Youth for Peace

National Network

Mount Lebanon, Kesrouan, Ghazir, Saint Anthony Monastery
Diocese of Maronites, Baalbeck, Deir El Ahmar
Ghazir or Deir El Ahmar 1800

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Director of NGO - Board of Management (General Manager, 2 Project Managers, Financial Auditor, 5 trainers) - 54 Volunteers - 20 members. Budgetary Resources: 30000 USD Sources of Funding: Membership, Grants Modalities of Action: Concrete projects - Trainings - Exchanges) Main partners: British Council - 12 Lebanese Schools - 12 Municipalities
Mission and Objectives

Youth for Peace Lebanon envisions a global culture of peace based on justice, solidarity, inclusiveness, and shared responsibility through active peaceful engagement of youths in social community service.
Mission: Infused with a foundation of spirituality and values which are universal in nature, we aim to help bring about a culture in which the Lebanese youths from all over Lebanon and from various religious sects address together their common concerns in a positive, holistic and transforming way and live together in peace with one another.

The active promotion of children’s rights.

Support activities for the promotion of sociable sustainable development projects run by the citizens (adults and infants).

To raise community awareness on socio-cultural, environmental and livelihood issues.

To raise community awareness on civil and legal issues.

To empower communities and institutions to improve sustainable natural resource management and participation in society building through capacity building, self consciousness and information dissemination.

To empower teachers' leadership and students' leadership within schools in rural areas.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Trained 60 teachers on "Active Citzenship towards Sustainable Development" from 12 different schools in Lebanon.
2- Trained 850 students (age 12 to 16) on the same theme above.
3- Run 12 different social initiatives projects (by the students) in 12 different ruaral areas, involving the local communities.
4- Trained 258 teachers from 11 schools on "Psychology of learning, Student Leadership, Cooperative Learning)
5- Trained 23 school principals on stategic planning and development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

provide a scientific based approach in the education sector (state and public) concerning the assessement and evaluation of the students' and teachers' built competences and relating them to the curricula context.

equip students and teachers, along with parents and municipalities with the skills of conflict resolution and social initiatives planning and execution, and assess the execution and sustainability of those initiatives.

equip farmers in the Bekaa valley with alternative crops planting skills and assess the implementation process

provide an exchange scheme between students of multi-religious sects on Active Citizenship.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Youth for Peace is founded by a number of educators and priests in 2014. Its first aim is to induce a positive change within the Lebanese citizens especially tartgeting the rural areas. We want to GROW and perform in a holistic approach, therefore the ALF Network is an opportunity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Lina Bitar
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Hanna Rahme

Detski Knigi Foundation

National Network

blvd. Samokov 3, fl. 11, apt. 51
1113 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Detski Knigi Foundation is a non-governmental organisation, aiming to develop a literate future generation through raising the reading abilities of the children in Bulgaria. The foundation consists of a Council as decision-making body and an Executive Director. The staff consists of 20 people, who are volunteers. The organisation is a member of the National Network for Children. In the previous year we had a budget of around 5 000 EUR. The funds come from contest fees from the Bulgarian publishers, as well as from economical activities like marketing campaigns. sponsorships and trade. For the next year we expect to receive grants for different planned activities in the field of education and literacy for around 10 000 EUR. We aim to raise the reading abilities of the children through different national reading campaigns. One of them is called Reading Relay and it is suitable for children aged 6-13 years. The other special campaign is the Magic Pearl Award - the only literary award in Bulgaria, in which every Bulgarian child aged 6-15 can vote for a favourite book. We also have special campaigns to promote young adult books, dealing with the problems of the teenagers, as well as literary clubs for children, book games and events. We are also trying to change the attitude of the parents, teachers, librarians against reading interests of the children and we take part in different seminars as lectors. Our main partners include the Ministry of Education, the Alliance of the municipalities, Bulgarian Library and Information Association, Bulgarian book Association, many schools and libraries around the country. 
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to develop a strong future generation through raising the reading abilities of the children and thus - lowering the levels of functional illiteracy.
We aim to change the attitude of the adults against the reading interests of the children, which will make the kids to read more. Our goal is to change the policy in the field of education and make it more up-to-date with the children`s interests. We want to promote the Bulgarian children`s literature not only in Bulgaria, but also around the world. We would like to establish a modern House of the Children`s books, together with research center, so to be able to unite parents, teachers, librarians, institutions, media and business to change the situation with the illiteracy together.

Main Projects / Activities

One of our main projects is the national campaign Reading Relay. It is suitable for children aged 6-13 years. We have 4 issues of this campaign and it is one of the beloved projects of the Bulgarian teachers and librarians. In those 4 issues we have more than 2500 readers, who have read at least 3 books in 3 months, and more than 10000 books read.
The other special campaign is the Magic Pearl Award - the only literary award in Bulgaria, in which every Bulgarian child aged 6-15 can vote for a favourite book. This Award was established in 2013, and its 2nd and 3rd editions were under the patronage of the President of Bulgaria. In the 3rd edition we had 109% increase in the vote compared to the previous year. The Award is included in the National Strategy for Literacy of the Ministry of Education.
We would also like to support the Bulgarian authors, illustrators and publishers to show their extraordinary works all over the world. That`s why we have sent books to the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany. 2 of them are included in the prominent White Ravens catalogue. 
We organise reading clubs for children, we take interviews of the reading children of Bulgaria, and we also try to collect and share the good practices of the teachers and librarians in our country.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by helping all the organisations to reach their goals by raising together a literate future generation. Because we believe that if a person is functionally literate, he/she can take care of himself/herself, be healthier, find a better job, contribute to the social and economical life better. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that all the good things can be done more easily with friends and partners. As we are ready  to give our support, we also think it`s good to have someone by your side, with whose support to make the world a better place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Stoeva
Job Title
Chairwoman of the Council
Head of the organisation
Valentina Stoeva
Contact (2) Full Name
Lora Filipova
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Altıdan Sonra Tiyatro

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
ALTIDAN SONRA TIYATRO is composed of members who have professional careers in their lives before 6 p.m. as academicians, managers, architects and engineers. The group has been established in 2000 and active since then. None of the group members receive any income from the company and support the group with their donations. This has been the rule of the company for the past 15 years. ALTIDAN SONRA TIYATRO has participated in 17. Istanbul International Theater Festival with “The Cloven Visconti” and in 18. Istanbul International Theater Festival with original production of “A Carefree Play”. Both productions made extra shows after the festival as a result of the demand came from the festival audience. With these and almost all productions, the company was given prestigious national theater awards.
Mission and Objectives

Main mission of the company is providing Turkish theater scene original plays in Turkish. The company’s priority is staging plays written by the group members.
ALTIDAN SONRA TIYATRO has been continuing to stage its works for 15 years with at least one new play per year.
ALTIDAN SONRA TIYATRO has reached this goal after original productions were staged by other prestigious theaters of  Turkey following their initial production by the company.
Main objective of the company is to provide plays to the Turkish theater literature and help other companies to share their works with the Turkish audience.

Main Projects / Activities

Barefoot MusicHall (2015)
Starving Dogs (2015)
Economania (2015) with Theater and der Ruhr.
HAK (2014)
Evaristo (2014)
It was the day after nobody died (2014)
Problematic Human Resource (2014) with Lokstoff!
Murder Game (2014)
Based on True Life (2014)
Barzo and Konserve (2014)
Careless Play (2014)
Downhill Tales (2014) with Lokstoff!
Rhytm of Pleasure (2013)
Cloven Visconti (2012)
The Neverending Charming Story of Siblings of Missfortune (2008)
Draussen vor der Tür (2007) by Wolfgang Borchert
You died got it (2006)
OBEB (2005)
Waiting Room (2004)
Philadelphia, Here I come (2003) by Brian Friel
Dead of a Salesman (2002) by Arthur Miller
Other projects:
Several reading theater
Voices from Iran (Radio plays with Açık Radio)
TANDEM project Engel/Melek with Lokstoff! (Germany)
Joint productions with Theater an der Ruhr (Germany)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Altıdan Sonra Tiyatro;
* Could be partner of collaborative works. The company has been succesfully participated in several international partnerdhips in the past.
* Could provide its venue KUMBARACI50 to those interested groups and individuals.
* Could volunteer for netwok groups in order to initiate Networks for certain goals.
* Could provide human resource for the programs and organizations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Altıdan Sonra Tiyatro has already partnered with institutions in and out of Turkey. Some of these institutions brough ALF to the attention of Altıdan Sonra Tiyatro.
Altıdan Sonra Tiyatro would like to engage in multi cultural projects from the selected partners of ALF Network and not only be only an acting partner but also a solution partner to the institutions within the Network.
We believe ALF would enrich our relationships with institutions across Europe and provide a platform to present our strenghts to other partners within the ALF network for potential collaborations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Erkan Kortan

Beit Hagefen Arab Jewish Cultural Center

National Network

2 Hagefen St.
Haifa 3566211

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Beit HaGefen – Arab Jewish Cultural Center Beit HaGefen – a Jewish-Arab Cultural Center - is a nonprofit organization which strives for the creation of common and equal spaces that encompass the variety of identities and cultures in Haifa in particular and in Israel in general.  Beit HaGefen Center holds various cultural, educational and tourism activities aimed at a broad age range. Our activities are founded on the belief that meeting and interacting with a different culture – its stories, cultural assets and spiritual assets – are important to breaking down the barriers and building trust among the different national, ethnic and religious groups living in Haifa and Israel. We act with a focus on the connection to the community and the constant expansion of the circles of collaboration with organizations and institutions working to promote similar objectives in Israel and worldwide.  
Mission and Objectives

Beit HaGefen’s Mission Statement & Objectives
• Developing the intercultural ties and interrelations between the different ethnicities and religions.
• Promoting and enriching Arab cultural activity in Israel.
• Developing and fostering relationships between nationalities in the field of culture and initiating activities that promote equal coexistence.
• Training young Jewish - Arab leadership in the spirit of democratic values while conveying means for dealing with the complex issues of a multicultural society.
• Serving as a central professional body in Israel and the international community on issues of multiculturalism and coexistence.


Main Projects / Activities

Beit Hagefen orerats throygh  6 departments: Culture , Contemporary art Gallery, Children & Youth Theater, Visitor Center, Dialog & Program Center, Library & Culture center for Children & Youth.
TGhe Budget is three milion dollars a year.
Sources: Haifa Municipality, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, foundations, Self Income, Collaborations with other organizations.
Beit HAgefen offer tours of the interculturals ciities of Haifa, Cultural Festivals, Concerts and performences, Dialog programs for all ages, art activities, exhibitions, workshops, Theater shows, choolsLibrary and more.
Among the main Prtners involved: Haifa Municipality, Shatil Israel, American Embassy, French Cultural Institute in Israel, Nonprofits like "Coexistance" (Switzerland), Heartbear(Israel) Ma'arag" (Israel), Schools, Universuty of HAifa, Oranim Collage, Bezalel Art School (Jerusalem).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Beit HAgefen is Working towards the general goals of the network, and may collaborate with other organizations and projects, as well as initiate it.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in collaboration and sharing good practices. many of our projects are being executive through collaborations.
From looking at tne members organization we learn there is a lot in common to many of them and to Beit Hagefen.
It is alsoan opportunity for funding projectsqactivities,

Contact (1) Full Name
Asaf Ron
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Asaf Ron
Contact (2) Full Name
Limor Shine
Job Title (2)
Resource Development

Bialik-Rogozin School, Tel Aviv

National Network

Ha'Aliya 49 st.
P.O. Box 35067
Tel-Aviv 66041

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Bialik-Rogozin School, located in South Tel-Aviv, educates more than 1,150 students from 1st to 12th grades. The student population of the school includes a wide range of demographic groups. The school population includes poor third-generation Israeli born families, work immigrants, new immigrants (mainly from the Former Soviet Union, refugees from Darfur, and minority Arabs). Almost all families have a low socio-economic status. They live predominantly in the southern neighborhoods of the city of Tel-Aviv. The school's main objective is to provide these underprivileged students with opportunities to develop their potential.  The school employs over 100 teachers and tens of volunteers, and is assisted by an action committee of many public figures, industry leaders and other involved individuals who believe in the school's goals and provide expertise, assistance and networking to help achieve these goals.  The school is funded by the Tel-Aviv municipality and by donations from various funds.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision
The vision of our school is to provide all students with a wide array of opportunities to develop their potential. We want to offer each and every one of them a chance to obtain educational and life experiences which would provide them with opportunities to obtain meaningful and gainful employment, establish a normative family, and develop a sense of belonging to their community and to the Israeli society.

To grant a meaningful and recognized educational certificate which enables a successful integration into work or academic settings.

To promote the values of respect for others, equality, and personal and social commitment.

To prevent drop-out (both official and hidden).

To increase the number of students in school by approaching additional target populations.

To reduce school violence and provide a sense of security and mutual respect.

To promote full, meaningful and successful military service.

To increase parent participation in the educational process.

To create a meaningful and democratic collaboration between students, staff, parents and the community to help work together toward the school’s vision.

Main Projects / Activities

The way in which our school operated is directly derived from the special profile of the school’s target population. The student body consists of some of the weakest segments in the Israeli society.  More than 60% of the families are being treated at a variety of social services, and more than 50% are single-parent families.
The families belong to several distinct groups:

Guest workers, who arrived from a wide range of countries, including South America, the Philippines, and African countries, such as Ghana.

New immigrants, mainly from the Former Soviet Union and Ethiopia

Arab Israeli citizens

Israeli born (third generation) families living at or below the poverty level.

Refugees from Darfur
In addition to providing students with the full curriculum of school as defined by the Israeli Ministry of Education, the school is involved in various other activities and projects to meet the specific needs of its target population:
• Aspiration for Excellence – despite the students’ challenging backgrounds, we push all students to excel in their studies and finish their Bagrut tests. In 2014 our school achieved 96% success in the Bagrut tests – one of the highest among Tel-Aviv schools.
• Multicultural Education – providing students with a strong link to the Israel society, culture and  values, while respecting their native cultures, teaching elements of these cultures (such as teaching 8 different languages), and stressing inter-cultural respect and equality.
• Educational Continuity – The school has an educational responsibility for students and families for the whole day – 7.30 AM through 7.30 PM.
• Community Involvement – we believe that a responsible school graduate should be involved in his community. We emphasize involvement in both local communities and in the Israeli society, teach students core elements of Israeli culture, and encourage them to be active in their communities.
• Emotional Support – the rough backgrounds of some of our students lead to emotional difficulties among some of them. The school provides students and their families with professional diagnosis and treatment plans to help them cope with these life challenges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our school is recognized as a local and global leader in education for multicultural and refugee communities. Every year we host dozens of educational and political leaders from around the world, who come to see and learn how to create a successful, multicultural education system for the underprivileged. We believe that our day-to-day experience, together with the humanitarian values that lead our work, can help other organizations in the network achieve similar goals. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that our goals and that the values we believe in can be better achieved when working in cooperation with similar institutes. We hope to cooperate with other members of the network, to learn from them, and to create coolaborative projects that will assist the communities that the network members are operating in. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Oren Golan
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Eli Nechama
Contact (2) Full Name
Eli Nechama
Job Title (2)
Campus Principal

جمعية صيانة المدينة غارالملح

National Network

rue bourghuiba ghar el melh
7033 GHar eL Melh

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information
جمعية صيانة المدينة تشتغل على التنمية المحلية من أهم شركائها المحليين البلدية ، المعتمدية ، وزارة الثقافة والسياحة  ، إدارة الغابات والصندوق العالمي للطبيعة  تضم 55 عضواً تنقسم إلى 3 أقسام : قسم البحوث  قسم التنمية الاقتصادية وقسم الشباب  .  
Mission and Objectives

هدف جمعية صيانة المدينة إلى :
صيانة المناطق الأثرية وادخلها في الدورة الاقتصادية للمدينة
جعل غار الملح قطباً ثقافيا تاريخياً
المحافظة على الخصائص العمرانية والبيئية liلمدينة
تدعيم النشاط الشبابي في الجهات

Main Projects / Activities

جمعية صيانة المدينة شريك مع بلدية غارلملح في عدة برامج خاصةً منها الورشات الدورية التي تجمع المتداخلين في المناطق الأثرية من وزارة ثقافة وفنيين و منظمات دولية
أصبحت من عادات البلدة إستقبال اليوم العالمي للسياحة من تنظيم جمعية صيانة المدينة بالشراكة مع وزارة الثقافة ووزارة السياحة ووزارة البيئة لنقدم توصيتنا التي توصلنا عليها بعد التشاور مع المتداخلين في عدة قضايا كالبحيرة والأبراج والسياحة الشاطئية
جمعية صيانة المدينة شريك مع الصندوق العالمي للطبيعة وإدارة الغابات فقد أصبحت المتصرف في متحف المناطق الرطبة في غارلملح 
من أهم نشاطات جمعية صيانة المدينة هي المهرجان الفوتغرافي العالمي الذي يهدف نشر ثقافة الحوار والتسامح عبر الفن يحفل هذا النشاط بوجود عدد هم من الفوتوغرافيين العالميين والوطنيين مع اشراك أهل غارلملح وذلك عن طريق عدة ورشات لتعليم ألتصوير الفتوغرافي وتعليم أهمية الحوار للاطفال
شريك مع معتمدية غارلملح في برنامج التنمية المتعلق بإصدار الرخص الشاطئية (غارلملح احتلت رقم 1 في السياحة الداخلية )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

جمعية صيانة المدينة تبحث دائماً عن شركاء قصد التعريف بالمخزون الثقافي والسياحي للبلدة وللجمهورية عامةً ولها 23 سنة  من العمل فستكون فرصةً لتبادل الخبرات

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

مؤسسة أنا لند هي من أهم المؤسات العالمية التي تشتغل على ترسيخ ثقافات الحوار والتفاهم وتهتم بنشر مختلف الثقافات وهذه الأهداف تجمعنا وهي ما نطمح تحقيقه

Contact (1) Full Name
Ben Rjab Slah eddine
Job Title
نائب الرئيس
Head of the organisation
Othmen Ben gara
Contact (2) Full Name
عبد الرحمن صدور
Job Title (2)
أمين المال

Marriage without Borders - EHE OHNE GRENZEN

National Network

Zollergasse 15/2
1070 Wien

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information

General Information EHE OHNE GRENZEN (EOG) (Marriage without Borders) is a "Verein" (non-governmental and non-profit association) fighting against regulations which inhibit a joint family life. The initiative considers itself an exchange and information/counseling platform for bi-national families and partnerships; a platform which keeps growing in knowledge, commitment, and experience through its members. Structure/Board The board is working voluntarily and consists of six members (1. chairwoman, 2. chairwoman, secretary, cashier and accountant). Furthermore there are consultants. All of them work voluntary as well. There is one part time employee. The association can be joined in form of a membership. The association funds itself by donations. Partners for exchange and networking are associations and campaigns with similar focus in Austria and Europe (e.g. SOS Mitmensch, Helping Hands, Peregrina, Fibel, Asfamix, Les Amoureux au pan public, Aegteskabudengraenser, Verband-Binationaler, ECB-Plattform etc.) Sources of funding Donations, Membership fees; Budgetary resources 2014 € 1853,63

Mission and Objectives

EHE OHNE GRENZEN (EOG) is the direct response to the Alien Rights Bill ("Fremdenrechtspaket") which has massively infringed upon the quality of life of bi-national couples since its enactment on January 1st, 2006. Marriage no longer warrants the right to residence or the right to a joint family life. Furthermore marriage no longer provides access to the job market. At the same time bi-national couples are confronted with a range of stereotypes and prejudices. The initiative’s main objective is equal rights for bi-national couples - married or living in a joint household. People from all ways of life, with various professional backgrounds and from many different nations via their activities are making visible to the general public that their desire and capability to live in Austria as an integral part of Austrian society is very real.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities • Consulting and Information • Networking and Exchange • Awareness Raising: Equal rights for bi-national couples as a mission; Modalities of Action Consulting Days, Networking and Exchange (ECB-Conference), Crew Training, Awareness Raising Actions, Scholarships, Report on the Situation of binational Couples and Families in Austria and more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The work of the association reflects and deals with the diversity of families living in Austria. EOG supports families with the wish to settle in Austria by offering orienting information and true-to-life advice in the field of family life, family reunification, the national alien bill, settlement and citizenship. EOG promotes a modern family picture and wants to improve mutual understanding in the society. It therefore supports the people of concern and their role as equal members of society. Through personal experience the members of EOG have become experts in the area of the very complex Alien Bill and are establishing a set of ‘best practice’ strategies in dealing with the discrimination on behalf of authorities. The initiative is very much a 'group in process’ and acts in a dynamic and innovative fashion. Members contribute their skills, strengths, and interests at the regular meetings thereby initiating and developing activities for the general public. With this expertise and its many years of experience EOG can contribute to the Austrian network and the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The initiative considers itself an exchange platform for bi-national families and partnerships; a platform which keeps growing in knowledge, commitment, and experience through its members. Right from the start EHE OHNE GRENZEN established alliances and started networking with various NGOs and human rights organizations. EHE OHNE GRENZEN wants to increase its networking and exchange activities in the future to improve its role as an exchange platform, especially in the field of residence and settlement rights. A membership in the ALF Network would support that goal strongly. EHE OHNE GRENZEN shares the values of the foundation and wants to support the task to overcome existing misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within societies. The promotion of diversity and peaceful coexistence, the deconstruction of prejudices and the encouragement of mutual understanding within societies are not just overall aims of the association; those are the life attitudes and goals of its members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Bruch, B.A.
Job Title
Project Assistant
Head of the organisation
Mag. Margarete Gibba, Bakk.

Besme Co. International Group for Humanitarian Assistance

National Network

Achrafieh, Gibran Tueini Square, Area 28,Mar MAroun street, No 70, Saifi 311 Bldg., 3rd floor
Beirut 1100

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Besme is a non-profit company that abides by the principles of an NGO. It is operated by a qualified team of professionals who have considerable experience in the humanitarian field in Turkey, Cyprus, Central Asia, and the Arab countries, including Lebanon.Besme does focus mainly on the most fragile groups of society, namely children, youth and women, particularly in rural areas. As such, Besme gives priority to initiatives targeting women and youth empowerment as well as child protection. Besme is independent of any governmental, political, and religious affiliation. Its main aim is to provide the neediest people in and around Lebanon with tools for sustainable change, and it is committed to operating with full transparency and accountability. Based in Beirut, Besme employs associate experts and consultants working on a project basis. In order for Besme to strengthen its position in the non-profit sector and to succeed in implementing sustainable projects, from the first day Besme was set up onwards, we are seeking for international funding. Besme has gathered enough financial means from shareholders and private international donors to function for an initial period of at least two years. However, in order to create a more solid financial base, Besme is undertaking income generating activities that will finance projects that are to be implemented.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of Besme is to be present in those areas requiring crisis management as a result of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Being involved in crisis management from the preliminary phase onwards, that is, providing relief supplies to people in need, Besme aims to improve the living conditions of communities in conflict-affected regions. Besme believes that fighting poverty in regions of conflict and crisis, whether stemming from an influx of refugees from neighboring countries or created by unstable internal political and economic conditions, should be the main concern of civil society.In this context, Besme focuses on the concept of sustainable livelihood. Being aware of the fact that, particularly in the Middle East, social exclusion tends to lead to radicalization of individuals between the ages of 15 and 45, thus increasing the possibility of devoting themselves to certain armed groups on the basis of their religious or ideological beliefs, Besme attaches great importance to the broader concept of sustainable livelihood. To this end, in addition to being prepared for any rapid emergency response, Besme seeks to develop projects related to health care, education and socio-economic development, which, in turn, will also lead to the improved livelihoods of those urgently in need.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of Besme in 2014-2015
1. Besme Aid 2015
In line with the principles drawn above, Besme started its activities as of January 2015. After studying the report of our South Lebanon Coordinator carefully, we found out that, due to the bad weather conditions in South Lebanon, there was a need for fuel and blankets, both for Lebanese villagers and for Syrian refugees. In order to help meet these needs, Besme arranged the distribution of relief supplies. The aid aimed to improve living conditions of local villagers and Syrian refugees, who had been experiencing severe winter conditions since December 2014. On 14 January 2015 Besme distributed a total of 10.000 liters of fuel oil and 320 blankets in the Hasbaya Al-Arkoub region. The villages of Hebbarieh, Cheeba, Kfarhammam and Kfarchouba, which are in the vicinity of the Israeli border, received the aid. Under the name of Besme Aid 2015, a total of 900 families benefited from this; 500 families received 20 liters of fuel oil, and another 400 families were given blankets and soups. The aid distribution was coordinated with Al-Masaadi Organization in Hebbarieh, a local partner of Besme.
When Besme was founded, we were fortunate to receive generous donations from Nestle Lebanon. Thanks to Ms. May Rieashi, who is responsible for NGO activities at Nestle Lebanon, in December 2014 we received 10 cases of Maggi soup mix, which all contained 12 small boxes which, in turn, all consisted of 12 packages of soup mix. We handed three boxes over to the UNHCR so as to assist them cover the nutritional needs of Syrian refugees. The remaining seven boxes were distributed as part of the above-mentioned Besme Aid 2015 project.
Besme furthermore received another package of nutrition supplies from Nestle Lebanon at the end of March 2015. The package included: five cases of Maggi Beef Boullion 2 Tab24 (24*20g), five cases of Maggi Bouillon Veg 2 Tab 24 (24*20g), five cases of Maggi Chicken Low Salt 24 (24*20g), and one case of Maggi Juicy Ckg Bag 4 (10*32g). Besme handed over these supplies to the Nashet Association, a Palestinian organization situated at Ein El-Hilweh Refugee Camp in Saida. The supplies were distributed among Palestinian refugees living in Ein El-Hilweh, where Syrian Palestinians are also living.2.  Research on the Quality of Living in Beirut
Being aware that the results of academic field research are vital to develop and implement successful projects, Besme decided to execute a research project in Beirut. To this end, in February 2015 Besme concluded an agreement with Thrakos Research Center to execute a research project which aims to map the prevailing living conditions of Beirutis, particularly in the poor districts. In order to promote the concept of sustainable livelihood in Beirut (the center of the country) and to hence spread this to other parts of Lebanon, the research is intended to be a pilot project for Besme.3. Small Business Grants to Women
As stated already, Besme pays particular attention to the empowerment of women. In order to give women the opportunity to start-up their own businesses, Besme is working on a small business program which provides women with crucial start-up equipment. In April 2015 three women in the village of Hebbarieh in South Lebanon were granted kitchen utensils and hairdresser equipment so as to enable them to contribute to their family income. The grants were submitted upon an agreement which states that the grantees will pay back 30% of their annual income so that, in turn, Besme can finance other local micro entrepreneur initiatives for women in the region. We are committed to track the progress of these small businesses for the next three-year period via our South Lebanon Coordinator. The grantees will, moreover, benefit from workshops and vocational training on entrepreneurship and marketing. Our aim is to spread this project to neighboring villages.4. Besme Community Center
From the beginning onwards, Hasbaya Al-Arkoub in South Lebanon has become one of Besme’s main concerns. Besme is committed to contribute to the socio-cultural and socio-economic development of this region. Due to its good relations with the villagers of Hebbarieh, Besme has been donated with a piece of land at the heart of the village. The donation, made by Mr. Yasin Youssef, will contribute to the development of the village through our efforts. After laying the first stone on the land on 3 April 2015, Besme started the construction of a Community Center in June 2015. Funded by Besme’s international donors, and observed by Al-Masaadi on behalf of Besme, the community center is meant to be a multi-purpose facility, in which workshops, training programs and conferences will be held. The center will moreover serve for public events not only of Hebbarieh but also of neighboring villages. The center is expected to trigger regional socio-economic progress, which has been in decline for over 10 years.5. Health Insurance Cards Distribution
Installing the concept of sustainable livelihood at the core, Besme is very keen to intervene directly in the livelihood of people, through finding necessary funds. In this context, upon an agreement signed with Al Wake3 Association in June 2015, Besme consigned health insurance cards for 100 Lebanese citizens who neither have state nor private health insurance. In association with UFA Insurance Company which issued the cards, Besme secured 100 people in Beirut and Akkar with crucial health care for a one-year period.
Working together with Jil Mustakbel Association and Khayır Association in Beirut, as well as with Lebanese-Turkish associations in the villages of Aydamoun and Kuashra in Akkar, Besme compiled a list of people who would receive the cards. At two separate events, on 11 June 2015 in Beirut and on 15 June 2015 in Akkar, following a short presentation about their rights and responsibilities drawn in the insurance agreement, assigned card holders received their insurance cards. Being involved directly with the livelihood of 100 people, Besme helps them reserve a certain amount of their household income, which would otherwise be spent on health issues. Hence, Besme provides these people with an oppertunity to allocate this amount to other basic family need.  6. Besme Photo Contest
Besme believes that art is an important component of humanity. Especially during a conflict period, the need for cultural support increases. It should be noted that, even during a time of armed conflict, intellectual development of people remains critical for the promotion of artistic activities as a means to counter armed actions. Therefore, we consider cultural support as an important aspect of humanitarian assistance and development.  In this context, Besme organized a Photography Contest under the Patronage of His Excellency, Minister of Social Affairs of Lebanon, Mr. Rashid Derbas, in March 2015. The contest was a launching project for Besme, which, moreover, meant to serve as a mechanism to support talented university students. Besides, the contest aimed at directing the attention of youth away from the effects of radical armed movements active in the region and towards artistic creation that will contribute the progress of humanity. Mr. Jamal Saidi, Honorary President of the Lebanese Union of Photographers and chief photographer at Reuters, was the Head of the Jury, and was accompanied by privileged Lebanese photographers Dr. Salih Rifai and Dr. Rania Mouawad. The theme “what besme (smile) means to you” was meant to promote creativity among young photographers with regard to moments that are intrinsically humane. More than 600 works of 107 students from Lebanese universities all around the country well reflected the idea behind the organization. Smiles of Syrian refugee children, Lebanese elderly, Palestinian girls and boys, and many others gathered at the exhibition that was held on 14 April 2015. To encourage youth to engage in photography, Besme presented the top five works with an award.7.  Syrian Mothers: Portraits and Stories of the War
In line with the Besme Photo Contest, which was warmly welcomed by Lebanese society and the university students, Besme launched another project with the Syrian League for Citizenship. Having women as the target group and taking into consideration the UN Security Council Resolutions of 1325 and 2122, which emphasize the involvement of women in peace building and maintaining the security in conflict-affected zones, Besme and Sl4C are working on a photography book. Having been launched in June 2015, the book will include 35 photographs of Syrian mothers along with their stories. These women are selected from different places inside and outside of Syria. Through the photographs in this book, their pain will be conveyed, as will their humble pride through the accompanying words. On the basis of ‘seeing is believing’, through using photography Besme aims to create a channel which allows these women’s feelings to be shown.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Working with local partners around Lebanon and developing international connections in the region, Besme will continue to work on projects in relation to sustainable livelihood and development.
Our vision is to draw smiles on people’s faces by improving the quality of human life as we provide people with various kinds of research-based humanitarian assistance. For achieving this vision Besme started empowering women in South areas by providing them necessary equipment for their own small businesses. For achieving sustainability of the women empowerment and other humanitarian assistance acitivities Besme continuing to build a social facility building in South Lebanon which is planing to present to serve the other NGOs and local people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Besme has many ideas for providing assistance for development of the society and humanitarian assistance for Lebanese people. For implementing these project Besme needs to find partners and donors. We believe in that ALF Network is a good opportunity for us to introduce ourselves to the civil society and to establish useful relations with other associations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Fatma Ozge Atay
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ms. Gulshan Saglam (General Manager)

Seen Films أفلام س

National Network

28 Ali Ibn Abi Taleb st. Pyramids, Giza

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Seen Films is a Cairo-based film house which produces and supports film and media work fulfilling an active role in society's ongoing social and political discourse. Seen endeavors to work for the full representation, self-realization, and positive engagement of all marginalized groups—whether due to gender, urban centrism, economic restriction, or religion.
Mission and Objectives

Seen is interested and works in fields of development, implementation, presentation and distribution of creative projects reaching beyond common aesthetics and confinements of the moving image. Seen aims to open up cinema and filmmaking to innovative forms of interaction with the public, dealing with topics and stories that are both needed or suggested by society.
We seek the development and progress of traditional frameworks of the mainstream media (programs, soap operas, films, documentaries and feature films) to evolve into more crucial and inherent forms.
Lastly, we believe in the innate nature of stories—whether real or imagined—to the moving image. Cinema is the art of the visual story, and all our attention is to promote aesthetic quality and art in these stories. As these stories progress with and by the audience, we reach a common experience, making and screening films, as part of a whole society.

Main Projects / Activities

Films Produced:

Out On The Street, Feature Hybrid Doc/Fiction, Directed by Jasmina Metwally and Philip Rizk. Presented at Dubai Film Connection, Selected for Cannes Film Festival’s L’Atelier du Festival. World Premiere: Berlinale: Forum Expanded.

The Mulberry House, Feature Documentary, 65 min, SD, Proaction Film in co-production with Seen Films, and Setara Films, co-produced with Enjaaz, a Dubai Film Market Initiative, 2013. World Premiere: IDFA Official Selection. MENA Premiere: Dubai International Film Festival Arab Documentary Competition.

Sound from the Hallways, Short Fiction, 25 min, HD, Kran Film and Seen Films, 2012. World Premiere: CPH:DOX Official Art:Visions Competition.

Images Of Freedom, Online Series: 6 x 5 min, HD, SEMAT for Prod. and Distr. 2011-2012
Festivals, Workshops and Events:

Hybrid Reels, May 2015. A month of documentary film screenings organized by Zawya, in partnership with Seen Films who programmed the Workshops, Talks and Discussions Program.

Sound Recording and Sound Library Making for Film (Sound Design Workshop for one month).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that open and free exchange of creative content will help expand boundaries of creativity and expression, enabling the creation and enrichment of more works of art. One need only look at how the evolution of most of our folk story heritage went to understand that communal and collaborative creation results in more powerful and long-lived works of art.
Our belief is not just in the freedom and openness of the creative products themselves, but we also believe that the information and knowledge (data), surrounding the filmmaking process should be shared freely. The film circuits in our countries suffer a huge lack of available information. No How-To’s, resources, and hardly any curriculums are available freely and openly in the Arabic language. Young filmmakers in Egypt and the Arab world don’t have any point of reference on how to produce their films, their legal rights, ways to view movies, film festivals, markets, etc.. This information is so simply and freely available in most other countries and languages.
In the past years, we opened our resources to others: lists containing documentary and short film festivals, their deadlines and contacts, funds and invited filmmakers to use it and add to it. We were happy to find many filmmakers using the online documents, adding to it themselves. When data is accessible it invites others to add to it as well.
Availability of such information is essential to the functioning of Seen, where we believe that you cannot create a creative atmosphere in a healthy film industry without opening up information and data. Unfortunately, most traditional companies deal with information the same way Silversmith Guilds in the middle ages dealt with  "secrets of the profession." In our film industries today we hear certain statements saying that this is: “how it is” or “necessary”  without understanding the reasons. We see many who appoint themselves as gatekeepers on such knowledge to empower themselves at the expense of young, unknowing, and under-informed filmmakers. The openness of such information will terminate that so that all filmmakers would have equal access to funds, markets, development schemes, methods of working, etc..
We are working with the corporate lawyer Nahla Djabi on the development of open and free formulas for contracts; taking into account all the Egypt-specific laws. As traditional mainstream contracts yield all rights to the producer, we are trying to draft new contracts around collaboratory partnership and ownership. We hope that by opening up coproduction contracts that are straight forward, easy to understand and free to use, we will encourage and promote equalized partnerships in coproductions.
Working on the development of these documents is not a luxury but we think it is integral to a yet-shaping industry, with a long history of monopolist distibution practices where talented young people's efforts were always for the service of the producer/distributor compound. There is, hence a vast bitterness and automatic rejection of collaborative work as no rights are guaranteed. We believe that it is vital to have resources of legal and regulatory knowledge available, to help us work on our films and help others at the same time and encourage a climate of collective and participatory action. This is not strange in many countries; we find companies that put examples and models of regulatory and legal documents, also production and financial workflow suggestions and plans, in order to open a general pool of knowledge that helps all.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from the many opportunities provided by ALF and other network members; and to gain access to a wide network of film, art and culture active organizations and individuals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Youssef
Job Title
Director / Producer
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Youssef
Contact (2) Full Name
Heba Yossry
Job Title (2)
Director / Screenwriter

Association jeunesse de Segangane pour la création artistique et le développement durable

National Network

9,rue Rabat 62650
maison des jeunes de segangan
62650 Segangan

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Young ,democracy participatif Staff 7 member
Mission and Objectives

Media communautaires
Alternatif culture
Policy public

Main Projects / Activities

Radio communautaire avec donation aswatona et je.
Empowerment of youngest associatif.humans right
Caravan activity in periphery city's

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Coopération with Institut

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Change expérience

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelilah Aanfoud
Job Title
Head of the organisation