جمعية رواق الأردن للثقافة والفنون

National Network

وسط البلد

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
أهدافنا الرئيسية هي إبراز الهوية الثقافية للبلد من خلال الثقافة و الفنون و العمل على تغيير النمط و السلوك الفردي من السلبي إلى الإيجابي أيضا من خلال الفنون بشكل عام و من ثم التأسيس لقاعدة نشاطات و فعاليات دائمة و مستمرة في البلد و توفير حاضنة مجتمعية تهتم بصقل المواهب و الإبداعات الشبابية و من ثم فتح الأبواب للتبادل الثقافي و المعرفي بين الشعوب كافة و تأتي هذه الأهداف جملة و تفصيلا من رأينا و منهجيتنا في العمل لنبذ العنف و التطرف و الإقليمية بشكل عام و محوها من مجتمعاتنا العربية و تعزيز دور الطفل و المرأة في المجتمع أيضا من خلال الفن و الثقافة
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

السينما و المسرح و الموسيقى و الفنون بشكل عام و كل ما يتعلق بالأنشطة الثقافية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لزيادة التواصل وتطوير الأفكار

Contact (1) Full Name
بلال محمد أحمد الحيارات Bilal Hiyari
Job Title
المؤسس ( المدير التنفيذي ) Director & Founder
Head of the organisation
سينما والمسرح

Asociaţia Clubul Media Corbul Alb (White Rawen Media Club)

National Network

Str.Nirajului nr 14/20, Cluj, Romania
400599 Cluj-Napoca

0744 405 618
Telephone (other)
0264 555 718
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The association has 3 founder members, a team of 15 co-workers and 6 volunteers for maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro). The association does not have employees. The Asociaţia Clubul media Corbul Alb (White Raven Media Club Association) has operated on a very tight self-funding, generated from selling our books, published by our own publishing house in the White Raven series. We, the editors authored these books (together with our colleagues who are not on the editorial board). For now, we use these funds for renting a part-time office head for the portal. Sources of funding are institutions of the state, institutes of local administration, regional autorities, foundations.Budgetary resources available in a year is a rough amount of 20,000 RON (4500 Eur). Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities  are the county Council of Cluj, the city Council of Cluj-Napoca and the Ratiu Foundation. Our main activity is maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro). We ar looking for those people, who wants to actively do somthing good for establishing ties between the Hungarian and the Romanian community in Romania, and particularly in Transylvania.    
Mission and Objectives

The asssociation helps establishing ties between the Hungarian and the Romanian community in Romania, and particularly in Transylvania, maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro).

Main Projects / Activities

Maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro).The portal helps establishing ties between the Hungarian and the Romanian community in Romania, and particularly in Transylvania.
Day by day one or more articles are posted on the website; most of them illustrate the cultural, scientific, and technological accomplishments of the two ethnic groups. The goal of each posted article is to help people realise that there are long lasting historical ties between the two nationalities, which yielded, over centuries, significant achievements. In addition, these articles are intended to alleviate the untrue and often chauvinistic statements in today's media.
Given that our team consists of professional journalists and former school teachers, we moderate every comment prior to being posted on our portal (some are very mean), and do our best to educate people, while urging them to open up their minds.
For the youth, we translate verses of popular Hungarian rock music to Romanian, which make them understand that differences between Hungarian and Romanian adolescents is not significantly different, after all.
For those, who admire sports, we write about joint Hungarian and Romanian successes. After every article, both Hungarian and Romanian authors open a debate about the information conveyed by a given material.
The portal takes position, when Romanian and Hungarian ultra-nationalist news are disseminated in the media. As a recent example, during the Romanian-Hungarian handball game, several Hungarians whistled rudely while the Romanian anthem was played. We took this seriously, and took position. We were the only Hungarians who did so.
Also, to the best of our knowledge, we have been the only ones to publicise and to promote in the Hungarian sphere the activity of the Romanian representatives from Harghita and Covasna counties.
This portal teaches about the importance of co-existance, without harming each other.
As far as we know, this is the only interethnic portal in Europe, which tries to educate people, extending help with these often difficult to handle issues. This helps people to figure out by themselves how to solve such problems, and helps them solving similar problems that may arise in the future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can publish articles, which can show the interethnic relations anywhere in the world, bringing to the foreground the positive examples of cohabitation. The publised articles on the portal reaches thousands of people, especially the romanian readers. We would assume promoting certain assossiations who are fighting for minority rights, because we can learn from it. We'd recruit those jurnalists, presenting them the most important questions in the Hungarian-Romaninan relationship,who are willing to write about civil work in romanian or even in english. We would also like to secure communication options for those young people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main reason why we want to join the ALF Network is because we looking for ne relations, partnerships. We would like to evolve, also having the urge to see how others react and handle the interethnical problems, issues. We`d also like to help others, because the articles on the portal reacher a wide amount of importan people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Szabó Csaba
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Csaba Szabó
Contact (2) Full Name
Szabó Csaba
Job Title (2)

Labo de Babel d'AQUI (Monde)

National Network

36 rue ernest lavisse
66000 Perpignan

06 52 15 53 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Association, un emploi à plein temps + un emploi à mi-temps prévu au 1 octobre 2015, dans le cadre de la mise en place du projet associatif, Budget prévisionnel de l'année à venir 90 000 euros, provenant de subventions nationales, régionales, départementales et comunales, d'un appel à don participatif et de ressources propres à l'association ( ateliers d'animation, évènements  et viisite du lieu )   les partenaires locaux,: université de Perpignan ( CUEF, IFCT), sevice "catalanité" du conseIL departemental, associations
Mission and Objectives

Poumouvoir l'apprentissage et la culture des langues pour favoriser le dialogue interculturel
Créer un lieu d'exposion, d'animation et de réflexion autour de la diversité lingistique pour faire vivre ensemble des cultures et des langues diverses
organisé autour de 3 entrées , basée sur des compétences complémentaire à l'appréhension des langues : communication, expression, contextualisation
Ateliers d'intercompréhension linguistique ,
comme méthode de communication basée sur une éthique de la communication (écoute mutuelle et respect des points de vue de l'autre, effort de clarté dans sa propre langue) Sur cette base convenue de l'égalité des langues faire vivre la fraternité entre les langues, pour ré-apprendre le dialogue et les échanges authetiques
Comme vecteur d'apprentissage des langues , basé sur l'aquisition de la compétence de compréhension , apprendre à lire et écouter d'autres langues qui s'éclaireront mutuellement par le jeu de l'approximation positive pour développer sa capacité d'induction, lever les inhibitions, puis vouloir apprendre une langue apparentée à la sienne puis d'une autre famille par extension des compétences acquises
Exposition et parcours pédagogique
pour voyager dans l'univers des langues,  et inviter à rencontrer la différence. Dans une approche transdisciplinaire , d'exploration ludique, encourager à la création pour développer la compétence de production comme composante de l'apprentissage et de l'usage des langues .
Collection de moualaqat, toiles peintes illustrant des texte poétiques dans toutes les langues et des formes d'interprétation du monde et de  pensées différentes
Jeux interactifs et créatifs pour manipuler les langues développés sur un parcours éducatif de conscientisation qui fait apparaitrela diversité des représentations.
Animations de contextualisation( approche environementale et mouvements migratoires)
évènements, rencontres, conférences .. sur les langues d'ici et d'ailleurs. Le regard que nous portons sur le réalité est formaté par notre langue et notre langue " la limite de notre univers est celle de notre langage ", apprendre une langue est ici ,développer cette compétence à ré-organiser notre lien à l'environnement, aux autres, à soi même
Se contextualiserpar une approche sensorielle et reconnaitre la complexité
Se reconnaitre dans une ou plusieurs interprétations collectives et dynamiques du monde

Main Projects / Activities

Fête des langues de Perpignan
Cité des langues( présentée ci-dessus)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par des animations dans le cadre d'evenements organisée par d'autres partenaires du réseau, pour partager nos outils favorable au dialogue interculturels et dans les chapmps de  éducatition, social, environnemental et culturel

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour diffuser nos avancées et  creer du lien

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

4iS - plataforma para a inovação social

National Network

Campus Universitário de Santiago, Edifício I
3810-193 Aveiro

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
4iS – plataforma para a inovação social (platform for social innovation) is a NGO, collaborative cross-sectoral platform that links organization, non-profit and for-profit, creators, artist and innovators. It has 30 collaborators and 10 executive board members. Our budget, around 100000€ per year comes from different national and international sources, such as, European commission, Local and Regional Portuguese governmental agencies and international foundations like Gulbenkian and Robert Bosch foundation.
Mission and Objectives

4iS – platform for social innovation aims to create a social value culture supported on social innovation practices through sharing of knowledge, services, projects and social enterprises. 4iS supports academic and non-academic communities by creating, developing and placing activities and cross-sectoral framework programs for social innovation, based on Sustainability, Active Citizenship, Culture, Creativity, Education, Employment, Social Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellbeing.

Main Projects / Activities

Promoter of the JUPT project in collaboration with University of Aveiro, Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission and UNESCO for promoting, inside Portuguese higher education institutions, the debate regarding citizenship and challenges of Portugal within the Lusophonic, Ibero-American and European communities. Co-coordination and execution of the Aveiro Entrepreneur Network (http://www.aveiro-empreendedor.pt/) – promoting programs and networks to support employability and entrepreneurship – and the EUniverCities (http://urbact.eu/en/projects/innovation-creativity/eunivercities/homepa…) and JOBTOWN (http://urbact.eu/en/projects/active-inclusion/jobtown/homepage/) projects within the URBACT network, promoted by the Municipality of Aveiro and the University of Aveiro. Promoter of the 2011 and 2012 editions of Ride for your Rights! (www.rideforyourrights.org). Promoter of the VivaCidade. Dress Up the City Voids within the Actors of Urban Change Program – a cross-sectoral project focused on urban regeneration through culture and participation (http://vivacidade.umnovolargo.pt/). Partner of the ARTERIA Project which aims to work artistically with cultural agents of several cities in central Portugal, in order to create a regional dynamic with local social impact and a proposed change on the relationship between the region and the national and international territory.(http://projectoarteria.blogs.sapo.pt/). Promoter and Coordinator of the 5th SALTA! - Aveiro Academic Theatre Festival in a partnership with the University of Aveiro Experimental Theatre Group (GrETUA).

Contact (1) Full Name
João Pedro Sousa Rosa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
João Pedro Sousa Rosa

United Nations Association of Bulgaria

National Network

str.prof. N.Mihaylov
1000 Sofia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
United Nations Association in Bulgaria is an organization that works in the public interest for decades. It was founded in 1948 to help Bulgaria’s membership in the UN,  which happened in 1955. UNA is a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) together with over 160 national associations. Members of the    Society are mostly diplomats, academics and students. Chair is Ambassador Ivan Garvalov.  The association participates actively in  alternative methods of civic education in the spirit of the United Nations. This is done through a network of school and university clubs that receive status of associatied groups and work by choice in one or more of the core business areas of the world organization – human rights, environmental protection, shares to maintain public health, campaigns in support of regional and world peace. Since 2003, the assiciation is the national coordinator for the Eastern European region within the global program Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the associaton is to work for the unity of the Bulgarian community  in support of the United Nations and to strengthen international peace and security, development of international understanding and respect for fundamental rights and  freedoms. It disseminates and applies through its activities and publications ideas, principles and decisions of the United Nations.

Main Projects / Activities

United Nations Associaton' s school and university clubs
Model United Nations on national, regional, international level 
UNA NEWS Bulgaria - online youth media - www.unanews.una.bg
Bulgaria Youth Delegate to UN
Project " Human Rights", " Culture of peace"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

United Nation Association of Bulgaria can contribute to the Network with toolkits and handbooks relating to training on human rights in school, culture of peace, tolerance.
  Also can contribute expertise on these topics and trainers who can help with preparation and trainings. UNA NEWS -  a youth media of the organization can promote the best practices in the field in the country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For us, networking helps increase the capacity of the organization and to the partners and that provide stability and sustainability in the work on the topics of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilina Moutafchieva
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ivan Garvalov

Kerkennah Sports & Loisirs

National Network

3072 Sfax

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Kekennah sport & loisirs visent l'animation de l'archipel de kerkennah ...Un archipel appartenant à la ville de sfax ..capitale du sud
Mission and Objectives

Animation de l'ile

Main Projects / Activities

organisation d'évènements sportifs et de loisirs 
former des cadres dans le domaine de l'organisation 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mechti seifeddine
Head of the organisation
Mechti Seifeddine
Contact (2) Full Name
Nazek Bouteraa

The Coalition against Racism in Israel

National Network

5 Saint Luke's St.
Haifa 31043

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Coalition against Racism (CAR), initiated in 2003, is comprised of 43 non-profit member organizations that represent minority voices in Israel. These organizations work with Palestinian citizens of Israel, with the Russian-speaking, Ethiopian, Mizrahi, and refugee communities, as well as working to promote the rights of women, the disabled, children, Palestinians under occupation and the elderly. You can find our partners here: http://www.fightracism.org/en/main.asp?cat=2 One full-time employee and several volunteers from Israel and abroad work for CAR. The budgetary resources abailable in 2015: 150.000 US$. Provided by the New Israel Fund and the Euorpean Union. Furthermore, we get project-based funding through foundations within Israel or from abroad. One of our leading strategies is the initiation of public campaigns designed to bring issues to the table and to increase awareness of the various faces of racism. One of our tools is the publication of our annual Racism Report, which documents cases of racism during the previous year. We work with the public media in all the languages of the Coalition members, including Amharic, Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian, to monitor the public media for cases of racism and to disseminate materials that foster understanding.
Mission and Objectives

The public sphere in Israel, including private and institutional elements, is filled with materials, expressions, messages, activities, and practice that have a racist character.
It seems that the disease of hate and discrimination has spread among us, and almost no sector or group has remained immune to it. At the same time, public criticism of racist revelations is lessening. It seems that there is acceptance, and sometimes even agreement, with messages that should be rejected with disgust.
Against this background, we as social organizations and private individuals who feel obligated to advance and to safeguard human rights in Israel, have been working on putting forth a vision of a nation without racism. We want to make our voices heard and work for the defeat of the phenomenon of racism in Israel.
We feel that it is our duty to act and to respond to messages, activities, materials, and expressions that have in them any discrimination, persecution, humiliation, mortification, evidence of hatred, hostility, violence, or encouragement of confrontations towards any person, community, or parts of the population, all because of color, race, religion, national-ethnic identity, or because of origin.
The minority communities that we represent are all victims of prejudice and discrimination. Therefore, our main goal is to utilize our Coalition representing a pluralistic civil society to combat institutional racism and discrimination. However, these communities, too, express racist and intolerant attitudes towards each other. We thus work to educate our own communities about the effects of racism while also encouraging individuals to meet across communities.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2015 we will devote a major portion of our work to three main avenues of combating racism:
1. Working with the police to reduce discrimination and police brutality.
2. Lobbying the Knesset Education Committee and the Ministry of Education to invest in human rights and an anti-racism curriculum.
3. Targeting ministries and institutions to reduce institutional discrimination and to encourage them to adhere to already established anti-discrimination laws.
Our work has already taken on two main directions:
1. We worked to liaise with the police and to conduct human rights awareness training programs.
2. We also initiated a campaign to take legal action in response to police misconduct.
This project promotes respect for human rights, such as basic freedoms, freedom of movement, and the rights of detainees, as well as the rule of law. We regard it as a matter of course that the police work to assist minorities and vulnerable communities rather than perpetuating stereotypes and causing additional harm.
This year we will also initiate a large-scale campaign to encourage anti-racism work throughout the education system. We are working with the Knesset Lobby for the War on Racism and Discrimination, lobbying the Ministry of Education to recognize the urgency of the situation and to change the educational curriculum. We expect that the government and governmental institutions themselves will take measures to reduce instances of institutional discrimination and racist incitement.
Thanks to our work, government ministries are beginning to assume responsibility. We are creating a more favorable environment for other institutions and authorities to come forward and to seriously address institutional discrimination in their departments.
We are currently initiating several new programs:
Through Culture against Racism, we conduct cultural events in various localities throughout Israel to bring together Jewish and Arab audiences. After numerous hate crimes were committed in Fureidis, we brought Culture against Racism into the city and held musical events with Arab and Jewish artists. This attracted both Arab and Jewish audiences, and residents of Fureidis got a chance to mingle with one another while learning a bit about each other’s culture and music. More than 600 individuals attended the events. We plan to make this a regular program in the coming year- bringing minority groups together to know and celebrate one another’s culture.
Education for human rights and anti-racism. In this year we are planning to launch a project working with high school teachers in the Western Galilee, particularly in Sheikh Danoun, an Arab village, and at Evron High School. We selected this region because the area in and around Nehariya experiences frictions between the Arab and Jewish residents on a daily basis. In this program we train teachers how to promote tolerance and how to educate against racism in schools. Teachers have a profound effect on their students and can be strong agents of change. By bringing tolerance and antiracism education into these schools, we hope to create safe and diverse environments where students, who otherwise might never interact with a member of the other community, learn about respect, mutual understanding and human rights. In turn, some of these students will have a strong multiplier effect as they go on to army service, higher education, and enter the job market. With a strong background in acceptance and understanding, they will affect their peers’ attitudes and outlooks on Jewish-Arab relations and become agents of wide-scale social change. Our member organization, Psychoactive, will take the lead on this project.
Activities with young leaders. With our member organizations Ossim Shalom and the Community Centers Company in the lead, we plan on conducting activities with young leaders and guides, ages 15-18, in the Galilee this coming year. The Galilee region is the home of arious groups from a wide range of ethnicities, nationalities, religions, and races. However, this region is also among the most segregated in Israel. Youths neither have a chance to regularly meet peers from other groups nor get to know one another personally, leading to numerous expressions of racism and prejudice. It is important to target this age group, as they are the ones entering the army, and joining the workforce and institutions of higher education. They will be the ones setting the stage for Israel’s future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The members of the national Network could profit from our knowledge and the experiences we made. The Coalition against Racism has been in action for ten years. We are well known for following through on our projects and constantly working to improve tolerance and understanding throughout society. We have established close ties with Knesset members and government leaders, thus improving our ability to reach policy-makers and to effect social change. Over the past years, the Coalition has established local and regional groups of activists. Furthermore, we already established a Galilee Forum in the Karmiel Area and are currently planning to establish a bi-national group in Nazareth, together with a joint activist group between the cities of Zichron Yaakov and Fureidis and several partner initiatives in the Negev. Our structure as a coalition of 40 NGOs, with their members offering skills sets highly suited to our work, allows us to represent numerous minority groups. Besides representatives from minority communities, we also have coalition members with important acquirements that directly contribute to our ability to act. Tebeka, Tmura Center, Mossawa Center, and IRAC, to name a few, are organizations comprised of lawyers from all Israeli communities. They are experts regarding laws that affect minority communities, which makes them an important asset to the Coalition because they play a major role in our legal work. All member groups contribute their professional skills to our work, thus allowing us to address a broad range of issues. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to learn from the different organizations and people that are active in your national Network in Israel. The Coalition Against Racism in Israel is interested in future cooperation and partnership with different actors in order to achieve our vision of equality, non-discrimination and to decrease racism in Israel. As a coalition we are always interested in expanding our reach. In order to do that we need partners and supporters to promote and encourage our many projects and campaigns. We are also on the search for new funding opportunities, we need foundations who are willing to assist our work so that we can achieve our aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nidal Othman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nidal Othman

AL Tawasol Forum Society

National Network

gaza strip- middle area - AL Nusirat camp
AL Nusirat
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
المؤسسة لديها  نظام متكامل  جمعية عمومية ومجلس ادارة عدد الموظفين: 35 الاناث: 26 الذكور: 9  , مركز التواصل التعليمي مصادر التمويل: الروضة, اشتراكات العضوية, ايجارالقاعات مصار تمويل خارجية: المساعدات الشعبية النرويجية , مركز هيرمان جماينز, مؤسسة العمل التنموي معا  تقوم المؤسسة بعقد تدريبات وورش عمل تستهدف فيها جميع فئات المجتمع  شركاء المؤسسة: المساعادات الشعبية النرويجية, مركز العمل التنموي معا, مركز هيرمان جامينز  موازنة المؤسسة للعام 2014: 201237 $
Mission and Objectives

Al Tawasol Forum Society is an independent Palestinian society that tries to activate the role of youth and children in their communities in a democratic society through the strategic directions adopted by the society that include; community and political participation of youth for both gender, the development of youth, and the protection of child rights, human generations, training and capacity-building, Decreasing poverty among young people, networking and advocacy with relevant parties.
1-To provide material support ,moral and psychological for the families
2 - The dissemination of cultural awareness and social and youth groups to create some kind of communication between generations .
3 - Emphasis on the participation of youth and take the leading role in the community.
4 - Contribute to a profound understanding of the local environment and work to resolve these problems.
5 - Activating the role of women in society and the advancement of cultural and social realities
6 - Provide a variety of services to children to develop their talents and abilities to include the custody of 'kindergarten' the establishment of libraries for the perusal of 'dealing with the computer through various educational means.
7 - Work on the establishment of a public library serves all segments of society.
8 - Work on reviving the heritage of the Palestinian People

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع الشراكة من أجل التنمية معا 
مشروع حق العودة للاجئين
مشروع حماية الاطفال من التشرد 
مركز التواصل التعليمي

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يتم ذلك من خلال صنع شركات مع مؤسسات  جادة وقادرة علي إحداث تغيير فعلي في مجتمعاتها 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أجل تطوير الشباب والعمل علي نشر أفكارهم وخلق ثقافات جديدة تتوائم مع ما يعاصره الشباب في مجتماعاتنا الحالية
بذلك يصبحوا قادرين علي الأخذ بزمام المبادرة 

Contact (1) Full Name
rami sami sowan
Job Title
executive manager
Head of the organisation
saleh salama al shafy
Contact (2) Full Name
maher al talaa
Job Title (2)


National Network

Tarragona 21 Street, bajo izquierda
28045 Madrid

+34 605298787
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 605298787
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
SSF - INSTITUCIONAL INFORMATION SOLIDARIDAD SIN FRONTERAS “SSF” mission is to promote all kinds of courses, seminars, studies/research and public activities/projects on social, political and cultural rights, defending the right to education and academic freedom. Collaborate with the education authorities and international agencies to promote respect for pluralism, tolerance, justice, responsibility and flexibility in all spheres of education, contribute to social welfare and, in particular to those groups composed of at risk of social exclusion and/or in situations of social vulnerability families, children rights, young people who have difficulties in social and labour integration, cooperation for development and welfare of the neediest people of countries in need, engage in social awareness towards the development of the South. SSF is registered in the National Register of Associations of the Kingdom of SPAIN under the number 594364, VAT number: ES G-85887750 SOLIDARIDAD SIN FRONTERAS "SSF" is a development NGO registered with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), thus complying with the requirements of Law 23/1998, of July 7, International Cooperation for Development. SSF is also registered in the city of Madrid, Government Department of Economics, employment and citizenship with number 2643 in the category of partnerships for development cooperation. Our Organization is registered in the Leganes City as entity of citizen participation. "SSF" has granted legal personality recognized by administrative resolution departmental No. 898/2012 for the governance of Plurinational State of Bolivia. SSF belongs to the REGIONAL FORUM FOR THE IMMIGRATION of the COMUNIDAD DE MADRID region of Spain as permanent head vocal. SSF belongs to the sectorial Forum on immigration and Social Coexistence of the city of Leganes of the Madrid in Spain (partner in plenary and in the permanent Committee head) WORK AREAS  Immigration and integration.  Cooperation and co-development – European Projects (International Projects Department).  Research, training and awareness.  Volunteerism and social responsibility.  Our head office in Madrid City (Tarragona 21 Street)  SSF has other office in partnership with the city of Leganés (Leganes City) CENTRO SOCIAL ROSA LUXEMBURGO, El Charco 23 Street.  SSF has other Office in partnership with the city of Alcorcón (Alcorcón City) CENTRO GREGORIO ORDOÑEZ, Parque Bujaruelo 1,3 Street. In the SSF management team we have professional experts responsible for different areas and the principal professional staff is: D. ÁLVARO WILL IBÁÑEZ TUDELA: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER & LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE Email: alvaro.will@ssf.org.es o Masters Degrees: o MA in Integration, Development and Co-development - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de España (MdE) o MA in International Relations and International Public-Private Laws- Universidad Complutense Madrid (LL.M) o MA in Telecommunications and IT (Information Technologies ) Laws - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Postgraduate programs (PGdip) in: International Co-operation for Human Development - Universidad Oberta de Cataluña (Barcelona); International Sale and Purchase Operations, E-commerce and Private Laws - Universidad Carlos III (Madrid); International Business Laws - Universidad Complutense de Madrid. o Undergraduate Degree in Laws (graduate in Laws - Esquire) UMSA. - Professor and Speaker/reporter in different courses, seminars and congresses in Latin America and Europe, - 10 years’ experience as head of international organizations, foundations, associations and international consultancy. - He has been working several years on projects focused on the social and professional integration of young people, students, adults, immigrants, men and women. He has led projects in these areas for many years. - He coordinated three investigations on the social and political participation of youth people, women and immigrants in Spain. D. SEBASTIÁN SALINAS MALDONADO Member counselor of “SSF” Email: sebastian.salinas@ssf.org.es o Master Degree Integration, Development and Co-development - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de España (MdE) o Undergraduate Degree in Laws (graduate in Laws – Esquire counselor). - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Expert in immigration laws with 12 years of experience in immigration and aliens. Professor and Speaker/reporter in different courses, seminars and congresses in Latin America and Europe. - He has been working in international social organizations, immigrant associations and in the Public Administration, among others. - He developed three investigations on the social and political participation of youth people, women and immigrants in Spain. Dª. GABRIELA SOSA GARCIA Member of “SSF” Email: gabriela.s.g@ssf.org.es Doctorado (PhD) in Anthropology and Current Society / Communication and Culture Universidad de Salamanca. Master Degree en Research management and Local development at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Expert in Intercultural Social mediation - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. - She has worked in social and Immigration project, cooperation and co-development, integration, interculturality, gender, human rights, communication, specialization in techniques of quantitative and qualitative research, among others. - She has works experience in gender violence with youth people social and labour integration processes. - She developed (part of SSF team) three investigations on the social and political participation of youth people, women and immigrants in Spain. SSF other staff: • Professional Trainers • Lawyers (Master degree in International Public Laws) • Intercultural Mediators • Volunteers (previously trained) • General Coordinator Our projects and activities are financed for: - European Funds - Public subsidies/grants - Contracts - services with private enterprises - Contribution and associates' donations SSF REALIZES A PROCESS OF TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL AUDIT EVERY YEAR, PROCESS REALIZED BY AN EXPERT SPANISH COMPANY
Mission and Objectives

SSF has extensive background and experience in comprehensive care for children, young people, women victims of gender violence, immigrant population (disadvantaged people), the instruments for the accomplishment of the mission and objectives of the entity are:
The design, planning, development and implementation of projects and programs of development cooperation and Education for Solidarity.
• The implementation of actions to support training and awareness.
• The design, planning, development and implementation of projects and programs that encourage labour integration and participation / citizen as / as in society.
• The development of research and analysis and recommendations for further actions to different government and social actors (professional tools).
Among them we can mention projects in Spain and Bolivia (South America) focused on the young women, migrant population in research and direct social intervention, especially young people, families, and immigrant women in the legal, social and labour integration area, also values education, tolerance, integration, social participation, on the other hand develop cooperation projects focusing on circular migration in Bolivia and south America.
We have developed projects focused on the integration of children, young people, families and women (at risk of social exclusion and/or in situations of social vulnerability, migrants, unemployed people, women victims of gender violence etc.) into the Community of Madrid and others communities of Spain, starting from the first host to personalized and group counselling on legal, social and labour issues.
Within its International Projects Department, since 2014, SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980)

Main Projects / Activities

SSF has specialized activities in serving disadvantaged populations such as:
o Group workshops around the social and political participation of immigrant women.
o Legal counselling services, workshops and awareness sessions and legal issues specialist care in Aliens, welcome and integration process, combating racism, discrimination, prevention and combat gender violence, inside schools, hosting units, refugee centres, public administration, companies and others.
o Supports lifelong learning and career paths for migrants by tailored counselling and recognition of prior learning to improve skills, employability and mobility.
o Design and implementation of different professional tools for unemployed people, companies and social actors.
• Training of trainers in several areas and for different groups.
• Research in different social, political and industrial areas for population at risk of social exclusion (disadvantaged people).
• Design and implementation of different professional tools. The organization has three professional social researches developed in Spain and America Latin released in many countries.
We are experts in the prior assessment and all the integration process of special situation of our direct beneficiaries, developing custom itineraries and with measurable objectives.
The beneficiaries of these projects:
 Children and young people (students) inside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Women and men (people in risk of social exclusion).
 Immigrant population and their network partner family
 Population at risk of social exclusion inside and outside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Colleges and Institutes of secondary education (Schools) and vocational training
 Hosting Units and refugee centres staff
 Heads of orientation, psychologists, teachers, tutors, directors of the centres, principals, social workers, counsellors, etc.
 Associations of immigrants
 Associations of women victims of gender violence
 Neighbourhoods associations
 Social Services and charity organizations
 Public social care services to women with problems of violence of gender
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of education
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of migration.
 Companies
Within its International Projects Department, since 2014, SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980) A consortium of seven partners from Spain, Norway, Greece, France, Cyprus and Austria, with relevant know-how and expertise.
Since 2010 develop different professional projects of support and accompaniment of social and labour insertion/integration in Spain to people with social, legal, and professional integration difficulties (people is risk of social exclusion). We have developed this service for the welcome and assistance to a big number of people and with good results (qualitative and quantitative).
Among these:
 INTEGRATION EN RED project (funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the community of Madrid, years 2011,2012 and 2013) the objective the shelter, social, legal and labour integration of young immigrants living in peri-urban areas of the community of Madrid and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
 SAEX project (funded by the City Council of the city of Leganés years 2013, 2014 and 2015) target the shelter, social, legal and labour integration of young immigrants and women victims of domestic violence who live in the suburbs (especially young people from Africa and Latin America)
 MADRID SUR EN RED project (funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the community of Madrid, year 2014 and 2015) project of shelter, social, legal and labour integration of unemployed and in a situation of legal irregularity (immigrants) of Madrid and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
• INTEGRAL SERVICE TO MINORS AND FAMILAS OF IMMIGRANT ORIGIN project (funded by the City Council of the city of Leganés years 2013, 2014 and 2015) To attend, by means of a professional service, the situations of special vulnerability and social exclusion of the FAMILIES AND MINORS of immigrant origin in the municipality of Leganés (as CEMU Host Unit), by means of actions of integral reception, orientation and legal advice on the subject of status of foreigners and actions of sociolabour orientation.
Our Organization has worked for two years (2010 and 2011) in a project financed with European funds (European Social Fund) of the Ministry of Education and the Immigration Department of the Community of Madrid of Spain developing STUDENTS SUCCESSFUL for the network of schools and colleges of the educational system and whose aim was to:
 Support teachers schools, head of studies departments, guidance departments, social workers, external staff of schools, improving school performance and student learning, the implementation of activities of motivation students for the improvement of learning, prevent early school leaving, prevent conflicts between teachers and students, prevent conflicts between students of different nationalities and social groups (ethnic), prevent of further violent incidences caused by gender violence and between families of the school, and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
• Also we implemented a support service after school outside of lesson time of study (in the afternoons) for students with school performance difficulties.
• Another objective was to support and direct work to the families of the students in the process of learning improvement, family conflicts, effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights, integration and social cohesion support prevention and prevention of early school leaving (worked in network with different organizations and other hosting centers of study including referrals and work network)
The project was implemented on 2010 and 2011
 On the other hand, actually, and from 2012 (part of another project of SSF), we are developing a cross SUPPORT SERVICE TO HOSTING UNITS - schools and families of students the schools on the outskirts of cities in processes of welcome and family mediation and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
We have also worked in the implementation of projects and new tools that accompany and support this prevention and training activities working in the areas - peri-urban cities on the outskirts of big cities and with use of information and communications technologies.
Our work also on board the psychological and emotional part in search of social integrations and coexistent habits, the teaching of individual self-esteem, self-help and motivation groups sessions.
SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980) A consortium of seven partners from Spain, Norway, Greece, France, Cyprus and Austria, with relevant know-how and expertise

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a strong network in Europe, Spain and Latin America´partners. We are experts in the prior assessment and all the integration process of special situation of our direct beneficiaries, developing custom itineraries and with measurable objectives.
The beneficiaries of these projects:
 Children and young people (students) inside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Women and men (people in risk of social exclusion).
 Immigrant population and their network partner family
 Population at risk of social exclusion inside and outside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Colleges and Institutes of secondary education (Schools) and vocational training
 Hosting Units and refugee centres staff
 Heads of orientation, psychologists, teachers, tutors, directors of the centres, principals, social workers, counsellors, etc.
 Associations of immigrants
 Associations of women victims of gender violence
 Neighbourhoods associations
 Social Services and charity organizations
 Public social care services to women with problems of violence of gender
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of education
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of migration.
 Companies
SSF is also an active member of:
Regional and sectorial commissions for the definition of young migrant policies (REGIONAL FORUM FOR THE IMMIGRATION of the COMUNIDAD DE MADRID region of Spain as permanent HEAD vocal.
SECTORIAL FORUM ON IMMIGRATION AND SOCIAL COEXISTENCE of the city of Leganes of the Madrid in Spain, HEAD partner in plenary and in the Committee permanent head).
SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980) A consortium of seven partners from Spain, Norway, Greece, France, Cyprus and Austria, with relevant know-how and expertise
These strong connections will be an advantage in order to incorporate our NGO in ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aims are similar of Anna Lindh Foundation about is citizens integration across the Mediterranean to build trust and improve mutual understanding, bring people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society (integrations process)
Our work and expertise in Spain and other mediterranian countries (for our EU project and network) can be a tool to improve this important network of ALF.
Many of our EU nearby partners are a part of Anna Lindh Foundation and we want to reach and contribute with our work and knowledge this important network and aims of ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

association jeunes artistes

National Network

13 Rue ennaser ben jaafer el halfawine bab swika tunis

+216 22218731
Telephone (other)
+216 52130927
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 22218731
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 97492363
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

association jeunes artistes pour le developpement culturelle artistique est une association tunisienne fondee en Aout 2014 par des jeunes artistes oeuvre essenciellement des creations artistiques, instaure une structure culturelle capable de renforcer les capaciter des jeunes et de promouvoir la decentralisation de la culture en tunisie, et crier un reseaux international des artistes des artistes defendre le droit de l'homme et lutte contre l'exenophobie et le racisme.  jeunes artistes a un but non lucratif 

Mission and Objectives

jeunes artistes fait des evenement des foramtions des echanges avec des partenaires de societés civiles de la tunisie et le reseaux "euromed" 

Main Projects / Activities

  projet "underg'art" piece theatrale musical projet " cinematoghraphie jeunes artistes" projet "24caravillag'art"  c'st un cravane qui se deplace dans tout les regions marginales de la tunisie fait des ateliers workshop piece de theatre... formation theatre, photgraphie, music , art plastic 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

depuis Aout 2014 on a former des jeunes des  tichniques artistiques sur des oeurvre theatrale musical art-plastic ...  on a realiser des projets des evenements en cour de les developper ur toute la teritoire tunisienne. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

le but de l'association jeunes artistes c de construire un reseaux international defendre le droit de l'homme et lutte contre l'exenophobie et le rasicme avec l'art.  

Contact (1) Full Name
wahib ben chahla
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Walid Mami
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed walid ben mami
Job Title (2)