PI "Ironcat"

National Network

Jakšto 3 - 14
01105 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
PI “IRONCAT” manly works with documentary, feature film and cultural projects that have a historic, educational and artistic value. Working on project basis, there are is no need to employ fixed personel, so the number of partners or profesionals attached to the project changes depending on the project. Having a goal to produce projects of great quality “IRONCAT” has proven trustworthy as a partner for many Lithuanian official institutions that perceive the importance of our projects and are willing to fund them. Annualy budgetary recources  ~ 80 000 Euros.  The list of partner institutions: Lithuanian film center, Ministry of education and science, Ministry of culture, Ministry of national defense, Ministry of foreign affairs. Also private funds: Grazute Sirutis Foundation, Kazickas Family Foundation, Alma Adamkus charity and support fund, Auginame Ateitį charity and support fund. As well throughout the years of working in cultural/educational field we acquired good partners in private sector who are willing to invest in our projects or give us a discount for their services if needed. Company provides development, producing, partnership research and coproduction services for feature and documentary films. Organize youth camps, online film platforms/competitions, educational film screenings. Companies website: www.ironcat.lt Show reel:
Mission and Objectives

Since the beginning in 2011 the company actively worked in audiovisual and educational fields. Our goal was to produce projects that involve or are ment for Lithuanian youth. To fill the gap in Lithuanian educational system, especially in history classes where no visual, pupil oriented, references to represent important Lithuanian historic events existed. Also to create hight quality innovative educational processes, cross-medias, film activities, seminars that enrich formal and informal education, are attractive and deals with audiovisual sector.  

Main Projects / Activities

Film field:
15 METŲ KARTU (15 YEARS TOGETHER) (2014) Short documentary f. 35 min. based on Lithuanian ex president wife Alma Adamkus charity and support foundation that is being closed after 15 years of actively supporting Lithuanian children in need, called “15 metų kartu”  (15 years together). The film was premiered on national TV channel, distributed in schools. 
TRISPALVIS (TRICOLOUR) (2013) Feature documentary f. 83min. Film received an award “for achievements in documentary storytelling” by “Filmmakers union of Lithuania”, nominated in national film awards “ Silver Crane” and audience awards “Kinfo” for the best documentary. Mention of honor and medallion from “Vth International Historical And Military Film Festival”, Released in cinemas and DVD’s. www.trispalvis.lt
KNYGNEŠYS (BOOK SMUGLER) (2011) Short f. 40min. Film won “The Best Lithuanian Film of the Year” award in “Kino Pavasaris 2011”, nominated in national film awards for the best film score.  www.filmasknygnesys.lt
Projects and seminars:
FILM CAMP WITH VYTAUTAS V. LANDSBERGIS (Since 2013) Annual summer camp for children, that introduces filmmaking and learning through film medium, with one of the most important Lithaunian children writers Vytautas V. Landsbergis. 
KURIAM KINĄ (LETS MAKE MOVIES) (Since 2012) Online educational platform and annual contest for non-professional young filmmakers. Commissioned and funded by Lithuanian cultural council. www.kuriamkina.lt
FUTURE SHORTS LITHUANIA (2011-2012) Organized film screening parties that were part of international franchise FUTURE SHORTS in Vilnius.
LYDERIŲ MOKYKLA 2010, 2011, 2013 (LEADERSHIP SCHOOL 2010, 2011, 2013) Youth workshop on developing leadership skills. Organizer, supervisor. Vilnius

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are looking forward to participate and partner with ALF Network outside and within our country in creating audiovisual material, creative, educational projects, thus rising our country awarness towards understanding the Mediterranean region countries. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we we could significantly contribute toward the innovative and creative processes spreading the good practices from ALF region. Also we could be a strong and reliable partner to any ALF Nework institution, that seeks audiovisual help or creative imput. At the same time we see ALF Network as a perfect platform to look for partners for our projects, share experinces and get involved. Furthermore at the moment we are developing two projects that have a close conection to ALF Network region. One of them a fiction drama/comedy film on the theme of how eastern/nordic europiens see immigrants. Another socio educational project to introduce the similarities and diferences between the arab regions and eastern/nordic regions. It is important to mention that there is a rising urgency for more audiovisual content on these themes in the region, and we believe that with the right partners much can be done.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulius Juočeris
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Paulius Juočeris

Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences

National Network

Jaunystes str. 1
Jaunystes str. 2

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (KVK) consisted of three faculties: technologies, social sciences and health sciences. KVK has more than 4000 students, 300 academic staff and about 50 administrative staff. KVK Students Board members are very active and they organize different events and projects for youth. KVK organizing studies for International students from Asia, Arabic countries. Budgetary resources about 8 mln EUR per year. Activities of KVk are funded from three main sources: appropriations from the state budget, income generated by the KVK in provision of services and projects. KVK performs research works, initiated by social partners: Yazaki Wiring Technologies Lietuva, Klaipeda Passanger Transport, Klaipeda Bus Fleet, Klaipeda City Municipality and others.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To educate highly qualified professionals having universal values, understanding their role in the society and capable of personal improvement. Objectives: 
1. Implementation of studies, quality shaping of an attractive image of the KVK, 
2. Cooperation with social partners in the activities of studies and applied research, expansion of international cooperation and implementation of continuing education.
3. Development of responsible members of society and the nurturing of the country's culture. 
4. To anticipate the changes enabling the KVK to reform by adjusting to the new market conditions.

Main Projects / Activities

KVK has great experience in Life Long Learning Programme, Erasmus +, Nord Plus and other programmes projects like partner and coordinator.
Since 2009 KVK has had several national and international projects. It has lead many teaching projects for developing of study programmes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

KVK teachers and students will organize seminars, open lectures and workshops about tollerance, cultures differences, migration problemmes. Study modulle  "Intercultural Communication" is prepared and everyone student can study this subject. KVK researches will do research about emigrants from Syria problemmes and opportunities to live in Lithuania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to contribute to develop an Intercultural Strategy for the Euro-Mediterranean Region, help migrants from Syria and other Mediterranean countries, found commonthoughts, partners, friends, share our experience. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Silva Blazulioniene
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Director Grazina Markvaldiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Jurate Danieliene
Job Title (2)
Head of International Relations Department


National Network

6, rue du Baigneur
75018 PARIS

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information

L’association IDEA’NIM est créée en 1996 à Paris pour favoriser l’émergence d’une éducation holistique qui intègre, dans sa démarche pédagogique, les différents champs scientifiques. Elle s’appuie sur des connaissances en pédagogies actives issues des mouvements d’éducation populaire ainsi que des savoirs académiques en Sciences de l’éducation et en économie. Le processus qu'elle promeut, à pour objectif d'éclairer la perception d'un individu dans sa globalité afin qu’il s’inscrive, en tant que citoyen, dans une interaction consciente ou l'activité humaine et la préservation de la nature tendent vers une société plus harmonieuse sur des territoires. Elle s’appuie sur un réseau d’acteurs institutionnels et privés, d’intervenants professionnels, ses membres, pour développer ses actions d'information, d'éducation et de formation à travers des conférences, des séminaires, ateliers, modules de formation continue, recherche...  

Mission and Objectives

Depuis 2013, IDEA'NIM fait partie du réseau des développeurs de la mobilité européenne au sein de l'association IDEA'NIM, organisme intermédiaire de l'agence nationale. Les missions et objectifs :  L'éducation et la formation à la prospective holistique. Formation des acteurs des collectivités locales, de la société civile de l'économie sociale et solidaire, à la médiation et aux dialogues interculturels, à l'éducation à la culture de la paix, à la qualité en éducation, à la formation des formateurs, à la réflexion stratégique en éducation et dans la formation (Planification internationale de l'éducation, rôle  des parents, formation des enseignants)...La connaissance des dispositifs régionaux européens et euroméditerranéens comme ERASMUS+, EACEA...Et autres dispositifs. Depuis 2012 je fais partie du réseau institutionnel des médiateurs. Notre association fonctionne par projet, sur des fonds propres qui sont fonction des prestations qu'elle réalise (comme la formation) et des adhésions des membres qui la font vivre. Nous ne percevons pas de subvention.

Main Projects / Activities

- Je propose de mettre en oeuvre avec d'autres membres de l'association des formations et des accompagnements dans le domaine de : Informe, oriente, accompagne pour une éducation et formation à la mobilité européenne ; (thème : interculturel, identité, art, alimentation, sécurisation des parcours, éducation  à la culture de paix, développement durable, illetrisme) Forme et accompagne pour une Education et formation à la médiation (thème : commmunication bienveillante, art et spiritualité, art et économie, communication interculturelle : gestuelle et non gestuelle) ; organisation participative de projet. Autres projets en fonction des demandes pour s'ajuster aux attentes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

  - participer à la gouvernance, produire des articles, proposer des interventions lors de conférences, proposer des formations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ce qui m'intéresse, c'est de participer à un réseau d'acteurs sensibilisés aux questions universelles : pauvreté, mobilité, énergie, éducation, culture, santé, et y contribuer par des réflexions, actions, recherches concrètes.

Contact (1) Full Name
christine COURTY
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Job Title (2)
CONSULTANTE-INTERVENANTE dans la conduite du changement


National Network

Bul:Zhane D’Ark;Nd.61,H.5, A5

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

ACT for SOCIETY Centre, was established in January 2012. ACT for SOCIETY Centre believes in the power of change. It aims at making this change happen through "...new, creative, and effective strategies and initiatives...". The main focus of our projects is gender equality and equity, human rights, anti-violence and anti-extremism, participation in democracy, and youth participation. ACT for SOCIETY Centre has immensely invested in human resources development. Upon its establishment, staff received comprehensive training and technical support including training retreats, training of trainers/training of consultants, regional internships, and on-the-job training that is followed by continuous professional and personal development.

Mission and Objectives

ACT for SOCIETY Centre Mission is to enhance the healthy lifestyles and stimulate the sustainable development of society. Its work consists on advocating for democracy and human right issues, promoting culture, connecting youth, stimulating the active participation of young people in the social life and decision-making processes, both in local and national level. Our Objectives are: - Advocacy and awareness-raising, focusing on human rights topic; - Promote human rights and inclusiveness of marginalized groups and vulnerable groups; - Enhance youth activities through non-formal education; - Stimulate transparent decision-making processes in democracy; - Embrace think-tank ideology and stimulate research; - Active participation in international, regional and national networks; - Peace – Building through Culture and Art. 

Main Projects / Activities

1. Youth Empowerment Youth Empowerment programme seeks to establish an environment and effective platforms where young people can gain the ability, authority, and agency to make decisions and implement change in their own lives and the lives of other people, including youth and adults. The programme is oriented to a gateway to inter generational equity, civic engagement and democracy building. Activities focus on youth-led media, youth rights, youth councils, youth activism, youth involvement in community decision-making, and other methods. Tips activity on YE: Power Up Community; Democracy in My Eyes; Live Vote Mascote etc; Programs that we participate in order to our field of work: - Erasmus + program (seminars, workshops, training's, youth exchanges) - Internship 2. Human Rights and Social Development This programme priority includes research and capacity-building projects in economic, social and educational policy in the framework of good governance and EU accession processes. - Gender Equality Gender equality is a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Through our activities we aim to educate young people to understand the importance of having the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviors, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favored. - Countering violent extremism and radicalization Regarding to this topic we are working to enable positive and peaceful societies for young people in Albania, that support gender equality and decrease interpersonal violence and its extremism. Objective of our mission is to improve Youth NGOs and government capacities to integrate Program Youth - Life Skills Educational Curriculum in current educational and youth policy strategies and strengthen governmental and civil society efforts related to inclusion of youth vulnerable to extremism. We have made research for situation analysis regarding PREV and implemented meetings, training's and workshops with youth in and out of school. Below you can find mentioned some projects we have and/or are implementing: What Youth Believe- Interfaith Dialogue Equal and Different Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans - Social Inclusion In the framework of the challenges that Albanian society encounters, it is necessary to improve the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society and to improve the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged on the basis of their identity to take part in society. For this reason we work with marginalized groups and youth at risk. 3. Democracy and Anti-Corruption - Active Citizenship Active citizenship is one of the most important steps towards healthy societies. Through our activities we contribute to involve citizens in their local communities and democracy at all levels, from towns to cities to nationwide activity. Organizing different advocacy campaigns, educating young people about democratic values, skills and participation etc. - Good Governance and Transparency Through this program is aim to ensure that public money is spent effectively and appropriately. Key areas include: monitoring activities, campaigns etc. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our Ideas - with our staff - with our expertise - with our partners

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join because we believe in our work and in all that we are doing in our community and if we are part of ALF Network is a good opportunity for us to implement project with good level and social impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Armela Pengili
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Armela Pengili
Contact (2) Full Name
Eleni Nanaj
Job Title (2)
Program Director

Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation

National Network

6 Svoboda Square
7000 Ruse

00359 886 00 29 40
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation is established on 15.11.2012 with Resolution № 380 of Ruse Municipal Council. The Foundation’s executive body is its Managing board consisting of a Chairman and 2 members. The Foundation has an Executive Director and 2 permanent positions - Communication Expert and Expert Project and Programmes. The work of the organisation is also supported by experts from European Development Department of Ruse Municipality. The annual budget for 2015 allocated to the Foundation by Ruse Municipal Council amounts to 100 000 BGN. The Foundation also receives donations from private donors. The Foundation supports innovative events and projects that create sustainable and cohesive community ties and stimulates the development of local talents in spheres like science, education, art and culture. The Foundation works in partnership with informal structures of civil society, non-profit organisations – sports, music and youth associations, community centers, cultural and academic institutions; municipal structures; citizens.

Mission and Objectives

The identity of the city of Ruse is built on traditions, European spirit and innovativeness. Situated on the bank of the most international river in the world – the Danube, today Ruse is a city which creates its future in the wider context of cross-border and macro-regional cooperation. The mission of the Ruse Free Spirit City campaign is to regenerate the creative power of the city and to turn it into a cultural centre in the Danube region, uniting citizens, cultural communities, artists, professional unions, academic representatives, non-governmental organisations, international partners and the media. Within the campaign we support the realisation of large-scale and innovative events, which create “sense of community” because we believe this is how Ruse can strengthen its image as a port of the free creative spirit. We create international partnership networks and we actively work to promote our city as a cultural tourism destination. Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation is actively working for establishing Ruse as a cultural magnet, contributing to the development of art and creative industries and making them more exciting and appealing for people. Specific objectives: Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation supports the implementation of activities in two main areas: 1. Supporting talented individuals from Ruse Municipality - In 2014 the Municipal foundation created “The Faces of Ruse” fund, which stimulates the development of local talents in the spheres like science, education, art and culture, promoting the city on national and international level with their achievements. 2. Financing local activities - Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation supports and stimulates the implementation of activities which strengthen the positions of Ruse as a city which successfully combines traditions and innovation in the sphere of: civil society development, science, education, culture, historical heritage preservation, cultural tourism development, arts and literature, inventions and high technologies.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2014, the Foundation organised 81 events many of which stood out with their large scale and innovativeness, created a “sense of community”, provided opportunities for dialogue among representatives of different cultural and professional groups, and promoted cross-sectoral forms of cooperation. Among the events that the city of Ruse hosted was Allegra International Summer Academy with the participation of 40 young classical musicians from 18 countries, the Roller fest Let’s roller-skate together in Ruse and Bucharest that gathered more than 100 fans of the roller sport from Bulgaria and Romania, Salsa Weekend Ruse which gathered 200 dance lovers from 13 clubs from the whole country, the large-scale interactive concert Mission Ruse with more than 300 musicians on stage and more than 2000 people audience and many others. 156 creative products were made. The long list of events and initiatives was made possible thanks to the efforts of 30 project teams, 3382 active participants in their implementation, 34 volunteers and 89 partnerships, created during the 2014 campaign. As a result of this, nearly 102,000 local citizens and guests of the city had a dynamic and exciting year of festivals, concerts, creative experimentation and shared emotions. At the end of 2014, Ruse Free Spirit City Foundation announced Call for project proposals. The main objective of the Competition for projects – 2015 was to stimulate the development of cultural life in Ruse and to link different organisations, institutions and artists to work together to establish Ruse as a cultural center. Candidates could apply in the following categories: - Support for talented individuals from Ruse Municipality; - Science, inventions and new technologies; - Funding for local initiatives - communities of interest; - Funding for local initiatives - cross-sectoral and international partnerships. 84 projects were submitted to the Foundation. They were evaluated by the Managing Board of the Foundation in accordance with the criteria in the Methodology for evaluation of project proposals. As a result of the announced call, it was decided that in 2015 Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation will support 7 talented individuals and groups from Ruse Municipality and 21 projects and initiatives in the field of art and culture, inventions and high technologies, science and education. Throughout the year the Foundation will continue to accept applications from talented individuals who promote the city of Ruse on national and international scale.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ruse Free Spirit City Foundation has a successful experience in establishing sustainable and efficient model of collaboration and networking among various municipal, public and non-governmental structures, which has provided useful and visible results. All partnerships established by Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation have a significant sustainability perspective. Sustainable and beneficial partnerships have been established with 89 local, national and international cultural and educational institutions, NGOs, etc. that have participated in the Ruse Free Spirit City campaign. A big number of the events supported by the Foundation in 2014 had another edition in 2015. We believe that with this expertise we will contribute to the development of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Bulgaria.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we would like to expand our sphere of contacts and to create new fruitful and sustainable partnerships with various organisations; to participate in new cooperation initiatives in the fields of arts, culture and education; to implement diverse projects, which will contribute to the development of civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zlatomira Stefanova
Job Title
Executive Director of Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation
Head of the organisation
Mr Strahil Karapchanski, PhD - Chairman of the Managing Board of Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation
Contact (2) Full Name
Desislava Vasileva

جمعية إدماج للتأطير والتكوين والتنمية البشرية / Association IDMAJ Pour l'encadrement formation et le développement humain

National Network

تجزئة المسيرة رقم 982 مجموعة H2 الدروة اقليم برشيد
26202 الدروة

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية إدماج للتأطير والتكوين والتنمية البشرية منظمة وطنية غير حكومية تسعى للنهوض بالفرد والمجتمع على مستوى التكوين والتأطير والتنمية البشرية وتتمتع بالاستقلالية من حيث التسيير والتقرير والتوجيه ،كما تهدف إلى تقوية القدرات الاقتراحية والترافعية للمنخرطين ،ليس لها اي هدف سياسي أو نقابي أو عرقي أو عقدي، وليس لها أي هدف ربحي كما هو منظم بقانون الجمعيات، تأسست بتاريخ 06 دجنبر 2014 بمدينة الدروة.  
Mission and Objectives

تهدف الجمعية الى المساهمة في تنمية قدرات ومهارات الفرد الفكرية والوجدانية والسلوكية والمهنية  وتنمية الحس التكافلي في المجتمع ويكون لها على وجه خاص العمل على تحقيق الاهداف التالية :
- دمج الشباب في خدمة الصالح العام.
- تحفيز ومساعدة الشباب على التشغيل الذاتي.
- ربط أواصر الصداقة و التعاون مع الشباب بالجمعيات والأندية والمنظمات الشبابية الأخرى الوطنية والدولية
- تجميع وتنظيم الجهود والطاقات الشابة المكونة وتوجيهها  نحو سوق الشغل.
- خلق شراكات مع القطاع العام والخاص من اجل تحفيز خلق مقاولات من طرف الشباب .
- التربية والتكوين من اجل الادماج.
- خلق الانشطة المدرة للدخل لتحسين مستوى العيش.
- الاهتمام بالأنشطة التربوية والدينية والتوجيهية للأطفال والطلبة .
- النهوض بأوضاع المرأة وقضايا الاسرة.
- تقوية دور المجتمع المدني.
- التربية على حقوق الانسان والمواطنة.
- العمل على محاربة الامية والهدر المدرسي والاهتمام بالتربية غير النظامية       والتعليم الاولي.
- الاهتمام بالمجال الرياضي والفني والثقافي والبيئي .
- تشجيع الانشطة النسوية .
- التواصل بين شباب المنطقة وباقي شباب العالم عبر ربط قنوات للتواصل واكتساب المعارف.
- تنظيم مخيمات للأطفال واليافعين والشباب.
- زيارات رحلات اسفار محلية وطنية دولية.
- ربط علاقات و عقد شراكات مع جهات رسمية أو غير رسمية ذات الاهتمام المشترك داخل الوطن وخارجه

Main Projects / Activities

تسعى الجمعية إلى تحقيق وتجسيد شعار (التأطير والتكوين مهمتنا …. التنمية البشرية غايتنا) من خلال المساهمة في تنمية مندمجة ومستدامة محورها التكوين والتأطير والتنمية البشرية،و التواصل مع المجتمع و تعزيز دور العمل الجمعوي الفاعل وفق مقاربة جادة ومسؤولة .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

المساندة و الدعم المعنوي و الاشتراك في انشطة الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل التطوير و تبادل الخبرات و الانخراط في التنمية البشرية المستدامة

Contact (1) Full Name
هشام ساعد
Job Title
مراقب تموين طائرات بمطار محمد الخامس الدولي
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
عبد الجليل ابو حافص
Job Title (2)
استاد مؤطر بمعهد صناعة الطائرات بالنواصر

Consorzio I MAKE

National Network

Via Santa Caterina da Siena c/o Ex Macello Comunale
70017 Putignano

+39 0804054878
Mobile Phone
+39 366 2120775
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
I MAKE is a consortium of associations that manage a Cultural Centre, the Former Slaughterhouse in Putignano, in the heart of Puglia, and deals with creativity and wellbeing. It is a very large space with a big yard and rooms dedicated to trainings, creativity and relaxation. The consortium is composed by local associations that works in music, theatre, visual arts and whose members are cultural operators, artists, artisans and designers with various and different skills and passions. In particular I MAKE organize events and workshop and support other organization in promotion and communication strategy, activation of spaces and territorial animation. I MAKE partners are Public Administation (Regione Puglia, Comune di Putignano), other consortium of operators and assosiations (GAL Trulli e Barsento, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese) and local associations. The I MAKE sustainability is garanted by the activities in the Cultural Center, the collaboration with partners in projects, event and activity in general.
Mission and Objectives

The I MAKE mission is to re-activate the cultural center in Putignano through the creation of multidisciplinary teams, the involvement of the territory, sharing experiences. This experience and methodology is repeated in all the activities of the Consortium outside the Cultural Center and has as its objective in creation of a different model of project management.

Main Projects / Activities

CULTURAL EVENT - Each month within the spaces of the former macellovengono cultruali organized events such as book presentations , concerts , theatrical performances.
WORKSHOPS - The cultural center is home to various cultural workshops in various disciplines : Music, theater and photography, workshops for the disabled, in arts and oriental disciplines .
RICREA - The project idea is establishment of urban spaces with social and commercial activities, starting with the creation of an urban vegetable garden. The team is composed by young people: cultural operators, architects who works on urban planning, a grafic designer and art director and a chef with international experience.
FARM FESTIVAL - Music, contemporary dance, short films, painting, photography, ceramics , sculpture, gastronomy, eco -sustainability , astronomical observation. In a beautiful farm in Puglia artists, volunteers, technician, operators and cultural associations meet each other to give life to a Festival with European feature sensitive to artistic expression.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I MAKE can be

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Notarangelo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fonte Carmine Parrotta

NGO Youth Power

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kralja Petra Krešimira IV L2/5
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
YOUTH POWER is a non-governmental organization that wants to create a society with positive values, in which young people are contributing to tolerance and interpersonal dialogue, promoting healthy lifestyles, gender equality, non-violence, and actively involved in social life and politics.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of healthy lifestyles, non-violent behaviour, gender equality, connecting young, active participation in social life and decision-making, volunteerism, promoting culture, advocating for democracy and human rights.
YP creates a society in which young people are respected, successful and have opportunity to develop their potentials.

Main Projects / Activities

Young men initivative - Young Men Initiative - Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes
MasterPeace club Bosnia and Herzegovina - MasterPeace aims to inspire everyone to use their talent and energy for building peace and togetherness. MasterPeace will help lead the way to a more sustainable world with less armed conflict. MasterPeace is the fastest growing grass-roots peace movement of the world, with the ambition to reach out to millions and mobilize at least 400,000 new peace builders by 2020.
Youth Art Movement - Youth Art Movement is through art strengthens role of youth in society by forming stable cultural platform for their active participation in the local community. Project opens opportunities for artistic activities in public area of Mostar, improves and motivates youth activism, to create a common cultural life of the city.
EVS projects - offering different posibilities in European Voluntery service.
Erasmus+ TC & YE.

Contact (1) Full Name
Armin Čerkez
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Armin Čerkez

Agdz Association Volunteers Without Borders

National Network

Dar el mouwaten Center Agdz
47050 Agdz

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is a new Assembly in the hunt for partners and donors have also are preparing for activities aimed at young people and students walking Assembly and 11-member students, professors
Mission and Objectives

 Agdz Association Volunteers Without Borders is a youth association, there is now the headquarters of the House Agdz citizen, is working on a set of goals that seeks to achieve, including:
 develop and organize volunteer work.
 directing volunteer work to serve humanitarian purposes
 raise the cultural, social, environmental and health awareness among members of the community
 help institutions and associations on the performance of its mission through voluntary efforts.
 provide an opportunity for community members to volunteer in the field of public services through education and training
To achieve its goals Assembly is working in several areas remind Maha:
 the cultural field: includes organizing lectures and seminars and exhibitions and CDA spreading cultural production.
 the educational field:
• nurture the upbringing of the individual psychological and social intact.
• the development of individual talents and paid for creativity and investment innate talents and gained.
• cooperation with the concerned authorities and education that have the same goals are also interested in trips and camps and sports activities.
• contribute to the formation of human good to serve the nation and the nation.
• lay the foundations for balanced environmental culture.
 the field of social development:
• Literacy .
• cooperation with the associations and those interested in social development within the country and abroad.
• preparation and completion of development projects for the benefit of the population

Main Projects / Activities

By virtue of the new Assembly, the activity that we have done is training workshop for pupils for ways academic excellence as we are in preparation for regulating the activity to one of the schools in the region is a cleaning and decorating the Treasury and Thiah school arena while working to expand the experiment to other schools, and the Assembly is considering the possibility of organizing a camp for languages in the region to support the youth in languages

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Seeking to form a network with Ganaaat and organizations for the betterment of the cooperative and the Federal my domain and support regions in need of support, and the foundation is to build a communication network between the actors in the country and abroad

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Work to form relationships with other institutions and organizations and the pursuit of a unified goals and the search for supporters and supporters of the Association in order to progress forward and make positive changes in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelbasset BAHADDOU
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdelbasset BAHADDOU
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustapha Ait BAHDDOU
Job Title (2)


National Network

1 Place Tahar Haddad
Les Berges du Lac
1053 Tunis

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Wasabi is a specialist media and communications company established in April 2013 inthe capital of Tunisia. Wasabi specializes in supporting civil society, fostering youth engagement, encouraging dialogue, and promoting the development of new, innovative ideas to Tunisia's most pressing challenges. 
Mission and Objectives

Wasabi seeks to foster opportunities for public debate and open expression with a specialization in video production, event management, and public relations. In particular, Wasabi specializes in youth engagement, community building, and the creation of outlets for new ideas and self-expression in Tunisia.

Main Projects / Activities

Ongoing and past projects include: 
The TEDxCarthage Series: 
Tunisia's first and largest TEDx event, which is now in its fifth year and receiving attention from thousands of participants. The objective of this program is to empower communities, organizations and individuals to interact, exchange and reflect around new ideas to stimulate dialogue at the local level.
Arab Youth and Development Debate:
In April 2014, the Wasabi team produced the first Arab Youth and Development Debate at the historic Dar Lasram in the Tunis Medina. Moderated by Abderrahim Foukara, the debate brought youth from throughout the region to answer the question: “Have young people reaped the fruits of the Arab Spring?”
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)’s Information Campaign:
Wasabi managed communications for the UNDP Information campaign on the new 2014 Constitution. The Wasabi team worked to coordinate with national and local press to coordinate strong press coverage of the meetings between citizens and members of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) concerning the newTunisian Constitution.
Afkar Think and Act Tank:
In April 2015, over 50 key players in Tunisian government, civil society, and media took part in the first edition of Afkar, in which participants analyzed the development and role of civil society in Tunisia since 2011, and civil society’s role in decentralization efforts, local Tunisian elections, and accountability initiatives for 2015 and beyond.
Coworking Summit:
In October 2015, Wasabi hosted the first regional Coworking Summit in conjunction with Hivos Mideast Creatives at the Cogite Villa in Tunis, Tunisia. The Coworking Summit brought together founders and managers of Coworking Spaces, Fablabs, and art spaces to highlight the role of the creative economy in the MENA region. Workshop content focused on internal HR, financial sustainability, and and work on making these spaces more sustainable.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Wasabi has a succesful track record of project implementation related to youth advocacy, fostering public debate, catalyzing civil society, and promoting active citizenship in post-revolution Tunisia. Though based in the capital city of Tunis, Wasabi has cultivated an extensive network throughout the country and is actively working to conduct more projects outside of the capital, particularly through partnerships with civil society organizations working on the ground in other cities or regions. As such, Wasabi will able to contribute to the local network in Tunisia by utilizing this network to develop and implement innovative programs and to encourage further collaboration between different civil society organizations in Tunisia. 
Wasabi has also implemented several successul projects with international partners, such as Hivos Mideast Creatives, and is embedded within the global TEDx community. As such, Wasabi can also help other Tunisian organizations, perhaps with less international exposure, to establish international partnerships with organizations abroad, especially in Europe. Wasabi can also mentor newer or less experienced civil society organizations within the Tunisian context and in their pursuits of international initiatives or partnerships. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As Tunisia continues along the path of its historic democratic transition, Wasabi is constantly seeking opportunities to partner with other organizations, both in Europe and the Southern Meditarrenean, in order to support civil society initiatives in Tunisia. By joining the Anna Lindh Foundation, we hope to enhance our ability to design and implement programs to support civil society in the country as Tunisia continues through its successful, albeit stil fragile, democratic transition. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Katie Bentivoglio
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Houssem Aoudi
Contact (2) Full Name
Kevin Coyne
Job Title (2)
Project Director