Association Laicité pour tous

National Network

38 bld henry iv
75004 Paris

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our Objectives are; Promoting Secularism internationally, spreading the values of tolerance, removing Religion from the Identity Card, religion equality in the Middle East Region and finally promoting the culture of peace and Dialogue between different cultures.
Mission and Objectives

Our structure; 3 Members at the board of directors and 7 staff members and our main resourses from EU programs and members feees and donations.
Our annual budget around 10000 Euros 

Main Projects / Activities

Building Bridges
A seminar for Egyptian, French and Israeli Youth will be held in order to break down borders and prejudice which were caused by the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Promoting Secularism internationally, spreading the values of tolerance, removing Religion from the Identity Card, religion equality in the Middle East Region and finally promoting the culture of peace and Dialogue between different cultures.
A seminar for the Egyptian, French and Israeli Youth will be held in order to break down all the already set rules, borders and prejudice which were caused by the Arab-Israeli conflict.
These young people will visit the city of Paris and its cultural places in addition to the UNESCO Headquarter in September 2015 from 16 to 22.
Through this project we want to defend Secularism and to unify peoples (nations). The main headline" How can we live in a peaceful way.?' will be discussed. There will be plenty of time for the participants to know better the heritage and culture of the participating countries. The main objective of this seminar is to achieve the utmost degree of alignment among the inhabitants of these countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share experience between our association and the network members. Also, we want to establish joint projects and programs. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because we belive in the ALF values and we want to share experience and knowledge with the network members. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rizk Shehata
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rizk Shehata

Fondation HIBA

National Network

360 avenue Mohammed V
angle rue Halab
10000 Rabat

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
La Fondation HIBA est une association à but non lucratif œuvrant pour le développement et la promotion de l’art sous toutes ses formes: Cinéma, Musique, Photographie, Mode et Design, Arts de la rue, Danse et Théâtre. La Fondation souhaite coopérer, en bonne intelligence, avec l’ensemble du tissu associatif œuvrant dans le même domaine qu’elle. Elle sera au service des initiatives culturelles et concentrera ses efforts sur les créations contemporaines et les tendances émergentes.
Mission and Objectives

La Fondation HIBA a pour vocation de soutenir la création, fédérer les initiatives, encourager les jeunes talents, participer au développement des arts émergents et privilégier les créations contemporaines tout en mettant en exergue le patrimoine culturel national.
La Fondation a une vision globale et transversale, elle s’intéresse aux associations culturelles et artistiques dans les domaines des arts vivants et arts visuels proches des intérêts des jeunes et des tendances de consommation: musique, théâtre, danse, arts de la rue, photographie, design et mode.

Main Projects / Activities

La Fondation s’adresse :
Au grand public, en développant et en gérant des espaces culturels, de détente et de divertissement.
Aux institutionnels et aux entreprises, en les sollicitant en tant que partenaires potentiels pour des actions ponctuelles ou continues.
Aux artistes, aux associations culturelles et artistiques et aux jeunes talents en général, en développant des programmes d’accompagnement : centre de ressources, aide à la rédaction de projets, mise en réseaux professionnels et disciplinaires…
La Fondation Hiba développe une stratégie globale pour la promotion des projets artistiques:
– De formation à travers des colloques, séminaires, master classes ou workshop sur des problématiques liées au secteur (législation, administration, communication culturelle, technique…)
– Un centre de ressources permettant:
– De  mettre à disposition des usagers une base de données sectorielle exhaustive
– De mettre en relation les différents intervenants du secteur culturel (bailleurs de fond, journalistes, artistes,  espaces culturels, partenaires potentiels, concours et compétition artistiques, artistes…)
– D’offrir une documentation pour l’orientation des porteurs de projets (modèles de contrats, textes de loi…)
– Une plateforme web pour diffuser les opportunités et l’actualité du secteur.
– Des lieux culturels qui servent de lieu de programmation, de répétitions, d’échange et de débats et de centre de formation.
– Le soutien à toute initiative visant à professionnaliser et structurer le secteur de la culture au Maroc
La Fondation s’appuie sur :
– Un réseau d’expertise
– Un réseau de partenaires
– Une équipe opérationnelle
– Un comité consultatif
– Un lieu : La Renaissance

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le secteur culturel et artistique marocain connaît un dynamisme certain depuis plusieurs années. Il est constitué d’une multitude d’associations et d’individus qui investissent dans le développement et la promotion de leurs activités, souvent en l’absence de réelle structuration et de professionnalisme.
Ces associations, souvent uni-disciplinaires, œuvrent dans leur propre domaine et défendent leurs intérêts spécifiques.
Pour un développement durable de ces structures, le secteur artistique et culturel doit s’appuyer sur des initiatives privées capables d’amplifier leurs actions et de participer à la structuration du secteur.
Partant d’une une vision globale et transversale, la Fondation HIBA s’intéresse aux associations culturelles et artistiques dans les domaines des arts vivants et visuels proches des intérêts de la jeunesse et des tendances générationnelles: musique, théâtre, danse, humour, street-art, photographie, design, mode, jeux vidéos.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamal Abdennasser
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Društvo Naša djeca Poreč

National Network

Trg kneza Branimira 2
52440 Poreč

++385 52 647 434
Mobile Phone
+385 91 11 33334
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

DND (Organization Our children) was built on volunteer work. Now we have 2 employed in office and 4 people working directly with children. Organization has Assembley, president and 7 member Governing board. We offer workshops for children in their free time and fees are enough to sustain organization but we also get funding from town budget, citizens and businesses. This year we were granted three years institutional support from National foundation for development of civil society. We cooperate with a number of croatian OCSs, including a family of DND organizations. 

Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is protection and promotion of children rights, than organization of activities for and with children, as well as supporting parents to meet their children's needs.

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops during school year in childrens free time that encourage childrens crietivity (dance, acting, writing, painting), help them make good and healthy choices, learn to respect themselves and other people. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We think we can contribute through partnerships and sharing knowledge, skills and experience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in networks (already belong to Croatian DND network) because networks bring organizations to work together, chare and expend their knowledge, skills and experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabrijela Močibob
Head of the organisation
Gabrijela Močibob
Contact (2) Full Name
Sniježana Matejčić
Job Title (2)
project manager

International Development Institute

National Network

Zarqa 13181

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The International Developmet Institute is a Non-Profit Association,Research Institute and Charity.It has Administration Board, Board of Trustees, and Board of Consultants. The Staff and volunteers are 20 activists with experiences in fields of education, national development and international development, youth, health,environmet, democracy, human rights and International Relations. As to research it is almost in Social Sciences, and as to community development the association facilitates the opportunities to the members of community to participate in projects that would not only help them in the future but also improve their capacities. The International Development Institute build strong ties with national and international associations and governmet sectors in order to achieve its goals and making sure that its sevices reach to most communities like also a local and regional authority.
Mission and Objectives

The International Developmet Institute besides being research institute, non-profit association and a charity, it also functions as the United Nations Association at Jordan which is soon to be member in the World Federation of United Nations Associations. The main objectives of the Internationa Developmet Instituite is to facilitate the tendencies towards sustanable development in both national and international communities, It also provides opportunities to staff members, volunteers and students(national and international) to develop their potenciality and encourage them to achieve best capacities.The Institute also runs research in social sciences that would assist the world to achieve MDGs. Last but not least the Institute being also charity provides local community with assistance through the donationas and grants it gets from the Inaternational Associations.   

Main Projects / Activities

Facilitation of Grass root projects of the community 
Work shops and semenars related to youth, education, health, sustanable development, human rights and democracy
Participation at international develpmnet issues conferences all over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasmin Al-Shishani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Raie'da Habeybeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Hilary Adams
Job Title (2)

Association of International Youth Network

National Network

merkez mah. marmara cad 24/112,
34310 Istanbul/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Language Course : 60 Students / regular term(Spring, Fall) Institute of Korean Studies : 4 researcher Sources of funding : Project funding from different sources(Government, International Org. etc), donation Main partners : Kofice, the Academy of Korean Studies, Korea Foundation Main Activities : Language course, Summer Trip, Cultural Festivals, Publication, Study and Research
Mission and Objectives

- Provide platform for youth people can find their talents through activities in the platform.
- Raise youth as a global minded youth
- Help youth to find their job

Main Projects / Activities

Activities : Language courses, Summer Trip to Overseas, Researches, Cultural Festivals

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our members are mainly Turkish youth. We want to provide education for Turkish youth. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our network with other organization and want to receive some funds for our Turkish youths through them we can develop our missions more effectively.

Contact (1) Full Name
Seong Eun LEE
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Seong Eun LEE

Förderverein Willy Brandt Zentrum Jerusalem e.V.

National Network

12161 Berlin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Förderverein Willy Brandt Zentrum Jerusalem e.V is the official body of the Willy Brandt Center in Jerusalem. Weconnect between the European, Israeli and Palestinian partners. We support educational journeys and offers internships and volunteer services in Jerusalem. We work together with young activists but also  with Members of Parliament, and such we link between grassroot and the political sphere.
Mission and Objectives

Förderverein Willy Brandt Zentrum Jerusalem e.V is the official body of the Willy Brandt Center in Jerusalem. Weconnect between the European, Israeli and Palestinian partners. We support educational journeys and offers internships and volunteer services in Jerusalem. We work together with young activists but also  with Members of Parliament, and such we link between grassroot and the political sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

Förderverein Willy Brandt Zentrum Jerusalem e.V is the official body of the Willy Brandt Center in Jerusalem. Weconnect between the European, Israeli and Palestinian partners. We support educational journeys and offers internships and volunteer services in Jerusalem. We work together with young activists but also  with Members of Parliament, and such we link between grassroot and the political sphere.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Förderverein Willy Brandt Zentrum Jerusalem e.V is the official body of the Willy Brandt Center in Jerusalem. Weconnect between the European, Israeli and Palestinian partners. We support educational journeys and offers internships and volunteer services in Jerusalem. We work together with young activists but also  with Members of Parliament, and such we link between grassroot and the political sphere.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Förderverein Willy Brandt Zentrum Jerusalem e.V is the official body of the Willy Brandt Center in Jerusalem. Weconnect between the European, Israeli and Palestinian partners. We support educational journeys and offers internships and volunteer services in Jerusalem. We work together with young activists but also  with Members of Parliament, and such we link between grassroot and the political sphere.

Contact (1) Full Name
Judith Klose
Head of the organisation
Judith Klose

Oyoun Masr Association (OMA)

National Network

bundlaan 52
1032 kA Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Vision: EuroMed  Citizenship… Sense of Belonging of each and everyone. Mission: Build a network bringing together activists and young workers in the Euro-Mediterranean space in order to overcome the obstacles that prevent building of a successful and interconnected Euro-Mediterranean society. Aims: - Providing a helping hand to youth and women in areas of disputes around the Euro-Mediterranean.  - Empowerment and capacity building of youth and women in the Euro-Mediterranean.  - Study and set up projects aimed at achieving the goals of the Millennium and respect of Human Rights. - Organizing and managing conferences, exhibitions, festivals, competitions and markets serve humanitarian issues.
Mission and Objectives

- Our board members are 5 and we have staff of 3 employees
_ We are the head of the national network of EuroMed Youth Federation 
- The main financial resources are from EU donors, sponsors and membership fees
- Our partners now are from Egypt, Tunis, Morrocco, Italy, France, Bulgum, Germany and Spain  

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project in 2015 is made in EuroMed project ( and we are active in Erasmus plus program  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will provide contacts, knowledge and experience in general in the Euro-Mediterranean area to the network members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build a strong national network and to exchange experience and knowledge with the dutch network members and other members around the Euro-Mediterranean

Contact (1) Full Name
Salwa El-Shaer
Job Title
Head of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Salwa El-Shaer
Contact (2) Full Name
Adham Said
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Homo Eminens

National Network

Paupio 13a, 30
01201 Vilnius

+370 (653) 73 447
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We are people-oriented strategy & innovation advisors who put people first, reveal their actual needs and indicate future demand. We believe that consumer behaviour is human behaviour in the first place. Our team is rooted in humanities, which enables understanding of different human aspects and individual contexts. We reveal patterns for strategic decisions that actually create value. We know that innovating means working in a higher degree of uncertainty. Expertise in understanding end-users is the key element for an upgraded product or an updated service to be successful. We provide guidance for innovative solutions that excel organizations.
Mission and Objectives

We study people and their environments in depth for your products and services to be better.
Our purpose is to guide companies in making their products and services better.
Our work is led by values of confidentiality, integrity and care.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizations come to us when they experience uncertainty in their development. Since each problem is unique, we analyze cases individually. Therefore, there are many ways for you to cooperate with us. To make your products or services better, we can:
Indicate inner problems obstructing organization’s development
Spot upcoming behavioral shifts in the target audience
Redefine the target audience and its’ segments
Help understand unfamiliar cultures of new customers
Research markets and potential for the new product or service
Advice on reshaping the existing strategy and tactics

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To provide sustainable strategies for organizations that are on the verge of something new.
To educate on the process of innovation.
To reveal the true importance of humanities in business.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To help create a more sustainable environment for organizations, businesses and people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dominykas Karpovic
Job Title
Senior partner
Head of the organisation
Dominykas Karpovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Zemartas Budrys
Job Title (2)
Senior partner

Heliopolies Center For Political Development And Human Rights Researches

National Network

133 St. El-Nozha , Saint Fatima Square , Masr El-Gedida ,
Masr El-Gidida

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Seek to form the nucleus of a generation of global citizens well aware of the concepts of citizenship, tolerance and acceptance of the other and call for tolerance and peace among the members of the community . Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners : Bored ( Adminsitrive Manger , Programs Manger , Excutive Director And Legal unit support Manger ) / part-time accountant / 2 part-time researchers / translator / 5 voulenters . Budgetary resources available in a year : 2014-2015 21000$  Sources of funding : Grants  Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) : Don't Hate Me project - foucsing traning and rise awerness of hate speech and discrimmination to Youth and univiristy studnets (still on process)  Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities :National Endowment for Democracy Aka NED  Esraa Abd El-Fatah egyptian Actvisit  Hussam Bahgat Egyptain Journalist and founder of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights .
Mission and Objectives

1.Preventing & stopping  hate speech and incitement to violence in the Arab community
2.Legal Support  for prisoners of conscience
3.Strengthen support and political education for university students and youth political parties
4.Develop the mechanism of action of punitive institutions and staff development

Main Projects / Activities

1.Hate speech
Despite it is a famous word in all European countries and it was killed by the search, and even there
are many laws are enacted for it in most of the countries of the world, but we are so far in Egypt we
don't have a single law to stand up against this unguided violence.
Hatred is the first enemy of humanity; we are in Egypt so far we cannot differentiate between
freedom of objection and incitement to the other and even confuse them .Therefore, we believe that
we have a great responsibility to change this concept in Egyptian society, and even the government
and the Legislature to reduce this discourse.
That hate speech is one of the harmful viruses that spread quickly in an environment such as the
Egyptian environment,  where the customs and traditions and norms and  religious extremism  are
making it easier to promote.
Let's start with the definition of hate speech from our point of view:
"This term is used commonly to refer to the call for national, racial, religious or other hatred. In
addition, the issue is, in essence, what is the extent appropriate or acceptable limit to limit the right
to freedom of expression, when the views that are expressed in favor of determining the rights of
others or infringed upon.
Types of hate speech:
1. Religious discourses in mosques that urges to murder and preparing what we can to fight . in
addition to  mosque  and churches speeches  that incite others
2.  Incitement and violence against women, given as a weak creature that  does not rise to the
rank of men
3. Moral decadence in dealing with gay and lesbians  and consider patients and  not humans in
addition to   incitement to lethality and a degradation of them
4. Incitement  against children and their exploitation due to their homelessness or inability to
live a dignified life.
Political disadvantages for those types of speech :
1. Politicians take advantage from this kind of speeches  to affect the major groups in the
community and earn their voices
2. spread panic among the people and there is a recent example of this and is incident Abu
Nomros where four people was killed who belong to the Shiite sect in the village of Abu
Nomros Giza Governorate due to the permanent induction of  salafism mosques to  kill these
godless people losing  all the meanings of humanity, freedom acquired by the world during
the previous  periods and crises
3. Incitement by the state by charging any of its demonstrators with psychological charges, led
to the growth of hate speech by the ordinary citizen against any demonstrator against
Conclusion and solution:
We urgently need the solidarity of all state agencies and civil society organizations and the people and
all the honorable men of the country to reduce this crime, we must:
1. Use all media Tartuffe to reduce these hate campaigns & it should be adopted by the state or
political parties or human rights organizations to stop such speeches
2. Speed ​​of the enactment of a law that states that anyone who incites to hurt citizen whether
physical or verbal or undercut or work must get punished with a deterrent punishment  to be
example to stop such behavior
3.  Training for individuals and college students to  Establish the concepts of love and humanity.
In adittion, their rehabilitation toward a future refuses to hate and respect the humanity in
collaboration with civil society organizations in the countries that have preceded us in
establishing these concepts to learn ways to solve the problem, and find ways to fit the
Egyptian society from our side as an organization.
1a.Hate speech against sexual minorities
Main goal:
Limiting the hate speech against sexual minorities in the Egyptian society
Project brief:
Under the slogan of "Dignity – Freedom – Social justice" all the masses of the Egyptian
people participated in the revolution that took place in January 25th including sexual
minorities as they thought that their freedom is coming soon but that actually led the
society to clash with them in a bigger clash than before therefore the hate speech against
them got increased in media & social networks which led minorities to incur verbal ,
psychological & physical violence & that’s what the project aim to stop.
1. Pressure on the Egyptian government and the Egyptian House of Representatives to pass
a law criminalizing hate speech against sexual minorities.
2 - Create a network to monitor hate speech in the media and various social networks
3 - Create workshops for sexual minorities to teach them how to defend themselves if any
kind of hate speech.
4 - Create seminars and awareness campaigns to define minorities and their rights and
duties to the community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rising the Awerness of coexistence and citizenship also fighting the intolerance at the egyptian filed by tranning youth about how to live together and accept each other , Also we have made a good experienence at ( Dont Hate Me ) project on stopping hate speech and discrimmination , by formation a new youth group between 17-22 years old fighting and monitoring hate speech and rise the awerness by coexistence and citizenship . 
Publishing a manual on hate speech book by arabic , and 2 researchers about hate speech and discrimmination . 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to increase the number of the youth actvists who are looking to be a part of a campien for peaceful coexistence .
Networking with civil society organizations inside and outside Egypt .

Contact (1) Full Name
Aly Adel Hamed
Job Title
Programs Manger
Head of the organisation
Tamer El-Shrief
Contact (2) Full Name
Mostafa Fouad Ahmed
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Interkulturelles Netzwerk e.V.

National Network

Karl Marx Str. 33
16816 Neuruppin

0049 3391 348383
0049 3391 348384
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Interkulturelles Netzwerk was founded in 1996. Today we have one main office in Neuruppin and a small one in Berlin. We have about 60 members and 2 staff, for our activities we work together with about 20 trainers, teamers and translators. We organize about 25 international actions every year, most supported from french german youth office (DFJW), Erasmus+ or different foundations. We do standard youth exchange (workcamps, sport exchanges, artistic meetings), exchanges with persons in professional trainings and intercultural trainings for multipliers. We have partners inside the EU; in the Balkans, in Ukraine and Moldova and the Caucasus Region. Before we worked with Palestine and Tunisia, actually we plan to make a study visit with partners from Algeria and Morocco. Our main international partners are: Accolada Foundation, Bulgaria Arpeggio, Greece Centro de Formacao e Tempos Livres, Portugal Clube Intercultural Europeu, Portugal CPCV Ile de France, France Culture et Liberté, France Educon Vaslui Association, Rumania France Crimée Lumière, Ukraine Graine de Paix, Algeria Green Cross Society, Ukraine Gwennili, France LDA, Kroatia Loja - Center for Balkan Cooperation, FYROM Mada for Information Technologie / El-Midan, Egypt MCSM, Poland OKO, Serbia Schoolclash, Netherlands Une Terre Culturelle, France Union Peuple et Culture, France Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina, Serbia World Independent Youth Union, Armenia In total we have a yearly budget from around 200.000 to 250.000 Euros.  
Mission and Objectives

The aim of our work is to support the intercultural learning and to improve social skills of the participants. By taking part in common international activities including 'foreigners', and the 'foreign', the participants can get to know better themselves as well as others, and they get involved into questioning themselves.
In this process we see an opportunity to recognize, break up and change rigid perceptions and prejudices, in order to create a foundation for a mutual understanding. One of the goals of the meetings is to accept being different as one form of being equal.
Due to the language as an essential element in exchange measures we offer linguistic animation-training.

Main Projects / Activities

The meetings with young participants from every country can have several different contents. Programs can include sports or activities, as canoeing and climbing, as well as media-based and projects orientated in products, dealing with art or cultural topics, such as theatre, photography, video. The range of topics being on offer also includes subject-led programs, such as looking for historical traces, anti-racist work or ecological issues.
The actual topic of each meeting is determined by the interests and needs of the respective participants.
Besides the youth meetings we also offer trainings for youth workers dealing with issues concerning intercultural topics.
Together with the french german youth office we developed a basic training for intercultural youth workers; this we offer together with partners from France and Serbia / Poland. These trainings are held in every partner country for one week, after this training the participants can have a certificate for basic trainings. More info you can find at

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Interkulturelles Netzwerk has a very good international network, we organize an annual meeting where we invite about 50 structures. we would be glad to share information inside this network and invite other organizations form our national network of ALF.
We are specialized in organizing intercultural - international seminars and trainings and we can share our experiences with other structures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since January 2015 we are one of the founding members of the network "MER -  Mobility, Exchange, Reciprocity". This network is structured with organizations from different Euromed countries has aims like encouraging the contact between partners of the network in order to take educational and intercultural actions of youth mobility or supporting and strengthening our associations by sharing of information, best practices, resources and training.
In the next years the Interkulturelles Netzwerk want to focus the international activities more on the countries in the mediterranean area - so we wish to learn from the experience of other members of the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sebastian Maass
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sebastian Maass