AMSI-CO-MAI (Uniti x Unire)

National Network

00199 ROME

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Community of the Arab World in Italy (Co-mai) represents a No Profit Organization which works to promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue between Italy and the Arab Countries. It represents 12 Departments related to instruction, immigration and health. Co-may is not only focussed on the Arab World infact its Members are Jewish, Catholic and Foreign Associations united to defend the value of the interreligious respect.  The Organization is self-financed and supported by the Arab League. Modalities of action: Organizing seminars in order to promote interreligious dialogue between people, to spread the knowledge of the Arab World in Italy, to propose practical solutions to the main Middle East Area unsolved conflicts. Main Partners: Uniti per Unire International Movement, Association of Foreign Doctors in Italy (AMSI).
Mission and Objectives

To encourage international cooperation, economical development and interreligios dialogue between Italy and Euromediterranean Countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities: To defend the human rights against social injustice, social and racial prejudice.
To promote legal Reforms on integration and immigration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to give the Ride a useful contribution thanks to the help of the Arab League which supports our activities to interact with the Arab Countries encouraging the dialogue between Foreign and Religious Associations, finding useful and common solutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because our objectives reflect Ride main purpose: to promote dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterrenean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Foad Aodi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina velocci
Job Title (2)


National Network

V. Libia 5
00199 Rome

06/8621 4184
06/8621 4184
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
338 7177238
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
General Information
The Association includes a President, 10 Commmissions, each of them has Coordinators and Members, spokesman and press office. The sources of founding are self- financing, for this reason budget is varIable according to The capabilities and the intents of the Members: Partners: "Uniti per Unire" International and Interprofessional Movement, Community of the Arab World in Italy (Co-mai) and Emergenza Sorrisi Onlus No profit Organization.   Modality of action: organizing Conferences concerning health, immigration, intercultural, interreligious dialogue and international cooperation in order to achive the integration of Foreign Doctors in Italy to give medical assistance to immigrants providing medical exchange between Italy and Foreign Countries. Circumcision of children performed in the Italian Hospitals, humanitarian aids to Baka and Tira (Palestine).
Mission and Objectives

To create a medical bridge between the Euromediterranean Countries, Doctors exchage, health globalization and telemedicine.

Main Projects / Activities

To build Medical Centres and Hospitals in Palestine and in the Middle East Area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to give the Ride our useful contribution throughout the work of Foreign Doctors in Italy and Doctors from the Native Countries.To increase the medical exchange between our Representatives Members acting all over the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make health work as a bridge between the Euromediterranean Countries taking advantage of our medical experience and the significant one of the Ride in connecting different Members and partners to promote dialogue and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Foad Aodi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Velocci
Job Title (2)

Cultural Innovators Network

National Network

Rue Belliard 58
1040 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
What is CIN Cultural Innovators Network is a cross-sectoral and cross-cultural network of young activists from countries north and south of the Mediterranean. CIN composed of artists, cultural managers, civil society professionals and activists who are seismographs of the situation in societies, and they are motors and incubators of transformation. Our network promotes mechanisms of democratic, inclusive discourse, exchange of working experiences, acceptance of innovative approaches, and mutual consultation and cooperation. All this was initiated and supported by the strong relations and infrastructure of the Goethe-Institut and the Transformation Projects initiative that is financed by German Federal Foreign Office. CIN has organised Learning Journeys as the initial part of the project, and organized 3 big regional forums. Currently CIN is running through more specified activities such as developing projects, Cultural Innovation Days, CINnovation Journeys. The methodology of the organization is based on participatory setting in the decision making processes. Open space methodology is the core of all the project/Program development processes. CIN members are reaching a wider audience on the grassroots via CIN projects and activities in the Euro-MENA region. CIN in numbers: 109 members 30 countries 9 Steering Committee Members 30 Projects CIDays CINnovation Journeys Mentorship and Monitoring Program Communication Strategy 2000 + people in our public events 30 000 + people online. Recognition for CIN projects -1000 and 1 Realities, European Parliament European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2013, April 2013 (Italy country winner); -Equal for Equal, The International Innovation Award, August, 2014 (3rd place) -Amy Goodman - winner of the often so-called "alternative nobel prize" and founder ofDemocracy Now! gave a speech in Cultural Innovation Day (CID), Berlin 2014 -CIN members and CIN was the incubator and first supporter of the projects which put important impact for social changes: Tunisian Youth Parliament and Citizenship Academie initiated by CIN. Network Partners: -Goethe Institut Cultural Innovators Network is supported by the Goethe-Institut as part of the German-Arab Transformation Partnership and is financed by the German Federal Foreign Office. -European Alternatives -Kadir Has University, Center for International and European Studies  Projects Partners: Algeria SAYKA, Constantine TEDxCasbah, Algiers Belgium OralSite Canada Canadian Council for International Cooperation, Ontario Croatia Association of Social Workers Zadar, Zadar Cyprus TheatrEtc, Nicosia Egypt Arab Origami Center, Alexandria Mahatat for Contemporary Art, Cairo EU European Alternatives EURO-MENA Anna Lindh Foundation, Cairo Germany Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Bonn German Dance Archives, Cologne Landesvereinigung kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. , Magdeburg Spring Lessons im Aufbau Haus, Berlin The Ashoka ChangemakerXchange, Munich Youth Bank Germany, Berlin Greece 3 137 Artist Run Space, Athens Artivist e-magazine Dynamo Project Space, Thessaloniki Plays 2 place, Athens Iraq Tolerancy International Italy Associazione culturale Fabbrica Europa – Centro di creazione e produzione di cultura, Florence European Borders, Milan Moving’Up, Torino OneYouth Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome Jordan Jordan Open Source Association, Amman Lebanon Civil society movement, Beirut UNHCR Lebanon, Beirut Morocco Fawda trio Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MCISE), Rabat Netherlands European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam Utrecht University, Utrecht Palestine Al Hannouneh Society for Popular Culture Al-Hara Theatre – Bethlehem, Bethlehem Ashtar Theatre, Ramallah Dar Al-Kalima Theatre, Bethlehem Filistin Ashabab Markez Baladi Threshold towards Art (Atabet Fann) Serbia ARTIKAL, Belgrade Civil Association ARTIKAL, Belgrade ELEKTRIKA Association, Belgrade Nebograd, Belgrade Slovenia Tribun, Institute for Culture, Research and Development, Ljubljana Spain Generación Espontánea, Alcobendas Nautarkia, Barcelona Sudan “I’m Sudanese” – Campaign Gesr Center for Development, Khartoum Tunisia JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies, Tunis Turkey CSR Turkey, Istanbul Gençtur, Istanbul Masterpeace, Istanbul TEGV, Istanbul The Center for International and European Studies (CIES), Istanbul Yaşayarak Öğrenme Merkezi (YAŞÖM), Istanbul United Kingdom British Council, Manchester De Montfort University, Leicester USA New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center, New York USAid, Washington
Mission and Objectives

Cultural Innovators Network aims to promote cultural experimentation and innovation across
borders, as we see creativity as a fundamental component of change. We stand for democracy, knowledge, mobility, diversity and exploration, executed on a local, regional and international level. Since 2012, we have implemented more than 30 projects in 13 countries which have contributed to change and innovation in local societies. From media, to arts, to social entrepreneurship, to active citizenship, to peace work-CIN is building its unique personality as a cross-cultural and cross-sectoral platform for innovation.
CIN objectives with its projects and programs from media, to arts, to social entrepreneurship, to active citizenship, to peace work:
-Reaching wider audience
-Developing new partnerships in local and international levels
-More impact in the local
-Capacity building activities for our members

Main Projects / Activities

Overview of CIN Activities
CIN was established in 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey. With the participation of more than 100 people in the first forum, 20 projects were developed by the participants, ranked by all the members and financed by CIN. Second forum was held in, Hammamet, Tunisia, in 2013. Third forum was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2014. New 10 projects were developed by the participants, ranked by all the members and financed by CIN. Cultural Innovations Days (CIDs) were held in five cities throughout November 2014: Algiers, Baghdad, Beirut, Berlin, and Thessaloniki. CINnovation Journeys happened in different cities with the participation of 20 members (10 travellers and 10 hosts) occurred throughout November 2014: Amman/Ramallah, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin, Istanbul, Rabat, Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, Thessaloniki, Zagreb/Sarajevo.
CIN on Social Media:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cultural Innovators Network is a unique personality as a cross-cultural and cross-sectoral platform for innovation which is mainly functioning in Euro-MENA region in which many countries are witnessing political and social transformation. Thus, our projects and programs are directly addressing to the current dynamics while fostering the values of coexistence, human dignity, proserity and mutual understanding. Our members (109 members and 30 alumni) are composed of young people who are actively working on the ground in their countries. With the huge potential of the already existing projects and the members, CIN will be glad to contribute the ALF Network via intercultural exchanges and common projects. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is an honor for CIN to be part of the ALF Network and collaborate via projects, program and certain events while we are sharing the same values and functioning in Euro-MENA region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayse Taspinar
Job Title
Communications Manager
Head of the organisation
Vladimir Palibrk
Contact (2) Full Name
Vladimir Palibrk
Job Title (2)
General Manager

Regard Sud

National Network

1/3 Rue des Pierres Plantées
69001 Lyon

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- L'Association (Loi 1901) Regard Sud souhaite être une plateforme d'échanges autour des arts plastiques et du cinéma qui s'inscrit dans une logique de passerelle vers les pays du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient. - Regard Sud a le soutien de l'Institut Lumière, la Ville de Lyon, Région Rhône-Alpes, l'ACSé, le Ministère de la Culture, les Instituts Français - 
Mission and Objectives

- Participer à la connaissance des civilisations dans leur dimension traditionnelle et contemporaine,
- Favoriser les échanges interculturels,
- Faire connaître, accompagner les démarches d'artistes des pays émergents sur la scène de l'Art Contemporain,
- Apporter un oeil nouveau sur cet art venu d'ailleurs,
- Participer au dynamisme de la vie culturelle lyonnaise avec des projets artistiques issus de ces aires géographiques.

Main Projects / Activities

Inaugurée en 2000, la galerie Regard Sud expose des artistes issus du pourtour méditerrannéen et d'ailleurs. Au fil des années, Regard Sud s'est progressivement implantée en tant que galerie d'art de référence, en matière d'ouverture internationale. Elle expose des artistes confirmés (Yaze, Olivier Culmann, Ali Cherri...) et émergeants (Nidhal Chamekh, Mami Kiyoshi, Hanieh Delecroix...).
Organisé en partenariant avec l'Institut Lumière de Lyon. Ce festival permet depuis quinze ans d'explorer différentes formes des cinématographies arabes, en favorsant la pluralité des regards et des thématiques. Les oeuvres filmiques proposées encouragent le spectateur à percevoir les cinémas arabes comme reflets de leurs sociétés, témoins d'une époque en constantes mutations. À l'issue des projections, les cinéastes invités participent à des débats, avec le public, encadrés par Michel Amarger, journaliste critique de cinéma à RFI et Abdellah Zerguine, Co-directeur Artistique du Festival.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par nos activités, la galerie et le festival, nous favorisons le dialogue et la connaissance des pays  du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Nous permettre de développer des projets qui nous tiennent à coeur
- Adhérer au  réseau, convaincu par la nécessité de la diversité
- Restaurer confiance et dialogue, pour construire l'avenir

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdellah Zerguine
Job Title
Directeur Artistique
Head of the organisation
Abdellah Zerguine

association theatrale de fouka

National Network

cité nouvelle fouka
maison des jeune fouka
42440 fouka

00213 686 21 72 39
Telephone (other)
00213 775 21 18 48
00213 24 13 13
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
salut  c amine habbouchi artiste comédien dans mon association culturelle en algerie depuis 13 ans j'aimerai bien inscrire dans l'organisation annalindh  plus de 300 membre dans mon association organisation des spectales en algerie ou a l'étranger  projet avec l'embassade de france en algerie  ministére de la culture ministére des jeunesse et sports merci 
Mission and Objectives

protége les droit de l'homme
specialité theatre pour enfants 
l'enfant d'jourd'hui l'homme de demain

Main Projects / Activities

participation au fistivales locaux nationale et internationale 

Contact (1) Full Name
habbouchi amine
Job Title
artiste comédien
Head of the organisation
association theatrale de fouka
Contact (2) Full Name
ettahiri tahar
Job Title (2)
artiste comédien

Costas & Rita Severis Foundation

National Network

285 Ermou Street
1017 Nicosia

+357 22 300 999
+357 22300989
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+357 99 630872
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
In 2014, the Foundation opened the Centre of Visual Arts & Research (CVAR) in the heart of the walled city of Nicosia, which comprises of a museum hosting the Costas & Rita Severis collections, a research centre, café/restaurant and venues equipped to host a wide range of activities. The collection comprises of works of art by artists travelling to Cyprus during the 18th- 20th centuries, Cypriot memorabilia, Cypriot costumes of that period, and publications on the history, art and culture of Cyprus and its neighbours. The organisation is governed by a Board of Directors and currently employs 7 people. The cost of the operation is covered by the revenues from the museum and café/restaurant as well as funding by the founders and international donors. In 2013, the Foundation began the Sharing History, Art, Research & Education (SHARE) initiative, a partnership programme of the Foundation, Turkish Cypriot University Women’s Association, and the NGO Support Center.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Costas & Rita Severis Foundation is to promote culture, education, peaceful coexistence, understanding and cooperation amongst the people of Cyprus and between Cyprus and its neighbours. It is the first and only bicommunal museum in Cyprus.
The mission of the Centre of Visual Arts & Research is to promote the culture and history of Cyprus locally and abroad in a spirit of reconciliation and understanding among the different communities of the island. At the same time, the CVAR is intended as a forum for research and discussion, and a space in which educational and cultural events and activities can flourish. CVAR aims to:
- Encourage young people to learn about the cultural, religious, political and social history of Cyprus.
- Increase understanding and respect of Cyprus’ common cultural heritage across all the communities of the island.
- Provide a platform for peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution in Cyprus.
- Promote the importance of the visual and creative arts to young people.
- Present and interpret the work and experiences of international artists visiting the island and their perception of the people of Cyprus.

Main Projects / Activities

The Sharing History, Art, Research and Education (SHARE) initiative is an alliance between the Costas and Rita Severis Foundation, the Turkish Cypriot University Women's Association, and the NGO Support Center.
The goal of this alliance is to provide a common platform for the exploration of the island's cultural heritage through visual and creative arts and through this increase the potential for peaceful coexistence in Cyprus.
Apart from the SHARE initiative, CVAR also organises events such as lectures on art history, musical and theatrical performances, cultural tours around the island, educational programmes for children and other. In 2017 CVAR won the Grand Prix for Education, Training and Awareness raising of the European Union Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Costas & Rita Severis Foundation can contribute by providing a cultural dimension to the network. Culture and history is an important tool for understanding people from different countries and the foundation has experience in creating understanding among communities and groups through culture, history and art.
The collection of CVAR consists of artifacts and publications  from the Ottoman-era until the 20th century, and includes publications and archives on Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and the mediteranean, thus covering most of the area that the ALF network covers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As already mentioned, the Centre of Visual Arts & Research has large collections and material on Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and the Levant region, and executes reconciliation bicommunal projects, thus through the ALF Network we will have the opportunity to cooperate with other organisations in the area in order to implement projects that are relevant to the scope of our aims and objectives and involve the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Severis
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Costas Severis

Progetto Mediterranea

National Network

Via Lazzaro Palazzi, 19
20124 Milano

+39 338 2550300
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 338 2550300
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Progetto Mediterranea is an initiative by Spray srl, a private company. 45 people as volunteer partners. Budgetary resources/year: 50.000 euros. Our sources of funding are participation fee and funding as subcontractors. Cultural, scientific and nautical expedition. Italian and foreign scientific research centers, as like CNR-IIA, SAHFOS, FISPMED, and cultural institution as like Italian Institute of Culture in the mediterranean area, and media communication partners as like ANSAMed and ANSAMare.
Mission and Objectives

The project will run from 2014 to 2019. The aim is raising the attention on the Mediterranean, to create a speaking-platform from where to talk about the Mediterranean, to link different banks, distant lands, thought and action of the Mediterranean and about Mediterranean, by enclosing it into a metaphorically connected and homogeneous area, through the symbolism of the sailing expedition that connects and unites.
Progetto Mediterranea main specific objectives:
Culture: we search for the best thought in the Mediterranean: writers, philosophers, journalists, historians, sociologists, economists.
Environment: we work directly and cooperate with third parties for the defense of the sea and the marine environment of the Mediterranean, in which 50% of the costs risks overbuilding by 2025.  Mediterranea will be a floating laboratory at the disposal of the science.
Sailing: we want to give visibility and promote the dissemination of sailing culture, one of the authentic root of the Mediterranean culture. To work on what the Anglo-Saxons call the Seamanship.

Main Projects / Activities

The cultural project involves meeting with writers, artists, philosophers, journalists through interviews and seminars, organization of conferences and periods spent abordo boat, to create a unique network of contacts between the banks of of the Mediterranean and ask questions and find answers.
The scientific projects that are taking place on board of Mediterranean are: mapping plankton Mediterranean with SAHFOS, the training period for students universati in physics and astrophysics with INAF, study of the environment and the coast with CNR-IIA.
The activities of Progetto Mediterranea then also refer to the dissemination and communication, documentation through video and photos and reports of the trip of Progetto Mediterranea

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Progetto Mediterranea can help in the dissemination and communication of instances of the mediterraneanean area, promoting cultural development and exchange of information.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We ask to join the network ALF to establish contacts and find ways of teaming as ALF is the largest cultural and social network in the Mediterranean sea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca R. Piro
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Spray srl (CEO Dr. Francesca R. Piro)
Contact (2) Full Name
Simone Perotti
Job Title (2)


National Network

103 Rue Ernest Renan
83000 TOULON

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information
Lyseconcept développe un concept biotechnologique de traitement d'épuration et de recyclage des eaux usées qui permet d'éliminer entièrement la matière fécale. L'eau de rejet en sortie du procédé "Fosse Biologique"lyseconcept contient de fines particules de matière organique en suspension ainsi qu'une flore bactérienne active qui en font un élément fertilisant pour la terre végétale La performance épuratoire du procédé "Fosse Biologique"lyseconcept est de 90% hors sol complété par l'exutoire végétalisé qui lui purifie le sol de la pollution diffuse telle que : urée ammoniaque azote nitrate phosphate potasse etc, ce qui donne pour l'ensemble une performance d'épuration de plus de 98% Le concept se décline sous la forme de projet - Assainissement individuel d'habitat - le CEBRE, schéma directeur d'Assainissement Biologique d'agglomération. il supprime l'infrastructure du réseau de collecte et la station d'épuration de l'assainissement collectif traditionnel des agglomérations - le PROJET Revalorisation des Eaux usées pour une Agriculture Biologique Productive sur des exploitations agricoles en Afrique Sénégal Cameroun Cote d'Ivoire Burkina Burundi Bénin Mali RCA Niger Mauritanie Congo Conakry Guinée RDC Sierra Léone Gabon Mayotte Inde Monténégro Kenya Ouganda etc - le projet de Revalorisation des eaux usées - Biodiversité végétalisée. Il lutte contre l'érosion des sols, tout en favorisant la création de zones vertes pare-feu. - le projet recyclage d'eau- Banque Alimentaire pour une réinsertion honorifique dans le monde du travail - le projet Recyclage d'eau pour une réduction de la consommation d'eau L'A.B a une action pédagogique de préservation de l'environnement
Mission and Objectives

Structure de l'organisation, y compris le nombre de personnes employées et / ou partenaires
     Les ressources budgétaires disponibles dans un an
     Sources de financement
     Modalités d'action concrets (projets, des échanges, des séminaires, des bourses d'études, etc.)
     Principaux partenaires impliqués dans les projets / activités de l'organisation

Main Projects / Activities

Entreprise individuelle qui a fait une découverte: Le traitement Biologique des eaux usées et des excréments humains. Aucunn employé mais de nombreux partenaires dans plus de 50 pays.
Aucune ressource budgétaires disponible sur un an
Lyseconcept informe le grand public, les administrations, les législateurs du pays qu'une alternative existe pour éliminer la boue des excréments. Qu'un engrais naturel existe dans l'eau de rejet du dispositif qui permet d'économiser sur la consommation d'eau potable pour le développement agronomique, de réduire la pollution des milieux hydrauliques naturels de la pollution des eaux usées non traitées.
Les partenaires
la personne qui veut implanter le site pilote de lyseconceptpour épurer ses eaux usées, le fabricant local cimentier, le transporteur local, le manutentionnaire local, le terrassier local.

Contact (1) Full Name
D'Alexandris jean Marius
Job Title
Assainissement biologique des eaux usées
Head of the organisation
D'Alexandris Jean Marius

association tunisienne pour la promotion du droit à la différence

National Network

2 rue 2 mers 1934
7000 Bizerte

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
L’association tunisienne pour la promotion du droit à la différence (ATPDD) est une association non- gouvernementale à but non lucratif. Elle a été créée le 15 avril 2011 dans le but premier est de défendre des droits humains universels et la démocratie en Tunisie. Ses activités générales sont basées sur la défense du droit à la différence dont les libertés cultuelles, linguistiques, culturelles et la parité homme/femme. Aussi l’ATPDD tend à renforcer la sensibilisation, la formation et le travail sur le terrain dans les régions très défavorisées par rapport aux villes. La prise en charge des élèves en difficulté scolaire à travers l’intervention des professionnels de l’éducation bénévoles (clubs de cinéma, de lecture et ateliers de théâtre), l’Installation de bibliothèques dans les écoles rurales (financé par le CAWTAR : 25 000 DT et EUROMED : 22 600 DT), la formation des élèves aux principes fondamentaux des droits humains, l’encouragement des habitants de certaines zones rurales à la bonne gouvernance de l’eau potable (financé par le PNUD : 30 000 DT), à la participation active à la transition démocratique et  aux notions du genre (financé par OXFAM : 56 000 DT). L’ATPDD, lors de ses activités sur le terrain pour le développement rural a fait en sorte de faire participer les femmes pour améliorer leur quotidien : la bonne gestion de l’eau courante, la participation à la vie publique.
Mission and Objectives

droits humains universels
défense des libertés fondamentales: expression- religieuses- culturelles- cultuelles- linguistiques- ethniques, etc
droits de l'enfant

Main Projects / Activities

bibliothèques et contes pour tous
bonne gouvernance de l'eau potable en zones rurales
participation de la femme dans la vie publique
participation à des séminaires et colloques sur les libertés individuelles

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La Tunisie est en pleine transition démocratique. La société civile apporte un soutien considérable dans tous les domaines qui préocupent les citoyennes et citoyens. Notre contribution est de renforcer le dialogue sociétal en rapprochant les points de vue et les convictions des uns et des autres. Notre souci premier est le rejet mutuel que nous vivons depuis la révolution de 2010/2011, et nous comptons lutter contre les formes de discriminations relatives à des préjugés établis et des idées reçus.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En vérité, notre souhait de rejoindre ALF Network était, au départ pour pouvoir répondre à un appel à proposition; puis nous avons découvert que la mission de notre association est en parfait accors avec celle de ALF. 

Contact (1) Full Name
mme Saloua Ghrissa
Job Title
universitaire/ directrice exécutive
Head of the organisation
mme Azza ben Mosbah

Children4WorldChildren Charity Organisation

National Network

41 Parnell Grove

00353 86784 1494
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Children4WorldChildren is a non-profit registered charity organisation in Ireland with the aim of alleviating poverty among the marginalised and diadvantaged children/young people across the globe. Our core values include: Commitment to stand up for the sick, poor and vulnerable young people across the globe. Our Services include assisting and enhancing the dignity of an individual marginalised young person through emotional and financial support. And Hope for better future through partnership and collaboration with organisations of similar vision, empowering disadvantaged young people through education. The Organisation is currently run through volunteering, the main partners involved in our projects includes Fingal Ethnic Network (FEN), private donors and group efforts.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to alleviate poverty and sufferring among the young disadvantaged groups, supporting the sick children  through fundraising for medical research in children hospitals and empowering young disadvantaged persons through education.

Main Projects / Activities

Fundraising for local Children Hospitals in Ireland, Back to School Appeal for Chadians Children and other local Primary Schools in Africa,
On-going Sponsorship Award to the best students in disadvantaged community across the globe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Children4WorldChildren can promote interculture dialogue among children from different background and religion through friendship,sharing information, empowerment, inclusion and participation of the marginalised of young adults in ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For participation, inclusion  and empowerment of the most disadvantaged young people in issues that affect them and link them with bigger network to learn and share experience from different perspectives and background.
And for the young people to gain friendship, skills and education through interraction with ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Wunmi A. Jalloh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Wunmi A. Jalloh
Contact (2) Full Name
Jessica Laird
Job Title (2)