National Network

3ème Etg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANISATION The ARKANE office consists of the President and 6 members •Two permanent staff provides secretarial and administrative functions •Achieve up to 10 people for organizing events •Some freelancers in the field of marketing, communication and project arrangements. •Service providers (Planning, logistics, audiovisual, ect ...) RESOURCES BUDGET On average 70000-90000 Euros- Grant from • Minister of Culture •GTZ •Ministry of Energy •Various SOURCES OF FUNDING •Art exhibitions theme (ARKANE AFRIKA HARMONIA SACRED CREATION) •Monthly Debates with recommendations (Tuesdays ARKANE) •Partnership (with solar Moroccan Festival /Pollutec Morocco /caravan environmental) MAIN PROGRAMS •Harmonia, exposition multidisciplinaire •La fête des installations •Arkane Afrika •Program debates styles Exhibitions and meetings on topics related to the main styles Creations •sharing program Warnings relationship and intersection of looks, opinions and experiences between visual artists and other cultural workers artists. •Artistic Caravan of Hope Pictorial and artistic Animation care hospitals and centers •Artistic Tour of schools Promote the arts among young audiences •Artistic Animation cities Murals and frescoes for the construction of monuments and visual animation MAIN PARTNERS Partners •Ville de Casablanca •Ministère de l’environnement •Ministère de la culture •INDH •Prefecture Ain Sebaa •Faculté des sciences juridiques Aïn Sebaa •AFAC •Agence algérienne pour le rayonnement culturel Our domains of action •Reflections on the national heritage, protection and development of its constitution •Audiovisual material on the visual arts •Accompanying cultural and artistic events
Mission and Objectives

• Contribute to the promotion of art
• Work for the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Heritage
• Defend the values related to citizen
• Undertaking civic character shares without distinction of color, race or religion

Main Projects / Activities

• ARKANE Tuesdays
Cultural and artistic debates organized the first Tuesday of each month.
Large annual exhibition of contemporary art from Africa (1st edition 2015, 2nd edition in April 2016) with rich entertainment (conferences, put in relationship, performance.
• Artistic Tour of hospitals and schools
Promote art with school children and relieve the suffering of patients.
• Editions
• Monographs for artists
• Reflections on contemporary art
• Reflections on the Heritage
• Next Edition ARKANE AFRIKA (International Contemporary Art in Afrika)
• Next HARMONIA edition (art heritage of service)
• Internal Bulletin -Review cultural and artistic
• Video on artists and styles.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Contacts with permanent visual plastic artists from Morocco and the world.
• Organization of artistic residences with access to our workshop "Made of 700 sq.m slaughterhouses.
• Access is open to artists of diverse origins (Africa, America, Europe  ...)
• Our program shares and connects artists from different disciplines to create relationship and Partnership (music, dance, visual arts, theater, ect ...)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

• To improve and develop our business
• To expand our network of relationships with other regions, to other cultural and artistic specificities and other news
• To improve our knowledge and receive moral and material support for the realization of our activities and projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Abderrahmane Ouardane
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Promotion of art and safegharding of traditional Culture and Heritage

Turkish-European foundation for education and science

National Network

Fistikli Yokusu No: 8
28610 Istanbul / Kanlica /

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The European-Turkish foundation for Education and Scientific Research (TAVAK) was founded in 2008. Its goal is, to enforce economic, social and cultural relationships, as well as academic exchange between Turkey and Europe.
Mission and Objectives

A main part of this work is the implementation of a TAVAK-University, a german- and english speaking foundation-university, which will close a gap in the Scientific landscape of Turkey. Through an connection with partner-Universities in Zurich, Vienna, and Maastricht, TAVAK was able to build its interests widely over europe. Additionally, TAVAK is working with other european-turkish related issues. You can find an excerpt of this work on our Website.

Main Projects / Activities

TAVAK finished recently a study about the Turkish Food-Market in Europe. Also we are working on a study about the Culure-Economy in Turkey.
In the past we published many articles and studies about migration betwenn Turkey and Europe as well as politics and intercultural-relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Faruk Şen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Faruk Şen

Associaition Infocom jeunes - Mostaganem

National Network

i 45, Rue amara hamida
ex Rue belacel
27000 Mostaganem

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية الإعلام والإتصال في الوسط الشياني لولايــة مستغانم إن الجمعية الولائية للإعلام والإتصال في الوسط الشباني لولاية مستغانم تم تأسيسها لمد يد العون لديوان مؤسسات الشباب لولاية مستغانم حيث تتمل المهام الأساسية فيما يلي : -العمل على تطوير الإعلام والإتصال الموجه للشباب -توفير المعلومات  التي تهم الشباب في مختلف الميادين -إجاد أنجع الطرق للإتصال والتواصل مع وبين الشباب ومن هنا فهيا تعمل   بالتنسيق مع مختلف الشركاء والفاعلين في  الميدان الشباني على :  تنظيم أو المشاركة في النشاطات أو التظاهرات الاجتماعية التربوية والثقافية والعلمية  ونشاطات التسلية الموجهة لفائدة الشباب،  تنظيم  أو المشاركة في  نشاطات  الهواء  الطلق  و السياحة التربوية ،  تقديم المساعدة  التقنية  للشباب  لإنجاز مشاريعهم،  برمجــة  لقاءات  الشباب في إطار المبادلات الوطنية  والدولية  والزيارات  ودراسات  الوسط،
Mission and Objectives

جمعية الإعلام والإتصال
في الوسط الشياني لولايــة مستغانم
إن الجمعية الولائية للإعلام والإتصال في الوسط الشباني لولاية مستغانم تم تأسيسها لمد يد العون لديوان مؤسسات الشباب لولاية مستغانم
حيث تتمل المهام الأساسية فيما يلي :
-العمل على تطوير الإعلام والإتصال الموجه للشباب
-توفير المعلومات  التي تهم الشباب في مختلف الميادين
-إجاد أنجع الطرق للإتصال والتواصل مع وبين الشباب
ومن هنا فهيا تعمل   بالتنسيق مع مختلف الشركاء والفاعلين في  الميدان الشباني على :
 تنظيم أو المشاركة في النشاطات أو التظاهرات الاجتماعية التربوية والثقافية والعلمية  ونشاطات التسلية الموجهة لفائدة الشباب،
 تنظيم  أو المشاركة في  نشاطات  الهواء  الطلق  و السياحة التربوية ،
 تقديم المساعدة  التقنية  للشباب  لإنجاز مشاريعهم،
 برمجــة  لقاءات  الشباب في إطار المبادلات الوطنية  والدولية  والزيارات  ودراسات  الوسط،

Main Projects / Activities

 تنظيم أو المشاركة في النشاطات أو التظاهرات الاجتماعية التربوية والثقافية والعلمية  ونشاطات التسلية الموجهة لفائدة الشباب،
 تنظيم  أو المشاركة في  نشاطات  الهواء  الطلق  و السياحة التربوية ،
 تقديم المساعدة  التقنية  للشباب  لإنجاز مشاريعهم،
 برمجــة  لقاءات  الشباب في إطار المبادلات الوطنية  والدولية  والزيارات  ودراسات  الوسط،

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Associaition Infocom jeunes - Mostaganem
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Centro Studi Medì. Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Balbi 16
16126 genova

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Centro Studi MEDI’ was founded, in 2007, by a five Ngo (Federazione Regionale Solidarietà e Lavoro, Consorzio Sociale Agorà, Fondazione Auxilium, Provincia Religiosa San Benedetto di Don Orione , Coop. La Salle) that operates, in Genoa, in the fields of immigration. 
Mission and Objectives

Medì has been supported since its constitution by the Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino. Medì has produced studies and  researches for local institutions about prostitution, trafficking, second generation and transnationalism (Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova, Comune di Genova) and collaborates with several universities (Università di Genova, Università di Milano), other indipendent Research Centers (FIERI, Fondazione ISMU, CeSPI), and international organizations such as the OECD. Medì adheres to the ALF Network.Medì, since 2007, publishes “Mondi Migranti. Review on international migrations”, the only issue published in Italy on the topic. Medì has been inserted in Sector A to ANVUR for the competitive sector: Sociology. The journal is also indexed on: Catalog of periodicals Italian / Acnp, EBSCO Discovery Service, Essper, Google Scholar, ProQuest Summon, Torrossa - Casalin Full Text Platform
Since 2008  has been established The Mondi Migranti Prize; prize awarded to international personalities who have significantly contributed to the study of migration. In the past editions the prize was awarded to Saskia Sassen (2008), Ulrich Beck (2009) and Immanuel Wallerstein (2010), Etienne Balibar (2011), Arjun Appadurai (2012), Tzvetan Todorov (2013), Julia Kristeva (2015)

Main Projects / Activities

M. Ambrosini, D. Erminio, A. Ravecca (a cura di),
Primo Rapporto sull’Immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2004
L. Queirolo Palmas, A.T.Torre (a cura di),
Il fantasma delle bande. Genova e i latinos, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Secondo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M. Ambrosini, L. Queirolo Palmas (a cura di)
I latinos alla scoperta dell’Europa (atti del Convegno), Franco Angeli, Milano 2005
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre, L. Queirolo Palmas (a cura di)
Terzo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2006
F. Lagomarsino, A.T.Torre (organizacion y supervision de)
El exodoequatoriano a Europa. Jovenes y familias emigrante entre discriminationy nuevos espacios de ciudadania,
Abya Yala Ecuador, 2007
M. Cannarella, F. Lagomarsino, L. Queirolo Palmas
Hermanitos. Vita e politica di stradatra i giovani latinos in Italia, Ombre corte, Verona, 2007
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Quarto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2007
F. Lagomarsino, A.T.Torre
La scuola plurale in Liguria. Una ricerca su didattica e Mediazione culturale, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2009
Studiare nonostante.  I percorsi degli studenti di origine immigrata nell'istruzione superiore,
FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Quinto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, ed. Medì, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, E. Abbatecola
Famiglie in movimento. Separazioni, legami, ritrovamenti nelle famiglie migranti , Il Melangolo, Genova, 2010
A. Naser Eslami
Architetture del commercio e città del mediterraneo, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2010
M. Ambrosini, D. Erminio (a cura di )
Sesto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2010
M. Ambrosini, A.T.Torre (a cura di )
Settimo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2012
A.Ravecca, F. Lagomarsino (a cura di)
Il passo seguente. Studenti di origine straniera all’università, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014
M. Ambrosini, A. T. Torre (a cura di ),
Primo Rapporto sull’immigrazione in Liguria, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2014

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Tomaso Torre
Job Title
Director- Manager
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Vinci

Kairouan Community

National Network

13 rue Aslem ibn Salim
3100 Kairouan

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Kairouan Community established in 2014 is a first association in Tunisia based on multi-sectoral cooperation between NGOs, local authorities and business acting jointly for the local development and fostering local initiatives. The experience of Kairouan Community is rich thanks to the diversified experience of its members. Kairouan Community is supported by the representatives of Polish: Development Policy Foundation ( and Press Club Foundation. Both NGOs helped in creation of Kairouan Community, as a continuation of efforts to boost the development of civic society and increase the social awareness and sense of responsibility in local development (projects financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland, Support for Democracy Programme 2013 & 2014).

Mission and Objectives

The main goals: sustainable environmental, social and economic development in Tunisia; mainstreaming of durable solutions to social & economic malaise and underdevelopment of urban and rural communities; political & social and economic empowerment and activation of disadvantageous and marginalized areas and vulnerable groups and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

NGO representatives in Kairouan Community are sharing their experience of various programmes and projects: association “We Love Kairouan” promoting ecology, active citizenship, supporting young leaders - programme “Get Involved… Think green” (financed by Institut fur Auslandbeziehungen), programme Jeunesse & Leadership; association A.G.I.M (Association Générale des Insuffisants Moteurs de Kairouan) which run the daycare center for disabled people and implement the art therapy within a framework of vocational training; association “Gouvernance Participative” organizing various campaigns aiming to increase the awareness and support the participation of all citizens in public debate; Association Tunisienne du développement vert et des énergies renouvelables ATDVER – projects on alternative composting methods and projects on using alternative energy sources in Kairouan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As members of the Tunisian Network we can share the experience of multisectoral cooperation of NGOs, local governmnet and business on the local level, supporting local initiatives and helping to solve existing problems in the city.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will be an opportunity to find partners within the field of activity, as well as learn about interesting ideas, actions and possibilities in Tunisia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Saied Baklouti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Saied Baklouti

Udruga za pomoc mladima HELP - Split

National Network

Šetalište Bačvice 10
21000 Split

00385 21 346 664
Telephone (other)
00385 21 314 273
00385 21 360 650
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 98 901 53 36
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

HELP was established in Split, Croatia in1992, as an NGO for helping youth and people with drug related problems. The residence of HELP is in the city of Split, but the field of activities spans wider. We run activities in several other cities and islands in the county of Dalmatia, as well as in other Northern and Southern Croatian counties. There are 11 fool time job positions and several external experts, as well as around 40 volunteers. Our budget per year is about 200.000,00-250.000,00 eur. The main source of funding is Croatian ministry of health. But we are funding by other Croatian Ministries, too, as well as by EU. All our activities are running in two ways through two main parallels programs: Youth Information Center (YIC) and Harm Reduction (HR). The main goal of Harm Reduction (HR) is HIV/AIDS prevention. In the frame of HR activities we try to reduce the harm caused by drug use or harm of the other high risk behaviors, particularly commercial sex work. The target group is population with high risk behavior; intravenous drug users (IDUs), commercial sex workers (CSW), and PLWHIV (people living with HIV/AIDS). Some of the activities of HR are: Needle Exchange service, out - reach work, sending IDUs to treat in therapeutic communities in country and abroad, Voluntary Counseling and Testing on HIV and hepatitis (VCT), distributing educational materials, providing condoms free of charge, raising public awareness about HIV/AIDS, helping PLWHIV in everyday life struggle, providing education, trainings etc. The main target group of Youth Information Center (YIC) is youth in general (age 14-30). Through YIC HELP try to enhance the quality of youth life. The main goal is to enable young people to take more responsible and more active role in the society. To make them capable for such role, it is necessary to inform and educate them. Since 2003 we are organizing Youth –peer education in the field of reproductive health, and every year around 500 youth (mainly adolescents) attend educations. Through the YIC, we try to collect and distribute as much useful information as possible, without political, religious or other influence. Also we try to develop youth mobility, enhance non formal education and intercultural understanding, as well as stimulate volunteer’s engagement among youth on local and international level. To be more successful in reaching those goals, HELP try to provide as more as possible different local and international opportunities created for youth involvement and non-formal learning. The result of such engagement is a large number of youth actively involved in volunteering activities on local and international level (EVS). In May 2011 at a high-level awards ceremony during European Youth week 2011 in Antwerp, one of Help’s volunteer was one of the winners in the category “Inclusive society”. Our main partners are Croatian Institutions for public healt, Schools, partners from other EU countries.

Mission and Objectives

Mission is to prevent blood and sexual transmeeted infections, particulary HIV/AIDS, and empower youth to take more active role in the society. Our objectives are: - to raise up the awarenes about HIV/AIDS - to decrease high risk behaviours (drug using, commercial sex work, promiskuitet behaviour, violence) - to increase life quality of people taking drugs, PLWHIV, commercial sex workers - prevent risk behaviour among youth - raise up youth mobility - empower adult learning and non-formal education - empower international partnerships    

Main Projects / Activities

-Project Harm reduction: activities: -VCT (Volunteery testing and canceling on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis) - Needle Exchange service -Drop-in Centre -Outreach work - Public events with aim to raise up awareness about HIV/AIDS - work with commercial sex workers - care about PLWHIV - information service - educational activities   Project  Youth Information Centre -  youth peer education - foreign language courses - organize activities for youth leasure time - workshops on different topics interested for youth - provide opportunities for youth mobilities through EU projects - make national and international partnerships and networks - help youth with educational difficultes  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Nevenka Mardesic
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Nevenka Mardesic
Contact (2) Full Name
Tijana Skelin
Job Title (2)

Academy of Entrepreneurship

National Network

Tsiller 61 str & Ros
11144 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Academy Of Entrepreneurship (AKEP) was founded in 2007 by the historical Educational Association of Athens “HFAISTOS”, aiming at the creation of a healthier entrepreneurial environment on a national and European level, and trying to support young people who wish to make their innovative entrepreneurial ideas come true. AKEP’s main objective is the cultivation of the essential entrepreneurial attitude and transfer of the necessary knowledge to young entrepreneurs who are now entering the labour market and to already active entrepreneurs, wishing to establish themselves and expand their operations both within Greece and abroad. Academy Of Entrepreneurship is a non-profit organisation working with 4 people as permanent staff and several external experts ad-hoc. Its budgetary resources come from education services, “HFAISTOS” and EU co-funded projects. Its main partners are StartUp Nations Research Network, Global Entrepreneurship Week, Trip In Touch, European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, Entrepreneur Envoy, Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform, ELSIR Mundus – Network for Innovation and Social and Territorial Responsibility (Internationally) and Federation of Hellenic Associations of Young Entrepreneurs, Aephoria, αέλια Working Life Lab, Knowl for Education and Lifelong Learning (nationally).  

Mission and Objectives

The Academy Of Entrepreneurship (AKEP) is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization, with an innovative and authentic character, trying to meet the new challenges of the modern labour market as its first priority. The Academy Of Entrepreneurship is determined to cope with the new reality created within the economic crisis in an effective and consistent way, on a national , European and global level, and aims to provide answers at a rapid but constant pace and on a theoretical and practical level, regarding the challenges that arise everyday and make entrepreneurship seem uncertain and risky. AKEP’s ultimate goal is the development of the appropriate conditions, to make startup entrepreneurship, both in Greece and abroad, more “safe” and tempting.

Main Projects / Activities

AKEP has been a national partner of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Greece since 2008 . A series of workshops and entrepreneurship seminars are always organized during the GEW where participants can brainstorm and seek advice on business issues and learn about the challenges they have to face within the crisis in the labour market today. They also receive specific guidance, depending on the requirements of their own business endeavor and activity. As a member of the Entrepreneur Envoy Global Network, and recently of the European Association of Development Research and Training, the AKEP is fully aware of the requirements of the European labour market, transferring this knowledge to the participants of its educational programmes. AKEP’s latest success is its nomination as the official STARTUP NATIONS Greece National partner of the Startup Nations Global Network, a nomination that makes the Academy widely recognized and establishes it as an important communication channel for startup entrepreneurs and enterprises both on a European and a global level. AKEP has been the National partner in numerous European research projects for the support of entrepreneurship, mobility and employability in Europe. More about these EU supported projects @ AKEP is a nonprofit organisation, registered in the EU Transparency Register with ID number 049215512245-42 and the Unique Registration Facility (URF) of the European Commission with Participant Identification Code (PIC) 996793826.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Academy Of Entrepreneurship is determined to cope with the new reality created within the economic crisis in an effective and consistent way, on a national , European and global level, and aims to provide answers at a rapid but constant pace and on a theoretical and practical level, regarding the challenges that arise everyday and make entrepreneurship seem uncertain and risky. AKEP’s ultimate goal is the development of the appropriate conditions, to make startup entrepreneurship, both in Greece and abroad, more “safe” and tempting.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our ethic summarizes: social progress through the continuous contribution of active citizens. To achieve our vision we are guided by the values of ethics, human decency and cooperation. We believe our values are in line with those of the Anna Lindh Foundations and we are looking forward to benefit from the synergies the network offers to their advancement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreas Stefanidis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andreas Stefanidis

Asociación ALAC (Asociación de las Letras, las Artes y las Ciencias)

National Network

San José, 64
Andorra, 23 3B, 28943 Fuenlabrada, Madrid
66162 Teruel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
ALAC is an organisation based in Spain with an international field of activities. 
Mission and Objectives

We develope cultural and educative projects wich are able to speak by themselves about the commitment with civil rights and the share of democratic values in order to imrpove international comprenhension and dialogue. The organisation is also oriented to the promotion of  foreign languages and non material heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities in all levels of formal  and non- formal education 
Promotion of international dialogue and democracy values in a microsociological level.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cooperation in activities related with our goals.
Sharing knowledge and ressources.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Find new partners in the Euro- Mediterranean area. Enrich our field of activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Garzarán
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Garzarán

Marlene Barra

National Network

Rua Luís de Camões nº 111
5370-456 Mirandela

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Marlene Barra is a pre-school teacher with specialization in methodology and supervision in early childhood education since 1995 and gained a master degree in Sociology of Childhood in 2003. Recently has concluded is PHD thesis in Child Studies in the field of Sociology of Childhood at Institute of Education from University of Minho, Portugal. With the financial support of a PhD Scholarship from Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia (Ref.:SFRH/BD/71978/2010) has conducted the ethnographic research at São Tomé and Príncipe: “Childhood at Latitude Zero - the games of the African 'Global'​ Child”.
Mission and Objectives

Children are part of his professional and academic life for about 20 years and her life's great passion is unveiling the unity (and beauty) of childhood starting from the diversity of the childhood world's and children´s point of view.
Hers research and work interests are related to:
Diversity of Childhoods in the world; 
Children´s cultures around the globe;
Childhood and Globalization;
Childhood Studies and Postcolonial studies

Main Projects / Activities

Research colaborator at Research Centre on Child Studies (CIEC) - University of Minho, Portugal;
Training of trainers (related to childhood and school education)
Volunteering activities with children and families.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My contribution to the Network in my country:
- Developing activities directly with children, especialy those marginalised (girls, ethnic minorities, with disabilities, etc);
- Supporting governamental or civil society organizations in developing activities and training of adults who work with children. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think it is a wondrefull gateway to realize my projects and finding (local and global) partners equally passionate about children and childhood' diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Marlene Mendes Barra
Head of the organisation
Marlene Barra

Odunpazari Culture and Unity Association

National Network

Dede Mh. Yeşil Efendi Sk. No: 16
26030 Eskişehir/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Odunpazari Culture and Unity Association is a non-governmental organisation that established in 1994 in Odunpazari, Eskişehir. Target groups of the organisation are youth, adult, disabled, national-international tourist, local peaople etc. There are 65  active members in the organisation and an executive board for 10 members.  
Mission and Objectives

Aims of the association are making national and international projects for  improving Odunpazari, bring together tourist from different countries or cities and presenting Odunpazari Ancient Histort to them.

Main Projects / Activities

We' re devoloping a project named Cultural Heritage for CFCU.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elvan Korkmaz
Job Title
Executive Assistant
Head of the organisation
İsmail Kumru