Association du développement et des études stratégiques de Medenine

National Network

Boite postale n62 Medenine perceverance 4127 Medenine
4127 Medenine

+216 98698714
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
l'Association ADESM est crée en 2012. son président est docteur en sciences économiques, la comité de direction est formée de 6 personnes.
Mission and Objectives

Les principaux domaines d’activité de l’association ADESM sont :
•  Participation à la création d’une société où règnent la liberté, la démocratie, la paix, la fraternité et la lutte contre la disparité
•  La conservation et la valorisation du patrimoine socioculturel de la région du Sud-est et surtout les gouvernorats de Médenine et de Tataouine,
•     La sauvegarde et la bonne gestion des ressources naturelles de la région,
•   Réalisation des études stratégiques sur le développement socio-économique,
•   Participation a l’amélioration du niveau de vie des citoyens.
•     Organisation des activités sur la gouvernance locale dans la région.
       -      Formation des jeunes dans le cadre du développement local

Main Projects / Activities

Expérience 1
Intitulé du projet: Reinforcing Civic Education And Political Participation Among The Rural Population Of The Medenine Governorate
Secteur / Thématique:
L'initiative  vise  à renforcer  l'éducation  civique et la participation politique de la population au gouvernorat  de Médenine située dans le sud – Est  de la Tunisie en tête des élections législatives et présidentielles    . Il s'agit d'un certains nombres d'activités visant à accroître l'interface entre les jeunes et ce en vue de promouvoir la participation politique de la population et bâtir une société démocratique  ou règne  la souveraineté du peuple  la citoyenneté responsable, le droit de l’homme , la justice et la dignité .
Localisation des activités du projet: Gouvernorat de Medenine
Source de financement: Fonds européen pour la démocratie
Dates d’implémentation: De :    01/01/2014         à 31/06/2014
Objectifs et résultats du projet: Notre projet innovateur a concerné les jeunes ruraux,  ou on a montré l’importance de mobilisation de la société civile et surtout les jeunes à la lumière des transitions qui marquent notre pays. Dans ce contexte des discussions sont organisées où les jeunes ruraux et les représentants des sociétés civiles ont échangé les idées sur plusieurs questions  portant sur la démocratie participative, l’éducation civique ; la citoyenneté responsable l’implication a la vie politique  ; la nouvelle constitution ; les droits sociaux ainsi que les profonds changements que vit la société tunisienne

Expérience 2
Intitulé du projet: Amélioration des services  culturelles destinées aux jeunes ruraux dans la maison des jeunes de Hassi Amor  .
Secteur / Thématique: Redevabilité sociale
Localisation des activités du projet: Maison des jeunes de Hassi Amor
Chef de file et/ou partenaire: ADESM
Source de financement: CARE International – Banque Mondiale
Dates d’implémentation: De :          Juillet 2014                à    Décembre 2014
Objectifs et résultats du projet: • Application de la redevabilité sociale dans l’amélioration des activités de maison des jeunes
• Application de l’approche participative dans l’évaluation des politiques étatiques destinées aux jeunes.
• Amélioration des conditions de maison des jeunes Hassi Amor
Projet :
Intitulé du projet: Contribuer à la promotion des droits sociaux
et de citoyenneté dans le gouvernorat de Médenine ; du respect, des libertés fondamentales et du développement de la démocratie dans la société (CPDSCM)
Secteur / Thématique: Promotion de la démocratie
Localisation des activités du projet: 9 Délégations de gouvernorat de Médenine / Gouvernorat de Médenine
Chef de file et/ou partenaire: ADESM
Source de financement: PNUD
Dates d’implémentation: De :    Aout 2013         à Novembre 2013
Objectifs et résultats du projet: - Défendre et promouvoir les droits sociaux et de citoyenneté au gouvernorat de Médenine, à travers une stratégie de dialogue en organisant une démocratie participative entre le monde associatif, des jeunes ruraux et acteurs locaux du gouvernorat de Médenine
-  Une connaissance approfondie de la situation des droits sociaux et de citoyenneté en Tunisie et leurs applications
-  Amélioration de la situation de la société civile et les jeunes ruraux du gouvernorat de Médenine dans le domaine en relation avec la défense et la promotion des droits sociaux et de la citoyenneté
Projet :
Intitulé du projet: Gestion des ressources naturelles et adaptation des régions de Chaab chninni - Hariza aux changements climatiques
Secteur / Thématique: Gestion des ressources naturelles et gouvernance locale
Localisation des activités du projet: Région de Hariza chaab chnini (Délagation de Bir Lahmer) gouvernorat de Tataouine
Chef de file et/ou partenaire: ADESM – FEM – CRDA
Source de financement: PNUD/FEM
Dates d’implémentation: De :        Septambre 2013                  à  Decembre 2014
Objectifs et résultats du projet: • La préservation de la biodiversité
• La gestion durable des eaux et du sol
• Préservation des oliviers
• Réhabilitation et réalisation des Majels (conservation des eaux).

Contact (1) Full Name
Riadh Bechir
Head of the organisation
Riadh Bechir
Job Title (2)
Docteur en Sciences économiques

Tunisian Institute for Democracy & Development

National Network

20 rue Obaid Allah Mehdi
9023 Beja

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Tunisian Institute for Democracy & Development, is a think-do tank that works with governments and civil society organizations on open government.TIDD promote transparency, accountability and multi-stakeholder participation in governance as key characteristics of an open government. Our work aims to institutionalize at both national and sub-national levels great ideas that make it possible to realize an open society managed by informed fact-driven citizens.TIDD have demonstrated our commitment to this through our programs and activities including active engagement on the Open Government Partnership, the Tunisian government  institutions and our support for open data around Tunisia.

Mission and Objectives

OUR THEORY OF CHANGE We see a future with an open society that is managed by informed fact-driven citizens. This society features a responsive and accountable government that delivers the services its citizens need at the level of service they deserve. This society includes active non-state actors who play an active role in educating citizens on their role as responsible and active citizens safeguarding democracy and development. These non-state actors also engage actively with government to provide feedback from the grassroots on the changing realities facing citizens and the emerging needs for which services and policy must evolve to meet. This society is composed of citizens who are informed about their role, empowered to play it and equipped through the right infrastructure, appropriate technology and relevant policy and legislation. We see in this future a country that is making inclusive progress towards elimination of poverty, creation of wealth and the establishment of capable and developmental institutions. TIDD Institute works towards this future by building the capacity of non-state actors to use data for evidence-based approaches that help them play their role effectively. We facilitate the exercise of their capacity by providing the tools where possible or the knowledge. We focus on partners with a large citizen-facing footprint or those that aggregate partners to create a large footprint in their areas of focus. We work with governments to design and implement policy and tools for increased responsiveness to citizens and for greater accountability. We partner with like-minded organizations to amplify our impact. Where the right policy, information, capabilities, infrastructure and partnerships are in place, we believe the future we see can become a reality. ‫ ‬‬

Main Projects / Activities

The Tunisian Institute for Democracy and Development (TIDD) is a non-profit, non- governmental organization main office is based in Bardo, Tunisia. TIDD works to give voices to the citizens and well-being of the vulnerable communities, crucially applying a gender perspective to all their work. Most fundamentally, TIDD attempts to bridge the gaps between human rights values and research, action and policy. TIDD uses multi-disciplinary approaches for its projects, providing technical advice, advocacy, applied research, policy analysis, and capacity development. TIDD is experienced in working closely with grassroots groups to conduct actions for community, in the meantime collecting crucial data on issues of poverty. TIDD uses this information to link grassroots activism to policy debate.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Currently , TIDD is based in Beja. No NGO representing this region is menber of Network. The TIDD will play an important role in order to dissiminate the value and mission of FAL. The president of TIDD worked with Anna Lindh from 2008 to 2011

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

TIDD will play an important role to dessiminate the value of FAL in the north of Tunisia and would play a role of platform to link local NGO , national NGO and Euromediterranen NGO. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Fedia gasmi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fedia Gasmi
Contact (2) Full Name
Zine Elyes
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Associazione di Promozione Sociale Fyouture

National Network

Via per Occhieppo Superiore, 108
13814 Pollone

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Fyouture count 50 young associates and there is a staff, formed by volounteers and youth workers of 10 people. There is a board made by the three founders and some responsibles for the areas and the projects. The budget in 2014 was around 25.000 Euro, meanwhile for 2015 the previsions are around 35.000 Euro. Still the organizations is young and small, but it is growing up, increasing the budget and the associates number. The main income is made by EU projects funds and the counseling activity that Fyouture is doing to its own clients, to substain the activities of the NGO. The other income voices are made by private donors, few local funds and the fees of the subscription. The main projects on local level are workshops about EU citizenship and values, done also in cooperation with municipalities, schools (secondary and high schools) and universities. We organize also youth exchanges and training courses, through European projects, as international seminars. Recently we organized the seminars "Be young in Europe" In Skopje and Tirana and also the seminar "Working for Europe.come" at the University of Skopje in cooperation with the Catholic University of Milan. We are cooperating around Europe with NGOs, but also we are working with municipalities, schools, universities and some foreign Embassies in Italy and Italian Embassies abroad.
Mission and Objectives

Fyouture has the intent to: promote the knowledge, the use and the dissemination of youth policies; promote European values and citizenship between youngsters and adults; develop and manage projects founded by European Union and by private and public bidies on local, regional, national, European and international levels; build and manage partnerships on different levels (from local to international); protect rights and interests of disables.
Fyouture, mainly, works to: realize and participate to conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars to promote knowledge about the opportunities and the topics related to European Union; preparation and dissemination of informations through publication; create and realize projects on local, regional, national, European and international level in different fields promoted by European Union; create networks with public and private bodies to realize projects for the community; create networks on European and international levels.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects realized between 2014 and 2015 are:
- workshops and local trainings about EU citizenship in schools and youth centres in Piedmont, Italy, interactive activities with students and young people in the school age, with some simulations and role games to go deep in rights and duties for EU citizens;
-management of some workshops related to new media use in youth policies at the Training course «Pass the Word» in Macedonia;                                                                                                                                  -seminars «Be young in Europe» in Macedonia and Albania, where Fyouture met young people and representatives of youth NGOs doing practical workshops about EU citizenship and youth employment, preparing videos and collecting needs and proposals. Now Fyouture is working with youth councils and institutions on the proposals;                                                                                                                                        -seminar «Working for» in Macedonia, done in cooperation with the University of Skopje and the Catholic University of Milan, using lectures and practical workshops about citizenship;                   -youth exchanges "European bridge" in Albania about tourism and youth employment and "Fill the rainbow" in Italy about environment and recycling. In both exchanges Fyoture was the applican and managed the workshops with its own facilitators;                                                                                                     -seminar "Europe and enlargement" in Italy, in cooperation with Youth Center Borderless of Tirana, dedicated to young people to share ideas and good practices about youth policies.
Fyouture also took part in youth exchanges «PasSport for Life» in Albania and «We don’t see obstacles, do you?» in Turkey.
We use non-formal education, but working with the schools and the universities, we are working also on the integration between formal and non-formal education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are willing to share our experience and best practices, especially related to the job done by Fyouture and by youth workers who are coming from past experiences in different organisations.
We are working a lot in Balkans and we would love to bring our project experience and knowledge about the realities we are facing.
We are available and ready to promote the involvement of young people in the decision process and in sharing the activities of the Network. As well we are ready to promote consultations and activities, as well values, promoted by the Network in our target groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are working with some partners from different Mediterranean partners, we are also improving cooperation with new partners and countries of the Mediterranean area and we would love, taking part to the Network, to improve our knowledge and tools.
As well we are interested in be part of a Network active on youth policies and that can offer different competences and different NGOs and institutions based around the country.
For us it will be an opportunity also to create partnerships on national level to increase then our cooperation on international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Vigliocco
Head of the organisation
Marco Vigliocco
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Micca

ADRAT - Associação de Desenvolvimento da Região do Alto Tâmega

National Network

Avenida da Cooperação, Ed. INDITRANS, Lote 2, Parque Empresarial, 5400-673 Chaves
5400-673 Chaves

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ADRAT is the Association of Regional Development of Alto Tâmega's Region, located in Chaves, North Portugal. It is a Local Action Group, managing the Rural Development Programme in Alto Tâmega. The main associates are the municipalities, cultural, agriculture and forest associations and cooperatives, SME. Besides the quotes from the associates, the funding is obtained through the programmes and projects ADRAT manages. Within the programmes we support other entities, both public and private, in their individual investments and actions. Also implements transnational cooperation projects in the several thematic of interest for regional development. ADRAT belongs to different European Networks and associations, such as: ERRIN,  ERIAFF, European Rural Network, EUROMONTANA, ENTER.
Mission and Objectives

It has as main objective the development of Alto Tâmega region, in all socio-economic-environemntal dimensions.
The cultural valorization and heritage promotion and conservation, as well as promotion of local human capital are also among the objectives of ADRAT.
For that, it works closely not only with the associates and other local and regional organizations, but also gets involved in projects and initiatives or European dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

For this purpose we refer some projects implemented in the recent years, with finantial support of European programmes:
• INTERREG IV-C (project B2N,
• ERASMUS+: we are currently the lead partner of ERASMUS+ project INCUB TRAINING (
ADRAt also has experience for more than 10 year, on training and consulting SME.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ADRAT has a large number of contacts with national and European organizations, with whom has been implementing different projects and activities. Also, given the rural nature of our region and its bordering location, we can contribute with our experiences and cultural values as well as with our consolidated knowledge in several aspects related with regional development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ADRAT consider that cooperation with other entities, national and international, is a key-method to increase the human and technical capacity of the organizations.
The exchange of knowledge and experiences, the study and contacts with good practices from other entities and regions is also quite important to innovate and improve the competences and human conditions all-over Europe and Mediterranean basin.
Participating in such network it will also possible to find complementaries to actions previously implemented or needing improvements.

Contact (1) Full Name
António Montalvão Machado
Job Title
Head of the organisation
António Montalvão Machado
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco António Fachada
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Developmental Association to build a family

National Network

khanyounis - Bani Suheila - Main Street - Sakia area
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Developmental Association for the construction of the family is a non-governmental organization founded in 2003, License No. 7344 as a charity social development
Mission and Objectives

Our vision
Sustainable social development of the family of a coherent and better society
Our Mission
Contribute to the development of the family in order to bring about positive change in society and achieve a happy life for a family a decent
. Work on development of the family through the establishment of charitable projects
 Organization of lectures, workshops and educational lessons for the construction and development of the family
 Find the problems of some families and work to resolve them
 contribute to the education of families and literacy and the creation of educational centers and kindergartens
contribute to help poor families
 conciliation between the parties for the purpose of marriage and the convergence of views and to facilitate all the difficulties that stand Boutraiqam
 revealed talents and inclinations of individuals and work on development and development

Main Projects / Activities

Programs and projects
Dar Al-Furqan kindergarten project support and self-financing and civil institutions that benefits the Tql 150 annually
Kindergarten Flowers Project Hope with the support and financing of self-benefiting about 100 children per year / e.
Facilitation Project marriages for young couples with the support of the local community and voluntary good people, through which the project provides financial or in-kind assistance for young people
Capacity building program which contributes to the development of skills and development of individuals
Anti-poverty program, which contributes to meeting the needs of poor families received the aid in emergency situations
Family Development program, which directs the family of the sources of the different services in the community for the prevention of family problems and achieve family stability

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramzy A. H. ALnajjar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Ramzy A. ALnajjar

Association Tunisienne de protection de l'Environnement et promotion de l'Emploi ''ATPE-PRO''

National Network

Rue Khemais Alouini Kairouan
3100 Kairouan

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L'Association ''ATPE-PRO'' est à buts non lucratifs  Membres et Adhérents :  *Nombre de salariés :1   *Nombre d’adhérents (bénévoles) :203 *Nombre de membres  actifs :18       *Nombre d’adhérents (femmes) :98  Budget annuel (dernière année 2013-2014) :28000  DT*2015=54000DT
Mission and Objectives

   -Objet :  Environnement-Développement
 -Objectifs : (1)- Développement Durable  et Protection de l’Environnement                                   
   (2)-Appui de la citoyenneté active et des  Clubs de l’environnement /Démocratie                                                       (3) –Appui à l’économie de l’eau et de  l’énergie – (4)Appui aux projets de Biodiversité ,Lutte contre la pauvreté , la désertification et les effets négatifs des changements climatiques                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (5)-Appui  au recyclage et création de projets pour les  jeunes diplômés                                         
    (6)-Elaboration et Réalisation de projets pilotes(7)- Elaboration d’études stratégiques relatives à l’environnement ,au développement durable et l’emploi  (Réduction de la pauvreté )  (8)-Elaboration d’une Banque de Projets et des programmes de Stages aux profits des jeunes diplômés  (9) -   Echanges des jeunes  avec des Organisations de l’espace  méditerranéen   .

Main Projects / Activities

  Projets réalisés : * ‘’Projet1 de Renforcement de la Citoyenneté active des femmes et jeunes de la région de Kairouan ‘’   /Financement  du PNUD  2013  -   27600DT (Voir détails Annexe  )Projet2 :Gouvernance Environnementale :54000DT
Activités :*Protection de l'environnement et développement durable
Appui à la citoyenneté active et à la démocratie .Promotion de l'emploi

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribution au renforcement de la démocratie et au bénévolat bénéfique ,protection de l'environnement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Au cours de ce mois (Septembre 2015)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahdouani Sayed
Job Title
Président de l'Association
Head of the organisation
Mahdouani Sayed
Contact (2) Full Name
Nhéri Ridha
Job Title (2)

Institute for Development, Research, Advocacy and Applied Care (IDRAAC)

National Network

St. George Hospital University Medical Center, 2nd floor, rooms 208-209, Achrafieh

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute for Development, Research, Advocacy and Applied Care (IDRAAC) is a pionnering and a leading Mental Health institute and has long standing history in lebanon and the Arab World. Founded in 1997 and officially registered in 2002, IDRAAC has been conducting research in the field of Mental health since 1982. The IDRAAC teams is formed by: psychiatrists, psychologists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, social workers, counselors, psychiatric nurses, researchers, public health practitioners, media and communication advisors. The primary source of funding for IDRAAC is the financial support it gets by applying to different grants that fall under its same mission. Morevover, IDRAAC relies on the yearly fundraising event that the team organizes. Many national and international projects have been undertaken by IDRAAC in partnership with local governmental agencies (Lebanese Ministries of Public Health, Social Affairs, Education and the Hgher Council for Children...) and funded by international foundations (EU, Fogarty, US BPRM, Oxfam Quebec, NIH, WHO-Geneva...) among others.
Mission and Objectives

IDRAAC mission is to conduct and promote research in Mental health, raise public awareness and advocate for mental health as a basic human right while providing care for all age groups (children, adolescents, adults and the elderly).
IDRAAC objectives are to:

Educate and increase public awareness on mental health

Reach out policy makers to address mental health on the national level

Advocate for mental health as a basic human right and work on preserving the human rights of persons affected by mental health conditions

Implement community intervention programs addressing various aspects of mental health

Conduct and promote research in mental health on national, regional and international levels

Offer individuals and communities the means of identifying, dealing with and overcoming mental disorders

Train students and professionals in the practice and research of mental health

Develop and adapt suitable instruments for research in Lebanon and the Arab region

Main Projects / Activities

IDRAAC main activities:

The Lebanese Evaluation of the Burden of Ailments and Needs of the Nation (LEBANON) in 2003

Assessment Study of Psychosocial Status of Children and Adolescents in the South of Lebanon and Southern Suburbs of Beirut after July 2006 War in 2007

The Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (SYRIL) studies to assess the interventions conducted to improve the mental health of the Syrian Refugees 

Research training

Review papers about Mental Health research in teh Arab World

Advocacy and policy projects

The Burden of Mental Disorders: Towards Mental Health Act in Lebanon (2007-2009)

Campaign to raise awareness about the inportance and effects of mental health on people (2013-2014)
Innovative community interventions based on Science

Turning Teachers into Educators of Tolerence and Conflict Resolution in Lebanese Schools (2013-2014)

Wellbeing of Syrian Refugees Families -mainly women and youth- in Lebanon: An Intergrated Intervention (2013-2014)

Validating Several Internationnaly Used Scales into Arabic to Detect Dementia, Depression and Anxiety (2014-Present)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Sophie Azizi
Job Title
Grants Officer
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elie Karam

Association TAGADIRT

National Network

BP.17, Centre Fam El Hisn, Province de Tata
N 958, lotissement Ain Zrka,
85000 TIZNIT

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Nous oeuvrons pour le développement social et socioculturel de la commune de fam el hisn et du Maroc en général

Mission and Objectives

staph employé: 2 volontaires: 10 partenariats divers avec le FEM/PMF, Ministere de l'envoronnement, l'entraide nationale

Main Projects / Activities

animation socioculturelle developpement social education alphabetisation droits humains démocratie et citoyenneté

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

participation au developpement de la jeunesse et education animation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

mettre en place des projets communs de developpement et de sensibilisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Hungarian Multicultural Center, inc.

National Network

Tamasi Aron u. 34.

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The HMC opened in 1990 as an artistic, educational institution.  We are invited more than 800 artists, writers, film makers who play an active part in the field of contemporary art.  During the residency period, we hold exhibitions, through creative activities, presentations, workshops, and lectures by the artists.

Mission and Objectives

The HMC set up shop in both the Texas and in Hungary, programming across borders, languages and cultures, as a sort of dual citizenship for artists’ communities.  Managing a double identity in the US and abroad reflects the HMC commitment to celebrating and understanding both the intersections and divergences between cultures, through the art, artists, and local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

From the start, HMC was conceived as an international meeting place for artists and intellectuals, fostering a lively transatlantic exchange in literature, the visual arts, performance and multimedia.  While most of the arts programming—including the residency—takes place in Budapest, Hungary, the Dallas location continues to serve as the administrative hub, and host to exhibitions, film screenings, and offers a variety of other programming, in addition to the residency.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Invite artists to our residency program and exhibitions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization is interested to meet with different cultures and artists, hope through ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Beata Szechy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Beata Szechy

Association for Social Research and Communications (UDIK)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Grbavička 51
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organizational structure of the association: president and vice president who is also office manager. Coordination Board of the Association are: president, vice president and president of the Assembly. Assembly of the Association are: president and secretary. The Assembly is in session twice a year or when required. The work of the Assembly is defined by our Statute. The President is elected by the Assembly.Since the founding UDIK, UDIK's office in Sarajevo contributes to the development of individual and social process of dealing with the past to build a sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region deepening public dialogue and initiating debate on public policies that encourage dealing with the past, gathering data, publishing researchs about war happenings, war crimes and violations of human rights, promoting peace activism and following trials at local and regional level as a contribution to improving judicial standards and practices in war crimes trials.We have established partnership with many international organizations and several networks.
Mission and Objectives

The Association for Social Research and Communications (UDIK) helps post-Yugoslav societies to establish the rule of law and to accept the legacy of massive human rights violations in order to identify the criminal responsibility of perpetrators, to meet justice and prevent the repetition of such crimes. It is the affirmation of the value of an open civil society, with clearly defined priorities in terms of promotion and protection of human rights, as well as youth involvement in social and political processes through peace activism. Our vision is Bosnia and Herzegovina as a fair, open society of active citizens through respect for human rights with the government that serves the public interest. 

Main Projects / Activities

During our previous activities UDIK organized activities regarding transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a focus to all the victims and to the construction of peace activism.  UDIK is a reform inside of the civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a recognizable brand of acting on the streets of Sarajevo and other cities. Except the office in Sarajevo, UDIK also has office in Brcko, which organizes activities on the streets of this city. UDIK's strength is reflected in the strong connection to activism and the construction of equitable peace and different and better Balkan. Our peacekeeping actions we marked with blackness and silence paying tribute to murdered victims in the war in the former Yugoslavia. These activities of UDIK were very well monitored, brended and recognizable in Bosnia and Herzegovina's society, but also in the Balkan. These activities UDIK was presenting in the public like „The Living Monument“ to all victims of war, with the concept of reconciliation through responsibility. In addition, the activists of UDIK are aware that Bosnia and Herzegovina will never build a unique monument for the civilian victims of war and that is why „The Living Monument“ is the only chance of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to build it on this way. With „The Living Monument“ UDIK for the first time as civil society organization marked many crimes of which citizens and civil society for many years kept silent. We did crimes and violence visible in the community. And with this way we discovered a new way of organizing. Our reform we carried out on the streets of cities across the region (ex-Yugoslavia), through the policy of providing every citizen to join in the activities of „The Living Monument“, watching him through the most emotional aspect of every human being, at the same time warning that the crime was something that should not be forgotten, but nor deny. On this way, UDIK set the level of civil society, which extends through the idea of meeting people with the same objective in order to build a peace. To his activities of „The Living Monument“ UDIK wants to give the opportunity for participation of each of the actual individuals in the construction of peace and distancing from the committed crimes. This is our contribution to a memorialisation and to empathy building for that which everybody in the community are ignored, and that is poverty and the tacit approval of violence and even the denial of crimes.    

Contact (1) Full Name
Edvin Kanka Cudic
Job Title
Head of the organisation