Yuva Associaton

National Network

Kosuyolu mah Ismailpasa sok No:9 Kadikoy
34718 Istanbul/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
YUVA tackles the issues of ecology, human rights and eradication of poverty simultaneously in order to make a sustainable living possible. In this way it suggests a holistic change to world problems from both nature and human perspectives. And it realizes the change it suggests today, with young people and adults.  Currently, 29 people are working for YUVA. Our partners adn funders are, ➢ DVV International ➢ Community Volunteers Foundation ➢ International Medical Corps (IMC) ➢ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) ➢ Federal Foreign Office (AA) ➢ Open Society Institute ➢ Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe ➢ Inmedio ➢ Support to Life Association Budget for year 2014: 1.849.053,00 Turkish Lira We run 2 main programs in YUVA.  1- Syrian Refugees Support Program: YUVA has established two Community Centers in Kırıkhan and Nizip, two cities close to border. Yuva Community Centers provide community protection and support activities including case management, awareness raising sessions, social counseling, legal aid, community mobilization; language courses; computer trainings; skills development courses; vocational trainings and social activities aiming at belonging to society they live. 2- Earth Citizenship Program: This program encourages people to be responsible for the things happening around them or in the world and act for them, our commons. It aims to widen our point of view and to perceive the earth, the place we belong as our home and to have responsible lives.  The program is consist of education projects for youth and adults that aims to meet all the needs to have this kind of approach to life as an individual and as a public/society. There are also national and international projects on climate change undergoing this program.      
Mission and Objectives

YUVA takes measures for sustainable life styles, poverty reduction and democratization through adult learning and promotes participatory teaching methods. For poverty reduction measures our focus is on least developed regions and disadvantaged groups.–          YUVA aims to strengthen environmental, human rights and civic, intercultural and political education.
–          YUVA runs capacity building activities of adult learning institutions in order to increase the participation of the people in Turkey in non formal adult education activities. YUVA strengthens adult learning institutions in responding appropriately to the needs of their target groups and in becoming vibrant hubs for education in their communities.
–          Good practice is being promoted through facilitating local, national, regional and international cooperation in the field of adult learning.
In order to create a supportive environment for learners, facilitators and providers of adult learning, YUVA consults decision makers and other organizations in creating policies.
- YUVA holds public debates and events to help put the following themes on the agenda of decision makers and practitioners:
1. Being aware of the relation between human and all  beings,
2. Being active in the society in order to defense equality, justice and solidarity
3. Being peaceful and inclusive
4. Valuing diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Earth Citizenship Program
Renewable Energy and Energy Sufficiency Training Project: The main aim of this training is to give participants practical informations about how to meet their energy needs with minimal damage to the environment and by doing this reducing the greenhouse gasses which causes climate change.
Representatives of different NGOs, institutions and independent individuals participated in the trainings. The main flow oft he training was composed of energy sufficiency at home and in the office with practical informations, use of renewable energy worldwide and home-office level and presentation ıf the solar energy system of YUVA. The trainings took place in YUVA’s Koşuyolu Training Center where  various applications of renewable energy are found. When demanded, YUVA is still giving this training to other organizations.
Naturally Young Ecological Literacy Project: The main aim of the Project is to strengthen the ecological literacy of young people and support the protection of nature.
The primary target group of the Project is young people and the content of the Project is designed by participatory methods.
The volunteers in the project participate in a 7 days Ecological Literacy Training of Trainers. Then they disseminate these trainings to different youth groups.
Raising Project: RAISING Project: Raising project aims to contribute to nature conservation by promoting active participation and raising awareness of young people on environmental issues.The raising project is designed for two years in partnership with YUVA, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, Pi Positive Consultancy, Prisma (Gr) and Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET, It).The project has been implemented in Italy, Turkey and Greece simultaneously and the aim of the project is to develop 5 online mobile games through learning more about protected areas by the young volunteers between the age of 13-18, and their teachers with the support of the environment experts.
Syrian Refugees Support Program
YUVA has established two Community Centers in Kırıkhan and Nizip. Yuva Community Centers provide community protection and support activities including case management, awareness raising sessions, social counseling, legal aid, community mobilization; language courses; computer trainings; skills development courses; vocational trainings and social activities aiming at belonging to society they live. In these Community Centers there are also Child Friendly Spaces where vulnerable Syrian children and yourh have access to safe, participatory and inclusive education and recreational activities. YUVA employs participatory and non-formal education techniques, encourage social participation and tries to reach the most vulnerable groups by these centers.
Target groups are mainly Syrian children, youth, and adults. But our Centers are open to Turkish beneficiaries as well to foster intercultural dialogue and social acceptance of Syrian community by the host community.When looked into the demographics of the beneficiaries who participate in the activities in these centers, it’s seen that they are mostly women. Women composes 73 percent and men composes 27 percent of total actively participated people. Syrians composes 74 percent and Turkish people composes 26 percent of total actively participated people.
Kırıkhan Community Center
Kırıkhan Community Center has been established in May 2013. In the 2014/2015 period, a total of 8347 people have been reached by Kırıkhan Community Center including house visits and recreational activities. 5388 people have actively participated in different kind of activities including trainings and psychosocial support activities.
• 1644 youth and adult participated in the language courses regularly.
• 1158 youth and adults participated in vocational orientation workshops, vocational courses (incl. PC) and courses in key qualifications.
• 256 children from 3 to 6 years have benefited from the pre-school courses offered specifically for them.
• A total of 4788 people participated in the offerings of the Kırıkhan Community Center.
Nizip Comunity Center
YUVA has opened a new Community Center in Nizip at the beginning of March 2015. Since then, almost 1200 people have been reached and 600 people have been actively participated in the activities of Nizip Community Center. In the 2014/2015 period, a total of 1679 people have been reached by Nizip Community Center including house visits and recreational activities.In two months period:
• 188 children (7-14), 49 adolescents (14-18), and 130 adults actively attend to the language courses.
• 39 (adults) Active participants to handcrafts, 20 active participants to nursery assistance, 15 active participants to hair dressing, 21 active participants to sewing, 70 (11 youth, 29 children -30 adults) active participants to ICT courses
• 52 Children benefited from early childhood services. 11 children and 5 youth attended to study support
• 14 individuals were referred to Psychological Support and Mental Health Centres. Nizip Community Centre staff received various trainings on psychological first aid, trauma, self protection, and child protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ozge Sonmez
Job Title
Earth Citizenship Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Erdem Vardar
Contact (2) Full Name
Erdem Vardar
Job Title (2)

Association Issil pour le théâtre et l’animation culturelle

National Network

Saada 1, N°675, M’Hamid
40160 Marrakech

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure de l’association: assemblée générale ; 3 cadres permanents (président, trésorière et secrétaire) ; un réseau d’environ 10 professionnels qui collaborent de façon permanente ; un réseau de presque 30 volontaires. Budget annuel : environ 80.000 euros. Sources de financement: subventions publiques et apports privés. Les principaux bailleurs de fonds et sponsors sont : Ministère Chargé des Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger et des Affaires de la Migration, Ministère de la Culture, Théâtre National Mohammed V, Wafacash et Western Union. Principaux partenaires : l’Institut Supérieur d’Art Dramatique et d’Animation Culturelle (ISADAC) de Rabat (Maroc), le Syndicat des acteurs iraquiens (Iraq), l’Institut Français  et l’Institut Cervantes de Rabat (Maroc), l’Association Atelier pour la Culture et l’Art (Maroc), Théâtre de l’Atlantide (Maroc), la Fondation Maison du Maroc (France), l’Association Projet (France), le Centre culturel Espace Magh (Belgique), le Réseau de compétences germano-marocain (Allemagne) et l’Association Aamana (Allemagne).
Mission and Objectives

La mission de l’association consiste d’une part à la promotion de l’accès à la culture et de l’art du théâtre en tant que moyen d’épanouissement personnel et social, et d’autre part, à la promotion de la culture des droits humains en utilisant les techniques d’animation culturelle comme instrument clé pour le changement de mentalités, valeurs et comportements.

Les activités d’Issil se déroulent autour de 2 axes stratégiques d’action :

• Action Culturelle et Interculturelle : Actions visant à la promotion de la culture comme activité de loisir en arabe dialectal et en amazigh, au Maroc et à l’extérieur. Egalement l’association développe des activités d’échange avec d’autres collectifs, nationaux et internationaux, visant entre autres, à lutter contre les stéréotypes.
• Théâtre pour le Développement et pour l’Enseignement : Actions avec l’objet d’améliorer la sensibilisation et vulgarisation autour des différentes thématiques (santé, éducation, droits humains et droits des femmes, interculturalité, etc.) à travers le théâtre et les techniques d’animation culturelle. L’association vise aussi mener des activités de formation des formateurs pour renforcer l’utilisation des techniques théâtrales et d’animation culturelle dans l’enseignement et la diffusion des connaissances.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organisation de tournées nationales et internationales (France, Allemagne, Belgique, Angleterre, …) des pièces de théâtre arabes et berbères.
• Organisation de festivals euro-arabes et internationaux.
• Projets interculturels de partenariat avec l’Espagne, l’Iraq et la Palestine.
• Organisation de cours de théâtre pour la promotion de l’interculturalité.
• Organisation de diverses activités d’animation culturelle visant la promotion de la culture des droits humains.
• Production de pièces de théâtre de sensibilisation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Mettre en valeur la dimension de la culture et des arts comme mécanisme de rapprochement des peuples dans le cadre du dialogue interculturel.

• Contribuer au renforcement des liens entre les deux rives à travers la réalisation de projets de sensibilisation visant à la lutte contre les stéréotypes, la promotion de l’interculturalité, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Les principales raisons sont :
• Participer au dialogue interculturel dans la région ;
• Enrichir notre action dans le cadre des activités à caractère interculturel dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen ;
• Renforcer les capacités de l’association et contribuer au renforcement des capacités d’autres membres à travers des activités de networking et d’apprentissage par les pairs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Ait Bajja
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Said Ait Bajja
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Verdu Delgado
Job Title (2)

Biedrība Kooltūras

National Network

"Gulbji" Obeliskas, Deksares pag., Vilanu nov.
Vilani, LV-4614

+371 25123595
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Biedrība Kooltūras designs and implements intercultural activities that empower individuals, strengthen democratic values, and support sustainable development. It operates with the help of volunteers and works closely with local Municipalities and local schools to spread our message. The working methods are based on non-formal education taking into account the needs, interests and the experiences of participants. Because we are a newly established organization our yearly budget is still low. However, we intend to improve in a short term, our financial situation by identifying and applying for local, national and international funding opportunities.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Biedrība Kooltūras is to progress social cohesion by promoting respect and mutual understanding among people of different cultures through intercultural training.
Objectives and thematic fields of the organization:
- to provide intercultural training solutions available to community groups and educators, helping organizations build sustainable capacity by better integrating diverse cultural perspectives influencing workplaces and communities;
- to promote the intercultural competences based on the principles and values of human rights;
- to stimulate and develop the full exercise of citizenship through culture to improve quality of life;
- to raise cultural understanding working towards a more tolerant world;
- to eliminate or reduce false stereotypes and unjustified fears through direct human communication.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization develops projects/activities which acts towards the dissemination, sharing and access of knowledge about different cultures, promoting solidarity and tolerance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Biedrība Kooltūras has knowledge about intercultural training in Latvia and can share our perspective on the topic in the international dialog.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for partners from diverse fields who are in line with our aims and objectives for project cooperation and networking. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Débora Paulino
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Andris Visnevskis

A Woman in Power

National Network

RR. Lidhja e Prizrenit

+355 697570405
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
AWP aims to empower women and youth. “A Woman in Power” is an Organization founded in Albania, considered as a non-governmental Association, independent of political parties and other Organizations of a political nature, but opened for any kind of cooperation that does not affect its mission and that would serve to achieve the similar goals that aimed creasing the quality of community life. It is also opened to accept all individuals who wish to join initiatives which raise awareness and foster a greater engagement of women in society mostly by searching and creating new opportunities for women and youth. AWP is also focused on research projects, awareness and training programs in educational, economic, cultural, and any other sector that enhance the vocational training of young generation. AWP is founded by five members and its excecutive board is made up by: 1-Vjola Thoma , Excecutive Director 2-Ermira Oga, Secretary General 3- Aldiona Kerri, Head of Human Resources 4-Migena Muslli, Entrepreneurship Expert 5-Borana Resulaj, Project Coordinator 6-Denisa Ymeraj, Research Expert 7- Sidorela Lepuri, Journalist All the members of the organization are volunteers, none of them is paid. Currently, the organization has in total 50 volunteers.We have already had several Partners such as: University of Tirana, European University of Tirana. AWP has functioned without any grant, until now. All the projects have been funded by the members themselves. The main partners of the organization have been: United Nations Albania, Down Syndrome Albania, Intelectual Property Expert Association, Foundation for Economic Freedom.
Mission and Objectives

Our main Objectives are:
1. To strike for gender equality and raising awareness for youth generation, girls and boys not only in Albania but in any country where youngers wants to make a change.
2. Advocating for AWP ambassadors, change makers and agents to support our mission on implementing different kind of projects, as Campaigns, EVS, Start-ups, and Training courses.
3. To initiate cooperation with experts, non-for-profits, Companies, Institutions in order to educate youth and women in the different areas.
4. To provide Education Facilities and Training in a way to improve the skills and capacity of learning throw these methods: E-Learning and Lifelong Learning process using Advantaged Tech. & Managerial Trainings.
5. Supporting and developing Campaigns, Educational Research & Statistics that effect pressing of our society.
6. Raising Awareness, inform and educate youth and especially women about Health care in general and import/sensitive issues.
7. Strengthening civil society through youth engagement and volunteering process.
8. Encouraging youth and women to become involved in information and Communication area (ICT) by implementing new projects on entrepreneurship sector.
9. Achieving peace through youth activism in the Balkans as a tool to also connect youth to each other and opened to any cultural exchange worldwide.
10. Connecting post conflicts countries through the usage of arts and non formal educational activities.
11. Implementing youth awards activities as an empowerment and recognition tool for activism.
12. Establishing online youth network to advance and facilitate cooperation plus by supporting research in any important area, who is strongly connected with young generation development.
13. Engaging Organizations led by man to contribute towards the improvement of women role in society.
14. To be able to reduce as far as can professional discrimination of women, especially those category who are in the first steps of their career.
15. To put in evidence, supports, encourages women entrepreneurs, Albanian and foreign founding everywhere are in their operations and making efforts for the realization of their programs.
16. And to be able to train and certificate in the field of leadership and beyond, in the field of research project, start up-s and incentive events.
As we aspire to expand more in the Balkans, we consider it important to collaborate with organizations abroad!

Main Projects / Activities

1-Breaking Stereotypes
Breaking Stereotypes is a three day Training Course initiated by AWP in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Albania.During our interaction with young people and not only, we have identified the urgent need for a reconnection with history, good traditions and our roots for the preservation of the so-called “national character” which differs a lot from the impact that Albanians have in the international arena. The participants need to understand that the fight is not about the creation of a positive stereotype, but about awareness and understanding the reality. Since the stereotyping group has no direct interest on breaking these stereotypes we need to offer them a ready-platform that reflects the truth and that is easily absorbed by the mass. We intend to raise awareness and not raise national feelings! This is achieved through the right education on our cultural heritage and the presentation of Albania as the civilized country that has always been. We inherited our identity, so we better not forget the core of it! The overall objectives of the project are:
1. Getting to know the problems of the Albanians in the countries where they have consolidated their living.
2. To share experiences between young Albanians living at home and abroad.
3. To educate the participants on the values of our country for a better presentation in the international arena.
4. To identify the different forms of stereotyping / prejudice that they have experienced, or have caused and determine the best way that can affect for the best the situation. 6. Project a platform through the use of social media that raises awareness and is easily absorbed.

2-Albania's Next Leader
Albania’s Next leader is a program designed to identify the potential individuals in Albania youth environment. The program is shaped like a platform, in which candidates for the prize will have also some other benefits. The accepted applicants will be tested in different fields. They need to pass them successfully in order to become part of subsequent activities. The entire Program of Albania’s Next Leader is designed as a package of five Activities in total. ANL’s first condition is the Collaboration with an Organisation, Institution or a University, as an important part of the Program.

3-Entrepreneurship Week
In the framework of Entrepreneurship Week AWP in collaboration with University of Tirana and GOA(Global Opportunities Albania) organized the event "Entrepreneur Women’s Day". In the event were invited three important CEO and in the same time the creators of the company:
Alketa Zyfi-CEO at 'Yougurteria Tirana'
Elida Motro-CEO at 'EMI Coaching and Consulting'
Antonela Hako-CEO at 'HAKO Company'
During the Event was organized a workshop by giving the participants 3 case studies from these companies and they analyzed some crucial elements according to the entire show!
4-Albania Book Club

5-What stops women?
“What Stops Women” is an event created to promote the research study entitled “Factors of Women success in Albania and Macedonia”. The Founder of ” A Woman in Power ” in Albania, Ms.Viola Thoma in collaboration with Ms.Emilia Poposka Director of “Alumni Affairs at Preparing Global Leaders Institute” in Macedonia conduct an intensive research and decided to present the study in both countries .
In Albania the promoting activity was held in the Gold Room at the Hotel Doro City. The event was divided into two phases:
The first part of the event was a conference held by a panel consisting of professionals of the Field.
Monika Stafa ( Top Channel Journalist and Researcher )
Edlira Cepani (Director of the Largest Network of Women in Decision making)
Erion Kristo (Professor and author of “Black and White” book)
Albana Laknori (Representative of Tirana Chamber of Commerce)
Laura Vorpsi (Professor and spokesperson of the Democratic Party)
Flutura Xhabija (Founder of the Association “Women in Business and Crafts”)
The second part of the event was organized in form of a workshop and presentation of new projects coming from the Civil Society, a very large number of leaders and representatives of organizations presented their ideas and upcoming projects. The last phase was about thanking and symbolic gifts were distributed to the participants. This study is now being expanded not only for women in Macedonia and Albania but also in other Balkan countries.A WOMAN IN POWER is a newly founded NGO in Albania, and our staff is under the age of 30 yo. That is the main reason why we are looking for networks which would like to share experiences and collaborate with youth key agents beloning the developing countries such as Albania. The organization is also looking forward to empower itself, in order to better serve to the community. All the members of  A Woman in Power have been trained internationally mainly in the field of leadership, but we are now trying to put all that knowledge in practice. In addition, AWP is aiming to become more focused to the sensitive isssues Albania is having. We believe that the ALF Network will shape the future of our activities in Albania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AWP is constantly engaging initiatives to empower youth and women. As mentioned above, we have already been partners with different national and international organization. We are opend to any initiative aiming to develop the local community we are working with in matteres of educating women and youth. We want to contribute as much as we can in this network, and not only to be a simple member but to be an important tool for the general developening. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A WOMAN IN POWER is a newly founded NGO in Albania, and our staff is under the age of 30 yo. That is the main reason why we are looking for networks which would like to share experiences and collaborate with youth key agents beloning the developing countries such as Albania. The organization is also looking forward to empower itself, in order to better serve to the community. All the members of  A Woman in Power have been trained internationally mainly in the field of leadership, but we are now trying to put all that knowledge in practice. In addition, AWP is aiming to become more focused to the sensitive isssues Albania is having. We believe that the ALF Network will shape the future of our activities in Albania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vjola Minella Thoma
Job Title
Founder & Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Vjola Thoma
Contact (2) Full Name
Aldiona Kerri
Job Title (2)
Head of Human Resources

Društvo Jasa - Jasa Association

National Network

Kopitarjeva 1
2000 Maribor

00386 1 52 11 262
Mobile Phone
00386 41 787 228
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 41 333 891
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We work as volunteers, only 1 person is employed through public works fund. Annual budget is around 100.000 EUR. Sources of funding: sponsorships, donations, public funds and market sources Actions, exchanges, seminars: Yes, we perform all these activities -as described in details further on and evident in attachments. Jasa has received quite a few recognitions: for innovation in teaching techniques from Finance magazine and ASI (Slovenian Inventors’ Centre); for voluntary work a commendation from the President of the Republic and from Viva magazine; for the Grundtvig mobility in 2013 an Apple of Quality and the first prize from The Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS). Main partners involved: Ministry of School and Education, Ministry of Environment, local communities, schools and kindergartens, different business entities.                                            
Mission and Objectives

The main area of work is raising awareness and finding solutions to important social, development and environmental problems. Jasa's field of expertise is in information dissemination and two-way communication through narrative literature, strengthened by high artistic illustration. Jasa cooperates with the most established Slovenian experts in the field of education, writing and art of painting. The transfer media, which Jasa uses for raising knowledge and awareness, is high quality art book.
Jasa is cooperating with more than 500 Slovenian companies, more than 100 Slovenian municipalities, with most important Slovenian Ministries and development institutions as well as with all Slovenian primary schools (451), all kindergartens (402) and high schools (183)– in the last project more than 7700 pupils were involved. These strong national contacts make Jasa not only a reliable partner for achieving high project results, but also guarantee a wide dissemination effect from a low to the top level. Jasa has also cooperated in specific international projects with Croatia, Serbia, Monte Negro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy and Austria through various projects, financed mainly from the National Ministry’s funds.

Main Projects / Activities

List of implemented projects:
- Company and Life, project focusing on ethically acceptable behaviour of SMEs
- Soul of Slovenia, project focusing on Slovenian culture and intangible heritage
- Where do you go, Europe? – project focusing on European values
- Being Human is our Job – project  focusing on the main moral values that every citizen should have      
- Earth has a Heart – project for children about protecting the environment
- Children and Fashion – project on children’s fashion, how it should be understood
- You are my Heart – project for children on human values, respect for others, moral values
List of the most important books:
-  CHILDREN AND FASHION (helps children to properly understand what to wear and to resist the   
   consumerism’s logic - http://www.onezimosvet.si/files/original/46.pdf)
-  CLOTHING AND FASHION (the culture of dressing for adults; it accentuates the importance of
    aesthetics and functional features of how to dress, at the same time it exposes the manipulative
    purpose of fashion -http://www.onezimosvet.si/files/original/124.pdf)
-   FREEDOM AT THE EXAM (Is my freedom restricted? Is it limited by your freedom? The book also
    contains a Declaration of Children’s Rights -http://www.onezimosvet.si/files/original/120.pdf)
-  THE STORY OF THE BOOK (wisdom for children; proven to strengthen reading habits - 
-  EARTH HAS A HEART (a bookguide of ecology for all generations; created by literati and photo
   artists, children and ecology experts - http://www.onezimosvet.si/files/original/118.pdf)
-  GENTLE HEART (a dramatic story about a girl Neža who is fair and responsible; she is constantly 
   knocking on the conscience of classmates and adults and is gradually changing them - this
   suggests the possibility of changing the world - http://www.onezimosvet.si/files/original/135.pdf)
-  SOUL OF SLOVENIA (beautiful features of the Slovenian nation through literary works of the best
   writers: from Primož Trubar and other literary giants as Prešeren, Cankar, Kocbek, Gregorčič,
   Kosovel … to a contemporary women-poet Maja Vidmar – and thirty living art painters. The book
   is truly a personal card of Slovenia's soul. It is also translated to English by expert literary
   translators  - http://www.onezimosvet.si/files/original/109.pdf)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jasa Association's efforts:  helping to overcome the stereotypes and misunderstandings in social relations throughout all our regions in the country, building intercultural dialogue and respect of differences. Our main contribute could be preparing a unique multi-lingual book and introducing it through reading activities to the people of Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our reason to become a member of ALF is to actively inter-connect with a web of equal-thinking people to achieve better and more effective cooperation, to be involved in exchange of good practice and in mutual applications for suitable open tenders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mateja Jamnik
Job Title
President of the Association
Head of the organisation
Mateja Jamnik, M.Sc.

Arab media lab project

National Network

Taleb Cherche Midi, Boite postale 705 Poste principale, Guéliz
40000 Marrakech

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Changing realities on the ground in recent years have augmented interest in media arts among new, emerging and established artists in Morocco and the Arab region. Mixed media formats including, digital film and video, video installation, digital mapping, net art and hybrid forms, have become important tools of communication and expression. Using various mediums and mixed media strategies, young new media artists are exploring paths of subjective expression within a newly found and fragile freedom. With many challenges in their societies ahead, young Moroccan and Arab artists are playing more of a role in changing their realities. Digital and media arts, and to an extent social media tools, are becoming increasingly important forms of expression. Understanding the important role that mixed media creation can play, we decided to lead annual media arts workshops in Morocco in order to help aspiring young artists to experiment and challenge their artistic capacities by offering them our experience. Through out the initiative’s activities, we have established that there is much needed attention required in the field of media arts creation. The infrastructure of the cultural sector in Morocco is limited and the services that do exist do not allow for the growth and development that is occurring in the media arts sector internationally. The local political strategies for culture has not yet adopted the idea that culture plays a major role in community development and redevelopment through job creation and improving the quality of life. There are no strategies to incorporate arts and culture into community development plans through grants, technical assistance, and financial or tax incentives. Within this cultural vacuum, Arab Media Lab has become a very important cultural organization in Morocco and the Arab world. Through our efforts we have created a platform that it did not exist before and we are dedicated to maintaining our work. We believe that freedom of expression and the development of creative and innovative forms of an expression benefit individual artists and the communities they come from in a number of ways, and media arts workshop series and master classes is an important way.

Mission and Objectives

-Present the works of contemporary filmmakers from Morocco, North Africa the Middle East to a wide audience in order to foster a more complex understanding of the regions’ arts and cultures and to encourage artistic excellence -Provide a platform to experiment, exchange opinions and to communicate within different cultural environments. Encourage international exchange and interdisciplinary collaborations.. -Establish a digital and alternative cinema platform in Morocco and the Arab world, and Encourage personal transformation and more broadly, social change through video, digital film-making and mixed media art creation - Create a space for new and emerging artists and filmmakers to develop, explore and experiment with tools and ideas to help strengthen the development of diverse forms of freedom of expression - Foster interdisciplinary and cross-cultural exchange between Arab and international artists across all fields of Media Arts

Main Projects / Activities

-Digital Marrakech festival ( annual ) -Media Arts workshops series and Master classes ( all year ) - Lectures, exhibitions, data base, archiving ( all year ) - Arab stereotypes in western media ( Production and research all year ) - Online data base

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing our expertise, and collaborate with local and international organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute in interdisciplinary collaborations, find partners, and share expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelaziz Taleb
Job Title
Filmmaker, Media Artist, Curator
Head of the organisation
Abdelaziz Taleb
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdellatif benfaidoul
Job Title (2)
Filmmaker, Media Artist, Curator

Association Afaak

National Network

blidette 4243 Kebili
4243 Kebili

Président 98 633 277
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Adresse Blidette 4243 Kebili  Matricule Fiscal 1367124/C Date de création 22/12/2012  Les membres 34 L’instance directrice 08 Adresse Email afaakblidet@hotmail.com  Tél. 96105623 Date déclaration au journal officiel 22/12/2012 

Mission and Objectives

Objectifs de l'association Aménager l’infrastructure des écoles primaires de la région. Créer un climat de classe et amener les élèves à percevoir l’école comme un milieu agréable. Organiser les activités pédagogiques et culturelles au profit des élèves. Soutenir les élèves financièrement.Catégorie de l'association  

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation d’une journée pédagogique portant sur le contexte de l’éducation au secteur de Kébili 22/06/2014 Organisation des activités festives et d’animation A partir Août 2014 Élèves Organiser des journées d'animation. Animation des clubs de musique et de dessin Développement d’un apprentissage plus actif : organisation de séances de rattrapage et de consolidation surtout pour les langues et les mathématiques

Contact (1) Full Name
Blidaoui Ihsen
Head of the organisation
Blidaoui ihsen

Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien

National Network

Ramallah, Tireh
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
L'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien a été créé en 2012 pour promouvoir les expressions artistiques culturelles contemporaines palestiniennes sur la scène française. Pour ce faire, plusieurs initiatives sont engagées: organisation d'événements réguliers comme les Interludes poétiques de Palestine, le Festival Palest'In & Out pour les jeunes artistes contemporains palestiniens. De telles initiatives sont mises en oeuvre grâce à l'implication d'acteurs culturels français et palestiniens qui s'investissent dans la diffusion de la création palestinienne et leur développement, en étroite collaboration avec les Ministères de la culture des deux pays.
Mission and Objectives

Structure de l'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien:
- Président: Samir Joubran
- Secrétaire: Patrick Lavaud
- Trésorière: Amina Hamshari
Membres : 50
Ressources annuelles: 17.000 Euros (subventions de la Mairie de Paris et du Ministère de la culture et de la communication français, sur la base de documents et rapports de projets récurrents)
Modalité d'action: projets réguliers: Interludes poétiques de Palestine, Palest'In & Out Festival
Principaux partenaires: 
- Ministères de la culture français et palestinien
- Mairie de Paris 
- Fondation Al-Qattan
- Institut du Monde arabe (in-kind)
- Maison de la poésie (in-kind)
- Maison des Cultures du monde (in-kind)
Site internet: www.institut-icfp.org  + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/culturepalestine 

Main Projects / Activities

Interludes poétiques de Palestine (trois éditions depuis 2013)
Festival Palest'In & Out
Répertoire des acteurs culturels contemporains palestiniens : sous presse (sortie, prévue en novembre 2015)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'objectif même de l'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien est de promouvoir les échanges et l'ouverture interculturelles. Participer au réseau Anna Lindh permet une respiration dans ce sens. L'Institut mettra au service du réseau en Palestine les réseaux qu'elle a constitués pour la promotion du dialogue interculturel, pour le développement démocratique et de qualité des expressions artistiques contemporaines palestiniennes et pour leur promotion sur les scènes étrangères, notamment françaises.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien fait partie du FICEP, le Forum des Instituts culturels étrangers à Paris. Notre participation au réseau Anna Lindh pour la promotion de la culture palestinienne est essentielle pour l'ouverture qu'elle sous-tend. 
Notre connaissance des acteurs culturels français et des principaux décideurs en matière de promotion de la diversité culturelle non seulement en France et en Palestine est un atout qui pourrait bénéficier à de nombreuses institutions culturelles, au delà de ces deux pays.
Nos principales activités sont fondées sur le partage des savoirs et des réseaux, toujours dans le sens de la recherche artistique et de son développement.   

Contact (1) Full Name
Amina Hamshari
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amina Hamshari, Director

Nahda Association for Woman and Child Development

National Network

Palestine-Bethlehem-Al madbasa –Abo Obida Building. 8 Floor
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

1. Empowering Palestinian women and raising their social, cultural and economic capabilities and skills.

2. Work to provide a social and economic environment.
3. Implementing programs and projects to save the mother and child in the Palestinian society.
4. Participate in promoting the values of social responsibility.
5. Building strong relationships with local and international institutions and official Palestinian institutions to serve the issues and needs of women and children in Palestinian society.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Rehab Barhoom
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rehab Barhoom

Institute of Romani Culture in Albania

National Network

Myslym Shyri, S. Pitarka 24/b, PO.BOX 154, Tirana

+355 (4 ) 2425717
Telephone (other)
+355 (4 ) 2425717
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
IRCA is established on July 1, 2012 and is very much influenced by services provided at advocacy bodies such as the Italian Institute of Culture in Albania, British Council, Peace Corps Volunteers as well as the career advice, research and documentation centers functioning within universities in Europe and North America, with most of which IRCA initiators have had their own experiences. Composed of committed Roma university students and graduates IRCA’s work relies very much on the principles of voluntarism and self-help. Combination of volunteer advocacy with education services and recreation activities, has led to establishment of three youth networks including Romani Students’ Network, Romani Corps of Volunteers as well as Romani Youth Parliament - Forum. Most of IRCA’s activity is also featured in an online radio program entitled “Kanxura”-Radio. The organization structure of IRCA includes the Steering Board, Goodwill Advisors, the Executive Director as well as the staff 5 project staff.  IRCA has also created the Romani Corps of Volunteers counting over 180 member both Roma and non Roma students and graduates. IRCA has received funding from a variety of donors Open Society Foundation in Budapest, Soros Foundation in Albania, UNDP, Swedish Government, USA Embassy, Australian Embassy and AMSHC.  
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Advocating for Roma equal access in citizens’ rights as well as public and social services; Providing educational and career advice to Romani students, increasing capacities of Romani youth for participation in public life; conducting research studies for documenting and institutionalizing Romani cultural heritage; promoting intercultural exchange and friendly relations between Roma and non-Roma youth within the country and abroad. 
 IRCA’s objectives  fall in 4 main categories:
a) Intercultural dialogue:
b) Youth Empowerment:
c) Advocacy and Participation:
d) Institutional Development and Partnership Building 

Main Projects / Activities

During July 2011 – September  2015 , IRCA has implemented several initiatives which follow.
With support of UNDP, IRCA has been implementing RomVERITAS ( roma truthfulness) project providing career advice and counseling to over 100 Roma students and graduates  with assistance to apply for universities, scholarship, training, academic tutoring, job search as well as training in English.  Several trainings have also been offered to the members of RYP forum in participation in public life.
With support of (Direct Aid Program), Australian Embassy at Rome/Italy, IRCA has implemented the project “Promoting Roma identity and equal access in education in Albania through Roma online radio and volunteer engagement of Roma role models in Albania.”   We launched the online Radio “ Kanxura” who which allows IRCA to reach our Roma community.
With support Swedish Agency SIPU, IRCA has implemented the campaign Police is the public and the Public is Police, aiming at educating both police and Roma community with community policing services and interactions.
Soros Foundation in Albania has been supporting IRCA with trainings and assistance in organizing various advocacy campaigns is support of Roma students, and communities.
With support from the USA Embassy in 2013, IRCA implemented the campaign I am Roma - I am Albanian citizen raising capacities of Roma youth through trainings in administration of election processes as well as decision-making at local level. The project helped for bringing the Roma voice closer to decision-makers at central and local levels.
With the institutional support of the “Foundation of Open Society Institute (FOSI)” Budapest, Hungary, IRCA has mobilized Romani Corps of Volunteers who are voluntary engaging regularly in advocacy actions. Among the major actions implemented by this forum are the peaceful marching in support of Roma families evicted from their settlements, sending of open letters to national and international institutions calling for actions in support of Roma, requesting national library to use the term Roma in its reaching catalog and instead of the pejorative term “cigan”, collection and distribution of textbooks to high school students, etc. Currently FOSI is supporting IRCA to produce a textbook on interculturalism and Roma studies which will serve Masters students of Education Faculty at University “Aleksander Moisiu” in Durres and hopefully also at Faculty of Social Science at University of Tirana.
During these almost four years of existence IRCA has consolidated its institutional capacities adopting the organization’s strategy for 2015-2020 and has strengthened partnership with several non-Roma organizations, and research centers  and universities such as the Institute of Family and Neighborhood Life at Clemson University in the USA,  Peace Corps Volunteers, European University of Tirana center, Institute for Democracy and Mediation while has expanded its network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IRCA is a Roma Youth organization that has good relation with community and several years experience on collaboration with varies  national and international networks. We will bring to this network, ideas and initiatives about cultural diversity and different programs working with youths.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IRCA want to extend the collaboration network initiatives with organizations that have focus on youths work, Education, intercultural dialogue, human righs etc.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Bledar Taho
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bledar Taho