Fragments Theatre

National Network

Al Zaytouna Street 1 Jenin, Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Fragments Theatre is a cultural organization, founded in Jenin, by a group of actors, filmmakers, technicians who were inspired by Juliano Mer-Khamis, a Palestinian /Israeli Theatre director who was assassinated in 2011. Fragments Theatre wants to give young people the opportunity to express themselves using theatre, film, circus and the arts in Jenin and the surrounding areas. Over the last few years, they have organized several activates with children and young people, producing plays , short films and puppet workshops aimed at encouraging people from Jenin to learn new skills to express themselves in arts and culture. The group is currently run by volunteers, and through various small grassroots funding intitiatives.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to:
1. To use art as a tool to build bridges in the community and to break Jenin’s cultural isolation from the rest of Palestine.
2. To use art to elevate and contribute to Palestinian society.
3. To foster collaboration between actors, artists, technicians, and the local community.
4. To develop a group of diverse Palestinian artists, highlighting the community’s talents and to engage high-risk and marginalized community members.
5. To collaborate with local and international artists.
6. To develop skills and capacity building in the areas of theatre, cinema, and circus arts.
7. To present theatre, circus arts, and cinema to under-exposed community groups, including to children, youth, and women.

Since 2013, Fragments Theatre has carried out numerous diverse art projects throughout Palestine.
The projects have trained young Palestinian artists, brought international artists and volunteers to work with the local community, built community partnerships, promoted community building, and fostered women’s empowerment. The diverse projects have also engaged hundreds of young people with the arts in Jenin and the surrounding isolated communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Past Projects Include:
“Peter Pan in Jenin” Theatre Project (2013)
“Windows” Theatre Project (2014)
The Cargotopia Art Festival and puppet workshops (2014)
“Chaos in the City” Theatre project (2015)
The projects have trained young Palestinian artists, brought international artists and volunteers to work with the local community, built community partnerships, promoted community building, fostered women’s empowerment. Its projects have also engaged hundreds of young people with the arts in Jenin and the surrounding isolated communities.
FRAGMENTS has partnered with Cinema Jenin, The Freedom Theatre, and The Goethe Institute of Ramallah.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rawand Arqawi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rawand Arqawi

Tawasol Center for Youth and Culture Association

National Network

.Gaza Strip, Rafah, Abu Baker Alsediq st.,
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Society Information     Name and Address of the society     1. The full name of the society (in Arabic): جمعية مركز تواصل للشباب والثقافة 2. The full name of the society (in English): Tawasol Center For Youth and Culture Society 3. Society Address : Rafah – Behind Labors office directorate Governorate: Rafah     Society's Web site:      Contact Person:  Eng. Mohamed Eisa  The number of employees in the Society:   9  Bank name and account numbers: Alquds Bank  458337   The Legal Status of the Society   * Classification Corporation: Civil service society * Registration Authority: Ministry of Interior - Ramallah * Date: 27/01/2003         *  Registration Number: 5084     Administrative Supervision   * The nature of the supervisory body: Board of Directors * Number of members of the supervisory body:  9   Source of funding: INGOs   Main Partners: 1. General Union of Palestinian non-governmental organizations   2. General Union of Cultural Centers 3. PNGO Network    

Mission and Objectives

The Society Vision   Tawasol Center for Youth & Culture is a service society that seeks  to develop and enable a sustainable society based on the  empowering the  capabilities of children and women as well as Cultural Activation for young people and help the elderly and people with disabilities. . The society of Rafah on the  healthy and environmental levels as   well as the neighboring areas preserve to be active and contributing members of their community development. The Center Message   Tawasol Center for Youth & Culture is a non-profit,  independent and non-governmental organization that aims to develop and enable a sustainable society based on community integration for children, women and young people in Rafah and the surrounding areas through capacity  building for women and children as well as the cultural activation of youth and help the elderly and people with disabilities and to contribute to the development programs on the  health and environmental levels. . Tawasol Center For Youth & Culture is committed to achieve the  principles of human rights which include justice, equality, commitment to the rule of law, transparency, tolerance, respect, non-discrimination, participation and empowerment of the  marginalized groups.     Strategic objectives of the Center *  Capacity building for Tawasol Center for Youth & Culture and partners. * Contribute to the development of children’s talents and capacities of women and integrate them into society. * Contribute to the revitalization and build capacity of young people and  integrate them  into the community. * Contribute to develop and educate the society on the environmental and healthy levels.  

Main Projects / Activities

The Society  Programs 1. Capacity Building of the society and partners. 2. Capacity Building of  the marginalized women and children 3.  Activating, capacity building and integrating  the young people into the society. 4.  Developing the local society on the environmental and healthy levels through helping  the elderly and people with disabilities.    

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Essam Atiya Eisa
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Saeed Jaser
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Jasser
Job Title (2)
chairman of board directors

Vytautas the Great War Museum

National Network

K. Donelaičio st. 64

(8 37) 32 07 65
Telephone (other)
(8 37) 22 28 47
(8 37) 32 07 65
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Vytautas the Great War Museum is one of the oldest and biggest museums in Lithuania and the Baltic States. Founder of the Museum is Ministry of National Defence Republic of Lithuania. There are more than 90 cultural and administration employees working in Museum. The Museum accumulates, keeps, restores, investigates and propagates monuments of the Lithuania nation and its fights for freedom and independence of the Lithuanian State, displays telling about the history of Lithuania and other states, the art of military skills from the oldest time to our days. It contains more than 250 000 exhibits: archaeological finds, weapons, firearms, ammunition, army uniforms of various states, objects and documents related to the transatlantic flight of "Lituanica". To mark various significant historical events there are presented some temporary exhibitions every year. The Museum arranges the educational programs related to the military.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Museum is to act as a bridge between the rich historical and cultural heritage of world cultures, as embodied in its collections, and the unique experience of each visitor. Dedicated to the primacy of the visitor experience, committed to excellence in every aspect of its collections and programs, and drawing on both new and traditional tools of communication, interpretation and presentation, the Museum aim is to serve its diverse public as a dynamic, innovative and welcoming center for learning through the history. The main objectives of the Museum are to accumulate and keep museum-pieces of military and cultural heritage, work exploratory work, introduce to community the accumulative museum-pieces, work educational work.

Main Projects / Activities

Accumulating, keeping, restoring, investigating and propagating monuments of the Lithuania nation and its fights for freedom and independence of the Lithuanian State, educational programs, organization of lectures, seminars, lessons, organization of celebrations, book presentations, organization of events for kindergartens, organization of events for conscripts, making reports, preparation of articles for press.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience, knowledge and skills, developing communication and common projects with Euro-Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aim is to find partners and initiate international cooperation, present our institution, share practice and learn from other institution's experience, improve our knowledge and enhance communication and understanding on national and international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vilija Sapjanskienė
Job Title
The Head of Department of Education and Visitor Service
Head of the organisation
Kęstutis Kuršelis
Contact (2) Full Name
Indrė Brasevičiūtė
Job Title (2)
Cultural Activity Manager


National Network

amman tlaa al ali
amman 11732

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
AEIIC academy working on youth and training courses as a private sector and NGO at the same time on volunteering work , culture and eduaction exchanges .  
Mission and Objectives

* sponser and support the youth at jordan .
* training the youth educating and worker .

Main Projects / Activities

ability to reach all youth worker and trainer at jordan and support hem .

Contact (1) Full Name
mohammad sameer salah
Head of the organisation
Mohammad Salah

Kalem Kultur Association

National Network

General Yazgan Sok no:11/2
Asmalimescit Beyoglu
34430 istanbul/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Kalem organise The ITEF - Istanbul Tanpinar Literature Festival yearly with the help of the sponsorships and partners. The team of the festival work voluntarily for the association. each year near the 50 partners are involved to the organisation of the ITEF. The Association organise also many translation workshops, literary events, publish festival antologie and participe to the international book fairs and literature festivals.
Mission and Objectives

Kalem Culture is a non-profit association with the aims:
- To assist intercultural interactions,
- Promoting in the Turkish literature abroad with foreign literature in Turkey
- Increase cooperation activities related to literary translation between Turkish and other languages
- Introduce Turkish literature in international platforms.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work with most of the publishers, writers, translators, municipalities, schools, universities, ministiry of the culture, education and other possible partners connected to literature and publishing sector.
Our network is one the biggest for Turkey in the field of the literature.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Kalem Culture will be one the partner for a project presented to ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mehmet Demirtas
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Demirtas
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatma Yilmaz
Job Title (2)


National Network

50-52 Valtetsiou str.
10681 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

INTER ALIA is a private not-for-profit organization based in Athens, Greece. Its activities are carried out through its two interconnected branches, a youth organization and a think-tank. Both branches have common aims though diverse tools for pursuing them. Inter Alia's founders and members are particularly interested in contemporary challenges of the EU with particular focus on education, democracy and collective action, and social entrepreneurship.

Mission and Objectives

INTER ALIA aims: - To bring people closer to each other and to Europe through breaking stereotypes, analysing and deconstructing conflict, engaging actively in key political issues and dialogue. - To raise awareness of the EU & prospective EU citizens on available channels for acting, participating & shaping Europe - To utilize the increasing willingness of the European youth to share their skills, expertise and energy, and to improve youth employability - To apply pressure to EU mechanisms for the expansion of participation of EU & prospective EU citizens in the European process - To provide multi-disciplinary approaches and integrate fragmented knowledge into a fruitful scheme

Main Projects / Activities

INTER ALIA's members and network of partners target the organization's aims through both theoretical/academic and practical (educational & civic) ventures. Specifically, Inter Alia uses four basic tools for action: - Analysis: Collecting & publishing original analyses that touch upon contemporary developments, concepts and ideas that unite or divide us, that promote or obstruct collective action and Europeans’ common sense of belonging, and that impact on our perceived role within the community at all levels (local, regional, national, European, global). Inter Alia has published more than 20 policy analyses this far. Some of the recent ones were related to: viewpoints towards Islam in contemporary Europe; the rising populism in Western Balkan countries; the education revolution that is attempted by particular institutions through new media and tools. - Debate: Promoting direct interaction between experts (policy makers, scholars) and the wider public. Training courses, workshops, seminars, public discussions & conferences are the main tools for promoting dialogue and participation with the underlying goals of making Europe more popular and likeable. Inter Alia holds regular events that aim at communicating contemporary issues of Europe through non-formal learning methods. Along with activities at the national level, Inter Alia has been represented by affiliated experts and young members in numerous international activities such as workshops, training courses, job-shadowing, forums etc. - Networking: Inter Alia aims at supporting and promoting views & activities of numerous organizations that share our vision for an active and assertive European demos. Collective action is an essential step for minimizing the distance between the EU and the European constituencies and for effectively applying pressure towards more accountability and openness. These aims have been pursued through promotional activites for partner organizations as well as through participation to a number of partnerships and consortia involved in a variety of national, European and international projects. - Research: Inter Alia’s platform is open to scholars, academic & policy analysts, but also to students and journalists who wish to contribute articles in their field of expertise related (but not limited) to contemporary cultural, political, educational, economic, commercial & social issues of Europe. The production of Inter Alia's research portfolio is made up of three collective volumes, public opinion surveys and social research as well as occasional papers. Inter Alia is run by a team of professionals from different fields ( while participation is project based. Inter Alia has involved a number of people from diverse fields in its ventures including young academics, civil society organizations, associations and think tanks, high-school students and youth. These partnerships are cultivated and extended through Inter Alia's growing pan-European network of partners and collaborators (

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

INTER ALIA through its philosophy that one organization cannot achieve much on its own but must put itself inter alia its peer, can contribute in the main aims of ALF for bringing together civil society and citizens across the Mediterranean to trust-building and mutual understanding which are among others among the core aims and values of ours.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to empower our organisation through stable networks based on common values. At the same time we can assist other organisations in their respective goals. Alltogether, our joint aims can be better promoted through joint ventures rather than fragmented action with questionable continuity. Thus, cooperation for the joint civic benefit, the serving of ALF aims and at the same time of the mission of each organization is our main motivation for joining.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikolaos Pasamitros
Job Title
Academic Director
Head of the organisation
Nikolaos Papakostas

Associazione Kymbala

National Network

via Gambini, 40
64100 Teramo

+39 (0)861 1886108 (only answering machine)
Mobile Phone
+39 392 6609712
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information
Associazione Kymbala currently employs 5 people and about 10 volunteers. Its work is supported by public and private sponsors and partners, such as Regione Sicilia, Regione Abruzzo, Comune di Campli, Comune di Favignana, Fondazione Tercas, Toyota, Tonno Castiglione ad others for a total annual budget of €80,000.  It also works with other Italian organisations to realise its activities, such as Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese just to mention one. The projects include different art forms and cultural aspects, such as jazz and classic music, cinema, theatre and literature, food which are showcased with vary techniques: performance, concerts, classes, talks, etc… The organisation is also keen on promoting the local heritage and contributing to the local communities' development. The organisation realises an arts festival, an international summer class, music events and promote the touristic potential of its action’s areas, working with local authorities, business and organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Associazione Kymbala’s mission is based on principles of solidarity, ecology and non-violence. It aims to improve the life of the communities in which it operates through cultural and touristic initiatives. In its work it combines the respect and enhancement of the local environment and heritage with cultural initiatives which are innovative and traditional at the same time.
It also promotes the dialogue among different cutures and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

The organisation is currently working on four main projects:
- Pomeriggi Musicali, a showcase of talents from national conservatories to put the local population and students of the schools in contact with classical music;
- Festival Florio, a EFFE (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) labelled festival which brings classical and jazz concerts, theatre and dance performances in the enchanting Egadi islands (Sicily);
- Progetto IMC, a summer international master class for young musicians;
- Campli Turismo, the tourist info point of the town of Campli
They result in reocurring events and activities planned annually, each time with different and specific peculiarities.The organisations works with known and emerging artists to bring the people closer to music and art and their cultural meanings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Associazione Kymbala is constantly looking for peer organisations to work with.
The aim is to promote the same values: the respect and enhancement of different cultures and the non-violent dialogue between them. It is particularly looking for partners in the Mediterranean area to share the common history and cultural heritage and develop new projects which could combine different points of view and experiences.

It also has a specific expertise in the sector of classical music and composition which would like to use as a tool for mediation and exchange. We feel that only joining and working together with and withing a larger community we can truly achieve our objectives and after 5 years spent consolidating our work, we believe that we are now ready to share and exchange ideas and resources in a wider way.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that thanks to the ALF network our organisation will be able to multiple the effects of our work and learn from the experience of the community. This would give us the opportunity to create even greater projects and contribute to the dialogue between Mediterranean countries.
For instance we are working on a theme that involves directly the Mediterranean Sea, Homer’s epic “Odyssey”, investigating through this theme the concept of journey and the exploration of different “worlds” and cultures. The 3-year long project takes place in the peculiar space of the Egadi islands, in the heart of the Mediterranean sea. We think that our work can be completed by the involvement of the key players of today “odyssey” (journey), as a story that travels across countries and time.

Contact (1) Full Name
M° Giuseppe Scorzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
M° Giuseppe Scorzelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Petronilli
Job Title (2)
Projects consultant

Transnational Corridors e. V.

National Network

Hampsteadstrasse 81A
14167 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Transnational Corridors e. V.  (TC) is an association, and manages a network of associations with offices in Berlin, Paris and Agadir. In each of these cities a coordinator carries out projects mainly in the education sector and with the help of local managers and public servants of partner institutions. Our partners are ministries, regional governments, public agencies (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Deutsche Auslandshandelskammer, Académie Régionale Souss-Massa/Agadir) and private foundations (Fondation Elle, Fondation Air France, Fondation Société Générale, Fondation Décathlon, Fondation du Sud). We partner also with commercial companies (IBM, Cap Gemini, Groupe Lagardère-Active, Aksal Social Initiative) and with associations. The yearly budgets varies between 40.000 and 200.000 Euro. We organize personal development workshops, grant scholarships, coach students, organize study travels abroad for disadvantaged students, arrange internships in multinational companies.    

Mission and Objectives

We promote the social mobility of disadvantaged young people, mainly in North Africa, through their formal and informal education. 

Main Projects / Activities

"A bicycle for her" (2006-2012) combats the school dropouts of girls in Moroccan rural areas - the project is going on and carried out now by other associations and public bodies.  "A career for her" (2012-2018) helps female students of disadvantages community to gain a bachelor degree and to land a job. "Student Help Desk" (2016-2019) helps students of disadvantaged families in the Province of Tiznit to bridge the information, the knowledge and the financial gaps with better off students. "The transnational education room" (2016-2019) organizes youth exchange projects between Norh Africa and Europe.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the last ten years we have gained a wide experience in the management of transnational projects in the education sector. We'd like to share this experience and knowhow. All the members of our association are bilcultural with shared biographies in North Africa and Europe so that we can contribute to a better mutual understanding between these two regions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want (1) to meet more people who are interested in improving the understanding between the Mena countries and the European countries, (2) to receive new impulses from and maybe give impulses to other organizations with common interests, (3) to meet potential partners with whom we could carry out new projects, (4) to participate in different thematic working groups. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Rachid L'Aoufir
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Rachid L'Aoufir

Association of continuity of generations

National Network

HEdi Nouira street ,Belaj bulding
3027 SFAX

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 98411229
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 55175007
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
This association actually began its activity during the year 2010, it was founded after the recognition of certain weaknesses on the behavior of young people concerning the nature and the environment, concerning of respect for others, … communication between parents and young children, the young facing responsibilities, the role of parents, etc.. Rationale: Social welfare ASSOCIATION’S SCOPE OF WORK - Assistance and supervision of youth - Environmental education and civic behavior - Developing a culture of human rights and social peace. - Promoting communication and dialogue between generations Volunteers: Members of the Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and seven members. New graduates who are present at half-time through participation in community life and who benefit from the program of civic and voluntary activities initiated by the Ministry of Employment: Their tasks consist in carrying out the association’s activities, managing and monitoring its projects and employing their expertise in their field of specialization (communication, finance, accounting, management) (they are 6 university graduates) Sources  : International , national funds  
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Building and strengthening youth capacities
Improving the inter-generation’s Communication ( Sustainable development ,civil behavior ,culture,..)
Upgrading and promotion of well being  of civil society 
Value: Promote Sustainable development
Respect Human rights
Spread social peace
Main objectives:
Anchor the dialogue and the continuity of generations.Sensitize the children and the youth to  civic  behavior promotion ,Raise public awareness of envirenment  preservation
 Secondary objectives:
•Deal with the negative behaviors hampering communication between generations.
• Collaborate with associations and structures with similar objectives.
• Examine social phenomena with the help of specialists in this field.
• Enhance our cultural specificities which guarantee of dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects :Mobilization of the local community for the protection of biodiversity in Kneiss
The nature reserve Kneiss Islands pillar of sustainable development of the delegation of Ghraiba
Young Tunisian graduate accompanied  to be responsible of his professional destiny
When organizations of civil society become  actors of good environmental governance
young face of climate change
promotion of labor rights in the sectors of fishing and agriculture
Rural women involved  in sustainable development of their region
Strengthening the role of women for sustainable development clam industry
Personal development  of Tunisian young graduates
Club entrepreuneur and leadership in schools
Women enterprise sustainable( WES)
Activities :
             Activities of environmental and cultural education:
Targeted audience: primary and secondary schoolchildren
On October 28th , 2010; at the Medina of Sfax: heritage and environment protection ; visit tour to the medina of Sfax and all its components, sensitization sessions to the importance of heritage and its environment, signing a charter on the protection of heritage and its environment
On November 14th , 2010; At Sfax public garden: planting trees and plants; planting olive trees and aromatic flowers; sensitization sessions to the importance of olive oil; drawing session on the protection of the shaft.
Participation in the project of Mobile Environment: 4 primary schools in the region of Sfax have benefited from the establishment of a project on environmental protection whose themes are: Water management, creating a sustainable garden, disposing waste. Sensitization sessions were conducted in these schools on these themes. To achieve its goals, awareness brochures were created by the association and distributed to students,
flush toilets and of water-saving taps were introduced, aromatic and ornamental trees were planted in the gardens of schools and six different bins for sorting waste were placed.
Our project partners are the Spanish Cooperation, GTZ, and the Ministries of Environment and Education
Targeted audience: students and teachers
                Participation in workshops:
- Training workshop organized by the Permanent Bureau of the United Nations in Tunis on the approach based on human rights and the Managing for Results. Two workshops: (GEF-UNDP)
- Training workshop organized by the International Centre for Environmental Technologies of Tunisia CITET:  the theme of ecotourism
- Training workshop on sustainable building, renewable energy: (University of Sfax)
- Training workshop organized by Handicap France
- Training workshop on communication strategies on social media
ACG development center organize many Training session ,to built yong capacities ,..topics ( Humain right ,personnal development ,leadership ,entrepreunariat,..sustainable development)
ACG organize social activities ;planting trees ,cleaning gardens and beachs ,...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation
sana taktak ,president
Contact (2) Full Name
sabrine keskes
Job Title (2)

Approches Cultures & Territoires (ACT)

National Network

98 rue de l'Évêché
13002 Marseille

04 91 63 59 88
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ACT is a non-profit organisation based in Marseille, France, and headed by a conseil d’administration of 10 volunteers. It currently employs a staff of 7 people with a budget of about €300,000.  ACT is mainly funded by grants from national and local governments and the European Union. Between 10 and 15 % of the budget is from our professional trainings offer. ACT provides tools, documentation, resources, and expertise to professionals and the public through documentary websites, conferences, publications, and professional trainings. ACT is the animator-coordinator of a regional network of actors involved in the recognition of the history and the memory of immigration and territories in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. ACT works in partnership with local organisations, social workers, researchers, and local and national institutions including local governments, local state administrations and museums.
Mission and Objectives

Movements of peoples and cultural exchanges have shaped the history of Provence, France and the Mediterranean countries. But in a context of social, economic and political tensions, real or imagined ethnic, religious, regional and/or national characteristics are increasingly becoming arguments for stigmatizing and discriminating practices and policies. Approches Cultures & Territoires rejects this on-going racialization of social relations and works to provide an emancipatory and active approach of the notion of interculturality.
Our mission is to provide professionals, volunteers and the general public with tools and knowledge about cultural diversity, migrations, ethnicity, and discrimination so that they can get the ways of the actual diversity and complexity of society.
ACT works in a professional and principled way to build bridges between scientific, cultural resources and concerned actors in the fields of education, culture, social work, and more largely with all interested citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

ACT conducts four types of activities:
Support and expertise for local actors
- ACT organises a regional network of actors involved in history of immigrations in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- ACT provides technical and intellectual support to local initiatives
Professional training and lectures
- Since 2014, ACT has proposed a training offer for professionals about secularism and religion, discriminations, local history and diversity, cultural diversity…
- More and more, ACT is asked by actors of the education to give punctual participative lectures about cross-cultural history of Marseille and its region
Conferences and round-table talks
- ACT has organised many conferences programmes with eminent guests about history of immigration, discriminations in education, societal issues, etc.
- Since 2014, ACT has proposed an annual cultural event named “Lire les Méditerranées” which is an invitation to discover the various aspects of research in the fields of human and social sciences and the various aspects of contemporary literature in the southern Mediterranean countries. In 2015, we received 13 writers and researchers from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia around 4 round-tables on the theme of the city in those three countries. 
Publications of resources
- is a documentary website: it lists available publications and local events about cultural diversity, ethnicity and discrimination, etc.
- ACT has published:
• two catalogues of resources about culturally diverse neighbourhood of Marseille (the third is on its way)
• a directory of actors of PACA acting in the field of welcoming immigrants (updated every two years)
• three documentary films about cultural diversity : the first one is giving the floor to theatre artists from migrants backgrounds and the other two met students and parents of students in the popular suburbs of Marseille

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our activities are organised in order to build participatory and democratic management, by using different tools and linking the field expertise (of inhabitants, citizen communities) to scientists’ analysis (sociologist, historian, and others). We are looking forward to share and strengthen this with the ALF Network through the provision of our resources and our professional experience dedicated to the notion of interculturality in the field of history and memory in the one hand and in the field of education in the other hand.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As shown by our project “Lire les Méditerranées”, we are looking forward to develop our action toward the Mediterranean area to contribute to the cross-cultural understanding and increase the social impact of our work by broadening the perceptions.
Plus, the ALF Network is promoting a lot of actions toward the youth, which is a very important point we also want to develop. 
Last but not least, we believe that bringing together diverse organizations is the key to strengthen our common actions and raise this intercultural challenge. Networking is actually the main component of our associative project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramzi Tadros
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maryse Fournel, présidente
Contact (2) Full Name
Maryse Fournel
Job Title (2)