Associazione di Promozione Sociale Fyouture

National Network

Via per Occhieppo Superiore, 108
13814 Pollone

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Fyouture count 50 young associates and there is a staff, formed by volounteers and youth workers of 10 people. There is a board made by the three founders and some responsibles for the areas and the projects. The budget in 2014 was around 25.000 Euro, meanwhile for 2015 the previsions are around 35.000 Euro. Still the organizations is young and small, but it is growing up, increasing the budget and the associates number. The main income is made by EU projects funds and the counseling activity that Fyouture is doing to its own clients, to substain the activities of the NGO. The other income voices are made by private donors, few local funds and the fees of the subscription. The main projects on local level are workshops about EU citizenship and values, done also in cooperation with municipalities, schools (secondary and high schools) and universities. We organize also youth exchanges and training courses, through European projects, as international seminars. Recently we organized the seminars "Be young in Europe" In Skopje and Tirana and also the seminar "Working for Europe.come" at the University of Skopje in cooperation with the Catholic University of Milan. We are cooperating around Europe with NGOs, but also we are working with municipalities, schools, universities and some foreign Embassies in Italy and Italian Embassies abroad.
Mission and Objectives

Fyouture has the intent to: promote the knowledge, the use and the dissemination of youth policies; promote European values and citizenship between youngsters and adults; develop and manage projects founded by European Union and by private and public bidies on local, regional, national, European and international levels; build and manage partnerships on different levels (from local to international); protect rights and interests of disables.
Fyouture, mainly, works to: realize and participate to conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars to promote knowledge about the opportunities and the topics related to European Union; preparation and dissemination of informations through publication; create and realize projects on local, regional, national, European and international level in different fields promoted by European Union; create networks with public and private bodies to realize projects for the community; create networks on European and international levels.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects realized between 2014 and 2015 are:
- workshops and local trainings about EU citizenship in schools and youth centres in Piedmont, Italy, interactive activities with students and young people in the school age, with some simulations and role games to go deep in rights and duties for EU citizens;
-management of some workshops related to new media use in youth policies at the Training course «Pass the Word» in Macedonia;                                                                                                                                  -seminars «Be young in Europe» in Macedonia and Albania, where Fyouture met young people and representatives of youth NGOs doing practical workshops about EU citizenship and youth employment, preparing videos and collecting needs and proposals. Now Fyouture is working with youth councils and institutions on the proposals;                                                                                                                                        -seminar «Working for» in Macedonia, done in cooperation with the University of Skopje and the Catholic University of Milan, using lectures and practical workshops about citizenship;                   -youth exchanges "European bridge" in Albania about tourism and youth employment and "Fill the rainbow" in Italy about environment and recycling. In both exchanges Fyoture was the applican and managed the workshops with its own facilitators;                                                                                                     -seminar "Europe and enlargement" in Italy, in cooperation with Youth Center Borderless of Tirana, dedicated to young people to share ideas and good practices about youth policies.
Fyouture also took part in youth exchanges «PasSport for Life» in Albania and «We don’t see obstacles, do you?» in Turkey.
We use non-formal education, but working with the schools and the universities, we are working also on the integration between formal and non-formal education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are willing to share our experience and best practices, especially related to the job done by Fyouture and by youth workers who are coming from past experiences in different organisations.
We are working a lot in Balkans and we would love to bring our project experience and knowledge about the realities we are facing.
We are available and ready to promote the involvement of young people in the decision process and in sharing the activities of the Network. As well we are ready to promote consultations and activities, as well values, promoted by the Network in our target groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are working with some partners from different Mediterranean partners, we are also improving cooperation with new partners and countries of the Mediterranean area and we would love, taking part to the Network, to improve our knowledge and tools.
As well we are interested in be part of a Network active on youth policies and that can offer different competences and different NGOs and institutions based around the country.
For us it will be an opportunity also to create partnerships on national level to increase then our cooperation on international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Vigliocco
Head of the organisation
Marco Vigliocco
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Micca