o2 turizm ve gençlik derneği

National Network

değirmiçem mah. ökkeş bahri cad. no:34/a
27090 gaziantep/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
In the organization’s projects our main partners are local and europian youth NGO’s. We have no membership fees but we try to receive donations. We write ERASMUS+ projects to Turkish National Acency for funding. Our action modalities are exchanges and seminars. Our organization has got 20 members. There are 5 people in our executive committee. 2 person are female and 3 person are male. We don’t have any professionals all of us are volunteer. We don’t have any partners too.
Mission and Objectives

We want to facilitate the students to create a positive impact in their personal development of tourism and employment.

Main Projects / Activities

We organise personal development training courses (communication, leadership, entrepreneurship, team work etc.) and internship fairs for tourism students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

You know a lot of internal and external imigrants (turkish, kurdish and arabic) stay in Gaziantep so we want to contribute to the development of tourism activities in order to increase intercultural dialogue in Gaziantep

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think we can get support from your foundation to make social dialogue activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
ali islam
Job Title
Head of the organisation
ali islam

Waraqat - the art of folding paper

National Network

Masaken Sheraton - Heliopolis

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The idea of 'Waraqat' was mainly to spread Origami to more children and create functional products for adults to use in their everyday life. At the end of 2012 (when Waraqat got officially registered), I got only three to four different type of products on my list, and two venues for workshops. Now almost three year are passed by, and the growth is very tangible with the products list and workshops venues and also taking part with different community development projects. Waraqat started as a one-woman-show. However, during the last year, I started hiring assistants on a freelance bases for projects and big events. In 2014, was the first time for Waraqat to go international by attending an art residency in Germany. During the residency Waraqat participated in a group exhibition and conducted workshops at near-by school. Waraqat's main source of income and funding are the workshops and the handmade Origami products.
Mission and Objectives

- Waraqat's mission is always to spread Origami and show the magic of creating a 3D model out of flat surface.
- Impose the idea of creating art from an affordable and easy to find material like PAPER.
- Link and connect Origami to Mathematics.
- Grab the adult's attention to the world of handmade products.

Main Projects / Activities

- Develop and create new ideas for workshops to keep children engaged and satisfy different needs and tastes.
- Develop my products line. Currently working on Origami handmade accessories like earrings and necklaces.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering my Origami workshops in different cities in Egypt.
I did create the first piece of street Origami here in Egypt in May 2015, looking for more chances to educate less priviliged kids and create more street art by the local children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- To be part of a big organization that's easier to connect and reach more people to achieve my mission.
- Maybe join a community development project initiated by ALF.
- Networking and possibilities for cooperation with other partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nervan Talha
Job Title
Founder, Designer and Educator
Head of the organisation
Nervan Talha

indivdaul membership

National Network

40000 Marrakech

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Hello my name is  lamiaa LAAZIRI im student i live in Marrakech i want join you as indivedual member because im very interested by international cultur and travels    Thank you to consider my application
Mission and Objectives

I want join you as indevdaul im not part of any organization

Main Projects / Activities

 international culture 

Contact (1) Full Name
lamiaa LAAZIRI
Job Title
Head of the organisation
indivdaul membership

Prospettive Mediterranee (Mediterranean Perspectives)

National Network

Via Cassiodoro,15
00193 Rome

+39 0632111133
+39 0689284688
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3927483464
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
10-20 Association members organized in 5 departments (Food and Wellness, Art and Culture, Protection of Mediterranean identities, Law and Society, Economy and Development) develop on a voluntary basis research projects focusing on various aspects of the Mediterranean identities through seminars, international conferences, publications and public events. The Association relies on project-based fund-raising from public and private (national and international) sources and sponsors. Partners that have cooperated in the organization of our projects are:  EUROPEAN COMMISSION  EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT  MAECI MUNICIPALITY OF ROME LAZIO REGION FRIEDRICH EBERT FOUNDATION (FES) UNIVERSITY NETWORK FOR THE MEMORIAL DAY JEWISH COMMUNITIES OF NAPLES AND ROME UCEI NEGOTIATION SUPPORT UNIT OF THE PLO (RAMALLAH) FOUNDATION OF THE SHOAH MUSEUM IN ROME EMBASSIES OF POLAND, ROMANIA, ISRAEL IN ROME PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC PITIGLIANI ITALIAN JEWISH CENTER SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CALABRIA MEDITERRANEAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY (PAM) EURISPES
Mission and Objectives

Our Association, established in 2000, aims at building and promoting activities and research about cultural, political and religious experiences, with regard to the forms of coexistence of the Mediterranean peoples. We develop proposals to identify and revalue the countless identities that characterize the Mediterranean area, trusting that knowledge of the respective collective identities may foster mutual understanding, and reduce controversies between local groups, both in war and in peace.
In order to understand the deep causes of conflicts in the area and to facilitate a solution, our research work is based on the study of the Statalist and the Glocalist Western-born models of collective identity. From this innovative perspective, our Association develops research and analysis discussed in international seminars and conferences, also in collaboration with other Italian and foreign associations and research institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association's main projects are:

The Jerusalem Holy Places Center (JHPC) project, a number of Israeli-Palestinian Seminars behind closed doors in order to study and analyze the complex reality of Jerusalem, in particular related to the rights of access and worship belonging to the different religious communities in their respective Holy Places

Identity and Development of th Mediterranean Basin, including the organization of conferences and seminars in cooperation with national and foreign research institutes, universities and experts such as the February 26-27, 2015, international Symposium "A New UE-US Marshall Plan for the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern area: Economic Development and Cooperation Policies", and the two follow-up seminars on April 23 and May 14, 2015, both held in Rome

Identity and Awareness, organization of the Sacharov Prize's launch event for the freedom of thought 2012, including a Round Table: "The European Parliament promoter of the freedom of expression beyond the UE boundaries" and the theatre performance "Infinito Futuro". directed by Antonio Sanna.

Identity and Prevention, organization of  seminars on balanced, natural and traditional nutrition, vital energy and psyco-emotional wellness

Identity and Responsability, organization of a Round Table: "The Responsability between individual and collective identity" and the theatre performance "Ella's secret", directed by Harris Freedman, both held in Rome on January 27, 2013

Identity and Theatre,  organization of the interactive workshop "Awareness of our self and body", under the artistic direction of Claudia Borioni

Identity and Rebirth, organization of the following activities: January 26th, 2014 (Rome): Roundtable with Italian, Jewish and European Institutions for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, with the Exhibit “Who saves a life, saves the whole world. The Shoah, Israel and the Righteous among the nations”, under the supervision of Paolo Coen (Professor of Modern Art History at the University of Calabria),

Food and Wellness, planned creation of an Indenty Restaurant based on the natural five-flavours and balanced cooking traditions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mediterranean Perspectives intends to give its contribution to the Italian ALF National Network in the context of the "Greater Mediterranean" by raising awareness about the social, economic, political and cultural impact of the countless collective identities existing in the Mediterranean area.
As a result of our meetings and studies, and as a practical contribution to the solution of the conflicts that plague the Mediterranean, in particular the Middle East, the Association aims at providing methodological tools for future experts and/or negotiators to-be in order to foster the dialogue at cultural, social and political level between the Mediterranean societies
The Israeli-Palestinian issue often influence the Mediterranean area. In 2006 Mediterranean Perspectives started a series of meetings behind closed doors, still in progress, aimed at analyzing issues related to the management of the Jerusalem’s Holy Places, often a source of political manipulation in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
In this context, Mediterranean Perspective launched a negotiating methodology based on a deep and detailed study of all the rules applied to Jerusalem’s Holy Places and to the Status Quo between the recognized communities in the area. The Israeli and Palestinian experts attending the seminars agreed on a shared glossary of the most controversial terms and on the formulation of policy options, with the common goal to respect each other respective identity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Association is applying to join the ALF Network in order to share knowledge, information, ideas, multidisciplinary research projects as well as to develop contacts with partners working in this field. Through a closer involvement with the ALF activities and projects the Association intends to strengthen relations with other partners, in order to broaden its research and exchange expertise as well as opportunities.
Moreover, we would like to benefit from ALF support in order to get information and advice about grants and funds opportunities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrico Molinaro
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Enrico Molinaro
Contact (2) Full Name
Enrica Miceli
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

​ Institute of Entrepreneurship Development

National Network

​ 60 Ir. Politechniou str.
41335 Larissa

​ +30 2410 626 943
​ +30 2410 626 943
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) that is an organization located in, Greece, committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancing of the spirit of entrepreneurship. The vision of iED is the facilitation of all the necessary preconditions required for the creation of an environment that will cultivate entrepreneurship and subsequently, social and economic cohesion, growth and development. In order to meet this end, we invest in innovation and aim to offer custom-made, realistic solutions to enterprises and individuals in order to strengthen business culture improve competitiveness and provide viable solutions to problems and challenges related to entrepreneurial activities.  

Mission and Objectives

The vision of iED is the facilitation of all the necessary preconditions required for the creation of an environment that will cultivate entrepreneurship and subsequently, social and economic cohesion and development. In order to meet this end, we invest in innovation and aim to offer custom-made, realistic solutions to enterprises and individuals in order to strengthen business culture and provide viable solutions to problems and challenges related to entrepreneurial activities.

Main Projects / Activities

In our ten year long activation, we have participated among others in the planning, implementation and evaluation of more than 100 National and European projects. Our activities are based on the premise that enterprises-and particularly SMEs-constitute traditionally the backbone of European economies and therefore also constitute a significant factor in the attempt to reduce unemployment and lead to a wider social prosperity. Since 2005, the year of establishment of iED, we have been orientated towards that direction and have implemented a wealth of actions and initiatives, which have made us a highly specialized organization in the following indicative fields of expertise: 1. Entrepreneurship 2. Education and training 3. Employment and social inclusion 4. Regional Development 5. E-learning 6. Youth 7. SMEs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange of experience and best practices News about our activities/projects Collaboration on the potential joint submission of projects and proposals under EU programmes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dissemination/Networking Mutual collaboration Receiving info

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Anastasios Vasileiadis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Anastasios Vasileiadis
Contact (2) Full Name
Theodoros Alexandrou
Job Title (2)
Marketing manager


National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

--------------------------------------------------------- Eng. Abdelnaser Dwaikat Managing Director        Msader for Energy System Co. Palestine / Tulkarem Mob.     : +972 599 816212 Telefax : +972  9 2678438 Skype   : naser.dwaikat E-mail   : a.dwaikat@msader.ps Website: www.msader.ps "Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines." - Satchel Paige P please consider the environment before printing this email

Mission and Objectives

--------------------------------------------------------- Eng. Abdelnaser Dwaikat Managing Director        Msader for Energy System Co. Palestine / Tulkarem Mob.     : +972 599 816212 Telefax : +972  9 2678438 Skype   : naser.dwaikat E-mail   : a.dwaikat@msader.ps Website: www.msader.ps "Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines." - Satchel Paige P please consider the environment before printing this email

Main Projects / Activities

--------------------------------------------------------- Eng. Abdelnaser Dwaikat Managing Director        Msader for Energy System Co. Palestine / Tulkarem Mob.     : +972 599 816212 Telefax : +972  9 2678438 Skype   : naser.dwaikat E-mail   : a.dwaikat@msader.ps Website: www.msader.ps "Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines." - Satchel Paige P please consider the environment before printing this email

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Education : Master Degree in Engineering Management – Thesis in Environmental Infrastructure for Automotive in Palestine . Bachelor Degree in Mechanical engineering . Representative of Institution of Mechanical Engineers in Palestine . IMECHE Transportation and Automotive Industry : I've spent the 8 years working full-time as a Technical and Sales Manager for Automotive and Heavy Equipment Company that specializes in Heavy Equipment and Transportation Equipment. -  I represented the following Italian Companies in Filed of Automotive for 8 years   ( Dealer For IVECO Trucks , Italian PM Cranes , Italian Commet Areal Platforms .) -  I was the Local Representative of COMINT SpA Company in Palestine for some Projects . -  I cooperated with Italian and European NGO’s such as CHESVI and the Italian Cooperation Agency . -  I am Reporter for many international Automotive Magazines about the Registration of Vehicles and cars in Palestine . - Many technical training courses for transportation . Environmental and Renewable Energy : - Co-Partner and Managing Director of Msader for Energy System and Consultancy . - Building the biggest Projects of Solar energy in Palestine ( 2 Mega ), Using Solar energy for Parking Purposes of  Vehicles funded by EU . - Building solar energy Project for Police Vehicles Maintenance workshops funded by UNOPS . - writer in many international Environmental and Renewable Energy Magazines and network ( PV Magazine , ECOmena, … ) Technical and Certifications : - Freelance Technical Advisor for Automotive & Environmental aspect. -  Authorized Technical Manager by the Ministry of Transportation. - Full Records and Statically reports about the Transportation in Palestine . - Professional Training Program in Supply Chain border crossing planning including customs controls and Security technologies for 8 months This program, which was part of the Capacity Building for Facilitating Palestinian Trade project, is in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy, and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and with funding from the Canadian government, and aims at raising the awareness and enhancing the efficiency of importers and exporters in Supply Chain Management, improving the quality of services provided to traders, reducing costs, and shortening the time consumption in foreign trade. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further and can be reached by email at a.dwaikat@outlook.com or by phone at 00972599816212 PS: Attached my C.V for your kind reference and my LinkedIn profile (www.linkedin.com/in/abdelnaserdwaikat )        I have a valid Schengen Visa for a year to Europe , and I have visited Europe many times from 2007 -2015        Recommendation Letters and supplementary documents in available upon your kind request . Thank you so much for your time.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Education : Master Degree in Engineering Management – Thesis in Environmental Infrastructure for Automotive in Palestine . Bachelor Degree in Mechanical engineering . Representative of Institution of Mechanical Engineers in Palestine . IMECHE Transportation and Automotive Industry : I've spent the 8 years working full-time as a Technical and Sales Manager for Automotive and Heavy Equipment Company that specializes in Heavy Equipment and Transportation Equipment. -  I represented the following Italian Companies in Filed of Automotive for 8 years   ( Dealer For IVECO Trucks , Italian PM Cranes , Italian Commet Areal Platforms .) -  I was the Local Representative of COMINT SpA Company in Palestine for some Projects . -  I cooperated with Italian and European NGO’s such as CHESVI and the Italian Cooperation Agency . -  I am Reporter for many international Automotive Magazines about the Registration of Vehicles and cars in Palestine . - Many technical training courses for transportation . Environmental and Renewable Energy : - Co-Partner and Managing Director of Msader for Energy System and Consultancy . - Building the biggest Projects of Solar energy in Palestine ( 2 Mega ), Using Solar energy for Parking Purposes of  Vehicles funded by EU . - Building solar energy Project for Police Vehicles Maintenance workshops funded by UNOPS . - writer in many international Environmental and Renewable Energy Magazines and network ( PV Magazine , ECOmena, … ) Technical and Certifications : - Freelance Technical Advisor for Automotive & Environmental aspect. -  Authorized Technical Manager by the Ministry of Transportation. - Full Records and Statically reports about the Transportation in Palestine . - Professional Training Program in Supply Chain border crossing planning including customs controls and Security technologies for 8 months This program, which was part of the Capacity Building for Facilitating Palestinian Trade project, is in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy, and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and with funding from the Canadian government, and aims at raising the awareness and enhancing the efficiency of importers and exporters in Supply Chain Management, improving the quality of services provided to traders, reducing costs, and shortening the time consumption in foreign trade. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further and can be reached by email at a.dwaikat@outlook.com or by phone at 00972599816212 PS: Attached my C.V for your kind reference and my LinkedIn profile (www.linkedin.com/in/abdelnaserdwaikat )        I have a valid Schengen Visa for a year to Europe , and I have visited Europe many times from 2007 -2015        Recommendation Letters and supplementary documents in available upon your kind request . Thank you so much for your time.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Manshiet Abu Hammour Charity

National Network

الاردن / الكرك / منشية أبو حمور

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Manshyet Abu Hammour charity Association, was founded in 2008, it includes clinics competence to treat patients from the poor and the needy, and the people of the region. the organization is characterized for its peers of charities providing material assistance to the poor and needy and guarantees for orphans and treated for free. in addition to the development of the local community and provide the Assembly for a number of opportunities work through their projects According to the current situations the organization expanded its activities to include Syrian refugees, providing medical and food according to its available abilities.
Mission and Objectives

The Manshyet Abu Hammour charity Association, was founded in 2008, it includes clinics competence to treat patients from the poor and the needy, and the people of the region. the organization is characterized for its peers of charities providing material assistance to the poor and needy and guarantees for orphans and treated for free. in addition to the development of the local community and provide the Assembly for a number of opportunities work through their projects According to the current situations the organization expanded its activities to include Syrian refugees, providing medical and food according to its available abilities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Manshyet Abu Hammour charity Association, was founded in 2008, it includes clinics competence to treat patients from the poor and the needy, and the people of the region. the organization is characterized for its peers of charities providing material assistance to the poor and needy and guarantees for orphans and treated for free. in addition to the development of the local community and provide the Assembly for a number of opportunities work through their projects According to the current situations the organization expanded its activities to include Syrian refugees, providing medical and food according to its available abilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud ali ahmad albustanji
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Qaed Ahmad Albustanji

IsAG - Institute for Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences (Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie)

National Network

Piazza dei Navigatori 22
00147 Roma

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
The Institute for Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences (Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie – IsAG) was founded on July 14th, 2010, by Tiberio Graziani and Daniele Scalea, as an association of social enhancement. Since 2013, IsAG has been officially recognized, by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, as an association that carries out research in the international field.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of IsAG is to spread the study of geopolitics and inspire a wide and deep debate on Italian foreign policy and on its implications in the various regional areas of the world. Apart from its scientific research dimension, IsAG takes action in public diplomacy, in an independent way, favouring political, cultural and economic relations of Italy with other countries, and thus acting in the so called field of “informal diplomacy”.

Main Projects / Activities

The main publications of the Institute are its Reports and the half-yearly Geopolitica. As far as the Reports (ISSN: 2281 – 8553) are concerned, they offer to readers, free of charge and on-line, in Italian or in English, tools to deepen specific international issues. The half-yearly Geopolitica, recognized as a scientific journal by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research for the areas 11 (Historical, philosophical and psychological sciences) 13 (Economic and statistic sciences) and 14 (Political and social sciences), deals with specific topics of geopolitical and strategic interest. IsAG, as a publishing house, also contributes to the release of monographs and collective works that deal with issues related to the interests and the activities of the institute. To conclude, it promotes forums, seminars, conferences and round-tables that allow experts, scholars and leading actors of foreign countries' politics to meet.
In detail, IsAG has ten research programs, organized on the basis of geographical areas or themes: Africa, Latin America, Artic and Antarctica, Asia-Pacific, Eurasia, Geo-economics, Infrastructures and territorial development, North Africa and Near East, Strategy and, lastly, Theory and History of Geopolitics.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

More specifically, the research program on North Africa and Near East has among its objectives the analysis of the countries of the African continent, as well as of those countries of the Asian continent that border the Mediterranean Sea. In greater detail, the area of North Africa includes those States that have a coast on the Mediterranean Sea, i.e. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt; on the other hand, the countries of the Near East are those of the western side of Asia (Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria) as well as Iraq and the Arabic Peninsula.
The undoubted geo-strategic and geopolitical importance of the whole region imposes an in-depth analysis but, at the same time, a study that can identify and analyze the ties among the phenomena that dominate the current regional scenario. The research also takes into account the different relations between the macro-region of North Africa and Near East and the other main global actors. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniele Scalea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tiberio Graziani
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiberio Graziani
Job Title (2)

European institute islamic for Human Sciences

National Network

Itämerenkatu 16 E 96
00180 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information

Tervetuloa Suomen Euroopan instituutin Humanistiseen tiedekuntaan Olemme yksi Euroopan kaikkein ainutlaatuisimmista islamilaisista koulutuskeskuksista. Instituutti perustettiin, jotta voidaan opettaa perusasteen tasolla arabian kieltä ja islamin hengellistä ja tieteellistä tutkimusta. Valmistuttuaan meidän opiskelijoillamme on vankka käsitys islamin ja Koraanin sujuvasta lukemisesta, kirjoittamisesta ja keskustelusta arabiaksi ja Koraanin perinteiseksi arabiaksi. Meidän opiskelijamme ovat monista Euroopan eri maista sekä muilta mantereilta, monenlaisista erilaisista taustoista ja puhuvat sujuvasti eri kieliä. Sinulla on mahdollisuus oppia ja elää valoisassa keskuudessa ystävällisten kasvojen ympäröimänä, jotka ovat kaikki valmiina toivottamaan teidät tervetulleeksi.

Mission and Objectives

Miksi opiskella? Jos luet tätä, niin olet jo ymmärtänyt hyvän koulutuksen tärkeyden. Oppiminen tarjoaa mahdollisuuden hankkia uusia taitoja ja ottaa uuden kurssin elämässä. Tutkimuksella on tarkoitus saavuttaa parempi käsitys maailmasta ja meidän suhteesta siihen.

Main Projects / Activities

Miksi Islamin tutkimus? Islam, uskontona yhdistää noin miljardi ihmistä ympäri maailmaa. Se perustuu suoraan tutkimukseen, pohdintaan ja tiedon harjoittamiseen. Islam määrittelee koulutuksen todella kattavasti. Todellinen oppiminen on enemmän kuin pelkkaa tietojen säilyttämista; todellinen tieto on syvällista ymmärrystä ja oivalluksia, vastapainona ulkopäin ohjatulle käyttäytymiselle. Täten Koraanissa Allah on luvannut:

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we got lot of infromation and divesnt aids to help our communty in Finland and also our EIIHS

Contact (1) Full Name
Omer Mahamed Hussen
Job Title
Chairman of EIIHS
Head of the organisation
Omer Mahamed Hussen

The Little Prince of Hisarya

National Network

40A Ivan Vazov
4180 Hisarya

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation was established in November 2014. There are 5 members working for the foundation. We have already accomplished some projects: 1. Organizing a charity concert to raise funds to buy costumes for children from children's dance group at community center "Iskra" in Hisarya. The concert was orginised with the help of Foundation America for Bugaria and BCNL Bulgaria. 2. Organizing a charity photo exhibition "The Fountains of Hisarya" 3. Placing two houses for books - free libraries in the green parks of Hisarya.  
Mission and Objectives

The mission of "The Little Prince of Hisarya" is:
- to promote social awareness and responsibility of society, assisting children and young people to realize their dreams;
- to participate in creating a climate of goodwill and mutual society;
- stimulating public dialogue and citizen participation in solving local problems;
- to initiate cooperation between civil society, business, national and local authorities to improve the quality of life and opportunities for human development in the municipality and not only.

Main Projects / Activities

We would like to build a House of Arts in Hisarya where children and young people to fill their free time and develop their talents.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have many ideas and are ready to work seriously and responsibly in order to achieve good results.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It will be a great challenge and a pleasure for us to work for an international foundation and help many more people's dreams to come true.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nelly Gergevska
Job Title
Head of the organisation