
National Network

Vaasantie 11
60100 Seinäjoki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Rytmi-Instituutti is a non-profit NGO. We work diversely towards enhancing status of popular music in Finland. For example we provide music and music business education via live training and our online guide and do research and developing work. Rytmi-Instituutti is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and our turnover is ca. 240 000 €. We are an association-based organisation located in Seinäjoki, Western Finland. We have three full-time workers and an 8-member board. Our main partners are all part of Seinäjoki-based "rhythm music network". The network consist of local educational institutions, live music operators, cultural centres and event facilities.
Mission and Objectives

Rytmi-Instituutti furthers the field of popular music by offering education, guidance and research. Our object is to pave the rocky roads of the music business, offer further education, knowledge and skills to operate in different corners the field of popular music.

Main Projects / Activities

We maintain the internet web site called "Rytmimanuaali". It is an online guide for artists, bands and other agents of the music business. It consists of articles by and interviews of music business professionals. Topics range from composing and producing to performing and promotion. Rytmimanuaali also includes a modified business plan – MATSI – suitable for popular music artists.
We also offer training and courses covering the wide range of music and music business topics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Satu-Maarit Veikkola
Head of the organisation
Satu-Maarit Veikkola


National Network

Holländareplatsen 8
41501 Göteborg

+46 70 6958004
Mobile Phone
+46 70 6958004
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Waytogo was founded in early 2015. Main focus is social projects concerning integration/inclusion of marginalized children. At this point we are four in the board. Each project we work on includes other paticipants and organizations, that are not members of Waytogo, like Sandarna BK, Utbynäs SK and others. Our organization is new and our funding is still not certain. The budget that we stive for will cover one employee and overhead in the projects 2015-16. We are applying for funds from Göteborgs Stad, Allmänna Arvsfonden, Skandia Idéer för livet and others. Waytogo has initiated several projects: – Arranging open soccer practice for unaccompanied refugee children. – Arranging for collaboration among the soccer teams in Gothenburg to help the unaccompanied refugee children in the city. – Arranging lectures that unaccompanied refugee children are giving at schools. – Writing a method manual: how to work with unaccompanied children, for the the swedish community life/third sector activities.
Mission and Objectives

Main missions:
All children:
-should have the same opportunity to feel secure, joy and a have fellowship in their lives.
-should have the same opportunity to get educated
-sholud have the same opportunity to find their place in society, where they can contribute.
Main Objectives:
We shall
-work for the integration/inclusion of marginalized children.
-work for the empowerment of children to become leaders in their own lives
-work to give children the kind of support they need to overcome their difficulties, to feel secure, find fellowship and to thrive in their lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Our biggest project  at this time is writing a method manual on how to work with unaccompanied refugee children, for the the swedish community life/third sector activities.
We are collecting the experiences of sports clubs as well as the boy/girlscouts and any other activity that has made experiences in working with unaccomapnied refugee children. The main focus is to empower the very well extended swedish network of after-school-activities. We firmly belives that this is one of the key solutions to the current situation in our society. The target group is very resilliant but also sensitive. To have engaged adults in a youths life can make all the difference. It can save the individual from exclusion of society and in some cases tragic outcomes and also save society the money every child in exclusion is costing.
The first step contains gathering of experiences and writing them down into the method manual. We have both depth and width in the manual. Some of the sports team coaches work with unaccompanied refugee children professionally and have deep knowledge in the matter. And we have found several societies and sports teams that have worked successfully with this gruop for several years.
The second step will be spreading the method manual and educating the educators (SISU, who is the organisation in charge of educating the swedish community life).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Waytogo wants to contribute to the network through, amomg other things, the work concerning unaccompanied refugee children. As we see it, Sweden can set an example in working with the target group in the community life/third sector activities, since we have a very well developed network. And in this we can build experience and share this experience with the world and the ALF-network.
In Sweden we have built a network of those working with all kinds of subject matters concerning unaccomapnied refugee children. This network and the knoledge it contains can we connect with the members of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network to build our knowledge in the international arena and to extend our network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Vestbrant
Job Title
Chairman, project leader
Head of the organisation
Johanna Vestbrant

The Clinical Educational Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (The CLE Center)

National Network

The Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University
Mount Scopus
Jerusalem 91905

Fax: 02-5882544
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The CLE Center is run by an Academic Director and Executive Director overseeing 12 legal clinical staff and 120 students that are enrolled in the program. Budgetary resources available in a year: The CLE Center’s annual budget is 540,777 USD. Sources of funding: The CLE Center is supported by several foundations and private donors in Israel and abroad. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc): The CLE Center offers free legal aid to disadvantaged individuals and groups and promotes policy change in human right's matters. Our students engage in practical legal work and attend weekly classes, forums and workshops that provide them with the legal tools essential for effectively performing their pro bono activities. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Civil society organizations that promote human rights, peace, justice and equality; Academic institutes and Law Programs that advance similar work, governmental agencies and relevant Ministries.
Mission and Objectives

The Clinical Legal Education Center (CLE) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is a legal educational program that offers free legal services to marginalized population in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. The CLE Center is premised on the principle of the law as not simply a means to resolving disputes but a public ‘commodity’ that can be used for social change and made accessible and available to everyone. Our work successfully integrates community–based lawyering, legal aid and policy reform activities with high standard academic programing that yield socially-committed law students that later become legal professionals and influential stakeholders in related fields throughout Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

The CLE Center runs 10 legal clinics that specialize in the following fields:
1. The International Human Rights Clinics: works to promote and apply international human rights law within Israeli law.
2. The Criminal Justice Clinic: provides legal assistance, free of charge, to individuals involved in all stages of their criminal proceedings — from time of arrest through indictment, trial, appeal and retrial.
3. The Representation of Marginalized Populations Clinic: Community lawyering that provides legal aid, legal consulting and representation, free of charge, to people of the marginalized and social-economic periphery societies of Jerusalem.
4. The Community and Social Economic Clinic: offers legal assistance and guidance to small business owners and entrepreneurs in society’s disadvantaged or marginalized groups
5. The Rights of People with Disability Clinic: aims to promote the integration of people with disabilities into society by advocating policy change, particularly through the implementation of legal rights in employment and education.
6. The Innocence Project - The Wrongful Convictions Clinic: Works to provide more accessible and practical retrial opportunities by assisting convicted individuals in need of legal expertise and access to justice and due process.
7. The Children and Youth Rights Clinic: provides legal aid and knowledge regarding the law and the legal system to Israel’s children and youth through the process of empowerment and legal representation.
8. The Women’s Rights at Work Clinic: promotes and protects the rights of society’s working women in the ethnic/national/religious/socio-economic margins,
9. The Financial Market for Social Outcomes Clinic: assists entrepreneurs and investors in devising innovative models for enabling social enterprises to raise capital in a manner in which entrepreneurs can pursue their social goals
10. The Multiculturalism and Diversity Clinic: students come with various perspectives including future lawyers, psychologists, journalists, sociologists and anthropologists, are coming together to explore the loaded and intriguing intersections among the various cultural groups composing the Israeli mosaic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The CLE Center currently serves as the largest pro bono office in Jerusalem. We have considerable experience in leveraging the law to protect the rights of diverse and marginalized populations in Jerusalem. As such, we believe we bring forth valuable experience and knowledge in promoting social and policy change by combining legal channels with advocacy work, setting legal precedents and empowering underserved populations to gain access and improved status under the law. Further, we instrumentally leverage the academic work at the Faculty of Law to cultivate the next generation of lawyers in Israel that are committed to social change and increasing access to the legal system for all members of Israeli society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network in order to expand our network and potential partners aiming to increase the scope and impact of our work, share knowledge and capacity and avoid duplication of services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adv. Tammy Katsabian
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Einat Albin

Visualizing Impact (VI)

National Network

Jisr El Wati, street 90, Bldg. 110, 1st floor

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Visualizing Impact (VI) is a laboratory for innovation at the intersection of data science, technology, and design. VI creates impactful tools highlighting critical social issues around the world. VI's main office is in Beirut, Lebanon, and employs 10 full time staff across several countries, as well as several rolling internship positions. Funding is secured through grants, commissions, and individual donations. Partners include Polypod, Mada Masr, Adalah and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, amongst other organizations and individuals. VI utilizes principles of data visualization, primarily with infographics, but also creates motion graphics, animations, and billboards; these projects are structured within separate portfolios highlighting different regions and social issues. VI’s budgetary resources available yearly stand at $320,000.  
Mission and Objectives

Social impact through data science and imagination. 

Main Projects / Activities

Visualizing Impact's ongoing main projects include Visualizing Palestine and Visualizing Egypt. The activities associated with these projects are principally data and story driven infographics. Further projects include onlinecensorship.ca, Palestine Museum and a series of Awareness Campaign Tools (ACT) targeting mainstream audiences and perspectives within public settings, slated for launch in 2016.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Visualizing Impact is an example of a positive networker. Lasting partnerships, collaborations and supportive roles continue to stretch across dozens of geographies that benefit both VI and those within that network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To capitalize upon Annah Lindh's substantial network in an effort to further grow VI's web of like-minded change makers. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Jessica Anderson
Job Title
Impact and Partnership Lead
Head of the organisation
Ms. Joumana Al-Jabri
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Kelsey Gallagher
Job Title (2)
Impact and Partnership Strategist

IG Alpbach Romania (IGAR)

National Network

Vasile Lascar nr.100
020506 Bucharest

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Initiative Group Alpbach Romania’ has been founded in 2013 by a group of students and young professionals. Its main goal is to facilitate, through scholarships, the participation of young Romanians in the annual conference organized by the European Forum Alpbach in Alpbach, Austria in the period from the middle of August to beginning of September of each year.    
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the ‘Initiative Group Alpbach Romania’:
    To promote EFA in Romania, on the basis of equity, tolerance and spreading of new ideas.
    To make EFA’s values and principles known to Romanian citizens.
    To offer scholarships to young Romanians in order to enable their participation in the annual events taking place at the European Forum Alpbach and their encounter with outstanding personalities from across the world.
    To enable the youth to benefit from the multicultural environment offered by the EFA and encourage the exchange of youth’s opinions (ideas) and projects in fields such as economics, politics, health, natural and life sciences, arts, humanities and social sciences and European studies.
    To inform students and graduates about opportunities of professional development in an international framework.
    To encourage cooperation at an educational level between Romania and other European countries.
    To promote and encourage dialogue among young people on topics of European relevance.
The EFA Network is spread throughout Europe, by the Initiative Groups and Clubs founded by former scholarship holders.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activity:
- send scholarship holders to the Forum each year
- participate and organise events during the Forum in Austria ( e.g Romanian cultural night, fireside talks)
Other activities:
- organise local projects and events that promote education, culture, arts and european debates

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to see how our members can get involved in the network, we are active, always look out for new challenges and way to learn and enhance our intercultural experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of this amazing network as one of our main goals is also to improve communication between cultures and to support civil society. We have projects on education, arts and culture, and we are part of a network that starts in Austria and spreads across Europe.
We are very much looking forward to your answer and we are available for further details.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olivia Ioana Dejeu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Olivia Dejeu

The Palestinian Heritage Trail

National Network

Beit Sahour
Istih Street
Beit Sahour
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Masar Ibrahim Al-Khalil: The Masar Ibrahim al Khalil (Abraham’s Path) is a route of cultural tourism which follows the footsteps of Abraham through the Middle East. The story of Abraham’s journey, which has been kept alive for around four thousand years in the landscape and memory of this region, records the origin of a spiritual tradition shared by more than three billion people in the world today. By retracing this journey, Masar Ibrahim al Khalil provides a place of meeting and connection for people of all faiths and cultures, inviting us to remember our common origins, to respect our cultural differences, and to recognize our shared humanity. The path also serves as a catalyst for sustainable tourism and economic development; a platform for the energy and idealism of young people; and a focus for positive media highlighting the rich culture and hospitable people of the Middle East. The Masar Ibrahim al Khalil (Abraham's Path) runs from the Mediterranean olive groves of the highlands of the north to the silence of the deserts in the south, from the area west of Jenin to the area south of the Sanctuary of Abraham (known in Arabic as Al-Haram Al-Ibrahimi) in the city of (Hebron). But this is more than just a hiking trail. It is a path that leads deep into the memory and heritage of the Palestinian people, inviting you to discover for yourself the family life of the villages, the proud ways of the Bedouin, and the age-old traditions of hospitality that lie at the heart of Palestinian life. Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil (MIAK) is a non-profit community-based tourism initiative to delineate, and develop Masar Ibrahim (Abraham Path) in and around the different Palestinian localities. The organization endorses cultural diversity and exchange, safeguards tradition and heritage, inspires storytelling and encourages friendships based on the advancement of human values and the preservation of the surrounding environment and the people’s needs for further growth and education. MIAK works closely and jointly with the local communities to cultivate their resources, capacities and the opportunity for a better life. Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil brings together the efforts, work and achievements of three organizations working in unison with a close partnership with Bethlehem University: • The Palestine Wildlife Society • The Rozana Association • The Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies   Staff Number : 10

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Vibrant Palestinian communities in a sustainable environment for an enticing experience of Palestine’s cultural history along Masar Ibrahim Al-Khalil. Mission: Developing and promoting community-based tourism through Masar Ibrahim Al-Khalil.

Main Projects / Activities

World Bank Project Investment in People and Institutions: The World Bank project concerns the building of the capacity and the transfer of knowledge to the major local stakeholders of the trail. These include MIAK, trekking guides, community hosts, (local) government institutions and private sector operators such as tour operators. Path Development: This part concerns the field work, and the research on the physical trail and the development of soft infrastructure online and in trail communities. Marketing, Business Development, and Communication: This part concerns activities that bring the marketing/branding of the trail to the next level and allow the presently small base of private sector involvement to expand. It also includes dedicated communication products (print, photo, website and film) for the trail, as well as project promotion. Action Research: This section concerns the collection of data for project monitoring and evaluation purposes and further research on experiential tourism in FCS settings. French Project Investment in People and Institutions: The French Project concerns reaching out to local authorities and building partnerships with them. The project contributes to the renovation of home-stays, and the training of all the individuals that are part of the home-stays in terms of Hospitality training, English Language training, sewing and embroidery training, improving the promotion of the agricultural products, and the marketing and pancaking of these products. Path Development: This section concerns the coordination with local authorities regarding installing the panels and the validation of them, finalizing the technical expertise regarding the accommodations and signing the accommodations agreement and the convention between Masar Ibrahim and the local authorities regarding the maintenance of the path’s marking. Action Research: This part concerns analyzing the possibilities of enhancing and transforming the agricultural production, in addition to analyzing the expectations and the satisfaction of the customers.

Contact (1) Full Name
George S. Rishmawi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
George S. Rishmawi
Contact (2) Full Name
Elias Awad
Job Title (2)
Operation Manager

NWRC Company for Researches and Studies

National Network

5 Youssef Idris st., Fardoos Buildings, Mohandseen, Giza, Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
NWRC Company was established in March 2003. It was founded by a number of women activists in women’s rights issues. The main aim of work of the company was to subcontract with individuals and/or organizations to conduct research/ translations/ training projects that aim to create feminist discourse and to disseminate it to intermediate organizations working with women. All the activities are disseminated all over Egypt governorates to wider circles of women through round table discussions, seminars, dissemination of research papers and conducting trainings. The main target groups of the company’s activities are Women, Youth (including males and females), Women’s organizations, Political parties, Trade unions, Media organizations and Media professionals.
Mission and Objectives

• Defend women’s rights in all their forms.
• Support, promote and enhance women’s social movements that express and defend women’s various issues.
• Oppose the patriarchal and masculine culture and challenge taboos in regard to women’s issues.
• Enhance feminist dialogue on political, economic and cultural issues within the Egyptian context.
• Contribute to changing the policies that negatively affect the status of women in society whether in the public or private sphere.
• Promote and support marginalized women who suffer the impact of different policies, in order to support their capacity to self-expression and claiming their rights.
• Contribute to the development of an organized feminist movement in Egypt, able to achieve progress in social, economic and political rights of women.
• Strengthen mechanisms of democracy and building civil society through the full participation of marginalized and disadvantaged groups in society.

Main Projects / Activities

NWRC activities are mainly distributed over four main programs;
1) Youth program, which aims to organize young men and women to address social and economic issues from a feminist perspective; through mobilizing them to defend women's issues in different governorates (Suez, Port Said, Ismailia, Al-Minya, Kafr El-Sheikh, Mansoura, Cairo). This is being implemented by holding regular meetings of young men and women to discuss women's issues, and planning for campaigns that address priority issues in three governorates participating in the program, namely, (Port Said, Al-Minya, Al-Dakahlia)
2) Political Participation Program; which deals with two focuses:
o The first focus: Promoting women’s participation in the localities which aims to build a local feminist cadre to support women candidates in local councils on one side, and forming groups to monitor and ensure popular control over these councils and how local issues are being dealt with from a gender perspective, on the other side.
o The second focus: The legislative amendments and activation of the Constitution in the production of legislation to adopt a legislative agenda concerned with women's issues in parliament. This is being implemented through capacity-building of women candidates for parliament, to develop electoral program concerned with the legislative issues of women.
3) Women and Work Program: Working with women workers to detect forms of wage discrimination they are subjected to, and contribute to launching alternative policies to achieve equality in wages between male and female workers in both the public and private sector. This is being implemented through two main focuses:
o Building awareness of female workers of their social and economic rights, and the relation of the social system with the ruling patriarchal system.
o The production of research papers that propose alternative policies for the current policies based on the experiences of countries that were able to eliminate gender gap in wages. This is being implemented through art workshops.
4) Media and Gender Program: This program aims to build the capacity of media professionals to address media issues from a gender perspective. Media professionals have been trained on a special gender media guide "Where are the women".  A follow-up process is implemented to ensure their ability to address social and economic issues from gender perspective.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing information, creating coalitions with other organizations for joint action

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share information, and create coalitions with other organizations for joint action

Contact (1) Full Name
Hoda Nour
Job Title
International Relations Officer
Head of the organisation
Board of Consultants

International Deveolpment Institute ( Branch )

National Network

13181 Zarqa

962 0777994015
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
International Development Institute( Branch) is branch of Intenational deveolpment Institute which is charity, local and regional authority, and research institute at Jordan in the fields of social sciences and modern and classical languages.      
Mission and Objectives

International Development Institute fuctions at local, national and international development , It also have very good ties with national and international institutions and associations of development , Education , Health and International Relations.It is also wiling to join the world federtion of United Nations Association shortly after

Main Projects / Activities

Studying Aramaic language project 
European modern and classical languages studying
Local community development
Consultations national and international
Facilitating development projects localy and regionaly
International Collaboration to assist humanitarian support
   Aims at srengthening Solidarity, Justice and Security
localy and internationaly

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasmin Al-Shaishani
Head of the organisation
Hilary Adams

Association « LE DEFI » pour enfants inadaptés mentaux des deux dairates Seddouk – Beni Maouche

National Network

Rue des 07 Martyrs ex.CaserneSEDDOUK
06011 seddouk

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Le DEFI Seddouk et Beni Maouche est une association sociale, créée (en 2006) dans le but de ré-pondre à un besoin pressant en ma-tière de prise en charge globale des difficultés des enfants inadaptés mentaux dans notre région. Par humanisme et par sens de responsabilité, son champ d’action s’est élargi aux autres types de handi-caps et aux personnes en situation de précarité et de détresse, notamment les personnes âgées  

Mission and Objectives

 Recensement et dépistage de la personne en situation d’handicap  Amélioration des conditions de vie de la PSH – prise en charge de l’orientation scolaire  Ecoute, soutient et assistance psychologique de la PSH assurés par une cellule d’écoute (psychologue orthophoniste) et mise en place de deux cellules d’accompagnement (éducation inclusive, formation et emploi).  Soutien moral et  matériel (attribution de fauteuils roulants, dons en nature, caravanes de solidarité et de sensibilisation…etc.)  Organisation de séminaires et de journées de sensibilisation sur différentes théma-tiques concernant  handicap.  Célébration de la journée nationale et internationale des PSH  Partenariat avec différentes organisations nationales et internationales dans la mise en place de projets  

Main Projects / Activities

 Domaine d’intervention  Soutien social : accompagnement des familles en difficultés sociales  Soutien matériel : le matériel orthopédique (fauteuils roulants, béquilles, couches…)  Accès à l’éducation : accompagnement scolaire des enfants en situation de handicap.  Accès à la formation : accompagnement des PSH à la formation  Accès à l’emploi : accompagnement des PSH à l’emploi et la création de leurs micros entreprises. Parallèlement aux activités ordinaires, l’association organise fréquemment des cara-vanes médico-sociales ainsi que des sorties pédagogiques   et touristiques au profit des Personnes en Situation de Handicap (PSH).  -Les objectifs de l’association  Mise en place des structures de prise en charge de l’enfant en situation de handicap   Création d’un centre médio -psychologique   Création d’un centre d’aide par le travail(CAT) et de Fermes pédagogique et thérapeutique D’une manière générale, on peut dire que notre association « Le défi » inspire ses objectif et missions   du Décret présidentiel n09-188 du 17 Joumada El Oula 1430 correspondant au 12 mai 2009 portant ratification de la convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées, (CRPD – adoptée en décembre 2006) notamment l’article 01 à partir duquel on peut déduire cinq missions : A. Informer les personnes handicapées. B. Orienter et accueillir les personnes handicapées, (évaluer leurs besoins, élaborer des projets, formuler des demandes pertinentes par rapport à leurs besoins). C. Traiter les demandes introduites par/pour les personnes handicapées. D. Assurer le suivi des décisions prises (suivi administratif et suivi « pédagogique »). E. Développer des partenariats en vue de l'intégration des personnes handicapées

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mettre à la disposition de nos partenaires notre savoir-faire et notre experiencedans le domaine de          -la gestion administrative et financière d'une association à caractère humanitaire.          - la prise en charge des multiples besoins des personnes en situation  de handicap.          -l'insertion profesinnelle  des (psh).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Echanger les experiences dans la conception et réalisation  des  projets. Accompagnement à la concrétisation de nos projets.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kebbiche Aissa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
kebbiche aissa
Contact (2) Full Name
Fekroune Malek
Job Title (2)
Chargé de l'administration.

Karim Ouallen

National Network

Apteekkarinkatu 10 A 30
00790 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
Born in 1975, Bachelor degree ,living in Finland since 2000.  
Mission and Objectives

Cultural Relations
I'm very outgoing person and I enjoy knowing different people, I'm always ready to learn new things and I internalize those quickly . I liketo take responsibility in my work and Iam spontanious.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural relations

Contact (1) Full Name
Karim Ouallen
Head of the organisation
Karim Ouallen