
National Network

6 rue Saint Nestor
69008 Lyon

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Created in 2015, 99 is a free, not-for-profit medium offering documentaries in six languages. 99 is a medium for the unseen, the 99% of the world’s people whom the traditional media do not show, for want of space or because they do not fit into their editorial direction. We want to capture the image of our world outside the usual camera viewfinder, because there are so many real-world stories there. We are a European/North American/Tunisian/Turkish team with several languages among us, with a passion for documentaries. We include directors, technicians, journalists and translators specialising in audiovisual media.
Mission and Objectives

99 is a not-for-profit French association gathering 15 people. We decided to create 99 a couple of months ago so there are a lot of information that I cannot provide yet.
Our mission is to promote documentary films as we believe it is a tool to enlighten people of all kinds and all continents. That's why we develop a media availble (for now) in 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German.
Our objectives in 2016 will be to add more languages to our media: Arabic, Turkish and Russian.
99 responds to two demands:
- First to those of the public. Festivals dedicated to documentaries around the world prove they hold continuing appeal, but oddly, in many countries, broadcast time for documentaries and feature-length reports is being reduced. This is why we want to propose documentaries of quality to a broad public, through the Internet, in viewers' own first languages.
- Equally important, 99 responds to the demands of directors, since 99 is intended as a tool for them. Many creators have superb films gathering dust in a drawer somewhere, or that are online but not being watched. We can adapt them in six languages to make them massively visible. And tomorrow we will also accompany directors who entrust us with projects they propose, to turn them into reality together thanks to crowdfunding. Their work will be rewarded and their films will be broadcast on 99.

Main Projects / Activities

We strongly believe that documentary films enlarge minds.
What we want is for anybody on the planet to be able to watch quality documentaries for free on our platform.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As media professionals, we can associations and partners communication-wise.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a multicultural and multilingual team and we want to establish concrete bonds with peers who share the same ideals as we do. We promote dialogue, mutual understanding and curiosity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jérôme Plan
Head of the organisation
Jérôme Plan

IBLA - Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes

National Network

12 bis rue Jamâa el Haoua
1008 Tunis

(+216) 71 560 133
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Established by the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) in Tunis in 1926, IBLA is a cultural and educational institute managed by an intercultural and interreligious team. It has fully integrated into the Tunisian society. IBLA includes a renowned Research Library specialized in humanities and social sciences in the Arab world. It represents an intellectual and cultural source for researchers, academics and teachers, both Tunisian and foreign. IBLA also includes a scientific journal, Revue IBLA, founded in 1937 and the oldest still published in Tunisia, as well as a Junior Library for the youth of the disadvantaged neighbourhood. Its staff includes 4 White Fathers and 4 employees.   The annual operating expenses ( 55 000 TND) are mainly covered by the White Fathers society, whereas concrete projects are covered with the support of partners, including the Ministry of Culture, the National Heritage Institute, the French Institute, Arab World Institute, Prince Claus Fund…
Mission and Objectives

The aim of IBLA shall be to encourage intellectual openness in Tunisia and to develop dialogue between cultures and religions in order to achieve mutual understanding and peace.
IBLA shall have the following objectives:
1.  To promote respect and esteem for the cultures of others;
2. To create opportunities for inter-cultural and inter-religious encounters and dialogue;
3. To promote, conserve and protect the Tunisian cultural heritage and in a general way the Arab world cultural heritage;
4.  To encourage and promote scientific research on humanities and social sciences in the Arab World; 
5. To provide high-quality services;
6.  To provide educational support and to encourage the continuation of studies;
7. To enhance relations with Tunisian society and its institutions;
8.  To do all that is ancillary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

 1.The Research Library
IBLA runs a Research Library specialized in humanities and social sciences in the Arab world. Its collection, mainly in Arabic and French, constitutes a unique contribution to the Tunisian cultural and academic scene. In January 2010, a dramatic fire deeply affected the Library as half of the collection was destroyed (At least 15,000 books) or damaged (at least 5,000 books), whereas the building and the furniture have also been severely damaged.
The enormous support received from both individuals and institutions such as the Ministry of Culture have enabled our team to restart partially IBLA’s activities. After several years of great efforts, the Research Library officially reopened in October 2014.
Now, the objective of our Research Library’s project is to recover and develop the Library’s collection and material in order to offer a quality place of study.
It contains three axes:
- Preservation of IBLA’s collection: repairing, scanning, conservation…
- Development of IBLA’s collection: purchase of books and periodicals
- Modernization of the IT system: Database development, renewal of the computers

2. IBLA Revue
IBLA Scientific journal to date has published 114 issues over 78 years. Its issues, containing over a thousand articles and hundreds of book reviews and survey, provide a wealth of information and commentary on the evolution of Modern Tunisia. Blending Orientalism and the social sciences, the review specialized from its inception in the study of Tunisia’s past and present, particularly its Arab and Islamic dimensions. In 2014, IBLA revue published the book “Tunisian Arabic Course, Level 1” and aims now to publish the Level 2.

3. The Junior Library
Opened for the youth of the disadvantaged neighbourhood (Bab Mnara, Melassine…)  for over 50 years, the Junior library provides middle- and secondary-school children a place to study and to read in a calm and serious environment, as well as offering advice and help with their studies. After the fire of 2010, it was closed for few years. We are now preparing a participatory project to develop educational and cultural activities with a group of youth. We will provide these activities for the youth of the neighbourhood from next spring, with the reopening of the Junior Library.  The objective of the project is to develop interest in studies, civil participation and intellectual openness  among young people from disadvantaged neighbourhood.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Serving the intercultural and interreligious dialogue since the 1930s, IBLA has a great experience in improving mutual respect and understanding in Tunisia. This experience can benefit to the network.
Besides, IBLA is composed of an intercultural and interreligious team with Christian White Fathers coming from different countries and Muslim Tunisians. This is rare in Tunisia. Thus, IBLA’s team can provide a new perspective to the debates and exchanges of the network.
Finally, as the ALF is invited to associate partners various areas of the civil society, we have special connections with universities and cultural institutions, academics, youth… Our network can benefit the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we share its values and mission. After the fire that affected IBLA in January 2010, we are now looking to the future and we would like to enhance our relations with the rich Tunisian civil society, expand our local and international networks and develop our activities.  The ALF network can help us achieve these objectives.
We are also very interested in participating to national and regional activities. It can broaden our horizons, nourish our educational and cultural activities and give us opportunities to meet with future collaborators.
Regarding the current context, we think that networking and joining forces are particularly important to weaken obscurantism and build a common future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucie Jacquet
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
F. Bonaventura Benjamin Mwenda
Contact (2) Full Name
F. Bonaventura Benjamin Mwenda
Job Title (2)

MTÜ Pagula

National Network

Karja 27a
90502 Haapsalu

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
NGO Pagula is founded by two people who are also members of the board. The third boardmember is executice manager. In addition to board member two more persons work in Pagula (communication manager and coordinator of volunteer network). Pagula also has an advisory board which consisting of representatives from local goverments and education facilities.  Pagulas current work has been funded by one of the founders but the aim is to fund our activities on projectbase. Facilitating volunteers and supportpersons, organizing seminars to people whos line of work is conncted to refugees, organizing cultural learning events and classes to refugees etc. Main partners are Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, local governments, local schools and as advisors other organizations working on the same field.
Mission and Objectives

NGO Pagula is an organization built to welcome refugees to Estonia, Läänemaa. To help refugees to integrate fast and effectively, our everyday job is to provide them with supportpersons, help them in finding a job, a place to live and guarantee language classes and cultural learning through volunteer work.
Pagula works towards the idea that it is importants to involve refugees as part of the community as fast as possible for the sake of peace and security.
Pagula connects different local organizations, volunteers and supportpersons to build a whole package for welcoming refugees so they wouldn't feel alone and overwhelmed in this new situation and culture.
Our aim is also to raise awarness of the refugee crisis in Europe and in the source countries among local community and prepare them for the situation ahead.

Main Projects / Activities

Prepare local organizations to welcome refugees (employment office, GP-s, local government etc.);

Find and prepare accomodation;

Facilitate supportpersons;

Activate volunteers and raising awareness among them about the situation, the religions and cultures refugees come from;

Share information about the overall crisis, situation in Estonia and clarify our actions to local community (via FB and smaller gatherings for different interestgroups).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since NGO Pagula is quite young our contribution at the moment can be only as an active participator in different initiatives. It is hard to define our strengths compared to organizations that have operated for much longer.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a new organization, finding new contacts and partners is very important to us. Also tips and suggestions from older organizations are very well welcomed. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Maarja Pikkmets
Job Title
executive manager
Head of the organisation
Maarja Pikkmets

Universala Esperanto-Asocio: araba komisiono

National Network

Via del Castello, 1
00036 Palestrina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization including number of staff employed and/or partners 1 secretary and 10 members of the commission Budgetary resources available in a year 10 000 euros Sources of funding From the Esperanto organization and private donors Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Meetings in various Middle East countries Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities  Local Esperanto-organizations in arab countries
Mission and Objectives

Link people speaking Esperanto in Arab countries with Espernato-speakers in Europe

Main Projects / Activities

Meeting in various middeleastern countryes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchanging information about the activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be in a group with similar activity

Contact (1) Full Name
Renato Corsetti
Head of the organisation
Secretary: Renato Corsetti
Job Title (2)
Secretary of the Arab Commission

Center for cultural activities

National Network

Savska cesta 3
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 46 11 792
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The bodies managing the Association are: - Assembly - Board of directors - Chairman of the Board and the Secretary General of the Association. The Association has 3 founders and 17 members.  Main sources of funding of the Association are through projects which are mostly founded thorugh National Foundation for Civil Society Development, European Commission, Office for Cooperation with NGO's of Goverment of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb. Main projects of the Association are "Mjesto za sve", "From Foster to Prosper", "Gelem, Gelem - World for Them", "Odzvonilo je nasilju" and " Minority 3D - Diversity, Dialogue, Development". Main partners involved in the organization's projects are: Open media group and Urban Fest Osijek.  

Mission and Objectives

Center for cultural activities was established to promote and connect artists, particularly young artists, education about cultural values and the values of European multiculturalism, particularly youth education, promotion and preservation of cultural diversity, promotion of European cultural identity, development and promotion of cultural links between European countries and citizens, raising awareness and promoting quality of life through the affirmation of youth culture, the creation of new cultural values and quality of society in general. The aim of our work is always to promote values of civil society, tolerance, the fight against social exclusion, discrimination and all kinds of stereotypes.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects of the Association are:  "Mjesto za sve"  - The main objective of the project is to strengthen the role, capacity and cooperation of civil society organizations in providing innovative social services for ethnic minorities in the area of Osijek-Baranja County  and Vukovar-Srijem County. "From Foster to Prosper" - The main objective of the project is to ensure active social inclusion of young people from foster homes by promoting participation in the labor market and to promote social cohesion and equal opportunities of all young people through adequate efficient social protection systems and social inclusion policies.Center for cultural activities is a partner on the project  to Open media group as an applicant of the project. "Gelem, Gelem" - The project aim is to contribute to the improvement of the level of human rights protection in Croatia, to ensure effective implementation of the EU human rights protection standards, eventually leading to overall social development of Croatia and the fulfilment of the EU 2020 strategic goals regarding Roma inclusion and the Croatian National Roma Inclusion Strategy from 2013 to 2020. Center for cultural activities is a partner on the project  to Open media group as an applicant of the project. Minority 3D - Diversity, Dialogue, Development" - The aim of the project is to encourage active citizenship by emphasizing the everyday problems that prevent minorities to participate equally in community activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matko Štambuk
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Matko Štambuk - Chairman of the Board

Eskişehir District Odunpazarı Municipality

National Network

Yenidoğan mahallesi Çamkoru sokak no:4
26060 Eskişehir/

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Odunpazarı Municipality Organisation : Mayor: Kazım KURT Deputy Mayors: Saffet ÇELEN, Necati SARICA, Hüsnü KAPTAN, Olcay ÇOKAR Employees:  over 1800 Our partners: Anadolu University, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir Kızılay Organisation Twin cities: Gjakova Municipality Kosovo, Zauan Municipality Tunisia, Razgdar Municipality Bulgaria, Bahcesaray Municipality Crimea   For a good and qualify servicing to local people and covering their demands The Municipality founded divisional houses, public and youth centers in the Odunpazari area. That Public Centers service vocational courses fort he public (free of charge), set libraries, make conferences and information meetings in the territory. Odunpazari Municipality provides opportunity of personal development for the youth of Odunpazari Youth. Also, they can gather those centers for improving projects and ideas.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of The Municipality is providing sustainable, equial and quality service which is
participative management, aims welfare of local people.
The vision is being a leader municipality in Turkey and even Europe thereby getting modern level
urban life, civil ricghts and management of the city.

Main Projects / Activities

Odunpazari Municipality started a new project called “First Gift from Us”. Within the scope of the
Project The Mayor Kazım Kurt visits family that has a new baby in the Odunpazari, and gives them
some presents. The Mayor visits about 300 parents monthly.
Another implemented project is “Oyunpazari Day Care”. Because of this project, a day care center was
founded for the children of local working mothers by The Mayor of Odunpazari Municipality Kazım
Kurt in the territory. However, The Mayor Kazı Kurt was established a nursery for disabled children.
All the projects are free of charge and show Odunpazari Municipality’s service manner.
The objective of the H.H.O.M. (Health is at your Home with Odunpazari Municipality) -the most
important social responsibility project of Odunpazari Municipality- is to visit elders aged 65 and over
and perform a needs analysis. By the agency of needs analysis; health conditions, percentages of
health services usage, quality of life and standards of living of elders are examined, shortcomings and
needs are investigated. These examined needs are met through our team within municipal facilities in
subsequent visits.
With BUKA -one of the projects for children of Odunpazari Municipality-, information about
recycling and development of children’s dexterity are provided at recycling atelier that was prepared
for children. At BUKA Recycling Atelier, children accompanied by expert instructors produce new
products from waste paper and materials (such as plastic bottles, cardboard, plastic, glass).
Another social municipal application of Odunpazari Municipality is “Public Market” project. Within
the “Public Market Project, Odunpazari Municipality and Eskisehir Branch of Turkish Red Crescent
have signed a 5-year protocol. With the “Public Market”, needers will choose their needs themselves
instead of receiving parcels of supplies. These needers will be able to shop free in the specified limits
from the Odunpazari Municipality “Public Market” and find opportunity of shopping with “Public
Card” among hundreds of varieties of products.
We want to be your partner at our projects those are open to innovation and with an understanding of
municipality that attaches importance to new ideas and projects.
The 3rd International Odunpazarı Glass Festival, held by Eskişehir’s Odunpazarı Municipality, brought world’s most famous glass artists together at Kurşunlu Social Complex located in the western province of Eskişehir.The glass artists shared the specifics of glass shaping art with the people following the festival in the hall, some of which turned into glass studios. The artists exhibited the all processes while producing and shaping the glass. The audience, following the activity, watched all the details.
World Wood Day (WWD) is a cultural event celebrated annually on March 21st to highlight wood as an eco-friendly and renewable biomaterial and to raise awareness on the key role wood plays in a sustainable world through biodiversity and forest conservation. Furthermore, this unique celebration will remind humans of the importance and true value of wood and its responsible use.
The 2015 WWD international celebration was  in Turkey, Odunpazarı  with the theme "Wood & Humanity" to rediscover and recognize the contribution and beauty of wood as well as recall the rethink its significance in contemporary society.
About 380 people from 93 countries participated in presenting this major event with excellent support from the District of Odunpazarı.
Booths and tents were setup so that the hundreds of people of all ages from the general public and other could view and learn from woodcarvers, wood turners, furniture makers, folk arts workshops. Events also included demonstrations and, performances of various wooden musical instruments. Special children’s events were included over several days.
The day after WWD, many of the attendees traveled to a local community park area to plant black pine tree saplings to emphasize the need for a sustainable source of trees for both beauty and products.
Two unique highlights of the 2015 celebration included  an international, collaborative project with 23 artisans from 17 countries that designed and constructed a timber “bridge” (arch)  and erected it in the town square a few blocks from the venue of the meeting (see accompanying photo of the arch, artisans and Odunpazarı officials).  The second highlight was the integration of performances and demonstrations from 13 musical groups from 15 different countries that combined wooden instruments with song and dance. Many times throughout the celebrations, these musicians shared their talents in creative musical performances including the Opening Ceremony, the Welcome Dinner, and two musical concerts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Unique high lights are  to share our culture with other nationalities and to make new social projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of   purposes of our municipality is to bring people together from other nationalities to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society working for a common future of the Region. So we have common  purposes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Şenol Durur
Head of the organisation
Kazım Kurt

Association Madinati Larache

National Network

Avenue Bahnini - 92000 Larache
36 Rue Moulay Youssef - 92000 Larache
92000 Larache

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
L’association Madinati Larache a été créée en avril 2008 par Un collectif de compétences au service du développement local, pour aider les gens à être acteurs de leur propre développement, que le développement rime avec le respect de l’homme et de l’environnement, donner la possibilité à toutes et à tous d’agir dans un esprit collectif et de solidarité. Madinati Larache est un collectif de 13 membres au Conseil d’Administration et 2 salariés à temps plein, avec un budget annuel d’environ 150.000 € de sources diverses (Union Européenne, INDH, Ministères, Collectivités territoriales, etc.) destinés à financer des actions telles que la promotion de l’accès à l’information, l’accès aux infrastructures de base pour la population démunie, l’action jeunesse (employabilité et la lutte contre la radicalisation, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

• Inculcation de la citoyenneté à la population de Larache
• Appui aux activités visant le développement dans le domaine culturel, social, économique, environnemental et sportif
• Sensibilisation, orientation et appui à l’exécution des principaux services au profit de la population démunie de Larache
• Ouverture sur la coopération nationale et internationale

Main Projects / Activities

• Le droit d’accès à l’information en faveur de l’amélioration des offres des services publics
• L’accès aux infrastructures de base pour la population démunie
• La promotion de l’employabilité des jeunes de Larache
• La sensibilisation pour la lutte contre la radication des jeunes
• Organisation de caravanes médicales
• Organisation de concerts musicaux et animation culturelle
• Sensibilisation sur la lutte contre la toxicomanie
• Animation autour de la Maison de vieillards de Larache

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Echanges des expériences et des bonnes pratiques 
Participation aux différentes et contribution à la réalisation des activités programmées avec les autres membres du réseau national

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Profiter des éxperiences du réseau et de ses membres
Capitaliser sur les iddées innovantes et les bonnes pratiques
les thématiques traités par le réseau intéressent vivement l'associtaion 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mustapha LAMRANI
Job Title
Ingénieur d'Etat
Head of the organisation
Mustapha LAMRANI

Association Noumidia pour la Culture et l'Environnement

National Network

Rue Omar Ibn Al-Ass n° 16
Centre Culturelle Charif Alidrissi
32000 Al-Hoceima

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Population cible : les enfants les jeunes  les familles démuni et population margine Domaine d’intervention : éducatif, sociale, humanitaire, sensibiliser les jeunes aux divers dangers menace la société, drogue , sida, extrémisme, immigration  clandestin, terrorisme,  délinquance et leurs enseignes les droits civiques.

Mission and Objectives

Création et développement de diverses activités pour les jeunes et le développement professionnel de contribuer au développement et le développement de la société. La communication entre les jeunes et le reste de la région, la jeunesse du monde à travers l’articulation des canaux de communication et d’acquérir des connaissances. -Action en vue de mettre en valeur les talents de développement de la jeunesse et de raffinement pour réaliser la renaissance des activités culturelles, artistiques et sociaux intégrés par le biais d’une variété d’ateliers dans le domaine du théâtre, musique, chant, le sport et l’environnement. Contribuer à la création d’une société moderne développée par l’intégration de l’individu dans la vie sociale à travers les canaux de l’éducation et de formation en particulier dans le domaine de l’éducation à l’environnement. Le renforcement des liens avec les institutions et créé le culturel et social travaille pour les mêmes objectifs à la maison et à l’étranger. Contribuer à l’enrichissement de la culture Amazigh.   La diversité culturelle et linguistique, liant des relations fraternelles avec tous les peuples de la mer Méditerranée.   Intérêt local dans le domaine du patrimoine et l’histoire de la région.   Une culture de la paix et la citoyenneté, la démocratie et les droits de l’homme, de tolérance et de coexistence, de solidarité et de travail bénévole au profit de l’environnement et les humains..

Main Projects / Activities

Journée mondiale de l’environnement Rencontre des enfants du parc nationale D’Al-Hoceima Activités de la journée mondiale de la forêt Activités de la journée mondiale de la femme Le Rencontre de l’enfant amazigh  

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Chakrani
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Chakrani
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdel ilah benazouz

Asociación La Tierra Verde

National Network

Rafael Cabrera, 10, 2c
35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
La Tierra Verde Association is a Canary Islands non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 2003. The main objective of our association has been, since its creation, to raise awareness about the role that sustainability can and should play in promoting society and active involvement in a broad spectrum of issues (of social, intercultural, environmental, etc.). To goal sustainability we invest a lot of efforts in diffusing and distributing updated and reliable information and in encouraging the utilization of information for the shaping of virtuous and socially viable behaviors. We are particularly interested in the promotion of intercultural activities using sustainability and environmental protection as common topics, cooperating with many environmental organizations. We are working nowadays in the promotion of Erasmus+: Youth in Action around Canarias region. 
Mission and Objectives

La Tierra Verde is based on volunteer work, where board members and rest of organisation are involved on the success of activities. At the moment we have no employees, so all profit obtained with our porjects remain on projects and local society.
All our incomes belongs to European Comissión projects, being involved in Grundtvig adult education projects (partnership) and mostly "Youth in Action" and "Erasmus+: Youth in Action": dozens of youth exchanges, Job Shadowing activities, 1 seminar and 1 EVS hosting experience. Our incomes during 2014 has been of 33.200€.
Our partners has been from all around Europe and EuroMed countries, including Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan.

Main Projects / Activities

During last 5 years, our projects has been:
Dates, Venue, Name of the project, Type.
5-11/11/2014, La Palma island (Canaries), "Multiple Inteligences", Multilateral youth exchange.
23-29/8/2013, Gran Canaria island (Canaries), "All down the line 2.0", Multilateral youth exchange (including Tunisia & Palestine).
2-7/4/2012, Gran Canaria island (Canaries), "Rural & Urban Environment", Multilateral youth exchange.
8/2012-7/2014, Various, "Multiple Inteligences & parents education", Grundtvig (adult education).
25/8-2/9/2012, Gran Canaria island (Canaries), "EcoYouth", bilateral youth exchange.
17-23/10/2012, "We decide our policies", Multilateral youth exchange (including Egypt & Palestine).
4-10/12/2011, "Give youngsters a chance", bilateral youth exchange.
8/2009-7/2011, "Secure Internet, secure generations", Grundtvig (adult education).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our expertise organizing various kinds of events give the chance to Anna Lidh Foundation (ALF) EuroMed to implement meetings and international conferences among EuroMed countries and european countries.
The Canary Islands are a spanish archipelago located just off the southern coast of Morocco, 100 kilometres (62 miles) west of its southern border. The geographical situation of Canaries and its environmental & climate conditions allows the organisations of international events all along the year, specially in winter time.
The direct flight connections from Canaries to european countries are complemented with direct flights to several african countries, including Maroc, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia and Green Cape Islands.
Considering we receive over 12 million visitors per year, the capability of islands to host huge groups are very well demonstrated.
La Tierra Verde has an important experience in youth international projects, so that we could offer ALF EuroMed partners updated information related to know how, and even participation in defined projects to be implemented in any of Canary Isles.
Our diversity is not only on nature. Human diversity is very wide in our opinion. The overwhelming majority of native Canarians are Roman Catholic with various smaller foreign-born populations of other Christian beliefs such as Protestants from northern Europe. But there are important number of Muslims (just in Gran Canaria there are no less than 8 mosques). Other religious faiths represented include The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as Hinduism (with the biggest India community in Spain). Minority religions are also present such as Buddhism, Baha'i & Corean Christian church. The cohabitance of these beliefs are excelent.
So that, in our opinion Canary Islands & La Tierra Verde could offer ALF EuroMed a new approach about intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During years of participation in youth international projects, we have seen that some EuroMed (and not only) partners are members of ALF, very involved in activities all along the region.
After long debates in our organisation, we have seen that to became members of ALF EuroMed is a good chance for both sides: the experience in international projects in a priveleged atlantic region as Canaries and the strength of a prestigious international organisation with a very important number of members and very good & professional activities for interculturality and mutual understanding.
In our opinion, a great combination.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Francisco Rodríguez Báez
Job Title
President of board
Head of the organisation
Juan Francisco Rodríguez Báez
Contact (2) Full Name
Domingo Piñero Naranjo
Job Title (2)
Secretary of board

I-Dare for Sustainable Development

National Network

Amman, Shmesani 93 Queen Noor Street. Iskan commercial bank complex, ground floor
Amman 11121

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

2 full-time staff Community members 15 persons (including full time 6 interns) Europaid, FHI 360/USAID, Euromed youth iv programme. National level: combating online hate speech project and campaign, countering violent extremism, structured dialogue between youth and municipalities, Social entrepreneurship. Regional level: inter-religious dialogue, intercultural dialogue, youth employment, entrepreneurship, sustainable development and other themes. Training courses, youth exchanges, study visits, projects, campaigns...etc Rato ADC, Irenia peace games, Kaleidscope, Finis Terres, Ecos, CCIVS, SCI-Cat, SCI-Belg, and many others.   

Mission and Objectives

Vision I-Dare's vision is to become the medium where youth learn dare lead the transformation of their lives and societies. Mission I-Dare is dedicated to enabling youth to develop & lead the positive sustainable transformation in their communities. Values I-Dare believes in youth as the catalyst for positive sustainable transformation Objectives To integrate social marketing as a vital tool for creating sustainable social transformation To unleash the potential, entrepreneurship and creativity of youth To enhance youth activism in political, economic and social dimension

Main Projects / Activities

Themes Social Marketing (social behaviour change) Youth empowerment and social activism Dialogue: intra and inter cultural/ faith dialogue Creativity and innovation Volunteerism and employability Environment and Sustainable Development Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Social & Business) Current projects on national level:  Jordanian youth to combat online hate speech Establishing structured dialogue between youth and municipalities Countering Violent Extremism International level: Alternative Narratives   Euromed regional level: a number of projects.   More information can be found on our Faceboook page: idareorg1 and website www.i-dare.org

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Working on the common actions. Improving the situation of the current network. We have extensive expereince in Euromed region so we can bring partnerships to the country. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We beleive in netwirking and we can add to the network. Also, we have rich expereince and network in the Euromed region and we want to capitalise on that.  We also support the mission and the objectives of ALF and the reasons behind founding it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iyad Aljaber
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Iyad Aljaber
Contact (2) Full Name
Suha Ayyash
Job Title (2)
Projects Director