InPerspective e.V.

National Network

Postfach 440528, 12005 Berlin

0049 157 / 827 97 442
Telephone (other)
0178 / 18 28 884
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
General Information
InPerspective e.V. is a non-profit-organisation which publishes the multi-lingual online magazine. InPerspective starts at a point where the conventional media reaches its limits by giving voice to worldwide perspectives. To address readers from all over the world, InPerspective translates all articles into as many languages as possible. The platform allows for writers to create new topics both with regional or global focuses. InPerspective is managed by a core group of editors and regional coordinators. At the moment, it is run solely by volunteers. Our team consists of nine staff members in Berlin (journalists, programmers, project managers and a graphic designer) and four regional coordinators who work from Macedonia, Armenia, Israel and Ivory Coast. Partners include about 25 translators and 30 journalists worldwide, mostly located in Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa. We are also in partnership with three journalist networks (in the Balkan territory, in Armenia and a pan African blogger network) as well as, a global journalist network. We are currently in the process of applying for funds from the EU and other foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of InPerspective are 1. to broaden international journalism through intercultural and interlingua exchange of news and ideas, 2. to create an international network of journalists and translators who embrace our intercultural mission, and 3. to provide readers with international perspectives which may not be accessible to them due to language barriers or lack of coverage in national press.

We strive to achieve democratic journalism, which involves journalists, translators and readers in the editorial process. Our platform allows for readers not only to comment and rate articles but also to vote for topics they are interested in, and for journalists and translators to be part of the decision-making process of the publication. We are also working on a project to visualize stories, and include data journalism for main topics using our global map, which is the visual base of our website

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve these objectives, InPerspective has established an online magazine, which publishes articles of interest in a variety of languages. We have also began to build a wide network of international journalists, translators, editors, and readers. Our platform encourages interaction between journalists and readers in order to create a virtual international pressroom.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The main objective of ALF is to overcome misunderstandings and stereotypes that affect relations among the societies of the Euro-Med — a task which became of utmost importance in the last decade.  InPerspective e.V.  shares and contributes to this mission with its online magazine by creating a virtual space where different perspectives can be represented and shared in a multitude of languages. By giving to voice to writers and journalists who write report on relevant issues we provide readers, who usually can only get access to their national (or maybe continental) perspective, with a wider understanding. InPerspective brings people of diverse backgrounds in dialogue and promotes an understanding of „the other“, surmounting the barriers of language and /or distance. 

InPerspective would be interested in partnering with network organizations both within and outside of Germany by connecting our growing network of journalists and translators with organizations, provide space for coverage of activities and projects of ALF and their network organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of the ALF Network’s 4000+ civil society organisations, which share the values of the foundation. We want to be part of this network, not only because we strongly believe in the power and importance of civil society and intercultural dialogue but as a a multilingual media platform, we built InPerspective precisely to empower civil society. We already have partners in Israel and Egypt and look forward to connecting with organizations from across the Euro-Med and beyond. Through membership in the ALF Network, we hope to spread our mission and help people reach news and perspective beyond those provided by national and regional media. In addition, we hope to provide a platform for all who share our mission and establish partnerships with organizations and persons who are actively involved in inter-regional dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anieke Becker
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nikolas Zöller
Contact (2) Full Name
Nathalie Alyon
Job Title (2)
Regional Coordinator

Réseau des femmes artisanes du Maroc/ Refam Dar Maalma

National Network

5, angle Bd Abderrahim Bouabid et rue des mésanges
20500 casablanca

00212 522982418
Telephone (other)
00212 661302518
00212 522 982387
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00212 661135150
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
General Information
le réseau des femmes artisanesdu Maroc- Réfam Dar Maalma est une Ong de droit marocain   Nombre d’adhérentes : 1200 artisanes  Formation : 96 ateliers par an, soit plus de 500 heures de formation  Articles exposés : plus de 1500 articles  Revenu réalisé par femme : une moyenne de 4000 dh/ femme       budget fonctionnement 150 000 euros/ an Nombre d'employer permanent : 4 volontaires en fonction des activités   Nos partenaires à ce jour :  Union Nationale des Femmes du Maroc  Ministère du développement social de la famille et de la solidarité  Agence de développement de l’oriental : partenaire actions  Agence de développement du Sud : partenaire actions  Groupe OCP  Revue MagFarah:, partenaire média  Presma agence de presse et RP : partenaire média  Ambassade de Suisse  Peace  Women Around the Globe   
Mission and Objectives

 Renforcement des capacités et soutien à la promotion de la mono et macro entrepreneuriat féminin, principalement les femmes artisanes.  Accompagnement et renforcement des capacités socio-économiques des femmes artisanes  Permettre aux bénéficiaires de mieux appréhender le contexte économique pour tout développement de leur condition sociale.  Organisation des cycles de formation en renforcement des capacités.  Développement durable et préservation de l’environnement.  Renforcement des capacités commerciales.  Renforcement des capacités des structures du Réfam  Lobbying pour la prise en compte de la femme artisane en tant qu’acteur économique citoyen.

Main Projects / Activities

30 mai 2008 :
 Création du Réfam Dar Maalma
 Mise en place des structures juridiques  (Assemblée générale , Comité nationale, Bureau national,  Comités régionaux )
 Ouverture Dar Maalma Marrakech
26 mai 2009 : Organisation de Dar Maalma expo 2009
18 Juin 2009 :   Ouverture de Dar Maalma Azemmour
8 mars 2010 :    Dar Maalma expo 2010, Sous la Présidence effective de son  Altesse Royale la   Princesse Lalla Meryem
Octobre 2011 : Dar Maalma expo 2011 : 125 exposantes membres du Réfam Dar Maalma, 21 femmes artisanes des provinces du Sud, 24 artisanes des régions et provinces de l’oriental, 17 artisanes des foyers féminins de l’OCP, une délégation d’artisanes de l’Algérie, du Sénégal, et de la France ont pris part à l’événement. Elles ont présenté plus de 1500 articles.
10 juin 2012 :    Dar Maalma Expo 2012 : pour la première fois, les mâalmates du Réfam font le déplacement à Oujda afin d’exposer leurs créations. Cette année le réseau s’ouvre aux femmes artisanes du Maghreb et compte une participation d’artisanes d’Algérie, de Tunisie et de la Mauritanie.
6 décembre 2013 : Dar Maalma expo 2013, organisée dans la ville de Laayoune, 120 femmes de différentes provinces du Royaume et 25 femmes artisanes d’Afrique se retrouvent à Laayoune pour exposer leurs produits 
Lancement de l’appel de Laayoune pour le soutien aux femmes artisanes africaines et la constitution du réseau des femmes artisanes d’Afrique.
Novembre 2014 : Publication du Livre : « secrets des femmes artisanes du Maroc » et organisation de l’exposition à Casablanca sous la thématique : « Quand la culture s’associe à la créativité » ;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

oui nous pouvons participer, d'autant plus que le Réfam est partenaire d'une importante agence de relations presse et relations publiques : PRESMA COM :, et nous pouvons à ce titre apporter une contribution pour la visibilité et la communication des actions
le Réfam touche aussi une composante importante de la société les femmes artisanes, nos activités couvrent tout le territoire marocain, et dons nous pouvons faciliter des actions dans différentes régions. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Oui tout le plaisir serait pour nous. 

Contact (1) Full Name
fawzia talout meknassi
Job Title
coordinatrice, directrice des PR
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
aouad. abdelkrim
Job Title (2)

Design Center

National Network

Knezova 30
1000 Ljubljana

+386 40 458 657
Telephone (other)
+386 40 470 287
+386 1 519 50 72
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 40 470 287
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 40 458 657
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Design center has been established as a private company in 2002. It is an independent organization working on the design, art, research and education areas. Design center is gathering designers, artists, practitioners, theoreticians and other professionals in Southeast Europe with the purpose to establish intercultural and intersocial platform where independent culture, art and education can meet. Design center has no fully employed persons and is working on project based staff members. Design center is included in international networks of ICOGRADA and ADC-Art Directors Club.  Sources of funding: Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana, donations, granst and a part of the revenues come from business activities.  
Mission and Objectives

Design center is working on improvement, development and stimulation of high quality design, art, craftsmanship, culture and education in Southeast Europe. That includes organisation of the projects, programms and events of exhibitions, lectures, seminars, social projects and other relevant activities. The main objectiv is to stimulate and contribute in the development of the region through inclusion of all relevant disciplines that Design center is working at. Through creation of open space for research, production and distribution of the ideas and products, Design center is raising awareness of the importance of the local based actions in the global thinking alternatives.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Zebra Crossing project
2. Europe 2020
3. Empty Business Premises - Gallery Kukalo
4. TWO (2) Magazine
5. Ƒ2  (Fabiani Fashion) - Architecture and fashion
6. Tweetmix project
7. KICK (Udarac)
8. ADC Travelling Exhibition

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Members of Design center has international experiences with promoting national and sub-regional initiatives of cooperations and bring them into action. Design cener with its strong professional connectios  can help in developing channels for partnerships in Mediterannian societies and promote regional alliances on design, art, culture, craftsmanship and educational level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network is an important platform to connect spaces, people, experiences and ideas in the globally important area of Euro-Mediterraniean region. It is also the newtwork for shaping collective and individual freedom of designing the new working and living environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eduard Cehovin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Eduard Cehovin
Contact (2) Full Name
Tanja Devetak
Job Title (2)
Creative Director


National Network

BP 6047 Anza
80002 Agadir

00212 (0)5 28 84 51 51
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
ANYA est une société culturelle spécialisée dans le management artistique et culturel. Equipe formée de 2 personnes permanentes et de stagiaires saisonniers (de 5 à 7) Partenaires principaux: - Fondation Hiba - Ministère de la Culture du Maroc - Institut Français - SACEM - Goethe Institut - Instituto Cervantes - European Forum of Worlwide Festival Sources de financement: - Sponsoring - Projets en co-financement - Appels à projets nationaux et internationaux Modalités d'action : - Organisation d'événements, de rencontres - Mise en place de programmes à portée socio-culturelle
Mission and Objectives

La mission de la société ANYA est de promouvoir la diversité musicale du Maroc, d'Afrique et du Moyen-Orient au sein du pays et à l'étranger.

Ses objectifs spécifiques sont:
- la structuration et la professionnalisation de la filière de la musique, depuis la création jusqu'à la diffusion;
- la communication et l'échange entre les différents acteurs et opérateurs culturels;
- la mobilité inter-continentale et internationale des artistes du continent africain;
- la double valorisation du patrimoine ainsi que des nouvelles scènes musicales.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organisation de Visa For Music, premier marché international des musiques du Maroc, d'Afrique et du Moyen-Orient. Ce rendez-vous annuel, fixé en novembre de chaque année à Rabat, a pour but de dynamiser et structurer le secteur de la musique sur le continent. Les activités proposées lors de ce marché sont variées et répondent aux objectifs spécifiques: ateliers de formation, showcases, rencontres professionnelles, conférences, projections de films documentaires.
- Co-organisateur du Bureau d'Export de la Musique Marocain

Contact (1) Full Name
Brahim El Mazned
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Brahim El Mazned

Fotoakademija Split

National Network

Radunica 1
21000 Split

0038521/321 321
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: Supervisory Board, Court of Honour, the Board, the President, the Secretary, one employee. Budgetary resources: state budget,  budget of local self-government, self-financing . Our previous donors: City of Split, Croatian Employment, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, Agency for Mobility and EU programs. Projects and activities: four times public works projects "Helping in organizing activities for children, youth, the elderly and people with special needs“; project "Little School of Photography, project "Bridge" - project of Intergenerational Solidarity; project "International Colony of young photographers" . Our partners: primary school Kman, III. High school (MIOC), School of Design, Graphics and Sustainable Building, Art High School and Home for Children and Youngs Maestral, Network of Associations of Disabled Persons of Dalmatia, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Split, City Museum of Split, Society of Friends of of Cultural Heritage Split, Croatian Academic Association Split, the Information Center for Youth.

Mission and Objectives

Photo club Fotoakademija Split is focused on working with children and young people. Recognizing the social and economic conditions in the environment, we encourage our members to be active in community involvement. We are extremely proud of the significant volunteer work of our members. The mission of Fotoakademija is to educate the lovers of photography, and encourage them to apply the acquired knowledge in humanitarian work, particularly by helping individuals and organizations who care for children, young people and people with special needs. Objectives: - Development and promotion of photography, video and other artistic disciplines; - Development and promotion of technical and artistic culture, particularly photo and video activities and achievements and the work of its members; - Scientific and technical literacy, technical education, cultural development, education and training, and enabling the general public, in particular people with special needs, with creative expression and affirmation of skills, knowledge and skills; - Improving professional work and the promotion of research and innovation in the field of photo and video activities and artistic expression; - Fostering community spirit and values of non-professional photography, film and video and visual art culture, humanity, tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation and friendship between people regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, political affiliation, social status and worldview

Main Projects / Activities

Our project "Little School of Photography", was implemented three years in a row in 13 primary schools and 8 secondary schools in Split. The main objective of the project is to educate children in the field of photography and photographic techniques and to develop awareness of verbal and nonverbal communication. Students acquire theoretical knowledge of photographic techniques through 13 thematic units, while in the practical part they apply the acquired knowledge and develop new skills. During the 2012/2013 year, we have conducted the project "Bridge" - project of Intergenerational Solidarity, whose main objectives were the active participation of young people in solving the problems identified in the community, encouraging the humanitarian and voluntary work, the fight against exclusion, social integration of the elderly, the development of inter-generational communication and raising awareness of the public, especially of the younger population to the special needs of the elderly. During 2015, we implemented the project "International Colony of young photographers" with the main goals of educating young people from different countries on intercultural dialogue and European active citizenship and exploring the cultural heritage of the city of Split.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zoran Erceg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zoran Erceg
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Erceg
Job Title (2)

Youth Initiative for Human Rights

National Network

Ignjata Đorđića 8a
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Initiative for Human Rights is based in Zagreb, Croatia and is one of 5 YIHR's in the region cooperation through a Regional Network. Currently we have 3 employees and numerous volunteers. We are members of many international networks such as EGAM, World Youth Movement for Democracy, International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, Initiative for REKOM and CROSOL. Our yearly budget is around 130000€, financed through public sources and grants, mostly from EU institutions. Our work is organised through 3 programs: Justice, Participation and Reconcilliation through which we aim to involve youth in exchanges, trainings, local community work. We also publish shadow reports on human rights issues and conduct research. Our main partners are 

Mission and Objectives

Mission:The Youth Initiative for Human Rights is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, convinced that the sanctity of human life is the sole foundation and fundamental value of every open and prosperous society. Mandate: Dealing with the past, addressing its legacy in the present, and learning its lessons to build a better future; Support victims of human rights violations and contribute strategically to establishing an institutional framework to prevent [the repetition of massive] systematic human rights violations in the future; Develop capacity and cooperation among young people to lead and drive the creation of peaceful societies in which civic values and human rights are fully respected.  

Main Projects / Activities

Our work is organised through 3 programs: 1. Justice - legal advocacy for national minorities, LGBT, individual and colective rights in transitional justice, combating racism, discrimination, xenophobia, antisemitism.  Activities: monitoring human rights and transitional justice issues, research, data collection, reporting on human rights violations Ongoing projects: ICTY Youth Outreach Programme - YIHR is ICTY's partner in Croatia for Youth Outreach and will deliver 15 presentation to highschools in Croatia on the topics of transitional justice and ICTY's role. Enhancing Mechanisms of Monitoring and Advocating Human Rights - YIHR will monitor human rights, support founding a Students union for Human Rights through trainings for students and engaging them in two human rights campaigns. 2. Reconcilliation - dealing with the past and reconilliation on the local, regional and national level, advocacy, direct initiatives for demythologisation, reaching common narratives. Activities: coordination of advocacy for REKOM initiative in Croatia, implementing advocacy campaigns for memorialisation of victims of massive human rights attrocities, advocacy for establishing the Museum of rememberance for civil victims of war in Petrinja Ongoing projects:  Supporting the REKOM process - coordinating NGOs in Croatia on the advocacy campaign for establishment of REKOM Different Generation Network - establishing a global network of youth organisations that deal with transitional justice in post-conflict societies Youth Memories - an online platform for alternative memorialisation, young activist from the region docuement and upload their findings on memorial sites close to their home towns   3. Participation - empowerment, education,encouragement of youth for participation in social and political life, advocacy of human rights, dealing with the past and regional cooperation. Activities: advocating the establishment of Regional Youth Exchange Office in the region, coordination of the Political Youth Network Ongoing projects: Political Youth Network - gathers youth politically active in youth wings of political parties from Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the networks gives a platform for learning and developing skills on human rights advocacy and protection Regional Youth Exchange Assotiation - YIHR Network project aiming to establish a formal Regional Youth Exchange Office modeled after the Franco-german Youth Office for regional reconcilliation among youth in the region and dealing with the past    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our experience with regional cooperation, our contacts and networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF to have more up to date information on intercultural projects of others and funding opportunities of ALF and to offer our experience and energy for cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Morana Starčević
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mario Mažić

Association pour la protection de l'environnement d'Ait-Oumalou.

National Network

Commune Ait-Oumalou.Wilaya Tizi-Ouzou.
15055 Ait-Oumalou

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Notre association est créer a l'initiative de 13 membres fondateurs .L'objectif principal est de contribuer a la protection de l'environnement et au devellopement durable de de notre commune par des actions de sensibilisations en milieu scolaire avec la mise en place de club vert au niveau des ecoles... Le budget  de fonctionnement pour la premiére année est de l'ordre de 15000 DA plus des contributions en nature. Les sources proviennent des cotisations et des soutiens des adhérents . Parmi les activités: Campagne de sensibilisation "chemin vert" avec le concours de plusieurs associations-participation au forum jeunesse 2014 avec le réseau NADA et le programme PCPA-organisation de portes ouvertes et commemorations -campagne en faveur des zones humides et de l'initiative "1 heure pour la planéte"..
Mission and Objectives

Notre association a pour mission de contribuer a la préservation de l'environnement avec l'implication du mouvement associatif,des élus locaux,transmettre aux jeunes les valeurs de partage et d'égalité .
Parmi les autres objectifs:
Aider a la promotion du mouvement associatif.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos projets:
Mise en place de clubs vert au niveau des écoles de la commune.
Journées commemoratives en lien avec l'environnement et l'histoire
campagnes de sensibilisations en directions des jeunes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Aider a mettre en place une coordination en associant les etudiants africains résidants a tizi-ouzou;engager la reflexion autour des questions en lien avec la stratégie de la FAL: la diversité et le dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous sommes conscient que la realisation des ojectifs de notre association passe par le travail de coordination entre plusieurs acteurs d'ou notre volonté de rejoindre le réseau de la FAL en Algérie.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Sefsafa Culture & Publishing

National Network

4 Soliman Gohar sq. Dokki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
Sefsafa Publishing established 2009, in Egypt. Since then Sefsafa has published more than 80 titles and proved to be one of the most active small publishing houses in Egypt. In 2013, Sefsafa added non-profit activities to its interest. Right now Sefsafa concentrates on supporting the art of comics, literature and cultural activities in the boor cities in Egypt . In 2014, Sefsafa organized with several cultural organizations the first Comics Week in Egypt. After the success of “1st Egypt Comix Week” (22-27 September 2014), Sefsafa Culture & Publishing is planning –with partners- for 2nd Egypt Comix Week (2-7 November 2015). In 2014 we established Cairo Literature Festival, writers from 13 countries attended the festival, and the Nobel Prize Winner Orhan Pamuk made the main speech. Sefsafa having two sources of finance, one from the market of books and the other is from our donors and supporters. We work with several institutions like Goethe institut, ProHelvitia and AFAQ, also we had some support from the ministry of culture in Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Safsafa aims to encourage exchange culture between Arab region and the rest of the world, and also support Intercultural Artistic Co-Productions.

Main Projects / Activities

Egypt Comix Week
Cairo literature Festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think Sefsafa can help by sharing knowledge and ideas to encourage exchange culture between Arab region and the rest of the world, and also support Intercultural Artistic Co-Productions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to work with a wide network of partners from many countries and different cultures, this will support my projects and helping me to gain my aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed El-Baaly
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohamed El- Baaly


National Network

Malmöerstr 25
10439 Berlin

0178 2854786
Mobile Phone
0178 2854786
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
bi’bak* („Have a Look!“ in Turkish) bi’bak is a non-profit association for contemporary art and community-based projects and runs an independent project space in Berlin-Wedding. bi’bak’s program intersects the diverse disciplines of art, science and community development, and includes exhibitions, film screenings, workshops as well as leisurely music events and entertaining culinary excursions. bi’bak is very much interested in the development of innovative and locally grounded concepts of communicating and imparting, which equal participation and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and creativity. Our sources of funding are mainly from the public field als the Berliner Porjektfonds Kultuelle Bildung, Goethe Institut, Fonds Soziokultur, QM Soldiner Kiez etc. but we have also suppurt from Aktion Mensch or other foundations. Our budjet is always projectbound and summs up to around 30.000.- EUR We work with diffrent local bat also interantional projectpartners. For more details about our projects please vitsit our website
Mission and Objectives

bi’bak engages itself in a variety of sociopolitical issues like migration, discourses on mobility, constructions of identities, consumerism, labor and cultural memories. A special focus is laid thereby on the aesthetic dimension. Interdisciplinary projects shall offer alternative perspectives and initiate new discourses in current debates that more than often seem to be repetitive and gridlocked. The critical intercourse with media, globalization and neoliberalism means a key aspect of this engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

bi’bak’s program intersects the diverse disciplines of art, science and community development, and includes exhibitions, film screenings, workshops as well as leisurely music events and entertaining culinary excursions.
bi’bak is very much interested in the development of innovative and locally grounded concepts of communicating and imparting, which equal participation and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and creativity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

bi’bak aims at transnational collaborations with cultural actors, project spaces and initiatives. Starting from interdisciplinary collaborations between Berlin and Istanbul we want to tie an international network in order to exchange, ideas, experiences and know-how. We believe in a decentralised and rhizomatic connection between art, design, sciences, participation, urban/ public space and local activism.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have several projects which intersect with the the values of the Foundation. We aim to devellop intercultural dialogue across Europe and mainly with turkey to realize our mainly interdisciplinary projects. Our projects in the fields of education for intercultural citizenship and  our intercultural artistic co-productions with our turkish partner organisations would coresspond very well with the aims of ALF networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Malve Lippmann
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Malve Lippmann, Can Sungu
Contact (2) Full Name
Can Sungu
Job Title (2)

Innovations and Sustainability Academy

National Network

1, Lotos Str.
4006 Plovdiv

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Innovations & Sustainability Academy (ISA) has been established as a non-profit organization working in the field of sustainable development, green economy, corporate social responsibility and information & communication technology. It is a young Bulgarian ngo founded by experts in business administration, project management and sustainable development. The organization has a Managing board of three persons taking the main decisions in its operation. The General Assembly is the main structure assuring functinong and transparency. The International Scientific and Advisory Committee (ISAC) is a body of Innovations and Sustainability Academy (ISA) established according to Article 5 (19) of the ISA Statutes. The main goal of ISAC is rendering scientific advice and support to the activities implemented by ISA making proposals and giving expert opinion. Technology Transfer Center at the Innovations and Sustainability Academy (ISA-TTC) is established with the goal to encourage and support creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, experience exchange, transfer of innovations and fostering entrepreneurial activity in the field of sustainable development, green economy, corporate social responsibility and information and communication technology. The organization is funded by consultation and training activities for now. It has two big projects for the first year of its start: First International Scientific Conference “Sustainability challenges in modern organizations” (SCMO) which will be held on 12 December 2015 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria under the topic “Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation” (KIMO) and Journal of Innovations and Sustainability (JIS). Main partners of ISA are scientists, researchers and trainers working on different topics of social and economic interest.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ISA is expressed in its three objectives:

Inspiring innovations

Supporting science

Advancing sustainability

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of the organization are in the following fields:

Research & Development




ISA team is now working on the preparation of a few projects intended for application under national and international programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ISA can support the network  in the organization of different initiatives. It is specialized in seminars, tranings, scientific forums, etc.
ISA will promote the foundation's goals and activities and could attract followers and collaborators.
ISA can initiate and support joint projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we were impressed by the activities of Anna Lindh Foundation. We find them very topical and socially valuable and feel confident we could contribute to achievement of the joint objectives regarding active citizenship and mutual understanding for a better future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ekaterina Arabska
Job Title
President of Managing Board
Head of the organisation
Ekaterina Arabska