ONG El Ghad Essihi pour le Développement et la Protection de l'Environnement en Mauritanie

National Network

SOCOGIM E²-61 Nouakchott -Mauritanie

00222 22007518 - 00222 46 87 33 63
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
L’ONG El Ghad Essihi est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif.  Elle  a été  créée  le 22 janvier 2004, après une mûre réflexion   sur  le développement durable et l’environnement en Mauritanie.  Elle  est composée d’une  cinquantaine de personnes (30 hommes et 20 femmes). Elle a déjà exécuté plusieurs projets de développement pour le compte du PNUD, FAO, le ministère de l’environnement, l’ambassade des Etats Unis d’Amériques en Mauritanie, l’ambassade du Japon en Mauritanie, l’Union européenne, le PAM et plusieurs programmes de développement. El Ghad Essihi opère sur le plan national là ou besoin est, notamment à Nouakchott ou elle a son siège social. Elle a suffisamment d’expérience pour exécuté tout travail et son consortium avec le réseau de petites et moyennes entreprises renforces ses compétences.
Mission and Objectives

Objectifs :
El Ghad Essihi  se fixe comme objectifs:
• Développement durable et intégré à petite échelle.
• Amélioration des conditions de vie des populations
• Collaboration étroite avec les populations.
• Défense des droits humains
• formation et suivi,
• protection de l’environnement
• initiation des projets de développement durables ;
• alphabétisation des adultes

Main Projects / Activities

 Projet de gestion durable de la Tamourt Guounguel (SGP/PNUD),
 Projet d’aménagement de la dépression naturelle du village de Lekhteit(SGP/PNUD),,
 Projet d’approvisionnement en eau potable des habitants du village de Lekhteit(SGP/PNUD),,
 Projet assainissement et d’approvisionnement en eaux potable du village de Tendel(SGP/PNUD),,
 Projet de sécurité alimentaire du village de Lekhteit(ambassade des USA en Mauritanie)
 Projet de gestion des ressources naturelles dans la Moughataa d’Aleg(PAM),
 Projet d’appui aux agriculteurs affectés par la hausse des prix(FAO),
 Projet d’appui aux éleveurs et agriculteurs affectés par l’inondation de 2007 (FAO,
 Projet de fixation mécanique de 7 ha de dunes à Nouakchott (Ministère de l’Environnement et du développement durable,
 Projet de fixation biologique de 13 ha dans la Moughataa de Gerrou(Projet de développement durable des oasis),
 Projet de construction d’extension et d’équipement du centre de santé de Toujounine (Ambassade du japon en Mauritanie),
 Projet de sensibilisation électorale au hodh echagui
 Projet pacte entre la société civile et l’état pour un accès équitable et sécurisé à la terre dans la vallée du Fleuve Sénégal( financé par l’union européenne en partenariat avec iNTERSOS),

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes une ONG de lobbying et de sensibilisation dans les domaines de l’environnement et du développement durable. Elle est  proche des populations vulnérable et est bien placée pour participer aux programmes de lutte contre la pauvreté de droits humains et de développement pour aider le gouvernement et les partenaires au développement à intervenir correctement auprès des communatés. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

nous voulons joindre FAL puisque nous avons des objectifs communs

Contact (1) Full Name
Abidine Cheikh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Sendy Mohamed
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire Général

Slovenian Paneuropean Movement

National Network

Cesta v prod 90
1000 Ljubljana

+386 31 554 472
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Slovenian Paneuropean Movement (SPM), founded in 1991, is a non-governmental organization fostering and spreading the idea of European unification and striving for putting it into effect. The organization is part of the International Paneuropean Union, aiming to unite similar movements throughout Europe. The idea was first born after World War I with the realization that war with its material and spiritual devastation had brought Europe to the edge of destruction and that war itself is a consequence of national egoism leading towards new catastrophes of global extent. World War II proved this prediction to be true. The activities of the SPG include organizing international conferences, round tables, seminars and publishing books. Through these activities, we have come to be seen as critical thinkers focusing on European affairs - from the past through the present to the future. SPM has following organization structure: Assembly, Management Board, Monitoring Committee and President. Main funding sources are project funds, membership fees and sponsor funds. Our main partners are other Paneuropean organizations accross the Europe, but are well cooperating with all NGOs and other entities that pursue the objective - strong, united and unified Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Slovenian Paneuropean Movement is to contribute to united Europe as described in the Paneuropean manifesto of Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. It is essential that Europe becomes a strong and united global player and Paneurope can offer certain answers how to achieve this objective. Our main objective is raising awareness among the European citizens about the necessity of united, unified and strong Europe. By discussing different issues (e. g. international relations, regional policy, socio-economic development, policy development etc.) with civil society, policy-makers, decision-makers, academia and experts, we offer an open space for exchange of ideas, good practices and knowledge. We give an emphasis on educating and empowering the youth, since they are the pillars of the future European structure.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities can be devided in four main categories:
1. Project related activities
2. International conferences
3. Small scale events (e. g. round tables, seminars, open discussions with guest speakers etc.)
4. Publishing
Our activities are described in details on our main website and project website

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Slovenian Paneuropean Movement has extensive knowledge in organization of events and providing data and researches. Since our operation focus is European Union and foreign affairs (relations), we believe that we can significantly contribute in discussions about the development of the wider Mediterranean region and the Middle East. Since we are member organization of the International Paneuropean Union, we have the capacity of disseminating news and information. Due to this fact, we can enhance the ALF network as well as enrich the activities of the International Paneuropean Union.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the ALF network in order to contribute to the network as much as we can (with our knowledge and experience) and to be better informed about the development in the Mediterranean region. We also wish to strengthen the ALF network in Slovenian and in the wider Mediterranean context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laris Gaiser
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Laris Gaiser
Contact (2) Full Name
Dejan Hribar
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Centre des Jeunes pour les Recherches et le Developpement

National Network

81000 Guelmim

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Le centre des jeunes pour les recherches et le développement est une association à bute non lucratif créer en 2015 à GUELMIM Située au Milieu du Maroc. Ses objectifs  principaux  est d’encourager la recherche scientifique et participer fortement au développement de la population par l’amélioration des     compétences du jeunes notamment les étudiants chercheurs. le Centre est considéré comme une source fondamentale et une base de donnés indispensables pour l'intéret des jeunes de la région Guelmim-Oued Noun (Maroc).
Mission and Objectives

-Contribuer au developpement  de l'éco-tourisme propagation  de l'éducation et de la recherche scientifique par l’organisation  des séances de formation et des colloques scientifiques et des voyages éducatifs .
-Renforcement des études scientifiques  et les recherches  sur  terrain et les publier au public et aux intéressées
-Renforcer la coopération et la communication entre les différents  agents sociaux cultivés pour participer au progrés  de la région
-Soutenir les communautés locales dans la réalisation des  projets de développement
-La sensibilisation du  concept de citoyenneté et la participation auxs projets du developpement et de l’environnement
-La communication avec les organismes locaux et internationaux pour  l'échanger des expériences et promouvoir une culture de dialogue et de bénévolat.
-Exploitation de la recherche scientifique académique  pour le développement et l’aménagement du territoire
-Formation et renforcement des capacités locales, régionales  dans divers domaines, notamment la gestion de l'environnement, les études et la recherche

Main Projects / Activities

Le centre des jeunes pour les recherches et le développement a  déjà réalisé des activités divers cette
Année de création :
-Réalisation  d’une journée artistique en partenariat avec  d’autres associations sous le thème l’art est  un moteur  au développement  de la compétence des jeunes
-Lancement du projet « magazine des recherches  » qui a comme objectif de publier les recherches des étudiants de la région
-Le centre a participé aussi à l’organisation des tables rondes et des conférences locales qui traite les problématiques de l’éducation et le rôle de l’autorité civile dans ce sujet
-l'organisation des journnées ouvertes pour communiquer avec les jeunes et comprendre leurs attentes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La Fondation Anna Lindh et à travers le centres des  jeunes pour les recherches et le développement, est capable de pénétrer cette zone du maroc. Cette zone qui est riche  des capacités énormes des jeunes ,des initiatives efficaces dans des divers domaines (culturelle ,sociale,environnementale et sanitaire ) et des énergies créatives importantes .il lui  manque simplement  le soutien ,l'accompagnement et la supervision et voila  ce que le centre peut faire grâce au partenariat entre le centre et la Fondation Annalindh.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

un partenariat avec Anna lindh nous permet d'avoir une épérience énorme dans le domaine de l'action social car le réseau de l'organisation Anna lindh est un reseau international qui a accumulé un savoir   énorme . aussi parcque le travail avec des organisation internationale est considéré parmi nos objectifs principaux .

Contact (1) Full Name
EL AABADI Mustapha
Job Title
Le sécrétaire général
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
ben-sghayar rachid
Job Title (2)
Le Vice-président

الإتحاد العام للفنانين التعبريين الفلسطينين فرع جمهورية مصر العربية

National Network

37 شارع أدهم حلوان. جمهورية مصر العربيةعم
عمارات صقر قريش. مجمع أ. مدخل 3. حلوان جمهورية مصر العربية

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
هو اتحاد شعبى فلسطينى يعمل على الارتقاء بالشباب الفلسطينى ودعم قيم الإنتماء لدى الشباب والأطفال الفلسطينين من خلال تحقيق مجموعة من الأهداف ومنها 1-الحفاظ على التراث الفلسطينى من الاندثار 2-تعليم أبناء الجالية الفلسطينية بمصر الدبكة الشعبية الفلسطينية 3-إقامة المعارض الثقافية التى تعبر عن الأبعاد المختلفة للقضية الفلسطينية 4-الاهتمام وتشجيع أصحاب المواهب الفنية (غناء-تمثيل-عزف-إخراج -تصوير وغيرها من المواهب الفنية) والعمل على ثقلها 5-تبادل الخبرات والثقافات مع منظمات أخرى ذات صلة بنفس الموضوع 6-الاهتمام بتنمية الوعى الثقافى والتراث لدى الأطفال الفلسطينيين وذلك من خلال مشروع (طلائع فلسطين ) 7-إحياء المناسبات الوطنية الفلسطينية ونطمح من خلال تلك الأهداف أن نحقق الهدف الرئيسي إلا وهوه الحفاظ على الهوية الفلسطينية.
Mission and Objectives

الحفاظ على الهوية الفلسطينية.

Main Projects / Activities

تعليم ألوان الفنون الشعبية الفلسطينية المختلفة.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

أستطيع أن أساهم في الشبكة من خلال الترويج للشبكة وأهدافها من خلال الفاعليات التى يقوم الإتحاد بتنظيمها أوالمشاركة فيها،
والعمل على التواصل الدائم مع الشبكة
والعمل على إقامة فعاليات ثقافية أو فنية على مستوى أكثر من قطر على أن تكون الشبكة هى المنظمة للفاعالية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نحن بنطمح الانضمام للشبكة لكى تساعدنا الشبكة على تحقيق الأهداف التى يسعى الاتحاد لتحقيقها وربطنا مع كافة الإتحادات أوالمنظمات التى تعمل فى نفس مجالاتنا
وتبادل الخبرات مع المنظمات الأخرى
والانفتاح على العالم من خلال الشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
سليم موسى التلولي
Job Title
رئيس اتحاد الفنانين
Head of the organisation
سليم موسى التلولي
Contact (2) Full Name
فائق أبو عوكل
Job Title (2)
نائب رئيس الفنانين

Border Center for Support & Consulting

National Network

3 Kasr Ehager St

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
BSC is aprivate company working in human rights and community developement , admnistraion council formed from 3 persons, 15 employement and 10 volunteers . 60.000 l.e / year  external funding EMHRF& aswatona fund .  
Mission and Objectives

Borders centre for Support & Consulting (BSC) 
An Egyptian independant orgnization established in 2013 as a private company , works at human rights field , we believe in that converting society to better is only by human rights hprinciples , so (BSC) is seeking to target the unknown social categories which lives in the border areas . The Center also seeks to build bridges of communication and integration between these categories and each other, and the defense of their own social issues in the perspective of human rights through :
1- Observing and research unit will do permanent observation of the problems of society and to identify obstacles to development .
2- supporting human rights defenders .
3- Raising the level of awareness and establish the concept of citizenship and active participation among target groups in border areas.
4- Defending the rights of indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, women and children's rights according the customs and traditions of human in rights’ areas, exercise and activation of democracy and political reform.
5- Human capacity’s development for uninhibited institutions (governmental or non-governmental ) and the provision of continuous professional education in order to qualify them to perform their role effectively in the community.
6- Contact with civil society orgnizations to get fully participant to achieve the benefit of devoloping society .
7-unification mutual responsibility between organizations and governments to be parteners in the developement of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Nuba tube project : it`s one of our main projects , it`s about nuba one of the minority cultures in egypt , who suffered since along time ago from 60 years since the second forced displacement .
one of these tragedy was about marginalizing the Nubian language , so we seek from our project to get the Nubian language and the fully identity of Nubians back by new society social media , so we created our youtube channel which will introduce programmes about teaching the nubian language , history , nubian style life , and culture 2 hours/daily programmes ,  this channel will be  fully in nubian language and translted it to many other languages to let the world know nubian language , nubian customs and traditions . mainly to know who they are . 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we known a human rights organization which concern and defending the cultre rights for minorties and indigenous people in Egypt , we contribute with the net work to show the cultuered problems of ethnic minorties and indigenous people to find soultions with other civil human rights orgnazions and we also contribute to create a minority culture map  of local culture of (minorties and indigenous people) 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- exchange experments with other organizations in ALF Network .
2- contact with the organizations members in ALF .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Azmy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Azmy
Contact (2) Full Name
Marwa Mohamed
Job Title (2)
communication operator

Sivil Düşünce ve Yönetişim Platformu

National Network

7302 Sokak No:22 Ümit Mahallesi Daire:3
Pınarbaşı Bornova
35060 İzmir/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Sivil Düşünce ve Yönetişim Platformu, 21.11.2015 tarihinde  dairesel bir yönetişim sistemi içerisinde, herkesin birbirine karşı sorumlu olduğu ve herkesin birbirine yardımcı olacağı bir sistemde kurularak çalışmalarına başlamıştır. Değişen dünya şartları kapsamında eski örgütlenme modeli içerisinde çalışmalarını sürdüren sivil toplum kuruluşlarının aksine platformumuz hiyerarşi yerine heterarşik bir yapılanmayı hakim kılmakta ve bu anlayışı kurumsal kültür olarak benimsemektedir. Çalışma Alanlarımız 1- Gençlik Politikaları ve Katılım 2- Proje Yazımı ve Eğitim Çalışmaları 3- Girişimcilik Çalışmaları 4- Demokratikleşme Çalışmaları 5- Hak Temelli Savunuculuk Çalışmaları   - Kadın Hakları   - Çocuk Hakları   - Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği ve Çeşitlilik   - İnternet Hakları   - Hayvan Hakları   - İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre   - Mülteci Hakları   - Roman Hakları
Mission and Objectives

Cinsiyet, Etnik, Mezhepsel, Dilsel fark göz etmeksizin 18-30 Yaş aralığındaki
İzmir’de yaşamını sürdüren, Gençlik Politikaları’na ilgi duyan Gençlerle ilgilenmekteyiz.
Bu gençlerin Kariyer planlarını oluştururken, sadece bireysel fayda sağlamayıp, toplumsal
katkı sunmak adına Girişimcilik Ruhuna sahip veyahut Girişimciliği teşvik edici projelere
yatkın olmasını değerli buluyoruz. Aynı zamanda şehrimiz İzmir’in ve büyük ölçekli olarak
Akdeniz’in Kalkınmasıyla ilgilenip Projeler üreten veya Projelerde aktif yer alan kişilerin
katalizör etki yaratacağını gözlemlemekteyiz. Yanı sıra, çalışmaları esnasında Sosyal Adalet
ilkesini içselleştiren ve yayılmasına katkıda bulunmak isteyen, son olarak da Gönüllülük
bilincini kabul etmiş Gençler bizlerin hedef kitlesi içerisindedir.

Main Projects / Activities

Platformumuz tarafından düzenlenen değişim akademisi programları çerçevesinde 1 ay boyunca
her hafta sonu milletvekillerimizi derneğimizde ağırlayarak, yerel sorunları, ulusal gündemi ve
gençlik sorunlarını tartıştık.
IRI- Uluslararası Cumhuriyetçiler Enstitüsü ve İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi ortaklığı ile İzmir’de
1 ay boyunca gerçekleştirilen eğitime dernek olarak katılım gösterdik.
Sivil Düşün AB Programı kapsamında iki tane proje ile başvurumuzu yaptık.
Erasmus+ Programı kapsamında projemizi yazdık.
Hak Temelli Çalışmalarımız kapsamında Roman Çalışmaları İnsan Hakları Forumunu İzmir Romanlar Derneği ile beraber düzenledik.
Uluslararası Çocuklarla Güçlüyüz Konferansına katılım gösterdik.
Habitat Kalkınma ve Yönetişim Derneği, UNDP, Kalkınma Bakanlığı ve VİSA Europe onaylı eğitim olan Paramı Yönebiliyorum ve Girişimcilik eğitimlerini yaygınlaştırdık.

Contact (1) Full Name
Süleyman GÖK
Job Title
Genel Koordinatör
Head of the organisation
Süleyman GÖK
Contact (2) Full Name
Uğur Gümüş
Job Title (2)
Genel Koordinatör Yardımcısı


National Network

sis Foyer Calendal
42 rue des Vertus

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
L’association MASSILIAZOOM a pour objet : - de promouvoir la création artistique et l’expression des jeunes en tant que vecteurs éducatif et thérapeutique. - de favoriser les rencontres entre jeunes et professionnels du champ social et artistique en développant un festival de cinéma social à Marseille à destination des établissements scolaires, des centres sociaux et des établissements socio- éducatif, des associations et/ou jeunes réalisateurs dans un cadre associatif au niveau national et international. Le festival Massiliazoom s’inscrit comme un événement annuel, éducatif et culturel permettant à des jeunes de mettre en valeur leur travail et leur réalité de s’enrichir par le biais des échanges suscités par les partenaires autour de la formation et la créativité. Les productions audiovisuelles en compétition sont des documentaires et des fictions sous forme de courts métrages portant sur des thématiques sociales réalisés par de jeunes amateurs. L’appel à participation est ouvert pour les établissements scolaires, associations et/ou jeunes réalisateurs actifs dans un cadre associatif. Les productions audiovisuelles en compétition peuvent être des documentaires ou des fictions sous forme de courts métrages portant sur des thématiques sociales réalisés par de jeunes amateurs de moins de 25 ans.
Mission and Objectives

Le bureau est composé du Président, Mr Diallo, la secrétaire, Mme RICO et le trésorier, Mr EYNAUD.
Le budget prévisionnel 2016 est de 18150 euros. Nos principales ressources  sont les subventions de l'association JBFOUQUE, Passeurs d'Image, la Fondation la Bonne Jeanne et nous faisons actuellement d'autres demandes auprès de la région PACA.
Partenaires de l'action :
Associations : Association JBFouque ; Ph'art et Balises, AFLAM ; Lieux Fictifs; Voix des Migrants ; dreadlocks 13, AECD, Tanjazoom, Barcelonazoom, Handifilm, Horizons Décalés,Foyer Vallence, Peuple et Culture.
Collectivités territoriales et Services de l’État :PJJ (STEI, UEAJ, EPE)
Education Nationale LPP JACQUES RAYNAUD, Lycée Saint Exupéry, Lycée Nord.
Salle de Cinéma : le Gyptis, le Polygone Etoile, Villa Mediterranée.
Autres organismes :Urban Prod, CIERES, CADA la Caravelle, Fondation la Bonne Jeanne, centre social de Frais Vallon.

Main Projects / Activities

Modalités d'action :Les jeunes de chaque établissement ou en partenariat avec d’autres établissements sont impliqués dans la réalisation d’un court-métrage de la phase d’écriture à la phase de montage en passant par le jeu d’acteurs, la mise en scène, les accessoires dans le cadre d'ateliers artistiques animés par un professionnel de la structure ou d'un intervenant extérieur mandaté. Les jeunes sont informés que la participation aux ateliers et la réalisation d'un court-métrage aboutira à la participation de leur oeuvre au festival MASSILIAZOOM.
Nous projetons d'organiser des tables rondes pendant le festival entre les jeunes des différents établissements et des professionnels du cinéma. Nous faisons également appel cette année à un professionnel pour animer les débats dans la salle après chaque projection afin de favoriser au mieux l'expression des jeunes tant sur leur participation aux ateliers, la réalisation de l'oeuvre que sur leurs avis/ressentis sur les films présentés.
Dans chaque structure, des ateliers sont programmés soit de façon hebdomadaire à jour et heure fixe, et animés par des professionnels appartenant à l'établissement ou par des intervenants extérieurs, professionnels du champ artistique et/ou social inscrits sur le même territoire géographique/local. Le foyer Calendal soutient le projet et permet aux professionnels de s’impliquer dans le projet en mettant à disposition ses locaux pour les réunions partenaires. De même, le STEI (PJJ) contribue énormément au développement du projet en mettant à disposition ses locaux également et en communiquant sur l'ensemble du territoire
Chaque établissement partenaire met à disposition du personnel pour accompagner le public dans la réalisation des courts-métrages.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Fort de la première édition du Festival Massiliazoom en mai 2015, l'association Massiliazoom organise avec ses partenaires la 2ème édition qui se déroulera les 27 et 28 avril 2016. Massiliazoom est un festival de cinéma social organisé à Marseille qui s'inscrit dans la filiation du Tanjazoom (festival du cinéma social de Tanger) et Barcelonazoom (Barcelone) à destination des établissements scolaires, des centres sociaux et des foyers socio- éducatifs. Nous constituons à l'heure actuellement un partenariat euroméditerranéen plus important et officiel entre nos trois festivals. Massiliazoom Des ateliers artistiques sont menés dans les divers établissements partenaires et membres de l'association permettant à des jeunes de s'exprimer, de s’enrichir par le biais des rencontres et des échanges interculurels autour de la formation et  la créativité. L’apprivoisement de sa propre image est un axe de travail. La réalisation d’un court-métrage permet de soutenir les apprentissages, le travail sur le langage verbal et paraverbal, l’acceptation et l’affirmation de Soi, la valorisation narcissique, le développement de la confiance et de l’estime de Soi, l’émergence de la créativité, l’expression des émotions, le tissage des liens jeunes/adultes autour d’un objet créé collectivement. Le média et les débriefings après visionnage des scènes filmées sur ordinateur sont des supports à l’accompagnement psycho-éducatif et l'ouverture vers la culture. Notre partenaire AMCS réalise actuellement 20 court-métrages auprès de notre public sur le thème de la discrimination à destination du MRAP. Nous avons pu mettre en relation intervenants artistiques et établissements et tisser un réseau de professionnels impliqués dans l'accompagnement des jeunes autour de médias artistiques. Nous souhaitons impliquer davantage l'Education Nationale cette année. La 1ère édition a accueilli environ 350 spectateurs sur deux jours. Nous espérons davantage sur cette deuxième édition. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Au regard du développement de notre partenariat avec Tanger-Kenitra et Barcelone, il nous semble important de nous affilier à une fondation, un réseau qui partage les mêmes valeurs et poursuit des missions et des objectifs qui relèvent d'une même sensibilité.Nous avons construit un partenariat avec des professionnels de l'éducation, de la culture et du social à destination de la jeunesse, des champs qui sont au coeur de la fondation Anna Lindh. Nous espérons que la fondation Anna Lindh aura à coeur de nous accueillir dans son son réseau et soutenir la cause et l'expression des jeunes qui ont tant besoin d'espaces et de lieu pour transformer leur vécu tout autant que nous aurons à coeur de mettre en avant les actions de la fondation et de relayer les information, missions, et projets de celle-ci.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandrine RICO
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Beit Berl College

National Network

Beit Berl College
K'far Saba 4490500

054 682 2878
Telephone (other)
054 497 0579
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
054 682 2878
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Beit Berl College is a compelling model for higher education in Israel. Founded in 1949, the College combines the pioneering spirit of Berl Katznelson, spiritual leader of the pre-state Labor Movement (for whom the school is named), with the vision and spunk of the Start-Up Nation. Today, the pastoral campus thrives with educational opportunity, social diversity and creativity. The College attracts the best and the brightest to the critical fields of education, the arts, and society and culture, providing a combination of rigorous theoretical work and hands-on learning. Graduates hold prominent positions in national and local government, private and non-profit sectors, the education system and the global arts community.  Seeing higher education as a vehicle for social mobility, Beit Berl College enables students from all segments of Israeli society – young, old, Jewish, Arab, religious, secular, veterans and new immigrants – to explore and to succeed in a broad range of academic disciplines. Beit Berl College graduates constitute a new generation of leaders, poised to change Israel from the inside out.  Beit Berl College advances social responsibility and active citizenship – in the classroom, across the campus, and throughout the country.  The multi-cultural campus comprises a living laboratory for building a shared society. The College serves ten thousand students and employs 700 faculty members who - religious and secular, Jewish and Arab, veteran and immigrant - interact in a dynamic, diversified and egalitarian learning environment. The academic calendar incorporates the religious holidays of Arab faculty and students, and preparatory programs enable many Arab students to access quality art, film and other fields of higher education for the first time. The College also welcomes a growing population of ultra-Orthodox students, providing academic frameworks for Haredi men and women that respect their lifestyle and cultural sensitivities. Beit Berl College has a staff of 700 which includes teaching faculty, administration, and other support staff.  The budget for the 2015 is approximately 169 million New Israeli Sheqels. Funding is provided by the Committee for Planning and Budgeting of the Council for Higher Education, student tuition, foundations, and private donors. Modes of Action: The principle activity that takes place at Beit Berl is teaching and learning. Beit Berl College also operates foreign student exchange programs, periodic conferences, and offers scholarships to worthy students.  The principle partners with Beit Berl College are the students, surrounding schools in which our students provide "student teaching", the Open University, and the Council for Higher Education.
Mission and Objectives

The Faculty of Education
With a national reputation for professionalizing the field of education, this Faculty specializes in the training and development of teachers and youth workers. From early childhood to primary and secondary education, through special education to youth at-risk, the Faculty merges theory and practice, working with over 230 Arab and Jewish schools and community centers to facilitate and supervise students in the field. Today, one in every five teachers in Israel’s secular public school systems, Jewish and Arab, is a graduate of Beit Berl College.
Within the Faculty, The Arab Academic Institute of Education distinguishes Beit Berl College as the only institution that trains teachers for both the Jewish and Arab education systems, offering studies for each group in its own native language, while providing ample opportunities for both groups to learn together. Some 90 nationally acclaimed Arab faculty members teach and conduct research in the Institute. The College is also proud to house Al Yanbuaa, a national research center, and extensive library facilities, dedicated to Arabic language and culture.
Beit Berl College offers B.Ed. degrees in a wide range of subject areas, from English to history and the sciences, and teacher certification courses. M.Ed. and M.A. programs facilitate further specialization. The M.Teach program attracts Israel’s best and brightest undergraduates to acquire a teaching certificate combined with a Master’s degree in education. Programs include educational counseling, advancing youth at-risk, curriculum planning and evaluation, teaching the learning disabled, educational administration, language instruction, and Arab culture.
Outstanding programs include:
• The Center for Haredi Educators: Bridges social disparities that separate the secular and ultra-Orthodox school systems in Israel.
• Tsevet: Prepares veteran officers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other security forces for second careers as educators.
• Above and Beyond: Upgrades the level of math instruction in Jewish and Arab high schools, with special emphasis on the empowerment of women.
The Faculty of Arts – HaMidrasha
In 2016, the celebrated Faculty of Arts-HaMidrasha marks 70 years of training generations of Israeli artists, filmmakers and teachers of the arts. Its 150 faculty members and thousands of graduates are pathmakers in Israel’s cultural arena. Faculty members have received prestigious awards including the 2014-15 Israel Prize for Fine Arts, represented Israel at the 2015 Venice Biennale, and are frequent winners at national and international film festivals.
HaMidrasha grants a B.Ed.F.A. with tracks in fine arts and film, and two graduate degrees: M.Ed. in Art Education and  M.A.A.T. in Art Therapy, and also offers the Post-Graduate Fine Arts Program. The faculty’s innovative model encourages fresh explorations in the fields of art pedagogy, theory and criticism, digital media, installation art, curatorship, visual culture, and other avant-guard and cutting edge fields.
The Film Department is a vital part of the growing success of Israel’s film industry, shaping young filmmakers and training teachers in the full range of cinematic arts: photography, scriptwriting, directing and sound. Together with the Tel Aviv Cinematheque, HaMidrasha produces Cine Forte, a biennial festival showcasing the finest student films.
The Faculty of Society and Culture
As the central hub of Beit Berl College’s interdisciplinary studies, this dynamic Faculty integrates academic and practical knowledge on a wide range of cultural and social issues. Graduates engage in education, local government, law enforcement, business and the non-profit sectors. In cooperation with the Open University, the Faculty also provides mid-career professionals the opportunity to gain a degree while broadening their intellectual horizons.
Among its many groundbreaking programs, the Faculty offers:
• Public Policy Studies: With an emphasis on strengthening community through social change, the program combines studies in criminology and law enforcement, gender studies, conflict resolution, social policy and public administration.
• Studies in Israeli Culture: A multi-disciplinary approach to Israeli society that delves critically into geography, Hebrew and Arabic language and literature, Biblical studies, Israeli politics, and civics.
• Defense and Homefront Security Program: The first specialization track of its kind in Israel to prepare local and national officials to build integrated systems for public resilience during times of natural and man-made disaster.

Main Projects / Activities

Positioned on the cutting edge of science and technology, Israel is synonymous with daring innovation and bold achievement.  Israel’s place in the global marketplace rests on a strong knowledge base, on creativity, and on the ability to communicate across cultures in English.  With an alarming shortage of skilled math, technology, science, and English teachers, Israel’s entrepreneurial advantage is threatened. To address this challenge, Beit Berl College has embarked on an ambitious effort to recruit and train educators in these critical fields. Drawing on its vast experience in teacher development and 21st century educational models, the College is cultivating a whole new cadre of teachers and young professionals to bolster and sustain these vital areas.
To fuel the growth of quality teachers, the new M.Teach programs in the sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, environmental and computer sciences) and mathematics target talented Jewish and Arab university graduates in the relevant disciplines and offers them the opportunity to obtain a Masters of Education and a teaching certificate. These new programs, to be approved shortly by The Council of Higher Education, are forerunners in Israeli teacher education, drawing the best and the brightest, and ensuring the next generation of young women and men who will continue to lead Israel as the Start-Up Nation.
In the coming years, Beit Berl College plans to launch the integrated STEM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) into the Israeli education curriculum for the first time, with an M.A. in STEM education. The new program will encourage a holistic blending of academic knowledge, hands-on experiential learning, and building skills across disciplines. Given the enormous impact that these fields have on the potential of the Israeli scientific, medical, economic, and industrial sectors, these initiatives are paramount for Israel’s future.  
The Center for Education for Shared Society
In 2015, Beit Berl College launched the Center for Education for Shared Society to focus on three intersecting areas: education, creating shared campus life, and building an inter-communal hub. Focused on advancing cross-cultural understanding among the College's faculty and students, this new Center has become a national incubator for change. The Center develops Israeli models and practices to: adapt international experience for teaching democracy in a conflicted society, build shared education, teach across ethnic boundaries, and implement these methods within the education system nationwide. The Center helps deepen the experience of shared campus life, enriches curricula, encourages dialogue on sensitive issues, advances the use of Arabic language in signage and web material, and assists Arab students in mastering academic Hebrew.
With additional resources, the Center will develop a national teacher training curriculum and student teaching model, engage in international research, enhance shared campus life, and go beyond the campus to the surrounding Arab and Jewish communities to become a thriving hub for cultural and educational dialogue and experiences.
The Arts:
The Faculty of Arts–HaMidrasha, now entering its 70th year, is a source of pride to Beit Berl College and infuses the campus with excitement and energy. At HaMidrasha, more than just an outlet of aesthetic creativity, the arts are a basis for nurturing the individual and expressing the myriad, sometimes muffled, voices of society. As the leading academic institution for training art teachers and a hub for burgeoning young artists, HaMidrasha inspires our teachers and students to create a deeper commitment for grappling with and healing Israel’s divided society.
The vibrant Gallery HaYarkon 19 is HaMidrasha’s window onto the community, located at the nexus of Tel Aviv’s gallery district and disadvantaged southern neighborhoods. The Gallery’s striking displays and center for social outreach host thousands of visitors a year. Through its wide array of activities, including encounters with local and international artists, contemporary art exhibitions and installations, screenings, book launches, multi-media and musical happenings, HaYarkon 19 is a dynamic catalyst in the Israeli art scene. Bringing the power of art to the community and the power of the community to the artist, the Gallery interacts with local high schools and art teachers, and offers specially tailored programs for children and senior citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarah Kreimer
Job Title
Director, Department of External Relations and Resource Development
Head of the organisation
Professor Tamar Ariav
Contact (2) Full Name
Zachary Harris
Job Title (2)
Department of External Relations and Resource Development

Comitato di Collegamento di Cattolici per una Civiltà dell'Amore

National Network

Via Sant'Antonio,5
Via Doganale, 1 -00043 Ciampino (Roma)
20122 Milano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Association is a non-profit organization and aims to: - Raising public awareness through the organization of conferences, national media campaigns. The Association works in partnership with the Missionary Institutes, present in more than 40 poor countries, to promote projects that create job opportunities locally, for poor fathers. - Realizing, at some schools, the project "Education to globality" which consists of a partnership between a school of Rome and a poor school in Africa, Brazil and India and to support these by distance adopting of their teachers. - Since 2007, the Committee cooperates with the J.P. II for the Sahel Foundation, which aims to help the people of Africa to achieve self-development in terms of employment and education. The Association constitutes of: a Board , a National Secretary, an Honorary Chairman, two employees and some volunteer members. The funds of the Association are identified mainly in liberal contributions.
Mission and Objectives

The task of the Association is to promote development projects in developing countries, through awareness campaigns and public events and mainly operates on two levels: one that involves the realization of micro-projects and the second concerning interventions of greater size as the launch of microenterprises in Africa and in particular in the Sahel region.
Through national media campaigns (for example Campaign "Against Hunger Change Life" and "Adopt a dad in the South of the World", already launched by Pope John Paul II In the angelus of 18 March 2001) the association works with the Missionary Institutes present in more than 40 poor countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Haiti, India and Peru, for the promotion of projects of distance adoptions . These initiatives aim to create job opportunities locally, with pay, for poor householders.
This program was started in 2002 and aims to support the creation of a micro-business background in poor countries, through an action of participatory planning and training in the laboratory made possible by collaboration between lenders, missionary world and small Italian enterprises.
Since 2007, the Committee works with the John Paul II for the Sahel Foundation, established in Burkina Faso under the auspices of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum", which aims to promote projects of human, social and economic development in the nine countries of the Sahel.
The projects are based on the full involvement of small and medium-sized European companies - through the creation of medium and long term partnership with the operators in developing countries, providing in particular the provision of know-how and technology and the training of local staff. In this way one can increase their level of internationalization and contribute in some way to the reduction of the phenomenon of unemployment in Europe, particularly serious in the present economic situation.
What we expect to achieve is, an ethical approach to the African Continent, by many defined “the Continent of the Future”; helping European companies to grow in the African market while accompanying the growth of the African market itself. In particular, the aim is to give rise to an virtuous internationalization, so that it may be true development cooperation in terms of training of local staff, transfer of production know-how and technology in particular.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the beginning up to now they were made 28,024 micro-projects which include sponsorships of children and dad, micro projects in agriculture, food, education, energy, water, etc ..
Have been made, the following Micro in collaboration with the Missionary Institutes :
1. Achievement in Derrière-Wharf on the outskirts of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, the "Artisans Program" through which about sixty young graduates were able to start their work and production in their country.
2. Implementation of the "Training School for Carpenters" in the village of Kwentou, in Burkina Faso, which gives young people practical tools to enable small businesses and cooperatives of artisans.
From 2008 to date the following cooperation projects have been carried out in the Sahel in collaboration with the John Paul II Foundation for the Sahel :
1. Construction of a mill and a multipurpose room in Noaka, Burkina Faso
2. Construction of a cereal bank to Boala, Burkina Faso
3. Education and training of women's groups to design and pilot operation of income-generating activities in 47 Departments in Burkina Faso
4. Construction of a water pipe for irrigation in the center of the mission at Brin, Senegal
5. Annual program of support for the design of programs of breeding cattle to Ringuissi, Burkina Faso
6. Construction and installation of a power plant with photovoltaic panels Tiedin in Burkina Faso
7. Construction of a house and a shed for children and street children in Kaya in Burkina Faso
8. Program of construction of two boreholes in villages and Bisgé Tamasgo in Burkina Faso
9. Creation of a well equipped with a hand pump Bantuankepela in Burkina Faso
10. Construction of a multipurpose room equipped and functional Diannah- Malary in Senegal
11. Starting a sartorial involving 40 women in Cairo
12. Construction of a well for the children of a primary school and the village population Nohoungo / Bollin, in Burkina Faso

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe Rotunno
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Rotunno

Association ADOUAR du Théâtre libre

National Network

زنقة 1 رقم 18 حي الرحمة
81000 كلميم

Mobile Phone
22 35 82 76 06
Mobile Phone (other)
28 45 62 61 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

جمعية أدوار للمسرح الحر تعنى بالمسرح و الثقافة عموما، تضم 7 أعضاء نشيطين و تشغل 11 فردا من خلال فرقة مسرحية احترافية تقدم عروض احترافية بكافة مناطق المغرب و التي تقوم اساسا على دعم وزارة الثقافة. كما تنظم مهرجان كلميم لمسرح الجنوب، مهرجان كلميم الدولي للشعر و دورة تكوينية سنوية في المسرح لفائدة الشباب و هواة المسرح، و يقوم تنظيم هذه التظاهرات على عقد شراكات مع وزارة الثقافة، ولاية جهة كلميم وادنون، صندوق الايداع والتدبير و بعض المتعاطفين

Mission and Objectives

   ٭ النهوض بالفن عموما و المسرح خصوصا بجهة كلميم واد نون.    ٭ خدمة الثقافة الوطنية و القيم التي لا تتنافى مع قيمنا الدينية و الحضارية    ٭ تشجيع المواهب الفنية و تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدتهم.    ٭ توعية الشباب بالدور الذي يلعبه المسرح في التنمية الثقافية و الاجتماعية و تشجيع روح التكافل و التعاون بينهم و كذا خدمة الصالح العام.    ٭ ربط علاقات التعاون مع جمعيات وطنية و دولية في مجال المسرح.    ٭ الاهتمام بمسرح الطفل ، و التنسيق مع المؤسسات التعليمية للارتقاء بالمسرح المدرسي.    ٭ أنشطة الجمعية لا تتخذ طابعا نقابيا و سياسيا.    ٭ تعتمد الجمعية كافة الوسائل التي تمكنها من تحقيق كافة أهدافها النبيلة.

Main Projects / Activities

- فرقة أدوار للمسرح الحر _احترافية_ - مهرجان كلميم لمسرح الجنوب  - مهرجان كلميم الدولي للشعر - دورات تكوينية في المسرح  

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdellatif ESAFI
Job Title (2)