European Foundation for Philanthropy and Society Development

National Network

Dedići 83
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 6458 949
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Foundation has a Director and one full-time employed staff member. The management of the Foundation is elaborated in more detail in the Statute of the Foundation. The management bodies of the Foundation are the Management Board and the Director of the Foundation. Financing of the Foundation and its activities is through: Financing the core activity through national and international programmes, especially through the development cooperation in Croatia and the Transnational Giving Europe programme; Grants for projects financed from specialized programmes and structural funds of the European Union related to the development of philanthropy and social innovations; Income for services of support to the establishment and implementation of all forms of individual philanthropy and foundations; Share in the management and implementation of innovative models of financing philanthropic social activities and those for the common good (online donations, inclusive models of joint co-financing of local communities, development and society development etc.); Income from participants in education and training programmes organized by the Foundation;  Financing by the profit sector through programmes of corporate social responsibility; Academic and other professional in-kind support; Grants by interested international foundations, funds, national authorities. The European Foundation has annual budget of 200.000 EUR. Partners: National Foundation for Civil Society Development - Croatia, European Foundation Centre (EFC), Fondacija Most (BiH), Transnational Giving Europe, Ariadne – European Founders for Social Change and Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the European Foundation is for it to become an institutionalized European and international centre of excellence for the development of individual philanthropy and foundations, as well as a resource centre and the place where one can obtain all of the information and professional documentation on philanthropy, social innovations and society development, and a place for public discussions on the key issues and directions of society development based on philanthropy, social innovations and responsible governance.  Objectives: Professional and financial support to the development of individual philanthropy and foundations in the Republic of Croatia; Participation in the creation of an enabling environment for the development of philanthropy and the culture of giving for the common good; Development of and support to social innovations by enabling the generation of new solutions in meeting and responding to the needs of local communities, and monitoring the implementation of those new solutions with the aim of their potential implementation in other communities; Enabling cross-sector links in the development of philanthropy and social innovations through efficient partnership models developed in European countries; Fostering cross-border financing, cooperation and exchange of knowledge, models and skills, as well as regional cooperation on the topics of the development of philanthropy and social innovations, with special emphasis on the empowerment of philanthropists and foundations in their activities for the common good.

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion and public advocacy of philanthropy and foundations according to the standards of the European Union and the European Foundation Centre from Brussels; Informing and providing support to interested individuals with regard to the development of individual philanthropy and foundations; Education and training programmes for the representatives of foundations from the Republic of Croatia and the countries of Southeast Europe which will be implemented continuously in cooperation with international and national partner organizations; Financing of joint programmes related to the development of philanthropy and social innovations through EU structural funds and other international sources; Collection and allocation of financial resources through the implementation of innovative models of activities for the common good, such as online donations on the global level and other inclusive models focused on the development of local communities, in cooperation with specialized international organizations and charity lotteries; Organization of public discussions on the topics of the development of philanthropy, social innovations and society development; Specialized and interdisciplinary research; Technical assistance and consultations; Publishing.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By promoting philanthropic activities, through crossborder cooperation, by initializing programmes  for young people in terms of raising a new generation of socially-conscious citizens and venture philanthropists, by promoting possibilities to establish personal funds with the purpose of facilitating different programmes focusing on the development of a better and just society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is important to be a part of a network which strives to make a difference in the society. Only through joint efforts and cooperation can we achieve satisfactory results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Smiljana Rađa
Head of the organisation
Ms Smiljana Radja

Tiflet Young Leaders Network

National Network

263 Lotissement Dalia
15400 Tiflet

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
structure of the organization: 11 Executive Board members / 20 committee coordinators / 150 members / 40 friends of the association, less than 15 years and different media partners  Budgetary resources available in a year: Membership fees, grants Sources of funding: mempership fees, grants  Modalities of action : social actions, leadership workshops, orientation panels, concrete , seminars,  Main partners involved in the organization: local and national organizations, student clubs, and media partners
Mission and Objectives

Create a platform for exchange and discussion between youth

Consolidating of the socio-cultural development of our city and its regions

Encourage young people to participate in public life and civil society

Animate public life of the city by organizing activities that affect all areas

Develop the culture of volunteering and voluntary work and encouraging the participatory approach

Unite the different talents of the city to ensure their collaboration for the common good

organize an international project of local importance rooted in the region. That is why we have developed a traveling biennial to be held in different cities of the region. 

To tackle and reflect on contemporary social issues through multidisciplinary cultural approach.

To create a flexible and a sustainable model of culture exchange and mobility between cultural workers: artists and theoreticians 

Main Projects / Activities

In only 3 months, we have already organized :

Orientation panel for high school students, in order to help them chose their futur field of studies

Moroccan forum for high education

volunteering action such as: #Men_He9i_Ne9ra (I have the right to study), humanitarian aid to orphans and pupils from poor families, a large collection of school supplies (more than 100 school bags)

redevelopment of public spaces: trying to give them an artistic touch

workshops on human right and leadership skills provided by the World Youth Alliance

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we represent an active group of young people and intellectuals, a true human potential that can work without stop to realize its objectives, and we think that we can add a value to the national network because we have different backrouds which makes it easy to work in different field and cooperate nd exchange with different actors, which can be considered as on of the main objectifs of the ALF objectives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that ALF Network gather a huge number of organization with whom we can exchange and cooprate, besides, it encourages cultural mobility between euromed youth which goes with our perspectives to be open to other socities and organizations 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of TYLN and research assistant
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
azelarab Hilmi
Job Title (2)

Academia de Música de Lagos

National Network

Rua Dr. José Cabrita - Rossio de S. João
8601-905 Lagos

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The "Academia de Música de Lagos" (AML) is a Non-Profit Public Utility Association, with facilities in four municipalities of Western Algarve: Lagos, Portimão, Lagoa and Loulé. It celebrates annually Sponsorship Contracts with the Ministry of Education, Programme Contracts with the referred municipalities and also with the Directorate General for the Arts/ Secretary of State for Culture of Portugal, having received several medals of recognition for its work, including Manifest of Cultural Interest by the Ministry of Culture since 1989 and Superior Cultural Interest in 2006. Having built an universe of more than 1000 students and 70 teachers, it is today the biggest music school in the south of the country.  The AML is also very much acquainted and driven by International Project Partnerships. In September 2012, the AML won the application for the 2013-2016 Art Supports Programme from the Directorate General for the Arts/ Secretary of State for Culture of Portugal, standing out as a leader organiser in the whole South of Portugal. It has also developed several European partnerships, including an INTERREG Project (2007). It has recently won "Tales from The Sea", Cultural Footprint | Arts and Education – First Steps, under an EEA Grant funded Programme (April 2015-February 2016);  the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation / Cultural Footprint - Arts and Education with Haugesund Kulturschole and Grieg’s Academy Bergen  (March 2014), reaching second place for the final project. It is also at the verge of acceptance of a Erasmus Plus Guitar Orchestra exchange with Escuela Fundacion Solidaridad (Granada, Spain) . AML has also developed a Comenius Bilateral partnership Project (in reserve list) with the "Conservatorio Profesional de Musica Cristobal de Morales" from Seville : "Al'Gharb-Al'Andaluz: Musical Heritage of the South-West Iberian Peninsula" project. The AML helds also Cooperation Agreements (hosting professional internships) with National Schools and Higher Music Education Institutions, including some international liaisons eg Royal Conservatory in The Hague (The Netherlands) and National Conservatoire in Tbilisi (Georgia).
Mission and Objectives

One of the main cultural goals of the Institution is the entwined path between arts and education, mainly music education with a varied set of instruments teaching, in classic and early music fields, towards an age spectrum up to 18 years old and with a minor representation in adult education. 
The main cultural drive is the valorization of the National and Regional Artistic production, through commissioning several works to Portuguese Composers, mainly: Bernardo Sassetti, Tiago Cutileiro, Pedro Louzeiro, Nuno Rodrigues, Armando Mota, Joaquim Galvão. The strongest concept in these music commissions is the enhancement and promotion of the Algarve's intangible heritage, through the orchestration of traditional pieces in an erudite way, e.g. "Concerto em Dó" for Piano and Orchestra, inspired by the regional theme "Baile mandado", (Armando Mota, 2011) , "Ti'Anita de Loulé", traditional music theme orchestrated for wind Instruments, voice and accordion, (Nuno Rodrigues, 2012), and “Gilda das Amendoeiras” (Nuno Rodrigues 2013), chamber music opera conceived in relation to the traditional Algarve tale (Lenda das Amendoeiras).
AML is also active in promoting Portuguese intangible heritage (fado and cante alentejano), putting together new emergent composers and ensembles such as Ana Pinhal, Manuel Maio (2014 and 2015) with traditional music groups such as Cantadeiras de Redondo and Grupo Etnográfico da Casa do Povo de Brinches (April 2015). It also aims at the internationalization of its ensembles, such as Ensemble Suest'Arte, with debut in Portugal and Spain for an INTERREG project in 2007 and a premiere in November 2015 in Georgia, for the EU Cultural Week, with a programme around Atlantic and Mediterranean Intangible heritage, including a partnership with the Georgian Polyphony IBERI Choir.
In these activities, the AML is responsible for the coordination of the commissioned works and the performances, putting together composers, students, emerging talents and professionals, and thus bringing together art and education as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

The AML strives for keeping several orchestral ensembles, varying from 15 up to 100 musicians on stage, where professional musicians (teachers at the AML), are presented in stage along with their pupils, at a high quality level performance: Orquestra Clássica da Academia", “Orquestra de Sopros do Algarve”, “1001 Cordas”, “Orquestra de Percussão”, etc. Goal is to engage the youngsters, since early age, in professional performances, for audience reinforcement and education . AML has a wide portfolio meeting high quality standards of music playing with an intensive events annually agenda that includes music concerts, festivals, competitions, workshops and master classes (circa 300 events per year) with regional, national and international artists, namely : Festival Internacional de Percussão Cidade de Portimão [International Percussion Festival of Portimão], Concurso de Música Anatólio Cidade de Lagos [International Music Competition Anatólio Falé City of Lagos], Estágio Internacional de Cordas [International Strings Course], Estágio de Sopros (Winds Orchestra Course), Ciclo de Música Antiga [Early Music Festival] Sons Antigos a Sul.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One one hand, the AML has a strong track record in promoting Mediterranean Intangible heritage in the fields of Music, being the most active private Association in the fields of Culture in the Algarve region.
One the other hand, the Algarve - AlGharb AlAndalus - is the strongest Mediterranean driven region in Portugal, mainly because of the strong Arab influence.
We would like to contribute in engaging in professional partnerships with other cultural institutions to promote the intangible heritage (early and traditional music) of the Iberian Peninsula (mainly Portugal and the Algarve region) and viceversa, bringing Mediterranean artists to the region, in order to give public awareness on strong and still unknown cultural bonds.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join Anna Lindh Foundation to be involved in likeminded individuals and organizations that share the same values and passion towards cultural bonds: the Mediterranean. 
Music is the best anthidote for Historical Amnesia, in Jordi Savall's words. Music is also a way of bringing people together, through sharing the same cultural values. It is an essential path in the Mediterranean world of today.
"Why are we afraid of Strangers? - In the "1001 Nights" tale of Sindbad, meeting strangers was described as an enchanting experience worth the risks of navigating to faraway Indian and Chinese ports. Sindbad's positive vision of strangers led me to go deeper in researching 9th century Baghdad".
Fatema Mernissi

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Tomaz
Job Title
Artistical Director
Head of the organisation
José António Viegas de Sousa Gonçalves
Contact (2) Full Name
Viegas Gonçalves
Job Title (2)

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir

National Network

Toompuiestee 20
10149 Tallinn

+372 660 9604
Mobile Phone
+372 565 5515
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir Foundation Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (EPCC) was founded in 1981. The choir has carried on a special deed for many years – to present and cherish the music of Estonian composers. Concert season comprises about 60-70 concerts both at home and abroad. The choir has won the Grammy award two times (2007, 2014) and also been awarded other international prizes, i.e. Diapason d'or, Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik, Danish Music Award, de Choc de l'Année Classica 2014. The EPCC Foundation was founded in 2014 when the previously state-run institution was turned into a foundation. The Foundation is run by its management, and in addition, the Foundation Council and the EPCC Creative Council account for fulfilling the organization's objectives. EPCC has 35 employees. EPCC is mainly funded by the State and it's average annual budget is 1 000 000 €

Mission and Objectives

The EPCC's mission is to perform and record choir music in high professional quality, especially tending to Estonian music and Estonian composers both at home and

Main Projects / Activities

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (EPCC) is full time professional choir and it's repertoire varies from Gregorian chant and baroque music until XXI century compositions. EPCC's oncert season comprises about 60-70 concerts both at home and

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EPCC can contribute through educational and cultural cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EPCC would like to widen it's family and activities taking part of possible co-operation projects through ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esper Linnamägi
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Esper Linnamägi

Cukunft Jewish Association

National Network

ul. Legnicka 65

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Cukunft Jewish Association was established in 2014 in Wrocław by young Jewish activists who wanted to activize culturally and socially all generations of Jews in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia as an integral part of the Polish society. The organization is based on volunteer work of their members. The association employs language teachers, lecturers, artists, coordinators, ect. within cultural/educational/social projects that organizes. Budgetary resources available: 6000 PLN Sources of funding: FIO grants and private sponsors MAIN PARTNERS: Koalicja Wroclaw Wita Uchodzcow – Mitzvah Day in Wroclaw, Tzedakah Day Project Koalicja „Razem Przeciw Nienawiści” – various projects Kultura Równości – March of LGBT Equal Rights in Wroclaw Otwarta Rzeczpospolita Association - Hejt Stop! Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Wroclaw (TSKZ) – all projects Tikkun Olam  & Szalom Alejchem Schools – all projects „Studia Bliskowschodnie” Magazine – FIO Project: Zydowski Wroclaw na Talerzu Live Eat&Travel - #CookJewishBeJewish Summer Camp for adults in Lithuania Ukrainian Union of Jewish Students – Winter-U Seminar in Poland/Ukraine
Mission and Objectives

Cukunft Jewish Association aims to strengthen Polish and European civil society, that is open for Jewish socio-cultural activism as its integral component. It also aims to promote and stimulate new Jewish socio-cultural activism among young, assimilated members of the Jewish community in Poland and their families.
1. promotion of  integration of people of Jewish origin or Jewish faith;
2. organizing various forms of assistance to people of Jewish origin or Jewish faith and their families in difficult situations, ensuring equal social, cultural and educational opportunities to them;
3.  promotion of Jewish culture in Poland;
4. researchING, documenting and popularization of knowledge on the spiritual and material heritage of Jews;
5. countering against intolerance and discrimination, Anti-Semitism, and other attitudes that undermine human dignity;
6. promoting attitudes of tolerance and cooperation among people of different nationalities, cultures and religions.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Mitzvah Day in Wroclaw - Nov. 22 - Koalicja Wroclaw Wital Uchodzcow - On Nov 22, 2015 from 4 pm till 7 pm at Cukunft will collect books for Wroclaw Public libraries and clothes for those in need, also Ukrainian and Syrian Refugees in our city. Members of Cukunft Jewish Association as well as the Jewish community will make bookmarks that will distribute among library's readers and bake delicious kosher cakes for sell during the event. All money collected during the Mitzvah Day will be given to Koalicja Wroclaw Wita Uchodzcow and Nomada Association that help refugees.
2. Tzedakah Day - Dec. 2 - we gather all volunteers and donors to thank them for their help and support in a whole year. We also give food/clothes/detergents packages to those in need in the Jewish community of Lower Silesia and families from Swiateczna Paczka. Tzedakah in Hebrew means Jewish charity.
3. Zydowski Wroclaw na Talerzu Live - 24.09.2015-30.10.2015 - Male Inicjatywy / Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich - Hebrew and Yiddish courses, Jewish art workshops, Jewish theatre workshops, Jewish cooking workshops in cooperation with Eat&Travel from Lithuania. 
4. March of Equal Rights in Wroclaw - coorganization and coordination, promotion, lectures on Jewish LGBT or descrimination in Israel/Jewish ortodox groups, ect.
5. Shabbatons - weekend seminars in different Jewish communities for adults - Gdansk, Lodz
6. Zywa Biblioteka in Wroclaw and other cities of Lower Silesia - living books and coordinators
7. CookJewishBeJewish Summer Seminar for Adults - Vilnius
8. Hejt Stop! with Otwarta Rzeczpospolita Association - painting over hate speech in the city, a media campaign
9. Jewish Cultural Club meetings in cinemas, theatres, galleries, museums - informal cultural education  and social activism
10. 120! Jewish Birthday Project - suprize-birthday party for old members of the Jewish community
11. Organizing Jewish holidays, celebrations, educational activities for children, presentations, lectures on Jewish culture/history, trips to ZOO, ect.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Knowledge - cross cultural competence trainers, anti-discrimination trainers, specialists in Holocaust./Jewish/Yiddish studies, specialists in Middle and Far East studies, teachers of Yad Vashem Holocaust studies, theatre directors, graphic designers
Languages - English, Hebrew, Russian, German and Polish as native language
Experience - in organization, coordination and leading mass events and international projects, political-social manifestations, cooperation with media, social media, editing materials in Polish/English/Russian/Hebrew.
Network - our members are involved im many social, cultural and educational projects in Poland, Europe and Israel that can share institutional contacts, promote, and support in organizing various local and itternational projects.
People - group of active volunteers always ready to help.
Space - we can share access to large room in the Wroclaw city center.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Members of our association cooperated with ALF Polish Network (Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber, Stowarzyszenie Nomada, Fundacja na Rzecz Roznorodnosci Spolcznej, Institute of the Middle and Far East UJ) during various cultural and educational projects (Arabic Days in Krakow, Centrum Wielokulturowe, publication of a book (nie)Widzialne granice – o tym co dzieli i co łączy w wielokulturowości).  We would like to find local and international partners to our projects, start better collaboration with local and international organizations that share similar values/mission/objectives to ours, participate in your local and international projects, workshops, ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Wilczura
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Wilczura
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Kirschenbaum
Job Title (2)

Je ne suis pas

National Network

dr lld mahmoud had bomoussa souk essebt oulad nemma
icite universitaire souissi 1 rabat agdal
12700 rabat

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Je suis un étudiant au Collège des Arts et des Sciences Humaines de Rabat à la Division de psychologie. 23 ans et seul le ginseng marocaine.
Mission and Objectives

Je veux profiter de quelques-unes des sessions de formation dans le domaine de la santé mentale

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Je ne suis pas

Art In Motion

National Network

Achrafieh, Shehadeh street, Jardin de Tabaris Bldg., Bloc A, 5th Floor

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Art In Motion is a cultural NGO with main aim to make Art accessible to all by moving Art to Public spaces. We are 5 persons on the board, from different backgrounds, with all having the conviction that Art could change the world. We have so far more than 20 persons supporting us in terms of connections, PR and their knowledge. Our main source of income is from friends, from the memberships and the fundings from sponsors and other organizations, but unfortunately not from governmental organizations. We will be starting by having 1 event next year, which will be a huge event that we are considering to make it travel to other countries if all goes as planned. We have just started working on this event, and I am attaching for you the presentation of the project and should you be interested, will be sending you later Artist Portfolio (that is not yet completed), for your review.
Mission and Objectives

• AIM is a group of individuals engaged in the art scene that seeks to make art accessible by moving it to spaces encountered in everyday life.
• AIM’s mission is to reach Lebanese from different socio-economic backgrounds through visual and performance arts, and to reinforce art as a medium of empowerment, exchange and dialogue within Lebanon, the region and abroad.
• To promote art as the uniting force in society and to enable it to generate conversations and dialogues across myriad boundaries include socio-economic, cultural and geographic.
• To revitalize public spaces through art exhibitions, cultural events and networking platforms;
• To integrate art into public discussion and debate, and to advocate for art as an integral part of national policies;
• To promote and facilitate cultural exchange (programs), both within the country and abroad, through workshops and seminars;
• To run and deliver art projects, which showcase the achievements of the local national, regional and international art scene

Main Projects / Activities

October 5-12, 2016
Sanayeh Garden, Beirut Lebanon
Dialogue between MENA and International Contemporary Artists.
Resistance and Persistence
Art in Motion / Valerie Reinhold (redprint:dna discover new art)
Art in Motion
To promote Contemporary Art in Lebanon and to make it accessible by moving Art into public spaces.
To build an exchange and a dialogue between Contemporary Artists from the MENA region and International Contemporary Artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By beleiving that Art is an International language, and by making it accessible to everyone and not only the Elite, we will be educating people of the beauty and importance of having Art encountered in their everyday life.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF as we beleive that we could make a difference, both on the local and International level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rania Halawi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Rania Halawi / Ms. Rania Tabbara
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rania Tabbara
Job Title (2)

Womens Support and Information Center

National Network

Veski 69
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information

The NPO Tartu Women’s Shelter was founded on July 8th, 2002 and aims to help battered women (and their family members) and reduce the risk of repeated  models of violence. Organization has up to 10 people working, some of us are employed, some of us work as volunteers. We are partnering with network of womens shelters in Estonia. Also thru EU projects funded we have international partners in Latvia, Finland, Greece etc. Funding of our main activity-shelter for battered women, is coming from State of Estonia and partially from local government. For awareness raising, info materials, other public activities we are writing projects to get these funded. That part is depending on how many projects we are able to apply and get. We have group of stakeholders (police, LGOV social workers, victim`s support, ER etc) for activities in working with victims. For public awareness we form different workgroups with various partners-depending on activities during the project. More information about our organization is found on webpage

Mission and Objectives

Our mission First to provide the psychological, economical and emotional support needed for victims of domestic violence to break the cycle of violence Second to raise the level of awareness among all stakeholders involved in the issue by providing training and technical assistance to the police, prosecutors, social workers, health workers and political leaders on all of the dimensions of the issue.  

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities are: 24/7 hotline providing information and counseling to victims of domestic violence and other concerned individuals; Temporary housing for victims of violence, often with kids (up to 5 women at one time); Direct Counselling includes psychotherapy, social work  and legal advice (representation in court); Case management for women, such as helping in dealing with governmental offices (i.e. social ministry, unemployment, housing etc). -Continuously updated homepage -Lectures to introduce the topic for different groups -Training-seminar for stakeholders, periodic roundtables -Public awareness campaigns-posters, articles -Published books about DV issue, also victims of sexual violence issue. International projects participated(9 projects during years): 2013-2014 Wompower-Empowering women to fight against domestic violence through an integrated model of training, support and counselling.  8 partners from 7 countries. 2010-2011 Terapeutische Frauenberatung-Back up the children. Training materials for specialist working with children, trainings.  2007-2009 NANE Women’s Right Association-“Survivors speak up for their dignity” – supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence.  Also local projects participated during years.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have knowledge to share in training about the topic of DV. Also in the area of public awareness we can say that cooperation of more organisations gives bigger opportunity to be visible in public.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we believe that being part of network is the key for getting our voice more heard in public. Also we believe that we have already a lot to share from our side. And thisi is our goal-to be there, share and learn.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pille Tsopp-Pagan
Job Title
executive manger
Head of the organisation
Pille Tsopp-Pagan

de School van Gaasbeek

National Network

Donkerstraat 32
1750 Gaasbeek (Lennik)

+32 479 95 34 64
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
de School van Gaasbeek is an incubator for the arts in the countryside around Brussels, Belgium in a beautiful area called 'Pajottenland'. Septemberfestival is the main public event of the organisation, It focuses on large audiences, presenting high national and international work, next to work from the incubator. The performances are presented mainly outdoors. The rural context plays a very important role as the location of in situ projects and work with the rural context as a backdrop and inspiration. The small organisation has been coordinated by Christel Simons, and has partnerships with organisations in the countryside and in Brussels. The total yearly budget is around 100.000 Euro, sources of funding are from the Flemish Community, the region, the city and partnerships. Next to being a residency for +/- 20 artists the organisation focuses every year a number of projects to be developed more intensively.   
Mission and Objectives

de School van Gaasbeek is an incubator for the arts in the countryside around Brussels, Belgium in a beautiful area called 'Pajottenland'. Septemberfestival is the main public event of the organisation, It focuses on large audiences, presenting high national and international work, next to work from the incubator. The performances are presented mainly outdoors. The rural context plays a very important role as the location of in situ projects and work with the rural context as a backdrop and inspiration.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to exchange, and find partners over Europe

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For the funding opportunities

Contact (1) Full Name
christel simons
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Christel Simons

Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens

National Network

Kalliolinnantie 4
00140 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens is a non-profit private foundation which maintains and supports the Finnish Institute at Athens (base: Athens, Greece). Its Board consists of 12 members representing the scientific, cultural and business communities. The staff at the Institute: director, assistant director, senior administrator, research assistant, caretaker, secretary, cleaner; the staff of the Foundation: general secretary. Budget per year ca. € 750.000. Sources of funding: governmental funding (state aid, ca. 60-70 %), other foundations, doners (private persons, companies). The modalities of action include archeological (fieldwork) projects, seminars, colloquiums, lectures, courses for students, teachers and other groups, publication, exhibitions, book launches, concerts. Main partners are other academic/archeological schools in Greece, academic institutions on international level (universities etc), ministeries in Finland and Greece as well as other Finnish institutes abroad.

Mission and Objectives

The Institute is an academic institution with a mission to carry out and promote the study of Greek archaeology, history, language and culture from ancient times to the present day. We aim to bridge the gap between the North-Eastern and South-Eastern corners of Europe, which especially now in the mid-2010s is quickly widening.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities include archeological projects (typically 2 to 3 going on every year), student courses, colloquiums, lectures, panel discussions, exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, book launches etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Aa a part of the network we can take part in planning and organzing events (discussions, exhibitions, school and day care projects, research etc.) and thus bring Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean to the genereal discussion on topics of this Network especially in Finland. This is more than needed.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There is an ever-growing need of public dialogue and action that promotes the understanding of people from different backgrounds, taking into account cultural, linguistic, religious etc. facets. Together can be acheived more visibility, reach more people in wider reagions, than on one's own.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tiina Purola
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mika Kajava, head of the board of the foundation