EUROMED - Istituto Euromediterraneo

National Network

corso Italia 155
34170 Gorizia

0039 3355759330
0039 0481 536536
Mobile Phone
0039 3355759330
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
L'Istituto opera dal 1999 soto la presidenza di Lucio Gregoretti. Presidente del Comitato scientifico è il professor Predrag Matvejevic, docente alla Università La Sorbona di Parigi e alla Sapienza di Roma, già consulente della Presidenza della Commissione Europea per il Mediterraneo. È partner costitutivo del CIR, Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati, assieme al quale opera per la tutela dei richiedenti asilo e rifugiati, partecipando alle iniziative di cooperazione internazionale e specificatamente rivolte alla Libia.  Fa parte, altresì, della rete dell’Associazione per le Agenzie della Democrazia Locale del Consiglio d’Europa, assieme al quale svolge un’intensa attività di relazione con le istituzioni europee essendo parte delle seguenti reti: - Dialogo Strutturato del programma "Europe for Citizens" della Commissione Europea; - Osservatore presso il Congresso dei Poteri Locali e Regionali del Consiglio d’Europa; - Membro della Conferenza delle Organizzazioni Non Governative del Consiglio d’Europa (INGO); - Membro della rete internazionale "Working Together" tra formatori di Enti Locali dell’Est Europa  
Mission and Objectives

L’istituto Euromediterraneo, Euromed opera nei campo della promozione, organizzazione e gestione di programmi e attività inerenti le relazioni internazionali, la promozione dei diritti umani, la formazione e la ricerca, la cooperazione allo sviluppo, con particolare riferimento alle iniziative che interessano i Paesi europei e quelli dell'area del Mediterraneo.

Main Projects / Activities

Progetti e attività che hanno coinvolto l’Istituto
a) Euraction. Esperienza pilota di consultazione diretta di comitati di cittadini ("citizen panels")
b) Youth (Giovani). Diffusione dell’omonimo programma europeo rivolto a giovani dai 15 ai 30 anni nel Sud-Est Europa e Caucaso;
c) progetto Interreg Transadriatico Seaways (Comitato Scientifico);
d) legge sulla cooperazione nei balcani (212/92) progetto "TESEO - Training for the Employment in Sumadija’s Economic Opportunities” - Kragujevac District / Formazione per l’occupabilità nelle opportunità economiche nella regione di Sumadija - Distretto di Krakujevac;
e) Attività di capacity building.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

activities in the field of culture, the promotion of human rights and social and development cooperation programs

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing the objectives and founding principles and appreciation for the work done

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucio Gregoretti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lucio Gregoretti

Association Swani Initiatives Citoyennes

National Network

N° : 72, Rue Kableyine, Quartier Zemerman
15000 Khemisset

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Structure de l'organisation:AG /B.E  le nombre de personnes employées  : 02  partenaires des ressources budgétaires  : MJS . CNPAC . M; CULTURE ;M. etrangeres 
Mission and Objectives

-  Renforcer les capacités et l'efficacité de la société civile à travers le développement d'outils de bonne gouvernance et de stratégie claire.
- Soutenir toutes les initiatives ambitieuses pour servir l'intérêt public et de favoriser une culture de l'éducation à la citoyenneté et aux droits humains.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet d'alphabétisation
Projet L'intégration des  migrants étrangers
Projet des colonies de vacances
Projet d'intégration économique des femmes
Projet caravane culturel

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

family and child

National Network

I. Dragoumi 46
54631 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
The association “Family and Child” is an institution with a certified Charitable-Philanthropic activity that was founded in 2012 with a view to combat poverty, discriminations, social exclusion and in general terms to promote social prosperity. It consists of the Administrative Council, the President, the members, the secretary, the cashier, the employed personnel and the volunteers. The President, two of the founding members, the social worker, the accountant but also the volunteers attend at the association daily in order to implement its actions. The “Family and Child” association is characterized by an intense humanitarian action and it is self-funded by resources coming from its members’ subscriptions, from donations and charity events, from the support of other organizations and from selling printed material. Budget for the year 2014: EVS Program: 25.000E, member subscriptions:  500E, from civilians: 80.000E, from events: 10.000E, from product selling: 15.000E, transportation income: 69.38E, Overall income: 130.569.38. “Family and Child” Association in order to achieve its goals it distributes emergency supplies, it organizes free lessons, labs, vocational guidance seminars, it provides psychosocial support, it informs and sensitizes civil society, it mobilizes volunteers, it cooperates with other organizations, it is a member of a voluntary organizations net and it participates actively in actions of the local society.  
Mission and Objectives

The charitable association “Family and Child” has Social Prosperity as its mission. It deals with the fight against poverty and pauperism, with inequality mitigation at a national level and it provides its services to families with minors, irrespective of religious, ideological and other beliefs, pursuing the amelioration of their living conditions. Meanwhile it contributes to the alleviation of other vulnerable social groups as well through the collaboration that has developed with other organizations and through its external actions.
To conquer its ultimate goal, the association sets certain specific objectives, such as:
1)Social change, 2) defense of human rights, 3) defense of children’ rights, 4) the formation of prerequisites for equal opportunities, 5) improvement of people’s living conditions, 6) amelioration of people’s socioeconomic condition, 7) avoidance of social exclusion, 8) keeping people updated, 9) sensitizing society, 10) organization of volunteer groups.

Main Projects / Activities

The “Family and Child” actions focus initially on the coverage of the basic survival needs of a family. This is accomplished by providing them with food, cooked meals, breakfast, all sorts of clothing and footwear and utility items. Next the association aims at strengthening the parents and mobilizing them so that they become able to integrate into the labor market. To achieve this goal the association arranges free foreign languages lessons and craft workshops in order to enrich the CVs of the members. While at the same time it has created a special room with technical equipment to educate them on how to write and email a CV. Additionally, it schedules career orientation seminars where parents are informed about subsidized programs, jobs and their requirements. Meanwhile the association is aware of the crisis that our society faces which directly affects the mood of the parents and in turn it disturbs family harmony. Hence it takes care of their psychosocial condition by supporting them through parent counseling so that they become capable of managing the difficulties they encounter without letting stress be reflected on their children.
Furthermore, the association supports even more vulnerable social groups such as elderly, people with disabilities, people with addictions, immigrants, homeless etc. This takes shape through the collaborations that the association develops with other organizations, as well as through the external actions that it systematically schedules. Distributing food to homeless people, providing emergency supplies to individuals being in addiction cessation programs, organizing career orientation seminars in order to inform unemployed people, offering sanitary goods to correctional institutions, clothing and footwear to hosting centers for immigrants and providing food to the Mess are only some of the “Family and Child” actions.
Concluding, “Family and Child” association aims at informing and sensitizing our fellowmen, the organizations and generally the society for the benefit of the individuals being in need. This is accomplished by using the internet, through speeches to the members of the society (e.g. school speeches) and events where local community can actively participate.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The charitable association “Family and Child” is active for three years now, having human prosperity as its main goal.   It develops its foundations and actions always based on the new requirements that arise in our society. It is not characterized by a sterile perception but the association is open to new ideas and it can offer its knowledge and experience in the interest of the common good. Its experience in topics that concern human existence and its needs, which tend to alter and evolve in their own way based on the new facts, could contribute to the level of the actions’ effectiveness of the National network of Anna Lindh Foundation .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

After a thorough consideration of the objectives and actions of Anna Lindh foundation, we acknowledge its significant work and we desire to actively participate in its actions. “Family and Child” is an association that supports individuals that are in need regardless of race, religion, ideology, political and cultural beliefs. It respects human existence and it promotes social wellbeing, by fighting for human rights and equal opportunities. It is significant, that first as individuals – members of the society and then as conveyors of a “message”, to take part in acts and programs that propel multiculturalism, coexistence, piece, dialogue, social change and social welfare.
As an organization, we take action in a country that struggles due to the financial and social plight while immigration has its own story with young people abandoning our country when at the same time others immigrate here for a “better tomorrow”. Therefore it is our responsibility to comprehend that human existence is a matter of primary importance.  Being united and work as a team can lead to great results for the wellbeing of human race while exchanging ideas and experiences can contribute to the formation of constructive acts.
“Family and Child” association has the ideology and the way of thinking that is in line with the goal that Anna Lindh Foundation has, that is why we are interested in participating in the National Network of this Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Xristoforidou Theodora
Job Title
social worker
Head of the organisation
Andreadakis Georgios

Torunska Agenda Kulturalna

National Network

Pod Krzywą Wieżą 1
87-100 Toruń

+48 56 621 03 33
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Toruń Cultural Agency is a municipal institution of culture, financed from the resources of the city of Toruń. Its structure consists of PR Department, Projects and International Relations Department, Technical-Organizational Department and Accounting Department with the total of 11 permanent employees. TAK is the organiser of the biggest cultural events in Toruń and spectacular outdoor events and festivals of international (Bella Skyway Festival) and national (The Art of Fact Festival, The Festival of Film Songs and Ballads) importance. It conducts numerous educational activities, supports non-governmental organisations, as well as local artists representing various fields of art. Over the years Toruń Cultural Agency organised and participated in many international cultural projects financed by European Commission programmes: “Creative Europe”, “Culture 2007–2013,” and “Youth in Action,” as well as supported by Norway Grants (EEA Grants), Visegrad Fund, and Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation. Value of all these projects totalled 1,350,000 €. Within the years 2014–2015 Toruń Cultural Agency (as the only institution from Poland!) has been a partner in three “Creative Europe” projects. Within the aforementioned projects we colaborate with partner organizations from Portugal, Finnland, Greece, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Netehrlands and Czech Republic. 
Mission and Objectives

According to the statutes of our institution our tasks are following:
1) organising festivals, artistic and cultural events at local, national and international level, city cyclic events, conferences, seminaries and thematic meetings,
2) organising workshops, trainings and other forms of cultural education which activates people to participate in cultural life of the city,
3) realization of tasks which will create good conditions for dynamic development of amateur and professional artistic movement,
4) supporting artists and people acting within the field of culture with the program of small grants (Mikrowsparcie),
5) activating local and regional business environments to support cultural activities taking place in the city of Toruń,
6) realization of national and international campaigns which promote city of Toruń as an important center of culture on the map of Europe,
7) collaborating with the departments of the City Council of Toruń, city cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations to create
8) consistent cultural policy and develop and promote cultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our most important event is international light festival Bella Skyway Festival, which is held every year since 2009 and provides a unique combination of beauty, architecture, art, light and scientific, mainly astronomical, inspirations — is the largest outdoor cultural event in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region and one of the most highly rated cultural events by the domestic audience. We are also the organizer of other international festivals such as The Art of Fact Festival and Street Theatre Festival and o a national-level festival: The Festival of Film Songs and Ballads
Toruń Cultural Agency has a long-standing record of participation in European Voluntary Service programmes, as well as of facilitating local cultural activities. Our European Voluntary Service (EVS) programmes included projects with volunteers from Spain, Macedonia, Hungary and Portugal. Support for local artists and cultural activists is provided by “Mikrowsparcie” (Micro-support) programme of small grants, enabling beneficiaries to publish or promote their work, as well as to organise free of charge events addressed to the public.
Our international projects have included, among others:

“Lightbridge” (Polish-Norwegian light art project),

“Lux Scientia” (British-Polish-Estonian light art project),

“Spectrum 2014/2015” (Portugese-Slovenian-Finnish-Czech-Polish light art project),

“Mixdoor” (Hungarian-Greek-Croatian-French-Polish street dance and theatre project),

“ALIPI — Advancing Light-Driven Public Interactions” (Czech-Dutch-Polish- Slovenian light art project), “COOLture Freshmaker” (youth project connecting people from Poland and Czech Republic), 

“At Home in Europe” (youth project connecting people from Poland, Latvia, and Portugal).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contibution to the Polish Network would involve our experience in international projects and cultural cooperation as well as large cultural evenst organization. We could collaborate with other organizations from the Network - they could be our partners, we could transfer knowledge and share experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network in order to enhance the institution's Euro-Med cooperation capacity, to develop international contacts, learn to know new possibilities and new partner organizations from Poland and from abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Małgorzata Burzyńska
Job Title
Projects specialist
Head of the organisation
Krystian Kubjaczyk, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnieszka Marecka
Job Title (2)
Head of Projects and International Relations Department

‎جمعية النهوض بشباب تونس-Progression Association Of Tunisian Youth‎

National Network

20 Rue Somaa Mourouj 5
2074 Mourouj

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non-governmental organization, non-profit. Independent, basing its activities on volunteering as a major factor for motivation and sustainable development vision concentrates founders to contribute to the development of ability of young and devote national belonging has for its service, and development of national consciousness of our identity and the rights and meals inadvertently reinforce the relations between state institutions and youth in particular and society in general and the strengthening of youth leadership creates a generation aware of herself and confident himself, youth return of the steering pluralistic values and equality, justice, democracy and the spirit of belonging and volunteering initiative to play the role of community and responsibility. Values "Association of Young Tunisians Progression" equality, independence, transparency, communication, pluralism, dialogue, renounce violence and intolerance, democratic participation, cultural openness and freedom of expression and creativity Established in February 2012 and the receipt is issued on 02/03/2012. APJT association or progression of young Tunisians is an initiative of a group of young people: students, pupils, certificate holders, civil servants, unemployed, of different ages and gender, together to exchange ideas and experiences.
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
Support and accompaniment of Tunisian youth for social integration in various fields
• Intellectual progression of Tunisian Youth
• Rooting patriotism and Arab-Islamic identity among young people
• Raise awareness of the concerns of the present and the future of our beloved country
• Instilling the values of solidarity and interdependence and cooperation between young
• The integration of youth in philanthropy
• Resist against appearances and immoral behavior
• Anti-addiction
• To disseminate the culture of dialogue and etiquette
Means and tools:

Creation of solidarity cooperatives for the benefit of young people (volunteers enriching and beneficial activities)
• Awareness companion organization, awareness and mobilization
Create and participate in cultural seminars, study days and dialogue workshops
Agreement partners with other organizations associations, national and international institutions working in the field of the association

Main Projects / Activities

Creation of solidarity cooperatives for the benefit of young people (volunteering enriching and beneficial activities)
• Awareness companion organization, awareness and mobilization
Create and participate in cultural seminars, study days and dialogue workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
kouki Mohamed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Kouki Mohamed Amine


National Network

168A Medical city RdKhalda Dabouq Crossing
po box 922407 jabal el hussein Amman
Amman 11183

06- 5412 489
Telephone (other)
06- 5413 089
06- 5413 468
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0096279-55 39 530
Mobile Phone (other)
0096279-810 5555
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Pillars of Cultural  Dialogues is a Non Governmental, not profit, neutral organization aims at promoting values of cultural dialogues and diversities, respecting the “ otherness” in Jordan, the Arab countries and globally.  It strives to bridge the gaps among diverse cultures and build the possible linkages through multiple cultural dialogues. This  mission that we are carrying out, including the pillars of  cultural dialogues, is an initiative to establish a peaceful dialogue between the East and West.  It is exactly like the experience of somebody who is digging in a deserted land to build a house on it; and therefore, he/she should start with its foundation, which we hope it becomes powerful and strong so that it is able to handle the deplorable situations while we are building bridges between “ us” and the “ others In our current era, where conflicts are increasingly erupting, we inquire about solutions via conferences, debates, and dialogues; yet, unfortunately, this issues is still an area of ruthless  conflicts and disagreements.  Humanity can benefit from the positive outcomes of our world’s cultural diversities in order to gain a civilized and unrepeatable momentum through experience and cultural exchange, since diversity is a global prosperity. Similarly, our world can benefit from the multiple cultural, social, political, and religious..etc diversities. Hence, and in order to reach the best potential humanitarian relationships, human beings should except the ‘ otherness’ regardless of each other’s positive and negative differences, the good and the bad. Anna lindh– JORDAN is an important  partners as well as the National Society for The Enhancement of Freedom and Democracy.-JUND- Non budgetary resources are available ,hence no sources of funding. Most o our activities are taking place in schools giving them foundations of dialogue skills as well as art of debating. It is an initiative of the National Society for the Enhancement of Freedom and Democracy-JUND-. The number of the staff are three: CEO DEPUTY SECRETARTY   • Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners • Budgetary resources available in a year • Sources of funding • Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) • Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
Mission and Objectives

1. Ensuring continuity of the “ Culture of Dialogues “ and strengthening it within individuals’ minds and behaviours throughout dissemination of raising awareness, developing the culture of dialogues, and implementation of it on all levels and institutions.
2. Encouraging all types of creativity to bridge gaps of dialogues, to adopt new ideas, trends, researches, and studies that serve the concept of a democratic cultural dialogue.
3. Attracting think-tanks, political analysts, and law makers in order to exchange ideas around the objective of creating a democratic cultural dialogue,  methods of implementing its final outcomes and disseminating its mechanisms on all levels.
4. Organizing events that include debates and discussions serving  cultural arts, thoughts, and literature that may support and strengthen the “ Culture of Dialogue” in order to implement it on all levels.
5. A special focus on the potentials of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was ratified by the international community and agreed upon concepts such as:” Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,” .This cannot be reached but throughout a mutual dialogue, understanding, and respecting the otherness.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Preparation of an educational and raising awareness program of democracy.
2. Cooperation with media and preparation for relevant educational material.
3. Organization of conferences, workshops, debates, and lectures in order to empower concepts of the democratic cultural dialogue and mechanisms of its implementation throughout word dissemination and actions.
4. Information exchange and cooperation with official identities, organizations, groups, and relevant local, Arabic, and global identities in order to reach objectives of this proposed project.
5. Conducting  relevant studies and researches in cooperation and coordination with universities and high institutes.
6. Cooperation with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Education ..ect. especially to implement art programs that may bridge the gaps among various cultural dialogues between “ our culture” and those of other nations.
7. Cooperation with Cultural Affairs of various embassies and with ewew
8- we carried on successful workshops of dialogues  and debates im few Jordanian schools, as well with Jordan Alf , Amman- where we carried on few effective debates in downtown Amman , where a large number og youths (girls and boys) joined in

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Quite a lot, cause we have been working on spreading the culture of democracy among citizens , raising awareness>
Through changing their stereo type way of thinking towards implementing more of the democratic values through respecting others within the same family, society , country and others all over the world by respecting diversities.
Building an initiative which is the foundation of  (PILLARS OF CULRURAL DIALGUE) will give a qualitative addition to general work of the network that  encourage building bridges among cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- to enlarge our scope of networking,
- being a member of a large net work will make us benefit of multi experiences in such a diversified field
- our work is going to spread on a wider scope, local, refonal and International.
- Achieve more goals through cooperation .
- We are keen on exchanging experiences that will help to broaden our scope of knowledge.
- we like to come face to face with different people, hear different languages , taste different foods , see different countries and therefore fill our sack of curiosities with all sorts of abroad and broad  goodies!!
What more   one wants
What more   anyone needs/!!!

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Nadia Hashem/Aloul
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Abdel Afo Aloul
Job Title (2)

Popular Aid for Relief and Development (PARD)

National Network

Furn El Chebbak, Jaloul Bldg., 1st floor

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Popular Aid for Relief & Development (PARD) is an independent grassroots organization working on environmental health, medical services and on raising awareness and empowerment among the Palestinian and Lebanese communities. The Popular Aid for Relief and Development (PARD) is currently working on local community empowerment, gender equality, human rights, local governance, reproductive health, environment, youth concerns, women concerns, and children education. PARD operates a network of clinics: Sabra, Beirut (established 1986), a mobile clinic (1987) for the unregistered gatherings in South Lebanon, Wasta Clinic (July 1994), the Kfar Badda Clinic (2004), and Shabriha clinic. In February 2000, PARD opened a Women’s Health Center in Sabra for displaced Palestinian refugees.PARD adheres itself to the Millennium Development Goals which include the following: Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education: by providing remedial lessons to students to combat illiteracy and school drop outs Promote gender equality and empowerment of women: through the formation of women's committees Reduce child mortality: through access to vaccinations Improve maternal health: through the mother and child health program Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases: through health education for prevention Environmental sustainability: by providing environmental health programs Developing a global partnership for development: through networking with local and international NGOs and UN agencies.
Mission and Objectives

The Popular Aid for Relief and Development is a non profit, grass-root; rights based NGO that aims to promote gender equality and the right of marginalized and vulnerable groups, especially in the Palestinian gatherings, to access social, health and environmental services. PARD does so by providing access to healthcare and environmental health services and by empowering women and youth to practice their rights and participate effectively within their communities. PARD also provides support and relief to people affected by disasters.

Main Projects / Activities

Strategy One: Public Health of the Community
Areas of focus (Entities): Mother & Child health care services, environmental health, health education, community participation, awareness, family planning, preventive and curative services and advice, peer education, access to clean water supply, monitoring water sources, disposal of solid waste, vector control, infrastructure development, environmental health hazards control, health consultations, advocacy, policies, biostatistics, nutrition, etc.
Enhance the life quality, reduce disease and promote better health conditions and practices among Palestinian refugees
Increase the life expectancy, reduce infant and child morality and decrease communicable diseases within the Palestinian refugee camps and gatherings
Improve the informed choices of the Palestinian communities and individuals towards health issues
Provide health care services to the refugees with a focus on mothers and children
Reduce the environmental health hazards in the Palestinian refugee camps and gatherings
Strategy Two: Environmental Health Services, Awareness and Trainings
The interventions of the Environmental Health Program are:
Water Supply: includes the following activities:
Maintenance of water network, wells and reservoirs
Water Network installations
Water control and testing
Training local water caretakers
Raising awareness on water issues
Pumping out wastewater, cleaning manholes, maintenance of waste water network
Solid waste management: this project includes the following activities:
Regular solid waste collection at the household level. About 13990 m3 (4941 tons) of domestic wastes were collected from Shatila camp in Beirut and 3055 m3 (1079 tons) from eight south gatherings near Tyre.
Cleaning of public zones
Strategy Three: Emergency Relief
The volatile situation in Syria has led to an increase in the number of Palestine refugees fleeing to Lebanon, now approximately 57,000 individuals (7 June 2013). In Lebanon, Palestine refugees from Syria are dispersed in Saida (30 per cent), northern Lebanon (15 per cent), Beqa’a (23 per cent), central Lebanon Area (17 per cent) and Tyre (15 per cent). Especially since Yarmouk camp, Syria’s biggest Palestinian refugee camp, became battle ground for the two groups in December 2012, there has been a large increase in Palestinians fleeing Syria. So far, Palestine refugees, and the PLO, have taken a neutral political stance and are not partaking in the fighting.
PARD decided to get involved in the relief operation for those refugee families in July 2012. At the beginning, PARD took the following actions:
The team of PARD conducted a new rapid needs assessment to define the basic needs of those families.
The team of PARD visited all the refugees in the targeted areas (Beirut & the South) for new statistics regularly.
The team of PARD contacted certain donors to obtain support for implementing relief projects for the welfare of the targeted refugees.
The beneficiaries stated their problems and numerated their needs which were recorded in the needs assessment report. The priority needs requested by the people included:
-          Primary health care (through clinics and first aid services)
-          Food items support
-          Non food items support
-          WASH activities and Health Education (on health subjects related to personal and general hygiene, scabies, head lice, water pollution, food preservation, measles, breastfeeding, and nutrition)
-          Shelter rehabilitation and building
In Beirut, PARD targeted 70 children (aged 4 to 6 years) through establishing a kindergarten for them.
This kindergarten is divided into 3 grades (KG1 for 4 years, KG2 for 5 years, KG3 for 6 years).
A team of 3 teachers, 3 teacher assistants, 1 coordinator,
1 psychosocial assistant, and a cleaning lady operate this KG.
The KG started in October 2012 till June 2013.
In July- August 2013, the same children joined
summer activities organized by PARD. The same
project restarted in September 2013 and will continue
until June 2014.
In addition to the activities in the KG, 65 children aged
from 7 till 12 years attended education support and
extra curriculum activities 5 days per week in the afternoons.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PARD has the capacity to implement community projects within the vulnerable Lebanese and Palestinian communities in Beirut and South Lebanon. We do have a track record of implementing large scale projects in collaboration with UN agencies, international NGOs, governmental and non governmental bodies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PARD do consider the network as a platform for more cooporation and partnership between various community minded entities. Such opportunity needs to be utilised constructively.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rita Hamdan
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Ms. Rita Hamdan
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Rashid El Mansi
Job Title (2)
Programme Coordinator


National Network

11 Rue Gabriel PERI
83110 SANARY

01 40 03 04 58
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
06 08 52 06 05
Mobile Phone (other)
06 87 90 18 47
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Le Festival PHOTOMED est le festival de la photographie Méditerranéenne. Son ambition est de mettre en exergue à travers le langage universel de la photographie les valeurs que nous partageons entre Méditerranéens, au delà de nos différences. La ligne éditoriale est la photographie Méditerranéenne pour lequel soit le sujet soit l'auteur doit être Méditerranéen, présentant des sujets artistiques non documentaires, éloignés des clichés du rêve Méditerranéen (les vacances des Européens) ou du drame (Guerres, mgratiions ...) Chaque année le festival, sis à Sanary et Toulon, invite un pays différent, soit dans l'ordre chronologique: Turquie, Maroc, Liban, Italie, Espagne et en 2016 Tunisie. Le festival est ensuite organisé dans le pays partenaire. Depuis 3 ans, il existe avec succès à Beyrouth. Les dirigeants du festival sont très expérimentés et depuis longtemps dans le mileu de la photographie couvrant les champs artistiques, medias et entreprises ainsi que l'organisation d'evénéments..
Mission and Objectives

Association loi de 1901. Pas de permanent mais 3 pôles: Artistique, Commercial, Organisation.
Budget 300 000 € dont :
- 50 % de fonds publics: Drac, Région PACA, DAC Département 83, Hotel des Arts, Communauté d'Agglo Sud Ste Baume et ville de Sanary.
- Partenaires privés: Iles Paul Ricard, Papiers Canson, Labo Central-Dupon, Panasonic, France Bleu ... selon année
Contenu du festival: Expositions Indoor et outdoor, revues de portfolios, workshops, animations, visites scolaires ...

Main Projects / Activities

Contenu du festival: Expositions indoor et outdoor, revues de portfolios, workshops, animations, visites scolaires ...
Selon thème et année: Projections, conférences ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Acceuil de jeunes talents des pays du Sud pour des résidences photo, expositions, soutien au développement de carrière, ventes de tirages, éditions de livres .. 
En 2013, nous avons lancé Arslane BESTAOUI, jeune photographe de Tlemcen (Algérie), Ana Cabrera et Angel Albarran, catalans devenus depuis des auteurs reconnus jsuqu'au Japon, Serge Najjar et Karim Sakr, photographes libanais, Jean-Baptiste Sénegas , photographe de portraits et nature morte en ambrotypes, qui par ailleurs joue un rôle majeur dans la sauvegarde des tortues mariens et du soutien aux jeunes enfanst cancéreux.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous ssommes au coeur des problématiques Méditerranéennes et voulons continuer d'implanter le festival dans tous les pays de la Med poru faire voyager auterus et expositions tout au long de l'année. Cette ambition internationale requiert à la fois un réseua relationenl solide et fiable mas également dees moyens poru pouvoir renforce rls trasture avec une équipe permanenente.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Directrice administrative
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Philippe SERENON
Job Title (2)
Fondateur - Directeur artistique

centro universitario teatrale

National Network

via ruggero manna 28
34134 trieste

0039 0402602442
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
CUT is a cultural association which, from 1987 tries to promote theater culture in the territory, starting from rising awareness in the youngest once. To do so, it organizes annual theater courses held in the last five years from many national and international directors, plays, conferences, short intensive workshops with experts coming from all over the world, and from 2014 TACT Festival, first international theatre festival under 35 of Friuli Venezia Giulia region.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the association is to create a "space" for live theater activities through the testing of its languages, according to a contemporary vision also opened to discussion and debate, and then to generate a deep and not trivial aggregation. The CUT allows everyone to get closer to understand and discover the theater world, with commitment, professionalism and fun.

Main Projects / Activities

- Each year theatre courses for student on 3 level
- Each year about 10 workshop with international artist
- Conference and Seminar about theatre
- Each year TACT Festival, international theatre festival under 35
- CUT is member of Young European Theatre Network (Rencontres du Jeune Théâtre Européen)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For the ALF Network we can became a cultural center on the east europe, in fact Trieste is a city on the border  beetwen Italy , Slovenia , Croazia
Morevorer our experience on building network can be usefull also for other ALF members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nowdays in Italy is really hard to survive for cultural organization like us, with ALF subscription we hope to find some found to go on on our activities and future project.
Morever we hope to extend our international network and so to find some new cultural partner to work with.

Contact (1) Full Name
marco palazzoni
Job Title
Head of the organisation
marco palazzoni
Contact (2) Full Name
annalisa dalla mora
Job Title (2)

Department Migration and Globalization, Danube University Krems

National Network

Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 30
3500 Krems

+43 2732 893 2416
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Religion
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Department Migration and Globalization is engaged in research and teachon with focus on migration and integration. Research Topics include: Labour Market Policy and Security Education, Youth and Gender Culture and Religion Teaching focuses on continous education for professional, core courses are: Migration Management Intercultural Competences Interrelgous Dialogue
Mission and Objectives

Research and Teaching

Main Projects / Activities

Plesae see our web site

Contact (1) Full Name
Gudrun Biffl
Job Title
Head od Department
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Biffl
Contact (2) Full Name
Friedrich Altenburg
Job Title (2)
Deputy Head of Department