination where migration influences labour and broader social milieu. We emphasise concrete experience of migrant workers and seek to translate it to broader discussion on labour related future of Europe.
9. Identity and Diversity Picture Book Collections (IDPBC), funded by the Erasmus+ Grudving (2015–2017). Project coordinator – ‘Diversity Development Group’. Partner organisations: Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD-CARDET (Cyprus), Universitatea Din Pitesti (Romania), Doukas School (Greece), INNOVADE LTD (Cyprus), Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal). IDPBC is a transnational effort to compile international picture book collections, approaches and activities that address three issues of great importance to contemporary students and teachers across the globe: Inclusion, Diversity and Identity. Forming one’s identity and finding one’s place in increasingly diverse communities are central preoccupations of children from the very first day they begin to attend school. A strong sense of identity that coexists with a healthy sense of belonging and accepting are even more important for children with disabilities or marginalised, minority and migrant backgrounds. Identifying and valuing one’s self-image is crucial in a student’s academic and social success. In many countries, an increasing number of picture books deal with these issues in innovative and engaging ways, potentially enabling children to explore and negotiate identity, inclusion and diversity in deep and productive manners. These are the picture books the IDPBC consortium aims to collect and place into the hands of teachers and students across Europe and the globe. Evidently, the transnational aspect of the project will substantially enrich the diversity of visual stories, activities and languages to be included, as well as enhance the collective wisdom, capacity and expertise of the consortium.
10. Energising mobile citizens' participation, funded by Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, 2014–2020 (2015–2016). Project coordinator: Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS (Latvia). Partner organisations: ‘Diversity Development Group’ (Lithuania), Institute of Public Affairs (Poland), European Latvian Association, Forum Polonia. Objectives of the project: to assess the extent of and limits of participation of mobile EU citizens in Ireland, with particular focus on EU-13 citizens, and to analyse how the efforts to stimulate mobile citizens’ participation can be improved; to develop more effective ways of stimulating participation among EU citizens in Ireland and to pilot these new approaches at local level with representatives of Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish citizens; to develop recommendations for improving participation of mobile EU citizens in host countries and to present these recommendations to stakeholders and EU policy makers. Activities: analyse current practices in promoting participation in political life (e.g. local elections) among EU-13 citizens living in Ireland, and identify barriers and opportunities; promote participation by directly addressing Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish communities in Ireland (training for community leaders, pilot shadowing programme, brochure, interactive online test); develop and present a policy brief with recommendations on how to improve participation of EU-13 citizens in EU-15 countries to EU policy makers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By these activities:
• Inform and educate the society about the various minority groups: dissemination of research results, seminars, conferences, trainings, social actions. Active participation in shaping public attitudes;
• Actively participate in the development and implementation of social policies to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups in the society (including prevention of discrimination, promoting tolerance, improving equality and human rights);
• While aiming for a harmonious, tolerant and fully integrated society, to create and develop mechanisms for intersectional cooperation: to include governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, academia, independed experts and business sector in shaping social policies, political debates and discourse;
• Raise awareness about human trafficking in contemporary societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Karolis Žibas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vija Platačiūtė
Contact (2) Full Name
Vija Platačiūtė
Job Title (2)

Nation Initiative

National Network

88, rue de la Pompe
75116 Paris

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Machrou3 Wattan is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions in Lebanon through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government. Structure of the organisation: President/Vice president/General Secretary/ Treasurer. Partners : MMKN Organisation in Lebanon. 5000 budget a year... The sources of funds were personnal from the beginning. Our first Conférence was sponsored by AUDI Bank paris on the 7th of october 2015 at the Mairie de Paris with the support of the Director of the Lebanese Ministry of Education. We are helping two public schools in Beirut: Mme Aoun School in Chyah-Ain el Remmaneh and Al Ghadir School in Dahyeh: We are trying to make exchange public schools.  Our main partners are ULCM France, and MMKN Beirut. I must precise that the Lebanese Ministry of higher Education support our actions in favour of the public schools.
Mission and Objectives

To establish and strengthen political and civic organizations, safeguard elections, and promote citizen participation, openness and accountability in government. Machrou3 upholds the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
To promote the development of institutionalized channels of communications among citizens, political institutions and elected officials, and strengthens their ability to improve the quality of life for all citizens.
To help citizens engage actively in the political process and serve as a link between citizens and elected officials, helping them to build awareness and influence around their priorities.
To assist government institutions in listening to citizens (through public hearings, for example), and responding to their concerns.
To give a voice to citizens who traditionally have no access to government decision-making. It also works to support transparency and good governance.
To carry out message and policy formulation, engage citizens in the policy-making process, and develop strategies and mechanisms to implement the laws passed by the legislative branch and policies devised by their offices.
To implement all democratic projects prepared and ready to be done by the Lebanese NGO’s.
Machrou3 Wattan works with a variety of French and foreign organizations that share its mission of supporting open and competitive political systems and strengthening democratic institutions and practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Our next step is to make "Christmas sale", concert and Gala dinner in Lebanon and eventually in Paris to help these schools to have their first french library. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Nadine Garabedian
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Nadine Garabedian
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Claudia Preti
Job Title (2)


National Network

Rua Senhora do Monte 38, 2DT
1170-361 LISBON

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
  The main staff is composed of 3 people, but we generally involve several other partners in our projects. Our budget depends on projects - as an avarage our yearly budget is arount 30.000€ Our projects have been funded by the Lisbon Municipality, Gulbenkian Foundation, FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation), CNpQ (Brazilian Science Foundation). We work as artistic and curatorial collective: we organise participatory and community based public art projects and interventions, as well as workshops and public art events.  Our main partners have been: The Lisbon Municipality; Junta de Freguesia da Graça; Junta de Freguesia de Santa MAria Maior; Plano Lisboa; Universidade de Rio grande do Norte (Brazil); Ethnographica Terminalia; Universidade de Sergipe (Brazil); Paratissima (Torino, Italy); Associação Renovar a Mouraria (Lisbon); GAU - Galeria de Arte Urbana (Lisbon), among others.
Mission and Objectives

EBANOCollective is an artistic and curatorial collective that proposes to carry out site-specific projects and urban interventions through art supported by ethnographic research. Through the collaboration of artists and social scientists, EBANO develops participatory projects of public art tackling local community issues and larger social and urban questions.

Main Projects / Activities

2015. Nova LIberdade III. (Aracaju, Brazil). Funding CNPq.
2014. Passeio Literário da Graça/ Graça Literary walk. Funding: Programa BIP/ZIP 2013 from Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. Partners: Galeria de Arte Urbana; Junta de Freguesia de São Vincente. 
2014. Da casa para o beco. Supported by Associação Renovar a Mouraria and funded by Programa BIP/ZIP 2013 of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. Support: Fab Lab Lisboa.
2013. Shrines of Citizenship. Funded by: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Group ex. "Exhibition as Residency—Art, Anthropology, Collaboration" for Ethnographic Terminalia 2013, 18-22 November 2013, Arts Incubator at Washington Park, Chicago.
2013. Rua do Pecado. Funding: Lisbon Municipality
2012-2013. Casa das Chaves. Funding: Renovar a Mouraria. 
2013. A Mouraria imaginada pelas crianças. Funding CML. 
2013. NOOR – Mouraria Light Walk (18,19,20/07). Funding CML. 
2013. Woundscapes. Diálogos entre Antropologia e Arte. Centro Universitário Maria Antónia (São Paulo) (13/6 - 25/8 2013). Funding USP and Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal (Programa Portugal Brasil Agora). 
2012. Woundscapes. Suffering, Creativity and bare life. Museu da Cidade (Lisboa) (18/4 – 8/7 2012). Funding: FCT e CML. 
2012-2014. Ghetto Six. Funding: FCT. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With a very specific notion of art and art intervention influenced by anthropology and ethnography, the EBANCollective will add a new and we hope original element to the national network, promoting and sharing our view of art as a working force in society at large and as a powerful tool to tackle social issues and to improve intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As anthropologists we strongly believe in the possibility and necessity of intercultural dialogue, especially at a time of growing conflict. The ALF offers a chance to build a working network between Europe and countries of the South Mediterranean, one of the present day major zone of conflict and of contact. We are eager to contribute with our practical knowledge to this conversation. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Bordonaro
Contact (2) Full Name
Chiara Pussetti
Job Title (2)
Member of Board of Directiion