Reda Abdelghany

National Network

44 Lazogly street - Helwan - Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
My name is Reda Abdelghany .I'm from Egypt and now I'm working as  a freelancer educational consultancy   
Mission and Objectives

                                My objective is to secure a position  to work in education field in an education project or  to  work in Anna Linda foundation in education specially  I have a long years of profesional experoence . I’m so proud to be SMART Exemplary Educator.   I enjoyed working at Canadian International School in Egypt as consultancy for Arabic language teachers, and Arabic learning support teacher for student with learning disabilities, but I am ready for new challenges and adventures. I have made a transfer from the advance society in Egypt as a specialist education for people with special needs , to the American International School in Egypt (AISE), as a specialist in learning support center for student with learning disabilities “ Egyptian and American “ AIS’ student body is very diverse . I am extremely comfortable working with schools, association and students who come from a diverse array of value systems and cultures. I have broadened my qualifications by participating in training and rehabilitation and preparing teachers to work with special needs student through lectures at Cairo University, Ain Shams University and provide training for language schools in Egypt.. 

Main Projects / Activities

 I would  like to work in education field specially in special education field
.  I have a lot to offer your organization including fourteen   years in education and NGO  field.. I would bring to your company a broad range of skills, including:
profesional development for schools and NGOs teacher -
Actively participate in project annual work planning, activity design and implementation, and monitoring and
   anreporting with a sustained focus inclusion and disabilies.
training activities, and community awareness raising campaigns
Support the development of tools, supplemental materials and the “Disability Resource Guide”.
 provide technical support for teacheers who works with  students with disabilities into new early grade reading and mathematics curricula, teacher training materials, and supplemental student support materials.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by provide a technical consultancy support and involved in a team work 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i read about your network and i will be so proud to be one of your network member 

Contact (1) Full Name
Reda Abdelghany Mohamed
Job Title
Freelancer Educational Consultancy
Head of the organisation
Reda Abdelghany


National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Itijah (Arabic for “direction”) is a grassroots, non-governmental organization working towards the empowerment of Palestinian youth in an entirely unique manner. Rather than focusing on individual projects, Itijah creates the space and the means through which young people can participate in various areas of activism, volunteerism and civil society. Our goal is to support young people as they contribute to Palestinian society in accordance with their own desires, talents and skills.  
Mission and Objectives

In Palestine, there is no shortage of motivated and driven young people who hold themselves accountable for the development and prosperity of Palestine. Itijah’s mission is to support and empower these young people; to connect them with one another and to various organizations in Palestinian civil society. Itijah offers mentorship, networks, connections and a physical space for young people to make their desired contributions a reality.

Main Projects / Activities

Itijah’s vision is to create a space that connects young people who are passionate about volunteerism, activism, scholarship and social entrepreneurship. We envision this space to feel like an extended family where young people are empowered to contribute according to their own interests and skills, and are bound by a common purpose. Most importantly, we wish to inspire the notion that powerful change is possible when altruism is the highest standard and purpose the greatest reward.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since our work involves coordinating activities between a number of cilvil society organisations in Palestine, we are uniquely fitted to contribute to the Network's mission. Itijah's goal is to build ongoing relationships with other organizations with which we share values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to extend our network to include other countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region and to be able to participate in trainings, capacity building and workshops across the Mediterranean. In addition, we wish to invite other organizations to come to Palestine to share ideas and cooperate in common projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Saad yaser
Head of the organisation
Saad Yaser
Contact (2) Full Name
Noura Amr

Paulina test

National Network

Paulina test

002 0102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
This is a test. Please let me know when you see the notification.
Mission and Objectives

This is a test. Please let me know when you see the notification.

Main Projects / Activities

This is a test. Please let me know when you see the notification.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation
Paulina test

QADER for Community Development

National Network

St. Antonio Society Street
Palestinian Territories

+970 22 74 97 67
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
QADER for Community Development is a Palestinian NGO, working for persons with disabilities. The organization employs 11 staff members – the General Director, Executive Director, Financial Coordinator, Administrative Coordinator, Project Officer, 3 field workers, 2 business coaches and the MOVE program coordinator. The General Assembly is made up of 26 members who meet once a year. The Board of Directors contains 9 members who are elected over a two-year period and meet every three months. We have, among other things, produced a guide for teachers distributed by the Ministry of Education and UNRWA to all public and UNRWA-run schools in the West Bank. We also work with municipalities to establish community centers that provide services for persons with disabilities, including special education, speech therapy, physiotherapy, and psych-social support. The model has been adopted by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Local Government.
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is that all persons, no matter level of ability, are to enjoy full citizenship rights, and participate in all aspects of life within Palestinian society. Our mission is thus to launching innovative social models and to promote policies, in accordance with national and international law that contribute to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Palestinian society.
We work towards this vision through the following seven steps:
Develop the capacity within Palestinian institutions
Push for the mainstreaming of the disability concept on all institutional levels
Spread awareness within the community about the rights and obstacles of persons with disabilities.
Educate families and professionals who on a daily basis come into contact with persons with disabilities.
Socially and economically empower persons with disabilities and their families.
Facilitate the provision of higher education to persons with disabilities.
Develop and adopt new methodologies, to assist persons with disabilities.

Main Projects / Activities

QADER has started up and is successfully running 6 MOVE Program Centers around the West Bank for children with severe and/or multiple disabilities. Together with their parents they will learn basic skills through educated staff in the MOVE philosophy. (Please see attached folder for more information)
We are also currently running four other projects, namely
‘Combating gender based violence’
'Promoting the quality of life for the most marginalized women’
‘Deprived families economic empowerment’
‘Addressing the social needs of persons with disabilities’
All of which can be found and described in greater detail on our website.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have the possibility to add an extra level of inclusion to the network, since when it comes to the aspect of persons with disabilities, we have in-depth experience. When we talk about diversity in schools, we need not only talk about religious diversity, but diversity in level of ability as well. This is a field where we can contribute. We cooperate with various areas of society and have a large network of people around us, from professionals to private persons, to governmental institutions and local organizations. We work extensively within the field of education and raising awareness among children and youth on the topic in order to promote a long term shift in society of the views and inclusion of people with disabilities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

All too often we see that the gap between organizations and people working towards a common goal is wide or non-existant. We believe however that it is only by working together that we can be more efficient in achieving what we strive for. In QADER we stand behind the ALF's vision to improve cultural mutual respect and a common future for the region. The work that ALF do is in large about inclusion, in the Palestinian context that also entails actively working for the inclusion of persons with disabilities, as these individuals tend to be left on the margines of our society. To bring this aspect into the network would be an important part of QADER's contribution.

Contact (1) Full Name
George Mansour
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Lana Bandak
Contact (2) Full Name
Lana Bandak
Job Title (2)
General Director


National Network

Bulgaria, 6450 Harmanli, 18, D-r Atanas Chochkov,street

+359 899 611 051 – Hristina Borisova
Telephone (other)
+359 889 415 111 – Zlatka Georgieva
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Unity "е организация с нестопанска цел в обществена полза, която работи в различни области и усилия за насърчаване и защита на правата на човека и върховенството на закона. Екипът представлява висококвалифицирани юристи, икономисти, социолози и инженери активно участват в работата на Сдружението. Ние Работим по въпроси, засягащи бежанците, техните проблеми и права. Ние участваме в развитието на местните, регионалните и националните стратегии във всички сфери на обществения живот. Ние предлагаме обучение за овластяване лидери, за развитие на персонала, за преподаване и корпоративно обучение. Ние организираме семинари и обучения за групи от хора с общи интереси и цели. Ние работим и да допринесе за развитието и популяризирането на духовните ценности, най-добри практики в развитието на гражданското общество, образованието, културата и спорта. Част от нашите експерти да участват в изготвянето на доклади при съставянето на национални стратегии за оперативните програми на България до тематичните работни групи, които да ЕМРСР, съответно, с участието на експерти от Министерството на земеделието и храните, Министерство на финансите и Министерство на културата. Организацията "Единство" е със средства, генерирани от проекти, дарения и икономическа дейност, финансирана. Сдружението се фокусира върху благотворителни събития и малки проекти, както и подкрепа за действия, предприети от други неправителствени организации и инициативи за международно сътрудничество, в частност.
Mission and Objectives

Защита на демокрацията и хуманизма, защитата на правата на хората. Подкрепа и насърчава реализацията на жените в икономическия и социалния живот, се стремят да учат и да се засили българското наследство и традиции, подпомага социалната адаптация, активно насърчаване на опазването на околната среда и организира публични събития за укрепване на традиционните ценности.
Сдружението работи за развитието на гражданското общество и има за цел да изгради национална мрежа от хора с прогресивно мислене, които биха могли да си сътрудничат креативни в посрещането на предизвикателствата на общността и социално развитие.

Main Projects / Activities

- Подпомагане на разработването и прилагането на инициативи за икономическо, социално и културно развитие на регионите в България;
- Генерира социални инвестиции от частни лица, бизнес сектора и различни публични и частни източници на финансиране;
- Предоставяне на техническа помощ на лица, фирми и организации, работещи за посрещане на социалните потребности на обществото на национално ниво;
- Тя допринася за ефективността, устойчивостта и многообразието на социални програми в България
- Посредничи чрез предоставяне на професионални консултации, оценка, мониторинг и проследяване на изпълнението на проекти и програми;
- Работна в сътрудничество с други организации на гражданското общество на национално и местно ниво за развитие на социална отговорност и устойчиво развитие на гражданския сектор в България
- Съдейства за малцинствени групи, хора с увреждания и уязвимите групи;
- организиране и провеждане на обучения и семинари за повишаване на професионалната квалификация ;
- Инициира и участва в създаването на партньорски мрежи с национални и международни организации и неправителствени организации;
- Разработва и реализира програми и проекти за изпълнение на национални оперативни програми
- Подпомага и организира дейности за опазване и въвеждането на традиционни български общността събития, културни дейности, традиции, занаяти и обичаи, съчетани с доброволчески инициативи за подобряване на околната среда или за решаване на местни проблеми.
На този етап организацията "Единство" се фокусира вниманието си върху реализацията на инициативи за младите хора с акцент върху две от най-големите "Български дарителски форум", който е член на WINGS - - организации в България Световна мрежа за подкрепа на дарители и партньори CEENERGI - регионална инициатива за Централна и Източна Европа за развитието на корпоративна филантропия и "Помощ за благотворителността в България" , която е част от световната мрежа на организации Помощ за благотворителността в централен офис във Великобритания.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ние възнамеряваме да допринесе за ALF мрежа в България, като:
Насърчаване на своите цели и инициативи, както и осъществяването на дейности по проекти в области, които са от съществено значение за мирното съжителство между хората: междукултурни инициативи и обучения за младежи и възрастни, правата на човека и на регионалното развитие.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Сдружение "Единство" напълно подкрепя насърчаването на междукултурните курсове и съвместни проекти между гражданските общества. "Единство" приема изцяло подкрепа и насърчава ценностите на ALF:. Приемането на плурализма и културното многообразие, взаимното уважение между общества, религии и вярвания, признаване на върховенството на закона и основните свободи
Ставайки член на ALF Network, ще даде шанс да "Единство", за да помогне за устойчивото развитие на региона чрез взаимно уважение от горните стойности. "Единство" има интерес да бъде част от една организация, която оказва влияние върху способността на отделните лица и групи, които споделят ценностите и живеят заедно в региона. Ние искаме да се допринесе за по-нататъшното поддържане на междукултурния диалог, който е пътната карта на фондация Анна Линд в дългосрочната стратегия за справяне с истинските причини -. Политическа, идеологическа
Нашата асоциация може да обедини гражданското общество в региона за междукултурния диалог и да работи за едно общо бъдеще и това е основната причина за "Единство" да стане част от тази организация.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Job Title (2)


National Network

via Leone Tolstoi, 49
20146 Milan

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Structure of the organization: Cultural Association number of staff employed and/or partners: 4 volounteers Budgetary resources available in a year: 6,000 Euro Sources of funding: public funds Modalities of action: researches on contemporary dramaturgies, co-production of documentary and feature films engaged in humanr rights and social issues Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Region of Lombardy, region of Tuscany, region of Lazio  
Mission and Objectives

Raising social awareness about:
humar rights;
theatre and impact on society
social documentay and impact on social issues
feature films and impact on social issues
experimental research in media and visual arts

Main Projects / Activities

researches on contemporary dramaturgies, co-production of documentary and feature films engaged in humanr rights and social issues

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are strongly interested in participating the following tools of your Foundation::

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are strongly interested in participating the following tools of your Foundation::

We share the following aims of your Foundation, and want to contribute to them:
- promoting regional alliances of organized citizens to address issues of common interest
-promoting national and sub-regional initiatives of the Networks to complement the ALF action,
-exchanging ideas and good practices for the mutual enhancement of the Networks and of the ALF management,
-diversifying funding and providing grant mechanisms, including mechanisms to support mobility and exchange,
-facilitating fluid communication between HoN Institutions and Network Coordinators, on the one hand, and governmental or inter-governmental institutions, on the other hand.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sergio Basso
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sergio Basso


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Chance 4 Children, or for short - C4C, is a humanitarian NGO (Non Governmental Organization), active since 1997 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Organized under Czech Law as non-profit civic association, C4C is dedicated to offer help and assistance primarily to children growing up in institution like orphanages and similar institutions, away from the love and care of their parents, and help them to integrate smoothly into society - without being stigmatized as second class citizen.
Mission and Objectives

It is the declared goal of the association to develop and implement programs, such as our already hugely popular ROBIN HOOD and SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE initiatives, to assist socially handicapped children by improving their quality of life and provide supplemental educational and vocational opportunities for them as a springboard to a successful adult life.
We endeavor to also develop and share best practices and sustainable solutions with other organization with similar aims and goals
Our European landscape is truly colorful, multi-cultural and many-faceted, with vastly unique and divers peoples. Consequently, we at Chance 4 Children deplore any form of discrimination and bias. We strive to respond to all people in need, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender

Main Projects / Activities

presenting the needs of those within the range of the associations interest, especially the needs of children and youth, those discriminated against, the poor and neglected, the socially disadvantaged, as well as the physical needs of the association itself, to the attention of solvent, prospering sectors of Czech and foreign societies and asking them for funding, support and sponsorship to supply these needs,
- distributing of collected goods, contributions and services to needy sectors of society. That includes, amongs others, needy institutions, orphanages, homes of the mentally and physically disabled, old folks homes, refugees camps, as well as victims of natural catastrophes in the Czech republic and abroad,
by soliciting donations, by fundraising and through selling or marketing of products nationally and internationally to support the programs of the association,
- developing educational, vocational, humanitarian and entertainment programs for all those within the range of the associations interest, but especially for underprivileged, ill and needy children,
aiding youth exiting institutions to smoothly integrate into society as a whole, by providing supplemental education and job opportunities, as well as employment.
actively promoting positive family values and high-quality and character building educational methods,organizing seminars for parents on how to build a mentally and spiritually healthy family,producing and distributing publications and audio/video materials of character building content for individuals, parents, children and institutions,endeavouring to cooperate with likeminded corporate bodies and natural persons, nationally or internationally, which promote similar values and concepts as the Chance 4 Children association, to raise awareness of the plight of the poor, needy and socially disadvantaged, especially affected children.
by actively participating in conferences and seminars, nationally and internationally, which address and promote topics within the range of the associations interests or that are similar to the goals of the association, to develop and promote best practises.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suzanne B. Alkhatib
Job Title
Chief Operation Officer
Head of the organisation
Suzanne Al Khatib

Community Development & Continuing Education Institute

National Network

Palestine Ahliya University College
Applied Sciences Building, 5th floor
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Community Development & Continuing Education Institute (CDCE-I) is a non-governmental non-profit organization established in Bethlehem in 2010 with a firm belief in the values ​​of pluralism, equality, good governance, civic participation, and human rights within the Palestinian society. CDCE-I seeks to improve the educational and socio-economic environment within its community in harmony with the Palestinian National Development Plan, and through strategic partnerships with private, public, and civil sector institutions. CDCE-I also works to strengthen its relationship with the Palestine Ahliya University College as its strategic partner.
Mission and Objectives

CDCE-I is committed to contributing to the development of the local Palestinian community by enhancing the integration of youth into the labor market, working towards sustainable development, and promoting citizens’ active engagement in public discourse. CDCE-I aims to achieve these goals through the implementation of programs & projects in the areas of capacity building, awareness raising, and advocacy, based on CDCE-I’s belief in the value of citizens’ active participation in the development process, and their equal right to access and benefit from all social resources and opportunities.


Strengthen community partnerships with public, private and civil sector institutions.

Develop customized programs that enhance the skill-sets of individuals of all economic sectors, and youth in particular, in an attempt to bridge the growing gap between the educational system’s outputs and current market needs.

Contribute to improving the competitive environment of the local economy by delivering projects which aim to reduce unemployment and alleviate poverty.

Promote the value of vocational education and the life skills associated with it.

Promote the values of pluralism, good citizenship, good governance, equality, civic participation and engagement, and human rights and democracy.

Influence decision-makers to improve the legal, social, and economic environment of Palestine.

Provide specialized studies, cultural enrichment programs, consultancies and other development services.

Main Projects / Activities


Business Plan Competition

School to Career Program

Enable Entrepreneurship through Technology of the Future

Grass Roots Civic Action

Media Technology Program

ACT English

Your Project Starts with an Idea

NETKITE regional entrepreneurship project

Training courses in debate, media, language, graphic design

Enabling Entrepreneurship through Technology of the Future


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CDCE-I is a major provider of development and continuing education services in Bethlehem, targeting the community as a whole with special attention to marginalized groups and youth. CDCE-I has offices throughout the West Bank, over 50 volunteers, and over 50 partners including many government ministries, municipalities, schools, universities and colleges, vocational training centers, and private sector companies. CDCE-I would be a strong contribution to the Palestinian Network, having worked in a range of sectors, and targeting fundamental educational and socio-economic issues in the Palsestinian society through initiatives targeting employability, entrepreneurship, capacity building, youth awareness, civic participation, service learning, media, and career guidance, etc. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CDCE-I would be proud to join the ALF Network in order to work collaboratively with ALF  members to enhance the cultural, educational, and socio-economic relationship between the various clusters of Palestinian society and our regional neighbors. Currently CDCE-I is working on programs (in many areas important to ALF - media, drama, education, etc.) targeting youth, women and students (many of whom are marginalized and/or refugees) that aim to promote capacity building, cultural exchange, awareness raising, and economic empowerment, and which tackle discrimination, marginalization, human rights infringements, and the socio-economic challenges prevalent in Palestine, in particular, and in the region. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Stephanie Rodriguez-Makhlouf
Job Title
Development Manager
Head of the organisation
Khaled Shanaa
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaled Shanaa
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Alliance française Osijek / Francuska alijansa Osijek

National Network

Šetalište Petra Preradovića 8
31000 Osijek

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Alliance Française Osijek is a local community association that gathers more than 200 active membres. The association is managed by a governing board of 9 membres, 3 french langugage professsors, 1 educator and  1 administrator/director. Our association is a member of national francophone network, network of Croatian Alliances françaises and member of an international network gathered around Fondation Alliance Française. On local level, our association is also involved in various community projects and cooperates with different associations and institutions dealing with youth, education and arts. In last 4 yours, our yearly budget approximates 35000€. Our funding sources come from both income generating activities (french langugage courses that represent 50% of our yearly income) and projects and activities funded by local, regional and national government as well as foreign governments, institutions and foundations. All our activities and projects can be divided into two groups: educational or cultural activities. Educational activities mainly aim improving foreign languages skills among youth, from the age of 3 onwards and increasing mobility opportunities for young people. Besides promotion of early learning projects, we also provided possibilities to our membres to get scolarships and volunteering positions abroad in order to improve their langugage skills and increase their mobility and employability. Our cultural activities aim further development of cultural relationships between Croatia and francophone countries such as exchanges, festivals, art residencies etc. Our project partners are local and regional government, local institutions (public schools, museums) and associations on local and national level (Alliances françaises network or other local associations).

Mission and Objectives

Alliance Française Osijek is an association established in 1897 in order to promote french language and cultural heritage in Osijek and to facilitate intercultural relations between Croatia and France. More than hundred years later, the association still promotes learning of french language as one of major european languages and facilitates intercultural relations between Croatia and francophone countries on individual, organizational or institutional level. Thus today, the promotion of interculturality goes far beyond francophone countries, our mission is mainly to promote the idea of european citizenship and identity and its enormous cultural heritage. 

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion of early learning- French language workshops for 3 to 6 yo children Mobility increasing activities: providing, presenting and facilitating scolarships, exchanges and volunteering opportunities for young people between 16 and 35 years old. Mobility increasing for teachers and other professionals: organising seminars and trainings  for francophone network in the western Balkans Promoting european cultural heritage by: - providing access to a library and mediatheque of cca 2500 titles to our members - cinema-club (cca 30 european movie screenings per year) - organisation of festival Francophony in Osijek (since 2000, more than 15 cultural events in every edition)  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to our long tradition, reputation and our contacts in different networks we are part of, we can contribute to the development and strenghtening if ALF network in Croatia. Our material resources such as fully equiped premises and latest IT tools and services can be usefull to other network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In recent years, our association is trying to find both viable partners and funding opportunities for the organisation of cultural exchange programs for children and youngsters from Croatia and other european or mediterranian francophone countries. We hope that the membership in ALF network will open new possibilities for the realisation of the above mentionned programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Jovanovic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nada Jovanovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Mladen Tutavac
Job Title (2)

Association des jeunes mediterannees pour les echanges culturels

National Network

Residence jeunesse 21 – la corniche – sousse
4000 Sousse

00216 98 98 39 48
00216 73 200 505
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
AJMEC TUNISIA is an autonomous, non_governmental youth organisation whose main aim is to open international exchange for young people, promote youth initiative in improving social work and  facilitating the integration of young people into society especially those of rural areas by involving them in our work,  and encouraging their creative spirit that helps increasing youth participation in both local community and society in general. our budgetary resources available in a year is about 10.000 euro and our source of funding is principaly from the euromed youth unity Tunisia and Erasmus + programme  our last projects are : one step for a green future / yes we can active citizenship / tomorow start today / and we are already strating new project in november his title is Acting For Active Citizenship in Tunisia : Acting FACT  and have hold the international meeting against violence for 4th time since 2010  for our projects and trainings courses we have so many partners specialy from europe and mena area   
Mission and Objectives

The participation in our activities gives a better opportunity to get a positive and varied personal development. We are looking as well  to increase the tunisian youth participation in the international events, which could make them open to a multitude  of life styles, cultures,point of views,  and get them within a spirit of creativity. Our target group is all Tunisian youth mainly the youngsters that  are between(15-25) years old, we encourage them by creating clubs of different activities and especially spaces for free discussions to initiate them to the main objectives of the euromed program like the fight against racism, xenophobia, segregation in all its features and promote the values of peace, democratic representation , mutual respect, human rights and tolerance
Promote active citizenship among tunisian youth;
Promote tunisian culture through youth activities;
Develop a real cooperation between local youth associations and mediterranean and international associations
Main activities
Youth exchange:
Since 2004
European countries: Portugal, Spain, France, UK, Italy, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Sweaden, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland, Poland.
Mediterrean countries: Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan
European Voluntary Service:
40 Tunisian volunteers have been sent since 2005
Greece – Turkey – Danemark – Romania – Portugal – France – Italy

Main Projects / Activities

AJMEC 's missions are intercultural fusion, integration to Tunisian youth into the society.
And support to them for taking an active role in the life of civil society.
In this context Ajmec is in cooperation with organizations such as the European Commission & Euro-med etc...Ajmec has been a part of European Volunteer Servise under the Erasmus + Programme. Until 2014 Ajmec hosted and sended more than 100 volunteers from / to european countries like Turkey, Denmark, Iceland, Scothland, Romania, France, Grecee, Italy, Latvia, Lithanuia , Bulgaria and more ... Also Ajmec has participated Erasmus + Youth in Actions programmes such Youth Exchange, Seminare, Conferance etc... Besides, Ajmec collaborated in local establishments like , Akouda , Kalaa Kebira Kids clubs, Dar Chabeb (centers of youth ) in Soussa, Handicap centers Kalaa Kebira and Arim Soussa & Dar Tagafa Akouda ( Culturel Center of Akouda ) & municipality of Soussa. Ajmec hosting volunteers have created cultural, artictic and sportif activities there with children and young people in order to add some plus to Tunisian society ,specially local at Akouda , Kalaa Kebira, Center of Soussa, Chott Meriem etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our participants are also working as trainers mostly in the area of enhancing entrepreneurial skills and initiative within our target groups of youngsters at the age of 16 to 30 years.
Our leaders have participated in several trainings concerning many topics, but still want to enlarge their know-how by sharing with other youth workers from the partner-countries and create new follow-up projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our members have participated in several trainings on the topic of non-formal learning and we also organized workshops and seminars on this topic on regional and national level. We want to share our best-practise methods and enlarge our knowledge by exchanging with other partners 

Contact (1) Full Name
Awatef Slama
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Awatef Slama
Contact (2) Full Name
Mouna Hamrita
Job Title (2)
general secretary