Fundacja Edukacji Rodzinnej

National Network

Rodzinna 1
72-005 Przylep

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
FUNDACJA EDUKACJI RODZINNEJ (Family-Education Foundation) was set up by a few families involved in upbringing of their children. These families, gathered around integral-education idea, based on Christian values has created friendly environment for the growth not only their children, but all local community.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide for children, in close cooperation with parents, the highest level of education adapted to individual predispositions and skills of each student, combined with formation of character in accord to Christian values, regardless of economic of family.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are three educational institutions – coeducational kindergarden “Fale” (“Waves”), primary school for girls “Fale” and primary school for boys “Nawigator” (“Navigator”).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mateusz Kot
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Jacek Lachowicz

Act For Integration

National Network

Seymoursväg 22
27660 Skillinge

0046(0)763 41 55 61
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0046(0)763 41 55 61
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
General Information
Act for Integration is a non-profit organisation working in the fields of art, human rights, culture, media and youth acitivties. We are politically and religiously independent and will cooperate with other organisations and also the Public Sector. We are a team of volunteers who work on voluntary basis.  Our aim is to make the world a better place for everybody regardeless of their place of birth, gender, race or religion by running national projects with a positive impact. We believe in the equality of all people and a more egalitarian and tolerant society focusing on the role of girls and women privately as well as publicly. According to the World Bank women use 90% of their income on the well-being of their families whereas men use 30-40%. A third of all women have suffered sexual violence according to WHO. Violence against women is not ethincally, culturally or religiously related but occurs everywhere. Girls and women are subject to gender related violence only just because of their sex. Our aim is to focus on equality, diversity and peace for a better world.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to work with varied organisations as collaborators which allows us to make the world a better place for everybody regardeless of their place of birth, gender, race or religion by running national projects with a positive impact.
We believe in the equality of all people and a more egalitarian and tolerant society focusing on the role of girls and women privately as well as publicly.

Main Projects / Activities

We work with UNHCR making testimonials like "Telling The Real Story".
We also started language cafes and a voluntary advice office, RådRum in South of Sweden.
Our voluntary team arranges seminars and gatherings to help integration. They helped developing and spreading a method book to help organisations/people to spread information to new comers with focus on equality, women and children's wright.
For more information visit our webpage

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanna Udvardi
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Torbjörn Samuelsson
Job Title (2)
project assistant

Association Tunisienne d'E-Business

National Network

8 Rue Mohamed Ali Snoussi
2050 Hammam Lif

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
développer l’économie numérique et l’e-business.
Mission and Objectives

* la contribution dans l’accroissement et le développement de l’économie numérique, l’e-business, le commerce électronique et le marketing du réseau dans tous les domaines scientifiques, économiques, administratifs, sociaux, culturels et les médias.
● La consolidation de la culture du marketing du réseau, le commerce électronique avec la réalité, les coutumes et les traditions tunisiennes.
● Contribuer à l'implication des entreprises dans l'économie numérique et les transactions électroniques.
● Contribuer à la formation et l'encadrement des spécialistes de l'internet, le commerce électronique et le marketing de réseau.
● contribuer à lier des relations de partenariat entres les spécialistes des systèmes informatiques et des sciences connexes provenant d'institutions publiques et privées ainsi qu’élaborer des partenariats scientifiques et pratiques.
● Coopération et partenariat avec des associations et des organismes similaires à l’intérieur et à l’étranger.
● L'échange d'expertise et d'expériences entre les experts et les spécialistes et les institutions actives dans le domaine du commerce électronique, le marketing du réseau et des sciences connexes à l'échelle locale et mondiale

Main Projects / Activities

* contacter les organismes et autorités concernées afin de contribuer à l'élaboration des lois réglementants les affaires électroniques, l’e-commerce et le marketing du réseau.
● Consolidation des relations d’échange et de coopération scientifiques entre les professionnels des technologies de l'information, les transactions électroniques et des sciences connexes.
● Organisation des séminaires, des réunions et diverses activités scientifiques, de formation, de sensibilisation et de communication audio-visuelle.
● Organisation des projets pour encadrer et motiver les membres au biais des programmes de développement humaine et développement personnel.
● effectuer des recherches et des études dans tous les domaines qui ont à voir avec l’internet, les affaires électroniques et le marketing du réseau.
● Mener des recherche et des études
● L'organisation de compétitions et des voyages récréatifs et éducatifs.
● la communication via tous les moyens tel que les sites web, les réseaux sociaux, la presse, le radio, les chaînes télévisées d’une façon illimitée.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

créer et participer à des actions en faveur du dialogue, la paix, le developpement social et economique.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Parce que c'est un honeur et un privèlege de cooperer avec une organisation qui   contribue au rapprochement des populations des deux côtés de la Méditerranée et améliore le respect mutuel entre les cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nihed Kalai
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nihed Kalai
Contact (2) Full Name
soumeya jday
Job Title (2)
media & public relations

Community Center "Ivan Vazov - 2014"

National Network

"Hadji Dimitar" Residential area, "Rezbarska" Str., Bl. 188, entrance 3
1510 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Community Center "Ivan Vazov - 2014" is a non-profit organization in public benefit, which was founded at the end of 2014 from more than 150 citizens. Among the founders of the Community Center are artists, writers, representatives of educational institutions, journalists and public figures. For the first few months of its existence Community Center "Ivan Vazov - 2014" launched several initiatives. The first initiative is in partnership with the Urban Art Foundation, with the aim to create a modern gallery for urban art. The second initiative of our Community Center is associated with the integration of refugees through joint educational and cultural activities. A third project, in which we work is related to the interaction between the community centers.  

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission and Objectives are: to work for the benefit of the whole society; to develop projects and initiatives in education and science; to support young artists; to develop projects related to social activities, minority groups, marginalized communities; to support the integration and reintegration of people with disabilities; to assist local and central government; to support multi-ethnic dialogue; to promote European values and democracy; to cooperate with local, national and international organizations and networks.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently working on three projects, two of which are financed from own resources. The first project aims to build partnerships between community centers. The second project is related to the activities through which we want to integrate refugees and migrants who cross the Schengen border and come from points of conflict, such as Syria, Iraq and Africa. The working title of the project is "Side by Side". The third project is in partnership with the Urban Art Foundation and aims to create urban gallery. The project is funded by the Sofia Municipality, and its value is around € 10,000.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our desire is to establish partnerships with other organizations and civil society structures, with common goals and at the same time to spread the information about the activities and practices of the Network among our members and the public. In addition, we wish to initiate joint activities with other members of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that change is possible when efforts are united in a common goal. For this reason we would like to collaborate with a wide range of organizations who share and work for the benefit of society and its development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Orlin Denkov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Orlin Denkov
Contact (2) Full Name
Bistra Markova

Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue

National Network

Str. Vidra 25 B
200444 Craiova

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue was formed in 2015 to support the development of a coherent, practical, and relevant research-based perspective on domestic and international intercultural relations. The Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue is an independent non-governmental, non-denominational and non-political organization whose mission is to build a world where the cultural diversity is respected and valorised, where people from different cultural backgrounds work hand in hand for solution of global problems and for sustainable development. Aiming a culture of peace, the Centre promotes the use of dialogue globally to prevent and resolve conflict, to enhance understanding and cooperation. The promotors seek to reach common and harmonious cooperation and a genuine desire to lay the foundations of world peace. 
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue are::
a) promoting cultural dialogue and intercultural, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally;
b) promoting religious dialogue, inter-Christian and inter-religious, nationally and internationally;
c) promoting cultural values ​​and spirituality Romanian and European and European historical memory;
d) promoting democracy and active European citizenship and volunteering;
e) promoting the fundamental values ​​of the European Union and fundamental human rights and freedoms;
f) implementing programs and projects promoting tourism and public awareness about the need to preserve and protect the environment;
g) developing projects and student and youth programs;
h) implementing projects and health education programs;
i) conducting charitable activities;
j) the conduct of courses, trainings and training programs and personal development;
k) partnerships and cooperation agreements with public institutions and NGOs in Romania and abroad;
l) promoting and encouraging academic excellence through conferences, symposiums, roundtables and other activities of this type, and by offering prizes and scholarships for students and teachers in higher education;
m) publishing scientific papers, publicity and promotion.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve the above goals, the association will conduct a series of activities such as:
a) organization of symposia, conferences, roundtables and other cultural-artistic and scientific events;
b) fundraising campaigns;
c) educating the public on intercultural issues and the results of research in intercultural development
d) publishing books, magazines and other publications;
e) development and maintenance of websites, blogs and other online platforms;
f) conduct awareness campaigns among the public;
g) organization of trainings and information sessions;
h) various international youth programs

Contact (1) Full Name
Vladimirescu Mihai Valentin
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu

organization of backing liberal and social development(OBLSD)

National Network

12st Amin El Rafeay, Dokky, Giza

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD ) is an Egyptian non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 8th of July, 2009. It works according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' Principles and the International Human Rights' legislation. The organization mission is to spread and promote the liberal though and the culture of Human Rights as well  to work on the community development through the dissemination of the notion and culture of the voluntary work across Egypt. We don't have any religious, racial, political or partial belonging, we are dealing with all groups to achieve Freedom and Liberal principles and to disseminate the human rights culture inconsistent with the Law or the national interest.
Mission and Objectives

1. Working on spreading the legal and constitutional cultural awareness among the citizens to know their guaranteed rights and duties in the constitution and the law as well.
2. Working on providing research, reports and periodic and non-periodic studies on liberalism, human rights, tolerance and acceptance of others culture and monitoring the human rights' violations occur in Egypt through seminars, workshops and conferences with the participation of specialists from institution, organizations and individuals in all fields.
3. Working on the community participation in an assistant attempt to raise the society through the  volunteer work.
4. Working on supporting women empowerment in the society as well as fighting discrimination and violence against them through projects , programs and training aimed at empowering women's role and raising their awareness to change the inferiority perception to be treated as a human.
5. Working on providing opportunities for the marginalized sectors, ( especially " Migrant Egyptians") supporting and integrating them into the community as it is their simplest right, and  integrating the special needs in the community as well through workshops, projects and programs for them.
6. Raise the awareness of the importance of the civil society's role and its institutions in the community.
7. Establish strong relationships with local and international institution interested in working in the liberal field, human rights as well as community development to achieve the organization goals.
8. Priority interest in slums through the field and training work and establishing special programs for them to introduce the human rights 'culture and spreading the liberal principles to them.

Main Projects / Activities

1- • " Only You" project for girls in the slum "Azbit El Nakhl " for 3 months period
2- Number of seminars at the journalist syndicate under the supervision of the freedoms committee and Watny newspaper.
3- Training courses at Gabha party, Al-Ghad party and the Liberal Egyptians for the partial work and 1 course about the Civil society.
4- Participating in the Street Children National Day with more than 70 human rights' organizations and institutions.
5- Set up the Liberal Cultural Forum at Watny newspaper place for 2 months period and graduating more than 15 new researcher.
6- Directed the play "Death Brokers" about tolerance in cooperation with the German Friedrich Neumann Foundation.
7- Participated in observing the Parliament elections in 2011 with Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development studies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are working for more than 6 years in the field of community development and political awareness. and we have experience in the crowd, advocacy and management and implementation of workshops and training courses
We also have good relations with all political parties, because our permanent business with them since two years in the program to strengthen the political participation of young people .
we are confident that we are able to work with Anna linda Foundation in the coming period through basic of human resources and  also the available place in the foundation.
The aim of our existence in the network to contribute to the activities which affect the mutual understanding between members of the same society and also between different societies and contribute to spreading the culture of dialogue and tolerance also through the previous and upcoming projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Alf is one of the important networks which is working in Egypt and we believe that we can help our socity and our foundation also by being a memeber in this network .
as we established in 2009 as civial company but it changed in 2015 to be non- profit oraganization under the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vivan Magdy
Job Title
Head of organization
Head of the organisation
Vivian Magdy
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamer Adel
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

projet de creation

National Network

centre ville
14000 TIARET

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Le dialogue interculturel est un processus qui comprend un échange ouvert et respectueux entre des individus, groupes et organisations de milieux culturels ou visions du monde différents. Parmi ces objectifs sont: de développer une meilleure compréhension des différentes perspectives et comportements, d'accroître la participation (ou la liberté de faire des choix), d'assurer l'égalité, et d’améliorer les processus créatifs.
Mission and Objectives

 la question du dialogue interculturel a été intégrée dans l'ensemble des pays. Les nouveaux chapitres contiennent des informations sur les politiques et stratégies nationales qui démontrent comment le dialogue interculturel est promu entre les différentes cultures au sein d'un pays travers les frontières et montre des informations sur les stratégies de l'éducation interculturelle .

Main Projects / Activities

étudier les moyens de recueillir et de diffuser des informations sur le dialogue interculturel et la bonne gouvernance  en politique culturelle.n politique culturelle.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

l'élaboration d'indicateurs pour collecter des informations sur les politiques adressant le dialogue interculturel .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 Le but d'un échange interculturel est de transformer tous les participants et peut entraîner, par exemple, à la création de nouvelles formes d’expressions culturelles, la construction de nouvelle image, le changement des comportements .

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Society and Safety Foundation

National Network

42 Ivan Vazov Str.
1000 Sofia

+359 879 00 77 76
Telephone (other)
+ 359 2 983 44 45
+ 359 2 983 44 45
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 879 00 77 76
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Society and Safety Foundation is established in 2014 and its founders are the members of Trade Union Federation of the employees in the Ministry of Interior. The reasons for the establishment of the Foundation are:   The founders of the Society and Safety Foundation, PERSUADED that the Bulgarian society needs a serious discussion and more information about security and safety issues, the role of law enforcement in the prevention and detection of crimes, the need to analyze and change our attitudes and behavior in different emergencies and our active participation in the process of decision-making and policy-making regarding our security and safety, MOTIVATED by the need of employees in law enforcement institutions to be involved and to participate actively in civic initiatives and the need to increase their knowledge and skills to work with civil society, BELIEVING that providing security and safety for all can be achieved mainly through more education, training and motivation of the people to participate and improve the security service, UNDERSTANDING the security service as guaranteeing the rights, freedoms, security and welfare of all citizens, society and the state, CONVINCED that in the definition of the "security" must be involved citizens, employees in the Security Sector, institutions and social service providers and the work for improvement of its quality to in partnership with them, ASSUMING that not the state institutions, but civil society organizations have a leading role in this to make people active, to identify problems in the security sector and to request changes which will improve both- the Security Sector and every citizen’s protection, RESOLVED to work to bring different sectors and social groups together, to increase security and safety of citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria and asking all who are sharing our ideals, to join our efforts, We founded the Society and Safety Foundation as organization in public interest.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation is Managed by Board and Director. The Board Members are 5 persons who are working in Ministry of Interior /MoI/ and are guaranteeing the connection with and the access to the MoI's employees for the realization of all activities. 
At the moment only the Director is employed, but it has more than 10 volunteers who are supporting all activities. 
The budget of the Foundation for 2015 is 25 000 lev / 12 500 euro/, but additional financing is expected from donations and projects. 
Main source of funding is Trade Union Federation of the Employeed in the Ministry of Interior / TUFEMI/ which as founder planned in its own budget costs for the period 2015-2016 which is estimated period the Foundation to become indipendent and all financial mechanisms for its sustainability to be developed. The Foundation is focused on development of social services, project development and development of CSR. 
The Foundation's obhectives are: 
1. To raise the  awareness  among the citizens that the quality of "security" service depends on the actions and omissions of each citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria.
2. To create effective institutionalized model that ensures the participation of citizens in the reform of the Ministry of Interior and the institutions that provide the "security" services.
3. To change the citizens' attitudes  towards the Ministry of Interior's workers and to create a relations of mutual trust and partnership.
4. To create social infrastructure at local, regional and national level, allowing communication and partnership between citizens, workers in the Ministry  of Interior and representatives of stakeholders for the preparation and monitoring of local strategies for public order and security.
5. To establish a successful model by which employees who have left the system in the Ministry of Interior to transmit and share their knowledge and skills with the people who are new for the system.
The long-term aim of the Foundation is the Security Sector to be Reformed with participation of the citizens, because they are obliged to provide the security service in accordance with citizens' needs from security and safety.  
The Foundation is working with Trade Union Federation ogf the Employees in the Ministry of Interior, it is selected in program for mentorship of Bulgarian Centre for Non-Profit Law. It is working as well with Global Initiative in Pchychiatry, Smart Foundation etc. 
The Foundation is applying for membership in Forum civic participation and it is expected to be accept as member in 1-2 months. 

Main Projects / Activities

The activities which are realizing are:
1. Measuring the sense of personal security and safety, identifying the models to deal with risky situations and confidence in law enforcement institutions. The survey will allow the attitudes of citizens and local authorities to be compared and a concrete actions to be taken for decreasing of personal insecuriy.
2. Conducting of regional forums on the topic: "Security: shared or misunderstood responsibility?" which aim are to identify good practices at local and regional level for increacing the citizens' safety and work with different groups - minority, disabled, refugees, victims of domestic violence etc. The hidden goal of the forums is the concept for the security service to be discussed and the measures which need to be taken to meet citizens' needs.
3. Representing the concept for security service in European Parliament and discussing the neccessary actions at European level. The presentation was on 15 April 2015 in European Parliament, together with the Iliyana Iotova - Vice - Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, who presented the situation with the refugees and challenges to the Europe, and the President of the European Police Union - Gerrit Van de Kamp  who shared the necessaryty the minimum standarts for police officers' equipment, trainings and payment to be accepted at European level. 
4. Realizing small initiatives for establishment of  good relations between police officers, firefighters, rescuers and citizens  - the first initiative were realized on 31 December 2014 when all flawless drivers recieved gifts from the police officers in 4 regions in Bulgaria- the police officers said to the drivers "Thank you are responcible for your  and our lives". The second initiative were realised on 1 March 2015 when on the Border checkpoint Kalotnina were given traditional souvenirs to all citizens crossing Bulgarian border. The next initiative will be on 1 June 2015 and the brochures and chocolates will be given to all choldren and their parents. The brochures concist with tips to all parents and children  how to be safer and more secure.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Society and Safety Foundation is unique for Bulgaria organization which aim is to meet people's need for security and safety with workers'  point of view and together to change the security sector in accordance with the real needs of citizens, not only of the Republic of Bulgaria and the EU. 
The Society and Safety has access to approximately 7 000 workers in MoI. 400 workers in prisons and oved 25 NGOs.  The concept for safety as need and the neccessarity integrated policies to be accepted is also unique and can be used from all ALF's members. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of the One of the main reasons we want to be part of the network is the ability to work in partnership with organizations from 42 countries and be part of the unique union for the Mediterranean. We believe that the security and safety of citizens is a priority and we want to share our experience and expertise with network members and to hear their views on how to make the citizens of our countries safer and more secure about themselves and their own relatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iliya Kuzmanov
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Iliya Kuzmanov
Contact (2) Full Name
Radostina Yakimova
Job Title (2)

Enab Baladi

National Network

Damascus Suburb

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Established by amateur citizen journalists in Daraya (Damascus suburb) early 2012, Enab Baladi became one of the most prominent Syrian media organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Enab Baladi’s mission as a nonprofit media organization is to serve a role in educating Syrian citizens through in-depth public interest reporting, including investigative journalism and news reports to elevate important social topics at the local level.

Main Projects / Activities

Enab Baladi helps advance a democratic society in Syria by producing independent and credible journalism that informs the Syrian public about important issues. It covers events of concern to the Syrian citizens living inside and outside Syria and implements different projects that help advance democratic values in the Syrian society and promote the documentation of human rights violations through oral history and media documentation projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Enab Baladi aims at expanding its network to be able to reach to much broader audience of Syrians inside and outside Syria, through the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Enab Baladi is already part of several local and international networks and coalitions aimed at helping establish free journalism as one of the pillars for any successful democracy. Enab Baladi wants to join the ALF Network to expand its local and international presence, share and benefit from other experiences and knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amer Mahdi Doko
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Amer Mahdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Jawad Sharbaji
Job Title (2)
Chief Editor

جمعية بلدنا لتنمية المجتمع

National Network

محافظة اسيوط - مركز ابويتج - شارع الطريق الزراعى امام محطة الصرف الصحى

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية بلدنا لتنمية المجتمع هى جمعية أهلية غير هادفة للربح تم تاسيسها على ايدى مجموعة من الشباب القادر على خدمة مجتمعه برقم 1194 لسنه 2012 بوزارة الشئون الاجتماعية ومن أهم اغرضها .... 1- تنمية المجتمع المحلى ثقافيا واجتماعيا واقتصاديا ودينيا وبيئيا وصحيا وانسانيا   2-  رعاية الاسرة والامومة والطفولة       3- دعم وتمكين الفئات المهمشة من المجتمع         4-  حماية البيئة           5- تنظيم الاسرة وخدمات الصحة الانجابية  رعاية ذوى الاعاقة وذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة وكبار السن          7 -  حقوق الانسان ونشر الوعى السياسى والقانونى6- 
Mission and Objectives

نحن جمعية خيرية تنموية غير هادفة للربح ولكن نسعى من خلال أنشطها وبرامجها ومشروعاتها إلى رفع وتحسن مستوى الفئات المختلفة من أفراد المجتمع المحيط فى كل المجالات .
ونحترم كل راى وفكرة تساهم معنا فى تنمية بلدنا ونؤيد الشراكة المجتمعية ونعتبرها غرض رئيسى من أغراض الجمعية لتكون بلدنا هى الهدف الأسمى فى كل مبادراتنا وأنشطتنا حتى تصبح جمعية بلدنا هى من أجل بلدنا

Main Projects / Activities

جمعية بلدنا لتنمية المجتمع هى جمعية أهلية غير هادفة للربح تم تاسيسها على ايدى مجموعة من الشباب القادر على خدمة مجتمعه
برقم 1194 لسنه 2012 بوزارة الشئون الاجتماعية ومن أهم اغرضها ....
1- تنمية المجتمع المحلى ثقافيا واجتماعيا واقتصاديا ودينيا وبيئيا وصحيا وانسانيا   2-  رعاية الاسرة والامومة والطفولة     
3- دعم وتمكين الفئات المهمشة من المجتمع         4-  حماية البيئة           5- تنظيم الاسرة وخدمات الصحة الانجابية
رعاية ذوى الاعاقة وذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة وكبار السن          7 -  حقوق الانسان ونشر الوعى السياسى والقانونى6- 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال الاستراتيجيات التى تقوم الجمعية بوضعها خلال مدة زمنية محددة وعن طريق مؤشرات التى من خلالها يتم تقيم تلك الاهداف وتقويمها فى حالة وجود اى تقصير والتى توضع طبقا لاحتياجات المجتمع وبتحديد (الفئات المهمشة من المجتمع )والسعى الى تمكين تلك الفئات فى كل المجالات اعتمدنا على منهجية الحقوقية فى ذلك والتى تسعى الجمعية جاهدتنا لتطبيق تلك السياسات بجمعيتها وتضم العاملين واعضاء مجلس الادارة والشراكات .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتبادل الخبرات والتشبيك والشراكة لخدمة المجتمع 

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد عبد الشكور متولى الفولى
Job Title
مدير تنفيذى
Head of the organisation
نادية محمد راشد شحاته